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Sacrifices Today



Old Testament Sacrifices.......................................................................................................................3

Burnt Offering........................................................................................................................................5

Quote from ‘What about Sacrifices’..............................................................................................7

Dealing with Sin.................................................................................................................................8

Quote from ‘What about Sacrifices’..............................................................................................9

The Grain Offering...............................................................................................................................10

The Peace Offering..............................................................................................................................11

The Sin Offering...................................................................................................................................11

The Guilt Offering................................................................................................................................12

Dealing with Few Difficulties...............................................................................................................13

First Difficulty – if sacrifices are cancelled, so is Torah....................................................................13

Second Difficulty – if sacrifices are cancelled, nobody told the Apostles, they still practiced it......14

Third Difficulty – if sacrifices are cancelled, why would Yeshua (Jesus) rebuild the Temple in the millennium and expect sacrifices to be made?................................................................................15


Quote from ‘What about Sacrifices?’...........................................................................................16

Legal Transaction.................................................................................................................................18

Scriptural Examples of Yeshua’s Legal Life.......................................................................................20

No Hope...........................................................................................................................................20

Legally Sin Free....................................................................................................................................21

Quote from ‘What about Sacrifices’............................................................................................22

God So Loved Us …..............................................................................................................................22

The two Covenants..........................................................................................................................24

Introducing Protos and Deuteros......................................................................................................25

“Sanctuary of the Protos....................................................................................................................25

The Protos Sanctuary.....................................................................................................................26

Inside the Deuteros............................................................................................................................27

Worship in the Protos....................................................................................................................28

The Protos Still Stands...................................................................................................................28

1 | Sacrifices


1 Corinthians 15:1 – 58........................................................................................................................30

Romans 4:1 – 25..........................................................................................................................31

2 | Sacrifices

Old Testament Sacrifices

There are 5 classifications of sacrifices to God. Five, of course, speaks of grace and redemption.

The five classifications are: -1. The Burnt Offering.2. The Grain Offering.3. The Peace offering.4. The Sin Offering.5. The Guilt offering.

To understand these sacrifices is to understand the sacrifice of our Master.

We also need to keep in mind that all sacrifices were worship forms ordained by God Himself.

Should I ask the member of any modern Christian Church what the purpose of the sacrifices were in the Old Testament, they would answer something in this vein: -

The Jews sacrificed an animal to take away his sin. His sin was removed or covered for one year only – that is why he had to sacrifice an animal

every year. The God of the Old Testament was a God of Law and had to be appeased by the death of an

innocent, sinless sacrifice. This continued until the New Testament when Jesus came and provided a way for us to have

Grace instead of Law observance. The sacrifice of Yeshua (Jesus) took away the need to obey Law and made Law redundant. Yeshua (Jesus) was the perfect sacrifice and removed the need for animal sacrifices. The proof of this is found in the fact that the Romans came and destroyed the Temple and

stopped the sacrifices by exiling the Jews.

There are other points that I could add, but these shall suffice for our discussion. If I added any more to this list, in this vein, the additions would still be as erroneous as every statement that was made in the list above.

The way (procedure) the Old Testament Jew had his sins forgiven, and the reason the Old Testament Jew sacrificed animals, was as follow: -

The Jew would pray to HaShem1. Confess his sin. He would repent for his sin. He would seek forgiveness. Once he had accepted the forgiveness by faith from HaShem he would go near to God with a


1 Literally the Name, the Tetragrammaton ,יהוה the Name of God we erroneously pronounce Jehovah [Orthodox Jews regard this name as too sacred to be pronounced.].

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The process of the sacrifice was: -

The worshipper would bring an animal to the Temple (as prescribed). The priest would inspect it to ensure its purity or acceptability. Three days later the worshipper would lay his hands on the animal confessing his sin. The worshipper would slaughter the sacrifice himself. The priest would cut the sacrifice up and take the choice bits and burn them on the altar. The worshipper would then roast the sacrifice. The priest that sacrificed on behalf of the worshipper would have a part of his cooked

sacrifice to eat. The worshipper would then eat his sacrifice, and because all the sacrifice had to be

consumed, he would invite his friends and family to share his sacrifice.

The response from HaShem was: -

HE would be pleased with the sacrifice and accept the worshipper.

The mystical effects of the sacrifice were as follows: -

The worshipper would impart his life into the sacrifice by the laying-on-of-hands. The animal would die and be burned. The animal’s soul (nephesh) and the imputed soul of the worshipper (mixed together) would

come up before the Lord. The worshipper, through this action, can come near to the Holy God he is worshipping

without being consumed. God would take pleasure, not in the stench of the burned flesh of the sacrifice – as some

may assume – but in the obedience of the worshipper.

At this point, I realize that there are going to be objections to the mystical effects of the interpretation that I have made. There may even be an objection to the word mystical itself. But before you leave off reading and allocating this document to the file ‘D’ (for dustbin), consider for a moment the mystical nature of the practice of New Testament Christians today …

In the Breaking of the Bread service, the bread and the wine are mystically seen as the body and blood of Yeshua (Jesus). The Catholics even go to the extreme and say that the bread and wine literally become the body and blood of Jesus. And as the worshipper eats the bread and drinks the wine, they are taking on the forgiveness provided by Jesus’ spilled blood and they receive the healing by the broken body. Making them mystical cannibals and in the case of the Catholics, literal cannibals.

But when we understand the practices, purposes and meanings of the Old Testament sacrifices, we shall begin to understand the true meaning of the sacrifice of our Christ, blessed be His Holy Name!

So, I encourage you to read through this presentation on the sacrifices with an open mind. Be patient, be diligent; perceive the beauty of the method that our God, the Possessor of heaven and earth, the Almighty creator of all that exists, has chosen to allow us to come near to Him. When you do, you shall discover the rich and glorious things in the Breaking of Bread that are true and what is

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false. Then when you practice it again, it shall be from an understanding of the mind and the worship of the spirit, as the Scripture says … “in spirit and in truth”.

First up is the burnt offering.

Burnt Offering

This is the most fundamental and most basic of all sacrifices.

All the sacrifices that follow contain the principles found in this sacrifice; therefore it is important to understand this sacrifice and remember the principles so that they could be identified in the others as we deal with them.

This sacrifice is called the ‘Korban Olah’ – the Sacrifice that rises (before Adonai).

These following points, concerning the burnt offering, are found in an excellent book titled “What about Sacrifices” by D. Thomas Lancaster p11:

The sacrificer gains nothing from this sacrifice (he doesn’t get to eat any part of it).

The whole animal is consumed.

Heat and smoke rises before Adonai as a sweet savour.

Symbolizes complete and total surrender to Adonai (Romans 12:1).

Token of selfless devotion.

Voluntary sacrifice.

With great joy of heart (Psalm 27:6).

It is a joyous rite and privilege.

With music, song, prayer and worship.

Can only be sacrificed at the Temple.

Represents the sacrificer (Leviticus 1:3, 4 “… that HE may be accepted …”).

Any Kosher animal is used (except birds).

Laying on of hands.

‘Laying on of hands’ comes from the Hebrew word Semichah – which implies leaning. The weight of the man is transferred to the animal. In Numbers 8:10 the Levites became surrogates for the nation of Israel, as the sacrificed animal becomes a surrogate for the worshipper.

Does it atone2 for sin? Does it remove guilt?

2 Metaphorically atone could be said that we are made at-one with the Lord.

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Leviticus 1:4 He is to lay his hand upon the head of the burnt offering, and it will be accepted on his behalf to make atonement for him.

Although it does imply so, it is not accurate.

Kaphar (the word we translate cover) implies forgiveness of sin and removal of guilt, but it actually means more than that alone.

Noah applied pitch to the inside and outside of the Ark to Kaphar it – COVER it – Genesis 6:14.

Also, when it comes to a person, it means a RANSOM for your life. (Cover the price.)

We need to remember an important issue we often forget. Our God is our Father AND our Father is GOD! The Almighty, HOLY and SINLESS One!

The Almighty God of creation is a consuming fire.

(Deuteronomy4:24 For the LORD thy God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God. Deuteronomy 9:3 Understand therefore this day, that the LORD thy God is he which goeth over before thee; as a consuming fire he shall destroy them, and he shall bring them down before thy face: so shalt thou drive them out, and destroy them quickly, as the LORD hath said unto thee.).

We forget that this consuming God consumes things that are not acceptable as well as people that are not acceptable. The implements in the Holy of Holies had to be smeared with the blood of the sacrifice before it was fit for Adonai to descend onto/into the temple. Those implements would also have been consumed had they not been covered by the blood of the sacrifice.

The man that desires to come before Adonai needs to cover himself with the blood of an acceptable sacrifice. The sacrificer cannot have his sin covered, he has to cover himself.

Hebrews 9:9, 10. 9 This symbolizes the present age and indicates that the conscience of the person performing the service cannot be brought to the goal by the gifts and sacrifices he offers. 10 For they involve only food and drink and various ceremonial washings — regulations concerning the outward life, imposed until the time for God to reshape the whole structure.

The sacrifices relate ONLY to the physical being and its covering.

Hebrews 10:4 For it is impossible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sins

Sacrifices do not deal with our salvation and salvation issues. The sacrifice is there to cover us physically so that we may enter the presence of the Almighty, Consuming God.

