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Curriculum Vitae DANIEL MARSH

Atmospheric Chemistry Observations and Modeling National Center for Atmospheric Research P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307 (303) 497-1160 Educational Information 1999 Ph.D. Atmospheric and Space Sciences, University of Michigan 1996 M.Sc. Atmospheric and Space Sciences, University of Michigan 1988 B.Sc. Mathematics and Physics, University of California Berkeley Thesis Title: “Satellite observations of mesospheric ozone,” University of Michigan, 1999 Work History 2018-Present Professor, Chair in Comparative Planetary Atmospheres, Priestley International Centre for Climate, University of Leeds, UK 2015-Present Senior Scientist, Atmospheric Chemistry Observations and Modeling, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 2008-2015 Scientist III, Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 2004-2008 Scientist II, Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 2001-2004 Scientist I, Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 1999-2001 Post-doctoral fellow, Advanced Study Program, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 1994-1999 Graduate Research Associate, Space Physics Research Laboratory, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 1991-1994 Staff Research Associate, Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, CA 1989-1991 Development Engineer, Electron Optics Division, Philips Components, Mitcham, UK

Scientific/Technical Accomplishments Daniel Marsh is a global leader in the fields of whole atmosphere modeling, middle atmosphere composition and solar-terrestrial coupling and has had a long-term interest in the interaction of chemistry and dynamics in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere. He oversaw integration and validation of Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM) within NCAR’s Community Earth System Model and the completion of coupled simulations for the IPCC phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project. This work led to studies on the influence of the middle atmosphere on the troposphere, in particular how development of the ozone hole has influenced Antarctic climate. He has worked extensively in the area of solar and energetic particle forcing of the mesosphere and stratosphere. His work on upper atmospheric chemistry led to the discovery of a local maximum in mesospheric ozone, development of an empirical model of thermospheric nitric oxide, and the first global model of meteoric sodium. He is the lead of Multi-Scale Chemistry Modeling Group in the Atmospheric Chemistry Observations and Modeling Laboratory and co-leads the WACCM-X Group at the High Altitude Observatory at NCAR. Community Service

• IAMAS representative to the Scientific Committee on Solar Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP), 2015-present.

• Past-president, International Commission on the Middle Atmosphere, 2015-present, president (2011-2015), vice-president (2007-2010), member since 2003.

• Team Leader, International Space Science Institute International Team on

“Quantifying Hemispheric Differences in Particle Forcing Effects on Stratospheric Ozone" (2012-2013).

• Co-leader, SCOSTEP VarSITI/ROSMIC Working Group on “Trends in the MLT"


• Co-leader, SCOSTEP CAWSES-II Task Group “How will Geospace Respond to a Changing Climate?" (2009-2013).

• Co-chair, CCSM Whole Atmosphere Working Group (2008-2011).

• Member, Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP) Climate and

Weather of the Sun-Earth System (CAWSES) working group on Atmospheric Coupling (2004-2009).

• Chair, NCAR/UCAR Early Career Scientist Assembly (2002 - 2003).


• Guest editor, special issue on Layered Phenomena in the Mesopause Region in J.

Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 2016.

• Guest editor, special issue on Space Climate in Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics Volume 73, Issue 2-3, 2011.

• Associate Editor, Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres (2005-2008).

• Guest editor, special issue on "Vertical Coupling in the Atmosphere-Ionosphere System", J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., Volume 69, Issues 17-18, 2007.

Education and Outreach

• Ph.D. supervisor for Natasha Aylett, School of Chemistry, University of Leeds, 2018-present.

• Ph.D. supervisor for Nathanial McAdam, School of Chemistry, University of Leeds, 2018-present.

• Ph.D. advisory committee member for Joshua Pettit, University of Colorado, Boulder, 2015-present.

• Graduate faculty, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, 2008-present.

• Adjunct Research Scientist in the Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics at Columbia University, September 2013 - June 2014.

• Judge, Outstanding Student Paper Awards competition, Fall AGU meeting 2014.

• Comprehensive exam committee member for Joshua Matthew Pettit, , University of Colorado, Boulder.

• Ph.D. advisory committee member for Andrew Kren, University of Colorado, Boulder (Ph.D 2015).

• Ph.D. advisory committee member for Ethan Peck, University of Colorado, Boulder (Ph.D 2014).

• Ph.D. advisory committee member for Susanne Benze, University of Colorado, Boulder (Ph.D. 2012).

• Mentor, Significant Opportunities Atmospheric Research Sciences, National Center for Atmospheric Research, 2001-2003, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2012-2014.

• Co-convener and presenter of the tutorial on CESM/WACCM-X at the 2012 CEDAR Workshop, 24-29 June 2012, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

• Workshop Scientific Organizing Committee and Lecturer at the Pan-American

Advanced Studies Institute School and Workshop on the Dynamics and Chemistry of the Upper Atmosphere, October 4 - 9, 2010, San Juan, Argentina.

• Lecturer at the First Space Climate Symposium in Saariselkä, Finnish Lapland, 18-22 March, 2009.

• Ph.D. thesis defense opponent for Stefan Lossow, Stockholm University, 2008.

• Mentor and host, ASP Graduate Student Visitor program, Pinal Patel, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, summer 2007.

• Judge, CEDAR workshop student poster competition, 2007.

• Lecturer at the International Advanced School on Space Weather, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, May 2006.

• Invited tutorial on Numerical modeling of stratosphere-mesosphere-thermosphere, First Latin American Advanced School on Space Environment, INPE, São Paulo, Brazil, March 2004.

• Presenter, NCAR Undergraduate Leadership Workshop, Boulder, 2002.

• Presenter, First Student Conference, American Meteorological Society, Orlando, 2002.

• Lecturer, covering radiative transfer for a graduate level course on the Earth Climate System at the University of Colorado, 2001.

• Mentor, NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program, University of Michigan, 1996.

Honors and Awards NASA Group Achievement Award - TIMED team, May 2008. NASA Group Achievement Award – UARS team, April 2006.

NCAR Advanced Study Program postdoctoral fellowship, 1999-2001. NASA Group Achievement Award - Solar and Heliospheric Observatory International Solar Terrestrial Physics Project, May 1995. Proposals and Grants Co-PI, NSF, "Collaborative Research: CEDAR--Quantifying the Impact of Radiation Belt Electron Precipitation on Atmospheric Reactive Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) and Ozone (O3)," 2018-2020. University Co-PI: Katharine Duderstadt, University of New Hampshire. Co-I, NASA Heliophysics Guest Investigator, “Study of IR emissions of CO2 and OH in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere using SABER/TIMED observations,” 2017-2019. Co-I, NASA LWS TR&T, “Response of the Atmosphere to Impulsive Solar Events (RAISE)” 2014-2018. Co-PI, FESD Proposal Type I: The impact of the ozone hole on the climate of the Southern Hemisphere, 2013-2018. University Co-PIs: John Marshall and Susan Solomon, Massachusetts Institude of Technology; Lorenzo Polvani, Columbia University; Darryn Waugh, Johns Hopkins University. PI, NASA-ROSES 2012, “Assessment and Interpretation of Decadal-Scale Variability of the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere: Observations and Simulations”, 2013-2016. University Co-PI: Jeng-Hwa Yee, Johns Hopkins University. PI, NASA-ROSES 2010, “Atmospheric Effects of Solar Proton Events and Galactic Cosmic Rays”, 2012-2015. University Co-I: Cora Randall, University of Colorado. PI, NRL BAA N00173-01, “On the relative roles of chemistry and dynamics in the upper mesosphere”, 2010-2013. PI, NASA-ROSES 2007, “A comprehensive evaluation of the energy budget of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere using TIMED data”, 2008-2011. PI, NASA Geospace Science Investigation titled “A Study of PMC Variability Using a 3-dimensional GCM", 2006-2009. PI, NASA Research Opportunities in Space Science supplemental E/PO project, “Bringing atmospheric chemistry to students, educators and the public through web outreach and activities development”, (2002 - 2006).

