Critical Thinking



nursing management

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  • 5/28/2018 Critical Thinking




    I. INTRODUCTIONYou assist an evil system most effectively by obeying its orders and decrees. An

    evil system never deserves such allegiance. Allegiance to it means partaking of the evil. A good

    person will resist an evil system with his or her whole soul. --Mahatma Gandhi

    Critical thinking is the disciplined, intellectual process of applying skilful reasoning as a

    guide to belief or action. In nursing, critical thinking for clinical decision-making is the ability to

    think in a systematic and logical manner with openness to question and reflect on the reasoning

    process used to ensure safe nursing practice and quality care (Heaslip). Critical thinking when

    developed in the practitioner includes adherence to intellectual standards, proficiency in using

    reasoning, a commitment to develop and maintain intellectual traits of the mind and habits of

    thought and the competent use of thinking skills and abilities for sound clinical judgments and

    safe decision-making.

    II. MEANING:"Critical" as used in the expression "critical thinking" connotes the importance or centrality of

    the thinking to an issue, question or problem of concern. "Critical" in this context does not mean

    "disapproval" or "negative." There are many positive and useful uses of critical thinking, for

    example formulating a workable solution to a complex personal problem.


    DEFINITION:Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully

    conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from,

    or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to

    belief and action.

    National Council for Excellence in Critical Thinking,1987

    "Critical thinking in nursing practice is a discipline specific, reflective reasoning process that

    guides a nurse in generating, implementing, and evaluating approaches for dealing with client

    care and professional concerns.

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    Critical thinking is the skillful application of a repertoire of validated general techniques for

    deciding the level of confidence you should have in a proposition in the light of the available

    evidence. -- Tim van Gelder

    Critical thinking is reasonable, reflective thinking that is focused on deciding what to believe or


    -- Robert Ennis

    IV. COMPONENTS OF THE CRITICAL THINKINGThe eight components that have been identified as part of the critical thinking process include:

    1. Perception

    2. Assumption

    3. Emotion

    4. Language

    5. Argument

    6. Fallacy

    7. Logic8. Problem Solving

    1. Perception: Perception refers to the way we receive and translate our experiences how and

    what we think about them. For some, plain yogurt is delicious, while for others it is disgusting.

    For the most part, perception is a learned process. Eg: In the workplace, one employee will

    perceive a co-worker to be a constructive decision-maker, while at the same time, another sees

    the same employee as an adversarial roadblock to progress.

    2. Assumptions: Trying to identify the assumptions that underlie the ideas, beliefs, values, and

    actions that others and we take for granted is central to critical thinking. Assumptions are those

    taken-for-granted values, common-sense ideas, and stereotypical notions about human nature and

    social organization that underlie our thoughts and actions. Assumptions are not always bad. For

    example, when you buy a new car, you assume that it will run without problems for a while.

    When you go to sleep at night, you assume that your alarm will wake you up in the morning.

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    Remember, assumptions depend on the notion that some ideas are so obvious and so taken for

    granted that they dont need to be explained. Yet, in many cases, insisting on an exp lanation

    reveals that we may need more factual evidence in order to develop well-supported viewpoints

    and to come to sound decisions. The problem with assumptions is that they make us feel

    comfortable without present beliefs and keep us from thinking about alternatives.

    3.Emotion: Emotions/feelings are an important aspect of the human experience. They are a

    critical part of what separates humans from machines and the lower animals. They are part of

    everything we do and everything we think. Emotions can affect and inspire thought, stated

    William James, but they can also destroy it. We all have personal barriers enculturation, ego

    defenses, self-concept, biases, etc.shaped by our exposure to culture and genetic forces. But to

    the critical thinker, personal barriers are not walls, merely hurdles. Critical thinkers dont ignore

    or deny emotions; as with other forces of influence on our thinking, they accept and manage


    4.Language: Some say that language is the landscape of the mind. Others say that language is

    the software of our brain. Whatever the metaphor, it is clear that thinking cannot be separated

    from language. Furthermore, for the multitude that define thinking itself as expressed thought,

    language carries the content and structures the form of the entire thinking process.

    5.Argument: Many people think that arguing means fighting or quarreling. In the context of

    critical thinking, however, this definition does not fit. An argument is simply a claim, used to

    persuade others, that something is (or is not) true and should (or should not) be done. When

    someone gives reasons for believing something hoping that another person will come to the same

    conclusion by considering those reasons the discourse is geared toward persuasion. An argument

    contains three basic elements: an issue, one or more reasons called premises in logic, and one or

    more conclusions. Arguments can be valid or invalid, based on how they are structured.

    Arguments are not true or false only premises and conclusions are true or false. The goal of a

    critical thinker is to develop sound arguments that have both validity (are structured properly)

    and true premises. When we have a validly structured argument with true premises, we have a

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    sound argument. Insound arguments the conclusion must be true and therein lies the beauty and

    usefulness of logic.

    6.Fallacy: Since we use language for the three primary purposes of informing, explaining, and

    persuading, we must be careful how we use it. We must make every effort to apply sound

    reasoning, particularly when language is used to persuade. To be sound, reasoning must satisfy

    three conditions:

    1. it must be valid (structured properly);

    2. the premises must be true; and

    3. all relevant information must be included.

    If the reasoning fails to satisfy any of these three criteria, it is said to be fallacious. A fallacy,

    then, is an incorrect pattern of reasoning. Remember, finding a fallacy in your own or someone

    elses reasoning does not mean that the conclusion is false. It means only that the conclusion has

    not been sufficiently supported because one or more of the above three conditions were not

    satisfied. Fallacies can be committed through any of our communication methods, especially in

    the print, visual, and sound media.

