Contents · 2021. 2. 3. · Most Rev. Roy E. Campbell, Jr. (301) 853-4563 Archbishop Emeritus of...


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Archdiocesan Offices

Contents Mailing Address ......................................................................................................................................... 1 Delivery Address ....................................................................................................................................... 1 Phone ........................................................................................................................................................ 1 Website ...................................................................................................................................................... 1 Connect with the archdiocese on social media ......................................................................................... 1

Diocesan Officials ......................................................................................................................................... 2 Consultative Groups ...................................................................................................................................... 3

Council of Priests ....................................................................................................................................... 3 College of Consultors ................................................................................................................................ 3 Council of Deans ....................................................................................................................................... 3 Clergy Personnel Board ............................................................................................................................ 4 Child Protection and Safe Environment Advisory Board ........................................................................... 4 Archdiocesan Board of Education ............................................................................................................. 4 Finance Council ......................................................................................................................................... 4 Pastoral Council ........................................................................................................................................ 5 Priests’ Retirement Board .......................................................................................................................... 5 Archbishop, Office of the ........................................................................................................................... 6 Auxiliary Bishops ....................................................................................................................................... 6 Archbishop Emeritus, Office of .................................................................................................................. 6 Auxiliary Bishop, Retired ........................................................................................................................... 6 Archives ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 Canonical Services, Office of .................................................................................................................... 6 Cardinal O’Boyle Residence...................................................................................................................... 7 Carroll Media Company ............................................................................................................................. 7 Catechesis, Office for ................................................................................................................................ 7 Catholic Charities ...................................................................................................................................... 7 Catholic Schools, Office of ........................................................................................................................ 8 Catholic Standard ...................................................................................................................................... 9 CYO/Youth Ministry, Office of ................................................................................................................... 9 Scouting - Boy Scouts / Girl Scouts / Camp Fire Boys and Girls ............................................................ 10 Cemeteries, Catholic ............................................................................................................................... 10 Chancery ................................................................................................................................................. 10 Child Protection and Safe Environment, Office of ................................................................................... 10 College Campus Ministry ......................................................................................................................... 11 Communications, Secretariat for ............................................................................................................. 11 Consecrated Life, Office for ..................................................................................................................... 11

Archdiocesan Offices

Consortium of Catholic Academies ......................................................................................................... 11 Continuing Education for Priests, Office of .............................................................................................. 13 Cultural Diversity and Outreach, Office of ............................................................................................... 13 Curia, Office of the Moderator of the ....................................................................................................... 13 Deaf Ministry ............................................................................................................................................ 13 Donor Relations, Office for ...................................................................................................................... 13 Disabilities Ministry .................................................................................................................................. 14 District of Columbia Catholic Conference ................................................................................................ 14 Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, Office of....................................................................................... 14 Education, Secretariat for Catholic .......................................................................................................... 14 El Pregonero ............................................................................................................................................ 15 Evangelization, Office of .......................................................................................................................... 15 Family Life, Office of ................................................................................................................................ 15 Courage ................................................................................................................................................... 15 Financial Services, Office of .................................................................................................................... 16 Catholic Mutual Group ............................................................................................................................. 16 Fingerprinting Services ............................................................................................................................ 16 General Counsel, Office of the ................................................................................................................ 16 Hispanic Family Life, Office of ................................................................................................................. 17 HIV/AIDS Ministry, Office of .................................................................................................................... 17 Hospital Ministry ...................................................................................................................................... 18 Human Resources ................................................................................................................................... 18 Information Technology ........................................................................................................................... 18 Project Rachel ......................................................................................................................................... 18 Marriage Preparation ............................................................................................................................... 18 Maryland Catholic Conference ................................................................................................................ 19 Media and Public Relations ..................................................................................................................... 19 Ministerial Leadership, Secretariat for ..................................................................................................... 19 Missions, Office of the ............................................................................................................................. 19 Priest Vocations and Formation, Office of ............................................................................................... 22 Prison Ministry ......................................................................................................................................... 23 Public Policy, Office of ............................................................................................................................. 23 Real Estate and Facilities Management, Office of .................................................................................. 23 Saint John Paul II Seminary .................................................................................................................... 23 St. John Vianney House .......................................................................................................................... 24 Special Needs Ministries, Department of ................................................................................................ 24 Tribunal .................................................................................................................................................... 25 Office of Canonical Affairs/ Services ....................................................................................................... 26 Worship, Office of .................................................................................................................................... 26

