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આધ સ્થાક : ગુરુદે .ૂ.બાજી પ્રેરક : ગુરુર્ય .ૂ.સ્ામીશ્રી

ફામભત્ાો ! આ ઘનશ્માભ એો આણી ફાસબાનાો ફાક છો.

તો ઉંભયો ખુફ નાનાો છો, ણ આ કાોયાોના જોલા ભહાળોતાનની સાભો રડનાયાો ખુફ ભાોટાો માોધ્ધા છો.

તો ઘયની એદંય સોનનટાઇઝય રૂી ફદુંકનો જોડો રઈનો જ પયો છો.

દય ફો કરાકો ાોતો એનો નયલાયના તભાભ સભમાોના હાથનો સોનનટાઇઝ કયાલો છો એનો હા, દય લખતો સાલચોતીરૂી

સચૂના તાો આો જ છો કો "જો જો હાોં....હાથનો ભાોં ઉય ના જલા દોતા એનો જરૂય ડો ત્યાયો આ ઘનશ્માભ માોધ્ધાનો

ફાોરાલી રોજો, તો તભાયી સાથો જ છો."

ળુ ંફામભત્ાો તભાયો ઘનશ્માભની જોભ "કાોયાોના લાોનયમય" ફનલુ ંછો?

તાો, આગ આ ુસ્તક સ્લરૂો ઘનશ્માભ ળુ-ંળુ ંઆ મધુ્ધ રડલા કયો છો, તો જણીમો એનો એો પ્રભાણો કયીએો.



બાળમમત્રો, ષેક દરરોજ ષારે

સેલા ઉઠીન ેકોરોનાથી બચા

મસારાજ, બાા, ગુરુદે .ૂ.બાજી અને

ગુરુર્ય .ૂ.સ્ામીશ્રીન ેપ્રાથયના કરુું છુું, અને

સા આણા વ્સાલા ગુરુર્ય .ૂ.સ્ામીશ્રીએ

મસા કોરોનારૂી-દસેામિમાનન ેટાળા પ્રાથયના

કરાનુું કહ્ુું છે તેના માટે ણ પ્રાથયના કરુું છુું,

તો ચાલો સે પ્રાથયના કરીએ...



આને જે બાાભાાં

પ્રાથથના કયલી શોઈ તે

બાા ય ટચ કયો.

મડડઓ જોા માટે ટીી ર મલલક કરો.



There was a village near Vadtal. Its name was Mahudiyu Paru. A child lived there. His

name was Saluk Pagi.

Saluk’s maternal uncle was a devotee of Lord Swaminarayan.

Once, Saluk grew watermelons in his farm. When first two watermelons grew in his

farm he decided, “Out of these two watermelons, I will one to my maternal uncle and other

to my maternal uncle’s God, Lord Swaminarayan.

“There is a celebration Vadtal after a week, so I will go there, and offer the

watermelon to Goad myself. Thinking this, he dug two pits in the ground and buried the two

watermelons and covered them with sand.

After one week, Saluk decided to go to the celebration in Vadtal. Before going to the celebration, he

dug open the two pits again to take out watermelons. But what was this?

The Foxes had already dug up the pit and they had eaten the watermelon that was for his

maternal uncle, while the watermelon for Load Swaminarayan was still intact. Of course it would be

so! The Load protects everything which surrenders to him.

He took out the Maharaj’s watermelon and set out for Vadtal. But as he walked a while, his eyes

were attracted to the watermelon in his hand. Seeing the nicely ripe watermelon, Saluk thought, “O

foolish! Silently eat this nice watermelon. Is there any shortage in Swaminarayan’s house? There are so

many devotees to gift him. Finish it.”

Thus, his mind was slackened. So, he sat under a tree. He took out a knife from his pocket and as

soon as he was about to cut the watermelon, a thought crossed his mind again.

“O foolish!, Aren’t you ashamed? How can you eat something which you have already

dedicated to Lord Swaminarayan? Hey, you will eat Maharaj’s food as well?

He put the knife back into his pocket and he started walking forward with the watermelon

in his hand.

Having gone no further his mind was tempted again upon seeing the watermelon and he

thought, “Your watermelon will be crushed in crowded celebration. Who will take care of

you? Nobody will call you amongst so many people. Secretly just finish it here!”

Having thought this, he took out the knife from his pocket but a thought crossed his

mind again, “Its ok even if Maharaj doesn’t eat your watermelon, but your love will be known

to Maharaj! He is omniscience; then why shouldn’t you give it to him ? In this way, torn

between the conflict of his soul and his mind, at last Saluk reached Vadtal.

