CSD Department Newsletter CSD Department Newsletter · Sample Analysis, which we learned about in...


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Things to Know

Fall Registration

Coming up

Registration for Fall classes

will begin on April 3rd.

Remember to schedule

meetings with your advisors!

The available times will be

posted on your advisors’

office doors. Be sure to fill

out the registration form

prior to your advisor


Clothing Drive

Don’t forget to buy

Marywood CSD-related

apparel or sell them to your

family and friends! Support

our Department club!

Inside this Issue 2-3 Fun Page

4 In the Eyes of…

5 Humans of CSD

6 Clinic Observations

CSD Department


CSD Department

Newsletter March 6-10 t h


Good luck!

March 12-19 t h

Spring break

Enjoy the holiday!

March 22n d

Speech & Hearing Club


3-5, McGowan Room


April 3r d

Registration for Fall

classes begins

Welcome Spring! March 2017, Issue 5

Community Impact

The annual NSSHLA Collaborative Trip to Knoebels amusement

park will be taking place on May 6th. The fee is $25 per person,

which will cover food, ride tickets, and a t-shirt. Contact Kristen

Meyer if you are interested and then carpooling can be arranged. It

is a great opportunity to meet students from other universities!


Midterms begin on Monday,

March 6th. Be sure to check your

syllabi or ask professors for the

dates of midterms!

Nomination of Officers

We will soon be electing new

officers for the Speech & Hearing

Club. Think about the fellow

classmates you’d want to

nominate, or consider running

yourself! Nominations will be

discussed at the next club meeting

on March 22nd.

Happy Birthday!


2nd Brenna Roche

6th Sarah Walker

28th Alyssa McCarthy







In the Eyes of a…

The freshman just took the second anatomy exam of the semester! We just finished the anatomy and physiology of phonation. We are now moving on to the anatomy of articulation and resonation. In speech science, we also took our second exam which focused on resonance and the articulation and acoustics of vowels. We have moved onto the articulation and acoustics of consonants. Now, we are beginning to plan our fall semester courses with Dr. Griffer. Overall, all the freshman courses are going well and we are all excited for spring break!

-Katie McNab

-Katie McNab


The sophomore classes are

now in full swing, and we are

exploring the deep depths of

Language Disorders in

Children and Articulation and

Phonology with Dr.

Ramachandra and Hearing

Science with Dr. Pagotto. We

are doing some Language

Sample Analysis, which we

learned about in Dr. Griffer’s

class last semester, as

midterms quickly approach in

Dr. Ramachandra’s classes. In

Hearing Science, we just

finished our first unit and took

our first test on the outer,

middle, and inner ear. We are


continuing to observe the amazing student clinicians, and it constantly reminds that each day we are one step closer to being in their shoes. Good luck to everyone on their upcoming exams and keep up the good work.

-Aly Barlok

We as the junior cohort have

been quite busy these past few

weeks! We just got our aural

rehab tests and for the most

part, everyone seemed to be

rather happy with the results

of them! We have been

learning a lot about goal

writing in Clinical Methods

with Dr. Burrows recently. It’s

really exciting to be getting

into all of the things regarding

clinic; it’s so soon! Also, those

of us taking up the teacher

certification are in the online

course for Assessing ESL. We

have been working on writing

lesson plans and adapting

them to an ESL student.

-Nicolina Davidson


Halfway through the spring

semester and only months to

go until graduation, we're

almost there! We are in our

final externship applying what

we've learned in our classes,

and everyday we're learning

something new. It's been a few

weeks since we've received our

comprehensive exam results

and now we're studying for the

National Exam. Something I

needed to remind myself this

semester is that I know my

stuff and even if I don't know

something I've been given the

tools to figure it out. Have

confidence in yourself and

what you know. Keep it up


-Abby Nichols

Second-Year Grad

The first year grad students have been keeping very busy this semester. Many of us are in the middle of our Diagnostic Practicum where we each get to conduct three evaluations. We have to put a lot of work into preparing for the evaluation and interpreting the results, but it is a great

First-Year Grad

Learning experience. In addition, we are each conducting individual research for our clients. During which, we look up different research articles pertaining to our clients, choose one, and then implement it during our sessions. It is also a lot of work but it has been worthwhile to see the different effects the new therapy techniques have been having on our clients. Meanwhile, we also have classes, language groups, and case studies to complete. While this semester has been busy, are learning a lot!