    7.Logic: Traditionally, philosophy has distinguished between two methods of reasoning:

    deductive logic and inductive logic. In logic, moving from observations to conclusions is calledinduction. Moving from conclusions to predictions that something will follow, given a set of

    circumstances and then verifying the prediction is called deduction. Inductive reasoning is

    characterized by reasoning from diverse facts, probability, generalizations, hypotheses, and

    analogies, leading to inductive strength. Deductive reasoning is characterized by reasoning from

    known facts, certainty, syllogisms, validity, and truth of premises, leading to sound arguments

    and conclusions

    8.Problem Solving: Solving logical problems is like solving any problem that we encounter

    or identify in life. The following general model for problem solving is suggested:

    1. Read and heed the problem. What is it telling you? What is it asking? Define terms that you do

    not understand.

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    2. Identify the unknown(s). It is helpful to name these with a symbol. Math uses a letter known

    as a variable, but any symbol will do.

    3. Identify the knowns. Write down all the information that the problem tells you. Even if you

    just repeat the givens in the problem, list them.

    4. Start to identify the relationships between the known and the unknowns. This is the critical

    and creative part of solving a problem. Create a visual aid like a diagram, sketch, table, etc., that

    allows you to see the relationships.

    5. Use the relationships identified in step (4) to generate a problem-solving strategy.

    6. Apply the strategy and solve.

    7. If something doesnt seem to work, repeat steps 1 -6. The secret to problem solving is

    continuing to try and learning something new on each successive iteration. The solution will

    ultimately be reached.

    V. STAGES OF CRITICAL THINKING Stage One: We Begin as Unrefl ective Thinkers. We all begin as largely unreflective

    thinkers, fundamentally unaware of the determining role that thinking is playing in our

    lives. We dont realize, at this stage, the many ways that problems in thinking are causing

    problems in our lives. We unconsciously think of ourselves as the source of truth. Weassume our own beliefs to be true. We unreflectively take in many absurd beliefs merely

    because they are believed by those around us. We have no intellectual standards worthy

    of the name. Wish fulfillment plays a significant role in what we believe.

    Stage Two: We Reach the Second Stage When We Are Faced with The Chall enge OfRecognizing the Low Level at Which We and Most Humans Function as Thinkers. For

    example, we are capable of making false assumptions, using erroneous information, or

    jumping to unjustifiable conclusions. This knowledge of our fallibility as thinkers is

    connected to the emerging awareness that somehow we must learn to routinely identify,

    analyze, and assess our thinking.

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    Stage Three: We Reach the Third Stage When We Accept the Chal lenge and Begin toExpli citly Develop Our Thinking

    Having actively decided to take up the challenge to grow and develop as thinkers, we

    become "beginning" thinkers, i.e., thinkers beginning to take thinking seriously.

    Stage Four: We Reach the Four th Stage When We Begin to Develop A SystematicApproach to Improving Our Abili ty to Think. At this stage, we now know that simply

    wanting to change is not enough, nor is episodic and irregular "practice." We recognize

    now the need for real commitment, for some regular and consistent way to build

    improvement of thinking into the fabric of our lives.

    Stage Five: We Reach the F if th Stage When We Have Establi shed Good Habits ofThought Across the Domains of Our L ives. We know that we are reaching the stage we

    call the Advanced Thinker stage when we find that our regimen for rational living is

    paying off in significant ways. We are now routinely identifying problems in our

    thinking, and are working successfully to deal with those problems rationally. We have

    successfully identified the significant domains in our lives in which we need to improve

    (e.g. professional, parenting, husband, wife, consumer, etc.), and are making significant

    progress in all or most of them

    Stage Six: We Reach the Sixth Stage When We Intu iti vely Think Cri ticall y at aHabitually High Level Across all the Signi fi cant Domains of Our L ives. The

    sixth stage of development, the Master Thinker Stage, is best described in the third

    person, since it is not clear that any humans living in this age of irrationality

    qualify as "master" thinkers. It may be that the degree of deep social conditioning

    that all of us experience renders it unlikely that any of us living today are "master"

    thinkers. Nevertheless, the concept is a useful one, for it sets out what we are

    striving for and is, in principle, a stage that some humans might reach.

    VI. LEVELS OF CRITICAL THINKINGAccording To Bloom Bloom identified six thinking levels:

    1. Knowledge (knowing things)

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    2. Comprehension (understanding things)

    3. Application (being apply to apply knowledge in the real world)

    4. Analysis (ability to pull things apart intellectually)

    5. Synthesis (ability to see through the clutter to the core issues)

    6. Evaluation (the ability to make good judgments)

    Levels 4, 5 and 6 are the most important one for mid and higher levels of management.

    VII. METHODS OF CRITICAL THINKINGa. Debate: it involve enquiry, advocacy, and reasoned judgment on a proposition. A person

    or group may debate or argue the pros and cons of a proposition in coming to a reasoned


    b. Individual decision: an individual may debate a proposition in his or her mind using

    problem solving or decision making process. When consent or cooperation of others is

    needed, the individual may use group discussion, persuasion, propend, coercions or a

    combination of this method

    c. Group discussion: five conditions for reaching decision through group discussion are

    group members agree that a problem exist, have comparable standard of value, have

    comparable purposes, are willing to accept consensus of the group, and relatively few in


    d. Persuasion: it is communication to influence the acts, beliefs, attitude, and value of

    others by reasoning, urging or inducement. Debate and advertising are two forms of

    communication which intent is to persuade

    e. Propend: it can be good or bad; it is multiple media communication designed to

    persuade or influence a mass audience.

    f. Coercion: threat or use of force is coercions. An example of coercions is brainwashing

    in which subjects are completely controlled physically controlled for a indefinite period of


    g. Combination of method: Some situation requires a combination of foregoing

    communication techniques to reach a decision.

