Creative Quotations from John Lennon (1940-1980) born Oct 9 English singer, songwriter, musician; He...


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Creative Quotations

from John

Lennon(1940-1980) born Oct 9 English singer, songwriter,

musician; He wrote with Paul McCartney, most of

the songs and music of The Beatles.

We were all on this ship in the

sixties, our

generation, a ship

going to discover

the New World. And the Beatles

were in the crow's nest of that ship.

Reality leaves a lot to the


You try to go to sleep, but

the song won't let you. So you have to get up

and make it into


and then you're allowed

to sleep.

Work is life, you know,

and without it, there's

nothing but fear and


Those in the cheaper

seats clap. The rest of you rattle

your jewelry.

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CREDITS:• Copyright 2008, Baertracks.• BeMoreCreative & Creative Quotations are

registered trademarks.• Photo of Lennon rehearsing Give Peace A Chance (Creative Commons Attribution 2.5) • Background music is a low-quality, low-volume, fair use excerpt form Imagine.
