Critical State Soil Mechanics Assessment of … State Soil Mechanics Assessment of Instability and...


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Critical State Soil Mechanics Assessment of Instability and Liquefaction Locus of a Sandy Soil from Coimbra António Viana da Fonseca Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto (FEUP), Portugal, Sandra Marisa da Costa Soares PhD student, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal, SUMMARY: In the center region of Portugal, as in the south, several alluvial sandy deposits susceptible to cyclic mobility and liquefaction have been identified, justifying research based on laboratory study of local sands in view of a fundament evaluation of their sensitivity to liquefaction. Coimbra sand was selected to seek for semi-empirical charts to assess liquefaction triggering “risk”. Currently for project design, European design standards only provide liquefaction assessment charts based on “Simplified Procedures”, firstly proposed by Berkeley school in the eighties. Besides these approaches being only applied in field conditions under cyclic conditions, these procedures are mostly semi-empirical, limiting the generalization of a proper interpretation of soil instability. Therefore, the implementation of frameworks based on the state parameter (in reference to Critical State Soil Mechanics, CSSM), well adapted to non-structured soils, complemented with rigidity indices, such as those based on ratios between shear wave’s velocities and ultimate strength, have enlarged the capabilities of a “CSSM Simplified Procedure”. This is fundament by the fact that monotonic and cyclic loading conditions instabilities are associated to the same concept. In order to study this, a representative sample of Coimbra sand’ was selected for the purpose of liquefaction risk assessment, being the Critical State Line (CSL) defined by performing a considerable number of well instrumented monotonic triaxial tests, including in high pressure cells, which allowed the definition of its ultimate state locus. Triaxial cells available in the Geotechnical Laboratory of FEUP are equipped with bender-extender elements, allowing for the measurement of seismic waves (both, primary or compression wave’s velocities, VP, and shear or distortional wave’s velocities, VS) during tests. Based on an extensive experimental data treatment of Coimbra sand triaxial tests, a framework was developed to assess flow liquefaction under monotonic conditions, based on the state parameter and on shear wave velocities. The study pursues the concept that CSL in fundamentally non-linear in shape when in undrained loading conditions, this can be used to investigate different mechanics of liquefiable granular soils. KEYWORDS: critical and steady states, instability, liquefaction, seismic wave, bender-extender elements.

1 INTRODUCTION Widely recognized, soil liquefaction potential remains one of the most important geotechnical problems, due to frameworks inconsistency for predicting both flow liquefaction and cyclic mobility. Conventionally liquefaction potential, triggered by cyclic loadings, is evaluated basing on frameworks which are built with input variables, relating an action index, Cyclic Stress Ratio (CSR), with a resistance index, Cyclic Resistance Ratio (CRR), usually expressed by

the normalized values of in situ tests (SPT, CPT, DMT or Seismic Geophysical Surveys). However flow liquefaction, triggered by monotonic conditions, remains without a standard procedure to be evaluated. Notwithstanding its assessment usually relies on Critical State Soil Mechanics (CSSM), thus on the relative positioning between the initial and the final state, at least for monotonically compressed soils. In Portugal, due to past earthquakes, such as the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake, Coimbra’s region

is identified as a region with several alluvial sandy deposits susceptible to liquefaction. Aiming to assess the geomechanical behavior of a specific site in Coimbra region was selected, where a predominantly quartz sand was prepared artificially from a quarry and has been studied in a common research program between the Universities of Porto and Coimbra and Technical University of Lisbon. This paper arises from the experimental results of the research program established to first assess Coimbra sand geomechanical behavior tested under monotonic conditions, under CSSM theory. 2 MATERIAL, TESTING PROCEDURES AND EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAMME 2.1 Material tested Coimbra sand, a predominantly quartz sand was prepared artificially from a quarry in order to obtain a gradation between the sieves no. 10 (2 mm) and no. 200 (0.075 mm) of ASTM series, having effective diameters of D10 = 0.19 mm, D30 = 0.32 mm, D60 = 0. 4 mm and D100 = 1 mm. The coefficients of uniformity and shape are respectively CU = 2.13 and CC = 1.37, being also a poorly graded sand. The mean grain size, D50, is about 0.36 mm and the specific gravity, Gs, is 2.66. The minimum and maximum void ratios are emin = 0.48 and emax = 0.81, respectively, and the grains are generally angular to sub-angular (Abreu, 2012, Santos et al, 2012; Azeiteiro, 2012). 2.2 Testing procedures and experimental program To determine CSL of Coimbra sand a set of 30 triaxial tests were performed (see Table 1). Table 1. Experimental program Test ID e0 ei p'i

