Crops with Special Traits Herb Ohm Purdue University Implications/Issues: Plant breeding perspective


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Crops with Special Traits

Herb Ohm

Purdue University


Plant breeding perspective

Topics of Discussion

Breeding, Adventitious gene flow (outcrossing)

Seed production Management

Marketing (IP) Changes in crop improvement:

private/public sectors Regulatory implications

Breeding Typically, well-defined trait

Plant, Quality, HerbicideR, Biochemical

Genetically: marker effective selection screen

Adventious gene flow (outcrossing) Wheat

highly self-pollinating, BUT pollen travel

seed production standards pollen traps: 3 mi

weedy/related species KS, IN, CA (oats)

Marketing (IP) Records Accountability Isolation Diagnostic markers:

‘saving seed’ Intellectual property

Changes in crop improvement: private/public collaborations long/short term research

investments licensing MTA


USDA: gene flow outcrossing, isolation

FDA nutritional aspects, allergens

EPA herbicides, pesticides efficacy (low doses)

Where are we headed more specific traits industry/university collaborations more IP

accountability production marketing