Archdiocesan Offices

Commission on Sacred Art and Architecture .......................................................................................... 27 Young Adult Ministry ................................................................................................................................ 27 Youth Ministry .......................................................................................................................................... 27

Archdiocesan Offices

1 Updated: February 3, 2021

Archdiocese of Washington

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 29260

Washington, D.C. 20017-0260

Delivery Address: 5001 Eastern Avenue

Hyattsville, Maryland 20782-3447

Phone: (301) 853-4500 Website:

Connect with the archdiocese on social media:





Archdiocesan Offices

2 Updated: February 3, 2021

Diocesan Officials

Archbishop of Washington Wilton Cardinal Gregory (301) 853-5350 Auxiliary Bishops-Vicars General Most Rev. Mario E. Dorsonville

(301) 853-4566 Most Rev. Roy E. Campbell, Jr. (301) 853-4563

Archbishop Emeritus of Washington Donald Cardinal Wuerl (301) 853-4500 Auxiliary Bishop, Retired Most Rev. Francisco González, S.F. (301) 853-4566 Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia Rev. Daniel B. Carson (301) 853-4523 Chancellor/Executive Secretary of the Curia

Terence J. Farrell

(301) 853-4523 Chief Financial Officer Deacon Eric Simontis (301) 853-5365

Judicial Vicar Rev. Msgr. Kevin T. Hart

(301) 853-4536 Secretary for Ministerial Leadership Rev. Anthony E. Lickteig (301) 853-4577

Secretary for Communications Paula Gwynn Grant (301) 853-5372 Secretary for Catholic Schools Kelly Branaman (301) 853-4508

Archdiocesan Offices

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Consultative Groups

Council of Priests Chairman: Wilton Cardinal Gregory

Most Rev. Mario E. Dorsonville Rev. Thomas G. LaHood Most Rev. Roy E. Campbell, Jr. Rev. David W. Beaubien Rev. Anthony E. Lickteig Rev. Msgr. Charles E. Pope Rev. Daniel B. Carson Rev. Joseph A. Calis Rev. Msgr. Salvatore A. Criscuolo Rev. James M. Stack Rev Raymond Moore Rev. Msgr. William J. English Rev. LeRoy J. Fangmeyer Rev. Mark F. Hughes Rev. John J. Dillon Rev. Mark D. Knestout Rev Scott Hahn Rev. Mark L. Smith Rev. Kenneth J. Gill Rev. Mark D. Knestout Rev. Rev. Msgr. Peter J. Vaghi Rev. Anthony E. Lickteig Rev. Rev. William E. Foley Rev. Ismael N. Ayala Rev. Lawrence A. Young

College of Consultors Most Rev. Mario E. Dorsonville Rev. Msgr. Donald S. Essex Most Rev. Roy E. Campbell Jr. Rev. Scott R. Hahn Rev. Anthony E. Lickteig Rev. David M. Fitz-Patrick Rev. Msgr. James D. Watkins Rev. Mark D. Knestout Rev. Msgr. Peter J. Vaghi Rev. William E. Foley

Council of Deans Chairman: Most Rev. Roy E. Campbell, Jr. Rev. Msgr. Charles E. Pope Rev. Msgr. Eddie L. Tolentino Rev. Msgr. W. Ronald Jameson Rev. John H. Kennealy Rev. Raymond H. Moore Rev. Scott R. Hahn Rev. Kevin C. Kennedy Rev. Thomas G. LaHood Rev. Msgr. Robert G. Amey Rev. Keith A. Woods Rev. LeRoy J. Fangmeyer Rev. David W. Beaubien Rev. Msgr. Peter J. Vaghi Rev. John T. Dakes