Workshops and Conferences

• Science Organizing Committee member, The Fourteenth Edition of the Solar-Terrestrial Physics Symposium (STP14), York University, Toronto, Canada, July 9 -13, 2018.

• Science Organizing Committee member, 7th International HEPPA-SOLARIS Workshop, Roanoke, Virginia, June 11-14, 2018.

• Scientific Co-organizer, Whole Atmosphere Modelling Workshop: Developments in the context of space weather, Tres Cantos, Spain, June 13-15, 2018.

• Science Organizing Committee member, 10th Workshop on Long-term Changes and Trends in the Atmosphere, Hefei, China, May 14-18, 2018.

• Co-convener, WACCM-X Users Group session, 2017 Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions (CEDAR) workshop, Keystone, Colorado, 18-23 June, 2017.

• Co-convener, session SA53C: Progress in Observations, Modeling, and Understanding of the Chemistry and Dynamics of the Earth's Mesosphere, Fall AGU, San Francisco, 2016.

• Lead convener, ICMA session on “Middle Atmosphere Science” at the 26th IUGG General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, June 22- July 2, 2015.

• Co-organizer of the 12th International Workshop on Layered Phenomena in the Mesopause Region (LPMR), University of Colorado Boulder, August 10-13, 2015.

• Co-organizer of the ASP Summer Colloquium on Climate, Space Climate, and the Couplings Between ( , June 6-17, 2015.

• Science Organizing Committee member of the 8th International Workshop on Long term Changes and Trends in the Atmosphere (TRENDS-2014), Cambridge, United Kingdom, July 28-31, 2014.

• Science Organizing Committee member SCOSTEP International CAWSES-II

Symposium, Nagoya, Japan, November 18-22, 2013.

• Co-convener, ICMA session on “Middle Atmosphere Science” at IAGA 12th Scientific Assembly, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico August 26-31, 2013.

• Science Organizing Committee member of the 7th International Workshop on Long term Changes and Trends in the Atmosphere (TRENDS-2012) Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 11-14, 2012.

• Local Organizing Committee member 4th International HEPPA Workshop in

conjunction with SPARC/SOLARIS, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 9-12 October, 2012.

• Science Organizing Committee member of the 5th Space Climate Symposium (SCS-

5), June 2013, Oulu, Finland.

• Science Organizing Committee member of the 4th Space Climate Symposium (SCS-4), January 2011, Goa, India.

• Science Organizing Committee member of the SCOSTEP 12th Solar-Terrestrial

Physics Symposium (STP-12), July 2010, Berlin, Germany.

• Co-convener, session on “Middle Atmosphere Science” at MOCA-09 IAMAS/IAPSO/IACS Joint Assembly, July 2009, Montreal, Canada.

• Deputy Organizer/Co-convener ICMA Symposium on middle atmosphere science,

July, 2005, Toulouse, France.

• Co-organizer of the ASP Summer Colloquium on Space Weather, May 31-June 10, 2005.

• Organizer, UCAR/NCAR junior faculty forum on future scientific directions,

Boulder, 2003.

• Co-convener, session on “The Mesosphere/Lower Thermosphere Region: Structure, Dynamics, Composition, and Emission”, Fall AGU, San Francisco, 2000.

Publications Ph.D. Dissertation “Satellite observations of mesospheric ozone,” University of Michigan, 1999. Refereed Journal Articles 1. Moldosanov, K.A., M.A. Samsonov, L.S. Kim, R. Henneck, O.H.W. Siegmund, J.

Warren, S. Cully, and D. Marsh, 1998: Highly absorptive coating for the vacuum ultraviolet range, Appl. Optics., 37, 93-97.

2. Fritts, D.C., J.R. Isler, R.S. Lieberman, M.D. Burrage, D.R. Marsh, T. Nakamura, T.

Tsuda, R.A. Vincent, and I.M. Reid, 1999: Two-day wave structure and mean flow

interactions observed by radar and high resolution doppler imager, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 3953-3969.

3. Marsh, D.R, W.R. Skinner, and V.A. Yudin, 1999: Tidal influences on O2 atmospheric

band dayglow: HRDI observations vs. model simulations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 1369-1372.

4. Marsh, D.R., and J.M. Russell III, 2000: A tidal explanation for the sunrise/sunset

anomaly in HALOE low-latitude nitric oxide observations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 3197-3200.

5. Marsh, D.R, A.K. Smith, G.P. Brasseur, M. Kaufmann, and K.U. Grossmann, 2001:

The existence of a tertiary ozone maximum in the high-latitude middle mesosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 531-45534.

6. *Marsh, D.R., W.R. Skinner, A.R. Marshall, P.B. Hays, D.A. Ortland, and J.-H. Yee

2002: High Resolution Doppler Imager observations of ozone in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 107(D19), 4390, doi: 10.1029/2001JD001505.

7. Marsh, D.R. and R.G. Roble, 2002: TIME-GCM simulations of lower thermospheric

nitric oxide seen by the Halogen Occultation Experiment, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 64, 889-895.

8. Marsh, D.R., A.K. Smith, and E. Noble, 2003: Mesospheric ozone response to changes

in water vapor, J. Geophys. Res., 108(D3), 4109, doi:10.1029/2002JD002705. 9. Smith, A.K., D.R. Marsh, and A.C. Szymczak, 2003: Interaction of chemical heating

and the diurnal tide in the mesosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 108(D5), 4164, doi:10.1029/2002JD002664.

10. Kaufmann, M., O.A. Gusev, K.U. Grossmann, F.J. Martin-Torres, D.R. Marsh, and

A.A. Kutepov, 2003: Satellite observations of day- and nighttime ozone in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 108(D9), doi:10.1029/2002JD002800.

11. Marsh, D.R., S.C. Solomon, and A.E. Reynolds, 2004: Empirical model of nitric oxide

in the lower thermosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 109, A07301, doi: 10.1029/2003JA010199.

12. Offermann, D., M. Jarisch, M. Donner, J. Oberheide, I. Wohltmann, R. Garcia, D.

Marsh, B. Naujokat and P. Winkler, 2005: Middle atmosphere summer duration as an indicator of long-term circulation changes, Adv. Space Res., 35(8), 1416-1422, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2005.02.065.

13. Smith, A.K., and D. R. Marsh, 2005: Processes that account for the ozone maximum at

the mesopause, J. Geophys. Res., 110, D23305, doi:10.1029/2005JD006298.

14. Schmidt, H., G. Brasseur, M. Charron, E. Manzini, M. A. Giorgetta, V. Fomichev, D.

Kinnison, D. Marsh, and S. Walters, 2006: The HAMMONIA Chemistry Climate Model: Sensitivity of the mesopause region to the 11-year solar cycle and CO2 doubling, J. Climate, 19, 3903-3931.

15. Marsh, D.R., A. K. Smith, M. G. Mlynczak, and J. M. Russell III, 2006: SABER

observations of the OH Meinel airglow variability near the mesopause, J. Geophys. Res., 111, A10S05, doi:10.1029/2005JA011451.

16. Eyring, V. et al., Assessment of temperature, trace species, and ozone in chemistry-

climate model simulations of the recent past, 2006: J. Geophys. Res., 111, D22308, doi:10.1029/2006JD007327.

17. Tilmes, S., D. E. Kinnison, R. R. Garcia, R. Mu¨ller, F. Sassi, D. R. Marsh, and B. A.

Boville (2007), Evaluation of heterogeneous processes in the polar lower stratosphere in the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D24301, doi:10.1029/2006JD008334.

18. Garcia, R.R., D.R. Marsh, D.E. Kinnison, B.A. Boville, and F. Sassi, 2007: Simulation

of secular trends in the middle atmosphere, 1950-2003, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D09301, doi:10.1029/2006JD007485.

19. Smith, A.K., D. V. Pancheva, N. J. Mitchell, D.R. Marsh, J. M. Russell III, M. G.

Mlynczak, 2007: A link between variability of the semidiurnal tide and planetary waves in the opposite hemisphere, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L07809, doi:10.1029/2006GL028929.

