Contents Page - Leeds Beckett University · 2019-09-21 · Trophies Sports Awards/Varsity Tickets...


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Contents Page

Sports Office Opening Hours ................................................................................................................................ 2

Meet the team ..................................................................................................................................................... 3

TASK – Roles & Responsibilities ............................................................................................................................ 4

Membership ........................................................................................................................................................ 5

Kit ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7

Finance ................................................................................................................................................................ 8

Financial Processes ............................................................................................................................................ 10

Paying money in to your student account. .......................................................................................................... 11

Paying Match Officials:....................................................................................................................................... 11

Finance Flow Chart............................................................................................................................................. 12

Accommodation:................................................................................................................................................ 13

Transport:.......................................................................................................................................................... 14

BUCS ................................................................................................................................................................. 16

A Standard BUCS Week ...................................................................................................................................... 17

Sponsorship/Fundraising Opportunities.............................................................................................................. 18

Fresher’s Fair – Wednesday 25th September 10am – 4pm. .................................................................................. 19

Fresher’s Fair – GDPR Check ............................................................................................................................... 20

Get Social! ......................................................................................................................................................... 21

Key Dates 2019-20 ............................................................................................................................................. 22


Sports Office Opening Hours The Sport Office is located on the right hand side of the Carnegie Sport Centre Reception as you enter

through the main door.

Office Hours:

From 16th September – 30th September

Monday – Thursday: 8.30am-8pm

Friday: 8.30am-4pm

Saturday/Sunday: CLOSED

After 30th September

Monday – Thursday: 8.30am-5pm

Friday 8.30am-4pm

Saturday/Sunday: CLOSED

For out of hours’

emergencies please call

one of the numbers below:

Jo – 07585 795484

Lisa – 07825 010379

Linda – 07387 233328


Meet the team

Dan Stanley Head of Sport (Health & Wellbeing) T: 0113 812 4927

M: 07387 233342

Jo Mannion

Athletic Union Manager

T: 0113 812 9169

M: 07585 795484 @CarnegieJo

Lisa McCormick

Athletic Union Coordinator

T: 0113 812 8440 M: 07825010379 @CarnegieLisa

Linda Bradshaw

Athletic Union Administrator T: 0113 812 7396 M: 07387 233328 @CarnegieLinda1

Craig Robinson

Sport, Health & Wellbeing Coordinator

T: 0113 812 6546 @CarnegieCraig1


TASK – Roles & Responsibilities Have a look through the below roles and responsibilities and allocate them to members of your


Role/Responsibility Committee Member(s)

Answer club enquiries from Sports Office and from students.

Ensuring the club adheres to all Leeds Beckett University and Athletic Union Policies.

Ensure all accidents/incidents are reported to the Sports Office in a timely manner

Ensure team captains submit all match results to the Sports Office as soon as possible after completion of the match (BUCS teams this

must be before 12noon the following day)

Signatory for Club Finance

Attend all Club Related Meetings

Liaise with the Sports Office to book training sessions at Campus or external venues

Liaise with the Sports Office to book accommodation for club trips

Liaise with the Sports Office to book transport for club fixtures/trips

Ensure all club members are kept up to date with fixtures and events

Minute all club meetings and communicate action points to committee members and the Sports Office

Keeping a budget spreadsheet to monitor club finance

Liaise with the Sports Office to make Club purchases from the student account

Responsible for the wellbeing of members of the club, including

during social activities, trips, fixtures or events.

Ensuring team captains collect away packs and/or officials fees for a match day

Ensuring that officials are booked for game day

Organise fun and enjoyable activities for club members outside of the training/fixture schedule.

Attend social and welfare training.

Point of reference for Clean Sport/Anti-Doping information or concerns

Responsible for Social Media accounts and general promotion of the club

Responsible for updating Club Development Plan as/when required Overall responsibility for kit (including ordering and ensuring any

University kit is collected at the end of the year)

Responsible for Club Mark applications and renewals



Athletic Union Membership is one payment of £198 or £229 for the academic year. This fee covers a range

of items and depending on your club, this can include:

The fee has increased for some clubs from 2018-19 due to the rising costs associated with delivering sport

at the University. Furthermore, the AU wanted to recognise that some clubs get more for their money than

others. As such a tiered membership offer has been introduced for 2019-20.