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Clergy Personnel Board Chairman: Wilton Cardinal Gregory Most Rev. Mario E. Dorsonville Rev. William H. Gurnee Most Rev. Roy E. Campbell, Jr. Rev. Charles A. Cortinovis Rev. Anthony E. Lickteig Rev. Msgr. Eddie L. Tolentino Rev. Daniel B. Carson Rev. Agustin Mateo Rev. Msgr. W. Ronald Jameson Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Mellone Rev. Msgr. Peter Vaghi Rev. John H. Kennealy Rev. Rory T. Conley Rev. Mark D. Knestout

Child Protection and Safe Environment Advisory Board Chairman: Eileen Dombo

Rev. Msgr. William J. English J. Thomas Manger Anne Hoffman Michael Nugent

Archdiocesan Board of Education President: Arthur Linder Christopher Kelly Tom Gletner Ayelework Awoke Lila Hofmeister Glenn Benjamin Alisha Jordan Greg Cooksey John Kennealy Michael Cronin Rev. Michael King Virginia Cuadra Jeffrey Palumbo Ted Ewanciw Rev. Gary Studienski Edward Farley Sharie Wood Rev. Samuel C. Giese

Finance Council

George P. Clancy, Jr John Michael Kelly Joan Conley J. Paul McNamara Raul Fernandez William J. Shaw Sr. Carol Keehan, DC Dr. Enrique Segura

Archdiocesan Office Members: Rev. Daniel B. Carson Deacon Eric Simontis Rev. Msgr. John J. Enzler Jennifer Case Terence J. Farrell Michelle Hall

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Pastoral Council President: Wilton Cardinal Gregory Rev. Daniel B. Carson Ronald Montano Yajaira Ortiz-Wilson Mary Ann Tretler Cheryl McLaughlin James Gant Joseph Mitchell Megan George Cecelia Handy Darnell Wagstaffe Mark Ma Cahy Berger Sunday Glover-Cox Joseph Smith Cheryl Holley George Cronin John Fox Tamara Hildebrand Tom Longano James Howe Lucy Yepez

Priests’ Retirement Board Chairman: Rev. Frederick J. Close Rev. Anthony E. Lickteig Rev. Msgr. Joseph A. Ranieri Rev. Daniel B. Carson Rev. David G. Wells Rev. Msgr. William J. English Rev. Saverio T. Vitturino Rev. Francisco E. Aguirre Terence J. Farrell Rev. C. Gregory Butta Rev. Mark F. Hughes

Archdiocesan Offices

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Archdiocesan Offices Archbishop, Office of the (301) 853-5350 Archbishop of Washington

Wilton Cardinal Gregory

Priest Secretary Rev. Charles A. Cortinovis Executive Assistant Deirdre Schmutz Auxiliary Bishops Most Rev. Mario E. Dorsonville (301) 853-4566 Most Rev. Roy E. Campbell, Jr. (301) 853-4563 Archbishop Emeritus, Office of (301) 853-4500 Archbishop Emeritus Cardinal Donald Wuerl Priest Secretary Rev. Daniele Rebeggiani Auxiliary Bishop, Retired Most Rev. Francisco González, S.F. (301) 853-4566 Archives (301) 853-5316 Director Stephanie Jacobe, Ph.D. Canonical Services, Office of (301) 853-5325 (Also see Tribunal) (301) 853-7674 - fax Grants marriage dispensations, approves files to be sent to other dioceses and assists with canonical questions that arise in parishes or agencies of the archdiocese. Episcopal Vicar for Canonical Services Rev. George E. Stuart, J.C.D.

