Critically examine whether sports performance...


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Critically examine whether Drugs in sport are an issue, or

a trend, and whether they have an impact on New

Zealand society.

Physical Education 3.5

Credits: 4

Due: Wednesday 29th October


• We need to evaluate the question with a critical lens • We need to look at the argument from multiple

perspectives • We need to show the ability to write fluently and to

develop a clear argument that shows depth and breadth of subject knowledge

• We need to support our argument with our own relevant experience, quotes, references, statistics, key terminology, that enhances an argument that is pertinent to the question

• We need to link succinctly to the extracts and constantly refer back to the question.


Trend= a development, change, movement, leaning, swing…….

Collins pocket dictionary (2009)=

“a general leaning to”

Issue= an important topic for debate or resolution; a subject for discussion or concern

Collins pocket dictionary (2009)=

“a problem, bone of contention”

How to answer the question

• Define Drugs in sport and what this might mean

• Critically discuss what the impact may be on NZ society. Discuss the difference between a trend and an issue, and consider how you would respond if drugs in sport was proposed as an issue or as a growing trend, and it’s impact on NZ society

• Consider a host of perspectives

• Don’t make assumptions. Check what ‘assumption traps’ you need to avoid

• Critically question the statement and the validity of the evidence

Sports Drugs and what they do

Energise the body: Increase alertness, aggression, prime the body for action, mask fatigue. Eg Caffine, Amphetamines, Pseudoephedrine. Sprinting, Cycling.

Build muscle and bone: Increase muscle strength and power, help to build muscle and bone. Eg Anabolic steroids and Growth hormones. Weight lifting, Boxing.

Nadezhda Ostapchuk

Masking Drug Use: Mask illegal drug use. Eg Epitestosterone, secretion inhibitors, and plasma expanders. All sports people who use illegal drugs.

Controlling weight: To reduce weight, and to reduce fluid retention. Eg Alcohol, Caffeine, and furoseide. Body building, and maybe gymnasts.

Masking pain: Eg Morphine, Heroin, and Novacane. Endurance runners.

Relaxing the body: Eg Alcohol, Cannabis, and Beta Blockers.

Increasing Oxygen: Improves the oxygen carrying capacity of blood, improving endurance levels and recovery. Eg Blood doping, and Erythropoitin (EPO)

Lance Armstrong

Sociological Themes

Healthism Healthism looks at a variety of assumptions regarding the body and it’s appearance. This view believes the individual has total control and responsibility over their own body as it can be maintained and looked after as easily as a piece of machinery. Eg You can lose weight by going to the gym. This does not take into account other factors such as your family might only feed you high calorie food, or maybe you have a thyroid condition, or maybe you work too much and can not get to the gym, or maybe you go to the gym but do not workout correctly.


Commodification is using an individual’s body to sell, promote or endorse a product. Eg London Olympics sponsors: • Coke • McDonalds • Samsung • GE Money • Panasonic Brainstorm some examples of athletes advertising products.

• Evers Swindel twins advertising NZ lean beef and lamb

• Sarah Ulmer advertising McDonalds

• Dan Carter – Jockey undies

• Lisa Carrington – Underarmour

• Husein Bolt - Gatoraid

• Silver Ferns – Fisher and Paykel, San Remo Pasta

Body as a project

This is the view that a body can be changed and improved upon so that it meets a desired look. This could include men or women spending hours at the gym to gain a body that society believes to be attractive or appealing.

Eg Bodybuilding/Mr Olympia competition.

Brainstorm possible ways that drugs could be used to gain advantage in sports.

• Pseudoephedrine/Amphetamines – could be used for endurance cycle races or marathon runners to keep them alert and going.

• Testosterone – could be used for Rugby players or boxers to increase their muscle bulk, strength and therefore aggression. Anabolic steroids were also given to East German female Olympians to build muscles and strength, in the 1980’s and 1990’s, especially swimmers.

• Diuretics – could be used in bodybuilders to get them to a desired weight, and to make them look “buffed” for competition.


This view believes that there is only one way to attain valuable knowledge and this is through researching theories via scientific methods. It bases all of its views through fact that has been proven from scientific tests. This philosophy excludes sources like intuition, religion, attitudes, beliefs, stars and moon.

Eg Protein shakes can improve muscle bulk.


Technocentricity is under the influence of the scientism umbrella. Technocentricity is using scientific methods to improve sporting performance. This is mainly by elite athletes.


