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Copyright © 2006 Pilothouse Consulting Inc. All rights reserved.

Search Overview

• Search Features: WSS and Office

• Search Architecture

• Content Sources and Schedules

• Crawl Rules and Security

• Properties and Scopes

• Keywords

• Relevance Inclusions / Logging

• Basic customization as administrator

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Search Features Summary

• WSS and Office Server use the same core search engine and the same search syntax

• Certain features are only available with Office Server license:– Indexing of content sources such as files shares or

business data catalog– Complex queries– Keywords/best bets functionality– Property search

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Search Architecture (from SDK)

Copyright © 2006 Pilothouse Consulting Inc. All rights reserved.

Search Architecture Terminology (from SDK)

• Index Engine - processes the chunks of text and properties filtered from content sources, storing them in the content index and property store.

• Query Engine - executes keyword and SQL syntax queries against the content index and search configuration data.

• Content Index - stores information about words and their location in a content item.

• Property Store - stores a table of properties and associated values.

• Search Configuration Database - stores information used by the Search service, including crawl configuration, property schema, scopes, and so on.

• Wordbreakers - used by the query and index engines to break compound words and phrases into individual words or tokens.

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Content Sources

• Content source is a collection of start addresses representing content that should be crawled by the search index component

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Update Types

• Full update   Crawls all content. Adds new content to and removes deleted content from the content index.

• Incremental update   Crawls new and changed content. Adds new content to and removes deleted content from the content index.

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Demo: Content Sources and Schedules

Demo: Content Sources and Schedules

1.Create a new content source

2.Specify the schedule for the content source full and incremental updates

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Crawl Rules

• Crawl rules help control which pages get indexed as well as which content access account will crawls those pages.

– If the default content access account (the account used if no other is specified) does not have the rights to access a specific source, administrator can provide an alternate account.

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End User Search Security

• A user will only see the documents in search results for which s/he has permissions.

• This applies to SharePoint content and external content.

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Demo: Crawl Rules

Demo: Crawl Rules

1.Setting default content access account

2.Creating crawl rules

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• There are two types of properties:– Crawled: discovered by search index service

component when crawling content – Managed: mapped by administrator from crawled

to managed to make a part of user search experience

• When a user adds a column to a list and specifies a value for a list item, indexer will find this property on the next incremental crawl (the property becomes crawled).

• After administrator promotes the property to managed, full crawl needs to occur for correct search results to appear

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• Search administration interface groups properties based on the source of discovery: business data catalog, Office documents, SharePoint lists– Office – document libraries and documents in file

shares - urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Title

– SharePoint – lists (properties have “ows_” prefix) -- urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#ows_Grade

• A property for a document in the document library shows up in Office and SharePoint sections

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Search Scopes

• Search scopes enable more relevant search experience

– For departmental searches– For specific project searches– For specific property searches

• Administrators can create scopes at shared services level or site collection level

• In this version, it is very easy to create scopes based on managed properties

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Demo: Search Properties

Demo: Search Properties

1. Perform a full crawl and examine Managed Properties section

2. Find Grade property and make it into managed property

3. Perform another full crawl and examine Grade settings.

4. Use Grade property in search center

5. Create a scope based on the Grade property

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Free Style Exercise

Free Style Exercise

1.Add a file share content source

2.Find “SOP Purpose” property and make it managed

3.Create a scope based on the “SOP Purpose” property

Copyright © 2006 Pilothouse Consulting Inc. All rights reserved.

Search Keywords and Best Bets

• Keywords functionality gives the ability to place items at the top of search results based on a keyword. Much like sponsored links in search engines.

• Best bets (results determined by the administrator) appear in “Search Best Bets” web part

Copyright © 2006 Pilothouse Consulting Inc. All rights reserved.

Demo: Search Keywords

Demo: Search Keywords

1.Add keywords and keyword best bests

2.Observe how the search results are affected.

Copyright © 2006 Pilothouse Consulting Inc. All rights reserved.

Demo: Search Customization as Administrator

Demo: Search Customization as Administrator

1.Examine the settings for “Search Core Results” web part


3.Scope settings

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Search Core Results as XML

• Change the XSL Editor property to see XML results used by “Search Core Results” web part:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">

<xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/>

<xsl:template match="/"> <xsl:copy-of select="*"/>


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XSL for Custom Managed Properties

For each custom property add code to display it:

<xsl:call-template name="DisplayString"><xsl:with-param name="str"

select="resellerphone" /><xsl:with-param


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Demo: Modifying Search Core Results Web Part

Demo: Modifying Search Core Results Web Part

1. Change the XSL Editor property of “Search Core Results” web part to display the XML of search results

2. In “Results Query Options: Selected Columns”, add several more managed properties that will be displayed

3. Change the XSL Editor to display several more managed properties

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Demo: Add AdventureWorks Search Content Source

Demo: Add AdventureWorks Search Content Source

1. In search administration, add AdventureWorks application as a business data catalog content source and run a full update

2. Make Reseller properties into managed properties and run a full update

3. Test search results

Copyright © 2006 Pilothouse Consulting Inc. All rights reserved.

Demo: Search Center Tab “Resellers”

Demo: Search Center Tab “Resellers’

1. In search center, create a tab with new search and searchresults pages

2. Configure search and search results pages to not show scopes

3. Customize the core results web part in searchresults page to display managed properties for Reseller