Critical Thinking, Decision Making & Problem Solving


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Critical Thinking, Decision

Making & Problem Solving

Critical Thinking•Critical Thinking is the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking. It also allows individuals to take responsibility for personal decisions and actions.

•Using the Critical Thinking Process can help individuals solve and/or prevent problems.

•Critical thinking allows us to make our own decisions regardless of the opinions of others.

The Critical Thinking Process1. Identify and describe the


The Critical Thinking Process2. Discriminate between fact and


The Critical Thinking Process3. List possible solutions and


The Critical Thinking Process4. Identify personal and family values

that conflict with the decision.

The Critical Thinking Process5. Take a position based on logic.

(Make a decision.)

Questions to Ask BEFORE Making a

Decision• Is it against the law, rules or personal values?

• Is it harmful to me or others?

•Would it disappoint my family or other people that are important to me?

• Is it wrong to do? Would I be sorry afterward?

•Would I be hurt of upset if someone did this to me?