20. Kinnison, D.E., G. P. Brasseur, S. Walters, R. R. Garcia, D.R. Marsh, F. Sassi, V. L.

Harvey, C. E. Randall, L. Emmons, J. F. Lamarque, P. Hess, J. J. Orlando, X. X. Tie, W. Randel, L. L. Pan, A. Gettelman, C. Granier, T. Diehl, U. Niemeier and A. J. Simmons, 2007: Sensitivity of chemical tracers to meteorological parameters in the MOZART-3 chemical transport model, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D20302, doi:10.1029/2006JD007879.

21. Marsh, D.R., R. R. Garcia, D. E. Kinnison, B. A. Boville, F. Sassi, S. C. Solomon, and

K. Matthes, 2007: Modeling the whole atmosphere response to solar cycle changes in radiative and geomagnetic forcing, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D23306, doi:10.1029/2006JD008306.

22. Marsh, D.R. and R.R. Garcia, 2007: Attribution of decadal variability in lower-

stratospheric tropical ozone, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L21807, doi:10.1029/2007GL030935.

23. Jackman, C.H., D.R. Marsh, F.M. Vitt, R.R. Garcia, E.L. Fleming, G.J. Labow, C.E. Randall, M. López-Puertas, and B. Funke, 2008: Short- and medium-term atmospheric effects of very large solar proton events, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 8, 765-785.

24. Bardeen, C.G., O.B. Toon, E.J. Jensen, D.R. Marsh, and V.L. Harvey, 2008:

Numerical simulations of the three-dimensional distribution of meteoric dust in the mesosphere and upper stratosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D17202, doi:10.1029/2007JD009515.

25. Austin, J., et al., 2008: Coupled chemistry climate model simulations of the solar cycle

in ozone and temperature, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D11306, doi:10.1029/2007JD009391. 26. Smith, A.K., D. R. Marsh, J. M. Russell, III, M. G. Mlynczak, F. J. Martin-Torres, and

E. Kyrola, 2008: Satellite observations of high nighttime ozone at the equatorial mesopause, J Geophys. Res., 113, D17312, doi:10.1029/2008JD010066.

27. Fang, X., C. E. Randall, D. Lummerzheim, S. C. Solomon, M. J. Mills, D. R. Marsh,

C. H. Jackman, W. Wang, and G. Lu, 2008: Electron impact ionization: A new parameterization for 100 eV to 1 MeV electrons, J. Geophys. Res., 113, A09311, doi:10.1029/2008JA013384.

28. Siskind, D. E., D. R. Marsh, M. G. Mlynczak, F. J. Martin-Torres, and J. M. Russell

III. 2008: Decreases in atomic hydrogen over the summer pole: Evidence for dehydration from polar mesospheric clouds? Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L13809, doi:10.1029/2008GL033742.

29. Liu, H.-L., D. R. Marsh, C.-Y. She, Q. Wu, and J. Xu, 2009: Momentum balance and

gravity wave forcing in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L07805, doi:10.1029/2009GL037252.

30. Lossow, S., J. Urban, H. Schmidt, D. R. Marsh, J. Gumbel, P. Eriksson, and D.

Murtagh, 2009: Wintertime water vapor in the polar upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere: First satellite observations by Odin submillimeter radiometer, J. Geophys. Res., 114, D10304, doi:10.1029/2008JD011462.

31. Tourpali, K., Bais, A. F., Kazantzidis, A., Zerefos, C. S., Akiyoshi, H., Austin, J., Brhl,

C., Butchart, N., Chipperfield, M. P., Dameris, M., Deushi, M., Eyring, V., Giorgetta, M. A., Kinnison, D. E., Mancini, E., Marsh, D. R., Nagashima, T., Pitari, G., Plummer, D. A., Rozanov, E., Shibata, K., and W. Tian, 2009: Clear sky UV simulations for the 21st century based on ozone and temperature projections from Chemistry-Climate Models, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 1165-1172.

32. Sofieva, V. F., E. Kyrölä, P.T. Verronen, A. Seppälä, J. Tamminen, D.R. Marsh, A.K.

Smith, J.-L. Bertaux, A. Hauchecorne, F. Dalaudier, D. Fussen, F. Vanhellemont, O. Fanton d'Andon, G. Barrot, M. Guirlet, T. Fehr, L. and Saavedra, 2009: Spatio-temporal

observations of the tertiary ozone maximum, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 4439-4445, doi:10.5194/acp-9-4439-2009.

33. Liu, H.-L., D.R. Marsh, C.-Y. She, Q. Wu, and J. Xu, 2009: Momentum balance and

gravity wave forcing in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L07805, doi:10.1029/2009GL037252.

34. Randel, W. J., R. R. Garcia, N. Calvo, and D. Marsh, 2009: ENSO influence on zonal

mean temperature and ozone in the tropical lower stratosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L15822, doi:10.1029/2009GL039343.

35. Merkel, A. W., D.R. Marsh, A, Gettelman, and E.J. Jensen, 2009: On the relationship

of polar mesospheric cloud ice water content, particle radius and mesospheric temperature and its use in multi-dimensional models, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 8889-8901.

36. Jackman, C. H., D. R. Marsh, F. M. Vitt, R. R. Garcia, C. E. Randall, E. L. Fleming,

and S. M. Frith, 2009: Long-term middle atmospheric influence of very large solar proton events, J. Geophys. Res., 114, D11304, doi:10.1029/2008JD011415.

37. Bardeen, C. G., O. B. Toon, E. J. Jensen, M. E. Hervig, C. E. Randall, S. Benze, D. R.

Marsh, and A. Merkel, 2010: Numerical simulations of the three-dimensional distribution of polar mesospheric clouds and comparisons with Cloud Imaging and Particle Size (CIPS) experiment and the Solar Occultation For Ice Experiment (SOFIE) observations, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D10204, doi:10.1029/2009JD012451.

38. Rapp, M., I. Strelnikova, B. Strelnikov, P. Hoffmann, M. Friedrich, J. Gumbel, L.

Megner, U.-P. Hoppe, S. Robertson, S. Knappmiller, M. Wolff , and D. R. Marsh, 2010: Rocket-borne in situ measurements of meteor smoke: Charging properties and implications for seasonal variation, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D00I16, doi:10.1029/2009JD012725.

39. Pierazzo, E., R.R. Garcia, D.E. Kinnison, D.R. Marsh, J. Lee-Taylor, and P.J. Crutzen,

2010: Ozone perturbation from medium-size asteroid impacts in the ocean, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 299, 263-272, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2010.08.036.

40. Calvo, N., R.R. Garcia, W.J. Randel, and D.R. Marsh, 2010: Dynamical mechanism

for the increase in tropical upwelling in the lowermost stratosphere during warm ENSO events, J. Atmos. Sci., 67 (7), 2331-2340, doi:10.1175/2010JAS3433.1.

41. Liu, H.-L., B. Foster, M.E. Hagan, J. McInerney, A. Maute, L. Qian, A. D. Richmond,

R.G. Roble, S.C. Solomon, R.R. Garcia, D. Kinnison, D.R. Marsh, A.K. Smith, J. Richter, F. Sassi, and J. Oberheide, 2010: Thermosphere extension of the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model, J. Geophys. Res., 115, A12302, doi:10.1029/2010JA015586.

42. Matthes, K., D. R. Marsh, R. R. Garcia, D. E. Kinnison, F. Sassi, and S. Walters, 2010: The Role of the QBO in Modulating the Influence of the 11-Year Solar Cycle on the Atmosphere Using Constant Forcings, J. Geophys. Res., 115 (D18), D18110, doi:10.1029/2009JD013020, 2010.

43. Smith, A. K., R. R. Garcia, D. R. Marsh, D. E. Kinnison, and J. H. Richter, 2010:

Simulations of the response of mesospheric circulation and temperature to the Antarctic ozone hole, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L22803, doi:10.1029/2010GL045255.

44. Sassi, F., R.R. Garcia, D.R. Marsh and K.W. Hoppel, 2010: The role of the middle

atmosphere in simulations of the troposphere during Northern Hemisphere Winter: Differences between high-and low-top models. J. Atmos. Sci., 67 (9), 3048-3064, doi:10.1175/2010JAS3255.1.

