CW Writing a Horror Story: Setting Monday 15 th October 2012 15/10/12 Learning Objectives: 1.To be...


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CW Writing a Horror Story: Setting Monday 15th October 2012


Learning Objectives:1. To be able to use clauses more accurately in a sentence. 2. To be able to identify features of an effective setting and use in

our own writing

Writing Assessment Foci

STARTER: Unscramble to following words.

1. erVb2. oNnu3. vejAcdeti

Extension: write a definition for each

Learning outcomes

Core Extension KillerTo be able to recognise the parts of a sentence

To be able to identify effective features of a setting

To be able to apply this knowledge and independently write a setting for a horror story

Write down the

underlined words in


A clause contains one verb to make it a simple sentence

The tall, dark house loomed before me.

The tall, dark house loomed before me.The house, tall and dark, loomed before me.Tall and dark, the house loomed before me.


In pairs...vary the sentence by moving the adjectives.

1. The clean, crisp air filled my nostrils.2. Clean and crisp, …3. My nostrils …

Apply your knowledge.Try on your own…

1. The ripped, dirty curtains fluttered in the evening.

2. 3.

Learning outcomes

Core Extension KillerTo be able to recognise the parts of a sentence

To be able to identify effective features of a setting

To be able to apply this knowledge and independently write a setting for a horror story

6 Part Story Structure

1. Setting2. Introduce a problem3. Adjustment 4. Crisis passage 5. Building suspense 6. Resolution

6 part story sequencePut in the correct order!

A. SettingB. Resolution: happy ending? C. Building suspense: something strange is

happening! D. Introduce a problem : argument?E. Adjustment: problem is beginning to be

sorted F. Crisis : panic! Trapped!

Three Minute scary scene- In three minutes draw a picture of a scary scene

Label your scene with adjectives.

Comparing Representations

COMPARE your picture of your scary scene with your partner.

• What is the same?

• What is different?

Learning outcomes

Core Extension KillerTo be able to recognise the parts of a sentence

To be able to identify effective features of a setting

To be able to apply this knowledge and independently write a setting for a horror story

Settings for Stories: with your shoulder partner, write a list of what you like about this opening

The attic door creaked open. Something rustled in the darkness. I stared, but could see nothing beyond the vague shapes of old suitcases and trunks piled high. It smelt damp. I struggled up into the attic and wedged the door open. Light poured into the darkness. A cobweb brushed my face and I felt the sudden tickle of a spider crawl across my cheek. As I made my way forwards, it grew darker and colder. I was blocking the light from the attic door. It was there that I saw the hand. It was quite still – and white. At first I thought that it was marble. But then it moved.

Success Criteria


Settings for Stories: Can we improve using our VCOP mats?

The attic door creaked open. Something rustled in the darkness. I stared, but could see nothing beyond the vague shapes of old suitcases and trunks piled high. It smelt damp. I struggled up into the attic and wedged the door open. Light poured into the darkness. A cobweb brushed my face and I felt the sudden tickle of a spider crawl across my cheek. As I made my way forwards, it grew darker and colder. I was blocking the light from the attic door. It was there that I saw the hand. It was quite still – and white. At first I thought that it was marble. But then it moved.

Learning outcomes

Core Extension KillerTo be able to recognise the parts of a sentence

To be able to identify effective features of a setting

To be able to apply this knowledge and independently write a setting for a horror story

Now write your own openingChoose an image and then 6 objects you can describe.

Red Pen Plenary


WWW: Well done, you used....EBI: Next time use....