Hebrews 9:13, 14. 13 For if sprinkling ceremonially unclean persons with the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer restores their outward purity; 14 then how much more the blood of the Messiah, who, through the eternal Spirit, offered himself to God as a sacrifice without blemish, will purify our conscience from works that lead to death, so that we can serve the living God!

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(Now we look at where the forgiveness of sin and removal of guilt comes in.)

The forgiveness of sin and removal of guilt is dealt with by Faith (trusting) and Repentance. This is the ONLY thing that can cleanse the soul and spirit and allow us to live eternally in Adonai’s presence. (For a more comprehensive explanation of this, see What about Sacrifices? pages 14 to 16.)******

What is the Hebrew concept of a person’s soul?

Nefesh – Spark of life נפש

Neshamah – Lives on after death נשמה

Nefesh = person, personality and identity of the flesh.

Nefesh Chayah נפש חיה – Animal soul. (It has no spirit.)

The blood contains the soul, when the blood leaves, life leaves, therefore Nefesh = life.

Leviticus 17:11. For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you on the altar to make atonement for yourselves; for it is the blood that makes atonement because of the life.'

The man imputes his Nefesh to the kosher animal by means of the laying-on-of-hands. He slaughters the animal himself. The priest takes the Nefesh/blood of the man (through the medium of the animal surrogate) and applies it to the altar. This action is a legal transaction within the framework of the Covenant with God. The altar is the ‘portal’, a contact point, between heaven and earth.

Whatever touches the altar becomes holy – ‘set apart for God’ (ritually). From the altar, the bodies of the animal and the man (by virtue of the act of the man imputing himself to the animal), ascend before God. God accepts the sacrifice and the soul (Nefesh) of the man can now come before the Holy God!

The sacrifice is about life – not death.

The shedding and sprinkling of blood was the vessel by which atonement was made.

The death of the animal provided nothing for the man (the sacrificer) in the burnt offering. It was the blood of the animal that brought the man near to God. It did nothing for his salvation, forgiveness of sin or removal of guilt.

Quote from ‘What about Sacrifices’(by D. Thomas Lancaster)

“Sacrifice as payment for sinChristians often think that in the old testament times people had to bring sacrifices to pay for their sins. The sacrifices, for the most part, are not about paying for their sin. In Torah, the death of the animal does not substitute for the death of the sinner. Instead, the death of the animal provides a proxy to bring the worshipper near to God. It does not appease an angry God. It provides a method by which God might be approached.

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Nevertheless, they do illustrate the concept of “vicarious suffering and atonement”. Vicarious suffering and atonement means that someone else suffers on your behalf and provides atonement for you. The animal sacrifices also teach important lessons about life and death. They graphically illustrate sin and punishment. They teach us that entering the presence of the Holy God is a costly affair – not something entered into haphazardly or casually. Blood must be shed to effect communion with God. …”

The obedience of a man to God’s good laws is pleasing to God.

1 Samuel 15:22 Sh'mu'el said, "Does Adonai take as much pleasure in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying what Adonai says? Surely obeying is better than sacrifice, and heeding orders than the fat of rams.

Adonai accepts it if it pleases Him.

Isaiah 1:11 – 13. 11 "Why are all those sacrifices offered to me?" asks Adonai. "I'm fed up with burnt offerings of rams and the fat of fattened animals! I get no pleasure from the blood of bulls, lambs and goats! 12 Yes, you come to appear in my presence; but who asked you to do this, to trample through my courtyards? 13 Stop bringing worthless grain offerings! They are like disgusting incense to me! Rosh-Hodesh, Shabbat, calling convocations — I can't stand evil together with your assemblies!

Jeremiah 6:20 What do I care about incense from Sh'va or sweet cane from a distant land? Your burnt offerings are unacceptable, your sacrifices don't please me."

Malachi 1:10 Why doesn't even one of you shut the doors and thus stop this useless lighting of fires on my altar? I take no pleasure in you," says Adonai-Tzva'ot, "and I will not receive an offering from you.

When the method of our worship is overshadowed by a life that is immoral and disobedient it becomes hypocritical and stinks before the Lord. It is like a man today that takes part in the Breaking Bread Service, but he is still cheating on, and beating, his wife at home. Then he sends flowers to his wife as a sign of his apology, and his wife is not impressed by his gesture. His sin overshadows his apology and it is not acceptable.

Yeshua (Jesus) is our Korban – our gift to God.

We can now come near to God because He was our blood sacrifice. Animals could only bring us near for one year, but Jesus brings us near eternally. That is not the same as removing sin or guilt though.

Repenting in the Name of Jesus’ and trusting in Jesus’ Name is like laying both hands upon Jesus’ head and imputing our lives into Jesus’ life. Repentance and trust3 are the tools of Salvation by Jesus’ Blood that brings us near and into the presence of God Almighty, the Living, Eternal and Fiery God! Our repentance and trust becomes a sort of surrogate in carrying our sin and guilt away.

3 The Hebrew word for faith can and does include the meaning as the word trust, as does the English. But, in Hebrew thought, the abstract faith carries little to no weight. Therefore the action word trust is preferred and substituted, and to me, it is a more applicable preference.

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Dealing with SinJesus brings us near in the heavenly temple by His blood.

Hebrews 10:1, 2. 1 For the Torah has in it a shadow of the good things to come, but not the actual manifestation of the originals. Therefore, it can never, by means of the same sacrifices repeated endlessly year after year, bring to the goal those who approach the Holy Place to offer them. 2 Otherwise, wouldn't the offering of those sacrifices have ceased? For if the people performing the service had been cleansed once and for all, they would no longer have sins on their conscience.

Hebrews 7:19, 25. 19 (for the Torah did not bring anything to the goal); and, on the other hand, a Hope of something better is introduced, through which we are drawing near to God. 25 and consequently, he is totally able to deliver those who approach God through him; since he is alive forever and thus forever able to intercede on their behalf.

Hebrews 4:16 Therefore, let us confidently approach the throne from which God gives grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace in our time of need.

Hebrews 10:22 Therefore, let us approach the Holiest Place with a sincere heart, in the full assurance that comes from trusting — with our hearts sprinkled clean from a bad conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.

Jesus’ Death paid for our sin (Hebrews 9:22 In fact, according to the Torah, almost everything is purified with blood; indeed, without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins .) which NO animal sacrifice could accomplish. The reason that Yeshua’s blood could avail us for forgiveness of sin is that His death was two-fold. His death was a ritual, as well as a legal, sacrifice.

Jesus’ Blood brings us into God’s presence, as we see in the previous Scriptures. But, Jesus’ death is ineffective without the resurrection.

Jesus’ resurrection is the victory over death that we have access to, if we are in Jesus.

The Nefesh of Yeshua/the Life of Jesus indicates He can come near to God; and we are IN HIM – He COVERS us!

Quote from ‘What about Sacrifices’(by D. Thomas Lancaster)

“Lessons from the SacrificesWe have only summarized and, in some cases, oversimplified the five types of sacrifices. Nevertheless, even this superficial overview of the sacrifices has revealed several critical truths:

The different types of sacrifices have different meanings. Not all of the sacrifices are sin offerings. The sacrifices were a means for drawing near to the inapproachable God

within his holy Temple on earth. Most of the sacrifices are more like gifts than penalties.

9 | Sacrifices

Studying the sacrifices also reminds us that the God we worship does not always fit well into our conception of what he should be like. The God of the Bible is a God who took delight in the slaughter of sacrificial animals and who described the smoke that rose from his altar fires as a pleasing aroma. Though he certainly had no need of their tribute, he invited his people to serve him with gifts by slaughtering bulls, goats, and rams.

The sacrificial system reminds us that the God of the Bible is a strange and untamed God, utterly holy and removed. He is so completely other that one who wanted to enter into his holy Tabernacle could only do so by means of the sacrifices. Moreover, human sin, even if inadvertent, so grieves God that it cannot be left unaddressed. An unintentional sin required a sin offering, and a sin against another person required both reparation and sacrifice. Who has a chance of standing in judgment before such an exacting God? The good news is that through the atoning death of God's Son, we can be washed of sin, cleansed, and forgiven.

A Different Interpretation

It is true that the Master took upon himself the punishment for our sin, i.e., death. However, he accomplished more than that. He is more than a scapegoat for us. More than simply taking our punishment, Yeshua brings us into the presence of his Father. That is a function of his life! The death of Yeshua would have availed nothing had he not risen. In his rising, his conquest over death, he brings us near to his Father. Had Yeshua not risen, he would have been as a sacrifice slaughtered but not brought to the altar. His death then, was a necessary means toward an end, and that end being the shedding and sprinkling of the blood by which he made atonement. In other words, it is the life of the living Messiah that brings us near to God.”

The Grain Offering

All offerings are gifts to Adonai, whether meat or grain offerings.

Leviticus 2:1 " 'Anyone who brings a grain offering to Adonai is to make his offering of fine flour; he is to pour olive oil on it and put frankincense on it.

They are Mincha מנחה which means Gift or Tribute.

They are completely freewill offerings. They are not attached to sin, etc. Grain cannot die for us. In fact, the priest only takes a handful of the grain and burns that in offering to God, then the priest would ‘eat’ the rest. (‘Eat’ here would indicate that the priest’s family would be included and that it would be prepared for eating.)

The grain offering included the grain (it could be any form of grain, cereal, flour of all sorts, and corn), oil (olive oil) and frankincense. It could be in any form, from raw to baked, fried, deep-pan fried, etc.

It would also include the offering being salted.