45. Gardner, C. S., X. Chu, P. J. Espy, J. M. C. Plane, D. R. Marsh, and D. Janches, 2011:

Seasonal variations of the mesospheric Fe layer at Rothera, Antarctica (67.5S, 68.0W), J. Geophys. Res., 116, D02304, doi:10.1029/2010JD014655.

46. Smith, A. K., R. R. Garcia, D. R. Marsh, and J. H. Richter, 2011: WACCM

simulations of the mean circulation and trace species transport in the winter mesosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D20115, doi:10.1029/2011JD016083.

47. Covey, C., A. Dai, D.R. Marsh, and R.S. Lindzen, 2011: The surface-pressure

signature of atmospheric tides in modern climate models, J. Atmos. Sci., 68, 495–514, doi:10.1175/2010JAS3560.1.

48. Jackman, C.H., D. R. Marsh, F. M. Vitt, R. G. Roble, C. E. Randall, P. F. Bernath, B.

Funke, M. López-Puertas, S. Versick, G. P. Stiller, A. J. Tylka, and E. L. Fleming, 2011: Northern Hemisphere atmospheric in uence of the solar proton events and ground level enhancement in January 2005, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 11, 7715-7755.

49. Chandran, A., R. L. Collins, R. R. Garcia, and D. R. Marsh, 2011: A case study of an

elevated stratopause generated in the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L08804, doi:10.1029/2010GL046566.

50. Kvissel,O.-K., Y.J. Orsolini, F. Stordal, V. Limpasuvan, J. Richter and D.R. Marsh,

2011: Mesospheric intrusion and anomalous chemistry during and after a major stratospheric sudden warming, J. Atmos. Sol.-Terr. Phys., 78-79, 116–124, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2011.08.015.

51. Merkel, A. W., J. W. Harder, D. R. Marsh, A. K. Smith, J. M. Fontenla, and T. N.

Woods, 2011: The impact of solar spectral irradiance variability on middle atmospheric ozone, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L13802, doi:10.1029/2011GL047561.

52. Funke, B., Baumgaertner, A., Calisto, M., Egorova, T., Jackman, C. H., Kieser, J.,

Krivolutsky, A., López-Puertas, M., Marsh, D. R., Reddmann, T., Rozanov, E., Salmi,

S.-M., Sinnhuber, M., Stiller, G. P., Verronen, P. T., Versick, S., von Clarmann, T., Vyushkova, T. Y., Wieters, N., and Wissing, J. M., 2011: Composition changes after the "Halloween" solar proton event: the High Energy Particle Precipitation in the Atmosphere (HEPPA) model versus MIPAS data intercomparison study, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 9089-9139, doi:10.5194/acp-11-9089-2011.

53. Calvo, N., and D. R. Marsh, 2011: The combined effects of ENSO and the 11 year

solar cycle on the Northern Hemisphere polar stratosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D23112, doi:10.1029/2010JD015226.

54. Damiani, A., Funke, B., Marsh, D. R., López-Puertas, M., Santee, M. L., Froidevaux,

L., Wang, S., Jackman, C. H., von Clarmann, T., Gardini, A., Cordero, R. R., and Storini, M., 2012: Impact of January 2005 solar proton events on chlorine species, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 4159-4179, doi:10.5194/acp-12-4159-2012.

55. Chiodo, G., N. Calvo, D.R. Marsh, and R. Garcia-Herrera, 2012: The 11 year solar

cycle signal in transient simulations from the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model, J. Geophys. Res., 117, D06109, doi:10.1029/2011JD016393.

56. Garcia, R. R., D. E. Kinnison, and D. R. Marsh, 2012: “World avoided" simulations

with the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model, J. Geophys. Res., 117, D23303, doi:10.1029/2012JD018430.

57. Calvo, N., R. R. Garcia, D. R. Marsh, M. J. Mills, D. E. Kinnison, and P. J. Young,

2012: Reconciling modeled and observed temperature trends over Antarctica, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L16803, doi:10.1029/2012GL052526.

58. Smith, K. L., L. M. Polvani, and D. R. Marsh, 2012:, Mitigation of 21st century

Antarctic sea ice loss by stratospheric ozone recovery, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L20701, doi:10.1029/2012GL053325.

59. Young, P. J., A. H. Butler, N. Calvo, L. Haimberger, P. J. Kushner, D. R. Marsh, W. J.

Randel, and K. H. Rosenlof, 2013: Agreement in late twentieth century Southern Hemisphere stratospheric temperature trends in observations and CCMVal-2, CMIP3, and CMIP5 models, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118, 605-613, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50126.

60. Chandran, A., R. L. Collins, R. R. Garcia, D. R. Marsh, V. L. Harvey, J. Yue, and L.

de la Torre, 2013: A climatology of elevated stratopause events in the whole atmosphere community climate model, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118, 1234-1246, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50123.

61. Matthes, K., K. Kodera, R.R.Garcia, Y.Kuroda, D.R.Marsh, and K.Labitzke, 2013:

The importance of time-varying forcing for QBO modulation of the atmospheric 11-year solar cycle, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118, 4435-4447, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50424.

62. Eyring, V., J. M. Arblaster, I. Cionni, J. Sedlek, J. Perlwitz, P. J. Young, S. Bekki, D. Bergmann, P. Cameron-Smith, W. J. Collins, G. Faluvegi, K.-D. Gottschaldt, L. W. Horowitz, D. E. Kinnison, J.-F. Lamarque, D. R. Marsh, D. Saint-Martin, D. T. Shindell, K. Sudo, S. Szopa and S. Watanabe, 2013: Long-term ozone changes and associated climate impacts in CMIP5 simulations, J. Geophys. Res., 118, 5029-5060, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50316.

63. Hurrell, J.W., M.M. Holland, P.R. Gent, S. Ghan, J.E. Kay, P.J. Kushner, J.-F.

Lamarque, W.G. Large, D. Lawrence, K. Lindsay, W.H. Lipscomb, M.C.Long, N. Mahowald, D.R. Marsh, R.B. Neale,P. Rasch, S. Vavrus, M. Vertenstein, D. Bader, W.D. Collins, J.J. Hack, J. Kiehl, S.Marshall, 2013: The Community Earth System Model: A Framework for Collaborative Research, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 94, 1339-1360, doi:

64. Meehl, G. A., J. M. Arblaster, and D. R. Marsh, 2013: Could a future Grand Solar

Minimum like the Maunder Minimum stop global warming?, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 1789-1793, doi:10.1002/grl.50361.

65. Qian, L., D. Marsh, A. Merkel, S. C. Solomon, and R. G. Roble, 2013: Effect of trends

of middle atmosphere gases on the mesosphere and thermosphere, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 118, 3846-3855, doi:10.1002/jgra.50354.

66. Feng, W., D. R. Marsh, M. P. Chipperfield, D. Janches, D. Hoffner, F. Yi., J. M. C.

Plane, 2013: A global atmospheric model of meteoric iron, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118, 9456-9474, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50708.

67. Marsh, D. R., M. Mills, D. Kinnison, J.-F. Lamarque, N. Calvo, and L. Polvani, 2013:

Climate change from 1850 to 2005 simulated in CESM1(WACCM), J. Clim., 26(19), 7372-7391, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00558.

68. Marsh, D. R., D. Janches, W. Feng, and J. M. C. Plane, 2013:, A global model of

meteoric sodium, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50870. 69. Tilmes, S., et al., 2013: The hydrological impact of geoengineering in the

Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP), J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50868.

70. Holt, L., C. Randall, E. Peck, D. Marsh, A. Smith, and V. Harvey, 2013: The influence

of major sudden stratospheric warming and elevated stratopause events on the effects of energetic particle precipitation in WACCM, J. Geophys. Res., 118, 11,636–11,646, doi:10.1002/2013JD020294.

71. Nieder, H., H. Winkler, D. R. Marsh, and M. Sinnhuber, 2014: NOx production due to

energetic particle precipitation in the MLT region: Results from ion chemistry model studies, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 119, 2137-2148, doi:10.1002/2013JA019044.

