Customer Insights · 2020-03-23 · gshcc Customer Insights A customer insight, or consumer...


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Customer InsightsA customer insight, or consumer insight, is an interpretation of trends in human behaviors which aims to increase effectiveness of a product or service for the consumer, as well as increase sales for mutual benefit.

Step 1: What do Customers Want?(Supplies needed: Tape, Butcher paper, Markers)

(10 minutes) Have girls sit in a large group. Tape butcher paper on the wall where all girls can see. (Use white board if available) Have a group discussion about the following and write girls responses on the butcher paper.

• What do you think your customer wants?

• How do you find out what your customers want?

• What are some different ways that you could find out?

Step 2: Find out who buys cookies and why(Supplies needed: Survey template, pencils)

(15 minutes) Many companies, including the bakers who make girls scout cookies, use insights from their customers to figure out what cookies to sell and how to market them. For this step the girls will create a survey to ask people why they buy or don’t buy Girl Scout cookies. Pass out survey template and have girls create questions for their survey.

Step 3: Do some research at the grocery store(Supplies needed: Butcher paper, Grocery store display pictures, tape, pen, color paper, straws, glue sticks, markers, scissors, and Mini booth box template on cardstock)

(60 minutes) Have girls sit in a large group. Place butcher paper on the wall where all the girls can see. As a group brainstorm with the girls and write their responses on the butcher paper. Ask the girls these questions:

• Think about when you are at the grocery store, how are goods displayed to attract shoppers?

• What signs catch your eye, and why?

As you are brainstorming, pass around pictures of different grocery store displays to show the girls. Talk about each of the pictures. What catches your eye in each picture? Why do you think it is displayed this way?

Next tell the girls that they get to create a mini cookie booth model. Tell the girls to take what they have brainstormed and design a model cookie booth that will help attract customers and increase sales. Have girls sit in smaller groups. Pass out template and supplies.

Step 4 and 5: Learn from people who don’t buy and Listen to clues and ask great questions.(Supplies needed: Customer Question and Answer Plan worksheet, pencils)

(5 minutes) Have the girls sit in a large group and start the following discussion. Hearing people say, “No thanks” is a part of selling any product. Ask the girls the following questions.

• Have you had a customer say no, and did the customer say why?

• Did they immediately say no, or did they think about it?

• What was the customer’s reaction when you made your sales pitch?

(20 Minutes) Next, have the girls split up into groups and have them go over the following statements and think about what they might say if a customer responded with the statements below. Have each group think about suggestions or follow up questions they could respond to their customer with. Have them work together to complete the Customer Question and Answer Plan worksheet.

• My kids aren’t at home anymore. They’re in college.

• I don’t eat cookies because they are not healthy.

• I love chocolate!

• I don’t like chocolate

• I sold cookies when I was a Girl Scout.

• I already bought a box of cookies from the girl down the street.

• I can purchase cookies for less money inside the store.

To complete the Customer Insights Badge requirements, refer to VTK for additional activities.(Supplies needed: Empty Cookie Boxes, Cookie Buyers Script, Cookie Sellers Script, and play money)

Step 1: Log onto your VTK.

Step 2: Click on Junior on the drop down menu.

Step 3: Select Your Own, click on Start adding Petals, Badges or Journeys.

Step 4: Search for Customer Insights in the search bar, select meeting and add.

Step 5: Click on Customer Insights and scroll down to Role-Play Cookie Sales.

Step 6: Click link for activity instructions, and complete activity.


Customer Question and Answer PlanHave you ever had a customer respond to you with one of the following statements? If so, how did

you respond? Take a few minutes to read through the following statements and think about how you

could respond. Write down your answer to each statement.

1. My kids aren’t at home anymore. They’re in college.

2. I don’t eat cookies because they are not healthy.

3. I love chocolate!

4. I don’t like chocolate.

5. I sold cookies when I was a Girl Scout.

6. I already bought a box of cookies from the girl down the street.

7. I can purchase cookies for less money inside the store.

Think of other statements or questions your customer might responded with. Complete the following section with questions or statements you have heard before or write down some that you think you might hear from a customer.





Cut along the dotted lines Fold in on all solid black lines

Box Template Instructions

Step 1: Cut along the dotted lines Step 3: Glue or tape the shorter tabs together on both sides

Step 2: Fold in on all the solid Black lines Step 4: Fold over the remaining sides and glue or tape to the inside.

Step 5: Flip over your box and begin creating your Mini Cookie Booth.