Tier One – £229 Tier Two - £198

American Football

Athletics Basketball

Cheerleading (Comp) Cricket (Men)

Cricket (MCCU Women) Football Futsal

Golf Hockey

Rowing Rugby League

Rugby Union Swimming

Tennis Triathlon


Boxing Cheerleading (Match)

Dance Gymnastics

Handball Korfball


Squash Tchoukball

Thai Boxing Volleyball

Water Polo

Anyone wishing to participate in an AU club must have an Athletic Union Membership*.

*Excluding Snowsports, Surfing and Sub Aqua

Kit Equipment Entry Fees NGB Affiliations

Transport Coaching S&C Training Costs

Priority Access to Training

Accommodation Subsidies

Classroom Access

Medical Insurance


Playing for more than one AU Club:

If you wish to pay for more than one AU Club the below upgrades are available:

Tier One → Tier Two - £45 per additional club

Tier One → Tier One - £45 per additional club

Tier Two → Tier Two - £45 per additional club

Tier Two → Tier One - £76 per additional club

Regardless of the tier of club you choose to join you will not pay more than £274 to join two clubs.

Upgrades must be completed in the Sports Office (Headingley Campus) during office hours. Cash and card

payments are welcome.

Claiming on the University Insurance:

If you or a member of your club are injured in training or at a fixture, you may be eligible to claim on the

University insurance for any expenditure or bills relating to the injury. To claim, please speak to a member

of the Sports Office.


•Speak to O'Neills and discuss your requirements for your ki t.


•Col late a l ist of sizes and organise payments from players.

Collate•Sign a BLUE Club

Expenditure form to authorise payment


•Place the order with O'Nei lls who will ra ise an invoice to the Sports Office

Place•Kit wi l l arrive withing

2-3 weeks


Kit The University wide kit supplier for playing kit and leisurewear is O’Neills. The University chooses its

suppliers after a lengthy tender process, where a select committee discuss a number of key criteria such as

price, quality and delivery times.

Any club wishing to have branded kit (i.e. use Leeds Beckett, LBU, Beckett, Carnegie, Leeds Carnegie or the

rose on any of their kit), must use O’Neills as their supplier. All orders can be made through the Sports

Office, following the below procedures:

Playing Kit:

If you wish to purchase additional or custom playing kit, you should:


All leisurewear purchases can be made individually online at

If you wish to make a bulk club order, please follow the steps above and discuss your requirements with

O’Neills. Dave Larder is our University contact; he can be reached on


Operational Account

The University’s contribution to the operation of your club. Not all clubs receive an operational

budget, but for those that do, this is managed by the Athletic Union Manager and subject to the

University’s Financial Procedures. No monies are carried over year to year, new budgets are set at the start of the academic year for the following season. If you have any questions about your

budget please speak to the AU.

Student Account

This consists of monies raised by the club members mainly through fundraising and sponsorship. This bank account is separate from the AU Operational

Budget and is managed by the members of the club and overseen by AU staff, in line with University


Finance AU Sports Clubs can have two types of budget; an Operational account and a Student account.

Student Account

Whilst we can produce a transaction list for your account, we would recommend that Treasurer’s keep a

separate budget sheet as a matter of good practice. Any expenditure must be for the benefit of the whole

club, not a few individuals. All payments made by the account must be authorised by a club committee

member and one other member of the club. This will then be signed off by the Athletic Union Manager.

There is no overdraft facility with this account, and any club that finds itself overdrawn will be placed in

‘Special Measures’ until the account is returned to a positive financial position.

All club monies must be paid into these accounts. Any clubs diverting funds elsewhere will be dealt with in

line with the University’s disciplinary process. This includes the receipt of all club sponsorship.

All finances are processed through the Sports Office, Carnegie Annexe, Headingley Campus.

At the end of the year, any remaining monies or debts are automatically transferred to next year’s student


Using Your Accounts

If you need to claim expenses, pay a supplier, pay in money or collect ref fees from either your operation

or student accounts please take a look at the following ‘How to’ guides for more information. If you need

further support please speak to a member of the Sports Office who will be able to help.