-Cassie Caldwell

Humans of CSD

Aly Barlok

Orefield, PA

Sophomore Women’s Soccer Player

How long have you been playing the sport?

15 years

Hardest thing about balancing a sport and school?

The hardest thing about balancing school and sports is managing my time

between soccer, classes, school work, sleep and spending time with friends.

Favorite professional sports team?

US Women’s National Soccer Team

Have you ever heard of “Humans of New York”? Here is

your inside look to some of our awesome student athletes in

the CSD Department!

Danielle Deulio

Yorktown Heights, NY

Junior Women’s Volleyball Player

How long have you been playing the sport?

9 years

Hardest thing about balancing a sport and school?

Definitely time management between all of my


Favorite professional sports team?

New York Giants

Alyssa Bavaro

Westbury, NY

First Year Grad Softball Player

How long have you been playing the sport? I started playing t-ball around age 5, so about 16 years. Hardest thing about balancing a sport and school? I think the hardest thing to balance between the two is definitely time management. You want to be able to give your best effort in both school and sports, so managing time wisely is extremely important in order to be able to do that. Favorite Professional Sports Team? New York Yankees


Lauren Price

Perkasie, PA


Q: What are you most thankful for? A: I am extremely grateful for my family. Their unending love and continuous support makes me who I am. I am also thankful for the friends I have made at school and for my best friend at home who I haven’t seen in three months. I feel so blessed to have a loving, caring boyfriend as well. I am thankful for all of my blessings, big and small. Q: Why do you want to become a Speech Pathologist? A: When it came to picking a career, I knew I wanted to do something related to education but I knew I didn’t want to be a standard classroom teacher. I have always had an interest in words and communication. Most importantly, I look forward to having a career that makes an impact on the lives of others. Seeing how people grow and change amazes me and the thought that I could help in the process makes me so excited. Q: If you had one wish, what would it be? A: As cliché as it sounds, I would wish for world peace. Not only between countries, but within our country itself. We are all co-existing on the same earth together, why not be happy and loving to one another while doing so?

Observations at the Marywood Clinic

This month we decided to explore all of what the clinic right on campus at

Marywood University has to offer. There are countless advantages to

observing where our very first clinical experiences will take place.

Why did you choose to take part

in this experience?

I chose to take part in research for

the opportunity to experience

and learn about communication

disorders outside of the classroom,

and to gain knowledge about a

specific topic in the field.

If you could go back and do it all

over again, would you? Is there

anything you would change

about it?

I would absolutely do this all over

again, and the only thing I wish I

could change is to be able to do

another research study!

Do you recommend taking part in

this opportunity to future speech

students? What advice would you

give them?

I would definitely recommend to

take advantage of this opportunity

while you can. It's such a great

experience to be able to work so

closely with a small group of students

and professor to achieve a common

goal. It's also awesome to be able to

interact with the participants, which

in our case included clients from our

clinic. You learn about our field in a

whole new way, so if your schedule

allows it, go for it!

I would wish for more love, peace, and acceptance throughout the world, especially at this time.

People should accept each other more for who they

are. I feel that if all people realized they are

essentially the same, the world would be a much

happier place with more love to go around.

Our on campus clinic is one of Marywood’s eye-catching features. As

students in the 5-year Speech-Language Pathology program we have the

opportunity to observe and eventually take part as clinicians in the clinic. As

observers we have the chance to witness the work and creativity that take place in a

session with a client. From the assessment all the way to the session there is

strategic planning on the clinician’s part. Observers get to review the lesson plan

and all the objectives the client will be working on during their session. They also

get to view the interaction that takes place in the session with children and adults

dealing with a speech and/or language disorder.

One major benefit to observing in the clinic would be that students have the

opportunity to visualize the specific disorder they are learning in class. This is great

for visual learners because they can connect the information they are learning with

what is going on in the session. The diversity that each client brings to the clinic

allows for future clinicians to get an understanding of what it to be expected. It

teaches students that each client is different therefor-different plans of treatment

need to be used accordingly. Group session also take place in Marywood’s Clinic,

this is beneficial because it helps students become aware of the fact that certain

disorders need to be treated in a group setting with multiple clinicians.

ASHA requires undergraduates to complete a total of 25 observation hours

before attending graduate school. It is crucial to keep that in mind and reserve time

to complete those requirements.
