CREATING MIXTURES USING DAIRY - s3-ap-southeast-2...


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This online curriculum-linked resource was produced by Dairy Australia.

The curriculum-linked resource is designed to introduce young people to the production of dairy foods and the dairy industry in Australia.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license

Under this license the material is available for free use and adaptation. Educators may use, adapt, communicate and republish material from the resource.

You must include the following statement on any copy or adaptation of the material.

Copyright: Dairy Australia 2015, except where indicated otherwise. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.

The materials in this educational resource have been developed by Angela Colliver from Angela Colliver Consulting Services Pty Ltd.

Dairy Australia would like to acknowledge and sincerely thank the teachers who shared their comments on the draft educational resource.

While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the contents of this educational resource are factually correct, Dairy Australia does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the contents, and shall not be liable for any loss or damage that may be occasioned directly or indirectly through the use of, or reliance on, the contents of this educational resource.


Resource description 2

Curriculum focus 2

Australian Curriculum Content Descriptions 3

A suggested teaching sequence 3

Step 1 The Scenario 4

Step 2 Define understandings 5

Step 3 Discover 6

Step 4 Dream 9

Step 5 Design 10

Step 6 Deliver – Produce 11

Step 7 Debrief 12

References and resources 13



This is a unit with six inquiry teaching sequences about creating mixtures with the help of dairy foods.

This learning sequence encourages students to consider how milk and cream are always ready to change form.

Students investigate how mixing and combining dairy foods can transform not only their colour but also their taste and textures.

Students plan an investigation to illustrate what they know about how different materials or ingredients can be combined or mixed to create some inspiring and tasty dairy recipes. They then plan and conduct their investigation about how different ingredients can be mixed together to create a ‘Food Fair’ using dairy foods.


This is a unit of work for Science and Technologies.

Year levels: Year 2





Year 2

Science Understanding: Chemical Sciences

Different materials can be combined, including by mixing, for a particular purpose ACSSU031

Science as a Human Endeavour: Nature and development of science

Science involves asking questions abour and describing changes in objects and events ACSHE034

Science as a Human Endeavour: Use and influence of science

People use sceince in their daily lives including when caring for their environment and living things ACSHE035 Science Inquiry Skills

Respond to and pose questions, and make predictions about familiar objects and events ACSIS037

Participate in different types of guided investigations to explore and answer questions, such as manipulating materials, testing ideas, and accessing information sources ACSIS038

Use informal measurements in the collection and recording of observations, with the assistance of digital technologies as appropriate ACSIS039

Use a range of methods to sort information, including drawings and provided tables ACSIS040

Through discussion, compare observations with predictions ACSIS214

Compare observations with those of others ACSIS041

Represent and communicate observations and ideas in a variety of ways such as oral and written language, drawing and role play ACSIS042


Foundation – Year 2

Technologies: Knowledge and understanding

Explore how plants and animals are grown for food, clothing and shelter and how food is selected and prepared for healthy eating ACTDEK003

General Capabilities

Literacy; Numeracy; ICT’s capabilities; Critical and creative thinking

Source: Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA), downloaded from the Australian Curriculum website in April 2015.

This learning sequence is underpinned by the work of Lee Crockett. It uses the solution fluency through six phases: Define; Discover; Dream; Design; Deliver and Debrief. The phases of the model are based on the 21st Century Fluencies created by Crockett et al. (2011).

The 21st Century Fluencies are outlined extensively in the book ‘Literacy Is Not Enough’ by Crockett et al. (2011). See and



Dairy Australia invites schools to ‘get in the mix’ and create mixtures with the help of dairy foods.

Food is fun to mix and make and even more fun to eat. Bring your love of food and cooking together and explore how different ingredients can be combined as you put on a food fair that celebrates dairy food!

What science investigations can assist you in your mission to mix up ingredients and make a dairy recipe for the food fair? What physical changes might milk, cream and yoghurt undergo when mixed with other ingredients?

Dairy Australia can help out with lots of recipes, images and information about dairy foods and how they can be used to make snacks, meals and drinks too. Look for them on the ‘Discover Dairy’ website

Your challenge is to use the website and a range of hands on activities and videos to help understand the effects of mixing ingredients together. Are you up for the challenge?