What each account can be used for:

Items Operational Account

Student Account

Kit (*must be available to all clubs members and be through University supplier) ✓ ✓*

Kit Wash ✓ (grass sports only)

Equipment ✓ ✓

BUCS Entry Fees ✓ ✓

NGB Affiliation ✓ ✓

Transport to Away Fixtures ✓ ✓

Coaching ✓ ✓

Training Costs (Pitch/Venue Hire) ✓ ✓

Accommodation Subsidies ✓ ✓

Club Development and Support ✓ ✓

Club Officer Training ✓ ✓

Insurance ✓

Match Officials ✓ ✓

Catering Hospitality ✓

Dry Socials ✓

Hire Vehicle Damage ✓

Physiotherapy ✓

Consultancy Services ✓

Advertising ✓

Reprographics (must adhere to University brand guidelines) ✓

Raffle Prizes ✓

Charity Donations ✓

Misc Event Costs (e.g. flowers, balloons, decorations etc.) ✓

Trophies ✓

Sports Awards/Varsity Tickets (extraordinary expenditure form to be completed) ✓

Alcohol (*an extraordinary expenditure form can be completed should you wish to purchase alcohol for end of year gifts or dinners).


Speeding Fines

Parking Tickets

Player Fines

Damage to Venues/Equipment/Personal Items due to anti-social behaviour

Any items relating to weekly ‘socials’ (excludes dry socials)

Gambling Expenses

‘Loans’ to Club Members

Sports/AU Memberships

Holidays – not related to sport (including I Love tour)


Financial Processes

Invoice Payments/Expense Claims

Collect or print a Club Expenditure form. An electronic copy of all forms can be found on the Club Officer

webpage on the Sport & Active Lifestyles Website. You can also find hard copies in the Sports Office at

Headingley Campus.

To pay an invoice you will need:

- A contact name and address of the supplier

- The amount to be paid

- An invoice from the supplier

You should always check with the Sports Office before engaging with a supplier to ensure that we can meet

the terms of their payment. We may also be able to offer cheaper alternatives with our suppliers. We can

also pay for products/services using a card. If you need to pay for something on card, please speak to a

member of Sports Office staff.

To claim expenses, you will need:

- Your student ID

- Amount to be paid

- Bank details (Account Number & Sort Code)

- An itemised receipt detailing the purchase made

You should always check with the Sports Office, before paying for items or services, that we are able to

reimburse your expenses. Otherwise you could be left out of pocket!

Further Information

If paying from the student account, you will need to get two club members to sign off the payment.

Anyone claiming expenses from the student account cannot be a signatory for their own expenses. If you

are uncomfortable with signing off a payment, please chat to a member of the Sports Office.

The Sports Office will never take money from a Club’s Student Account without prior consent from two

club members.


Paying money in to your student account.

Paying in Cash/Cheques:

In the Sports Office complete a Paying In Slip. An electronic copy of all forms can be found on the Club

Officer Page on the Sport & Active Lifestyles Website. You can also find hard copies in the Sports Office at

Headingley Campus.

You will need to know:

- The amount to be paid in

- What the money is for (i.e. fundraising, accommodation contribution, tournament entry etc).

Staff in the office will then count the money and provide you with a written receipt for the transaction. It is

suggested that you keep these safe until you see a statement from your club account with the transaction


Paying in via a bank transfer:

1. Ask a member of staff for the account details for the University Bank Account.

2. Complete the online paying in slip and email to the AU Administrator.

3. Transfer the money across referencing the club i.e. Water Polo. If payments do not have the correct

Club in the reference line they may not reach the correct club bank account.

Paying Match Officials: All BUCS Clubs will be asked to sign a Club Expenditure form at the start of the season. This form will not be

used, unless a club/team fail to return a signed officials receipt by the agreed deadline. The money will be

taken from your student account, and you will be asked to sign another form for future use.

To pay officials you must collect the fees prior to the game/event. During office hours, visit the Sports

Office where you will be given the fees for the officials(s) in cash and a receipt. You must get the official(s)

to sign the receipt to say they have received payment. Return the signed receipt to the Sports Office

immediately after your fixture.

All official fees are set at the start of the year, and will remain consistent throughout the season unless

otherwise agreed with the Sports Office. If an official requests an increase in payment, or travel expenses

please seek advice from a member of staff.


