COOL TOOLS Bullying: No Way! From and


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Bullying: No Way! From and

Types of Bullying

Physical – It is against the law to physically bully someone. You could face criminal charges and school discipline.

Verbal – Anything that is offensive or threatening or that may involve harm to another's group acceptance(popularity).

Social – Involves harm to another's group acceptance

Online or Cyberbullying – verbal or social bullying carried out through the internet, social media, or on mobile devices

Physical Bullying

hitting kicking slapping pinching biting poking choking destroying personal belongings

Verbal Bullying

mean words not speaking to/ignoring teasing threatening name calling gossiping spreading rumors public humiliation not including others in groups playing mean or hurtful tricks

Social Bullying

gossiping spreading rumors public humiliation not including others in

groups(exclusion) playing mean tricks

Online or Cyberbullying

verbal or social bullying carried out through the internet, social media, or on mobile devices mean words not speaking to/ignoring teasing threatening name calling gossiping spreading rumors public humiliation not including others in groups playing mean or hurtful tricks

We stand together

Everyone plays a part in ensuring the safety and well-being of others Don’t ever join in on bullying Don’t watch Do tell the bully to stop and tell them their

behavior is NOT okay Tell a teacher or other adult Do say something nice to the person being

bullied and invite them to join your group

If it happens to you:

Say ‘No!’ or ‘Stop it!’ firmly Walk Away Try to act unaffected or ignore the bully Talk to a trusted adult at school or home Ask friends, teachers, or parents for their


If you are being bullied online:

Don’t respond to the message or image Save the evidence with a screenshot

and show your parents or a teacher Block the sender Report the situation to the website or

Internet Service Provider Talk to trusted people- friends, parents,

teachers, and police if necessary