Course Book Bsns 7360 International Business s2 2015




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Faculty of Creative Industries and Business

Department of Management and Marketing

Bachelor of Business

Course Handbook (Includes Course Descriptor; Assignment 2: Market Entry Strategy; and Assignment 4: Reflective Learning Journal)

BSNS 7360 International Business

Course Co-ordinator: Alastair Emerson B.A (University of Otago), Master of Management (Massey University), Associate Fellow (NZ Institute of Management)

Lecturer: Dr. K. Asoka Gunaratne PhD (University of Canterbury), MCom (University of Auckland), MBA (University of SJ), BSc (University of Ceylon), FCIM (UK) Chartered Marketer (UK)

Office: Asoka 054 – 2012; Alastair 054-2003Phone: 815 4321 Extension 7035 (Asoka); 7033 (Alastair)Email:


Course Title: International Business

Course number: BSNS 7360 Level: 7 Credits: 15Main programme: Bachelor of BusinessPre-requisites: BSNS 6340 Strategic Thinking for Managers/APMG 6340 Strategic Thinking for ManagersCo-requisites: NoneRestrictions: NoneCompulsory/elective: Compulsory (Management)


Lecturer contact hours Non-contact hours Total hours39 111 150

Course aim:

To enable to examine the drivers, and processes shaping the global economic environment of the 21st century.

Learning outcomes

1. Investigate the nature and impact of the global business environment

2. Compare and contrast international trade theories

3. Analyse the role of foreign direct investment in the global economy

4. Investigate regional economic integration

5. Examine the nature and operation of global money and capital markets

6. Investigate strategies for international business

7. Apply selected international business issues to the New Zealand economy


The components and drivers of international business; advantages and problems of

globalisation; principles of absolute and comparative advantage; trade disputes; foreign

direct investment in New Zealand; the role of international brands; the role of the World

Trade Centre; New Zealand’s existing and proposed economic agreements with other

countries; the operation of the international monetary fund; the need for a global


perspective; the motivations of international expansion; the impact of globalisation on

New Zealand; barriers to entry to global markets for New Zealand businesses.


Weighting Nature of assessment Learningoutcomes

25% Business Strategy Game 1,5,630% Market Entry Strategy 3,4,5,625% Fortnightly Quiz 1,2,3,4,5,620% Reflective Learning and Journal All

Learning and teaching approaches:

Student centred discovery techniques including interactive lectures, discovery and research,

individual and group reflection, action learning/research.


Please refer to the current programme booklist or my course details

Students are required to access the Moodle and the internet for materials relevant to this course.

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P Sem 1 2015 11 Feb 2015


SEMESTER TWO 2015 - BSNS 7360 International Business

Assignment 2– Market Entry StrategySemester: Semester 2, 2015

Date issued: Monday 27th July 2015

Due date and time: Friday 28th August 2015 at 5.30 pm

Delivery: Building 054 level 1 assignment box (5.30 pm), and turnitin,

Total marks: 50 marks

Weighting: 30% of course

Instructions: Complete this cover sheet and attach it to your assignment. Where applicable, show details of your workings. This is an individual assignment and must be your own work. Collusion, copying or plagiarism may result in disciplinary action We advise that you keep a copy of this assignment.

Student Name:

Student ID No:

Lecturer: Dr. Asoka Gunaratne Class time and location:

Tuesday 1.00 pm – 4.00 pm (Location: 114- 2001)

Student declaration: I confirm that:

This is an original assessment and is entirely my own work. Where I have used ideas, tables, diagrams etc of other writers,

I have acknowledged the source in every case. This assignment has not been, nor will be, submitted as assessed work

for any other academic course.

Signature of student:



This group project is the first assignment for this course. Projects are to be carried out by student groups of three to four, or as approved by your lecturer. The group will share responsibility for selection of a canned fruit product from New Zealand to be exported to a country of your choice in Latin America, the preparation of a written report and its presentation to the class.

Your task – Your group has been just appointed to manage the exporting of a canned fruit product to Latin America by a New Zealand exporter. Your first task is to investigate the foreign market and the possible entry strategies for this product into a country of your choice in Latin America. Your report to the company marketing director should include the following:

Analysis of the product – Make sure you are marketing the right product, it is unique, it appeals to a wide enough market, and adequately address the issue of standardization and adaptation (10 marks)

Analysis of main competitors – Name the Key competitors and present their profiles (10 marks)

The market profile of the targeted country – The size, growth rates, PEST environment etc – you need to accurately reference the sources of information (30 marks)

A review of the entry strategies considered (25 marks)

Selection and justification of one strategy - Make reference to business environment, political concerns and regulatory issues (15 marks)

Additionally the Class presentation will carry 10 marks.

