Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). “What is good for the community is good for the company....


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Corporate Social


“What is good for the community is good for the company.

What is good for the company, we will strive to do excellently

and in a way that enriches the lives of our people”

The objective of each member company will be to resolve one or more of the problems, which now hamper the social and economic development of the community.

They will demonstrate that private companies with social spirit, can, in some areas, contribute more effectively than government institutions. In solving these problems they can also be profitable and finance their own growth."

Georges N. Frem Founder & Former Chairman

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INDEVCO considered that what is beneficial for its existence and development lies in what is beneficial for the public interest and its community.

INDEVCO and Corporate Social Responsibility

Our Business doesn't exist in isolation.

Employees depend on our business.

Customers, suppliers and the local community

are all

affected by our company and what we do. Our Products, and the way we make them, have

an impact on the environment. Maintain effective relationship with our


Business Ethics

• Behave with honesty and integrity in all our activities and relationships with others.

Maintain internal controls adequate to guide and ensure standards are met.

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In 1975, and from the very first day of the outbreak of the war , INDEVCO called for solidarity and coexistence.


Which suppliers to choose and the way we deal with them. (For example: trading with suppliers who pollute the environment could be as irresponsible as doing so yourself).

Seek to be honest and fair in our relationships with suppliers and contactors.

Encourage suppliers and contractors to abide by our standards.


• We make sure that our suppliers produce their raw material while preserving the environment.

• Here are some examples of Pulp suppliers

certifying that they respect preservation of forests.


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In 1998, INDEVCO activated campaigns for preservation of Lebanon’s heritage and environment calling for a solid and mutual partnership with suppliers.


Over 7500 employees around the world.

Respect the rights and dignity of every employee and treat them fairly and without discrimination.

Encourage team working and the sharing of knowledge throughout the organization.

Recognize employee’s individual and team contribution and reward them appropriately.

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Under the toughest and most complex conditions (in 1975), INDEVCO contributed to supporting the national economy by creating Job opportunities and reducing migration to cities and emigration.


Treats customers openly and fairly, expecting

from them to reward us with their loyalty.

Be open and honest about our products and


Listening to our consumers can help us improve

the products and services we offer them.

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INDEVCO’s role has been constructive in building mutual trust and loyalty towards its potential customers.

The wider impact of our business on the environment.

What we can do to reduce pollution and waste.

Understand the Environmental Impact of our Business.

Adopt the environmental norms and standards of the country we operate in.


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Sanita generously sponsors and participates in community based activities in Lebanon related to environment, education, humanitarian causes, social and cultural events, as well as memberships in various associations promoting a beautiful country and environmentally friendly products.

Industrial complex beautifying the


Promotional campaign to promote the internal Tourism

Cleaning the beach through ‘Big’ blue operations”

Creating recyclable products.

Sponsoring environmental events to

promote a beautiful country

Reforestation of Wadi Kannoubine

On pack promotion with Sanita products: flowers

seeds with trash bags products for a beautiful


Sponsorsing of “Le Liban vu du ciel “and “La Terre

vue du ciel” de Yan Arthus Bertrand


Respect the different cultures and rights of individuals and indigenous people in all countries in which we operate.

Assist in the development of local community programs where we operate, in consultation with local government, public and other appropriate stakeholders.

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The INDEVCO vision has endured the test of time. Indeed through the toughest years we moved further with a conviction that a company with ethics and values is the best vehicle to serve the community.

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in 1985, and during the deterioration of the value of the Lebanese pound, INDEVCO launched a campaign to support it: “Because it is our currency and because we care “.

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No matter how hard times get in Lebanon, INDEVCO’S faith in the country remains solid and firm. It established hope and optimism for the Lebanese :” Tomorrow is another day “


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INDEVCO’S industrial activities witnessed prosperity and the company expanded . Our interests will always be the individual and the community.

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In 2002, INDEVCO’s role has been constructive in highlighting the national industry and promoting Lebanon the “heart” of the Middle East.



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The tragedy of July 2006 did not weaken INDEVCO which was calling upon the Lebanese to resist and persevere through its campaign : “Hold on to your country “

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In 2008, for the purpose of enhancing the belongingness spirit, the nationalistic feelings, Sanita conveyed its history and faith in Lebanon in a stunning “Shouf Halak bi Loubnan” campaign.

INDEVCO also supports the Georges N. Frem Foundation, a private, non-corporate foundation, initially created by INDEVCO’s founder and known as INDEVCO Foundation. The Foundation is dedicated to supporting social, educational and economic development.

The Business Benefits of CSR

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