If so, then Dairy Australia would like you to celebrate dairy foods and host a ‘Food Fair’ of yummy, healthy dairy foods and their recipes.



Objective: Students need to illustrate their understanding of the challenges set out in the scenario by providing an oral definition of the task

Capture students’ interest and explore ‘what’s in the mix’ and involved in dairy farming. View

Read ‘The King’s Cake’ by Ben Kitchin at and talk about the dairy foods and other ingredients that went into the cake and the techniques that were used to make it. (Mix, mix, mix.)

Find out what the students think they know about how different dairy foods can be combined, including mixing to create a tasty food to eat or drink.

Make predictions and record these ideas. For example: ‘I predict you can make ....’

Play a game to explore what happens when mascarpone cheese is mixed with sugar and lemon juice and a broken up biscuit. See and select ‘Games’, ‘Lemon and Lime Cheesecake’ and then ‘Make it’. After ‘Washing hands’ select ‘Skip this step’.

Ask students to predict how the mascarpone cheese, when mixed with sugar and lemon juice might physically change. For example, the white cheese changes to look yellowish. The cheese becomes thicker.

Talk about how cooling the cheesecake in the refrigerator might change the cheesecake mixture. Ask students to share their predictions.

Play the game ‘Katy’s Shortbread’ at and ask students to firstly describe what’s in the bowl.

As a class complete a ‘Y chart’, where students contribute words to describe what the flour and butter might look like, feel like and taste like.

Repeat the ‘Y chart’ activity, this time challenging the students to predict and describe what the flour mixed with the butter might look like, feel like and taste like.

Ask students what they might need to know more about, in order to undertake the challenge set by Dairy Australia. Might they need to know something about mixing and how mixing dairy foods with other ingredients can create tasty foods? Might they need to read recipes and know how to write one too? Might they need to illustrate their chosen dairy food and write a procedural text explaining how it is made? Could they actually make their chosen dairy recipe at home and photograph the steps involved using their digital devices?

Prerequisite for progression

Ask students to articulate their understanding of the task/challenge through oral conversation and if appropriate a written (scribed) statement.

Note The Prerequisite for Progression are the checkpoints that occur at the end of each stage of the learning sequence. This is the time at which formative feedback is given to the students about what they have accomplished in that stage. It describes what the students must complete before they move onto the next phase of the unit. (Crockett , et al)



Objective: Students need to investigate, experiment, discuss, gather, organise understandings and text about the science involved in mixing ingredients in order to make a dairy food

Introduce the student section on the ‘Discover Dairy’ website. See

In pairs using a digital device, explain to the class they are to select their year level on the tool bar and then to choose the ‘dairy foods’ icon to discover the different dairy foods that could be mixed together or combined to design a dish for the class’s ‘Food Fair’.

Brainstorm students’ ideas and record these on a chart.

View the salad on the second image available at and talk about the different foods that are mixed together to create the salad. (lettuce, tomato, pumpkin, feta cheese and yellow capsicum)

View the video ‘Start and End your Day with Dairy’ at and invite students to think about the ways they start and end their day with dairy. Add ideas to the brainstormed list of other meals or drinks that could be included as part of the class’s ‘Food Fair’.

Focus on Milo Ask students to record what might be mixed together to make a glass of Milo. For example: To make a glass of Milo you need to mix...

The video also mentions a berry milkshake. Ask students to record what might be mixed together to make a berry milkshake. For example: To make a berry milkshake you need to mix...

Ask students to record what would be mixed together or combined to make their favourite milkshake too. Share students’ thinking and display work samples under the title ‘When you mix...’

Introduce the different types of measuring tools that are used in cooking. See

Discuss what measuring tools could be used to make a milkshake.

Create picture recipes describing ‘How to make a milkshake’

Talk about the science of chemistry. Ask students who can recall a science experiment where substances are mixed together. Share recollections as a class.

Talk about how in science, ‘a mixture’ refers to a material that is made up of two or more substances.