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    VIII. PROCESS OF CRITICAL THINKINGThe critical thinking process, as described by Wolcott and Lynch , includes four steps.

    Students generally begin their critical thinking at step one and, with practice, progress to

    step 2 and up the ladder.


    Identify the problem, the relevant information and all uncertainties

    about the problem.This include awareness that there is more than one

    correct solution.

    Step; 2

    Explore interpretations and connections. this includes recognize ones

    own bias, articulating the reasoning associated with alternative points of

    view, and organizing information in meaningful ways.

    Step; 3

    Prioritize alternatives and communicate connections. this includes

    thorough analysis, developing the guidelines used for prioritizing

    factors, and defending the solution option chosen.

    Step; 4

    Integrate monitor and refine strategies for re- addressing the

    problem. this includes acknowledging limitations of chosen solution

    and developing an ongoing process for generating and using new


    IX. MODELS OF CRITICAL THINKINGBenjamin Bloom's Model of Critical Thinking Perhaps most familiar to educators is

    "BLOOM'S taxonomy." Benjamin Bloom describes the major areas in the cognitive domain. The

    taxonomy begins by defining knowledge as the remembering of previously learned material. Knowledge, according to

    Benjamin Bloom, represents the lowest level of learning outcomes in the cognitive


    comprehension, the ability to grasp the meaning of material and goes just beyond theknowledge level. Comprehension is the lowest level of understanding.

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    Application is the next area in the hierarchy and refers to the ability to use learnedmaterial in new and concrete principles and theories. Application requires a higher level

    of understanding than comprehension.

    Aanalysis, the next area of the taxonomy, the learning outcomes require anunderstanding of both the content and the structural form of material.

    synthesis, which refers to the ability to put parts together to form a new whole. Learningoutcomes at this level stress creative behaviors with a major emphasis on the formulation

    of new patterns or structures.

    evaluation. Evaluation is concerned with the ability to judge the value of material for agiven purpose. The judgments are to be based on definite criteria. Learning outcomes in

    this area are the highest in the cognitive hierarchy because they incorporate or contain

    elements of knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, and synthesis. In addition,

    they contain conscious value judgments based on clearly defined criteria. The activity of

    inventing encourages the four highest levels of learning--application, analysis, synthesis,

    and evaluation--in addition to knowledge and comprehension.

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    Structural model Jeffrey Ellis

    A simple structural model proposed by Jeffrey Ellis illustrates the structural relationships

    between major components of critical thinking. It is based on defining critical thinking as a set of

    four sets: CT = { {S}, {H}, {V}, {R} }

    where {S} is a set of cognitive skills, {H} is a set of characteristic habits or attitudes, {V} is a set

    of values/commitments, and {R} is a set of relationships among the various elements in {S},

    {H}, and {V}.

    The set of cognitive skills {S} include fundamental reasoning abilities such as analysis,

    synthesis, logic, evaluation, interpretation, and so on.

    The characteristic habits/attitudes {H} are the acquired behavior patterns that distinguish a

    critical thinker from a non-critical thinker. These are approximately equivalent to what Richard

    Paul has called the valuable intellectual traits of a critical thinker: intellectual humility,

    intellectual courage, intellectual empathy, intellectual integrity, intellectual perseverance, faith in

    reason, and fair-mindedness . The set of values/commitments, for a critical thinker, has but one

    element: a commitment to the truth, or in cases where the truth is unknowable, a commitment to

    the most defensible opinion. The relationships {R} between the elements in this model are

    shown graphically (see figure to right). Values/commitments provide the foundation for critical

    thinking. It is the commitment to searching for the truth that motivates the need for intellectual

    humility, empathy, and the various other critical thinking traits, and these traits in turn regulate

    the way in which cognitive skills are applied to form opinions, make decisions, and solve



    Here are 16 basic techniques of critical thinking.

    1. Clarify.State one point at a time. Elaborate. Give examples. Ask others to clarify or give examples. If

    youre not sure what youre talking about, you cant address it.

    2. Be accurate.

    Check your facts.

    3. Be precise.

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    Be precise, so you are able to check accuracy. Avoid generalizations, euphemisms, and other


    4. Be relevant.

    Stick to the main point. Pay attention to how each idea is connected to the main idea.

    5. Know your purpose. What are you trying to accomplish? Whats the most important thing

    here? Distinguish your purpose from related purposes.

    6. Identify assumptions.

    All thinking is based on assumptions, however basic.

    7. Check your emotions.

    Emotions only confuse critical thinking. Notice how your emotions may be pushing your

    thinking in a certain direction.

    8. Empathize.

    Try to see things from your opponents perspective. Imagine how they feel. Imagine how you

    sound to them. Sympathize with the logic, emotion, and experience of their perspective.

    9. Know your own ignorance.

    Each person knows less than 0.0001% of the available knowledge in the world. Even if you

    know more about relevant issues than your opponent, you still might be wrong. Educate yourself

    as much as possible, but still: be humble.10. Be independent.

    Think critically about important issues for yourself. Dont believe everything you read. Dont

    conform to the priorities, values, and perspectives of others.

    11. Think through implications.

    Consider the consequences of your viewpoint.

