COVID-19 Parent/Student-Athlete...12. Concession stands- prohibited 13. Notify Head Coach of...


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Parent/Student-Athlete COVID-19

BASD Athletics

#1 priority -


Parent/Student-athlete COVID-19

Summer workouts are voluntary.

● Student-athletes who opt out will not be penalized.● If opting out, student-athletes should contact coach to

receive guidance on conditioning programs.

Parent/Student-athlete COVID-19

COVID-19 is a communicable disease that transmits from human to human through air/respiratory droplets from an

infected person when they cough, sneeze, talks. The droplets can land in the mouth and noses of those people that are nearby and possibly inhaled into the lungs. There is evidence that the

infection is also transmitted from surfaces.

BASD Parent COVID-19

With no real possibility of stopping the spread until a vaccine is developed, there are ways to limit one’s risk of

being infected and spreading the virus.

Physical distancing, wearing masks, personal hygiene - such as washing hands and using sanitizer.

Parent/Student-athlete COVID-19

Those who have a higher risk of contracting COVID-19:

● Those over the age of 60● Those with underlying medical conditions:

○ Cardiovascular disease○ Diabetes - type 2○ COPD○ Obesity○ Sickle Cell○ Cancer○ Immunocompromised patients

Parent/Student-athlete COVID-19

Those who have a perceived higher risk of contracting COVID-19:

● Asthma

● Cerebrovascular disease

● Cystic fibrosis


● Immunocompromised state

● Neurologic conditions (Dementia)

● Liver disease

● Pregnancy

● Pulmonary fibrosis

● Smoking

● Type 1 diabetes

● Thalassemia (blood disorder)

Parent/Student-athlete COVID-19

If your son/daughter has any of the previously mentioned conditions, please report on the

google form.

Parent/Student-athlete COVID-19

Screenings:● A “Participation Waiver for Communicable Disease and

COVID-19” must be signed and returned to the Head Coach before participation in off-season training is allowed.

● Each Head Coach will share with your son/daughter an “Athletic Self-reporting Screening” google form. Prior to each practice session, the form must be filled out and submitted. If not, the student-athlete will not be able to participate.

Parent/Student-athlete COVID-19

Signs and Symptoms:● S/S can occur 2-14 days after exposure. Please know that the

infected person was contagious 2 days prior to the S/S were detected.

● S/S can range from mild to severe; some COVID-19 patients can be asymptomatic (meaning showing or having any signs or symptoms).

Parent/Student-athlete COVID-19

Signs and Symptoms:● Fever and chills

● Cough

● Shortness of Breath (SOB) or difficulty breathing

● Fatigue

● Muscle or body aches

● Headache

● New loss of smell or taste

● Sore throat

● Congestion or runny nose

● Nausea or vomiting

● Diarrhea

● Temperature over 100 F

Parent/Student-athlete COVID-19

Look for:

● Trouble breathing● Persistent pain or pressure in the chest● New confusion● Inability to wake or stay awake● Bluish lips or face

Parent/Student-athlete COVID-19

What do you do if you are sick?


● Contact your primary care physician - call ahead before going to let

the office know your signs and symptoms

● Wear a cloth face covering

● Cover coughs and sneezes

● Clean hands often using soap - wash for 20 seconds

● Avoid sharing household items

● Clean high touch areas

Parent/Student-athlete COVID-19

What do you do if you are sick?

● Email your coach to let them know

● Be prepared to identify other members of your pod (group)

● If a positive COVID-19 testing occurs, contact tracing will start

almost immediately.

Parent/Student-athlete COVID-19

CALL 911, if...

● Trouble breathing● Persistent pain or pressure in the chest● New confusion● Inability to wake or stay awake● Bluish lips or face

Parent/Student-athlete COVID-19


Return to athletics can begin once the individual is cleared by a licensed medical physician or CRNP and is determined to be non-contagious, fever free (without fever-reducing medicine), and 3 days sign and symptom free.

Parent/Student-athlete COVID-19Practice Sessions:

● Each student-athlete should arrive on time and not before to practice.● Wear the workout clothes needed for the day (no cut-offs - shirts must be “T”

shirts without slits up the side and shorts) NO locker room access will be available. Assigned bathrooms will be available.

● Student-athletes must bring their own water and water bottle, mask, and hand sanitizer.

● While inside the building - masks must be worn. No roaming around the building.

● Student-athletes are to leave after practice and return home to shower.

