CPSP Research Synopsis Analysis Checklist




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CPSP Research Synopsis Analysis Checklist

CPSP uses a systemic checklist for the analysis of Research Synopsis. This checklist should be followed after writing a Research Synopsis.


Synopsis Yes No Remarks

1. Submitted with supervisor's certificate

2. Submission of synopsis within: - Six months of commencement of sub-specialty training (5 years program) - Twelve months of commencement of training (3 years program) - Eighteen months of commencement of training (4 years program)

3. Format is according to the CPSP instruction manual

4. The study is not being duplicated in the same institute

5. Does not exceed four pages of A-4 size paper

6. Statistical evaluation - Sample size appropriate  - Duration of study appropriate for the study design (must not be less than 6 months) - Data analysis procedure adequate - Appropriate statistical tests mentioned

7. Bibliography - Minimum of five references are quoted - References are according to Vancouver style - All references can be authenticated - Recent references are mentioned (last 5 years)

8. References - Recent references are mentioned (last 5 years) - Relevant references are cited - Local references are cited


TITLE Yes No Remarks

Title is clear and precise

Relevant to the specialty

Important to the specialty


Problem adequately introduced

Background explained with relevant references

Rationale of the study clarified

Precise and in student's own language


Defined in clear, measurable terms


Appropriate setting of the study mentioned

Procedure for subject selection appropriate

Data collection procedure(s) appropriate for the problem

Proforma appropriate

Will the study use data generated after the approval of synopsis

Ethical issues, if any, addressed?


Synopsis Yes No Remarks

Title does not contain any abbreviations

Title rejects objectives of the study

Introduction highlights purported

Objectives stated in clear, measurable terms

Appropriate operational definitions stated

Study design suitable for the objectives

Sampling technique correct

Sample size appropriate

Setting of the study mentioned

Data collection procedure adequately explained - Diagnostic criteria of cases mentioned - Source of data clearly identified - Steps of data collection in proper sequence - Confounding variables controlled

Proforma appropriate

Ethical issues, if any, addressed

Will the study use data generated after the approval of synopsis?

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