    12. Know your own biases.

    Your biases muddle your thinking. Notice how they might be pushing your thought toward a

    particular end, regardless of the logical steps it took to get there.

    13. Suspend judgment.

    Critical thinking should produce judgments, not the other way around. Dont make a decision

    and then use critical thinking to back it up. If anything, use the method of science: take a guess

    about how things are and then try to disprove it.

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    14. Consider the opposition.

    Listen to other viewpoints in their own words. Seriously consider their most persuasive

    arguments. Dont dismiss them.

    15. Recognize cultural assumptions.

    People from different times and cultures thought much differently than you do. In fact, your

    ideas might have arrived only in the last 50 years of human history! Why is your perspective

    better than that of everyone else in the world today and throughout history?

    16. Be fair, not selfish.

    Each persons most basic bias is for themselves.

    XI. BENEFITS OF CRITICAL THINKINGWe have too much information. Critical thinking helps you focus on what matters.

    We have too many options. Critical thinking helps you do what matters. Millions of scam artists want to steal your time and money. You can use critical thinking

    to defeat them.

    Critical thinking helps you avoid false beliefs. Do you believe something because youread it somewhere? Because your family or government or culture told you so? Because

    it makes you feel good? Because you just believe it?

    If so, you probably have many falsebeliefs. Critical thinking can help you avoid those.Who knows? It might even help you form some truebeliefs.

    But we probably already agree that critical thinking is good. How do we do it?


    Nurses use knowledge from other subjects and f ields.

    Nurses deal with change in stressful envir onments.

    Nurses make important decisions.

    Nurses provide care according to nur sing process

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    Choose always the way that seems the best, however rough it may be. Custom will soon renderit easy and agreeable.



    Decision making can be regarded as the mental processes (cognitive process) resulting in the

    selection of a course of action among several alternatives. Wikipedia

    Decision making is the process of selecting one course of action from alternatives.


    1. Purpose-Driven. People need a reason to participate in the process.

    2. Inclusive, Not Exclusive. All parties with a significant interest in the issues should be

    involved in the collaborative process.

    3. Educational. The process relies on mutual education of all participants.

    4. Voluntary. The parties who are affected or interested participate voluntarily.

    5. Self-Designed. All parties have an equal opportunity to participate in designing the

    collaborative process. The process must be explainable and designed to meet the circumstances

    and needs of the situation.

    6. Flexible. Flexibility should be designed into the process to accommodate changing issues,

    data needs, political environment, and programmatic constraints such as ptime and meeting


    7. Egalitarian. All parties have equal access to relevant information and the opportunity to

    participate effectively throughout the process.

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    8. Respectful. Acceptance of the diverse values, interests, and knowledge of the parties involved

    in the collaborative process is essential.

    9. Accountable. The participants are accountable both to their constituencies and to the

    processthat they have agreed to establish.

    10. Time Limited. Realistic deadlines are necessary throughout the process.

    11. Achievable. Commitments made to achieve the agreement(s) and effective monitoring are



    Developed by B. Aubrey Fisher, there are four stages that should be involved in all group

    decision making. These stages, or sometimes called phases, are important for the decision-

    making process to begin

    Orientation stage- This phase is where members meet for the first time and start to get to know

    each other.

    Conflict stage- Once group members become familiar with each other, disputes, little fights and

    arguments occur. Group members eventually work it out.Emergence stage- The group begins to clear up ambigiuity in opinions is talked about.

    Reinforcement stage- Members finally make a decision, while justifying themselves that it was

    the right decision.


    The decision making task can be divided into 7 steps which are stated in order of sequence are as

    1. Establishing goal and objectives

    2. Making the diagnosis

    3. Analyzing the problem

    4. Searching alternative solution

    5. Selecting the best possible solution

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    6. Putting the decision into effect

    7. Following up the decision

    1. Establishing goal and objectives: goal and objectives can be set prior to beginning the

    general process. They will answer the question, what do we want the outcome or results of this

    decision to be? When new products or services are the outcome, goals and objectives are

    established first and problems or decision are then forecast.

    2. Making the diagnosis: the first step is to determine what the real problem is. If the problem is

    not ascertained correctly at the beginning, money and effort spent on the decision making will be

    a waste. The original situation will not come under control. But new problem will start from this

    incorrect appraisal of the situation. The diagnosis should not be merely based on one or more

    visible symptoms but it should be diagnosed after the whole situation.

    3. Analyzing the problem:The problem should be analysed to find out adequate background

    information and data relating to the situation. This analysis may provide the manager with some

    revealing circumstances that will help him to gain an insight into the problem. A thorough

    information search include knowledge of organizational policy, prior personal experience or

    training or the experience of others. From the information gathered, the facts should be identified

    and separated so as to provide the solid foundation for making sound decision.

    4. Searching alternative solution: after analysing the problem, attempts are made to find

    alternative solutions to the problems comparing the potential solutions to the desired outcome to

    available resources. Establishing goals with measurable objectives helps to focus the search the

    alternatives. This search for alternatives forces the manager to see things from many view points

    and to study cases from their proper perspectives. When comparing potential alternatives, one

    should certainly consider the cost, time required and available, and the capabilities of those who

    will be involved in implementating a decision.