Finance Flow Chart

Student Account

Paying a supplier

Speak to Sports Office prior to ensure approved supplier (via Invoice or Credit Card)

Claiming personal expenses

(Including fuel and travel)

Paying Ref Fees

Receipts must be returned before 12pm on the following day otherwise Clubs will be charged

Paying in Money/Cheques/Online

What transaction are you wanting to


AU Student Expenditure


Buying a Second Membership

Paying in Slip

Always obtain a receipt for your records


Accommodation: Should your club require accommodation for an event or fixture please discuss your requirements with a

member of staff in the Athletic Union.

For clubs who require accommodation as part of a recognised fixture or event, the AU may provide an

accommodation contribution in their operational budget. This can be used on one trip or split out over the

course of the season, but once it is gone… it’s gone!

It is the responsibility of the treasurer and or captain to ensure they have budgeted for all over night stays

and are able to meet the demands of competition. Any costs in excess of this will be charged to the club’s

student account. Any accommodation money owed MUST to be brought in to the office prior to travel

otherwise confirmations will not be distributed to clubs and the booking will be cancelled. Please ensure

you have signed off all paperwork, including a Club Expenditure Form, before travel.

All requests should be submitted on an accommodation request form.

To complete the form, you will need:

- Address of the competition or event you need accommodation for

- Dates of stay

- Number of rooms required

- Breakdown of attendees – Males/Females and Coaches/Students

Where possible please submit this form at least two weeks in advance. Be aware, the earlier you book the

more likely you are to get your first choice hotel at a cheaper rate.

Confirmed bookings will be listed on the ‘Club Accommodation and Transport Log Sheet’ including a

confirmation number to present to the hotel on arrival.


Transport: Clubs are able to hire cars, vans and Multi Person Vehicle’s (MPV) (seating up to 9 people). If you require

transport for a fixture or event, please discuss your requirements with a member of staff in the Sports


All requests should be submitted on a Transport request form.

To complete the form you will need:

- Date(s) of request

- Departure time

- Return time

- Address of destination

- Reason for travel

- Number of people travelling

- Type of vehicle (Coach, Car, Minibus*, MPV**)

- Driver’s name, age, mobile number.

- Address of vehicle drop off (cars only)

*Minibus can only be driven by MiDAS qualified individuals. Not hired to students.

**Multi Person Vehicle – 8 or 9 seater

Where possible this form should be submitted two weeks before date of travel. BUCS Wednesday travel

will be pre-arranged, please consult the fixture board for information. The fixture board is located in

Carnegie Sports Centre Reception, through the glass doors as you head to the gym.

Buses can be booked by clubs for larger group travel, please speak to the AU Administrator for prices.

Key Collection:

Due to the Headingley Campus construction,

All Cars (7 seat or less) will be delivered to a team members home in the Leeds area. All driver paperwork

must be completed before booking, to ensure insurance coverage. A suitable place for key and car pick up

must also be communicated to the Sports Office again before the hire. Any excess charges for failure to

inform hire company of location of vehicle/keys, will be the responsibility of the club.

MPV (Multi Person Vehicle)/Vans – All vehicles will be left in the Pitch and Pavilion Car Park and must be

returned to this car park at the end of the hire, no cars are to be left elsewhere on campus, regardless if

spaces are available even on a weekend. Keys will be left at Sports Centre Reception, if closed at James

Graham Security. If you think you will be collecting keys or returning them outside of office hours, please

speak to the Sports Office to arrange collection with security.


Bumps, scrapes & accidents:

If you are involved in any type of incident/accident you must immediately report the accident to the

necessary authorities (dependent on severity) and inform either the AU Manager, AU Coordinator or AU

Administrator (contact details can be found on page 5). Never accept liability at the scene.

If you fail to report an incident/accident the driver may potentially be charged with a £50 fine.

An accident report form must also be completed and submitted to the Sports Office as soon as possible the

following day. These can be found in the Sports Office and in the key collection box at Sports Centre

Reception. If using the University vehicle these can also be located in the glovebox.

Please take photographs of the front, back and both sides of the hire car before you take it out and when

you hand the keys into the Carnegie Sports Centre Reception. This can prevent you being charged for

damage whilst the vehicle is parked at the Sports Centre.