This assignment is demanding and will require a significant amount of research. It is useful to tabulate as much information as possible in meaningful easy to read formats and then discuss contents in sufficient detail.

The emphasis of the report should be on review of the targeted country business environment and the


selection of the appropriate strategy. For this purpose you need to conduct a significant amount of research on the web and you are required to append a list of source sites visited to your report. Your paper should be presented in a business report format. Use 12 point Times New Roman font in your answer script. Spacing should be 1.5. The answer should be limited to 3000 – 3250 words.

A copy of the written agreement and a time log showing every group meeting and those attending these meetings, must be given to your lecturer along with your submission. Failure to do so will incur a penalty of 5 marks. Marks will be deducted for non-attendance of agreed group meetings.


Two days (September 15th & 22nd) are set aside to hear all class submissions. Each presentation will be a maximum of 20 minutes in length. Five minutes will follow each presentation during which the group will field questions from the class concerning the project. All group members must participate in the presentation.

All presentation materials (overheads, videos, etc) must be handed over to the lecturer at the commencement of the class session on 15th September 2015. Failure to do so will incur a penalty of 5 marks. The presentation must be based on the material handed over in advance and any new materials used will not be considered for assigning the grade.

Any student not present will have to submit an SAC application and make a presentation at a date and time given by the lecturer, to qualify for marks, and the rest of the group will be required to make the full presentation at the time allocated. No postponements of the presentation will be allowed.


Under normal circumstances group members will receive equal marks. If, however, one or more group members fail to take an equal share of the work, peer group evaluation will determine the individual grades for the project. Each group should include with their final project a declaration that they accept equal marks, or alternatively, a submission that one or more member of the group should be allocated different marks, and the reason for this. All group members must sign the final declaration.

Plagiarism - Failure to acknowledge the use of another’s piece of work is considered plagiarism and it could lead to a loss of all marks allocated for the assignment or more severe penalties. Most commonly, plagiarism exists when: (a) The work submitted or presented was done, in whole or in part, by an individual other than the one submitting or presenting the work; (b) Parts of the work or the whole work are taken from another source without reference to the original author; (c) A student submits or presents work in one course which has also been submitted in another course (although it may be completely original with that student) without the knowledge of, or prior agreement, of the instructor involved. Plagiarism is an extremely serious academic offence.



Polished delivery, professional deportment 20Personal presentationConfidenceEye contact (material not read)AudibilityPace, vocal varietyNo distracting mannerisms

Organisation of material, structure of presentation 40Strength of openingStrength of closeLogical developmentTransitions (smooth, easy to follow)Well supported arguments

Incorporation of graphic information 20Quality of visual aidsEase of use

Interest of audience maintained 10Presentation pitched at appropriate levelLack of complexity / jargon explained

Initiation and handling of discussion 10Discussion encouragedConfidence in responding to questionsCredibility and knowledge displayed

Total 100 ===



ASSIGNMENT 4: Reflective Learning Journal

Reflective learning journal is based on your own experience. Writing a reflective journal requires you to think deeply about the learning experience you have had while completing the BSNS7360 International Business Course. You may need to reflect on your course content, the mode of delivery, the application and thereafter consider how these contributed to the development of your reflective judgement. You are required to read at least 10 Journal articles that helps you to understand the content that should be included in a reflective journal.

In a reflective essay you write about yourself, your experiences, your ideas and opinions. In these you state your views, and argue your point. In the body of the essay you can discuss how you grew in knowledge, understanding, and capability over the course.

Consider this reflection as an analytical piece of your learning about the content covered in the BSNS 7360 Course. Relate your insights to ten pieces of refereed literature you have read in relation to completing this assignment.

Write down a summary of the main points you have learned, and want to think about.

Take each in turn, and consider some or all of the following:o Do you fully understand what it is about, and what it means in the context of your studies?o Do you agree with what it says? Why or why not?


o Is it necessarily true? Could something else explain things equally well?

o What does it mean for you, personally?o What are you going to do about it?o How will you use this in your future career?

Assignment 4: Reflective Learning Journal: Marking Guide

Total Marks = 50; Weight 20%

1. Introduction 5 Marks

2. Narrative of feelings and thought while doing the course, and what are your feeling and thoughts now? What were the effects of what you did during the course? 15 marks

3. What would you differently in a similar situation if you were doing it again? Relate your experience to the information gathered from the literature review.

15 marks

4. Conclusion – summary of the issues explored and their significance.

15 marks

