Country Western Singer Steve Conover proves Facebook Marketing works by Donna Newman



Get the full details on how a country western singer, Steve Conover, launched his first album using Facebook and operated in the BLACK his first month. Follow these action items and you could model his social media success. Article by Donna Newman of

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I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “pick something you love to do and find a way to make money at it!” This week’s “Success Story” is about a man who did just that. He not only found a niche, it was also his passion and he definitely found a way to make money at it. Not every musician makes it to the top or even sells a single CD, but Steve Conover started out on the suggestion of a friend.

Currently living in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia just outside of Winchester, Steve runs his music business out of the comfort of his own studio. In 1999, Steve wrote two songs for a friend Phil Robertson, Phil was known as the Duck Commander. Phil wanted these two songs to be used on a duck hunting DVD. The feedback from those two songs was so great that Phil convinced Steve to record an entire country music CD of songs about hunting with a sprinkle of spirituality.... it was a huge success! His music is used across the hunting industry in TV Shows and DVDs as well as folks that appreciate country music.


Steve started using social media in 2007 as a way to brand himself as the "Jimmy Buffet of Hunting” and quickly found out how powerful this new medium was and also how time consuming it could be! Instead of competing with the entire genre of country music he went out on a limb to be more specific. Combining country music with some southern rock and his classic spiritual touch, he hit a bull’s eye on his target market.

He was introduced to the Total Social Media Agency application created by in late July 2011 when a friend asked him to 'check out a new Facebook tool. Half way through the video, he called his friend and said, "This is EXACTLY what I've been looking for!"

"I didn't have a big ad budget so I needed to find a way to communicate with people who would fit my demographic...people who love to hunt and fish....that also like country and southern rock music. I found that several famous musicians such as Hank Williams Jr. and Ted Nugent had hundreds of thousands of Facebook Fans...both of these artists also are vocal supporters of Hunting and Gun Rights... I also found that most of the popular hunting and fishing TV shows had Fan Pages! MY KINDA PEOPLE!"

To zero in on his target market, he 'socialized and engaged' the fans of those pages by adding "VALUE" to the posted conversations. RESULT: A HUGE increase in FREE traffic to his page, which resulted in sales.






Musician Steve Conover Up Tempos His Digital Sales Using Facebook by Donna Newman and Chris McMahon Summa  Social  {formerly}                                  




"The SECRET ingredient to this activity is that I was always on Facebook as my PAGE....Hardcore Huntin' Music....This caused people to be curious as to what "Hardcore Huntin' Music" is. So, naming your page is important!"


Since August of 2011, his digital music sales are up over 2,000% largely due to his Facebook branding with a custom landing page and sidebar as well as his executing the easy-to-implement training tactics inside of The Total Social Media Agency App (like the engagement training)! His biggest sales day prior to utilizing our Social Media product was $40 and on December 12, 2011 he had a record sales day of $937.00 in just 24 hours.

Thanks to Facebook's social graph and our simply social media system, Steve’s music has now been sold in 19 countries. Biggest payoff: He can focus on his music and have the sales come in -- even while he’s sleeping. Sounds like a great gig to us!

"The Total Social Media Agency has allowed me to compete on a Global scale with Major Label Artists by giving my a Social Media platform that levels the playing field....The rest is up to me!"

Oh, fast forward to early 2012 and Steve is working on his 4th CD called "Pirates & Outlaws". Congratulations Steve! Follow your passion folks, find a way to make money at it, and be sure to use our Total Social Media Agency as your Social Media resource to help take you to the top.

Enjoy your Fan Friday, everyone!!

~ Chris McMahon VP of Marketing for Total Social Media Agency

~ Donna Newman Getting the Dish with Donna, Agency 16420 North 92nd Street, Suite 228, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 o.480.314.4101 f.480.314.4140 e/