Parent/Student-athlete COVID-19


1. Review the Student-Athlete Responsibilities and expectations document with your child(ren).

2. Student-Athlete Waiver Form must be submitted prior to the first practice session.

3. Take your child’s temperature prior to each practice - if 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit or higher- student is not allowed to attend practice/conditioning (email head coach) Fill out “Athletic Self-Reporting form” including temperature on form before attending each practice.

Parent/Student-athlete COVID-19


4. Label/send water bottle (>32 ounces) to practice/conditioning with your child

5. Stay in car during drop off/pick up. Masks need to be worn outside of the car.

6. Parents/Guardians are not permitted in facilities. Not permitted to attend practices or conditioning

Parent/Student-athlete COVID-19


7. Pick up students on time- this will help to eliminate students congregating

8. If child had underlying condition- parent/guardian should contact Head Coach

9. Post-workout snacks/drinks- prohibited

Parent/Student-athlete COVID-19


10. Proper handwashing- very important in mitigating spread of communicable diseases

11. We discourage carpooling. If necessary- please wear masks.

12. Concession stands- prohibited

13. Notify Head Coach of positive Covid-19 diagnosis. If your child has come into contact with someone who has Covid-19, has a temperature of 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit or higher or is simply ill at practice.

Parent/Student-athlete COVID-19


10. Proper handwashing- very important in mitigating spread of communicable diseases

11. We discourage carpooling. If necessary- please wear masks.

12. Concession stands- prohibited

13. Notify Head Coach of positive Covid-19 diagnosis. If your child has come into contact with someone who has Covid-19, has a temperature of 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit or higher or is simply ill at practice.

Parent/Student-athlete COVID-19


1. All athletes and parents/guardians must review the material, sign the acknowledgement form,and return it to the coach prior to the first day of practice/conditioning. Student-athletes will not be permitted to participate in the first practice/summer recreation until this acknowledgment form is on file.

2. All parents must complete the Athletic Pre-screening form including your temperature before practice supplied by your coach. BE HONEST. It only takes one person to shut down practices.

Parent/Student-athlete COVID-19


3. A positive screening that would warrant further investigation include:

A. Temperature of 100.0 F or higher

B. New onset of cough or shortness of breath

C. Known exposure to a Covid-19 positive individual in the last 14 days

Parent/Student-athlete COVID-19


4. All participants shall bring their own water bottle(s) with their names on the bottle. It is recommended to have a water container greater than 32oz. Water bottles must not be shared.

5. Participants should wear appropriate workout clothing and shoes to the practice venue as well as to bring their own towels. Sharing of clothes, shoes, and towels are prohibited. Locker rooms will not be available during this initial phase.

6. Students should arrive no earlier than 15 minutes before a scheduled workout


7. Minimum distance of 6 feet between each individual should be observed whenever possible. Appropriate physical distancing will need to be maintained on sidelines and benches during practices. Participants should stand six feet apart when not participating in a drill or activity that requires closer contact. No fist pumps, high fives, etc.

8. In the weight room, appropriate clothing (shorts, shirts, and shoes) must be worn at all times to minimize sweat from transmitting onto equipment/surfaces. Weight equipment must be wiped down thoroughly before and after an individual’s use of the equipment. Maximum lifts should be limited and power racks should be used for squats and bench presses. Spotters should stand at each end of the bar.

Parent/Student-athlete COVID-19


9. Masks are to be worn at all times. Coaches will direct you when masks can be removed. Exceptions include distant running, and other high intensity activity. In these activities, cloth face coverings may be worn when not engaging in vigorous activity, such as before or after instruction, or any time spent on the “sidelines” when physical activity is not being performed.

10. It is mandatory that you take your temperature every day before practice. If your temperature is 100.0 F or higher, you are not permitted to attend any practices/activities that day. If you are feeling ill without a temperature, it is recommended that you do not attend practice.

Parent/Student-athlete COVID-19


11. Student-athletes are not to congregate in lobbies or outside before, during or after a session.

12. Should you test positive for Covid-19 virus at any time, you are responsible to contact your Coach.

13. Participants are encouraged to use the following hygiene protocols:A. Wash hands with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds or use hand

sanitizer, especially after touching frequently used items or surfaces.B. Avoid touching your faceC. Sneeze or cough into a tissue, or the inside of your elbowD. Bring and use hand sanitizer to every training season.

Parent/Student-athlete COVID-19

Thank you for all that you do. Our sporting events will be a great opportunity to bring normalcy to our student-athletes’ lives. Please

make sure you dedicate each day to healthy habits.