Undertake some ‘scientific research’ and provide students in pairs with a range of potential ingredients for making a dip. For example provide each pair with a bowl and spoon, a cup of Greek or natural yoghurt, half a diced cucumber, a pinch ground black pepper, a pinch of salt, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of olive oil.

Ask students to observe and record the colour, smell and texture of each ingredient.

Ask students to observe each ingredient and predict what it will do when added to the yoghurt mixture.

Follow instructions to make a ‘tzatziki’ recipe (for example combine all ingredients mentioned above in a bowl and refrigerate for 2 hours) and ask students to observe the end result and compare their and other student’s recipes.



Ask students to reflect on their predictions and observations and answer questions like:

• Were they similar or different?

• How is it similar to...?

• How is it different from...?

• What might this mixture be used for?

• Does it remind you of other mixtures? What are they called? What are they made up of?

Provide students with two plastic cups, a handful of strawberries, cherries, grapes or other available fruit, half a cup of vanilla yoghurt and a sprinkling of cinnamon.

Ask students to observe and record the colour, smell and texture of each ingredient.

Ask students to observe each ingredient and predict what it will do when added together to create a mixture.

Provide students with a ‘Yoghurt Mountain‘ recipe to follow from and ask students to observe the end result after making their Yoghurt Mountain and compare their and other student’s results.

Experiment with mixing butter or cream cheese and a variety of herbs, crushed nuts and spices. (For example, freshly chopped chives, parsley, thyme, basil or fennel, breadcrumbs, paprika or crushed nuts).

Challenge students to create flavoured butter or cheese truffles.

Experiment with adding flavourings by flattening some butter into a rectangle on a sheet of greaseproof paper, sprinkling the flavourings over the top and rolling up the butter to form a cylinder. Wrap up and store in a freezer to set and then slice before using it.

Make cheese truffles, ask students to mix the cream cheese, using a small spoon to form a ball and then roll the mixture into small balls. Sprinkle the coatings on separate plates and roll the ‘truffles’ in them until evenly coated. Chill in the refrigerator for an hour, then serve in petit four cases.

Find out what students now know about how dairy foods when mixed can change and combine to make tasty new meals or snacks.

Encourage students to tell, write or draw their ideas. Display these for future reference.


Play what happens when? Provide students with a table to record their predictions.

For example: What happens when?

Question: What happens when cream and food colouring are mixed together?

Question: What happens when cream and air are mixed together?

Question: What happens when you mix cream and an egg white together?

Question: What happens when you add cream, icing sugar and cream cheese together?

Question: What happens when you mix heated cream and grated chocolate together?

Model the creation of other mixtures that separate using an easy ricotta cheese recipe. See ‘Fresh Ricotta in Five Minutes or Less’ at

Talk with the students about how this recipe demonstrates how milk can change its properties this time when it is heated and has an acidic mixture added to it.

Ask students to watch the mixture change, talk about what is happening and why and record ideas as a word chain describing the changes that occurred this time when ricotta style cheese was made.

Invite students to compare observations too. Discuss questions like:

• What can we do to milk to change it into ricotta style cheese?

• Can we possibly change the ricotta style cheese back into milk? Why or why not?

Form pairs to write a short illustrated record about the science involved in making a food using ingredients that are mixed together.

Share the students’ science understandings with others. For example, ask students to share what they have been learning about with family members at home.

Prerequisite for progression

Students have worked as a class, in groups and in pairs and collected research on the science involved in mixing ingredients in order to make a dairy food.

Hands on learning, videos and images are used to contextualise understanding. Students will share their ideas with peers, the teacher and family.


Objective: Students need to imagine how they are going to mix ingredients and create some inspiring and tasty dairy recipes

Ask students to visualise being in a kitchen with the help of an adult if needed, and mixing ingredients to create some inspiring and tasty dairy recipes. What might they mix together?

As a class, brainstorm all the different ways they might create a ‘Food Fair’. For example students might use recycled dairy packaging and measuring cups to showcase how to make their tasty dairy recipe. Other ideas include using modelling clay, chalk drawings, photographs or a video!

Develop possible solutions by viewing these recipes for inspiration. View images on the ‘Discover Dairy’ website at Download recipe books too!

