Corporate Governance - NTT...Overview of Corporate Governance System Basic Policy As the holding...


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084 NTT Group Data Book 2019

Overview of Corporate Governance System Basic Policy

As the holding company of NTT Group, NTT believes that raising the effectiveness of corporate governance is an important

management issue for meeting the expectations of various stakeholders, including shareholders and other investors, as well

as customers, business partners, and employees, and for maximizing corporate value. Accordingly, NTT is working to

strengthen corporate governance based on the purpose of the principles of the Corporate Governance Code promulgated.

Based on NTT’s new “Your Value Partner 2025” Medium-Term Management Strategy, which was formulated and announced,

in order to work together with all its partners to promote initiatives to resolve social issues in its role as “Your Value Partner,”

NTT will work towards ensuring sound management, executing appropriate decision-making and business activities,

clarifying accountability, and maintaining thorough compliance as basic policies.

Corporate Governance System

NTT, in order to strengthen functions for appropriately supervising business execution, appoints several outside independent

Members of the Board and has established the Audit & Supervisory Board, of which outside independent Audit & Supervisory

Board Members make up a majority to strengthen its auditing system. Additionally, NTT has voluntarily established the

Appointment and Compensation Committee, which consists of four members, including two outside independent Members

of the Board, to further increase the objectivity and transparency of decisions related to appointments and compensation.

In addition, NTT has established various meetings and committees as has been deemed necessary to discuss important

matters related to corporate management and Group management, in order to ensure that appropriate decisions are made

for facilitating Group management.

Committee name Overview

Board of


In principle, the ordinary meetings of the Board of Directors are held once per month. In addition, extraordinary meetings are held as

needed. The Board of Directors makes decisions on matters stipulated by law and on important matters related to corporate

management and Group management. Moreover, through such means as periodic reports from Members of the Board on the status

of the execution of members’ duties, the Board of Directors supervises the execution of duties by Members of the Board.

Audit &



From an independent perspective that differs from that of individuals responsible for business execution, the Audit & Supervisory

Board implements operational audits and accounting audits and audits the status of the execution of duties by Members of the Board.

Appointment and



For the purpose of improving objectivity and transparency in the decisions regarding appointments and compensation of Members

of the Board, NTT has established on a non-statutory basis the Appointment and Compensation Committee, which consists of four

Members of the Board, including two outside independent Members of the Board, as a preliminary review institution of the Board of



Officers Meeting

Important corporate matters to be decided are, in principle and in advance, discussed at the Executive Officers Meeting, which is

made up of the president, senior executive vice presidents, full-time directors, and the heads of staff organizations. The Executive

Officers Meeting is held about once a week. To improve the transparency of management decision-making, one Audit & Supervisory

Board Member participates in the Executive Officers Meeting.



A number of committees have been established below the Executive Officers Meeting to discuss specific issues related to corporate

and Group management strategies. These committees, which are convened as necessary throughout the year, are, in principle,

chaired by the president or a senior executive vice president and are attended by relevant Members of the Board and others.

Corporate Governance


085 NTT Group Data Book 2019

Major Committees

Committee name Overview

CSR Committee Formulates basic CSR strategy and CSR goals for the Group, formulates basic policy for CSR-related


Corporate Ethics Committee Establishes corporate ethics, takes thorough steps to maintain discipline

Human Rights Education Committee Establishes human rights education systems and responds to discrimination incidents, etc.

Technology Strategy Committee Formulates R&D vision, technology development strategy, and R&D alliance strategy

Investment Strategy Committee Formulates investment strategy related to large investment projects, etc.

Finance Strategy Committee Formulates basic strategies related to finance and policies for addressing financial issues

Business Risk Management Committee Undertakes crisis management for the handling of new business risks related to corporate management

Disclosure Committee Establishes policies for compiling yearly reports

Internal Control Committee Provides support for and monitoring of matters related to Group-wide internal control over financial reporting

Group CIO Committee Coordinates matters including Group-wide IT policy discussions and systems development for Group-wide


Group CISO Committee Formulates of the Group's information security management strategies

Board of Directors (As of June 30, 2019)

Name Position


Years on the Board

Shares Owned

Number of

Meetings Attended

Background and Experience Principal

Concurrent Positions

Hiromichi Shinohara

Chairman of the Board


19,600 13 Apr. 1978 Joined Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation

Jun. 2009 Senior Vice President Head of Research and Development Planning Member of the Board of the Company Jun. 2011 Senior Vice President Head of Research and Development Planning Head of the Information Sharing Laboratory Group Member of the Board of the Company Oct. 2011 Senior Vice President Head of Research and Development Planning Member of the Board of the Company Jun. 2012 Executive Vice President Head of Research and Development Planning Member of the Board of the Company Jun. 2014 Senior Executive Vice President Head of Research and Development Planning Member of the Board of the Company Jun. 2018 Chairman of the Board of the Company (present



Jun Sawada

President and Chief Executive Officer; Member of the Board

5 15,400 13 Apr. 1978 Joined Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation

Jun. 2008 Senior Vice President Executive Manager of Corporate Strategy

Planning Department Member of the Board of NTT Communications

Corporation Jun. 2011 Executive Vice President Executive Manager of Corporate Strategy

Planning Department Member of the Board of NTT Communications

Corporation Jun. 2012 Senior Executive Vice President Executive Manager of Corporate Strategy

Planning Department Member of the Board of NTT Communications

Corporation Jun. 2013 Senior Executive Vice President Member of the Board of NTT Communications

Corporation Jun. 2014 Senior Executive Vice President Representative Member of the Board of the

Company Jun. 2018 President and Chief Executive Officer Member of the Board of the Company (present

post) Aug. 2018 President and Chief Executive Officer Member of the Board of NTT, Inc. (present post)

President and Chief Executive Officer, Representative Member of the Board of NTT, Inc


086 NTT Group Data Book 2019

Name Position


Years on the Board

Shares Owned

Number of

Meetings Attended

Background and Experience Principal

Concurrent Positions

Akira Shimada

Senior Executive Vice President; In charge of business strategy and risk management; Member of the Board

7 9,804 13 Apr. 1981 Joined Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation

Jun. 2007 Vice President of Corporate Strategy Planning of the Company

Jul. 2007 General Manager of the Accounts and Finance Department of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation

Jul. 2009 General Manager of the General Affairs and Personnel Department of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corporation

Jun. 2011 Senior Vice President General Manager of the General Affairs and

Personnel Department Member of the Board of Nippon Telegraph and

Telephone East Corporation Jun. 2012 Senior Vice President Head of the General Affairs Member of the Board of the Company Jun. 2015 Executive Vice President Head of General Affairs Member of the Board of the Company Jun. 2018 Senior Executive Vice President Member of the Board of the Company (present post) Aug. 2018 Senior Executive Vice President of NTT, Inc.

(present post)

Senior Executive Vice President of NTT, Inc.

Motoyuki Ii Senior Executive Vice President; In charge of technical strategy and international standardization; Member of the Board

1 6,900 10 Apr. 1983 Joined Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation

Jun. 2011 Senior Vice President Executive Manager of the Plant Department of the

Network Headquarters Executive Manager of the Planning Department of

the Network Business Headquarters Member of the Board of Nippon Telegraph and

Telephone East Corporation Jul. 2013 Senior Vice President Executive Manager of the Plant Planning

Department of the Network Business Headquarters Member of the Board of Nippon Telegraph and

Telephone East Corporation Jun. 2014 Senior Vice President Senior Executive Manager of the Corporate Sales Promotion Headquarters Member of the Board of Nippon Telegraph and

Telephone East Corporation Jun. 2015 Executive Vice President Senior Executive Manager of the Corporate Sales Promotion Headquarters Member of the Board of Nippon Telegraph and

Telephone East Corporation Jun. 2016 Senior Executive Vice President Senior Executive Manager of the Corporate Sales Promotion Headquarters Member of the Board of Nippon Telegraph and

Telephone East Corporation Jul. 2017 Senior Executive Vice President Senior Executive Manager of the Business

Innovation Headquarters Member of the Board of Nippon Telegraph and

Telephone East Corporation Jun. 2018 Senior Executive Vice President Head of Technology Planning Member of the Board of the Company Jun. 2019 President and Chief Executive Officer Member of the Board of NTT Anode Energy

Corporation (present post) Jun. 2019 Senior Executive Vice President Member of the Board of the Company (present


President and Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Board of NTT Anode Energy Corp.

