CSIT 231 Assignment 1



system programming assignment 1 with answers

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Using MS WORD only, type answers for all 15 questions and drop it in Assignment 1 Drop Box on ANGEL.

• What are the five most important tasks of an operating system?

-manages hardware-runs applications-manages software resources of the system- set of functions which may use to perform specific tasks- facilitate networking, and manage files

• What is the difference between a process and a program?

Program is a binary which can be executed. A process is a running instance of the program.

• What is the UNIX / Linux philosophy?

The Unix philosophy emphasizes building short, simple, clear, modular, and extendable code that can be easily maintained and repurposed by developers other than its creators.

• What Linux command do you use to change the name or location of a file?To change name:Rename example.txt newexample.txt

To change location:mv file.txt newfile/

• Name the three most common Linux command shells.

-“find”-“ssh –l username”-“sort name.txt”-“ls”-“cd..”

• Why are shells better suited than C programs for some tasks?

Shell scripts faster to write on command line.Shell don’t require compilation the way a C program does.Shell script usually easier and faster to write.

• What command will allow you to see your shell environment?

echo $shell or echo $0

• What command will change your shell? What command will allow you to see all the shells available? In which directory are shells stored?

“cshs” for change shell“cat etc/shells/” see avaliable shells

“etc” directory that shells stored

• What command will display all of the meta-characters? What meta-character will clear the screen? What meta-character will kill a process?

“ stty -a ” “<ctrl> l” to clear screen“<ctrl> U” to kill process

• What are the attributes that every file has?


• What is the purpose of groups?

To control access to the system's files, directories, and peripherals

• Name three ways (commands) to create a file. What command will change a file’s name?

“touch filename” or “cat > newfile.txt” or “ echo “this will appear in file” > filename ”

To change file’s name:

“mv oldfilename newfilename”

• In a bash shell, which command will change your shell prompt? Still in the bash shell, what file would you edit to permanently change your shell prompt?

a)“PS1="[\u@\h:\W, \@, \d]> " ” #custom prompt options

b)To change your prompt when using bash, we edit “~/.bashrc” file

• What is the command to change a directories permissions for all of the files in the directory that will give the user read, write and execute permissions, the group read permission and others execute permission?

“chmod -rw-r--r-- 777 dir”

• In a bash shell, how can you manually set the terminal to xterm?

.cshrc → “setenv TERM xterm”

.profile → TERM = xterm