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Cardinal O’Boyle Residence (202) 269-7810 Secretariat for Ministerial Leadership (202) 269-7816 - fax 1150 Varnum Street, NE P.O. Box 29206 Washington, D.C. 20017

Residence for elderly retired priests who are fully independent in their daily activities. Director Rev. C. Gregory Butta Carroll Media Company (202) 281-2410 Secretariat for Communications (202) 281-2408 - fax P.O. Box 4464 Washington, DC 20017

Publishes the Catholic Standard, the official archdiocesan newspaper, and El Pregonero, the metro area’s oldest Spanish-language newspaper, as well as their websites. (See separate listings for the publications.) President Paula Gwynn Grant Board of Directors Jennifer Case Rev. Daniel B. Carson Catechesis, Office for Secretariat for Catholic Education Provide service and leadership to parish religious education programs and Catholic schools, puts adults, youth and children in communion and intimacy with Jesus Christ through lifelong catechesis for discipleship in and through the Catholic Church. Director for Catechesis Sara Blauvelt (301) 853-5368 Coordinator for Adult Formation and Hispanic Catechesis

Kately Javier (301) 853-5364

Catholic Charities (see section for Social and Community Services)

Archdiocesan Offices

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Catholic Schools, Office of (301) 853-4518 P.O. Box 4464 Washington, DC 20017

(301) 853-7670 - fax

Provides leadership and service to the Catholic schools, including elementary schools, high schools, early childhood, and special programs. Superintendent of Schools Kelly Branaman (301) 853-4508 Associate Superintendent for Academics and Leadership

Wendy Anderson (301) 853-4588

Assistant Superintendent for Advancement and Enrollment Management

Wendi Williams (301) 853-4531

Assistant Superintendent of School Operations and Student Services

Chris Buchleitner (301) 853-5353

Director for Special Education Anne Dillon (301) 853-4569 Director for Curriculum Vicky McCann (301) 853-4548 Director for Educational Technology Shannon Norris (301) 853-4549 Director for Government Programs and Grants

Brian Radziwill (301) 853-5357

Director of Research and Planning Jeremy McDonald (301) 853-4598 President, Consortium for Catholic Academies

Vincent Spadoni (301) 853-5358

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Catholic Standard (202) 281-2410 Secretariat for Communications (202) 281-2408 - fax P.O. Box 4464 Washington, D.C. 20017 Newspaper of the Archdiocese of Washington, part of Carroll Media. Editor Mark V. Zimmermann (202) 281-2412 Business Manager/Advertising Sales Director Irieska Caetano

(202) 281-2406 (202) 281-2428 – fax

CYO/Youth Ministry, Office of Secretariat for Pastoral Ministry and Social Concerns

Assists parishes in the development of effective youth ministry programming, youth ministry leadership development, CYO athletics and Catholic Scouting. President/CEO Kevin Donoghue (301) 853-4463 Director Tex Phelps (301) 853-4467 OYM/CYO Programs Coordinator Mary Fava (301) 853-4465 Regional Coordinator of Youth Ministry for DC and Southern Maryland

Juan Aznaran (301) 853-4461

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Scouting - Boy Scouts / Girl Scouts / Camp Fire Boys and Girls

Coordinator, Archdiocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting/Camp Fire

Dick Stevick (410) 982-7554 Catholic Committee on Boy Scouts Rev. Charles E. Luckett Chaplain Emeritus (301) 769-3332 Boy Scout Chair Chris Murray (202) 253-0756 Catholic Committee on Girl Scouts Rev. Ron A. Potts Archdiocesan Chaplain (301) 934-2261 Camp Fire Lay Coordinator Rosemary Pezutto (301) 262-1631 Cemeteries, Catholic (see section for Social and Community Services)

Chancery (301) 853-4495 (see General Counsel, Office of) (301) 853-7662 - fax Chancellor Terence J. Farrell Vice Chancellor Rev. George E. Stuart Child Protection and Safe Environment, Office of

Implements and ensures compliance with the archdiocesan Child Protection Policy, point of entry for victims of abuse, assures that appropriate services are provided. Executive Director Courtney Chase (301) 853-5328

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College Campus Ministry Secretariat for Pastoral Ministry and Social Concerns