Parking/speeding Fines

The driver of any vehicle will be liable for any fines incurred whilst driving the vehicle and all memberships

will be suspended until the fines have been paid.

Own vehicle

When using your own vehicle, drivers will need to sign a Registration and Insurance Form. You can claim

fuel expenses back for authorised journeys based on our mileage chart (located in the Sports Office) as

long as you submit a valid itemised VAT Receipt (credit card receipts will not be accepted). Fuel expense

claims must be claimed during the semester they were incurred.

Drivers of hire vehicles

All drivers must complete an AU Driver Disclosure Form and show their licence to the Sports Office before

being allowed to transport members. You will also need to log on to

licence and email a copy of your counterpart licence.

All drivers must carry their driving licence with them at all times when driving for an AU club.

Drivers must not exceed 3 points on their driving licence.

Only drivers over 21 are eligible to drive an MPV (some exceptions are possible, please discuss with the

Sports Office).

Driver’s must note that MPV’s (Multi-Person Vehicles) cannot be driven over 60mph and it is their

responsibility to be aware of the highway code in relation to vehicles they are driving.


BUCS British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS) is the governing body for University Sport in the UK,

providing hundreds of leagues and events throughout the year. The majority of our BUCS teams compete

on a Wednesday afternoon throughout term time.

Any club competing in BUCS has to follow the rules and regulations set out by the governing body. These

will be handed out at the start of term, but can always be found on the BUCS website. Please ensure you

have thoroughly read the BUCS regulations prior to the start of your season.


Please check with Sports Office staff as to the booking process for your club. Referees should be

appropriately qualified for the competition standard. Please refer to the BUCS Rules and Regulations for

sport specific information. It is YOUR responsibility to book officials unless otherwise advised.

Officials in Cup/Trophy matches should ALWAYS be neutral unless otherwise stated in the BUCS Rules.

BUCS Finals

Should your team reach the final of a BUCS competition – including BUCS Big Wednesday, the below

provision will be organised by the Athletic Union (AU).


Transport will be provided for the squad competing in the fixture and the relevant coaches only.

Transport for spectators can be arranged in the Sports Office, but will incur an additional charge.

The money for this must be brought in at least one working day before departure or the transport

will be cancelled. If you wish to book extra transport, please speak to Sports Office staff at the

earliest possible opportunity.


If deemed necessary, one night’s accommodation will be booked for the squad competing in the

fixture and the relevant coaches only. Accommodation will not be arranged for spectators.


A Standard BUCS Week Follow our simple guide to managing your BUCS teams.


•Discuss any final fixture issues with the AU Administrator

•Double check your officials are booked - this is your responsibility

•If you've had a weekend fixture return your teamsheet and ensure results are submitted.


• Complete your teamsheet on the BUCSPlay app

•Check any final details on the fixture sheet


•Check emails/phone for any info on cancellations/changes

•Complete your teamsheet checks with the opposition using the BUCSPlay app.


•Send the result to 07825 010379 (e.g. Women's Hockey 1st 5 - 0 Uni of Sheffield) (latest 12noon on Thursday) AND complete the score information on the BUCSPlay app.

•Return your Ref receipt to the Sports Office (home games only)


•Ensure you hand in a completed coach checklist if you travelled on a coach to an away fixture

•Hand in any playing under protest forms by 12noon.


•Prep for next week - check the fixtures noticeboard in reception. Have you got players, do you need to change the timings of a fixture - speak to AU Administrator asap!


Bake Sale

• Does your club have its own Mary Berry? Why not spend the evening baking goodies as a club and sell them the next day around campus. A great dry social idea!


• Is there interest to hold your own compeition or event? You will need to plan and manage this event as a club, but the Sports Office can help in terms of booking venues and offering advice. You can hire Campus Sports Halls/Rooms for FREE for a fundraising event.


• Set up a GoFundMe (or similar) page for donations towards a specific project or piece of kit

Car Wash

• There are hundreds of car parking spaces at Headingley Campus, how about holding a Car Wash for staff and students during the day? Make sure you seek permission from the Sports Office and Car Owners first!

Sponsorship/Fundraising Opportunities. Sponsorship and fundraising is a great way generate more income for your club to purchase kit/equipment

not covered by the University or to enter more competitions or events. There are a number of ways you

can generate income for your club including:


Fresher’s Fair – Wednesday 25th September 10am – 4pm.

