Crash Course in Creativity Assignment: How Can You Help Snorer with Light Sleeping Partner Sleep...



Crash Course in Creativity Assignment - Challenge Assumptions 2: How Can You Help Snorer with Light Sleeping Partner Sleep Well? List of 100 Brainstormed ideas (some better than others) for helping a couple with one snorer and another light sleeper both sleep well through the night.

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Snoring Partner, Light Sleeper

Quiet/stop snoring

- Surgery- Breathe Right Nasal Strips- Sleep on side (not back)- Get enough sleep- Keep a regular sleep schedule- Use humidifier- Use anti-snoring mouth guard- Elevate upper body with pillows to release pressure on airway- Raise top half of bed to elevate upper body to release pressure on airway- Eat honey before bedtime- Keep mouth taped shut (breathe through nose only)- Wake snorer when snoring- Apparatus that “hears” snoring and pokes/wakes up snorer briefly to stop snoring- Alarm that senses snoring and wakes snorer- Use anti-snoring pillow- Pillow over face- Snorer loses weight- Avoid alcohol- Avoid sleeping pills- Avoid dairy foods – milk, yogurt, etc. – before bed- Quit smoking- Get allergies treated- Saline spray before bed- Palate strips inside mouth- Anti-snoring mouthpiece- Antihistamine before bed- Soundproof “bulb” over snorer’s head with oxygen source- Cocoon-type full-body “bubble” to fully encapsulate snorer- Astronaut suit with full head “fishbowl” (for snorer)- Snorer never sleeps- Suffocation- Hire mediator to wake snorer when snoring- Hypnosis

Keep light sleeper from hearing snoring

- Earplugs

- Noise cancelling headphones- Run a fan in the room- Astronaut suit with full head “fishbowl” (for light sleeper)- Sound machine – white noise- TV on static for white noise- TV on regular channel all night- Radio on static for white noise- Sleep with window open (if in loud area) to drown out snoring- Music on headphones for light sleeper- Surround sound music for light sleeper- Move to oceanfront property; sleep with windows open- Padded walls (reduce echo)- Special material in bed to “absorb” sound- Waterbed – sounds louder than snoring- Hypnosis- Invent device that makes sounds that “cancel out” snoring sound waves- Whistle in snorer’s mouth to make whistle sound to overwhelm snoring sound.

Separate snorer and light sleeper

- Snorer sleeps with head under covers; other outside of covers- Sleep head-to-toe- Build retractable wall between them for sleeping- Build permanent wall between them for sleeping- Bunk beds, snorer on top- Separate beds on different sides of same room- Separate rooms- Separate houses- Separate sleep schedules (night vs. day)- Separate sleep schedules (hour on, hour off)- Snorer goes to sleep after other is already asleep (less likely to hear snoring)- Trade child for partner for sleeping- Divorce- Murder

Get light sleeper used to snoring/minimize effect

- Record snoring; play back louder than actual snoring during night- Record snoring; play throughout the day to help light sleeper become accustomed to it- Practice getting back to sleep easily when woken up by snoring

Help light sleeper sleep through sound, disruptions

- Sleeping pills- Alcohol- Exhaustion

Help light sleeper sleep more soundly and/or get back to sleep if woken up

- Avoid alcohol at night- Avoid caffeine at night- Avoid nicotine and other stimulants at night- Don’t use bedroom for work, eating, etc.- Remove TV from bedroom- Avoid computer use before bed- Meditation before sleeping – forget stressors- Keep pen and paper nearby – write down things you are worried about forgetting so you can

relax- Try hot bath before bed to relax- Herbal tea before bed to relax (unless it makes you have to get up to go the bathroom at night)- Avoid napping during the day- Avoid liquids before bed (if it forces you to go to bathroom during the night)- Exercise during the day- Read just before bed- Crosswords or other mind exercises before bed- Keep room very dark during sleep- Keep room comfortable temperature- New bed that won’t squeak with movement- New bed that won’t shake other person with movement- Keep glass of water near bed so you don’t have to get up if thirsty during the night- Try magnesium and calcium together for better sleeping- Try aromatherapy before bed to relax- Try melatonin before bed for better sleeping- Yoga before bed- Meditation before bed- Eat a banana before bed

Take Advantage of Snoring

- Device that takes snoring and turns it into soothing sounds – ocean waves, etc.

- Gamify it – light sleeper scores points for sleeping through snoring; snorer scores points for minimizing snoring

- Record awful snoring; video goes viral; earn money to pay for any remedy- Create reality show about couple dealing with snoring; become next Kardashians