Tsunehisa Okuno

Executive Vice President; Head of Global Business; Member of the Board

7 6,300 13 Apr. 1983 Joined Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation

Jul. 2007 Vice President of the Corporate Business Strategy of the Company

Jun. 2008 Head of the Global Business Strategy Office of Strategic Business Development of the Company

Jan. 2011 Senior Vice President of Dimension Data Holdings plc

Jun. 2011 Head of Global Business of the Company Jun. 2012 Senior Vice President Head of Global Business Member of the Board of the Company Jun. 2016 Director of NTT Security Corporation (present post) Jun. 2018 Executive Vice President Head of Global Business Member of the Board of the Company (present

post) Aug. 2018 Member of the Board of NTT, Inc. (present post) Jul. 2019 Chairman of the Board of NTT Ltd. (present post)

Director of NTT Security Corp. Member of the Board of NTT, Inc. Chairman of the Board of NTT Ltd.


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Name Position


Years on the Board

Shares Owned

Number of

Meetings Attended

Background and Experience Principal

Concurrent Positions

Hiroki Kuriyama

Executive Vice President; Head of Strategic Business Development; In charge of 2020 Project Member of the Board

5 5,170 13 Apr. 1985 Joined the Company Feb. 2003 Vice President of Department I of the Company May 2005 Vice President of Corporate Business Strategy of

the Company Jun. 2008 Vice President of Corporate Strategy Planning of

the Company Jun. 2012 Vice President of President’s Office of General

Affairs of the Company Jun. 2014 Senior Vice President Head of Strategic Business Development Member of the Board of the Company Jun. 2019 Executive Vice President Head of Strategic Business Development Member of the Board of the Company (present



Takashi Hiroi

Senior Vice President; Head of Finance and Accounting; Member of the Board

4 4,500 13 Apr. 1986 Joined the Company May 2005 Vice President of Corporate Business Strategy of

the Company Jun. 2008 Vice President of Strategic Business Development

of the Company Jul. 2009 Vice President of Corporate Strategy Planning of

the Company Jun. 2014 Head of Finance and Accounting of the Company Jun. 2015 Senior Vice President Head of Finance and Accounting Member of the Board of the Company (present



Eiichi Sakamoto

Senior Vice President; Head of General Affairs; Member of the Board

3 4,000 13 Apr. 1986 Joined the Company Oct. 2005 Head of the Business Management Group of the

Corporate Strategy Planning Department of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corporation

Jul. 2009 Head of the Planning Group of the Corporate Strategy Planning Department of Nippon

Telegraph and Telephone East Corporation Jul. 2011 Head of the Public Relations of the Corporate Strategy Planning of the Company Jun. 2015 Senior Vice President, Managing Director of

Corporate Marketing Strategy Department of NTT DOCOMO, INC.

Jun. 2016 Senior Vice President Head of the Corporate Strategy Planning of the

Company Member of the Board of the Company Member of the Board of Nippon Telegraph and

Telephone East Corporation (present post) Jun. 2018 Senior Vice President Head of General Affairs Member of the Board of the Company (present


Member of the Board of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corp.

Katsuhiko Kawazoe

Senior Vice President; Head of Research and Development Planning; Member of the Board

1 2,200 10 Apr. 1987 Joined the Company Aug. 2003 Senior Research Engineer of the Cyberspace

Laboratories of the Cyber Communications Laboratory Group of the Company

Oct. 2007 Senior Research Engineer of the Cyber Solutions Laboratories of the Cyber Communications Laboratory Group of the Company

Jul. 2008 Vice President of Research and Development Planning of the Company

Jul. 2014 Head of the Service Evolution Laboratories of the Service

Innovation Laboratory Group of the Company Jul. 2016 Head of the Service Innovation Laboratory Group

of the Company Jun. 2018 Senior Vice President Head of Research and Development Planning Member of the Board of the Company (present



Ryota Kitamura

Senior Vice President; Head of Corporate Strategy Planning

1 1,800 10 Apr. 1988 Joined the Company Oct. 2003 Senior Manager of the Corporate Strategy

Planning Department of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corporation

Jun. 2011 Head of the Marketing Strategy Group of the Corporate

Strategy Planning Department of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corporation

Jul. 2015 Vice President of Corporate Strategy Planning of the Company

Jun. 2018 Member of the Board of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation (present post)

Senior Vice President Head of the Corporate Strategy Planning of the

Company Member of the Board of the Company (present


Member of the Board of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corp.


088 NTT Group Data Book 2019

Name Position


Years on the Board

Shares Owned

Number of

Meetings Attended

Background and Experience Principal

Concurrent Positions

Atsuko Oka Senior Vice President; Head of Technology Planning

- 0 - Apr. 1988 Joined the Company Aug. 2006 Director of IP Service Department of the Net

Business Division of NTT Communications Corporation

Jul. 2010 Representative Director and President of NTT NaviSpace Corporation

Jul. 2012 Director of Integrated Customer Portal Taskforce of the Corporate Strategy Planning Department of NTT Communications Corporation

Aug. 2015 Vice President of IoT Office of the Corporate Strategy Planning Department of NTT Communications Corporation

Jul. 2017 General Manager of Business Platform Division Member of the Board of NTT Resonant Incorporated

Oct. 2017 General Manager of Solutions Business Division Member of the Board of NTT Resonant Incorporated

Jun. 2019 Senior Vice President Head of Technology Planning of the Company Member of the Board of the Company (present



Katsuhiko Shirai

Outside Independent Member of the Board

7 4,300 13 Apr. 1965 Assistant of the First Faculty of Science and Engineering of Waseda University

Apr. 1968 Full-time lecturer of the Faculty of Science and Engineering of Waseda University

Apr. 1970 Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Science and Engineering of Waseda University

Apr. 1975 Professor of the Faculty of Science and Engineering of Waseda University

Nov. 1994 Director of Academic Affairs and Director of the International Exchange Center of Waseda University

Nov. 1998 Executive Director of Waseda University Nov. 2002 President of Waseda University Nov. 2010 Educational Advisor of Waseda University Apr. 2011 Chairperson of the Foundation for the Open

University of Japan Jun. 2012 Member of the Board of the Company (present

post) Jun. 2012 Director of Japan Display, Inc. Nov. 2016 Honorary Advisor of Waseda University (present


Honorary Advisor of Waseda University

Sadayuki Sakakibara

Outside Independent Member of the Board

7 9,500 13 Apr. 1967 Joined Toyo Rayon Co., Ltd. (currently registered as Toray Industries, Inc.)

Jun. 1994 Director of the Corporate Planning Department of Toray Industries, Inc.

Jun. 1996 Director of the Board of Toray Industries, Inc. Jun. 1998 Managing Director of Toray Industries, Inc. Jun. 1999 Senior Managing Director of Toray Industries, Inc. Jun. 2001 Executive Vice President of Toray Industries, Inc. Jun. 2002 President of Toray Industries, Inc. Jun. 2010 Chairman and Representative Member of the

Board of Toray Industries, Inc. Director of the Board of Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. Jun. 2012 Member of the Board of the Company (present

post) Jun. 2013 Director of Hitachi, Ltd. Jun. 2014 Chairman of the Japan Business Federation

(Keidanren) Jun. 2014 Chairman of the Board of Directors, Toray

Industries, Inc. Jun. 2015 Chief Senior Adviser and Chief Senior Counselor

of Toray Industries, Inc. Jun. 2017 Senior Adviser of Toray Industries, Inc. Aug. 2018 Special Adviser of Toray Industries, Inc. Mar. 2019 Outside Director of SHIMANO INC. (present post) May 2019 Outside Director of Nitori Holdings Co., Ltd.

(present post)

Outside Director of SHIMANO INC. Outside Director of Nitori Holdings Co., Ltd.