BEFORE•Complete the booking form

•Check your table number

and location.

•Draft a rota of who will be running the stall. We suggest only having 2 club members at the stall at any one time.

•Design and print handouts.

If you would l ike the Sports Office to print anything please ensure you provide the Sports Office with all the fi les/hard copies by Monday 23rd September at 12noon. These will be delivered to your stand on the day (B&W only).

•Think about how you will stand out. There are over 150 tables in the hall, a few sweets, or videos go a long way!

•Charge up your laptops/tablets. It is much easier to collect information this way, and saves you spending hours, typing it all out!

•Speak to the AU Administrator if you require change for trial deposits. This must be organised and agreed before the week of the fair.

DURING•Arrive for 9am to set up. Don’t be setting up your stall as the fair opens at 10am, it doesn’t give a good impression.

•Don’t be disheartened by the slow start. Usually the fair is at its busiest between 12-2pm.

•Only have 2 people on your stall at once. Other club members can advertise the club around campus or the sports centre.

•It’s not just about email addresses! Speak to students, make them feel valued by your club. Build a rapport with someone and they are more likely to join your club.

•You cannot sell anything on the day (membership, merchandise etc.).

•SMILE! Be approachable! Don't sit behind a desk, engage with people, invite people over to your stall.


• Collate all the contacts you have gathered and send out an email/post about your first trial/session. Remember to include important membership information.

• If you have to cut students, ensure you suggest alternatives to them, such as our Social Sport programme. We don’t want to give a negative experience of Sport & Active Lifestyles as their first impression.

• Follow up with individuals who don’t attend. They may have been on residential and be looking for another opportunity to try your sport.


• If you plan on contacting people by email about trials, you probably only need to collect a name, email address and playing position. You do not need to know their date of birth, ethnic background or their hometown.

You should only collect what data is needed

• If you collect email addresses based on the precursor of inviting individuals to trials, you can’t use that email address to try and sell a product on behalf of your sponsor.

It can only be used for the purpose it was collected

• Ensure that laptops or USBs are password protected and that any paper copies are stored in a locked cabinet or room. Do not leave your laptops/sign up sheets unattended during Fresher’s Fair or Trials. Potentially think about a form for submitting sign up information (Google Forms) rather than a spreadsheet which can be seen by all those signing up.

• To ensure compliance, we strongly suggest using a google or microsoft form to collect your information. You can get all the info you need without displaying it to new sign ups.

You must store data securely

• You cannot pass your sign up sheets on to any other parties, this includes sponsors, NGBS and other individuals.

Do not share data with third parties

• After you fill your squads and complete your trials you must destroy all digital and paper copies of sign up records. You can keep a hold of your files if you think you may need some additional members at the end of the season, but they must be destroyed after this point.

All data must be destroyed after use, and cannot be kept longer than needed

Fresher’s Fair – GDPR Check

You may have heard about the new GDPR laws that were introduced back in May 2018. GDPR stands for

General Data Protection Regulation. Throughout your time as a Club Officer you will be holding and using

data from your members. It is important you follow the below steps to ensure you do not fall foul of any of

the new regulations.


Get Social! Follow each other, and the university accounts to spread the word!

Who? Twitter Insta

Sport & Active Lifestyles @CarnegieSport @CarnegieSport

Lisa McCormick @CarnegieLisa - Jo Mannion @CarnegieJo -

Linda Bradshaw @CarnegieLinda1 - Craig Robinson @CarnegieCraig1 -

Leeds Varsity @LeedsVarsity19 @LeedsVarsity

Men’s American Football @CarnegieAF @thebrotherhood19

Athletics @LBUAthletics @LBUAthletics Badminton @BeckettShuttles @LBUBadminton

Basketball @LBUBasketball @BeckettBasketballWomens

Boxing @LBBoxing @LBBoxing

Competition Team Cheerleading @CarnegieAviators @CarnegieAviators

Match Team Cheerleading @CarnegieCheer @LBUCarnegieCheerleaders Women’s Cricket @LBUWCricket

Men’s Cricket @LeedsBeckettCC @leedsbeckettcc

Dance @CarnegieDance @Carnegie_Dance

Women’s Football @Beckett_WFC @LBUWomensFootball Men’s Football @BeckettMFC @LeedsBeckettFC

