Custom Unique Modern Quartz Double Trough Bathroom Lavatories



New lines of custom, unique, modern quartz double trough bathroom lavatories and sinks have recently emerged that take commercial restroom design to a whole new level of form. These hand washing systems are made from a fundamentally natural stone base that is composite augmented with exotic industrial additives. This material, known as Evero™, can be molded into contiguous, contoured surface areas that were previously impossible to create with natural stone.

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Custom Unique Modern Quartz Double Trough Bathroom Lavatories

New lines of custom, unique, modern quartz double trough bathroom lavatories and sinks have recently emerged that take commercial restroom design to a whole new level of form. These hand washing systems are made from a fundamentally natural stone base that is composite augmented with exotic industrial additives. This material, known as Evero™, can be molded into contiguous, contoured surface areas that were previously impossible to create with natural stone.

It is necessary to understand just how challenging it is to work with natural stone in order to appreciate the value of Evero™. Polished, metamorphic stone like granite or marble is admittedly the most sophisticated building material one can use.

However, it has two drawbacks.

Its hard surface can be chipped, broken, and cracked, often to the extent that it cannot be restored to its original condition. If its original appearance can be restored, the cost is often astronomical.

Also, when stone is used to build items like hand washing systems, it has to be bolted or glued together in sections. This creates sharp right angles in areas such as the backsplash which are very difficult to clean.

Custom, unique, modern quartz double trough bathroom lavatories and sinks overcome both of these drawbacks by taking a fundamentally natural stone and altering it will specific industrial agents. These industrial agents, some of which are rather exotic in composition, enhance the properties of natural quartz in a way that make it much easier to build solid surface washroom fixtures.

At the factory level, Evero™ can be molded almost like clay to create a contiguous lavatory fixture. By this we mean that the lavatory is actually made of one single piece of industrially modified quartz. Unlike other stone fixtures that have to be fitted and sealed together, a custom, unique, modern quartz double trough bathroom lavatory and sink is basically a carefully crafted fixture made from a single piece of material.

This ability to shape and mold industrially modified quartz overcomes the other drawback that has always plagued stone workers. The sharp right angles which are inevitable when you fit together separate pieces of stone are no longer present in these new hand washing systems.

Sink edges and backsplashes are rounded off. There are no crevices in which bacteria, mold, or mildew can hide. The moisture resistant, contiguous material is readily accessible with cleaning supplies over 100 percent of its surface area. Custom, unique, modern quartz double trough bathroom lavatories and sinks consequently take less time to clean.

These hand washing systems also feature elongated basins and a multitude of colors that make for an ideal compliment to any modern or contemporary restroom interior. Installation of one custom, unique, modern quartz double trough bathroom lavatory and sinks takes half the time as a bank of porcelain sinks. Any damage to the surface can be repaired at minimal costs with affordable repair kits available from Bradley Corporation.

These GREENGUARD Certified hand washing systems are ideal for schools, museums, hotels, public centers, and any progressive building project seeking a fusion of environmental awareness, contemporary design, ease of installation, and lowered costs for cleaning and routine maintenance.