View other dairy recipes showing how to make:

• Banana smoothie muffins

• Yoghurt mountains

• Cheesy corn tortilla wedges

• Fruity popsicles

• Zucchini cakes with tzatziki dip

• Cheese straws

Ask students to imagine the mixing and other steps involved in making their chosen dairy food.

Challenge students to think about the materials, tools, equipment and ingredients they will need to make their dairy food.

Ask students to imagine how their dairy food and its recipe might feature in the ‘Food Fair’.

Invite students to think about how they might present their dairy food recipe as a written procedure too.

Progressions for Learning

The class have brainstormed ideas to begin imagining how they are going to mix ingredients and create some inspiring and tasty dairy recipes and have answered the questions posed in the dream phase.



Objective: Students need to explain, prepare and action how they are going to mix ingredients and create some inspiring and tasty dairy foods and present their recipes

Ask students to decide on their ingredients that will be mixed to make a dairy food.

Invite students to design their ‘Food Fair’ item.

Ask students to draft the steps involved in making their ‘Food Fair’ item and associated recipe.

Ask students to gather the materials, tools, equipment and ingredients needed and then demonstrate the ingredients that need to be mixed together to create it.

Invite students to make their ‘Food Fair’ item and associated recipe.

Invite a peer class group to the class to ‘Get in the mix’ and find out more about ingredients that can be mixed together to make a dairy food.

Prerequisite for progression

Students are able to document in oral or written/digital forms how this project is to occur. The understanding is demonstrated by the students explaining their thinking to a peer class group.



Objective: Students need to deliver their celebration of dairy foods and host a Food Fair of yummy, healthy dairy foods and their recipes

The Delivery phase has two stages – production and publication. In the production stage the project comes to life – this is the doing phase. At the end of this phase the stories showing the steps involved in making a healthy snack using a dairy food should be completed.

Ask students to communicate how they are going to create their ‘Food Fair’ item and associated recipe from start to finish!

In the publication stage, students get to showcase all of their thinking and planning. This is the time when students deliver their Food Fair creations and associated recipes to each other or an audience. This is a good time for peer or self-assessment.

Showcase the ‘Food Fair’ creations and associated recipes showing what ingredients are mixed together to make their creation.

Create a simulated ‘Food Fair’ and invite students, teachers and parents to ‘Discover Dairy Creations and their Recipes’!

Prerequisite for progression

Each student has produced a Food Fair item and written its associated recipe.



Objective: Assess the results of the celebration of dairy foods and host a Food Fair of yummy, healthy dairy foods and their recipes

Ask students to reflect on their learning and:

• Draw something new you learnt about how dairy foods can be mixed with other ingredients.

• Describe what worked well and not so well in their efforts to mix together different ingredients.

• Talk about what they learned about how to make a new recipe that included a dairy food.

• Recall their favourite dairy recipe and describe why it is  their all time favourite.




A Golden Afternoon (2011) Cheese Its. Retrieved from

Aromatic Delights (2013) Dirt Pudding. Retrieved from

Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority. Australian Curriculum. Retrieved from

British Broadcasting Corporation (1996) CBeebies. I Can Cook. Retrieved from

Cooking with Kids (2014) How to Measure for Kids. Retrieved from

Creative Commons (2013) Creative Commons. Retrieved from

Crockett, L. & Jukes, I. & Churches, A. (2011) Literacy is not enough. 21st Century Fluency Project Inc.

Dairy Australia (2015) Discover Dairy. Retrieved from

Dairy Australia (2015) Discover Dairy. Retrieved from

Weiss, M. & Moss, S. (2013) A day in the life of a dairy farmer’. ABC Open Project. Retrieved from

Dairy Australia (2015) Discover Dairy. Retrieved from

Dairy Australia (2015) Discover Dairy. Retrieved from

Dairy Australia (2015) Discover Dairy. Retrieved from

Dairy Australia (2015) Discover Dairy. Retrieved from

Dairy Australia (2015) Discover Dairy. Retrieved from

Dairy Australia (2015) Discover Dairy. Retrieved from






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