• Drugs in sport such as steroids, and blood doping drugs like Erythropoietin (EPO)

• Sporting equipment such as the America cup boats

Drugs in sport New Zealand

• Drop the sporting cannabis test for athletes Neil Reid. Calls are being made to stop drug testing for Cannabis and synthetic cannabis. About 70% of athletes tested are positive. It costs loads of money and is not considered a performance enhancing drug. Money would be better spent on tracking performance enhancing drugs cheats.

• Drug Free Sport NZ mulls high school testing Authorities are considering whether high school athletes need to be drug tested, given overseas evidence that performance enhancing drugs are being used by that age-group. Evidence of a lot of steroid use by young South Africans has prompted the call. In Australia peptides, hormones and other illicit drug use is wide spread according to report by the Australian Crime Commission.

• Kiwi drugs cheat is back in the running again JONATHAN MILLMOW. Lisa Hunter-Galvan is a shock entry in this Sunday's Christchurch marathon – and not everyone is happy.

Just days after completing her two-year ban for using EPO, the United States-based Hunter-Galvan has chosen the Christchurch event as the beginning of her road back to redemption. Her entry has been met with swift opposition from Wellington's Gabrielle O'Rourke, who holds two national titles and ran 10th in the 1993 Boston Marathon.

• Ryder banned for six months after positive test MARK GEENTY AND MATT RICHENS

Jesse Ryder says he's ''devastated'' by his six-month suspension after testing positive for a banned substance but is accepting the tribunal's decision. The troubled cricketer was banned for six months by the Sports Tribunal of New Zealand after testing positive for two prohibited substances contained in the weight-loss product Gaspari Detonate.

• Strict rules needed to protect NZ sport stars Simon Plumb. Growing concerns over how many underqualified sport scientists are working with top New Zealand athletes have sparked a call to reinstate a mandatory accreditation system ditched three years ago. Dr Sally Lark says she would like to see her non-profit organisation handed back the authority to demand scientists working with elite Kiwi athletes carry accreditation to help ensure high standards. The Australian Crime Commission's controversial year-long investigation into sport across the Tasman has raised the issue of professional athletes dealing with supposedly underqualified sports "gurus" and practitioners.

• Fitzsimons:Roosters drug cloud: Not surprised Peter Fitzsimons. Beneath the arresting headline, "Drugs cloud over Roosters as players' blood results found on criminal's phone", Fairfax Media's Kate McClymont revealed the staggering tale of how the most glamorous and best-performed team in the game, the Sydney Roosters, have not only been covering up the fact that their players -- including Kiwis Roger Tuivasa-Sheck and Sam Moa -- have been found to have elevated readings for the sports cheats' drug du jour, human growth hormone (HGH), but something else besides.

The kicker: these results were "found on the phone of an organised crime figure which was seized by law enforcement officers."

• Drug cheats leave a stain The New Zealander has been unbeaten for nearly three years and has been the world No 1 every year since 2008, except 2010, when the now-banned Nadezhda Ostapchuk cheated to gain the honour.

In New Zealand there is serious debate about whether Adams is the greatest New Zealand sportsman or woman ever.

She certainly at least shares the same pedestal as Peter Snell, John Walker, Jack Lovelock, Richard Hadlee, Richie McCaw, Bob Fitzsimmons, Yvette Williams, Anthony Wilding, Erin Baker, Susan Devoy, Danyon Loader and Colin Meads.

What counts against her is that she has never set a world record. Her personal best of 21.24m is way behind Russian Natalya Lisovskaya's world record of 22.63m, set in 1987.

In the drug-addled 1970s and 80s, when testing was rudimentary and sports administrators happily turned a blind eye, the cheats reigned. Adams' personal best would not place her in the top 10 on a 1980 all-time world ranking list. Her best doesn't even approach the mark set by Russian giant Nadezhda Chizhova in 1973.

Either modern shot putters are a bunch of weaklings, the best shot putters 30 or 40 years ago were all sports freaks, or another factor is at play.

Everyone knows women's shot put records are farcical. Since 2000 no clean shot putter has even approached Adams' best.

Yet she is still marked down because she has not broken a world record. That's the effect of the drug cheats on her standing.

Athletics has had major problems for decades with cheating athletes and weak administrators, but surely that's no reason for the reputations of greats such as Bolt and Adams to suffer.

- © Fairfax NZ News