10 | Sacrifices

Leviticus 2:13 You are to season every grain offering of yours with salt — do not omit from your grain offering the salt of the covenant with your God, but offer salt with all your offerings.

The Peace Offering

Leviticus 3:1 " 'If his offering is a sacrifice of peace offerings, then, if he offers before Adonai an animal from the herd, then, no matter whether it is male or female, it must be without defect.

The word peace in Leviticus 13 is Shelamim in Hebrew – from shalom, meaning peace, wellbeing, provision, welfare, rest, safe, happy, favour, etc. – in other words the good things that we would want God to speak over our lives in a blessing. (John 14:27 "What I am leaving with you is shalom — I am giving you my shalom. I don't give the way the world gives. Don't let yourselves be upset or frightened.)

Again, this offering is a freewill, voluntary offering and includes votive4, thanksgiving, freewill, and Passover offerings.

The sacrificer partook of the offering too. The priest would offer the select portion on the altar and then the priest and the sacrificer would sit down and eat the rest of the offering. Like a three-way shared meal – God, the priest and the sacrificer. Because the gift might be too big for just the three, the sacrificer’s family and friends would be invited to join in the celebratory meal before/with Adonai.

It was never intended to be a sacrifice for sin, etc.

The special parts of the offering were the delicacies that the priest burned – Leviticus 3:3, 4. 3 He is to present the sacrifice of the peace offerings as an offering made by fire to Adonai; it is to consist of the fat covering the inner organs, all the fat above the inner organs, 4 the two kidneys, the fat on them near the flanks, and the covering of the liver, which he will remove with the kidneys.

So far, the three offerings discussed do not deal with sin.

The Sin Offering

A quick indication of what sin is in Adonai’s eyes, anything that Adonai said should be done and it was not done, or anything that He said should not be done that was done, is sin. This is oversimplified, but the point is made. (For a better handling of the subject of ‘SIN’, see the book by this author entitled: - The Believer’s Roadmap for Life on the Road available from Xulon Press or Amazon.)

Leviticus 4:2 "Tell the people of Isra'el: 'If anyone sins inadvertently against any of the mitzvot of Adonai concerning things which should not be done, if he does any one of them,

Sin, in Hebrew thought means simply: - Miss the mark. – Chata חתה

4 Votive definition: - 1 consisting of or expressing a vow, wish, or desire a votive prayer. 2 offered or performed in fulfillment of a vow or in gratitude or devotion [Merriam-Webster dictionary definition]

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Romans 3:23 since all have sinned and come short of earning God's praise.

The very name of ‘Torah’ stems from Yarah, an archery term, which means “to aim”.

Ecclesiastes 7:20 For there isn't a righteous person on earth who does [only] good and never sins.

The Torah is there mainly to illustrate the gravity of sin. The sacrifices are to repair the relationship with Adonai, not to remove sin. After confession, repentance and forgiveness (the method of sin removal) we need to be

made ritually pure.

Some examples of sacrificing where sin is not involved: -

Leviticus 2:6 " 'When the days of her purification are over, whether for a son or for a daughter, she is to bring a lamb in its first year for a burnt offering and a young pigeon or dove for a sin offering to the entrance of the tent of meeting, to the cohen.

Leviticus 14:19 The cohen is to offer the sin offering and make atonement for the person being purified because of his uncleanness; afterwards, he is to slaughter the burnt offering.

Numbers 6:11, 14. 11 The cohen is to prepare one as a sin offering and the other as a burnt offering and thus make atonement for him, inasmuch as he sinned because of the dead person. That same day he is to re-consecrate his head; 14 where he will present his offering to Adonai — one male lamb in its first year without defect as a burnt offering, one female lamb in its first year without defect as a sin offering, one ram without defect as peace offerings,

Actually, the ‘Sin Offering’ should in reality be called ‘Purification Offering’. In all honesty, this is what it does, the sacrifice makes us acceptable to come near before God, but does nothing about our sin and guilt; repentance, confession and the receiving of forgiveness by faith (trust) does that for us.

Leviticus 8:15 After it had been slaughtered, Moshe took the blood and put it on the horns of the altar all the way around with his finger, thus purifying the altar. The remaining blood he poured out at the base of the altar and consecrated it, to make atonement for it.

The Altar has never, and can never, commit sin.

The Guilt Offering

Asham – (guiltiness, a fault, the presentation of a guilt offering: - offend, sin, (cause of) trespass (-ing, offering) [Strong’s definition]). Implies indemnity and reparation. It is a repayment offering.

When we owe someone something taken illegally, we are to return the equivalent plus one-fifth to the person wronged.

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Leviticus 6:7 Thus the cohen will make atonement for him before Adonai, and he will be forgiven in regard to whatever it was he did that made him guilty.

The returning of the thing taken illegally, plus the penalty, followed by confession, repentance and receipt of forgiveness before God, is what removes our guilt. The guilt offering then brings us near to God.

Our being forgiven of sin and being made righteous is outlined clearly in Romans chapter 4. I have included it at the end of this discussion for ease of access.

Dealing with Few Difficulties

There are difficulties in our theological exegesis that arise when we attempt to claim that the Torah is obsolete and yet we still claim to believe God.

First Difficulty – if sacrifices are cancelled, so is Torah.

Hebrews 7:12 For if the system of cohanim is transformed, there must of necessity occur a transformation of Torah.

Hebrews 7:18, 19. 18 Thus, on the one hand, the earlier rule is set aside because of its weakness and inefficacy 19 (for the Torah did not bring anything to the goal); and, on the other hand, a Hope of something better is introduced, through which we are drawing near to God.

Matthew 5:17 "Don't think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the Prophets. I have come not to abolish but to complete.

Does Yeshua lie or is He deceived?

Exodus 29:9 wrap sashes around them, Aharon and his sons; and put the headgear on their heads. The office of cohen is to be theirs by a permanent regulation. Thus you will consecrate Aharon and his sons.

Deuteronomy 18:5 For Adonai your God has chosen him from all your tribes to stand and serve in the name of Adonai, him and his sons forever.

The laws5 concerning the sacrifices are forever.

Exodus 28:43 Aharon and his sons are to wear them when they go into the tent of meeting and when they approach the altar to minister in the Holy Place, so that they won't incur guilt and die. This is to be a perpetual regulation, both for him and for his descendants.

Exodus 30:21 they are to wash their hands and feet, so that they won't die. This is to be a perpetual law for them through all their generations."

5 For a discussion on law vs grace see the study by that name on this site.

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Exodus 27:21 Aharon and his sons are to put it in the tent of meeting, outside the curtain in front of the testimony, and keep it burning from evening until morning before Adonai. This is to be a permanent regulation through all the generations of the people of Isra'el.

Leviticus 24:3; Leviticus 16:34; Numbers 19:10, 21; Numbers 18:23 all speak in terms of it being a ‘permanent regulation’.

If sacrifices, therefore, are cancelled, so is Torah. Although many identify Torah purely as the LAW, they are sorely mistaken. The word Torah includes the entire set of writings of the Old AND New Testaments. That means – the entire Bible is cancelled.

Second Difficulty – if sacrifices are cancelled, nobody told the Apostles, they still practiced it.

Luke 2:49 He said to them, "Why did you have to look for me? Didn't you know that I had to be concerning myself with my Father's affairs?"

John 2:16 and to the pigeon-sellers he said, "Get these things out of here! How dare you turn my Father's house into a market?"

John 2:17 (His talmidim later recalled that the Tanakh says, "Zeal for your house will devour me."

Luke 24:53 And they spent all their time in the Temple courts, praising God.

Acts 2:46 Continuing faithfully and with singleness of purpose to meet in the Temple courts daily, and breaking bread in their several homes, they shared their food in joy and simplicity of heart,

Acts 3:1, 11. 1 One afternoon at three o'clock, the hour of minchah prayers, as Kefa and Yochanan were going up to the Temple, 11 While he clung to Kefa and Yochanan, all the people came running in astonishment toward them in Shlomo's Colonnade.

Acts 5:12, 13, 20, 42. 12 Meanwhile, through the emissaries many signs and miracles continued to be done among the people. United in mind and purpose, the believers met in Shlomo's Colonnade; 13 and no one else dared to join them. Nevertheless, the people continued to regard them highly; 20 "Go, stand in the Temple court and keep telling the people all about this new life!" 42 And not for a single day, either in the Temple court or in private homes, did they stop teaching and proclaiming the Good News that Yeshua is the Messiah.

[Greek] Ekklesia [translated church] means ‘assembly’, ‘called out ones’, and they assembled in the Temple. The first century Church could rightly be called a ‘Temple Sect’.

Paul brought sacrifices to the Temple.

Acts 24:11, 17. 11 As you can verify for yourself, it has not been more than twelve days since I went up to worship in Yerushalayim; 17 "After an absence of several years, I came to Yerushalayim to bring a charitable gift to my nation and to offer sacrifices.

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Acts 21:23 – 26. 23 So do what we tell you. We have four men who are under a vow. 24 Take them with you, be purified with them, and pay the expenses connected with having their heads shaved. Then everyone will know that there is nothing to these rumours which they have heard about you; but that, on the contrary, you yourself stay in line and keep the Torah. 25 "However, in regard to the Goyim who have come to trust in Yeshua, we all joined in writing them a letter with our decision that they should abstain from what had been sacrificed to idols, from blood, from what is strangled and from fornication." 26 The next day Sha'ul took the men, purified himself along with them and entered the Temple to give notice of when the period of purification would be finished and the offering would have to be made for each of them.

