Curious Liam and Sparky go toCuba!Curious Liam and Sparky go toCuba! Written and illustrated by:...


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Curious Liam and Sparky go to Cuba!

Written and illustrated by: Kobe Christie

Curious Liam and Sparky go to Cuba!

Written and illustrated by Kobe Christie

RydeHard Publishing

©2014 Kobe ChristieAll rights reserved. This book or any part of it may not be

reproduced or used without written permission of the publisher.Printed in CanadaEditor-Spencer DexterFirst printing 2014ISBN 0-203-605-69221-4Ryde Hard Publishing1414 Ryder StreetBored Avenue, CA

This book is dedicated to Liam for being the best

Book Buddy EVER!

One day a big dog named Sparky was playing outside with his friend Curious Liam.

They were running through the woods and they saw a cat on a boat in the water.

The cat’s name was Jim.

Jim wanted to take Liam and Sparky to Cuba on his boat!

Liam said, “Yes”. He loves Cuba!

When they were close to Cuba their boat broke and they slowly drifted to shore.

Then a dune buggy was driving around in the sand. They took the wheels off it and put them

on the boat.

They drove their boat a little farther and they saw a monkey.

Curious Liam wanted to keep him. He called him Curious George.

They took Curious George and started to go to Cuba. When they got to the boarder they found wood and

fixed their boat then sailed a crossed the water to get to Cuba.

When they got off their boat they went swimming and made sand castles on the


When they got bored they got on the boat and started to go back home.

They were almost home when they got a flat tire.

Then a BIG CUBA BOAT came and stopped in the water next to them.

They got on the boat and went home.


Cadelin- Amazing BookSpencer- like the wheels on the boat.Mason- good storyNick- Good story

Brady- awesome pictures

About The Author

Kobe is 11 years old. He was born in 2002 in Bridgewater hospital. He loves bicycling, dirt biking, four wheeler riding and golf.