Ken Sakamura

Outside Independent Member of the Board

- 300 - Apr. 2000 Professor of the Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies and the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information

Studies of the University of Tokyo Jan. 2002 Director of YRP Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory

(present post) Apr. 2009 Director of Institute of Infrastructure Application of

Ubiquitous Computing of the Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies of the University of Tokyo

Oct. 2014 President of Vitalizing Local Economy Organization by Open Data & Big Data (present post)

Apr. 2017 Professor and Dean of Faculty of Information Networking for Innovation and Design of Toyo University (present post)

Head of collaboration Hub for University and Business of Toyo University

Jun. 2017 Emeritus Professor of the University of Tokyo (present post)

Jun. 2019 Member of the Board of the Company (Present post)

Professor and Dean of Faculty of Information Networking for Innovation and Design of Toyo University Emeritus Professor of the University of Tokyo


089 NTT Group Data Book 2019

Name Position


Years on the Board

Shares Owned

Number of

Meetings Attended

Background and Experience Principal

Concurrent Positions

Keiko Takegawa

Outside Independent Member of the Board

- 0 - Jul. 2008 Director-General for Policies on Cohesive Society and Minister’s Secretariat of Cabinet Office

Jul. 2009 Director-General for Gender Equality Bureau of Cabinet Office

Dec. 2012 Director-General of the Public Relations Office of Cabinet Office

Jul. 2014 Director of the Gender Equality Bureau of Cabinet Office

Apr. 2019 Professor of Showa Women’s University (present post)

Jun. 2019 Member of the Board of the Company (present post)

Jun. 2019 Audit & Supervisory Board Member of MITSUI MINING & SMELTING CO., LTD. (present post)

Professor of Showa Women’s University Audit & Supervisory Board Member of MITSUI MINING & SMELTING CO., LTD.

Activities and Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of NTT decides important items related to the Group’s management which have passed the

“Executive Officers Meeting,” made up of the president, senior executive vice presidents, full-time directors, and the heads

of the staff organization, as well as the review of the various committees chaired by the president or a senior executive vice

president and attended by the relevant directors, while also monitoring the status of the execution of the duties of the

individual Members of the Board.

At the meetings of the Board of Directors, based on the authority of the individual Members of the Board, current issues

in group management and the initiatives being taken to resolve them are reported and reviewed, and in the fiscal year ended

March 31, 2019, active discussions were held centering on important matters related to company and group management,

such as the formulation and release of the NTT Group Medium-Term Management Strategy “Your Value Partner 2025,” and

the establishment of a Global Holding Company and related transfer of subsidiaries. Furthermore, in addition to holding

advance explanations for outside independent Members of the Board on matters discussed at previous meetings of the

Board of Directors, in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2019, explanations of matters such as immediate issues and the

status of considerations were also given by Representative Members of the Board after meetings of the Board of Directors.

By striving to clarify the focus of execution of duties and the purpose of initiatives, we are working to strengthen the

supervisory function of the Board of Directors.

Furthermore, to allow the outside independent Members of the Board to more deeply understand the Company’s

business, meetings were held to exchange ideas and opinions on the executives and individual management strategies of

the major subsidiaries, and they attended exhibitions of the research and development which the Company is focusing its

efforts into and received explanations on topics such as the results of cutting-edge research. Additionally, ideas and opinions

on issues in Group management were exchanged among the outside independent Members of the Board and the Audit &

Supervisory Board Members, among the outside independent Members of the Board and the Representative Members of

the Board, among the outside independent Members of the Board and the executives of the major Group companies in and

outside Japan, and among the outside independent Members of the Board of NTT and the outside independent Members

of the Board of the major Group companies and other members.

In these meetings, we received opinions on NTT’s Board of Directors from the outside independent Members of the

Board and the Audit & Supervisory Board Members that adequate information is provided and Members of the Board engage

in active discussion, thereby ensuring the Board’s effectiveness.

Also, with the aim of strengthening corporate governance through continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the

Board of Directors, in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2019, questionnaire surveys regarding the Board of Directors were

conducted targeting all Members of the Board, and the effectiveness of the Board was evaluated. Questions were asked

with regard to the role and responsibilities of the Board of Directors, its composition, and its operation, and the results, which

were compiled through a third-party organization, confirmed that the Board was sufficiently fulfilling its important role and

responsibilities, with a majority of positive opinions for about 80% of the questions.

Moreover, given that there were opinions that recommended increasing the number of outside Members of the Board

and ensuring diversity among Members of the Board, three directors have been appointed after the General Meeting of

Shareholders that was held on June 25, 2019, and as a result, the number of independent outside directors increased by

two members, and two female directors were appointed for the first time.

Taking into account these initiatives, NTT has evaluated that the effectiveness of the Board of Directors is being ensured.

Nomination Policies and Procedure for Members of the Board

NTT Group strives to contribute to the resolution of social issues and the realization of a safer, more secure, and more

affluent society. To accomplish this goal, the Group acts as a trusted “Your Value Partner” that customers continue to select

in order to provide them with new value on a global basis. NTT has established the policy of positioning human resources

who share these ideals in the upper ranks of NTT Group’s management, and NTT is electing these human resources from


090 NTT Group Data Book 2019

both inside and outside the Group.

In regard to Member of the Board candidates, individuals are elected based on their having the broad-ranging perspective

and experience, superior management skills and leadership, strong business intuition, and motivation necessary to

contribute to the overall development of NTT Group in order to facilitate the increasing of NTT Group’s corporate value.

From the perspective of strengthening the function of supervising business execution, for outside independent Members

of the Board, NTT elects individuals who present no risk of a conflict of interest with general shareholders. In principle, NTT

appoints several outside independent Members of the Board.

The nomination procedure for Member of the Board candidates involves the review of candidates by the Appointment

and Compensation Committee. The candidates are then approved by the Board of Directors and presented for voting at the

General Meeting of Shareholders.

Audit & Supervisory Board (As of June 30, 2019)

Name Position



on the




Number of Meetings

Attended Background and Experience



Positions Board of


Audit &



Akiko Ide Audit & Supervisory Board Member

5 10,200 13 24 Apr. 1977 Joined Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation

Jun. 2003 General Manager of Customer Services of NTT DOCOMO, INC.

Sep. 2004 Concurrently General Manager of Customer Services and

General Manager of Information Security of NTT DOCOMO, INC.

Jun. 2005 General Manager of Customer Services of NTT DOCOMO, INC.

Apr. 2006 General Manager of the Corporate Citizenship

Department of NTT DOCOMO, INC. Jun. 2006 Executive Director and General

Manager of the Corporate Citizenship Department of NTT DOCOMO, INC. Jul. 2008 Executive Director and General

Manager of the Chugoku Regional Office of NTT DOCOMO, INC.

Jun. 2012 Executive Director and Director of Information Security of NTT DOCOMO, INC.

May 2013 President and Chief Executive Officer of Radishbo-ya Co., Ltd.

Jun. 2013 Executive Director and Senior Manager in Charge of Commerce Business

Promotion of NTT DOCOMO, INC. Jun. 2014 Full-Time Audit & Supervisory Board

Member of the Company (present post) Aug. 2018 Audit & Supervisory Board Member of

NTT, Inc. (present post)

Audit & Supervisory Board Member of NTT, Inc.

Takao Maezawa

Audit & Supervisory Board Member





Apr. 1978 Joined Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation

Jun. 2006 Executive Manager of the Human Resources Management Department

General Manager of the Training Institute

Executive Manager of General Affairs of NTT Communications Corporation

Jun. 2008 Senior Vice President Deputy General Manager of the

Enterprise Business Division Member of the Board of NTT

Communications Corporation Jun. 2011 Executive Vice President Deputy General Manager of the

Enterprise Business Division Member of the Board of NTT

Communications Corporation Aug. 2011 Executive Vice President Head of the Second Sales Division Member of the Board of NTT

Communications Corporation Jun. 2012 President and CEO of NTT PC

Communications Incorporated Jun. 2016 Full-Time Audit & Supervisory Board

Member of the Company (present post) Aug. 2018 Audit & Supervisory Board Member of

NTT, Inc. (present post)

Audit & Supervisory Board Member of NTT, Inc.