72. Mlynczak, M. G., L. A. Hunt, B. T. Marshall, C. J. Mertens, D. R. Marsh, A. K. Smith, J. M. Russell, D. E. Siskind, and L. L. Gordley, 2014: Atomic hydrogen in the mesopause region derived from SABER: Algorithm theoretical basis, measurement uncertainty, and results, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, 3516-3526, doi:10.1002/2013JD021263.

73. Garcia, R. R., M. López-Puertas, B. Funke, D. R. Marsh, D. E. Kinnison, A. K. Smith,

and F. González-Galindo, 2014: On the distribution of CO2 and CO in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, 5700–5718, doi:10.1002/2013JD021208.

74. Kren, A. C., D.R. Marsh, A.K. Smith, and P. Pilewskie, 2014: Examining the

stratospheric re-sponse to the solar cycle in a coupled WACCM simulation with an internally generated QBO, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 4843-4856, doi:10.5194/acp-14-4843-2014, 2014.

75. Covey, C., A. Dai, R.S. Lindzen, and D.R. Marsh, 2014: Atmospheric tides in the

latest generation of climate models, J. Atmos. Sci., 71(6), 1905-1913, doi:10.1175/JAS-D-13-0358.1.

76. Chiodo, G., D.R. Marsh, R. Garcia-Herrera, N. Calvo, and J.A. Garcia, 2014: On the

detection of the solar signal in the tropical stratosphere, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 5251-5269, doi:10.5194/acp-14-5251-2014.

77. Manzini, E., A. Karpechko , J. Anstey , M. Baldwin , R. Black , C. Cagnazzo , N. Calvo

, A. Charlton-Perez , B. Christiansen , P. Davini , E. Gerber , M. Giorgetta , L. Gray , S. Hardiman , Y.-Y. Lee , D. Marsh , B, McDaniel , A. Purich , A. Scaife , D. Shindell , S.-W. Son , S. Wantanabe , G. Zappa, 2014: Northern winter climate change: Assessment of uncertainty in CMIP5 projections related to stratosphere{troposphere coupling, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, 7979-7998, doi:10.1002/2013JD021403.

78. Y. Zhang, L.J. Paxton, D. Morrison, D. Marsh, H. Kil, 2014: Storm-time behaviors of

O/N2 and NO variations, J. Atmos. and Sol.-Terr. Phys., 114, 42-49 doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2014.04.003.

79. Plane, J. M. C., W. Feng, E. Dawkins, M. P. Chipperfield, J. Höffner, D. Janches, and

D. R. Marsh, 2014: Resolving the strange behavior of extraterrestrial potassium in the upper atmosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 4753–4760, doi:10.1002/2014GL060334.

80. Forbes, J. M., X. Zhang, and D.R. Marsh, 2014: Solar cycle dependence of middle

atmosphere temperatures, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, 9615–9625, doi:10.1002/2014JD021484.

81. Gardner, C.S., A.Z. Liu, D.R. Marsh, J.M.C. Plane and W. Feng, 2014, Inferring the

Global Cosmic Dust Influx to the Earth's Atmosphere from Lidar Observations of the Vertical Flux of Mesospheric Na, J. Geophys. Res., 119, doi:10.1002/2014JA020383.

82. Smith, K. L., R. R. Neely, D. R. Marsh, and L. M. Polvani, 2014: The Specified

Chemistry Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (SC-WACCM), J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., 6, 883–901, doi:10.1002/2014MS000346.

83. Laštovička, J., G.Beig, and D.R. Marsh, 2014: Response of the mesosphere

thermosphere-ionosphere system to global change - CAWSES-II contribution, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 1(21), doi:10.1186/s40645-014-0021-6.

84. Neely, R. R., III, D. R. Marsh, K. L. Smith, S. M. Davis, and L. M. Polvani, 2014:

Biases in southern hemisphere climate trends induced by coarsely specifying the temporal resolution of stratospheric ozone, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 8602–8610, doi:10.1002/2014GL061627.

85. Langowski, M. P., C. von Savigny, J.P. Burrows, W. Feng, J.M.C. Plane, D.R.

Marsh, D. Janches, M. Sinnhuber, A.C. Aikin, and P. Liebing, 2015: Global investigation of the Mg atom and ion layers using SCIAMACHY/Envisat observations between 70 and 150 km altitude and WACCM-Mg model results, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 273-295, doi:10.5194/acp-15-273-2015.

86. Emmert, J. T., D. R. Marsh, and I. Cnossen, 2015: Investigating climate change from

the stratosphere to space, Eos, 96, doi:10.1029/2015EO023767. 87. Feng, W., J. Höffner, D. R. Marsh, M. P. Chipperfield, E. C. M. Dawkins, T. P. Viehl,

and J. M. C. Plane, 2015: Diurnal variation of the potassium layer in the upper atmosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, doi:10.1002/2015GL063718.

88. Dunker, T., U.-P. Hoppe, W. Feng, J.M.C. Plane, and D. R. Marsh, 2015:

Mesospheric temperatures and sodium properties measured with the ALOMAR Na lidar compared with WACCM, J. Atmos. and Sol.-Terr. Phys., 127, 111-119, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2015.01.003.

89. Randall, C.E., V. Harvey, L. Hold, D.R. Marsh, D.E. Kinnison, B. Funke, P. Bernath,

2015: Simulation of energetic particle precipitation effects during the 2003-2004 Arctic winter, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 120, 5035–5048. doi: 10.1002/2015JA021196.

90. Peck, E. D., C. E. Randall, V. L. Harvey, and D. R. Marsh, 2015: Simulated solar cycle

effects on the middle atmosphere: WACCM3 Versus WACCM4, J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., 7, 806–822, doi:10.1002/2014MS000387.

91. Kren, A. C., D. R. Marsh, A. K. Smith, and P. Pilewskie, 2015: Wintertime Northern

Hemisphere response in the Stratosphere to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation using the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model, J. Climate, 29, 1031–1049, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0176.1.

92. Mills, M.J., A. Schmidt, R. Easter, S. Solomon, D.E. Kinnison, S.J. Ghan, R.R. Neely III, D.R. Marsh, A. Conley, C.G. Bardeen, and A. Gettelman, 2016: Global volcanic aerosol properties derived from emissions, 1990–2014, using CESM1(WACCM), J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121, 2332–2348, doi:10.1002/2015JD024290.

93. Garcia, R. R., M. M. López-Puertas, B. Funke, D. E. Kinnison, D. R. Marsh, and L.

Qian, 2016: On the secular trend of COx and CO2 in the lower thermosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 121, 3634-3644, doi:10.1002/2015JD024553.

94. Marsh, D. R., J.-F. Lamarque, A. J. Conley, and L. M. Polvani, 2016: Stratospheric

ozone chemistry feedbacks are not critical for the determination of climate sensitivity in CESM1(WACCM), Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, doi:10.1002/2016GL068344.

95. Jackman, C. H., Marsh, D. R., Kinnison, D. E., Mertens, C. J., and Fleming, E. L.,

2016: Atmospheric changes caused by galactic cosmic rays over the period 1960–2010, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 5853–5866, doi:10.5194/acp-16-5853-2016.

96. Tilmes, S., Lamarque, J.-F., Emmons, L. K., Kinnison, D. E., Marsh, D., Garcia, R. R.,

Smith, A. K., Neely, R. R., Conley, A., Vitt, F., Val Martin, M., Tanimoto, H., Simpson, I., Blake, D. R., and Blake, N., 2016: Representation of the Community Earth System Model (CESM1) CAM4-chem within the Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative (CCMI), Geosci. Model Dev., 9, 1853-1890, doi:10.5194/gmd-9-1853-2016.

97. Verronen, P. T., M. E. Andersson, D. R. Marsh, T. Kovács, and J. M. C. Plane,

2016: WACCM-D—Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model with D-region ion chemistry, J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., 8, 954–975, doi:10.1002/2015MS000592.

