CORE Curriculum Training Chapter 5 - Counterfeits


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CORE Curriculum TrainingChapter 5 - Counterfeits



4 Types of Bible Teachers:

1. Sincerely and correctly teach

2. Teach the Gospel with wrong motives

3. Incorrectly or inadequately teach

4. Error with intent to deceive or pride that

closes them to the truth.

There are many myths about love…

1 Corinthians 13:8-12

-Love never fails!-Feelings fail often…

1 Corinthians 13:13

-The greatest thing we can do is love.-The greatest love we can have is love for God.-



Small Group Discussion Q’s 1. What types of Bible Teachers are

most difficult for you to deal with?

2. What detour do you find yourself struggling with from time to time?

3. What form of my life Christianity is most tempting for you?