kPa Equipment

CID_MT_1 0.617 0.607 20 Stress-path CID_MT_2 0.672 0.672 20 Stress-path CID_MT_3 0.607 0.610 50 Stress-path CID_MT_4 0.789 0.750 101 Stress-path CID_MT_5 0.621 0.611 400 Stress-path CID_MT_6 0.766 0.717 1002 Stress-path

CID_MT_7 0.670 0.564 8010 High-pressure


CID_MT_8 0.645 0.559 9500 High-pressure

Tx CIU_MT_1 0.718 0.693 100 Stress-path CIU_MT_2 0.710 0.691 100 Stress-path CIU_MT_3 0.685 0.653 201 Stress-path CIU_MT_4 0.661 0.635 400 Stress-path CIU_MT_5 0.499 0.534 400 Stress-path CIU_MT_6 0.659 0.629 400 Stress-path CIU_MT_7 0.641 0.601 900 Stress-path CIU_MT_8 0.641 0.615 1100 Stress-path CIU_MT_9 0.691 0.559 9500 Stress-path CIU_MT_10 0.716 0.658 698 Stress-path CIU_MT_11 0.690 0.641 1242 Stress-path

CIU_MT_12 0.670 0.624 2505 High-pressure


CID_PL_1 0.656 0.526 5091 High-pressure

Tx CID_PL_2 0.620 0.602 202 Stress-path

CIU_PL_1 0.638 0.631 50 Conventional

Tx CIU_PL_2 0.655 0.610 509 Stress-path CIU_PL_3 0.651 0.627 251 Stress-path CIU_PL_4 0.626 0.620 896 Stress-path CIU_PL_5 0.739 0.715 92 Stress-path CIU_PL_6 0.718 0.703 79 Stress-path CIU_PL_7 0.724 0.664 498 Stress-path CIU_PL_8 0.753 0.647 596 Stress-path e0: void ratio at the end of the specimens preparation ei: void ratio at the end of the consolidation stage p’i: consolidation confining stress Both moist tamping and dry air pluviation techniques were chosen to reconstitute the sand specimens, which are disambiguated by MT (20 tests) and PL (10 tests) on tests identification (first column of table 1). Among other techniques, moist tamping was chosen as it is able to produce the widest range in void ratio with satisfactory uniformity (Ishihara 1996), allowing for a clear definition of the CSL. Furthermore moist tamping technique allows the attainment of very high void ratios which allows a rapid definition of the CSL. In order to assess the influence of the sample preparation method on the flow liquefaction potential a set of tests were prepared by dry air pluviation. As it was very difficult to achieve very low void ratios, the specimens of the last four triaxial tests, (see last three lines of table 1), were prepared with a minor amount of water content (~0.7%) which, due to capillarity forces allowed the achievement of an initial void ratio higher than the specimens created with completely dry sand. The compression triaxial tests were performed over specimens of 70mm