    5. Selecting best possible solution: the selection of one best course of action, out of severalalternatives developed, requires an ability to draw distinction between tangible and intangible

    factors as well as facts and guesses. Four criteria suggested by Drucker for choosing the best

    possible solution are as

    Proportion of risk to the expected gain

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    Relevance between the economy of effort and the possibility of results The time consideration that meet the needs of the situation The limitation of resources

    6. Putting the decision into effect:even the best decision may become inoperative due to the

    opposition of employees. The decision can only be made effective through the action of the

    people. To overcome the resistance or opposition in the employees, managers must make

    necessary preparations for putting the decision into effect. Three important things related to

    preparation of this are

    Communication of decision Securing employees acceptance Timing of decision

    7. Follow up the decision for evaluation:inspite of all efforts, the decision taken may not be

    accurate mainly because of two reasons:

    Some amount of guesswork becomes inevitable in almost every decision. Because of thecost and time involved in analyzing the problem.

    Wrong decision also arise from the limited capacity of the manager itself


    The 9 step decision making model

    Step 1 - Identify your objectiveWhat is it you wish to achieve?

    Step 2 - Do a preliminary survey of your options Besides the most obvious choices available

    to you, what other kinds of options can you think of?

    Step 3 - Identify the implicated values What values are at stake here? If it's an easy or

    unimportant decision you may not necessarily do this step. But if the decision has a major impact

    on your wealth, your health or self-respect, then it's useful to be aware of it.

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    Step 4 - Assess the importance of the decision The importance of the decision will determine

    how much you invest in it in terms of time, energy and money. The importance is determined by

    examining the implicated values. You may also have to consider the context here as well, a

    different situation or environment can mean that a decision that is often not very important can

    become very significant.

    Step 5 - Budget your time and energy Having identified the main alternatives and the values,

    now decide on which time and energy to spend making the decision itself. More important

    decisions are given more time and energy. He suggests that busy people and nervous wrecks

    made worse decisions than other people.

    Step 6 - Choose a decision making strategy This step of the 9 step decision making model

    involves making another decision. The time and energy you plan to devote will affect the

    strategy you choose. And because the strategy you choose may profoundly affect your decision

    it's important to choose an appropriate one.

    Step 7 - Identify your options When you examine your options in more detail you may discover

    other options with different implicated values. He points out that occasionally you may have to

    go back to step three to five and make revisions.

    Step 8 - Evaluate your options This is where you compare the options available to you. Again

    he suggests that seeking advice from an expert is often easier than making the decision on your


    Step 9 - Make your choice - on time, on budget When you're finished doing the evaluation

    (only as much as it requires!), you make your choice. He notes that people may still have

    difficulty at this stage because they fear the consequences of making a bad decision.

    VI. TECHNIQUES OF DECISION MAKINGA. Judgmental technique

    B. Operational research technique

    C. Delphi technique

    D. decision tree

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    A. Judgemental technique: This is the oldest technique of decision making and is subjective in

    nature. As it is based on past experiences or intuition about future, it is frequently used for

    making routine decisions. It is cheap and can be quickly done. But it is hazardous as there is

    chance of taking a wrong decision. So this technique is rarely used in large capital


    C. Operational research technique:

    It is the analysis of decision problem using scientific method to provide manager the need

    quantitative information in making decision. Steps of operational research are

    Construction of a mathematical model that pin points the important factors in thesituation.

    Definition of criteria to be used for comparing the relative merits of various possiblecourses of action

    Procuring empirical estimates of the numerical parameters in the model that specify theparticular situation to which it is applied.

    Carrying out through the mathematical process of finding and series of action which willgive optimum solution

    c. Delphi technique: The Delphi method is a systematic, interactive forecasting method which

    relies on a panel of experts. The experts answer questionnaires in two or more rounds. After each

    round, a facilitator provides an anonymous summary of the experts forecasts from the previous

    round as well as the reasons they provided for their judgments. Thus, experts are encouraged to

    revise their earlier answers in light of the replies of other members of their panel. It is believed

    that during this process the range of the answers will decrease and the group will converge

    towards the "correct" answer. Finally, the process is stopped after a pre-defined stop criterion.

    Advantage is that it is free from anothers influence and does not require physical presence

    which makes it appropriate for scattered group and limitation is that it is time consuming.

    D. Decision trees: A decision tree is a graphic method that can help the supervisor in visualizing

    the alternative available, outcomes, risks and information for a specific needs for a specific

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    problem over a period of time. It helps her to see the possible directions that action may take

    from each decision point and to evaluate the consequences of a series of decisions. The process

    begins with a primary decision having atleast two alternatives. Then the predicted outcome for

    each decision is considered, and the need for further decisions is contemplated.


    There are many types of decision making and these can be easily categorised into the following 4


    Rational Intuitive Recognition primed decision making The ultimate decision making model


    Rational decision making is the commonest of the types of decision making that is taught and

    learned when people consider that they want to improve their decision making. These are logical,

    sequential models where the emphasis is on listing many potential options and then working out

    which is the best. Often the pros and cons of each option are also listed and scored in order of


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    The second of the types of decision making are the intuitive models. The idea here is that there

    may be absolutely no reason or logic to the decision making process. Instead, there is an inner

    knowing, or intuition, or some kind of sense of what the right thing to do is.

    Recognition primed...

    Gather information from our environment in relation to the decision we want to make. Pick an

    option that work. We rehearse it mentally and if we still think it will work, we go ahead. If it

    does not work mentally, choose another option .If that seems to work, go with that one. Also

    points out that as get more experience, recognise more patterns, and make better choices

    more quickly.

    The ultimate...

    Firstly, before you even make a decision, you establish how and who you want to be. You

    obviously want to be in a good state so that you can make good decisions. But you also want to

    be true to yourself, and that means knowing who 'yourself' is.

