Creating a SafeZone at Utica College Contact Information: Marissa FinchFran Lucia Office of...


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Creating a SafeZone at

Utica College

Contact Information:

Marissa Finch Fran LuciaOffice of Residence Life Office of Student Activities

What is a SafeZone?

A SafeZone is a place where all people feel welcome and safe. It may be a room, a car, or an entire college campus. Creating SafeZones is a proactive step that schools, agencies and corporations can take to create welcoming, inclusive spaces so that all people are empowered to reach their full potential.

(Gay Alliance,

Creating a Utica College SafeZone

The goal of establishing a SafeZone program at Utica College is to create a supportive and safe environment for all individuals regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or gender expression. We do that through:

• Increasing our campus community’s knowledge, understanding and awareness about lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning/queer (LGBTQ) issues

• Enhancing our campus’s sense of community while providing information and resources to individuals in order for them to create their own SafeZone in which they can provide a supportive and welcoming environment for others

Levels of Participation in a SafeZone Program

• SafeZone Certified Individuals• These individuals are able to create their own safe space. It can be in their office, in the

residence hall room, anywhere they have a quiet, safe, welcoming environment.• These individuals receive stickers to place on their spaces to designate their spaces as a

SafeZone• These individuals cannot train others to be SafeZone certified

• SafeZone Trainers• These individuals are able to create their own safe space. It can be in their office, in the

residence hall room, anywhere they have a quiet, safe, welcoming environment.• These individuals receive stickers to place on their spaces to designate their spaces as a

SafeZone• These individuals can work together to train individuals to be SafeZone certified• These individuals cannot train others to be trainers

Training – the first step to creating a SafeZone program at UC!

Utica College’s Diversity Committee and a number of other sponsors are bringing the Gay Alliance of Rochester, NY to Utica College on April 18, 2015 for a day-long training session that will train 30 participants to be SafeZone Trainers.

These 30 participants will then work with Fran and Marissa to train willing Utica College participants (faculty, staff, and students) to be SafeZone certified so they can develop their own safe spaces.

How to Become a Trainer• SafeZone Train-the-Trainer participants should be fully on board with LGBTQ

equality and have a basic knowledge of LGBTQ issues.• 30 participants will be selected to attend the Train-the-Trainer certification. • This participant group will be selected in order to be representative of the

whole campus. We will be looking for representatives from a variety of offices, departments and types of participants (students, faculty, staff, etc.).• Please Note: We can only accept 30 participants for this training.

Individuals not selected will be placed on an alternate list and will be offered a position should they become available. Those on the alternate list will also receive the first chance to become SafeZone certified once the committee of trainers begins to plan these certification seminars.

Train-the-Trainer Certification at Utica College

• The Train-the-Trainer certification program will take place on Saturday, April 18, 2015 in the Boehlert Conference Center from 8:30 AM- 5:00 PM.• Chosen participants must commit to being at the certification

presentation for the full day.• After being trained, participants in the SafeZone Trainer

certification program are expected to work as part of a team to create sessions which anybody can attend and become SafeZone certified.

Train-the-Trainer Application Process

• Apply Here:• All applications are due back to Marissa Finch (

or Fran Lucia ( by March 20th.• Selected participants will be notified by March 27th

• Selected participants have until April 3rd to confirm their attendance. After April 3rd, their spot will be offered to another individual from the alternate list.

Interested in Becoming SafeZone Certified?

• Once the SafeZone Trainer certification takes place in April, these individuals will work to create sessions in which anybody can attend and become SafeZone certified

• These training sessions will take place a couple of times a semester to allow for all interested individuals to have the opportunity to become SafeZone certified


Please feel free to contact Marissa or Fran with any questions regarding the SafeZone initiative at Utica College!

Marissa Finch Fran LuciaOffice of Residence Life Office of Student (315)792-3428