091 NTT Group Data Book 2019

Name Position



on the




Number of Meetings

Attended Background and Experience



Positions Board of


Audit &



Takashi Iida

Outside Independent Audit & Supervisory Board Member

5 3,200 13 24 Apr. 1974 Registered as Attorney-at-Law (Daini Tokyo Bar Association)

(registration up-to-date) Joined Mori Sogo Law Offices (currently

Mori Hamada & Matsumoto) Apr. 1991 Deputy Chairman of the Daini Tokyo Bar

Association Apr. 1997 Executive Governor of the Japan

Federation of Bar Associations Apr. 2006 Chairman of the Daini Tokyo Bar

Association Apr. 2006 Vice President of the Japan Federation

of Bar Associations Jan. 2012 Established Kowa Law Office (present

post) Jun. 2012 Corporate Auditor (Part-Time) for

Shimadzu Corporation (present post) Jun. 2013 Corporate Auditor of JAFCO Co., Ltd. Jun. 2013 Outside Director of Alps Electric Co.,

Ltd. (currently registered as Alps Alpine Co.,

Ltd.) (present post) Jun. 2014 Outside Audit & Supervisory Board

Member of the Company (present post)

Lawyer Corporate Auditor for Shimadzu Corp. Outside Director of Alps Alpine Co., Ltd.

Hideki Kanda

Outside Independent Audit & Supervisory Board Member





Apr. 1977 Research Assistant of the Faculty of Law of the University of Tokyo

Apr. 1980 Lecturer of the Faculty of Law of Gakushuin University

Apr. 1982 Associate Professor of the Faculty of Law of Gakushuin University

Apr. 1988 Associate Professor of the Faculty of Law of the University of Tokyo

Apr. 1991 Associate Professor of the Graduate Schools for Law and Politics of the University of Tokyo

May 1993 Professor of the Graduate Schools for Law and Politics of the University of Tokyo

Apr. 2016 Professor of the Professional School of Law (Law School) of Gakushuin University (present post)

Jun. 2016 Emeritus Professor of the University of Tokyo (present post)

Jun. 2017 Director of Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited (present post)

Jun. 2019 Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member of the Company (present post)

Professor of the Professional School of Law of Gakushuin University Emeritus Professor of the University of Tokyo Director of Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited

Kaoru Kashima

Outside Independent Audit & Supervisory Board Member





Nov. 1981 Joined Showa Audit Corporation (currently Ernst & Young ShinNihon

LLC) Apr. 1985 Registered as a certified public

accountant (registration up-to-date) Jun. 1996 Partner of Showa Ota & Co. (currently Ernst & Young ShinNihon

LLC) Jun. 2002 Senior Partner of ShinNihon & Co. (currently Ernst & Young ShinNihon

LLC) Jul. 2006 In charge of personnel of HR

Development Headquarters of ShinNihon & Co.

Sep. 2010 Managing Director of Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC

In charge of the Corporate Culture Promotion Office

In charge of the Public Relations Office Jul. 2012 General Manager of Knowledge

Headquarters Managing Director of Ernst & Young

ShinNihon LLC Jul. 2013 Representative Director of Ernst &

Young Institute Co., Ltd. Jun. 2019 Outside Audit & Supervisory Board

Member of the Company (present post) Jun. 2019 Director of Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank,

Limited (present post)

Managing Director of Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC Director of Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited

Activities and Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Audit & Supervisory Directors

Audit & Supervisory Board Members attend meetings of the Board of Directors and other important meetings. In addition,

Audit & Supervisory Board Members meet periodically with Representative Members of the Board and Members of the

Board to exchange ideas and opinions and hold discussions on various topics.

In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2019, the Audit & Supervisory Board met 24 times. Moreover, separate from meetings


092 NTT Group Data Book 2019

of the Audit & Supervisory Board, the Audit & Supervisory Board Members’ Preliminary Deliberation Meeting met 37 times.

These meetings provide a venue for the sharing of information. For example, at these meetings, Audit & Supervisory Board

Members receive explanations from corporate officers of matters to be discussed at the Executive Officers Meeting.

Furthermore, Audit & Supervisory Board Members work closely with Independent Auditors and the Internal Control Office.

Audit & Supervisory Board Members exchanged opinions with the Company’s Independent Auditor 9 times and the Internal

Control Office 12 times, and receive explanations of audit plans and reports on the status of internal control systems and

provide advice as needed.

In initiatives related to Group companies, Audit & Supervisory Board Members received information from the

Representative Members of the Board of 20 major Group companies regarding the status of corporate governance and

measures to maintain and enhance corporate governance, and discussions were conducted on those matters. In addition,

Audit & Supervisory Board Members visited major bases in Japan and overseas (18 bases), received information from local

representatives, and conducted discussions. Furthermore, Audit & Supervisory Board Members received reports regarding

audit results from Audit & Supervisory Board Members of major Group companies and exchanged opinions with them. In

addition, the Audit & Supervisory Board is implementing initiatives that contribute to enhancing the auditing activities of Audit

& Supervisory Board Members of major Group companies, including regularly holding training sessions by outside experts

for Audit & Supervisory Board Members of major Group companies.

Through these activities, Audit & Supervisory Board Members support the sound, steady growth of NTT and Group

companies from an independent perspective that differs from that of executives. In addition, Audit & Supervisory Board

Members contribute to the strengthening of corporate governance systems and the fostering of awareness of compliance


Independent Members of the Board and Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Nomination Procedure for Outside Members of the Board and Outside Audit & Supervisory Board


From the perspectives of strengthening supervising functions for execution and guaranteeing appropriate audits of the

execution of duties by Members of the Board, NTT has the policy of selecting individuals to serve as outside Members of

the Board and outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members who do not represent risks of conflicts of interest with general

shareholders. NTT designates outside Members of the Board and outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members who fulfill

both the independence criteria stipulated by Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc., and NTT’s own independence standards as outside

independent Members of the Board or outside independent Audit & Supervisory Board Members.

Independence Standards

In order to meet the independence criteria, a person may not fall under any of the categories below in the last three fiscal years.

(a) A person who executes business in a partner company that exceeds NTT’s Standards*1

(b) A person who executes business in a lending company that exceeds NTT’s Standards*2

(c) A consultant, an accountant, a lawyer, or any other person providing professional services, who received monetary payments or

any other gain in assets equal to or more than ¥10 million, excluding the Board Members’ or Audit & Supervisory Board Members’

compensation, from NTT or its major subsidiaries*3 in any of the last three fiscal years

(d) A person who executes business in an organization that received donations exceeding NTT’s Standards*4

Even if any of (a) through (d) above applies to a person, where it has been decided that a person meets the Independence Standards,

the reasons shall be explained and disclosed at the time of the person’s appointment as the Independent Member of the Board or Audit

& Supervisory Board Member.

*1 “A partner company that exceeds NTT’s Standards” is defined as a company that has had any business dealing with NTT and its major subsidiaries*3

in any of the last three fiscal years equal to or more than 2% of the total operating revenues of NTT and its major subsidiaries for the respective fiscal


*2 “A lending company that exceeds NTT’s Standards” is defined as a company in which the total amount of borrowings on a consolidated basis in any

of the last three fiscal years equals to or is more than 2% of NTT’s consolidated total assets for the respective fiscal year.



*4 An “organization that received donations exceeding NTT’s Standards” is defined as an organization which received donations from NTT and its major

subsidiaries*3 in any of the last three fiscal years exceeding ¥10 million or 2% of the total income of the organization, whichever is larger, during the

respective fiscal year.

Criteria for Selection and Activities of Outside Members of the Board and Audit & Supervisory Board


NTT, in order to strengthen functions for appropriately supervising and auditing business execution, seeks to strengthen its

auditing system by appointing four outside independent Members of the Board. Each outside independent member of the

board has a wealth of experience as operational director of an academic educational institution, as a corporate manager or

as an officer of public relations and diversity promotion in the government; each has a high level of integrity and insight and,


093 NTT Group Data Book 2019

by providing advice from a wide-ranging managerial perspective, plays an important role in helping to strengthen the

supervisory function for business execution.