The expenses here spoken of, were specifically for 10 lambs and 5 rams – the typical sacrifice required for the five of them to end a Nazarite Vow. Acts 21:24 says as much, confirmed by Acts 24:17. The statement “Worship in Yerushalayim” meant – to the Hebrew mind – “Sacrificing in the Temple” in Yerushalayim.

Why did Paul have to pay for the sacrifices? Who suggested it and why?

Acts 21:21 – 26. 21 Now what they have been told about you is that you are teaching all the Jews living among the Goyim to apostatize from Moshe, telling them not to have a b'rit-milah for their sons and not to follow the traditions. 22 "What, then, is to be done? They will certainly hear that you have come. 23 So do what we tell you. We have four men who are under a vow. 24 Take them with you, be purified with them, and pay the expenses connected with having their heads shaved. Then everyone will know that there is nothing to these rumours which they have heard about you; but that, on the contrary, you yourself stay in line and keep the Torah. 25 "However, in regard to the Goyim who have come to trust in Yeshua, we all joined in writing them a letter with our decision that they should abstain from what had been sacrificed to idols, from blood, from what is strangled and from fornication." 26 The next day Sha'ul took the men, purified himself along with them and entered the Temple to give notice of when the period of purification would be finished and the offering would have to be made for each of them.

Why did Paul have to pay for the sacrifices?

The enemies of Paul (Sha’ul) reported that he was teaching the gentiles to forsake the Torah of Moshe (Moses), abandon the law and the traditions of the Jews. By going through the Jewish practice of purification, vows, sacrifices and all that pertains to it, Paul would prove that he still submitted to the Jewish practices. By paying for all the expenses to message would be clear that it was not just lip-service he was paying to the practices, but followed them in earnest.

Who suggested it?

James, the brother of the Master, who was also head over the Yerushalayim Church along with all the elders which presumably, included the Apostles of the master suggested Paul go through the rituals.

Why did they suggest it?

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They understood that Paul was not opposed to the law, Jewish practices or even the traditions of the Jewish religion. There is a danger on my part of painting all, so-called, Church Fathers with the same brush (as anti-Biblical and maybe even anti-Messiah) by demonstrating the error that they have allowed, and even introduced themselves into our modern understanding in this area. [This area being the rejection of the law, Torah, sacrifices, the importance of the Jewish Nation and all Jewish customs {among other things}.] Having said that, I do believe that the Church Fathers did the Church more of a disservice than a service by changing the understanding of what Paul was doing and saying into what they thought he was doing and saying.

Fortunately, Scripture is here to correct the error, if we are willing to read it with the correct worldview.

Why did Jesus and the disciples all continue their Jewish practices if the sacrifices in the temple were ‘done away with’?

The term ‘Torah’ is referring to the Old Testament as a whole and as stated before, could rightfully include the New Testament writings.

Third Difficulty – if sacrifices are cancelled, why would Yeshua (Jesus) have the Temple rebuilt for the millennium and expect sacrifices to be made?

Isaiah 2:2, 3. 2 In the acharit-hayamim (after days) the mountain of Adonai's house will be established as the most important mountain. It will be regarded more highly than the other hills, and all the Goyim (Gentiles) will stream there. 3 Many peoples will go and say, "Come, let's go up to the mountain of Adonai, to the house of the God of Ya`akov! He will teach us about his ways, and we will walk in his paths." For out of Tziyon will go forth Torah, the word of Adonai from Yerushalayim.

Isaiah 25:6 – 8. 6 On this mountain Adonai-Tzva'ot will make for all peoples a feast of rich food and superb wines, delicious, rich food and superb, elegant wines. 7 On this mountain he will destroy the veil which covers the face of all peoples, the veil enshrouding all the nations. 8 He will swallow up death forever. Adonai Elohim will wipe away the tears from every face, and he will remove from all the earth the disgrace his people suffer. For Adonai has spoken.

Isaiah 65:25 The wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion eat straw like an ox (but the serpent — its food will be dust). They will not hurt or destroy anywhere on my holy mountain," says Adonai.

Zechariah 8:3; Ezekiel 37:26, 27; Ezekiel chapters 40 to 48, all present the same thought and can be understood no other way. This is speaking of the Millennium Reign.

All the prophets are unanimous that the Messianic Era will have a Temple and sacrifices with Levitical Priests in attendance.

Jeremiah 33:15 – 18. 15 When those days come, Y'hudah will be saved, Yerushalayim will live in safety, and the name given to her will be Adonai Tzidkenu [Adonai our Righteousness]." 17 For this is what Adonai says: "There will never be cut off from David

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a man to occupy the throne of the house of Isra'el. 18 Nor will there ever be cut off from the cohanim (priests) who are L'vi'im (Levites) a man before me to offer burnt offerings, burn grain offerings and offer sacrifices every day."

All modern preachers that adhere to the view that the sacrifices, and therefore that the Torah is cancelled, believe that the sacrifice of Yeshua has replaced the Levitical system and sacrifices at the Temple. They use the book of Hebrews to champion their cause because it seems to confirm this idea. But the prophets are all unanimous that it does not and that they are eternal and that they are active during the Messianic Era.

Further, Gentile sacrifices shall be accepted in the Temple at the same time.

Yeshua (Jesus) Himself said that He has not come to cancel the Law (Torah). Who would know the truth of the matter? Jesus? The Prophets of old? The Apostles and Paul? Or the modern-day preachers?

These self-same modern preachers use Hebrews as a proof text to found their erroneous view that the Torah, Law, Sacrifices, etc., of the Jews have been cancelled. But a careful reading of Scripture reveals the opposite. This poses the question: - could Paul have maybe, just ‘maybe’, been misquoted and/or misunderstood?

One may not see how this is, or could be true; one must realize that it does indicate a contradiction in the Holy Scriptures of the Only True God6. Any rational person would know that THAT perceived contradiction is impossible.

That leaves us with only one conclusion … more research is needed; and maybe our stubbornly held pre-conceived ideas might conceivably have to change – ouch!


I could not express the response to the misunderstanding of Hebrews better than D. Thomas Lancaster in his excellent book ‘What about Sacrifices?’ Therefore I shall quote a portion of the book to assist you on your path to understanding the subject of sacrifices a little more perfectly.

Quote from ‘What about Sacrifices?’

(by D. Thomas Lancaster)

“Messiah: The Means to Draw Near

We all desire to "draw near" to God. Yet human sin and mortality cuts us off from communion and fellowship with him. We are unable to approach the holy God. Just as Moses was unable to enter the Tabernacle at the end of the book of Exodus, we too are unable to enter into God's presence. He is holy; we are common. He is immortal; we are mortal. He is pure; we are impure. He is righteousness; we are sinful. We cannot come near to God without a korban (something brought near) in our stead.

The Torah told the children of Israel to bring an unblemished animal for a korban. The sacrificed korban vicariously brought the worshipper into the presence of God. As

6 We need to remember that we English speakers are reading a translation of a translation of a translation of the original Hebrew Scriptures.

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regards the eternal Temple above, the Master is our korban. He is the unblemished, perfect, and sinless one that brings us near and into the presence of God. No man comes to the Father except through Yeshua.

By confessing his name and entering his salvation, we identify with him, much as a man who laid his hands upon his korban identified with the sacrificial animal. We are to identify with our Master to the extent that we consider ourselves to have died and risen with him. Much as the officiating priest carried the sacrificial blood to the altar, the Master bears his own life to the heavenly altar, and through his blood he brings us near to his Father.

To "draw near" to God is to enter into communion with him; it implies entering his very presence. Inasmuch as his presence resided in the Tabernacle and Temple on earth, the worshipper was able to draw near and enter into that presence through the offering of a korban—something brought near.

Though the worshipper was able to draw near to God within the Temple on Earth through means of the sacrificial blood of animals, such blood never availed to bring him near to God in the eternal sense of life after death and the world to come. Though the blood of the bull allowed him to draw near to God's presence in the earthly Tabernacle, it did not avail him the same privilege in the true Temple in heaven. The Master brings us near to God in the heavenly Temple:

It can never, by the same sacrifices that are continually offered every year, make perfect those who draw near. Otherwise, would they not have ceased to be offered, since the worshipers, having once been cleansed, would no longer have any consciousness of sins? (Hebrews 10:1-2)

Follow these sample Scriptures with what you have just read in mind.

For the law made nothing perfect; but on the other hand, a better hope is introduced, through which we draw near to God. (Hebrews 7:19)

Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them. (Hebrews 7:25)

Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. (Hebrews 4:16)

Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. (Hebrews 10:22)”

Yeshua (Jesus) our High Priest in the Heavenly Temple and in the Millennium.

Hebrews 7:24 – 28. 24 But because he lives forever, his position as cohen does not pass on to someone else; 25 and consequently, he is totally able to deliver those who approach God through him; since he is alive forever and thus forever able to intercede on their behalf. 26 This is the kind of cohen gadol (high priest) that meets our need — holy, without evil, without stain, set apart from sinners and raised higher than the heavens; 27

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one who does not have the daily necessity, like the other cohanim g'dolim (high priests), of offering up sacrifices first for their own sins and only then for those of the people; because he offered one sacrifice, once and for all, by offering up himself. 28 For the Torah appoints as cohanim g'dolim men who have weakness; but the text which speaks about the swearing of the oath, a text written later than the Torah, appoints a Son who has been brought to the goal forever.