    (ACCORDING TO Ken Shah & Prof. Param J. Shah)

    Irreversible This are those type of decisions, which, if made once cannot be unmade. Whatever

    is decided would than have its repercussions for a long time to come. It commits one irrevocably

    when there is no other satisfactory option to the chosen course. A manager should never use it asan all-or-nothing instant escape from general indecision.

    Reversible This are the decisions that can be changed completely, either before, during or after

    the agreed action begins. Such types of decisions allows one to acknowledge a mistake early in

    the process rather than perpetuate it. It can be effectively used for changing circumstances where

    reversal is necessary.

    Experimental This types of decisions are not final until the first results appear and prove

    themselves to be satisfactory. It requires positive feedback before one can decide on a course of

    action. It is useful and effective when correct move is unclear but there is a clearity regarding

    general direction of action.

    Trial and Error In this type of decisions, knowledge is derived out of past mistakes. A certain

    course of action is selected and is tried out, if the results are positive, the action is carried further,

    if theresults appear negative, another course is adopted and so on and so forth a trial is made and

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    an error is occurred. Till the night combination this continues. It allows the manager to adopt and

    adjust plans continuously before the full and final commitment. It uses both, the positive and

    negative feedback before selecting one particular course of action.

    Made in Stages Here the decisions are made in steps until the whole action is completed. It

    allows close monitoring of risks as one accumulates the evidence of out- comes and obstacles at

    every stage. It permits feedback and further discussion before the next stage of the decision is


    Cautious It allows time for contingencies and problems that may crop up later at the time of

    implementation. The decision-makers hedge their best of efforts to adopt the right course. It

    helps to limit the risks that are inherent to decision- making. Although this may also limit the

    final gains. It allows one to scale down those projects which look too risky in the first instance.

    Conditional Such types of decisions can be altered if certain foreseen circumstances arise. It is

    an either or kind of decision with all options kept open. It prepares one to react if the

    competition makes a new move or if the game plan changes radically. It enables one to react

    quickly to the ever changing circumstances of competitive markets.

    Delayed Such decisions are put on hold till the decisionmakers feel that the time is right. A go-

    ahead is given only when required elements are in place. It prevents one from making a decision

    at the wrong time or before all the facts are known. It may, at times result into forgoing of

    opportunities in the market that needs fast action.VIII. THEORIES OF DECISION MAKING

    1. Marginal theory

    This theory stress on profit maximization .this theory focused on increases profit from the

    decision. It related to health care cost and patient outcome

    2. Psychological theory

    The trust of this theory is on the maximization of customer satisfaction (patient). The manager

    acts as a administrative man rather than economic man

    3. Mathematic theory

    This theory is based on the use of models. This is also known as operational research theory. The

    techniques generally used include linear programming. Theory of probability stimulation models


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    4. Classical decision theory

    Views the decision maker as acting world of complete certain Classical decision making faces a clearly defined problem. Knows all possible action

    alternative and their consequences

    Choose the optimum alternative5. Behavioural decision theory

    Accepts a world with bounded rationality and views the decision maker as acting only interms of what he/she perceive about a given situation

    The behaviour decision maker faces a problem that is not clearly defined . has limitedknowledge of possible action alternatives and their consequences

    6. Statistical decision theory

    Several statistical tools and methods are available to organize evidence, evaluate risks, and aid in

    decision making. The risks of Type I and type II errors can be quantified (estimated probability,

    cost, expected value, etc.) and rational decision making is improved


    Vroan and yeltons normative modelThe Vroom-Yetton- model is a decision making tree that enables a leader to examine a situation

    and determine which style or level of involvement to engage. This model identifies five styles

    along a continuum ranging from autocratic to consultative to group-based. Two are autocratic

    (A1 and A2), two are consultative (C1 and C2) and one is Group based (G2).

    A1: Leader takes known information and then decides alone.

    A2: Leader gets information from followers, and then decides alone.

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    C1: Leader shares problem with followers individually, listens to ideas and then decides alone.

    C2: Leader shares problems with followers as a group, listens to ideas and then decides alone.

    G2: Leader shares problems with followers as a group and then seeks and accepts consensus


    Bounded rationality model: is the notion that in decision making, rationality ofindividuals is limited by the information they have, the cognitive limitations of their

    minds, and the finite amount of time they have to make decisions. The process of bounded

    rationality involve 3 mechanism they are as

    Sequential attention to alternative: here person examine possible solutions of a problem

    systematically i.e. if first solution fails to work it is discarded and next solution is considered till

    he gets acceptable solution.

    Heuristics: it is a rule which guides the search for alternative into areas that have a high

    probability for yielding solution. Here the decision makers look for obvious solution or previous

    solution that worked in similar situation.

    Satisfying:Here the decision maker is looked as a satisfier where an alternative is satisfactory if

    there exist a set of criteria that describes minimally satisfactory alternative, alternative in

    question meets or exceeds all these criteria.

    An Intuitive Decision Making ModelLets examine the intuitive decision making model. To make a decision intuitively the person or

    group just to go with the option that satisfies their emotional reactions to the alternatives.

    The advantages of this type of model is that it is quick and it helps ensure that it takes into

    account what you really care about. Because you have positive feelings about the decision you

    will be well motivated to carry it out.

    Intuitive decisions can have some serious drawbacks. You might not have fully considered all

    the alternatives and therefore have missed an even better solution. You might also have based the

    decision on inaccurate or incomplete information. Your prejudices might make you overrule the

    facts. For example, you might not hire the best qualified person because of sayprejudice in terms

    of age, sex, or race.

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    Intuitive decisions might be very difficult in a team decision situation because people have

    different intuitive perspectives.