Provides training and support to campus ministry chaplains and staff in their ministry of evangelization and pastoral care to students, faculty, and staff at the six archdiocesan-supported college campus ministries, including: University of Maryland, George Washington University, American University, Howard University, Gallaudet University, and St. Mary’s College of Maryland. Program Director of Campus and Young Adult Ministry Molly Herrera (301) 853-5308 Communications, Secretariat for Has oversight over Media and Public Relations, Digital Media, Multimedia Production, and Carroll Media. Secretary for Communications Paula Gwynn Grant (301) 853-5372 Manager of Media Relations Emma Restuccia (301) 853-4512 Spanish Translator Luis E. Quezada (301) 853-4524 Consecrated Life, Office for (301) 853-4576 Secretariat for Ministerial Leadership (301) 853-7669 - fax Liaison between the archbishop and women and men religious, members of secular institutes and persons in other forms of consecrated life, a resource for canonical, spiritual, personal and professional assistance to communities or their members, and a contact for women discerning a vocation in consecrated life. Coordinates the Retirement Fund for Religious. Delegate for Consecrated Life Sr. Gilmary Kay, RSM Consortium of Catholic Academies

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(see Catholic Schools, Office of)

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Continuing Education for Priests, Office of

Secretariat for Ministerial Leadership

Plans priests’ professional development days, organizes orientation and mentoring programs for newly ordained priests, facilitates participation in degree programs, sabbaticals and workshops. Director Rev. Carter H. Griffin (202) 636-9020 Coordinator Rev. Kevin J. Regan Cultural Diversity and Outreach, Office of The Office of Cultural Diversity and Outreach advances the unity of the Body of Christ. The office reports to the Office of the Moderator of the Curia and supports the apostolic works of the Archdiocese of Washington in its evangelization, planning, coordination, ministry and outreach to the various racial, ethnic, and cultural diverse communities within its pastoral care. Implementing the Archdiocesan Synod norms and recommendations, the office engages all the faithful in the archdiocese to actively participate in the life and mission of the Church, incorporating the richness of their culturally diverse heritages and perspectives. Executive Director Dr. Ansel Augustine

(301) 850-4500

Coordinator of Resource Development Claudia Bartolini (301) 853-4469 Curia, Office of the Moderator of the (301) 853-4523 (301) 853-5346 - fax Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia Rev. Daniel B. Carson Chancellor/Executive Secretary of the Curia Terence J. Farrell Deaf Ministry (see Special Needs Ministries)

Donor Relations, Office for (301) 853-5375 (301) 853-7678 - fax

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Executive Director of Developmen/ Major Gifts / Planned Giving t

Joseph M. Gillmer Director of the Annual Appeal David Cook (301) 853-4574 Donor Relations Officer Darlene Cruz (301) 853-4575 Disabilities Ministry (see Special Needs Ministries) District of Columbia Catholic Conference


Serves as the primary liaison between the Archdiocese of Washington and all local and federal government entities within the District of Columbia. Director Mary Forr Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, Office of

Works for Christian Unity by actively seeking ways to foster through dialogue and other forms of cooperation the relations between the Archdiocese of Washington and other Christian denominations. The Office also engages in dialogue and collaborative efforts with the local Jewish community and local faith communities of non-Christian religions. This dialogue and cooperation is primarily, but not exclusively, carried out through the Interfaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington (IFC). Executive Director Rev. Charles A. Cortinovis (301) 773-9300

Education, Secretariat for Catholic

(301) 853-4508 (301) 853-5349

Has responsibility for the Catholic Schools Office, Office for Religious Education and Lay Leadership Institute, please see separate listings for those offices.