Hebrews 8:13 – referring to Hebrews 9:10;

Hebrews 8:13 By using the term, "new," he has made the first covenant "old"; and something being made old, something in the process of aging, is on its way to vanishing altogether. – Hebrews 9:10 For they involve only food and drink and various ceremonial washings — regulations concerning the outward life, imposed until the time for God to reshape the whole structure.

Revelation 21:1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the old heaven and the old earth had passed away, and the sea was no longer there.

Revelation 21:5 Then the One sitting on the throne said, "Look! I am making everything new!" Also he said, "Write, 'These words are true and trustworthy!' "

Revelation 21:22 I saw no Temple in the city, for Adonai, God of heaven's armies, is its Temple, as is the Lamb.

Hebrews 2:5 For it was not to angels that God subjected the `olam (world, time, life) haba (after, end, last) — which is what we are talking about.

Hebrews 7:12, 13. 12 For if the system of cohanim is transformed, there must of necessity occur a transformation of Torah. 13 The one about whom these things are said belongs to another tribe, from which no one has ever served at the altar;

Matthew 5:18 Yes indeed! I tell you that until heaven and earth pass away, not so much as a yod ( י ) or a stroke will pass from the Torah — not until everything that must happen has happened.

Hebrews 8:1, 2. 1 Here is the whole point of what we have been saying: we do have just such a cohen (priest) gadol (chief, head, high, main) as has been described. And he does sit at the right hand of HaG'dulah (the Great Power) in heaven. 2 There he serves in the Holy Place, that is, in the true Tent of Meeting, the one erected not by human beings but by Adonai.

Legal Transaction

Driving a motor car is a simple, and in England today, a stressful operation. When we have mastered the pedals and gear-change, we need only concentrate upon the steering and avoidance of any collision. To achieve this, we need to be cognisant of the surrounding in a single dimension, plane or axis but with a 360° vision. When we become au fait with the motion and control, driving becomes easier and is even an enjoyable experience.

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Now, should we become bold enough to take on flying, we go back to learning new limits. With flying, we do not only have left and right and backwards and forwards to consider, we add the dimensions of up and down as well; all with a 360° field of vision. Not only that, we have compass directions to take into account and things like altitude, wind, mountains, buildings and so on. This set of circumstances does not increase our attention, danger, skill, etc., by doubling it, it increases exponentially. We have more ‘blind-spots’ to contend with as well as unexpected variables (like the ability to roll the aircraft).

We find a multi-dimensional mindset a necessity. But when we master it, it becomes a much safer and enjoyable mode of transport. We freely admit that “we would rather be flying!”

In the same way and with so much of the workings of the Spirit of God, His Word, His Son, His Majesty, and so on, the multi-dimensional mindset is just as important if we are to grasp His workings in our lives.

Adonai’s Sacrifice system is no exception.

We have examined the ritual process of coming before the Almighty, now I would like us to note that there is a legal side to the practice of sacrificing to Adonai as well.

We also need to note that there is no precedent for human sacrifice to the Lord.

We may remember that Jephthah made a tragic vow and had to sacrifice his only daughter (Judges 11). Some may argue that he did not literally sacrifice his daughter. This, however, is pure speculation as the plain reading of the text is clear that this is exactly what he did. Some argue that if God allowed him to sacrifice his daughter, then God would be some sort of heartless beast, or some such insult. They are free to make such a foolish judgement if they desire. As for me, I shudder at the fact that I had to use an example that could be misconstrued as an insult of the Almighty Lord of Life, let alone insulting Him in earnest.

We expect God to keep His Word, and He does; we expect Him to honour His promises, and He does; without fail. Why should we be surprised if He expected us to keep our promises? Numbers 30:2 If a man vow a vow unto the LORD, or swear an oath to bind his soul with a bond; he shall not break his word, he shall do according to all that proceeded out of his mouth . (Numbers 30 is an interesting study on making vows to God …). God does not take vows lightly.

The error was not on God’s side. The error came in when the thoughtless and ill-advised vow was made and that became the root of the dilemma. This realization may be a bitter pill for some to swallow. Therefore, one may need to consider the earnestness of the subject presented herein, with the same sobriety.

The sacrifice of Yeshua brings us near to the Father and this action is a physical, ritualistic and mystical action. Here we find different spiritual dimensions that meet at the death of our Messiah.

The first prophecy in the Bible, uttered by HaShem Himself, was a legal declaration and it is found in Genesis chapter three.

Genesis 3:14, 15. 14 Adonai, God, said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, you are cursed more than all livestock and wild animals. You will crawl on your belly and eat dust as long as you live. 15 I will put animosity between you and the woman, and between your descendant and her descendant; he will bruise your head, and you will bruise his heel."

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From here on, HaShem sends legal prophecies and gives legal requirements to His chosen people for the illustrative types of the final fulfillment of His legal action.

When Adonai made the laws about … as examples …

Redeeming the firstborn. Splashing the blood of the sacrifice against the altar. The Passover meal. Even to the place and method of slaughtering the sacrifice. As well as all the other images regarding behaviour of the Levites and Hebrews in general.

… He was painting a picture of the legal sacrifice of His Son.

The legal judgement is eazy to understand.

1) The Law is clearly stated.2) Adam (representing all of mankind) chose to break the Law.3) The Guilty has to pay for his sin by dying (shedding his own blood).4) Judgement is passed upon the guilty party (all of mankind).5) Execution is pending.

Scriptural Examples of Yeshua’s Legal Life

Genesis 3:14, 15. 14 Adonai, God, said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, you are cursed more than all livestock and wild animals. You will crawl on your belly and eat dust as long as you live. 15 I will put animosity between you and the woman, and between your descendant and her descendant; he will bruise your head, and you will bruise his heel."

Matthew 1:22, 23. 22 All this happened in order to fulfill what Adonai had said through the prophet, 23 "The virgin will conceive and bear a son, and they will call him `Immanu El." (The name means, "God is with us.")

John 8:46 Which one of you can show me where I'm wrong? If I'm telling the truth, why don't you believe me?

John 18:12, 13. 12 So the detachment of Roman soldiers and their captain, together with the Temple Guard of the Judeans, arrested Yeshua, tied him up, 13 and took him first to `Anan (Annas), the father-in-law of Kayafa (Caiaphas), who was cohen gadol that fateful year.

Luke 23:46 Crying out with a loud voice, Yeshua said, "Father! Into your hands I commit my spirit." With these words he gave up his spirit.

And, of course, Isaiah 53.

No Hope

Man has no hope before a Holy God, but in His Divine Mercy, Adonai inserts a “get-out-of-jail-card” in the form of the law of the Mo’ed.

Enter the kinsman redeemer.

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This is the only legal “loop-hole” open to mankind. A Mo’ed is one that has all the resources required for taking the place of the hopeless sinner. We could, here, go into all the prophecies that identify and prove that our Mo’ed is fully equipped to take our place. i.e. Sinless birth, sinless life, and so on, but that is not within the scope of this study. It is, however, another dimension to be aware of as we examine our ‘flying analogy’ of the sacrifices, along with the actual role of the Mo’ed, and other dimensions that inexorably meet at Messiah’s death.

That said, Yeshua pays the price of our sin, as our Mo’ed, on the cross – legally – but that is not sufficient. How many innocent people have been put to death, legally or illegally, and their death has benefitted mankind not one iota? Yeshua had to be resurrected to illustrate the victory over the sin Adam (mankind) had brought into the world. The same sin that causes consequences of sickness and death, that mankind is suffering up to this day.

Sin brought death and it is for this very fact that the resurrection was required … that is to bring life after death.

1 Corinthians 15:1 – 58 should be read now (included at the end of this study).

Which sacrifice that has been covered so far, portrays the sacrifice of Yeshua?

As with all major doctrine in the Bible, there is no one chapter that spells out any one doctrine, rather, they are spread throughout Scripture and the diligent need to search them out. In the same way, all the sacrifices contain aspects of the sacrifice of Yeshua. All types and shadows are, I feel, to be found most significantly, is in a single sacrifice that is representative of Yeshua but is not dealt with specifically herein. And that one offering is the continual burnt offering.

The continual burnt offering is the one that underpins all the offerings that are made during the day and is not taken off until the second lamb is placed on the altar to burn all night through. The morning burnt offering cleanses our daily offerings to Adonai, and even in our darkest hour, there is an accepted sacrifice in place for us. It is one sacrifice but there are two lambs involved. Yeshua is coming again but He died once and for all.

Legally Sin Free

Yeshua was promised in a legal declaration by HaShem, He entered earth legally, He lived a sinless life legally, He was judged illegally and killed illegally. But, because He was perfect, He was the acceptable sacrifice for the legal transaction. And because His legal life was taken illegally, He had the right to claim it back, Which He did by rising from the dead.

If we accept His sacrifice, we are mixed into Him, as it were, by the laying-on-of-hands (as explained earlier) and we have His purity imputed to us. If we reject His sacrifice, we stand guilty of murdering Him by virtue of the illegal judgement and slaughter.

Quote from ‘What about Sacrifices’(by D. Thomas Lancaster)

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“Sacrifice for Salvation?In the sacrificial context, “atonement” does not mean attainment of salvation. The people did not bring a sacrifice to clear his conscience, and he did not bring a sacrifice to acquire forgiveness for his intentional sins. The writer of the book of Hebrews makes it quite clear that the sacrifices were not intended to remove sin or regenerate the sinner when he says, “For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins” (Hebrews 10:4). In another place he explains that sacrifices could not cleanse the conscience because they were only intended to relate to matters of the flesh (i.e. the physical body), not the spirit (i.e. the divine soul).