98. Dawkins, E. C. M., J. M. C. Plane, M. P. Chipperfield, W. Feng, D. R. Marsh, J.

Höffner, and D. Janches, 2016: Solar cycle response and long-term trends in the mesospheric metal layers,J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 121, 7153–7165, doi:10.1002/2016JA022522.

99. Bardeen, C. G., D. R. Marsh, C. H. Jackman, M. E. Hervig, and C. E. Randall,

2016: Impact of the January 2012 solar proton event on polar mesospheric clouds, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.,121, 9165–9173, doi:10.1002/2016JD024820.

100. Andersson, M. E., P. T. Verronen, D. R. Marsh, S.-M. Päivärinta, and J. M. C. Plane,

2016: WACCM-D—Improved modeling of nitric acid and active chlorine during energetic particle precipitation, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121, doi:10.1002/2015JD024173.

101. Kovács, T., Plane, J. M. C., Feng, W., Nagy, T., Chipperfield, M. P., Verronen, P. T.,

Andersson, M. E., Newnham, D. A., Clilverd, M. A., and Marsh, D. R., 2016: D-region ion–neutral coupled chemistry (Sodankylä Ion Chemistry, SIC) within the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM 4) – WACCM-SIC and WACCM-rSIC, Geosci. Model Dev., 9, 3123-3136, doi:10.5194/gmd-9-3123-2016.

102. Funke, B., Ball, W., Bender, S., Gardini, A., Harvey, V. L., Lambert, A., López-

Puertas, M., Marsh, D. R., Meraner, K., Nieder, H., Päivärinta, S.-M., Pérot, K., Randall, C. E., Reddmann, T., Rozanov, E., Schmidt, H., Seppälä, A., Sinnhuber, M., Sukhodolov, T., Stiller, G. P., Tsvetkova, N. D., Verronen, P. T., Versick, S., von Clarmann, T., Walker, K. A., and Yushkov, V., 2017: HEPPA-II model-measurement intercomparison project: EPP indirect effects during the dynamically perturbed NH winter 2008–2009, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 3573–3604, doi:10.5194/acp-17-3573-2017.

103. Smith, A., N. Pedatella, D. Marsh, and T. Matsuo, 2017: On the Dynamical Control of

the Mesosphere–Lower Thermosphere by the Lower and Middle Atmosphere. J. Atmos. Sci., 74, 933–947, doi: 10.1175/JAS-D-16-0226.1.

104. Feng, W., B. Kaifler, D.R. Marsh, J.Höffner, U. Hoppe, B.P. Williams, J.M.C. Plane,

2017: Impacts of a sudden stratospheric warming on the mesospheric metal layers, J. Atmos. Sol.-Terr. Phys., 162, 162-171, ISSN 1364-6826,

105. Langowski, M. P., von Savigny, C., Burrows, J. P., Fussen, D., Dawkins, E. C. M.,

Feng, W., Plane, J. M. C., and Marsh, D. R., 2017: Comparison of global datasets of sodium densities in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere from GOMOS, SCIAMACHY and OSIRIS measurements and WACCM model simulations from 2008 to 2012, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10, 2989-3006,

106. Ray, E. A., F. L. Moore, J. W. Elkins, K. H. Rosenlof, J. C. Laube, T. Röckmann, D. R.

Marsh, and A. E. Andrews, 2017: Quantification of the SF6 lifetime based on mesospheric loss measured in the stratospheric polar vortex, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 122, 4626–4638, doi:10.1002/2016JD026198.

107. Matthes, K., Funke, B., Andersson, M. E., Barnard, L., Beer, J., Charbonneau, P.,

Clilverd, M. A., Dudok de Wit, T., Haberreiter, M., Hendry, A., Jackman, C. H., Kretzschmar, M., Kruschke, T., Kunze, M., Langematz, U., Marsh, D. R., Maycock, A. C., Misios, S., Rodger, C. J., Scaife, A. A., Seppälä, A., Shangguan, M., Sinnhuber, M., Tourpali, K., Usoskin, I., van de Kamp, M., Verronen, P. T., and Versick, S., 2017: Solar forcing for CMIP6 (v3.2), Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 2247-2302,

108. Hendrickx, K., Megner, L., Marsh, D. R., Gumbel, J., Strandberg, R., & Martinsson, F., 2017: Relative importance of nitric oxide physical drivers in the lower thermosphere. Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 10,081–10,087.

109. Chiodo, G., L.M. Polvani, D.R. Marsh, A. Stenke, W. Ball, E. Rozanov, S. Muthers, and K. Tsigaridis, 2018: The Response of the Ozone Layer to Quadrupled CO2Concentrations. J. Climate, 31, 3893–3907,

110. Andersson, M. E., Verronen, P. T., Marsh, D. R., Seppälä, A., Päivärinta, S.-M.,

Rodger, C. J., Clilverd, M.A., Kalakoski, N., and van de Kamp, M. (2018). Polar ozone response to energetic particle precipitation over decadal time scales: The role of medium-energy electrons. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123, 607–622.

111. Liu, H.-L., Bardeen, C. G., Foster, B. T., Lauritzen, P., Liu, J., Lu, G., Marsh, D.R.,

Maute, A., McInerney, J.M., Pedatella, N.M., Qian, L., Richmond, A.D., Roble, R.G., Solomon, S.C., Vitt, F.M., Wang, W. (2018). Development and validation of the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model with thermosphere and ionosphere extension (WACCM-X 2.0). Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 10, 381–402.

112. Pedatella N.M., H.-L. Liu, D.R. Marsh, K. Raeder, J.L. Anderson, J.L. Chau, L.P. Goncharenko, and T. Siddiqui (2018), Analysis and Hindcast Experiments of the 2009 Sudden Stratospheric Warming in WACCMX+DART, Journal of Geophysical Research, 123, doi:10.1002/2017JA025107.

113. Liu, J., Liu, H., Wang, W., Burns, A. G., Wu, Q., Gan, Q., Solomon, S.C., Marsh, D.R.,

Qian, L., Lu, G., Pedatella, N.M., McInerney, J.M., Russell III, J.M, and Schreinder, W.S., (2018). First results from the ionospheric extension of WACCM-X during the deep solar minimum year of 2008. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123, 1534–1553.

114. Qian, L., Burns, A. G., Solomon, S. S., Smith, A. K., McInerney, J. M., Hunt, L. A., Marsh, D.R., Liu, H., Mlynczak, M.G., Vitt, F. M. (2018). Temporal variability of atomic hydrogen from the mesopause to the upper thermosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123, 1006–1017.

115. Solomon, S. C., Liu, H.-L., Marsh, D. R., McInerney, J. M., Qian, L., & Vitt, F. M.

(2018). Whole atmosphere simulation of anthropogenic climate change. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 1567–1576.

116. Kyrölä, E., Andersson, M. E., Verronen, P. T., Laine, M., Tukiainen, S., and Marsh, D.

R.: Middle atmospheric ozone, nitrogen dioxide and nitrogen trioxide in 2002–2011: SD-WACCM simulations compared to GOMOS observations, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 5001-5019,, 2018.

117. McInerney, J. M., Marsh, D. R., Liu, H.-L., Solomon, S. C., Conley, A. J., & Drob, D.

P. (2018). Simulation of the 21 August 2017 solar eclipse using the Whole Atmosphere

Community Climate Model-eXtended. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 3793–3800.

118. Panka P.A., A.A Kutepov, L. Rezac, K.S. Kalogerakis, A.G Feofilov, D.R. Marsh, D.

Janches, and E. Yigit. (2018), Atomic oxygen retrieved from the SABER 2.0 and 1.6 µm radiances using new first-principles nighttime OH(v) model, Geophys. Res. Lett., 45.

119. Li, T., Ban, C., Fang, X., Li, J., Wu, Z., Feng, W., Plane, J. M. C., Xiong, J., Marsh, D.

R., Mills, M. J., and Dou, X.: Climatology of mesopause region nocturnal temperature, zonal wind and sodium density observed by sodium lidar over Hefei, China (32° N, 117° E), Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 11683-11695,, 2018.