    An Ethical Decision-Making Model Clarify.

    a. Determine precisely what must be decided.b. Formulate and devise the full range of alternatives.c. Eliminate patently impractical, illegal and improper alternatives.d. Force yourself to develop at least three ethically justifiable options.e. Examine each option to determine which ethical principles and values are involved.


    a. If any of the options requires the sacrifice of any ethical principle, evaluate the facts andassumptions carefully.

    b. Distinguish solid facts from beliefs, desires, theories, suppositions, unsupportedconclusions, opinions, and rationalizations.

    c. Consider the credibility of sources, especially when they are self-interested, ideologicalor biased.

    d. With regard to each alternative, carefully consider the benefits, burdens and risks to eachstakeholder.


    a. Make a judgment about what is not true and what consequences are most likely to occur.b. Evaluate the viable alternatives according to personal conscience.c. Prioritize the values so that you can choose which values to advance and which to


    d. Determine who will be helped the most and harmed the least.e. Consider the worst case scenario.

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    f. Consider whether ethically questionable conduct can be avoided by changing goals ormethods, or by getting consent.

    g. Apply three "ethics guides."o Are you treating others as you would want to be treated?o Would you be comfortable if your reasoning and decision were to be publicized?o Would you be comfortable if your children were observing you?


    a. Develop a plan of how to implement the decision.b. Maximize the benefits and minimize the costs and risks.

    Monitor and modify.

    a. Monitor the effects of decisions.b. Be prepared and willing to revise a plan, or take a different course of action.c. Adjust to new information. Simon's Model of Decision Making

    Newell and Simon formulated a methodology for human information processing. This model is

    conceptual in nature and goes hand in hand with the working of a digital computer.

    Simmons decision-making model there are four phases

    1) Intelligence phase

    2) Design phase

    3) Choice phase

    4) Implementation phase

    Initially the problem comes and we are in the intelligence phase thinking of the problem

    as it comes and then we try to find out what the solution to the given problem and then

    we move to design phase. In the design phase the way and method to solve the problem is

    thought and we actually try analyze the problem, we try to find the algorithms and the

    way that can actually solve the problem and hence we use the genetic algorithm to find

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    the solution to the given problem .After finding the method which is to be applied to the

    given problem we move to choice phase and here the actual work of finding the best

    algorithm come .Here we try to find the best algorithm from the given set of algorithm

    we have the option of choosing the algorithms such as "ACO" algorithm which is called

    the ant colony optimization algorithm or we have the choice of finding the algorithm such

    as Simulated annealing (SA) is a related global optimization technique that traverses the

    search space by testing random mutations on an individual solution. After deciding that

    genetic algorithm is the most suitable algorithm for the programming we move to the

    next step which is the implementation phase here the real implementation of the solution

    is done we implement the solution to the given problem by using the genetic algorithm

    according to the given problem.

    Nursing process decision making modelProblem identification.

    In the model this step defines the purpose, motivation and

    boundaries of the problem or opportunity. Resources (people, methods, technology,

    materials) are identified for future consultation or utilization. When problem

    identification is out of bounds or control, the nurse becomes swamped with data, which in

    turn diminishes the success of the decision or hinders the ability to complete the process.Assessment.

    This step alters information from the problem identification step to

    synthesize a structured approach to the problem. Specific data may be clarified or

    additional information requested. Potential conflicts in methods and outcomes are

    addressed. Controls are devised to guarantee that the focus of the decision making

    process remains correctly placed on the root problem or opportunity. When not managed

    in a planned methodology, conflict becomes subterranean and may surface as an

    unwelcomed outcome or as a challenge to the decision itself.


    This step provides an opportunity to stimulate creativity through the

    generation of ideas. The role of each individual is valued and appreciated as an important

    contribution of the team. Building teamwork fosters an atmosphere of group effort and

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    consensus. After ideas are generated, priorities are established based on factors such as

    goals and mission of the organization or individual; probability of success; resource

    intensity required; and probability of addressing the root cause of the problem. Too many

    ideas without reaching a consensus may be exhaustive and may cause communication

    problems in that the mission and goals of the organization or individual are not brought to

    bear on possible solutions, thus clouding the relationship between the activity and

    attention to the problem with the perceived outcome and benefit.


    The purposes of this step are to produce stability and to increase

    productivity of the organization if the problem has been corrected. Support for the

    solution may require contributions by a few or by many individuals, groups, or

    departments. The service delivery system may be affected by the proposed changes and

    alternative solutions being tested. When a number of solutions are implemented in a

    short time frame, the work may be exhausting, depleting the energy of individuals and the

    organization, resulting in sickness rather than health.


    In this step a new paradigm or standards of practice may be

    established. Individual and organizational goals are evaluated based upon the

    achievement of problem resolution. Values of the organization or individual may changeas the new methods become the accepted standards. Quality control measures are

    instituted to assure continued compliance with the new standards. Grieving may occur as

    the old ways are discarded. Individuals and organizations may be reluctant to terminate

    successful past practices, resulting in a rejection of the decision rather than acceptance.

    Managerial decision makingA major concern in management has been to understand and improve decision making. Various

    approaches have been proposed by psychologists, most based on a divide-and-conquerstrategy.

    There have been two approaches to management decision making (Huber, 1980). The first is

    concerned with development and application of normative decision rules based on formal logic

    derived from economics or statistics. The second involves descriptive accounts of how people

    actually go about making judgments, decisions, and choices.

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    Using both normative and descriptive approaches, there have been many successful applications

    of behavioral decision theory in management, business, and other settings. Decision making can

    usually be improved by breaking a problem into parts, working on the parts separately, and then

    combining them to make a final decision.