In Vadtal, Maharaj was setting on a throne in a bid assembly. Saluk arrived and stood

behind the assembly. At a time, Shriji Maharaj told the assembly to make some place for

saluk. Shriji Maharaj sent someone to bring Saluk to Him.

Amidst the assembly he said, Saluk! Give me the watermelon. You have brought it for me,

haven’t you?”

Then Maharaj took the watermelon from his hand, got it cut and started eating it in the

assembly. While eating Maharaj told the assembly,

Sants – Devotees! This Saluk is greatest than all of you because he had gotten victory on his

mind. If he had not kept control over his mind, I have not gotten a chance to eat this

watermelon. So today we are blessing Saluk to get eternal peace along with Muktananand


Like so, Maharaj was very delighted and gave these blessings to Saluk.

Wow! God, how children loving you are! And how pleased you are with smallest offering

from children! You showered grace upon Saluk because he controlled his mind and regarded

him to be greater than everybody sitting in the assembly. Oh…God! Your grace has no



For Children's: Whatever food we get, we should first offer it to Maharaj and than we should eat it.

Moreover, we should also remember to offer the food in the temple and to sants who are

our real relatives.

As Saluk Pagi gained control over his mind to please Maharaj, we should also put aside

our desires and fix our vision on pleasing Maharaj and Satpurush. In the matter of

following rules and regulations, we should gain control over our mind and please them.

This is so that we do not get swept away in worldly activities such as eating, drinking,

watching or listening to anything that is against the command of Maharaj.

For Parent’s / Guardians’: Just as Maharaj displayed Saluk’s virtue in front of the entire Sabha and showered

pleasure upon him, we should display our children’s virtues to our family. This way they

will be motivated to gain more virtues.

To submit your answer please click on below given link.

1. What was the name of the Village?

2. What was the event in Vadtal?

3. Why only one watermelon left in pit?

4. Which thought Saluk got while cutting the



મહારાજને આાજે રાજી કરવા આાજે આાટલ ુંતાે કરીઆે જ...


મમ્મી ાષથેી લીંબ ુ વરબત બનાતા વીખીએ અન ે એક ગ્લાષ

લીંબ ુ વરબત બનાી ઠાકોરજીન ે ધરાીએ... અન ે છી ઘરના

ષભ્ર્ોન ેપ્રષાદી આીન ેરાજી કરીએ..

આજે આણા ુસ્તકોનો કફાટ વાપ કયીળુાં અને ફધા

ુસ્તકો ફયાફય ગોઠલીળુાં.


આણી બાળષિાનો ષમર્:- દરરોજ ષાુંજ ે5:00 થી 6:00

MY BAL SABHA ફામભત્રો, ફાવબા એ આણાં જીલન છે. જમાયે આણા ભાટ ેથઈન ેઆ રોકડાઉન

દયમ્માન ૂ.વાંતો દયયોજ આણને ફાવબાનો રાબ આે છે. તો, ચારો આણે

ફાવબાનો રાબ રઈએ.

ચાલો બાળમમત્રો, હ ું તો બાળષિામાું જાઉં છુું,તમારે પણ આુું છે ને ! તો

ચાલો મને ટચ કરો, આપણે સીધા બાળષિામાું સોંચી જઈવુું...


બાળમમત્રો, બાળષિાનો લાિ લેતા-લતેા ષિામાુંથી વીખા મળે તેને નોંધુું જોઈએ, તો

ચાલો આણે Exercise કરીએ.

આજની બાળષિાનો મશર્:- ___________ લાિ આનાર ૂ. ષુંત નુું નામ:-


ષારરૂ મુદ્દા:- સોમકય :- ___________________________________ __ __________________________________ ___________________________________


ફામભત્રો, તભ ેજે રાઈલ ફાવબાનો રાબ રીધો તેનો મલમ રખલો, વબા દયમ્માન .ૂવાંતોએ આરે

રાબનો ફોધ ેયભાાં રખલો. વબા ફાદ, આણ ેજાત ેજ વબાભાાંથી જે નક્કી કમુું શોમ તેન ેશોભલકથભાાં




Let’s Be Creative.

For Example…

Solve the Equation. One rabbit saw six elephants while going to the river. Every elephant

saw two monkeys going towards the river. Every monkey holds one parrot in their hands.



1 + 4 = 5 2 + 5 = 12 3 + 6 = 21 5 + 8 = ??

Today we have to make beautiful landscape……after

drawing it don’t forget to share your photos with us

on below given WhatsApp number.
