Copernicus Data Policy: Benefits for Environmental Services...Copernicus Data Policy: Benefits for...


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C o p e r n i c u s D a t a P o l i c y :B e n e f i t s f o r

E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e sJean-Noël Thépaut & Fabio Venuti, ECMWFDr. Erik Andersson, CopernicusEuropean Commission, DG DEFIS



• Copernicus, a flagship programme of the European Union:

– Monitors the Earth, its environment and ecosystems

– Prepares for crises, security risks and natural or man-made disasters

– Contributes to the EU’s role as a global soft power

• Adopts a full, free and open data policy

• Is a tool for economic development and a driver for the digital economy


T h e R e g u l a t i o n• Full Title: Commission Delegated Regulation

(EU) No 1159/2013• Adopted: 12 July 2013• Entry into force: 9 December 2013

It requires Copernicus data and information to be made available on a full, open and free of charge basis,… subject to limitations concerning registration, dissemination formats, and access restrictions.


T h e R e g u l a t i o nThe key elements are that

1. there are no restrictions on the use (commercial and non-commercial) nor on users (European and non-European);

2. a free of charge version of any dataset is always available on the Copernicus dissemination platform; and

3. data and information are available worldwide without limitation in time.

• Users shall, however, inform the public of the source of the data and information and notify any modifications made thereto.

• Limitation of access might be based, on the one hand, on legalgrounds such as international agreements, IPR and the protection of personal data and, on the other hand, on the protection of security interests subject to an assessment of the sensitivity of the data and information to be undertaken by the Commission.

• Finally, access limitations can be set in exceptional cases for technical reasons, namely if the capacities of the dissemination systems are not sufficient to serve all user requests.




6 services use Earth Observation data to

deliver …

Copernicus Sentinels Other Satellites

…added-value products



C O P E R N I C U S S E R V I C E ST h e S I X C O P E R N I C U S S E R V I C E S

User Uptake

T h e v a l u e o f o p e n d a t a


B e n e f i t s e x p e c t e d f r o m C o p e r n i c u s


B e n e f i t s e x p e c t e d f r o m C o p e r n i c u s

• Support the vital task of monitoring the environment (public sector)

• Create new jobs and business opportunities (enterprises)

• Create indirect benefit through accurate earth observations

Copernicus cost-benefit assessment predicted *:

• Cost per EU inhabitant will be ~€1.07 per year

• Expected cumulative financial benefit by 2030 is ~€30 Bn (~0.2% of the EU GDP)

• For every €1 spent we get a return of ~€3.2

• An estimated minimum of ~48,000 jobs will be created – over the period 2015 -2030

• Estimated downstream market potential turnover will be ~€1.8 Bn by 2030



C o p e n i c u s d a t a p o l i c y p o s t 2 0 2 0

Benefit of Copernicus Full, Free and Open (FFO) policy estimated at 90 billion Euro

Three alternative options were considered by a study report (2019)*:1. Restricting Copernicus data and information to EU users only loss of 600-800

M€/year for EU end users compared to FFO2. Charging Copernicus users (except European public institutions loss of 43.4 billion €

between 2017-20353. Allowing access to all users but limiting the redistribution rights to entities with whom

the EU has established agreements loss of - 4.4 billion € 2017-2035

Conclusions: the FFO is still the best option

*: (93 pages)

User Uptake

T h e v a l u e o f o p e n d a t a :

P e r s p e c t i v e f r o mC o p e r n i c u s E n v i r o n m e n t a l

S e r v i c e s @ E C M W F

The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) provides consistent and quality-controlled information related to air pollution and health, solar energy, greenhouse gases and climate forcing, everywhere in the world.

The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) supports society by providing authoritative information about the past, present and future climate in Europe and the rest of the World.

Copernicus@ECMWF: Building on synergies and combining efforts to provide two world class operational environmental Services.


C A M S p o r t f o l i o h t t p : / / a t m o s p h e r e . c o p e r n i c u s . e u

CAMS provides information products based on Earth Observation about:

• past, current and near-future (forecasts) global atmospheric composition;

• the ozone layer;

• European air quality;

• emissions and surface fluxes of key pollutants and greenhouse gases;

• solar radiation;

• climate radiative forcing.


C3S portfol io: Access to past, present and future cl imate information

Earth system m


Observations and climate reanalyses

Seasonal forecast data and products

Climate model simulations

Sectoral climate impact indicators


C 3 S r e s p o n d s t t h e G C O S i m p l e m e n t a t i o n p l a n

• GCOS’s role is to set requirements • Various agencies and organizations implement and produce this

set of ECVsCEOS (Committee of Earth Observation Satellites)CGMS (Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites (CGMS)Copernicus

Need for more consistent observations across the Earth System Cycles


U n d e r p i n n i n g R e q u i r e m e n t s f o r E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s : s a t e l l i t e a n d i n - s i t u o b s e r v a t i o n s , + s t a t e - o f - t h e - a r t c o m p u t e r m o d e l s

Example: Future anthropogenic CO2 Emission Monitoring and Verification Support Capacity.

How to access all relevant existing data in a simple framework?


B e n e f i t s o n t h e i n p u t s i d e

• Underpinning the delivery of Services:– Access to a wide variety of data (similar to NWP but

broader)• Near Real Time requirements• Data holdings, data rescue• 1 +1 > 2 (data sharing essential)

– EC is negotiating MoUs with various countries and organizations» WMO, NOAA, Canada, …

– Quality Assurance process• Need independent verification data

– “Authoritativeness”• Traceability, transparency, consistency, documentation

– Access to metadata


B e n e f i t s o n t h e o u t p u t s i d e

• Underpinning the User Uptake:– Access and Usability (the less clicks, the

better): download, T&Cs, licenses

T h a n k y o u

A l l C o p e r n i c u s d a t a a r e a c c e s s i b l e v i a c o p e r n i c u s . e u