of diameter and 140mm height, isotropically consolidated, thus p’i=σ’h. Most of the programmed tests included an accurate measurement of elastic stiffness since the majority of the triaxial systems in FEUP Geotechnical Laboratory,, are provided with piezoeletric bender-extender element transducers. Common phases were developed before shearing in cyclic triaxial tests. After percolation, a complete saturation, with a B Skempton parameter of at least 0.97, was assured by increasing the back pressure up to 600kPa, keeping the effective confinement of 10kPa. During the two first stages (percolation + saturation), specimen dimensions were re-measured with internal/local transducers (inductive hall-effect calipers) measuring axial and radial deformation. After a complete saturation and during the consolidation stage, volume changes were measured with an automatic volume change gauge. Finally, compression shearing was performed under stress-control in the cases of the specimens tested on the stress-path devices, and under strain-control for the specimens tested on the high-pressure triaxial cell (up to 10MPa of confining pressure) and on the conventional triaxial cells, up to around 20% of axial strain. During this stage, volume changes, of tests sheared under drained conditions, were also measured with an automatic volume change gauge while the axial strains were measured with the help of Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDTs). 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The set of triaxial tests allowed defining the CSL of Coimbra sand (Figure1). This sand exhibits two distinct patterns of compressional behaviour, one for low to medium confining stresses (<1000kPa) and a second one for higher confining stresses (>1000 kPa). This is commonly associated to the occurrence of grain crushing. This occurrence is not new and has been frequently reported by many authors (e.g. Konrad, 1998; Viana da Fonseca et al, 2011; Muir Wood, 2007; Coop et al. 2004).

Furthermore it was observed a distinct geomechanical behavior among drained and undrained triaxial tests (see Figure1), being their ultimate states distinguished between CSL and SSL, respectively, according to Poulos (1981) definition for SSL. Been et al (1991) and Jefferies and Been (2006) refer to the CSL, derived from drained tests, and SSL, derived from undrained tests, to fundamentally a unique condition. However distinction between both paths followed by drained and undranied conditions were previously found by Sladen et al (1985), Alarcon-Guzman et al (1989), and by Yamamuro and Lade (1998), and respectively distinguished by CSL and SSL. As stated by Alarcon-Guzman et al (1989) “if the sand structure is not inherently brittle, no collapse will take place; thus, the pore pressure response will be due solely to sand compressibility, and the S and F lines will tend to merge”, being F the line for undrained tests and S the line for drained tests. Curiously, for Coimbra sand the merging only takes place for very high confining pressures, where both drained and undrained triaxial tests seem to define a unique CSL (after grain crushing). On the other hand, unexpectedly, both samples reconstituted by dry air pluviation and moist tamping techniques deem to reach a unique SSL, which does not mean that both exhibit a same liquefaction potential. Despite sometimes requiring extensive reorganization, according to some authors, (e.g. Nouguier-Lehon et al, 2005; Muir Wood, 2007), the critical state can always be reached in granular material. Authors like Coop and Lee (1993), defend that: “in clean sands, the load is supported by grains contacts, and plastic volumetric strains are mainly due to particle breakage, so that Normal Consolidate Line (NCL) is only reached when particle breakage is prevalent”, having an obvious consequence on the evolution of CSL. Also other authors, (e.g. Casagrande 1976; Castro et al. 1985; Poulos 1981; Poulos et al. 1985; Alarcon-Guzman et al, 1989; Been and Jefferies, 1985, 2006; Sadrekarimi and Olson, 2013), despite being aware of the influence of fabric on the behavior at small shear strains, defend that the initial fabric has no effect on the large strain

deformation characteristics of sands. However some authors, (e.g. Zlatovic and Ishihara, 1997; Tsukamoto et al, 1998; Vaid and Sivathayalan, 2000; Wood et al, 2008), detected, in some

cases, distinct undrained responses of sands inclusively at large strains, thus on the definition of distinct SSL, by using different sample preparation methods.

Figure 1. Results of triaxial compression tests and critical state analysis

The equations for both SSL and CSL (with or without grain crushing) are defined on Figure 1. For SSL, two equations are presented, one following the classical form of CSL, and a second one on the form proposed by Li et al (1999) for curved shape critical states: ec = Γ – λ ln �pc

' � (1)

ec=e0– λs �pc




being e0 the limiting value of the void ratio (e) at p = 0, pa is the atmospheric pressure, λ, λs, Γ and ξ are constants which depend on soil characteristics.