Outside Members of the Board receive reports from the corporate auditors and Internal Control Office regarding audit

plans and results, and also oversee business operations by providing input as needed.

NTT appoints three outside independent Audit & Supervisory Board Members out of the five total Audit Supervisory &

Board Members. NTT expects that each outside independent Audit & Supervisory Board Member conduct future audits

based on the knowledge and insight they have gained throughout their careers. NTT’s Audit & Supervisory Board, including

the outside independent Audit & Supervisory Board Members, periodically exchange information with NTT’s accounting

auditors regarding audit plans, audit results and other information. The Audit & Supervisory Board also exchanges

information with the Internal Control Office, including information relating to internal audit results.

Compensation of Members of the Board and Audit & Supervisory Board Members

For the purpose of improving objectivity and transparency in the compensation of Members of the Board, NTT has

established the Appointment and Compensation Committee, which consists of four Members of the Board, including two

outside independent Members of the Board. After discussion at this committee, compensation-related decisions are made

by the Board of Directors.

Compensation of Members of the Board (excluding outside Members of the Board) consists of a base salary and a bonus.

The base salary is paid monthly on the basis of the scope of each Member of the Board’s roles and responsibilities. The

bonus is paid taking into account NTT’s business results for the respective fiscal year. Also, Members of the Board make

monthly contributions of a defined amount or more from their base salary and bonus toward the purchase of NTT shares

through the Board Members Shareholding Association, in order to reflect NTT’s medium- and long-term business results in

compensation. Purchased shares are to be held by Members of the Board throughout their terms of office. In order to

maintain a high level of independence, compensation of outside Members of the Board consists of a base salary only, and

is not linked to NTT’s business results.

For the same reason, compensation of Audit & Supervisory Board Members consists of a base salary only. The amount

of this salary is determined by resolution of the Audit & Supervisory Board.

Compensation of Independent Auditor

NTT and its major subsidiaries pay compensation to KPMG AZSA LLC, NTT’s Independent Auditor, and other member firms

of the KPMG network for audit services and for non-audit services.

Audit services Auditing of the financial statements of NTT and its consolidated subsidiaries in Japan and


Non-audit services

Include the provision of guidance and advice related to International Financial Reporting

Standards, tax returns, and tax consultation for consolidated subsidiaries in Japan and


Internal Control

Overview of Internal Control Systems

NTT has established Basic Policies Concerning the Maintenance of Internal Control Systems for NTT Group, which were

approved via resolution by the Board of Directors.

Based on these policies, NTT Group has established an Internal Control Office, which oversees the establishment of

internal control rules and frameworks. In addition, NTT Group evaluates the effectiveness of the internal control systems

based on audit reviews and uniform audits regarding high-risk matters affecting the entire Group. Necessary improvements

will be implemented accordingly.

In regard to internal control systems for financial reporting based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, the

Company takes appropriate measures to ensure the reliability of its financial reporting. To facilitate these measures, tests

and evaluations are performed on the implementation status of pertinent internal control systems.

Basic Policy of the Internal Control Systems

Strategic Shareholdings

NTT does not hold so-called “cross-shareholdings” to create stable shareholders, and has no plans to hold them in the future.

On the other hand, as one of its business policies, the Company pursues collaboration and open innovation with partners

in various industries to contribute to medium- to long-term improvement in corporate value. Based on this policy, NTT holds

and sells shares based on its determination of whether doing so would contribute to the improvement of medium- to long-

term corporate value.


094 NTT Group Data Book 2019

With respect to exercising voting rights of strategic shareholdings, NTT exercises voting rights acquired through share

ownership, as it sees fit and appropriate, and upon determining whether it is an initiative that would contribute to the

improvement of medium- to long-term corporate value, from the perspective of sustainable growth of the companies NTT

invests in, and improving corporate value for both NTT and the companies.


095 NTT Group Data Book 2019

Data (As of June 30, 2019)

Boundary Unit FY2018 FY2019 FY2020

Number of Board Members



12 12 15

Inside Male 10 10 10

Female 0 0 1

Total 10 10 11

Outside independent Male 2 2 3

Female 0 0 1

Total 2 2 4

Ratio of female Board Members % 0 0 13.3

Number of Audit & Supervisory Board Members

5 5 5

Inside Male 1 1 1

Female 1 1 1

Total 2 2 2

Outside independent Male 2 2 2

Female 1 1 1

Total 3 3 3

Ratio of female Audit & Supervisory Board Members % 40.0 40.0 40.0

(As of March 31, 2019)

Boundary Unit FY2017 FY2018 FY2019

Board of


Number of meetings



12 12 13



98.1 97.2 99.1

Outside independent Board Member

attendance 100 87.5 100

Audit &



Number of meetings 22 22 24



96.4 95.2 99.2

Outside independent Audit &

Supervisory Board Member


94.0 93.7 98.7

Appointment and Compensation Committee Meetings 1 1 3

Total Compensation of

Members of the Board and

Audit & Supervisory Board

Members (Number of


Members of the Board

Million yen

(number of


510 (11) 519 (10) 547 (13)

Audit & Supervisory

Board Members 74 (3) 74 (2) 74 (2)

Board and Outside

Audit 71 (5) 75 (5) 75 (5)

Total 655 (19) 668 (17) 696 (20)

Compensation of NTT’s

Independent Auditor

Compensation for audit


Million yen

5,004 6,036 4,433

Compensation for non-

audit services 567 398 299

Total 5,571 6,434 4,732

*1 At the 21st Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, the maximum limit on total annual compensation of Members of the Board was set at an aggregate

of ¥750 million and the maximum limit on total annual compensation of Audit & Supervisory Board Members was set at an aggregate of ¥200 million.

*2 May include compensation to Board and Audit & Supervisory Board members who retired at the conclusion of the Ordinary General Meeting of

Shareholders for the same fiscal year.

*3 Total compensation of Members of the Board includes ¥101 million in bonuses for the fiscal year.

*4 In addition to the above, Members of the Board who are also employees received bonuses for their service as employees.


096 NTT Group Data Book 2019

Policies and Concepts

It is imperative to conduct business in compliance with laws and regulations in the jurisdictions where we operate, and

maintain high ethical standards in order to promote sound corporate activities. Recognizing this, NTT drew up the NTT

Group Corporate Ethics Charter in 2002.

The charter, which applies to all officers and employees of NTT Group, lays out the basic principles of corporate ethics

and provides specific guidelines for ethical behavior. The stipulations in the guidelines are intended to remind everyone of

their duty as members of a telecommunications group that bears significant responsibility to society in terms of preventing

dishonesty, misconduct, and the disclosure of corporate secrets, as well as refraining from exchanging excessive favors

with customers and suppliers, and ensuring that they conduct themselves according to the highest ethical standards in both

private and public activities.

NTT Group Corporate Ethics Charter

1. Recognizing the establishment of corporate ethics as one of its most important missions, top management shall exert its leadership

to ensure that the spirit of this Charter is adopted throughout the Company, and shall assume full responsibility for solving any

problems when any event inconsistent with that spirit occurs.

2. Every person with subordinate employees shall not only act in a self-disciplined manner, but shall also always provide guidance and

assistance to his/her subordinate staff to ensure that their conduct is in conformity with our corporate ethics.

3. Every officer and employee of the NTT Group shall not only comply with all laws and regulations, social standards, and internal

company rules whether in Japan or overseas, but officers and employees shall also hold the highest ethical philosophy within

himself/herself both in public and in any private situations. Among other things, each officer and employee, as an officer or employee

of a member of a Global Information Sharing Corporate Group, shall keep himself/herself fully aware that any disclosure of customer

or other internal privileged information constitutes a materially wrongful act. Also, as a member of a group of companies which holds

great social responsibilities, he/she shall strictly refrain from giving or receiving from customers, business partners, and other

interested parties excessive gratuities.

4. Each NTT Group company, at the first opportunity, shall take initiatives to provide training programs in order to help its officers and

employees enhance their awareness of our corporate ethics.

