Creative Process: Levi Strauss



We were asked to recreate an advertisement for a new target market other than the original ad. Original: Rural Men New: Business Men

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L e v i S t r a u s s


2Target The Audience

Ashley Willis Art 3433:“The focus of marketing effort is people. The goal is to reach a subset of the population who may be

interested in your particular product. That group of people is your target market... The term market is

used because that market is the target at which you aim all your efforts. The market you are trying to

reach are people with common characteristics that set them apart as a group. The more you know about

a target market, the more precisely you can develop your marketing strategy.”


:H�ZHUH�ĂUVW�DVNHG�WR�EULQJ�LQ�D�SXEOLFDWLRQ�ZLWK�DQ�DGYHUWLVHPHQW�WKDW�ZH�ZRXOG�OLNH�UHFUHDWH�ZLWK�D�new target market. I chose a Levi Jean ad in Men’s Health Magazine because it immediately caught my

attention and I thought it would be a learning experience to be able to redesign an already successful ad.


A s s i g n m e n t

MeN’S HEALTHM a g a z i n e

LEVI STRAUSS& C O . J e a n s a dThis particular ad for Levi jeans is targeted

towards mature middle class males with a

UXUDO�ODERUHU�OLIHVW\OH��7KHLU�EUDQG�EHQHĂWV�include being affordable and durable. Levi

jeans have the potential to be used every day

with a very strong brand loyalty associated

with their name. The competitors are, and

not limited to, Calvin Klein and Gap.

Located in the United states, Men’s Health

Magazine is targeted to males with a

median subscriber age of 39. The audience

is located in the middle class range with

64% of its subscribers being employed full

time and 52% of their subscribers being

listed as married.

New Target Market

F O R T U N EM a g a z i n e

Professor Nikki Arnell then reviewed my research and assigned me my new target market of Fortune Magazine and overall direction I should take. During my research of my new target market I continued to research Levi’s brand loyalty to make sure I stay true to the company.

LEVI STRAUSS& C O . J e a n s a d

Located in the United states, Fortune Magazine is targeted to the middle and upper-class working male with and business and city lifestyle. I was directed to VWD\�DZD\�RI�WKH�UXUDO�VFHQHU\�WKDW�GHĂQHG�the original Levi ad.

// // //

T H u m b n a i l

S k e t c h e s

30 ideas for Levi AdOnce I was assigned and had research my new target market we were asked to create at least 30

thumbnail sketches. The guidelines were to use the same headline or create a new one. The product

image, logo, and tag line must remain the same as well as the overall branding positioning must remain

the same.

Tight SKETCHES After a discussion with Professor Nikki Arnell I was able to make the decision of the overall direction of for the new targeted ad. I decided to go with a direction of the tag line, “This country was not built by PHQ�LQ�VXLWVÞ�EHFDXVH�LW�LQVSLUHG�PH�WR�KDYH�D�SRLQW�RI�GLIIHUHQFH�LQ�D�PDJD]LQH�OLNH�)RUWXQH��0\�ĂQDO�WLJKW�LV�WKH�LGHD�RI�QLFH�ZRUN�FORWKHV�EHLQJ�WKURZQ�RQ�WKH�ăRRU�DQG�DOO�WKDWÛV�OHIW��KDQJLQJ�LV�WKH�UHOLDEOH�Levi Jean.






Working AD

P R O c e s s

My photography components (1) taken to incorporate in the industrial clothing rack image (2) credited to

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P R O c e s s

I placed my photography components in the image (3) by sizing and skewing them to help create a more realistic setting. I then scanned in the text and rearranged it WR�ĂW�LQWR�WKH�FORWKLQJ�UDFN�EDUV������0\�ĂQDO�VWHSV�DUH�to place the logo in the top middle of the ad, add drop VKDGRZV�DQG�Ă[�DQ\�FRORU�LVVXHV