Normal consolidation line was not defined as only few triaxial tests started with very high void ratios (see Figure 1).

Aiming to assess soil liquefaction potential, besides making use of soil state parameter, determined after CSL definition, stiffness parameters, G0, thus Vs, were also determined.

The state parameter is widely used on soil liquefaction assessment and was initially proposed by Been and Jefferies (1985) as “an appropriate physical parameter that combines the influence of void ratio and stress level, with a reference to an ultimate (steady) state to describe soil behavior”. As Coimbra sand exhibits a distinct behavior for drained and undrained conditions, the determination of the state parameter was performed with reference to ultimate state under undrained conditions, given by equations (3) and (4) on Figure 1.

The CSL equation given by tests, within which grain crushing occurred, was also used as a convergence deems to occur for soils tested under drained and undrained conditions for high confining pressures.

To overcome the inability of using stiffness parameters to predict static liquefaction, Bedin (2009) and Schnaid et al. (2013) proposed a framework to assess liquefaction of tailings, by connecting both large-strain parameters ψ, with small strain-parameters, G0 (derived from VS). In fact the correlation between the state parameter, ψ, and initial or dynamic stiffness to strength ratio have been shown to be good predictors of the soils susceptibility to static liquefaction. As quoted by Schnaid et al. (2013) “Approaches based on strength and stiffness measurement are predominant in engineering practice, and given their empirical nature, there are gaps in linking soil liquefaction to the stress-strain behavior of soils, which renders modeling of the static and dynamic mechanical response difficult”.

The correlations between the state parameter the normalized shear wave velocity and the normalized peak shear strength are show in Figure 2 for Coimbra sand. As might be inferred the use of state parameter (as pointed out in Bedin et al., 2011), at least for sandy soils, is not as good as expected, mainly when grain crushing occurs. In this case, the soil starts exhibiting an instability associated to the

increasing fines content, exhibiting a consequent peak shear strength followed by a drop on shear strength (see Figure 1), being associated to an extreme positive value of state parameter, despite the soils does not suffer from flow liquefaction (see Figure 2a).

On the other hand, soils above the flat border line of the SSL, even with a very small state parameter will always experience flow liquefaction. In Figure 2 it is clear that there are still some points missing in the graph to confirm that trend, which are being under analysis. Soils exhibiting a stable behavior, which also includes dilative soils, do not show a peak shear strength. Soils tested on the high-pressure triaxial chamber do not have shear waves measurement, as the bender-extender elements are not prepared to be submitted to such high pressures, so they could not be considered in this approach. Notwithstanding, for low/medium confining stresses, the use shear wave velocities seems to constitute a good way to assess soil liquefaction potential, being aware that all soils located above the horizontal branch of the SSL, even when situated very close to this critical zone - with an almost zeroed state parameter -, will always exhibit flow liquefaction. Thus, regardless the state parameter not being the most appropriate parameter to assess soil liquefaction susceptibility, the ratio between the initial shear wave velocity, VS0, and the peak shear strength, qpeak, seem to be a good predictor to establish the boundary from which soils stops liquefying (see Figure 2.a)). As reported by Schnaid et al (2013) low values of q1 and VS1 are associated with liquefiability, although at different levels of sensitivity. Figure 2.b) show the relationship between the VS0/qpeak ratio and q1, which inherently include the effects of mean stress, strength, and stiffness. Regardless Coimbra sand does not exhibit a smooth transition, associated to the occurrence of limited liquefaction accompanied by strain softening, typical of finer soils that can also be observed from Figure 2.a), it is clear that this relationship have a strong tendency and correlation as both VS0:qpeak and q1 depend on the same parameter, the peak shear strength. Thus, this plot of VS0/qpeak versus q1 has its own limitations for prediction the undrained

geomechanical behavior of soils. Nonetheless, it becomes very useful to define the boundary line

differentiating liquefiable and nonliquefiable conditions.