This symbolizes the present age and indicates that the conscience of the person performing the service cannot be brought to the goal by the gifts and sacrifices he offers. For they involve only food and drink and various ceremonial washings — regulations concerning the outward life, imposed until the time for God to reshape the whole structure.

(Hebrews 9:9, 10.)

Believers misunderstand the sacrificial system because they view it through the grid of “Old Covenant” and “New Covenant” theology. We make the mistake of assuming that prior to the death and resurrection of our Master, people procured forgiveness and salvation through the participation of the sacrificial rites.”

What the writer of Hebrews was employing was a kal vachomer ( קל וחומר ) argument – a minori ad maius, a common method employed by Rabbis where the reasoning is from light to heavy. [If this is minor, then that must be major.] Yeshua used it every-time He said the words: - “You have heard it said … but I say …”

I have said it elsewhere in this study, and it bears repeating, the method of obtaining forgiveness of sins, the clearing of the conscience and salvation is through confession, repentance, restitution (if necessary/possible) and receipt of forgiveness by trust in the Name of Yeshua HaMashiach. That is the way it has been since Adam and it is the same today. There is a difference, however, between the BC days and the AD days. The BC days looked forward with anticipation of the work of the Living Christ and the AD days look back with gratefulness to the same Work. But, the function, apparatus, method, call it what you will, of the Work of our Saviour is received in the same way with the same results if practiced with a truthful heart.

God So Loved Us …

It pleased the Father to kill Yeshua?

Ephesians 5:2 and live a life of love, just as also the Messiah loved us, indeed, on our behalf gave himself up as an offering, as a slaughtered sacrifice to God with a pleasing fragrance.

Colossians 1:19, 20. 19 For it pleased God to have his full being live in his Son 20 and through his Son to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace through him, through having his Son shed his blood by being executed on a cross.

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Is God a sadist? Requiring His Son to die and being pleased that He killed Him?

No, God was not pleased that His Son had to die, He was pleased that Yeshua (Jesus) was obedient in everything He was required to do; Yeshua (Jesus) was going to be the surrogate or the ark that would bring MANY into the Father’s presence.

Laying Hands upon Yeshua (Jesus)

When the group came to arrest Yeshua, there were priests present (maybe even the high priest – but that is speculation) and there were Roman soldiers present. Mystically, or in type, God’s one hand lay hold of Yeshua from a religious wing and the other hand of God that lay hold of Yeshua was from the military or legal wing. And God sacrificed His only Son, the Son He Loved … for us …

Genesis 22:2 He said, "Take your son, your only son, whom you love, Yitz'chak; and go to the land of Moriyah. There you are to offer him as a burnt offering on a mountain that I will point out to you."

1 John 4:9 Here is how God showed his love among us: God sent his only Son into the world, so that through him we might have life.

Another way of saying it: - The sacrificial part of Yeshua’s death brings us near to God; while the legal part of Yeshua’s death – including His resurrection – was the legal transaction to remove our sin and guilt.

Hebrews 10:1 – 12. 1 For the Torah has in it a shadow of the good things to come, but not the actual manifestation of the originals. Therefore, it can never, by means of the same sacrifices repeated endlessly year after year, bring to the goal those who approach the Holy Place to offer them. 2 Otherwise, wouldn't the offering of those sacrifices have ceased? For if the people performing the service had been cleansed once and for all, they would no longer have sins on their conscience. 3 No, it is quite the contrary — in these sacrifices is a reminder of sins, year after year. 4 For it is impossible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sins. 5 This is why, on coming into the world, he says, "It has not been your will to have an animal sacrifice and a meal offering; rather, you have prepared for me a body. 6 No, you have not been pleased with burnt offerings and sin offerings. 7 Then I said, 'Look! In the scroll of the book it is written about me. I have come to do your will.' " 8 In saying first, "You neither willed nor were pleased with animal sacrifices, meal offerings, burnt offerings and sin offerings," things which are offered in accordance with the Torah; 9 and then, "Look, I have come to do your will"; he takes away the first system in order to set up the second. 10 It is in connection with this will that we have been separated for God and made holy, once and for all, through the offering of Yeshua the Messiah's body. 11 Now every cohen stands every day doing his service, offering over and over the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. 12 But this one, after he had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, sat down at the right hand of God,

Yeshua’s death was two-fold (and has even more dimensions to it).

Yeshua’s death was the ritual sacrifice as well as the legal substitute.

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We cannot accept the one dimension and not the other dimension, or, we cannot preach the one and ignore the other; it is like riding a superbike with only one wheel.

It is this division of dimensions that have led many to fear the idea that the law is still in force and that the religious sacrifice of animals may still be considered valid. Why would God not want us to appear before Him as we draw near through the Blood?

This was also the significance of Yeshua washing the disciple’s feet.

John 13:8 – 10. 8 "No!" said Kefa, "You will never wash my feet!" Yeshua answered him, "If I don't wash you, you have no share with me." 13:9 "Lord," Shim`on Kefa replied, "not only my feet, but my hands and head too!" 10 Yeshua said to him, "A man who has had a bath doesn't need to wash, except his feet — his body is already clean. And you people are clean, but not all of you."

The disciples only need their feet to be washed to be clean because the sacrifice of Yeshua would take away their sin and then His sacrifice would bring them near to HaShem in the physical. Their spirits and souls would already be clean (of sin & guilt).

The two Covenants

The two covenants Exodus 24:7 and Jeremiah 31.

Exodus 24:7 Then he took the book of the covenant and read it aloud, so that the people could hear; and they responded, "Everything that Adonai has spoken, we will do and obey."

1. Moses laid out God’s Covenant to Israel.2. Israel agreed to God’s terms.

Jeremiah 31:34 – 40. 34 No longer will any of them teach his fellow community member or his brother, 'Know Adonai'; for all will know me, from the least of them to the greatest; because I will forgive their wickednesses and remember their sins no more." 35 This is what Adonai says, who gives the sun as light for the day, who ordained the laws for the moon and stars to provide light for the night, who stirs up the sea until its waves roar — Adonai-Tzva'ot is his name 36 "If these laws leave my presence," says Adonai, "then the offspring of Isra'el will stop being a nation in my presence forever." 37 This is what Adonai says: "If the sky above can be measured and the foundations of the earth be fathomed, then I will reject all the offspring of Isra'el for all that they have done," says Adonai. 38 "Look, the days are coming," says Adonai, "when the city will be rebuilt for Adonai from the Tower of Hanan'el to the Corner Gate. 39 The measuring line will be stretched straight to Garev Hill, then turn to Go`ah. 40 The whole valley of corpses and ashes, including all the fields as far as Vadi Kidron, and on to the corner of the Horse Gate to the east, will be separated out for Adonai; it will never be uprooted or destroyed again."

Jeremiah makes 7 points: -

1. God will forgive Israel’s wickedness

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2. God will forgive Israel’s sin

3. Israel shall know God

4. Israel shall never cease from being a nation

5. God shall never reject Israel’s seed

6. Eternal Yerushalayim shall be rebuilt

7. Yerushalayim shall be Holy to the Lord

Hebrews 8:7 Indeed, if the first covenant had not given ground for fault-finding, there would have been no need for a second one. What was the fault with the first covenant?

Man’s propensity to sin and not uphold the Torah of God is therefore the flaw (man’s sin nature) in the first covenant.

The difference between the two covenants of God: -

First Covenant World Law Stone

Second Covenant World Law Heart

Hebrews 8:9 " 'It will not be like the covenant which I made with their fathers on the day when I took them by their hand and led them forth out of the land of Egypt; because they, for their part, did not remain faithful to my covenant; so I, for my part, stopped concerning myself with them,' says Adonai.

Hebrews 9:9 This symbolizes the present age and indicates that the conscience of the person performing the service cannot be brought to the goal by the gifts and sacrifices he offers.

Introducing Protos and DeuterosAt this time, and in the interest of brevity, I am going to provide a quote that expresses my understanding of these two Greek words succinctly. Much more could be said but there remains the danger of redundant repetition. The issue here is to dispel the confusion concerning the removal or replacement of certain Scriptures because of the New Testament presumably replacing the Old Testament. This is certainly not the case, but many believe it is so, and teach it as an established fact. They love to quote, or rather misquote, Paul and pit his words against clear, inspired Scripture. They intentionally or unintentionally pit Paul’s words against the Master’s words and attempt to ‘wipe away’ any contradictions with theories that are wholly unscriptural. The understanding of the protos and deuteros goes a long way in dispelling these misunderstandings. Grasping these differences shall explain many seeming difficulties in Paul’s writings.

Quoted from “What about Sacrifices?” by D. Thomas Lancaster.

“Sanctuary of the Protos

Now truly the protos had regulations for worship and an earthly sanctuary. (Hebrews 9:1)

The writer uses the word protos instead of the term "old covenant." Ultimately, he will

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use the word protos to communicate a concept larger than just the covenant made at Sinai. He will explain that the protos symbolizes "this present time" (Hebrews 9:9). The protos represents the present, fallen, material world which the writer previously described as obsolete and quickly vanishing. He explains that the protos has regulations of worship, i.e., the priesthood and sacrificial system prescribed in the Torah. The priesthood and sacrificial system are not the protos, but they are functions of the protos inasmuch as they are earthly institutions (of this present world), simple reflections of the mystical, spiritual, heavenly realities that will be revealed in the world to come.