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El Pregonero (202) 281-2440 Secretariat for Communications (202) 281-2408 - fax P.O. Box 4464 Washington, D.C. 20017

Weekly Spanish-language newspaper of the archdiocese, part of Carroll Media. Editor Rafael Roncal (202) 281-2442 Director of Business Manager/Sales and Marketing Irieska Caetano (202) 281-2406 Evangelization, Office of Secretariat for Pastoral Ministry and Social Concerns

Provides support to parishes through consultation, training, conferences, and evangelization grants. Coordinates the annual archdiocesan evangelization initiatives of The Light is On and Find the Perfect Gift. Family Life, Office of Secretariat for Pastoral Ministry and Social Concerns

Provides programs, training, and resources for parish family life efforts. Provides regional marriage preparation training for engaged couples as well as leader training and instruction on Natural Family Planning. Point of contact for the Courage Apostolate ministering to persons living with same-sex attraction. Director, Office for Family Life Carla Ferrando-Bowling (301) 853-4499 Associate Director, Office for Family Life Sally Daniel (301) 853-4546. Courage

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Support group for men and women with a homosexual orientation and seek to live according to the teachings of the Catholic Church. Courage Chaplain Rev. John J. Dillon (301) 853-4558 Financial Services, Office of Finance and Administration, Secretariat for/Chief Financial Officer

Deacon Eric Simontis (301) 853-5365 (301) 853-7693 – fax

Controller Jennifer Case, CPA (301) 853-4504 (301) 853-2787 - fax Director of Budget and Financial Reporting Gina Wampler, CPA (301) 853-4514 Director of Parish and School Financial Operations

Adrienne Willich (301) 853-5373

Catholic Mutual Group 200 North Glebe Road #714 Arlington, VA 22203-3798

Claims Risk Manager Emily Colangelo (703) 841-1214 (703) 841-1217 - fax Fingerprinting Services (301) 853-5363 (301) 853-7680 - fax General Counsel, Office of the (301) 853-4495 (301) 853-7662 - fax Deputy General Counsel Christopher Anzidei, Esq.

Archdiocesan Offices

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Attorneys Mary Rhodes, Esq. Christopher deBettencourt, Esq. Hispanic Family Life, Office of

(see Cultural Diversity and Outreach) HIV/AIDS Ministry, Office of (301) 853-4596 Secretariat for Pastoral Ministry and Social Concerns

Promotes compassionate understanding and effective advocacy on behalf of those affected by HIV/AIDS, including the caregivers and families.

Archdiocesan Offices

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Hospital Ministry Secretariat for Pastoral Ministry and Social Concerns

Provides training and support to lay people, clergy, and religious in providing pastoral care to those in hospitals and nursing homes in the Archdiocese of Washington. Coordinator Deacon Tom Devaney (202) 444-6969 Human Resources (301) 853-4513 Secretariat for Finance and Administration (301) 853-7680 - fax Executive Director Nanette Lowe Information Technology (301) 853-4444 Executive Director William Potter Project Rachel Post-abortion healing ministry offers one-on-one referrals to priests or deacons and to professional Catholic counselors for emotional and psychological healing as well as group healing events. Staff and volunteers are available for speaking engagements on healing awareness, general post-abortion healing information for the parish and witness talks. The ministry services are available in English and Spanish to anyone affected by an abortion decision, including couples who faced adverse prenatal diagnosis and terminated the pregnancy. Catholic Charities Center 12247 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring, MD 20902

Bilingual Helpline: (301) 982-2008 (301) 853-7690 – fax (Spanish)

Director Julia Shelava (301) 853-4451 Participant and Outreach Coordinator Maria Tirado (301) 853-4452 Marriage Preparation

Archdiocesan Offices

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(see Family Life, Office of) Maryland Catholic Conference (301) 261-1979 Advocates and promotes the public policy interests of the Catholic Bishops serving Maryland in the Archdioceses of Washington and Baltimore and the Diocese of Wilmington. 10 Francis Street Annapolis, MD 21401