Figure 2. a) Steady state parameter expressed as a function of normalized peak shear strength (q1) and shear stiffness; b) Correlation between the normalized peak shear strength and the ratio between shear stiffness and the peak shear strength

Soil monotonic liquefaction potential might be also assessed by correlating ψ with the brittleness index IB, (e.g. Uthayakumar & Vaid 1998, Been and Jefferies, 2006; Sadrekarimi and Olsen, 2011). Bishop (1967) defined the brittleness index, as a degree of strain softening of contractive sands, expressed by the following equation:


σd(peak) (4)

where σ�(��) is the the peak strength of a soil and σ�(���) is the minimum after peak deviator stresses. When correlating both parameters ψ and IB, both Been and Jefferies (2006) and Sadrekarimi

and Olsen (2011) found it to be dependent on the type of soil and/or type of test. Thus, as suggested by Sladen et al (1985), Sadrekarimi and Olsen (2011) found IB to be a unique function of σ�′ σ��′⁄ for all sandy soils, being σ�′ the initial confining stress and σ��′ the stress at the critical state. Such a consideration is however found, by the author, to be redundant as both IB and σ�′ σ��′⁄ , (i.e. the ratio between the initial confining stress and the respective critical or steady stress) depend on the same variables, exhibiting thus a strong statistical correlation. As can be seen form Figure 3, expectedly, Coimbra sand also shows a strong correlation between IB and the ratio σ�′ σ��′⁄

(represented by the ratio p’/p’cr), due to the strong statistical correlation between variables. This correlation, p’/p’cs, despite being statically nonsense, defines the boundary line between liquefiable and nonliquefiable conditions.

On the other hand the correlation between IB and ψ, shows, expectedly, some dispersion, as consequence of the fact that ψ, by itself, does not constitute such a good parameter to predict soil liquefaction, for the reasons pointed above.

Figure 3. Variations of the Brittleness Index with the state parameter, ψ, and the ratio p’/p’cr, from left to right, respectively 4 CONCLUSIONS From the results of and extensive number of triaxial conventional tests on Coimbra sand a clear pattern of its geomechanical behavior, namely for liquefaction assessment, was attained. The uneven quartz sand exhibited a singular behavior when monotonically loaded under drained and undrained conditions, generating distinct ultimate lines (CSL and SSL), confirming Poulos (1981) assumption of the specificity of SSL as highly dependent on load rate, differentiating drained and undrained behavior of soils. Furthermore, specimens prepared with two distinct reconstitution techniques, moist tamping and dry air pluviation, reached the same ultimate state, on the SSL. Thus at least for these two reconstitution technique, the inherent anisotropy created by each technique seems not to interfere significantly on Coimbra sand liquefaction susceptibility. As for the frameworks built to assess the soil liquefaction potential, the ones based on the state parameter, by its own, seem to be less reliable as predictor framework. In fact, the state parameter can be very high for specimens tested under high confining stresses. Due to

grain crushing occurrence, its distance becomes higher than the usual for specimens starting from the NCL which is in contradiction to the lower stress conditions. Plus, samples tested within the low/medium range of confining stresses, when the ψ is measured with reference to the SSL, and above the flat border line, will always exhibit flow liquefaction, even for ψ close to zero. On the other hand, both ratios VS0/qpeak and p’/p’cr seem to provide a very good definition of the boundary line which differentiates liquefiable and nonliquefiable conditions. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was developed in the research the Univ. Porto centre CEC, funded by Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT), and the research project PTDC/ECM/103220/2008, financed by European Communion (QREN-FEDER) Operational Program for Competitive Factors, COMPETE. REFERENCES Abreu, É. (2012). Study of the Liquefaction Conditions

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