120. Smith-Johnsen, C., Marsh, D. R., Orsolini, Y., Nesse Tyssøy, H., Hendrickx, K.,

Sandanger, M. I., et al. (2018). Nitric oxide response to the April 2010 electron precipitation event: Using WACCM and WACCM-D with and without medium-energy electrons. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123, 5232–5245.

121. Maycock, A. C., Matthes, K., Tegtmeier, S., Schmidt, H., Thiéblemont, R., Hood, L.,

Akiyoshi, H., Bekki, S., Deushi, M., Jöckel, P., Kirner, O., Kunze, M., Marchand, M., Marsh, D. R., Michou, M., Plummer, D., Revell, L. E., Rozanov, E., Stenke, A., Yamashita, Y., and Yoshida, K.: The representation of solar cycle signals in stratospheric ozone – Part 2: Analysis of global models, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 11323-11343,, 2018.

122. Orsolini, Y. J., Smith-Johnsen, C., Marsh, D. R., Stordal, F., Rodger, C. J., Verronen, P. T., & Clilverd, M. A. (2018). Mesospheric nitric acid enhancements during energetic electron precipitation events simulated by WACCM-D. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123, 6984–6998.

123. Pettit, J., Randall, C. E., Marsh, D. R., Bardeen, C. G., Qian, L., Jackman, C. H., et al.

(2018). Effects of the September 2005 solar flares and solar proton events on the middle atmosphere in WACCM. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123.

124. Newnham, D. A., Clilverd, M. A., Rodger, C. J., Hendrickx, K., Megner, L.,

Kavanagh, A. J., Seppälä, A., Verronen, P.T., Andersson, M.E., Marsh, D.R., Kovács, Feng. T.W., and Plane, J.M.C (2018). Observations and modeling of increased nitric oxide in the Antarctic polar middle atmosphere associated with geomagnetic storm-driven energetic electron precipitation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123.

125. Siskind, D. E., Merkel, A. W., Marsh, D. R., Randall, C. E., Hervig, M. E.,

Mlynczak, M. G., & Russell, J. M. III (2018). Understanding the effects of polar

mesospheric clouds on the environment of the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123, 11,705–11,719.

Book chapters

1. Brasseur, G.P., D.R. Marsh, H. Schmidt, 2010:, Solar variability, climate, and atmospheric photo-chemistry, Heliophysics: Evolving Solar Activity and the Climates of Space and Earth, eds. C.J. Schrijver and G.L. Siscoe, 510 pp., ISBN: 9780521112949, Cambridge University Press.

2. Forster, P.M., and D.W.J. Thompson (Coordinating Lead Authors), M.P. Baldwin,

M.P. Chipperfield, M. Dameris, J.D. Haigh, D.J. Karoly, P.J. Kushner, W.J. Randel, K.H. Rosenlof, D.J. Seidel, S. Solomon, G. Beig, P. Braesicke, N. Butchart, N.P. Gillett, K.M. Grise, D.R. Marsh, C. McLandress, T.N. Rao, S.-W. Son, G.L. Stenchikov, and S. Yoden, Stratospheric changes and climate, Chapter 4, Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion, 2010: Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project Report No. 52, 516 pp., World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 2011.

3. Marsh, D.R., 2011: Chemical-dynamical coupling in the Mesosphere and Lower

Thermosphere, Aeronomy of the Earth's Atmosphere and Ionosphere, IAGA Special Sopron Book Ser., vol. 2, edited by M. Abdu, D. Pancheva, A. Bhattacharyya, 1st ed., 370 pp., ISBN: 978-94-007-0325-4, Springer, Dordrecht..

4. Smith, A.K., D.R. Marsh, M.G. Mlynczak, and J.C. Mast, 2011:, SABER

observations of daytime atomic oxygen and ozone variability in the mesosphere, Aeronomy of the Earth’s Atmosphere and Ionosphere, IAGA Special Sopron Book Ser., vol. 2, edited by M. Abdu, D. Pancheva, A. Bhattacharyya, 1st ed., 370 pp., ISBN: 978-94-007-0325-4, Springer, Dordrecht.

Internally Refereed Publications

1. Neale, R. et al., 2012: Description of the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model (CAM 5.0), NCAR/TN-486+STR.

Non-refereed Publications

1. Thomas, G., D. Marsh, and F.-J. Lübken, 2010: Mesospheric Ice Clouds as Indicators of Upper Atmosphere Climate Change: Workshop on Modeling Polar Mesospheric Cloud Trends; Boulder, Colorado, 10–11 December 2009, Eos Trans. AGU, 91(20), 183–183, doi:10.1029/2010EO200004.

Conference Proceedings

1. Siegmund, O.H.W., D.R. Marsh, J. Stock, and G. Gaines, 1992: Characteristics of square pore and low noise microchannel plate stacks, Proc. SPIE 1743, San Diego, CA, 1992, 274-282, doi: 10.1117/12.130689.

2. Siegmund, O.H.W., M. Gummin, J. Stock, D.R. Marsh, R. Raffanti, and J. Hull,

1993: High resolution monolithic delay-line readout techniques for two-dimensional microchannel plate detectors, Proc. SPIE 2006, San Diego, CA, 1993, 176-187, doi:10.1117/12.162851.

3. Marsh, D.R., O.H.W. Siegmund, and J. Stock, 1993: Progress on high-efficiency

photocathodes for soft x-ray, EUV, and FUV photon detection, Proc. SPIE 2006, San Diego, CA, 1993, 51-81, doi:10.1117/12.162830.

4. Siegmund, O.H.W., M. Gummin, J. Stock, D.R. Marsh, T. Sasseen, et al., 1994:

Delay line microchannel plate detectors for the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopy Explorer Satellite, Proc. SPIE, 2209, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 1994, 388-399, doi:10.1117/12.185272.

5. Siegmund, O.H.W., J. Stock, D.R. Marsh, M.A. Gummin, R. Raffanti, et al., 1994: Delay Line Detectors for the UVCS and SUMER Instruments on the SOHO Satellite, Proc. SPIE 2280, San Diego, CA, 1994, 89-100, doi:10.1117/12.186839.

6. Skinner, W.R., D.A. Gell, A.R. Marshall, P.B. Hays, and D.R. Marsh, 1999: The

High Resolution Doppler Imager: Instrument performance from late 1991 to mid-1999, Proc. SPIE 3756, Denver, CO, 1999, 304, doi:10.1117/12.366384.

Selected Conference Presentations

1. Kafkalidis, J.F., D.R. Marsh, and D.A. Ortland, “The Global Pattern of Mesospheric Temperature Inversions Observed by HRDI,” Chapman Conference on Atmospheric Science Across the Stratopause, Annapolis, 1999.

2. Marsh, D.R., W.R. Skinner, P.B. Hays, and M. Allen, “UARS observations and

modeling of the diurnal cycle in mesospheric ozone,” Spring AGU Meeting, Boston, 1999.

3. Kafkalidis, J.F., D.R. Marsh, A.R. Marshall, and D.A. Ortland, “Status of the HRDI

mesospheric temperature retrieval: the impact of new correlative data and corrections for long-term instrument drift, UARS Science Team Meeting,” Virginia Beach, 1999.

4. Kaufmann, M., R.R. Garcia, K.U. Grossmann, O. Gusev, A.A. Kutepov, and D. Marsh, “The Global Distribution of O3 in the Mesosphere Measured by CRISTA, COSPAR,” Warsaw, Poland, 2000.

5. Marsh, D.R., W.R. Skinner, and J.-H. Yee, “High Resolution Doppler Imager

mesospheric ozone climatology, COSPAR,” Warsaw, Poland, 2000.

6. Marsh, D.R., A.K. Smith, S. Walters, and G.P. Brasseur, “First chemical results from the ROSE model extended to the lower thermosphere, Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco,” 2000.

7. Solomon, S.C., D.R. Marsh, R.G. Roble, and J.M. Russell, “Nitric Oxide in the

Mesosphere and Thermosphere: Dynamical Coupling and Vertical Transport,” Spring AGU Meeting, Boston, 2001.