5. Every officer and employee of the NTT Group shall direct his/her efforts to prevent wrongful or scandalous acts which may potentially

occur as specialization and advancement of our business proceeds. Each NTT Group company shall improve its system to prevent

such acts, including, for instance, the re-assignment of contract representatives who have remained with the same customers for a

long period of time, and the improvement of monitoring tools to protect customer and other information.

6. Any officer or employee who may come to know of the occurrence of any wrongful act or any scandal shall promptly report the

wrongful act or scandal to his/her superior or other appropriate persons. If he/she is not able to make such a reporting, he/she may

contact the “Corporate Ethics Help Line (Contact Point).” It should be noted that every officer and employee who reports the

occurrence of any wrongful act or scandal shall be protected so that the reporting party shall not suffer any negative consequences

due to such reporting.

7. In the event of an occurrence of any wrongful act or scandal, each NTT Group company shall be committed to the settlement of the

problem by taking appropriate steps through a speedy and accurate fact finding process, and responding in a timely, suitable, and

transparent manner in order to fulfill its social accountability.

NTT Group Corporate Ethics Charter

Organization for Implementation

NTT has a Corporate Ethics Committee under the Executive Officers Meeting with a senior executive vice president as chair.

The committee meets twice a year with the aim of thoroughly promoting NTT Group’s corporate ethics and maintaining

discipline. It reports to the Board of Directors twice a year, particularly concerning the status of reports made to the Corporate

Ethics Help Line, and the Board of Directors discusses reported matters when necessary.

NTT Group has Corporate Ethics Committees and corporate ethics officers at Group companies. We foster a corporate

climate of observing laws and corporate ethics, investigate wrongful acts and scandals based on our Corporate Ethics Help

Line operational rules, hold regular meetings for the compliance officers of Group companies, and work across the Group

to promote compliance.



097 NTT Group Data Book 2019

Main Initiatives

Prevention of Bribery

NTT Group has the NTT Group Corporate Ethics Charter, which mandates compliance with all laws and regulations, social

standards, and internal company rules whether in Japan or overseas. With regard to the prevention of bribery, we have an

Anti-Bribery Handbook containing important matters to be understood and complied with by our employees. The contents

of this handbook are made known to all employees in Japan and overseas through emails and other means.

In addition, NTT, NTT East and NTT West stipulate that taking bribes is forbidden under the Act on Nippon Telegraph

and Telephone Corporation, etc. (hereafter “the NTT ACT”) and that breaches are punishable by law. Following the Act on

Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Groups, contributions and other types of support are only given to charitable

organizations deemed suitable by NTT Group. We have a zero tolerance approach to corruption.

In fiscal 2019, no illegal conduct associated with bribery or contribution/support was confirmed within NTT Group.

Political Contributions

As a holding company, and in compliance with Japan’s Political Funds Control Law, NTT refrains from making political

contributions, while a few Group companies make political contributions at their own discretion and in accordance with the

relevant laws and regulations as well as the companies’ respective codes of corporate ethics.

Request to Business Partners for Compliance and Risk Assessment

The Guidelines for CSR in Supply Chain, the operational guidelines we issue to our suppliers, clearly outlines fair trade

practices and business ethics (nine articles). With respect to major suppliers, we conducted a survey on the status of CSR

procurement. We checked activities concerning compliance in general, including their response to preventing corruption,

illegal political contributions and antisocial forces, and also requested further improvements where necessary.

Compliance with Anti-Monopoly Laws

NTT Group has adhered to the Anti-Monopoly Act to ensure its business activities align with a fair and competitive business

environment. These initiatives have been effective, as evidenced by the fact that continuing from the previous fiscal year,

we were not fined for violation of anti-monopoly regulations in fiscal 2019.

Initiatives to Promote Awareness of the NTT Group Corporate Ethics Charter

At NTT, top management demonstrates that compliance requires NTT Group to comply with laws and conduct business with

everyone having strong ethics. Also, the presidents of each NTT Group company have declared their commitment to identify

risks related to illegal or illicit activities and never tolerate any form of impropriety. To ensure the effectiveness of the NTT

Group Corporate Ethics Charter, we offer training sessions on corporate ethics to employees and, through a website for

employees, we explain the declaration in detail and give examples of corporate ethics issues. Employees are reminded of

the importance of ethics in June and December each year in an effort to raise their level of understanding. Furthermore,

NTT conducts annual surveys of employees to measure their awareness, and the results are then used for awareness

enhancement initiatives.

Corporate Ethics and Compliance Training

Corporate ethics training is conducted as part of continuous educational activities for all officers and employees. This training

is tailored to meet the specific compliance and corruption risks of each company throughout NTT Group.

Furthermore, training for officers is also conducted every year.

Anti-Bribery Handbook

As a tool to help employees prevent corruption, we created the new Anti-Bribery Handbook in fiscal 2015, which is made

known to all employees at NTT Group companies inside and outside of Japan through emails and other means. Along with

a message from the president, the Anti-Bribery Handbook provides examples regarding the basics of bribery and facilitation

payments to instill correct knowledge and understanding in all employees.

Competition Law Handbook

NTT Group created a Competition Law Handbook in fiscal 2020 as a tool for ensuring compliance with competition law

among employees and it has been made known to all employees at NTT Group companies inside and outside of Japan.

The handbook contains the basics regarding compliance with competition law within a Q&A format, as well as specific

examples that might be found within the Company’s business activities, in order to instill correct knowledge and

understanding of competition law compliance in employees.


098 NTT Group Data Book 2019

Check System for Penetration of Corporate Ethics

NTT conducts an annual survey that includes NTT Group companies in order to ascertain the extent to which employees

are aware of compliance. At each NTT Group company, monitoring is performed under four different functions, comprising

the departments in charge of business operations, compliance and internal auditing, as well as the Audit and Supervisory

Board members, to ensure neutral and multifaceted checks are being performed.

NTT checks the status of compliance audit implementation at NTT Group companies with an internal auditing department

and directly confirms the status of compliance initiatives inside NTT and at NTT Group companies without an internal auditing

department. In fiscal 2018, these checks were performed on 13 NTT Group companies, including NTT.

Establishment of Corporate Ethics Help Line Contact Point

To prevent illegal conduct or a scandal, each Group company has set up an internal consulting center to handle reports of

improper activities. In addition, NTT has established the Corporate Ethics Help Line as an external contact point for NTT

Group companies and outsources its operation to a law firm. The help line also handles consultations and reports related to

human rights issues (see page 065). The NTT Group Corporate Ethics Charter clearly states that people who file reports

with these help lines will be protected from any disadvantage arising from the fact that they filed a report. The content of the

consultations and reports are investigated and handled by the staff member in charge, and a report is submitted to the

Corporate Ethics Committee of each Group company. All reports are collected at least once a year by NTT, where the

response status is ascertained and reported to the Board of Directors.

In addition, since the contact point is independent from management, there is an independent reporting route to Audit &

Supervisory Board Members. Reports made through our Corporate Ethics Help Line (external contact point) are in principle

sent directly to Audit & Supervisory Board Members at the same time; reporting only to Audit & Supervisory Board Members

is also possible.

Number of Reports Received by the Corporate Ethics Help Line (External Contact Point)

We monitor the number of reports received by the Corporate Ethics Help Line, and publish this number in our Sustainability

Report and on NTT Group’s CSR website.

