Creating Wikis - Building Your Warehouse Ben Smith and Jared Mader Red Lion Area School District...


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Creating Wikis - Building Creating Wikis - Building Your WarehouseYour Warehouse

Ben Smith and Jared MaderBen Smith and Jared MaderRed Lion Area School DistrictRed Lion Area School District

Friday, April 21, 2023Friday, April 21, 2023

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National Educational Technology Standards for Students

National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers

1.1. Student Learning & CreativityStudent Learning & Creativity

2.2. Digital Age Learning Digital Age Learning Experiences & AssessmentsExperiences & Assessments

3.3. Digital Age Work & LearningDigital Age Work & Learning

4.4. Digital Citizenship & Digital Citizenship & ResponsibilityResponsibility

5.5. Professional Growth & Professional Growth & LeadershipLeadership

A Taxonomy for Integrating Technology into Diverse Classrooms

Increasing Levels of CognitionCurriculum mastery deepens

Increasing Complexity of Technology SkillsTechnology choices become autonomous

Old Ways of Adding Web Content

Hard coding Know html

Use GoLive or Dreamweaver

Use Word, FrontPage, or Pagemill

Create with Inspiration

“Cookie Cutter” Method SchoolCenter, SchoolWorld, Edline

What is a Wiki?

Server software allowing users to freely create and edit Web page content using any Web browser

Supports hyperlinks between internal pages and external sites

Easy to add pages

Promotes content composition by non-technical users.


A History on Wiki

Began in 1995

Origin inspired by HyperCard

Can replace an intranet

There are now many wikisWikispaces


Source: Wikipedia

Issues with Wikis

Who is adding content?

Is the information reliable?

Different than a blogBlogs are more one on one interactions

Different than forumsForums allow many users to ask and answer specific questions

Wikis allow for collaboration - everyone can contribute and make changes

Wiki Uses

Work Collaboratively on Group ProjectsPresent class contentShare ideas for projectsPublish student examplesStudent portfoliosLab reportsMedia portfolioPodcast or Class Files directoryClassroom newsletterHost a class calendar

Wiki Setup

Internet Connection

Student Email Accounts (not required)Gaggle

Student Wiki AccountsTeachers can now set this up

Have students put in an identifiable account name

User Created Content

Student author/create their own mediaWriting Pad - Allow student authoring


Digital CamcordersDigital CamerasWidgets, Snippets, HTML embeddingGraphic OrganizersScreenshotsExternal Links


$5-$10 per month for removal of ads OR

Free for K-12 wikisContact wikispace - they set it up for you

Time for students to work

Walled Garden


Content Management SystemsBlackboard, SchoolCenter, Edline etc.

PB Wikis


Make your own website

Decisions / Considerations

Collaboration Policy

Can students create their own?

Navigation Menu - Plan aheadCreates the purpose and use of the wiki

Ways to Start

Create things that will affect the most students possible

Post the wiki and allow students to work as extra credit - begin with only a few students

Starting a Wiki

Create your own account and space, named appropriately

Public or Private

Develop framework and activities Create navigationStudents accounts are created

Students join the spaceTeacher approves students

Students begin contributingTeacher monitors Wiki

Managing a Wiki

Have changes forwarded to your email

Track recent changes

Add discussions

For you to do

Create wiki account if neededJoin our wiki - etispringdale09.wikispaces.comCreate your own page Post to our wiki on your pageCreate your own wiki

Upload text, image, pdfLink to a page inside of wikiLink to outside link

Checklist of Wiki Skills

Add TextAdd ImageAdd PDF or other fileAdd MP3Hyperlink to one of your pagesHyperlink to an outside webpageEmbed a widgetAdd a tableSpecial Characters

Advanced Skills Checklist

Make a New Space - My Account

Use Actions - Lock a Page and other things

Kick a member out

Monitor your space through email

Change the Look and Feel

Notifying Others