8. Marsh, D.R. and A.K. Smith, “Investigation of the `HOx dilemma' with a 3-

dimensional chemical transport model,” CEDAR Workshop and SCOSTEP Symposium, Boulder, June 2001.

9. Marsh, D.R., “An overview of the MLTI, CEDAR Student Workshop,” Boulder,

June 2001. (Invited tutorial)

10. Marsh, D.R., “Trends in mesospheric ozone and interactions with water vapor trends,” 2nd Workshop on Long-term Changes and Trends in the Atmosphere, Prague, July 2001. (Invited)

11. Kaufmann, M., O. Gusev, D. Marsh, K.U. Grossmann, and A.A. Kutepov, “Day- and nighttime ozone in the mesosphere as observed by CRISTA,” EGS XXVII General Assembly, Nice, France, April 2002.

12. Marsh, D.R., A. Smith, and E. Noble, “Mesospheric ozone response to long-term changes in water vapor, Heraeus Seminar on Trends in the Upper Atmosphere,” Kuhlungsborn, Germany, May 2002. (Invited)

13. Marsh, D.R., F. Sassi, D. Kinnison, R.R. Garcia, and B.A. Boville, “Simulations of

the influence of increasing greenhouse gases on the structure and composition of the stratosphere and mesosphere, 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly,” Houston, October, 2002. (Invited)

14. Marsh, D.R., “Tidal influences on composition and airglow, ICMA/IAMAS Workshop on Global Modelling of Atmospheric Tides,” Honolulu, Hawaii, March, 2003. (Invited)

15. Marsh, D.R., F. Sassi, D. Kinnison, S. Walters, R.R. Garcia, and B.A. Boville,

“Ozone loss in the stratosphere and mesosphere due to trends in greenhouse gases,”

Annual meeting of the Atmospheric Chemistry Group of the Royal Meteorological Society, Oxford, March, 2003. (Invited)

16. Marsh, D.R. and S.C. Solomon,” An empirical model of nitric oxide in the lower thermosphere,” EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, 2003.

17. Marsh, D.R., and A.K. Smith, “Testing middle-atmospheric ozone photochemistry

with TIMED satellite observations, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics,” Sapporo, July, 2003. (Invited)

18. Marsh, D.R., D.E. Kinnison, R.R. Garcia, B.A. Boville, S.Walters, and S.C.

Solomon, “A model study of the whole atmosphere response to solar cycle changes in radiative and geomagnetic forcing, ICMA Symposium on middle atmosphere science,” Toulouse, France, July, 2005. (Invited)

19. Marsh, D.R., D.E. Kinnison, and R.R. Garcia, “Simulation of past and future secular

trends in the middle-atmosphere, 1950-2050,” 4th Workshop on long-term changes and trends in the atmosphere, Sodankylä, Finland, September, 2006. (Invited)

20. Marsh, D.R., F.M. Vitt , R.R. Garcia, and C.H. Jackman, “A modeled response of the

whole atmosphere to solar proton events, 3rd IAGA/ICMA Workshop on Vertical Coupling in the Atmosphere/Ionosphere System,” Varna, Bulgaria, September, 2006. (Invited)

21. Marsh, D.R., D.E. Kinnison, F.M. Vitt, R.R. Garcia, and C.H. Jackman, “Chemical

and dynamical response of the middle atmosphere to solar proton events,” IUGG, Perugia, Italy, July 2007. (Invited)

22. Marsh, D.R., A.W. Merkel, A. Gettelman, and C.G. Bardeen, “Simulation of polar mesospheric clouds within a 3-dimensional chemistry climate model,” The Eighth International Workshop on Layered Phenomena in the Mesopause Region, Fairbanks, Alaska, August, 2007. (Invited)

23. Marsh, D.R., and R.R. Garcia, “Attribution of decadal variability in lower-

stratospheric tropical ozone,” SCOSTEP International CAWSES Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, Oct 23-27, 2007. (Invited)

24. Marsh, D.R. “Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM) Studies of

the Upper Atmosphere,” 2009 CEDAR Workshop, Santa Fe (Invited tutorial)

25. Marsh, D.R, A.W. Merkel, “30-year PMC variability modeled by WACCM,” Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract SA33B-08, (Invited)

26. Marsh, D.R, “Response of the whole atmosphere to solar cycle changes in radiative

and geomagnetic forcing,” SCOSTEP Symposium, Berlin, 12-16 July, 2010 (Invited keynote)

27. Marsh, D.R., D.E. Kinnison, C.H. Jackman, “Direct Versus Indirect EPP NOx in the

Stratosphere,” IUGG, Melbourne, 28 June to 7 July, 2011 (Invited)

28. Marsh, D.R., “Climate change from 1850 to 2100 in CESM-WACCM,” 7th International Workshop on Long-term Changes and Trends in the Atmosphere (TRENDS-2012) Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 11-14, 2012.

29. Marsh, D.R., “Chemistry-Climate Models: What we have and what we need, 4th

International HEPPA Workshop in conjunction with SPARC/SOLARIS,” National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 9-12 October, 2012. (Invited tutorial)

30. Marsh, D.R., “Adding aeronomy to a high-top climate model: lessons learned from

the development of WACCM,” Workshop: From the stratosphere to the ionosphere, Universit Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France, 26-28 November, 2012. (Invited)

31. Marsh, D.R., “The response of mesospheric metal layers to stratospheric sudden

warmings,” 11th Layered Phenomena in the Mesopause Region workshop, University of Leeds, UK, 29 July - 1 August, 2013. (Invited)

32. Marsh, D.R., “Projections of the response of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere

to anthropogenic climate change,” 12th Scientific Assembly of the IAGA, Merida Yucatan, Mexico, August 25-31, 2013. (Invited)

33. Marsh, D.R., “Progress in the detection of solar cycle signals in the lower

atmosphere,” 5th International HEPPA Workshop in conjunction with SPARC/SOLARIS-HEPPA, Baden-Baden, Germany, 5-9 May, 2014. (Invited tutorial)

34. Marsh, D.R. (2014), “Recent Progress in Correctly Representing the Sun-Earth

Connection in Earth System Models,” Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl. (Invited)

35. Marsh, D.R., M.A. Clilverd, D.E. Kinnison, C.J. Rodger and P.T. Verronen (2014), “The Relative Roles of Dynamics and Energetic Particle Precipitation in Driving Variability of High-Latitude Mesospheric NOx,” Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl. (Invited)

36. Marsh, D.R., “Whole atmosphere modeling of solar-terrestrial coupling”, 1st PSTEP

International Symposium, “Toward the Solar-Terrestrial Environment Prediction as Science and Social Infrastructure”, Nagoya Universtiy, Japan, 13-14 January, 2016. (Invited)

37. Marsh, D.R., “Are stratospheric ozone chemistry feedbacks critical for the

determination of climate sensitivity?”, International Symposium on the Whole

Atmosphere (ISWA), The University of Tokyo, Japan, 14-16 September, 2016. (Invited)

38. Marsh, D.R. and G. Chiodo (2016), “Aeronomic Impacts of a Revision to the Solar Irradiance Forcing for CMIP6,” Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.

39. Marsh, D.R., “The whole atmosphere response to impulsive solar events,” 2nd

PSTEP International Symposium: Toward the Solar-Terrestrial Environment Prediction as Science and Social Infrastructure, Kyoto University, 23-24 March, 2017. (Invited)

40. Marsh, D.R., “The Community Earth System Model: A platform for atmospheric prediction from the surface to geospace,” Whole Atmosphere Modelling Workshop, Tres Cantos, Spain, June 13-15, 2018.

41. Marsh, D.R., D.E. Kinnison, L. Emmons and J.-F. Lamarque, “A novel approach to quantifying EPP Influences on the Budgets of stratospheric NOy and ozone,” The Fourteenth Edition of the Solar-Terrestrial Physics Symposium (STP14), York University, Toronto, Canada, July 9 -13, 2018.

42. Marsh, D.R., “Current Status and Future Directions of Climate Modeling,” Comparative Climatology of Terrestrial Planets III, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, August 27-30, 2018. (Invited)