Reports to the corporate ethics help line by type of violation

FY2017 FY2018 FY2019

Number of Reports Number of Reports Number of Reports


actions Warnings Disciplinary

actions Warnings Disciplinary

actions Warnings

Overall Number of Reports 365 32 (5) 71 350 23 (1) 75 334 18 (1) 77

Compliance Violations 103 32 (5) 71 98 23 (1) 75 95 18 (1) 77

Violation of Internal Rules 103 32 (5) 71 98 23 (1) 75 95 18 (1) 77

Violation of Laws and Regulations 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

No Violation 262 - - 252 - - 239 - -

Harassment: Number of Reports 154 10 (0) 23 168 15 (0) 23 184 10 (1) 34

Compliance Violations 33 10 (0) 23 38 15 (0) 23 44 10 (1) 34

Violation of Internal Rules 33 10 (0) 23 38 15 (0) 23 44 10 (1) 34

Violation of Laws and Regulations

(Violation of Human Rights) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

No Violation 121 - - 130 - - 140 - -

Misconduct: Number of Reports 77 2 (0) 15 73 1 (0) 23 44 2 (2) 10

Compliance Violations 17 2 (0) 15 24 1 (0) 23 12 2 (2) 10

Violation of Internal Rules 17 2 (0) 15 24 1 (0) 23 12 2 (2) 10

Violation of Laws and Regulations

(Bribery, Accounting Fraud,

Disguised Contracting, etc.)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

No Violation 60 - - 49 - - 32 - -

Fraud (personal use of company funds):

Number of Reports 38 11 (2) 5 32 5 (1) 7 28 3 (0) 5

Compliance Violations 16 11 (2) 5 12 5 (1) 7 8 3 (0) 5

Violation of Internal Rules 16 11 (2) 5 12 5 (1) 7 8 3 (0) 5

Violation of Laws and Regulations 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

No Violation 22 - - 20 - - 20 - -

Other: Number of Reports 96 9 (3) 28 77 2 (0) 22 78 3 (0) 28

Compliance Violations 37 9 (3) 28 24 2 (0) 20 31 3 (0) 28

Violation of Internal Rules 37 9 (3) 28 24 2 (0) 20 31 3 (0) 28

Violation of Laws and Regulations 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

No Violation 59 - - 53 - - 47 - -

* Numbers in parentheses indicate dismissals

The Whistleblowing Mechanism Guidelines, revised in December 2016 by the Consumer Affairs Agency, recommend that

neutral and fair third-party assessments be carried out. We had such an assessment carried out in May 2017 and received

the comment that overall, a whistleblowing mechanism is in place and is being administered appropriately.


099 NTT Group Data Book 2019

Details of assessment

1. Investigation of the mechanism and operational status of the help line in order to verify its effectiveness in terms of

utilization and reliability.

2. Sample survey on the establishment of regulations and responses to whistleblowers, etc.

3. Confirmation of compliance with the Whistleblowing Mechanism Guidelines.

4. Interviews with administrators and discussion about operational issues.

Disciplinary Actions against Confirmed Violations

A compliance violation or breach of the NTT Group Corporate Ethics Charter is dealt with using the disciplinary measures

taken in accordance with the disciplinary code established at each Group company. This includes pay cuts and work

suspension, and may also be reflected in assessments (evaluations) and personnel transfers.


100 NTT Group Data Book 2019

Policies and Concepts

NTT Group faces a rapidly changing business environment, including intensified competition in the information and

telecommunications sector. In this context, NTT Group companies are exposed to an increasing amount of business risk.

NTT Group strives to minimize the impact of losses that could result from the materialization of risk by anticipating and

preventing the occurrence of potential risks. As part of these efforts, NTT has formulated the NTT Group Business Risk

Management Manual and has distributed it to all Group companies so that the entire Group can work together to conduct

risk management. This manual contains policies for addressing various forms of risk facing NTT Group’s business operations

and approaches to coordination among NTT Group companies.

In addition, each Group company has formulated its own manuals and other guidelines, which reflect its specific business

operations, business environment, and other factors, and is using these materials to control business risks.

Organization for Implementation

At NTT, Risk Management Regulations are in

place, which define fundamental policies

concerning in-house risk management for

effective and efficient business operations. Risk

management is carried out based on a

continuous PDCA cycle under the leadership of

the Business Risk Management Committee,

chaired by the representative director and senior

executive vice president, and comprised of

heads of departments and offices as committee


At NTT Group, the Representative Director and Senior Executive Vice President of NTT is assigned ultimate

responsibility for risk management, while each executive officer serves as the risk officer for the business area they are

placed in charge of.

Identifying Material Risks

From time to time, NTT reviews assumed risks and

management policies based on changes in the

social environment.

The Business Risk Management Committee

leads implementation of periodic risk analysis

processes for each organization. A report is

submitted to the Board of Directors, which reviews

the results as well as the overall risk factors of

each organization, prioritizes the material risks,

and decides on responses.

Matters pertaining to risk management are

discussed at meetings of the Business Risk Management Committee. As part of risk monitoring, each department in charge

reports on the status of monitoring and risk mitigation effects to the Business Risk Management Committee, while the Internal

Control Office conducts individual audits on the status of initiatives to address material risks and reports results to the Board

of Directors in the subsequent fiscal year.

Risk Management


101 NTT Group Data Book 2019

Response to Individual Risks

<Important Risk>

Risk from Cyber Terrorism

In recent years, as threats related to information security have become increasingly sophisticated and diversified, causing

incidents such as damage due to cyberattacks and information leaks to emerge as social problems, developing information

security countermeasures for smartphones, cloud services and other new ICT services has become an increasing concern.

Given these circumstances, service interruptions or disruptions in the quality of NTT Group’s services due to cyberattacks,

such as targeted attacks or unauthorized access of NTT Group’s communication networks, servers or other equipment, or

the leakage, tampering or loss of information due to intrusions into company networks, could occur, which could harm NTT

Group’s credibility and corporate image and thereby adversely affect NTT Group’s results of operations and financial


In consideration of these risks, NTT Group has been promoting the introduction of the latest research results,

continuously strengthening network security, and strengthening its efforts to train highly-skilled personnel in the security field.

Risks Caused by Catastrophic Disasters

NTT Group has operations both domestically and abroad, and supports society and business activities through its

communications networks and information systems. In addition, NTT Group provides a multitude of services that serve as

necessary lifelines that ensures people’s safety in their everyday lives.

With respect to the provision of these services, natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons and floods,

pandemics such as new strains of influenza, and other issues including a larger-than-expected increase in

telecommunication traffic, terrorism, armed action, regional conflict and various other events could cause system and

network failure or threaten the safety of NTT Group employees. As a result, there may be occasions when disruptions in

NTT Group’s business operations make it impossible to provide reliable services, which may lead to NTT Group being held

liable for related damages, potentially damaging NTT Group’s credibility and corporate image. A large-scale disaster in

particular could not only severely damage NTT Group’s telecommunications networks, but could also harm NTT Group

employees or cause damage to systems that could take a long time to restore, and the resulting emergency electricity use

restrictions could hinder NTT Group’s ability to provide reliable services. These events may lead to reductions in income

and substantial repair costs.

In consideration of these risks, NTT Group has implemented a variety of measures, including strengthening the durability

and water resistance of exchange offices, re-assessing its transmission lines, making capital investments in its network

facilities to strengthen network resilience and accelerate response time in the event of malfunctions, conducting safety

confirmation drills for its employees in preparation for disasters and improving initial response to restoration activities by AI-

based damage prediction. Through these various efforts, NTT Group is taking steps towards ensuring safe and secure

operations of its networks and systems which are essential to the provision of services.

NTT Group also provides and delivers systems and services to customers in the system integration business, which

typically operates under a service contract model in which services are completed from the receipt of orders through the

delivery dates.

As a result of this model, NTT Group generally assumes full contractual responsibility at all stages, but there is a

possibility that a deviation from initial estimates or problems in project management at the development stage could result

in cost overruns or losses due to delivery delays.

In consideration of these risks, for projects that are above a certain size, NTT Group has a review committee review cost

estimates and the feasibility of project plans, and also monitors the progress of projects after they have been commissioned.

Investment Risk

NTT Group engages in joint ventures, alliances and collaborations, as well as acquisitions and other strategic investments

to expand its global business operations in particular in response to changes in market structure and customers’ needs.

