CVBC Reopening Plan -€¦ · CVBC Plan for Reopening. PHASE 1 Return to...


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CVBC Plan for


PHASE 1 Return to IN-Person

Worship Service


June 21—target date • One service- 8:30 AM • Capacities limited by social

distancing • Overflow rooms used

PHASE 1—what to expect

Points of entry will be managed so that you will not have to physically handle a door to enter or exit.

PHASE 1—what to expect

We will not be using bulletins or passing the offering plate. An offering box will be at the door to be used as you exit.

PHASE 1—what to expect

Hand sanitizer dispensers are easily accessible near the doors for you to use.

PHASE 1—what to expect

We strongly encourage you to wear a face covering when you attend. If you do not have a mask we will have one available for you.

PHASE 1—we encourage you to stay home if:

You are experiencing a fever, cough, or sore throat

PHASE 1—we encourage you to stay home if:

You have been exposed to someone who is sick

PHASE 1—we encourage you to stay home if:

You are a vulnerable adult

Vulnerable Adult • age 65 or older • have disabilities • have serious respiratory condition • have a serious cardiovascular

condition • have a compromised immune


PHASE 1—we encourage you to stay home if:

You have young children and need childcare. We are not providing childcare at this time.

PHASE 1—when you arrive

Arrive early and with those who will sit with you

PHASE 1—when you arrive

Enter through the front door (Street door) of the sanctuary

PHASE 1—when you arrive

ushers will direct you to a seat in order to maintain social distancing

PHASE 1—when you arrive

If the sanctuary becomes full ushers will direct you to the student center. If it becomes full we will use the fellowship hall for additional seating.

Our Phased-in approach to reopening has the safety and security of others in mind, especially those who are the most vulnerable.

Philippians 2:3–4 (NKJV)3 Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. 4 Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.
