Current and Potential Project Ideas



Current and Potential Project Ideas . Quang Pham . Sustainable Fitness Project. Personal experience with working out Idea: generate electricity while you work out Research Iteration: educate students as they work out on the value of energy Partnership with AFC and director - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Quang Pham


Sustainable Fitness Project• Personal experience with working out • Idea: generate electricity while you work out• Research • Iteration: educate students as they work out on the value of energy • Partnership with AFC and director• Grant Proposal • Timeline • Budget plan • Measure for success • Design posters, flyers, and education monitors

Sustainable Fitness Project• Coordinate with AFC director• Buy and implement bikes into AFC• Advertise!• Collect data and analyze it• Iterate!

• Future plan/goal: study and retrofit elliptical• Obtain more funding • Retrofit more bikes

•We are always looking to expand the team!

Idea: Education Gift Box• Charlottesville County Public School • Education division due to economic status• Increase young students interests in science and technology • Advocate for higher and continuing education • “Education in a box”• Make it sustainable!• Still working out the logistics

Idea: Solar Panel Project

• HelioSage: solar project development firm • Consulting services• Photovoltaic estimates• System sizing • Modeling • Continuation of last year’s solar panel project

Idea: Window Farm• Use recycled water bottles and materials• Increase easy access to fresh produce/herbs• Promote healthier diets • Need refinement:• Who’s the clients?• Do they really need this?

Recap: How to do your own project•1. Experience it•2. IDEAS: Identify a problem and stakeholders•3. Create objectives•4. Need help/advice? ESWB, professors, faculty mentors•5. Develop metrics •6. Iterations! •7. Carry through! Analyze/reflect! Make improvements.•ESWB is a great resource for advice and mentorship!