However, NTT Group may not be able to maintain or enhance the value or financial performance of, or achieve sufficient

synergies with, the domestic or overseas operations in which it has invested or agreed to invest or that it may in the future

acquire. In addition, there may be occasions when NTT Group will suffer potential losses resulting from the dissolution or

disposition of its investments, partnerships or other cooperative initiatives. Furthermore, the recent increase in the number

of foreign subsidiaries within NTT Group may result in increased fragmentation within the group and render a common

understanding difficult to achieve. There may be occasions when it is difficult for NTT to exert the control over its overseas

subsidiaries necessary to oversee their business and operations. In addition, there is a risk that factors related to cross-

border business, such as legal restrictions relating to investment and competition, differences in tax systems, differences in

business customs including contract practices, labor relations, and international politics, may pose challenges to NTT

Group’s management of its overseas business activities. If such risks materialize, NTT Group’s results of operations and

financial condition may be adversely affected.


102 NTT Group Data Book 2019

In consideration of these risks, NTT Group is proactively striving to expand its global business operations, and has

worked to achieve expected returns from these endeavors by carrying out periodic post-acquisition monitoring of its

investments. In addition, NTT Group established a global holding company, NTT, Inc., and is taking initiatives to further

enhance the group governance and risk management of its global business.

Risk from Compliance Violations

NTT Group is subject to a wide variety of laws and regulations, as the scope of its business encompasses a variety of

products and services both in Japan and abroad. As a result, some of NTT Group’s business activities require licenses,

notifications, and permit approvals. In addition, it is possible that NTT Group’s growing business operations, especially

outside of Japan, could be subject to additional burdens stemming from, among other things, the local rules and regulations

of the countries in which NTT operates, or the lack thereof, the unpredictable nature of commercial and judicial interpretations

of such local laws, the adoption of new laws and the revision of existing laws.

With respect to laws and regulations, it may not always be possible to eliminate compliance risk and reputational risk

from loss of credibility, including, for example, in the case of an employee’s improper personal behavior. The occurrence of

any of the risks described above could adversely affect NTT Group’s business, including its reputation and credibility, as

well as NTT Group’s ability to obtain new subscribers or its eligibility to secure governmental contracts, which could in turn

adversely affect NTT Group’s results of operations and financial condition.

In consideration of these risks, based on NTT Group’s understanding that legal compliance is an extremely important

corporate responsibility, NTT Group is working towards further strengthening its compliance systems in light of the tightening

of bribery and anti-corruption laws in foreign countries, particularly the United States and the United Kingdom.

There is increasing societal demand to ensure the protection of confidential information, such as customers’ personal

information, as well as increasing requirements to protect such information from a legal standpoint.

However, given the further sophistication of criminal activities aimed at obtaining personal information and other

confidential information, it is possible that NTT Group will be unable to eliminate the risk of a leak or misuse of confidential


In consideration of these risks, NTT Group has historically made efforts to protect confidential information, such as its

customers’ personal information, and NTT Group has also implemented the NTT Group Information Security Policy, which

requires enhanced internal information management, training and awareness-raising for officers and employees. NTT Group

expects to continue being able to ensure the proper management of confidential information in accordance with this policy.

<Emerging Risks*>

Risks Arising from Climate Change

Responsible for environmental activities across the whole Group, the Environmental Protection Office is assigned to identify

environmental risks that could affect our businesses not only environmentally but also financially. As for the risks and

opportunities with respect to individual facilities and equipment, monitoring and assessment are conducted through a

collaborative effort between staff in charge of environmental issues and those responsible for facilities, and these individuals

are appointed for every Group company. We consider future climate change a particularly imperative issue and are therefore

working toward the environmental targets that have been set for the years leading up to 2030 (see page 031).

Service interruptions caused by damages to telecommunications equipment could occur frequently, owing to the

increased scale and frequency of natural disasters such as torrential rainfall and typhoons attributable to climate change.

This could lead to secondary affects due to the interruption of important telecommunication services, such as the 110, 119

and 118 numbers, and the inability to quickly restore services in such situations could damage the Company’s reputation.

In response, we are working to mitigate these effects should a natural disaster strike. This includes the use of multi-routing

for communications networks and reinforcing disaster prevention measures of buildings housing our telecommunications

equipment. Furthermore, we are also implementing measures that will enable us to quickly restore services in the event of

a disaster by expanding the use of disaster resilient equipment and conducting regular training drills for disaster response


Please see page 041 for details about climate change risks and opportunities.

Risk of Workforce Shortages Caused by the Acceleration of the Reverse in Globalization

The recent political trend indicating the emergence of nationalism and populism, and growing worldwide uncertainty about

the rise in terrorist and cyber terrorist attacks, could potentially cause a reversal in globalization, restricting the freedom of

movement of human resources and making it difficult for NTT Group to secure the labor force it requires. Specifically,

shortages of cyber security personnel could inhibit responses to security incidents that occur at customers or within NTT


103 NTT Group Data Book 2019

Group, making it difficult to sustainably grow the security business, which is a core strategic business of NTT Group. In turn,

this could affect profits and damage the Company’s reputation.

In response to this risk, we are stepping up hiring of security personnel at Group companies inside and outside Japan

as well as enhancing industry-wide training programs for developing the talent we require. Additionally, we are developing

cross-functional security responses (incident detection, resolution, damage minimization, prevention, etc.) across NTT

Group through NTT-CERT, which offers personnel who are experts in cutting edge and advanced security.

* Significant risks caused by unexpected changes.


104 NTT Group Data Book 2019

Basic Policy

All directors and employees of NTT Group have declared their commitment to complying with all laws and regulations, social

standards, and internal company rules, whether in Japan or overseas, and acting in accordance with the highest ethical

standards in both private and public activities. In tax-related operations, we also strive to maintain and enhance tax

compliance by setting up guidelines and educating our employees.

Governance Structure

NTT has established a basic policy of internal control systems for NTT Group to deal with various risks including tax risks

which has been approved by NTT’s board. We define each company’s roles in tax-related operations as follows.

(1) NTT

NTT establishes the basic policy and guidelines of tax-related operations and promotes appropriate measures in cooperation

with its consolidated subsidiaries. NTT strives to gather information regarding regulations, notifies subsidiaries of any

changes to regulations, and supervises subsidiaries.

(2) NTT’ s Consolidated Subsidiaries

NTT’s consolidated subsidiaries fulfill their tax duties including preparing and filing tax returns, making tax payments, and

dealing with tax audits appropriately in accordance with the basic policy and guidelines. NTT’s consolidated subsidiaries

report information and submit relevant documents to NTT as necessary.

Optimizing Tax costs

NTT and its consolidated subsidiaries should strive to utilize appropriately and effectively the tax relief measures with a view

to maximizing shareholder value of NTT Group. NTT and its consolidated subsidiaries shall not implement any measures

which may be considered or interpreted as tax evasion by regulators.

Tax Risks

When undertaking international transactions, NTT and its consolidated subsidiaries should ensure such transactions are

given due consideration in advance of execution. NTT and its consolidated subsidiaries should consult with tax advisors and

seek advice as necessary.

Furthermore, we have laid out the following measures regarding transfer pricing taxation and controlled foreign

companies rules.

Transfer Pricing Taxation

Prices that are applied to NTT Group’s international transactions will be calculated in accordance with the laws and

regulations of each country or region and the Transfer Pricing Guidelines published by the OECD and also in accordance

with the “arm’s length principle.”

In cases where the documentation of the price calculation method is obligatory, or where such documentation is necessary

due to factors such as transaction size and potential taxation risks, we will generate the documents in an appropriate


Controlled Foreign Companies Rules

When investing in a low-tax country, we will make appropriate tax payments in accordance with the laws and regulations

of the relevant country or region.

Relationship with Tax Authorities

NTT Group aims to maintain good relationships with tax authorities through communication with them. All explanations given

to tax authorities should be based on facts. NTT and its consolidated subsidiaries should work with them in a sincere and

Tax Policy


105 NTT Group Data Book 2019

appropriate manner.

If tax authorities were to notify NTT and its consolidated subsidiaries of tax adjustments, NTT and its consolidated

subsidiaries should determine the cause of such issue (s) immediately, and take appropriate measures to prevent similar

recurrences, unless NTT and its consolidated subsidiaries file a petition of objection or tax lawsuit.

Income Taxes Paid

FY2017 (Billions of yen)

Japan 504.7

Others 39.5

Total 544.2