The Protos Sanctuary

For a tabernacle was prepared, the protos, in which were the lampstand and the table and the bread of the presence. This is called the holy [place] and after the second (deuteros) veil a tabernacle. This is called the holy of holies. (Hebrews 9:2-3)

The instructions for the Tabernacle (and Temple) divided the sanctuary into two separate domains: the holy place and the holy of holies. A veil separated the two areas. The holy place contained the menorah, the table of the bread of the presence, and the altar of incense. The priests had access to the holy place every day, entering the holy place twice daily to tend the menorah and offer up incense. On Sabbaths, they changed out the twelve loaves of the bread of the presence. They did not have access to the Holy of Holies behind the veil where the Ark of the Covenant sat. The Torah allowed only the high priest to enter the holy of holies, and that only on the Day of Atonement.

The writer of the book of Hebrews identifies the holy place as the protos and the Holy of Holies as the deuteros, which are all components that belong to the domain of the New Covenant. Each item carries important symbolic value.

The writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews laments that he cannot take the time to expound upon each of these components and their significance within the deuteros. Clearly he sees them as central components of the deuteros.

• Gold Censer of Incense: The golden censer should not be confused with the golden altar which stood on the other side of the veil. This high priest carried this small incense censer into the holy of holies every year on the Day of Atonement. On it he ignited the atoning incense which allowed him access to the presence of God. Its presence in the Holy of Holies (deuteros) implies that the atoning service before God's throne is part of the New Covenant.

• Ark of the Covenant: The Ark of the Covenant functioned as the throne of God and therefore corresponds to his holy eternal throne in Heaven. The writer of Hebrews makes a point that, though it is made of acacia wood, it was overlaid on all sides with gold. He sees a symbolic value to this fact, but does not elaborate. Its presence in the Holy of Holies (deuteros) implies that the throne of God is a component of the New Covenant.

• The Golden Jar of Manna: The manna sometimes represents the prophetic word of God (Deuteronomy 8:3). Yeshua compared himself to manna (John 6), and from "the hidden manna" the Master will feed those who overcome (Revelation 2:17). The manna in the Holy of Holies (deuteros) implies that the hidden manna of eternal life and even Yeshua himself are components of the New Covenant.

• The Staff that Budded: Ironically, Aaron's staff symbolized the eternal statute of the Aaronic priesthood. The presence of the staff in the part of the Tabernacle called

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deuteros indicates that, in some manner, the Aaronic priesthood continues. Protos (First): Holy Place, containing menorah, table, incense altar. Deuteros (Second): Holy of Holies, behind veil, containing the Ark of the Covenant.

In the writer's explanation, the Holy Place of the outer sanctuary corresponds to the protos (i.e., this present world and the Sinai covenant); the Holy of Holies corresponds to the deuteros (i.e., the world to come and the New Covenant).

Already, this presents a different interpretation than that commonly advanced by Christian expositors, which is that the whole of the Temple represents the old covenant (which they equate with Torah). Accordingly, since the Messiah rendered the Torah obsolete, he also rendered the Temple system obsolete.

Contrary to this conventional interpretation of the symbolism, the writer of the book of Hebrews maintains that the Tabernacle/Temple represents both the protos and the deuteros. It symbolizes both this world and the world to come, both the Old Covenant and the New Covenant.

Holy Place (Protos): Sinai covenant, this present world. Holy of Holies (Deuteros): New

covenant, world to come.

Inside the Deuteros

Having a golden censer, and the Ark of the Covenant overlaid on all sides with gold, in which was the gold jar containing the manna, and the staff of Aaron that budded, and the tablets of the covenant, and overtop it cherubim of the glory, overshadowing the mercy-seat. (Concerning [all these things] we are not now able to speak in detail.) (Hebrews 9:4-5)

The Holy of Holies corresponds to the deuteros, i.e., the New Covenant and the world to come. In that symbolism, the incense censer, the ark, the golden jar of manna, the staff of Aaron, the two tablets of the covenant, and the mercy seat overshadowed by cherubim into the New Covenant. In addition, the budded staff represents resurrection. The staff's presence in the Holy of Holies (deuteros) implies that the Aaronic priesthood and the sign of the resurrection are part of the New Covenant.

• The Tablets of the Ten Commandments: The tablets represent the whole of the Torah, tokens of the covenant. Their presence in the holy of holies (deuteros) implies that the Torah is part of the New Covenant.

• Cherubim of Glory: The cherubim represent the angels about the throne of God. Furthermore, two cherubim bar the way to the tree of life in Eden. Their presence in the Holy of Holies (deuteros) implies that the way to the eternal life and the throne of God is part of the New Covenant.

Holy Place Holy of HoliesProtos DeuterosMenorah, Table, Altar Ark, Manna, Rod, TorahFirst Covenant New CovenantThis Present World World to Come

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Worship in the Protos

And these things having been thus furnished, the priests always go into the protos tabernacle, performing the service. (Hebrews 9:6)

Priests enter into the holy place (protos) every day to perform the sacred duties of the Temple service. The protos area represents this present world where God can be served. The protos corresponds to the mundane reality of our world. This present world is not without godliness. The protos is the realm of the divine service. The menorah, the table of the bread of the presence, and the incense altar all stood in the protos. The menorah represents divine illumination. The twelve loaves of the bread of the presence represents the nation of Israel. The incense altar represents prayer. The protos is the place of worship and divine service.

Once we pass into the deuteros of the world to come, our service will no longer be meritorious. The rabbis say, "More beautiful is one hour of repentance and good deeds in this world than all the life of the world to come" (mAvot 4: 17).

The Protos Still Stands

And into the deuteros, the high priest alone [enters] one time a year, not without blood which he offers for himself and for the errors of the people. [By this] the Holy Spiritindicates that the way [into] the [Holy of] Holies has not yet has been manifested, the protos tabernacle yet holds standing, which is a symbol for the present time. (Hebrews 9:7-9)

Most translations change the verb tenses to imply that the writer of the book of Hebrews had the destruction of the Temple in view. By changing the verbs to a past tense form, Hebrews 9:8 reads, "The Holy Spirit was showing by this that the way into the Most Holy Place had not yet been disclosed as long as the first tabernacle was still standing" (Hebrews 9:8). This implies that the destruction of the Temple proves that God abolished the Old Covenant along with the sacrificial system. This interpretation engages in anachronism. The writer of Hebrews was not speaking prophetically here; the Temple still stood as he wrote the letter to the Hebrews, and it will stand again during the Messianic Era.

In order to make these passages fit that theological bias, most English translations change the tense of the verbs to the past tense and add several qualifiers. They are eager to prove the irrelevance of the Temple system and to point out its destruction as proof, but Hebrews was written before the destruction of the Temple.

The ESV renders it more accurately: "By this the Holy Spirit indicates that the way into the Holy Places is not yet opened as long as the first section is still standing" (Hebrews 9:8). Why is the way into the deuteros not yet opened? Because the protos, i.e., this present world, still remains. He explicitly says that the protos of the Temple, i.e., the holy place, represents this present world.

In rabbinic terminology, this present time is the Olam HaZeh, this present world. As long as we remain in this present world, a period of time which extends to the end of the Messianic Era, the Temple still "holds standing." We are still in the protos, despite the fact that Yeshua has died and risen. So this passage is not discussing whether or not the Temple is physically standing, because even when it is not, the Temple Mount remains, Jerusalem remains, and the Temple will be rebuilt, because the present world remains.

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This is not as confusing as it may seem at first. The protos of the sanctuary can be symbolically understood as this present world. Therefore the deuteros of the sanctuary (i.e., Holy of Holies) symbolizes the world to come. Likewise, the writer has made it clear that the protos symbolizes the Sinai Covenant, whereas the deuteros symbolizes the New Covenant. He associates the Sinai Covenant with this present world and the New Covenant with the world to come.

Though we live and serve in the protos of this present world, those who have Messiah have already claimed a share in deuteros of the New Covenant and the world to come. How so? Just as the high priest leaves the protos area of the sanctuary once a year to enter into the deuteros area of the sanctuary, our high priest has already left the present world (protos) and entered the world to come (deuteros) by means of His resurrection. The rest of us have not yet gone through that passage. The way is not yet opened for everyone.”

The torn veil is not, as some presume, an indication that the profane may enter the Holy of Holies; as the results of doing so before devout Jews would demonstrate (should the temple be standing today and the ill-advised assay to do so). Rather, it is a shadow of the reality of the Believer having access to the world to come(Millennium), which lines up with his having the deposit of the Holy Spirit (including tongues, gifts and fruit of the Spirit).


Paul does refer to religious observations not pleasing God, why? And what does he mean by that?

If a man had to be circumcised, as an example, for the sole purpose of appearing to be observing the law of God, he shall gain two things: -

1. A lot of pain.2. God’s displeasure.

Ritualistic observance of any of God’s instructions is an affront to Him. Adonai is interested in heart circumcision before the physical circumcision. This applies to all of God’s laws and desires. Be right with Him before practicing His commands! This is the super-simplistic intention of Paul’s writings. The Hebrew translation of the Bible that I quote in my articles goes a long way to clearing our oft misunderstood portions of Scripture and I advise using one alongside your English translation.


