Custom Software Solutions to Improve Business Efficiency



In business, there are elements that are required to help our business operate efficiently. This includes a solid human resources department, qualified IT staff and the funds required to keep them all on the payroll.

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Custom Software Solutions to Improve Business Efficiency

In business, there are elements that are required to

help our business operate efficiently. This includes a

solid human resources department, qualified IT staff

and the funds required to keep them all on the

payroll. But what many entrepreneurs don’t realise is

that business software solutions are also critical to

ensure that your business runs efficiently.

With the right custom software solutions in place,

your employees will be able to streamline work,

ensure that tasks are being completed on time and

ensure that everyone knows what is expected of

them. In fact, when implemented properly, the best

business software solutions will even help you to

maximise your returns and ensure that the time spent

by each employee is focused on the areas of their


These custom software solutions work especially

well, when your business has multiple locations

across the globe. You can assign company

employees to the same projects and assign each task

that can be completed at the same time. As these

items are completed, they are recorded in the

software and a new task is created for the next

individual who needs to handle a portion of the

project. This lets everyone know the status and

where delays are in the development process.

Of course, this means communication is critical. This

is where communication in the various business

software solutions is important. You will want to

customise the design so that individuals can note

their progress and delays in the system. These can

be monitored by members of your administrative

team and that information can be used to help those

struggling and to keep an active trail, so you

know what concerns you may run into again, in the


Ensure the following are part of your custom software solution: • The ability to setup permission levels for

employees • Access to the code so that you can customise

fields, deadlines and other critical areas that relate to your business.

• Receive regular updates that can be installed, without wiping out the changes you have made.

Some custom software solutions can also be designed to

work for any department in your company. That

increased usability helps to make it cost effective. This

can include tracking for your sales department, so the

team knows where customers stand, or detailed billing

information to show what stage a customer is in for their

billing cycles.

From a customer service standpoint, you will even find

that this software can prove to be invaluable. When they

call your business, their calls can be tracked from start

to finish. In individualised profiles you can take notes

about what the interaction was about and what the

customer was looking for. This can give you some insight

into what the needs of your customers are, while helping

to create the best possible experience for the customer.

This is achieved by noting their preferences and

ensuring they don’t have to verify information several

times during a call.

The bottom line is: A custom software solution can meet the unique way your business operates. It is designed to be simple, yet a powerful tool to bring most all the business components under the one platform for greater efficiency.

Shivam Technologies Pty. Ltd.

Suite 1209, 530 Little Collins Street

Melbourne Victoria 3000


Phone: 1300 894 506

Fax: (03) 9614 5858

