CTS 2 Status Report Presentation to HL7 Vocab WG Jan 11, 2011 Harold Solbrig Mayo Clinic


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Status ReportPresentation to HL7 Vocab WG

Jan 11, 2011Harold Solbrig

Mayo Clinic

© Copyright 2011, Mayo Clinic 2


• Background and Approach• Specification outline via. Compliance points• Status


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Background and Approach


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BackgroundCommon Terminology Services Edition 2Evolved from:• OMG LQS Specification (1999)– OO Model, read only, but laid most of the

groundwork• HL7 CTS Specification (2004)– ANSI and ISO Standard– SOA Model, read only, reduced scope from LQS


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Brief HistoryWorking through the HSSP Process• Issued by HL7 as a SFM Fall 2009• RFP issued by OMG 2010• Preliminary submissions June 2010– Mayo– II4SM

• Final submissions (currently) due Feb 21, 2011– For March OMG meeting


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General Requirements• CTS Functionality (but not signatures)• Ontology versioning and incremental update• “Authoring”• Data binding model (HL7 value sets / ISO

11179)• Reasoning and inference


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Additional Drivers and Requirements• NCI/Mayo LexEVS compatibility• Semantic Web / Ontology community buy-in• BioPortal compatibility

– RESTful compatible architecture• II4SM Model

– Reasoning– Z representation

• OMV alignment• API4KB Alignment• IHTSDO Alignment• Addl: Phin VADS, HL7 MIF, IHE Implementations and Profiles (SVS)


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PIM – “Platform Independent Model”, mapped to multiple Platform Specific Models (PSMS):

• REST • SOA(p)• iRDF

Specification – combination of UML, text and Z


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What, exactly is a PIM?How do we create one model that aligns with

REST (our primary target), SOA(p), RDF minimalists and POJO?

No easy answers, but Z specification seems to help considerably


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Other Challenges

LexEVS – built, runs and already incorporates a significant portion of what is in the requirements

• LexEVS (XML / POJO) to PIM is a non-trivial transformation

• Reproducible behavior is a non-trivial processDecision was made to build CTS2

implementation on top of LexEVS vs changing core API


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Before we get started

Specification approachUML / text / Z– UML provides structure– Z provides invariants, preconditions, postconditions

(behavioral semantics)– Text describes structural components and restates Z in

formal text

Do I need to know Z to read it?– No, but the Z is normative and can be used when

text is unclear


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PDF Example


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Resource orientation provides fine-grained implementation / compliance points

• Resource Axis – Which resources are represented by the service

• Functional Axis - What functionality the service provides

• Representational Axis – How the resources are represented

• Structural Detail – Structured [+ “semi”-structured + [RDF]]


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ComplianceResource Axis


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ComplianceResource Axis

Service provider can implement any combination of:

Code System – metadata about code system (ontology) purpose, provider, release cycle, etc.

(rdf:type skos:ConceptSystem or Owl:Ontology)Code System Version – metadata about a

collection of statements (ontology) . (rdf:type skos:ConceptSystem or Owl:Ontology)1/10/2011

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ComplianceResource Axis (cont)

Entity – structured assertions about classes / individuals and/or predicates

. (rdf:type skos:Concept, owl:Class, owl:Individual, rdf:Predicate)

Association – metadata about a collection of statements about Entities

(rdf:type rdf:Statement where rdf:subject type Entity)


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ComplianceResource Axis (cont)

Value Set – metadata about set of entity references

. (rdf:type iso11179:EnumeratedConceptDomain)

Value Set Definition – rules for constructing a value set

. (rdf:type ???)

Value Set Resolution Rule - rules for applying a value set definition in a particular context

. (rdf:type ???)1/10/2011

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ComplianceResource Axis (cont)

Concept Domain – metadata about the scope, purpose, etc. of a data element concept

(rdf:type iso11179:DataElementConcept)

Concept Domain Binding – contextual association between a concept domain and a value set.

(rdf:type iso11179:DataElement)


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ComplianceResource Axis (cont)

Mapping – metadata about a set of relationships between classes, roles and/or individuals in two or more ontologies

Mapping Version – collection of relationships for a mapping at a given point in time

Mapping Entry – an assertion about how a source entity maps to one or more targets



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ComplianceFunctional Axis


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ComplianceFunctional Axis

For a given resource:• Read - return resource by identifier• Query – directories w/ constraints• Authoring – construct change sets• Import / Export - from external sources and formats• Incremental Update – load change sets• History – change history of a resource• Temporal – state of service at point in time• Resource Specific – advanced association services,


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ComplianceRepresentation Axis


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ComplianceRepresentation Axis

Resource Representation:• XML• JSON• RDF• (i)RDFTarget Functional Representations:• Web XML (aka. “REST”)• SOAP – interesting question of service (verbs) vs. REST via

Web Services• POJO


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ComplianceRepresentation Axis

Still an outstanding issue on granularity• PIM is (more or less) agnostic when it comes

to granularity…• … invariants / preconditions / postconditions

are the same whether you lump or split the operations

• SOA / REST granularity can be choreographed• … so how far do we need to go?


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ComplianceStructural Detail


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Structural Detail

1) Traditional UML / XML Structure2) Collection of Structured Statements

- Resource predicate target- Provenance, modifiers, …

3) (i)RDF- “cannonical” RDF rendering of statements w/o provenance, history


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Current Status

Specification is still undergoing significant change• Remaining faithful in spirit to the June submission• UML model is approaching a (relative) steady state• Z and document are undergoing a major

restructuring – targeting week of Jan 17 for new publication available

Will be discussing Feb 21 deliverable w/ external drivers• Feedback vs. Availability• There may be a workable compromise


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• Fundamental Model and Functionality remains consistent with first submission(s)

• Work continues on:– Refactoring and refinement: each community has

its own needs and “non-negotiables”– Naming: each community has its own names– Formal semantics: a precise specification is a lot of

work• .1/10/2011

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Some Notes on Process

• OMG process is “pay to contribute”• Submitters ok w/ external review, tire-kicking,

trial implementation, etc.


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Model Walkthrough


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RESTful Implementation


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