The summary then of what we have looked at is: -

The law has never changed, God’s requirements have never changed, Our obedience to the law has always been required, Sacrifices ‘bring us near’ to our Holy God, The sacrifices are about life – not death, Sacrifices shall be required in the Millennium Reign of Christ, The sacrifices were totally freewill, The only requirements or laws concerning sacrifices were stipulations on the method of

sacrificing and the acceptable choices of the sacrifice, The fledgling Church practiced these Jewish customs, It is always more acceptable before Adonai to obey than to sacrifice and then, in obedience,

we sacrifice

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Yeshua’s (Jesus’) death and resurrection serves to remove sin and guilt legally, Without the resurrection we have nothing, The removal of sin and guilt are through repentance and faith only (Old and New

Testament). Paul is not in opposition to the body of Scripture. Men, with ulterior motives, have read misunderstandings into Scripture.

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1 Corinthians 15:1 – 58.

The Resurrection of Christ

1 Corinthians 15:1 – 58. 1 Now, brothers, I must remind you of the Good News which I proclaimed to you, and which you received, and on which you have taken your stand, 2 and by which you are being saved — provided you keep holding fast to the message I proclaimed to you. For if you don't, your trust will have been in vain. 3 For among the first things I passed on to you was what I also received, namely this: the Messiah died for our sins, in accordance with what the Tanakh says; 4 and he was buried; and he was raised on the third day, in accordance with what the Tanakh says; 5 and he was seen by Kefa, then by the Twelve; 6 and afterwards he was seen by more than five hundred brothers at one time, the majority of whom are still alive, though some have died. 7 Later he was seen by Ya`akov, then by all the emissaries; 8 and last of all he was seen by me, even though I was born at the wrong time. 9 For I am the least of all the emissaries, unfit to be called an emissary, because I persecuted the Messianic Community of God. 10 But by God's grace I am what I am, and his grace towards me was not in vain; on the contrary, I have worked harder than all of them, although it was not I but the grace of God with me. 11 Anyhow, whether I or they, this is what we proclaim, and this is what you believed.

The Resurrection of the Dead

12 But if it has been proclaimed that the Messiah has been raised from the dead, how is it that some of you are saying there is no such thing as a resurrection of the dead? 13 If there is no resurrection of the dead, then the Messiah has not been raised; 14 and if the Messiah has not been raised, then what we have proclaimed is in vain; also your trust is in vain; 15 furthermore, we are shown up as false witnesses for God in having testified that God raised up the Messiah, whom he did not raise if it is true that the dead are not raised. 16 For if the dead are not raised, then the Messiah has not been raised either; 17 and if the Messiah has not been raised, your trust is useless, and you are still in your sins. 18 Also, if this is the case, those who died in union with the Messiah are lost. 19 If it is only for this life that we have put our hope in the Messiah, we are more pitiable than anyone. 20 But the fact is that the Messiah has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have died. 21 For since death came through a man, also the resurrection of the dead has come through a man. 22 For just as in connection with Adam all die, so in connection with the Messiah all will be made alive. 23 But each in his own order: the Messiah is the firstfruits; then those who belong to the Messiah, at the time of his coming; 24 then the culmination, when he hands over the Kingdom to God the Father, after having put an end to every rulership, yes, to every authority and power. 25 For he has to rule until he puts all his enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy to be done away with will be death, 27 for "He put everything in subjection under his feet." But when it says that "everything" has been subjected, obviously the word does not include God, who is himself the one subjecting everything to the Messiah. 28 Now when everything has been subjected to the Son, then he will subject himself to God, who subjected everything to him; so that God may be everything in everyone. 29 Were it otherwise, what would the people accomplish who are immersed on behalf of the dead? If the dead are not actually raised, why are people immersed for them? 30 For that matter, we ourselves — why do we keep facing danger hour by hour? 31 Brothers, by the right to be proud which the Messiah Yeshua our Lord gives me, I solemnly tell you that I die every day. 32 If my fighting with "wild beasts" in Ephesus was done merely on a human basis, what do I gain by it? If dead people are not raised, we

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might as well live by the saying, "Let's eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!" 33 Don't be fooled. "Bad company ruins good character." 34 Come to your senses! Live righteously and stop sinning! There are some people who lack knowledge of God — I say this to your shame.

The Resurrection Body

35 But someone will ask, "In what manner are the dead raised? What sort of body do they have?" 36 Stupid! When you sow a seed, it doesn't come alive unless it first dies. 37 Also, what you sow is not the body that will be, but a bare seed of, say, wheat or something else; 38 but God gives it the body he intended for it; and to each kind of seed he gives its own body. 39 Not all living matter is the same living matter; on the contrary, there is one kind for human beings, another kind of living matter for animals, another for birds and another for fish. 40 Further, there are heavenly bodies and earthly bodies; but the beauty of heavenly bodies is one thing, while the beauty of earthly bodies is something else. 41 The sun has one kind of beauty, the moon another, the stars yet another; indeed, each star has its own individual kind of beauty. 42 So it is with the resurrection of the dead. When the body is "sown," it decays; when it is raised, it cannot decay. 43 When sown, it is without dignity; when raised, it will be beautiful. When sown, it is weak; when raised, it will be strong. 44 When sown, it is an ordinary human body; when raised, it will be a body controlled by the Spirit. If there is an ordinary human body, there is also a body controlled by the Spirit. 45 In fact, the Tanakh says so: Adam, the first man, became a living human being; but the last "Adam" has become a life-giving Spirit. 46 Note, however, that the body from the Spirit did not come first, but the ordinary human one; the one from the Spirit comes afterwards. 47 The first man is from the earth, made of dust; the second man is from heaven. 48 People born of dust are like the man of dust, and people born from heaven are like the man from heaven; 49 and just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, so also we will bear the image of the man from heaven.

Mystery and Victory

50 Let me say this, brothers: flesh and blood cannot share in the Kingdom of God, nor can something that decays share in what does not decay. 51 Look, I will tell you a secret — not all of us will die! But we will all be changed! 52 It will take but a moment, the blink of an eye, at the final shofar. For the shofar will sound, and the dead will be raised to live forever, and we too will be changed. 53 For this material which can decay must be clothed with imperishability, this which is mortal must be clothed with immortality. 54 When what decays puts on imperishability and what is mortal puts on immortality, then this passage in the Tanakh will be fulfilled: "Death is swallowed up in victory. 55 "Death, where is your victory? Death, where is your sting?" 56 The sting of death is sin; and sin draws its power from the Torah; 57 but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Yeshua the Messiah! 58 So, my dear brothers, stand firm and immovable, always doing the Lord's work as vigorously as you can, knowing that united with the Lord your efforts are not in vain.

Romans 4:1 – 25.

Abraham Justified by Faith

Romans 4:1 – 25. 1 Then what should we say Avraham, our forefather, obtained by his own efforts? 2 For if Avraham came to be considered righteous by God because of legalistic observances, then he has something to boast about. But this is not how it is before God! 3 For what does the Tanakh say? "Avraham put his trust in God, and it was credited to his account as righteousness." 4 Now the

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account of someone who is working is credited not on the ground of grace but on the ground of what is owed him. 5 However, in the case of one who is not working but rather is trusting in him who makes ungodly people righteous, his trust is credited to him as righteousness. 6 In the same way, the blessing which David pronounces is on those whom God credits with righteousness apart from legalistic observances: 7 "Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered over; 8 Blessed is the man whose sin Adonai will not reckon against his account." 9 Now is this blessing for the circumcised only? Or is it also for the uncircumcised? For we say that Avraham's trust was credited to his account as righteousness; 10 but what state was he in when it was so credited — circumcision or uncircumcision? Not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision! 11 In fact, he received circumcision as a sign, as a seal of the righteousness he had been credited with on the ground of the trust he had while he was still uncircumcised. This happened so that he could be the father of every uncircumcised person who trusts and thus has righteousness credited to him, 12 and at the same time be the father of every circumcised person who not only has had a b'rit-milah, but also follows in the footsteps of the trust which Avraham avinu had when he was still uncircumcised.

The Promise Realized Through Faith

13 For the promise to Avraham and his seed that he would inherit the world did not come through legalism but through the righteousness that trust produces. 14 For if the heirs are produced by legalism, then trust is pointless and the promise worthless. 15 For what law brings is punishment. But where there is no law, there is also no violation. 16 The reason the promise is based on trusting is so that it may come as God's free gift, a promise that can be relied on by all the seed, not only those who live within the framework of the Torah, but also those with the kind of trust Avraham had — Avraham avinu for all of us. 17 This accords with the Tanakh, where it says, "I have appointed you to be a father to many nations." Avraham is our father in God's sight because he trusted God as the one who gives life to the dead and calls nonexistent things into existence. 18 For he was past hope, yet in hope he trusted that he would indeed become a father to many nations, in keeping with what he had been told, "So many will your seed be." 19 His trust did not waver when he considered his own body — which was as good as dead, since he was about a hundred years old — or when he considered that Sarah's womb was dead too. 20 He did not by lack of trust decide against God's promises. On the contrary, by trust he was given power as he gave glory to God, 21 for he was fully convinced that what God had promised he could also accomplish. 22 This is why it was credited to his account as righteousness. 23 But the words, "it was credited to his account . . . ," were not written for him only. 24 They were written also for us, who will certainly have our account credited too, because we have trusted in him who raised Yeshua our Lord from the dead —25 Yeshua, who was delivered over to death because of our offenses and raised to life in order to make us righteous.

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