Futsal @LBFutsal @LeedsBeckettFutsal

Golf @BeckettGolf @LBUGolf

Gymnastics @LBUGymnastics @BeckettGymnastics

Handball @CarnegieHandbal @CarnegieHandball Hockey @LBUHC @LBUHC

Kayak - - Korfball @LBUKorfball @LBU_Korfball

Men’s Lacrosse @BeckettLacrosse @leedsbeckettlacrosse Women’s Lacrosse @LeedsBeckettLax @LBUWomensLacrosse

Netball @BeckettNetball @BeckettNetball Rowing @BeckettRowing @BeckettRowing

Rugby League @LeedsBeckettRL @LeedsBeckett_RL

Men’s Rugby Union @LeedsBeckettRFC @LeedsBeckettRugby

Women’s Rugby Union @LBUWRFC @LeedsBeckettWomensRugby

Snowsports @LBSnow @lbsnowofficial Squash @CarnegieSquash -

Sub Aqua @LBUDive -

Swimming @LBU_Swimming @LBU_Swimming

Tchoukball @LeedsTchoukball @LeedsBeckett_Tchoukball Tennis @BeckettTennis @BeckettTennis

Thai Boxing @L_B_ThaiBoxing @L_B_T_B Triathlon @LeedsTriCentre @leedstriathloncentre

Volleyball @CarnegieVolley @carnegievolleyballclub

Water Polo @LeedsBeckettWP @LBUWaterPolo


Key Dates 2019-20

Date Event Information

Friday 20th September

Club Officer Training – PART TWO

Compulsory for all clubs committees to attend. Timings and location TBC.

Sunday 22nd September

Get Fresh! (TBC) Acre – activities, music and food.

Monday 23rd September (5-


Social & Welfare Officer Training

Compulsory training for Social & Welfare Officers

Wednesday 25th September

(10am-4pm) Fresher’s Fair

Full fair at Headingley Campus Blue Hall & Arena. Booking forms will be circulate in late July/early August.

Thursday 26th September

(10am-4pm) Fresher’s Fair

Smaller Fair at City Campus (Sport & Active Lifestyles Table only)

Tuesday 1st October

Varsity Openers Netball – LBU – 8pm.

Wednesday 2nd October

Varsity Festival & Finale Fixtures to be announced in due course. With the evening Rugby

scheduled as normal at the Stadium.

Thursday 10th October

FREE First Aid Course 6-9pm - Sign up at Club Officer Training.

Monday 7th October

BUCS Team Captains Meeting

Location TBC – all BUCS captains to attend. There will be a lunch time and evening session to ensure all captains can be fully briefed on BUCSPlay

Wednesday 9th October

BUCS fixtures commence All teams to check AU Notice Board.

Some fixtures may take place the week before.

Monday 21st October

Club Officer Meeting TBA by AU President.


Club Development Reviews

Please book in a review meeting with Lisa between these dates.

Wednesday 15th January

BUCS fixtures recommence.

All teams to check office window for fixture details. Not all teams will have fixtures this week – some rescheduled matches may happen prior

to this date.

Monday 20th January

Refreshers Week Will include Refreshers fair, please speak to Lisa if you wish to recruit at

this event.

Monday 27th January 2020

Club Officer Meeting – Semester 2.

Sports Award

Nominations open

Compulsory – semester 2 updates and Sports Awards information!

Monday 9th March 2020

Deadline for Sports

Award Nominations Final nominations to be submitted by 3pm.

Monday 16th March 2020

Shortlist announced for Sports Awards

Nominees will be contacted directly before announcements are made.

Monday 23rd March 2020

Filming for Sports Awards Nominees will be contacted directly about times.

Wednesday 29th April 2020

Sports Awards Elland Road, Centenary Pavilion

Monday 25th May 2020

AGMS & CDPs Deadline

During this time all clubs should conduct their AGMs, elect a new

committee and complete their Club Development Plan. If you wish to do your AGM prior to this date, or believe you will not be able to complete these tasks by the deadline please speak to a member of Athletic Union


Wednesday 27th May 2020

Club Officer Training – PART ONE

This is compulsory for all new Club Officers. Please ensure this date is communicated to new committee members.