    Experience and knowledge

    Experience and knowledge are two of the major factors affecting decision making. Decision

    making within practice disciplines, such as nursing, involves more than the application of

    theoretical knowledge. A deep understanding of the situation is required if treatment approaches

    are to address the experience of illness as it relates to a particular patient. This understanding

    evolves from knowledge and experience. Experience increases the cognitive resources available

    for interpretation of data, resulting in more accurate decision making.

    Creative thinking

    Problem solving involves organisation of new and previously learned information to form new

    responses to novel situations. The promotion of creative thinking through education calls for

    teachers to endorse the creative thinkers' self-worth, listen to them, challenge learners to develop

    new ideas and to question their taken-for-granted ideas, demonstrate critical thinking ability,encourage breadth of reading, invite learners to talk about what they think and feel, and to adopt

    a conversational approach

    Self Concept

    Perceptions of being less intelligent, less educated and less competent result in relinquished

    authority to those perceived as being better. Those with an internal locus of control believe in

    their ability to influence results, whereas, those possessing an external locus of control believe

    that events are contingent upon the actions of others. Locus of control refers to the extent to

    which a person believes they can control events and outcomes

    Interpersonal Conflict

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    The stressors involved with interpersonal conflict constitute another barrier to decision making.

    Clinical decision making is a social activity involving health care team members and the patient.

    The social context in which the clinician functions impacts upon decision making

    Inadequate Staffing

    That it is stressful to work when staffing levels are inadequate for the tasks required would be

    disputed by few. Most nurses have frequently encountered circumstances when experienced

    staff are replaced with novices. This situation places stress on staff of all levels and influence

    the decision


    Only hearing and seeing what we want. Each individual has their own unique set ofpreferences or biases which blinker them to certain information. The best way to deal

    with this problem is to identify your preferences and biases whilst attempting to be

    open to the information around you.

    Placing too great a reliance on the information you receive from others. Often we relyon certain individuals to provide support and guidance. This may be a suitable course

    of action in many cases. However, if the individual is not closely involved in theproblem situation they may not have the necessary information or knowledge to help

    make the decision.

    Placing too little emphasis on the information you receive from others. This issue caneasily occur in a team situation. In many cases the team members are the people who

    are most closely involved in a problem situation and they often have the most pertinent

    information in relation to the problem. The best way to deal with this issue is to ensure

    that team members are involved in the decision making process.

    Ignoring your intuition. On many occasions we are actually aware at a subconsciouslevel of the correct course of action. Unfortunately, we often tend to ignore our



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    Today we have discussed about critical thinking, meaning and definition , components, stages,

    levels, methods, process, techniques, models, benefits and uses and regarding decision making

    ie, definition, principles, steps, 9 step decision making model, types, techniques , theories,

    models, factors affecting decision making.


    Teaching Decision Making Skills to Student Nurses

    James Shanteau

    National Science Foundation and

    Margaret Grier, Joyce Johnson, and Eta Berner

    University of Illinois Medical Center


    This chapter describes the results of a project to teach decision making skills to student nurses.

    A special course was designed around three deficiencies observed in nurses' decision making:

    inappropriate information utilization, biased risk assessment, and suboptimal alternative

    evaluation. Student nurses skills in each of these areas were assessed before and after taking

    the course. Substantial improvement was observed in nurses' use and acquisition of

    information; after taking the course, the students' behavior approached that of expert nurses. Incontrast, here was little improvement in assessment of probabilities; before and after the

    course, nurses showed conservatism by underestimating high probabilities and overestimating

    low probabilities. An improvement was observed in the ability to choose appropriate nursing

    actions; most of the improvement apparently was due to learning about the concept of utility

    maximization. These findings demonstrate, first, that there is a demonstrable need for a course

    to develop decision making skills and, second, that such a course can be effective in improving

    some decision skills of student nurses. Additional efforts are needed, however, on ways to

    teach probability and risk concepts more effectively

    Teaching Critical Thinking at the Community College.

    AUTHOR: Robinson, Shawn


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    Teaching critical thinking is what employers ask of educators and what teachers expect from

    their students. This paper attempts to reestablish the importance of critical thinking and how

    Valencia Community College's (Florida) critical thinking competency can be developed using

    several teaching models. A discussion is provided on the background of critical thinking,

    specifically where critical thinking skills come from. These skills have to be learned and fine-

    tuned with the assistance and guidance of an external entity. Competency I of a Valencia

    Community College graduate states that each graduate should be able to "think critically and

    make reasoned choices by acquiring, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating knowledge." Nine

    Valencia sub-competencies that can be used in the process of assessing and measuring critical

    thinking, include: (1) know what to observe and systematically make accurate observations; (2)

    represent observations in an appropriate pattern to show relationships; (3) recognize problems

    that need to be and can be solved; (4) use sequential and holistic approaches to problem solving;

    and (5) analyze information and ideas to make decisions. Some models of teaching that fit easily

    into the critical thinking competency are concept attainment, scientific inquiry, inquiry training,

    simulation, role playing, thinking inductively, advanced organizer, and synetics. This paper

    concludes with some activities instructors can use to develop critical thinking in the classroom.



    Critical thinking is a type of reasonable, reflective thinking that is aimed at deciding what to

    believe or what to do. It is a way of deciding whether a claim is always true, sometimes true,

    partly true, or false. Decision making can be regarded as the mental process resulting in the

    selection of a course of action among several alternative scenarios. Every decision making

    process produces a final choice.


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