Executive Director Jenny Kraska Media and Public Relations (301) 853-4516 Secretariat for Communications Manages external communications, communication strategy, planning and coordination, media relations, message development, and special projects for the archbishop, as well as the Sunday TV Mass. Ministerial Leadership, Secretariat for (301) 853-4577 (301) 853-7668 - fax Provides support for the recruitment, formation, assignment, staffing and continuing care relevant to priests, deacons, seminarians and those in consecrated life through the implementation of planning and policy in the archdiocese. This includes the coordination and faculties of extern clergy and those religious working in the archdiocese. Secretary for Ministerial Leadership Rev. Anthony E. Lickteig Administrative Assistant Karen Sachs Missions, Office of the (301) 853-5388 Secretariat for Pastoral Ministry and Social Concerns

Promotes a universal missionary spirit in the hearts and minds of the people of God including children through the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, Missionary Childhood Association, the Society of St. Peter Apostle and Missionary Cooperative Plan. Animates, educates and enables the faithful to respond concretely to the universal

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call of Christ to “Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations.” Makes the sending and supporting of missionaries to foreign lands possible. Mission Education Coordinator for the Missionary Childhood Association

Sr. Annai D’Souza, SSVM

and (301) 853-4528 Missionary Cooperative Plan Coordinator Multimedia Production, Office of Secretariat for Communications Manager for Multimedia Production Geoffrey Ros (301) 853-4519 Communications Specialist Ronald Bethke (301) 853-4519 Pastoral Ministry and Social Concerns, Secretariat for

The Secretariat assists parishes in building their capacity for evangelization through providing training and resources for parish ministry in the areas of Worship, Community, Service, Administration, and Advocacy. The offices of the Secretariat are: Worship, Pastoral Planning, Evangelization, Young Adult Ministry, and Chaplaincies, Special Needs Ministries, CYO/Youth Ministry, Life Issues, Family Life, and Missions. Secretary Dr. Jeannine Marino (301) 853-5338

Assistant Secretary, Pastoral Ministry and Social Concerns

Jonathan Lewis (301) 853-4559

Assistant Secretary, Pastoral Ministry and Social Concern

Deborah McDonald (301) 853-4466 Director of Office for Social Concerns Genevieve Mougey (301) 853-4500 Director of Life Issues Kathryn Windels

(301) 853-4500

Archdiocesan Offices

21 Updated: February 3, 2021 Permanent Diaconate, Office of the Secretariat for Ministerial Leadership Assists Vicar for Clergy with all personnel matters pertaining to permanent deacons, including recommendations on assignments, post ordination, continuing formation and development of the diaconate community. Assists in coordination and communication of deacon special liturgical events, jubilees and funerals. Director, Office of the Diaconate Deacon Donald Longano (301) 853-4583 Pastoral Care Coordinator Deacon Joseph Curtis, Jr. (240) 210-6590 Administrative Assistant Diane Biggs (301) 853-5345 Permanent Diaconate Formation, Office of the

Identifies and prepares men academically and spiritually for ministry and deacons, provides ongoing educational and spiritual support. Rector, St. John Paul II Seminary and Rev. .Carter H. Griffin Director, Priests and Permanent Diaconate Formation

(301) 853-5345

Assistant Director of Permanent Diaconate Formation

Deacon Charles Huber (301) 853-4582

Coordinator of Pastoral Field Formation Deacon Steve Maselko Director of Spiritual Formation Rev. Joseph B. Pierce (301) 853-4583

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Administrative Assistant Diane Biggs (301) 853-5345 Priests, Pastoral Care of Secretariat for Ministerial Leadership Provides care and support to priests. Ministers to retired and sick priests, assists in developing support groups, coordinates priest retreats and jubilee celebrations, arranges parish placement of extern priests and coordinates priest funeral arrangements. Coordinator Rev. Msgr. Joseph A. Ranieri 301-853-5361 Administrative Assistant Karen Sachs (301) 853-4577 Priests’ Retirement Board Secretariat for Ministerial Leadership (also see Consultative Groups) Chairman Rev. Frederick J. Close (202) 250-8208 Priest Vocations and Formation, Office of (202) 636-9020

(202) 636-9025 - fax Secretariat for Ministerial Leadership (also see Saint John Paul II Seminary) Promotes awareness of and assists men discerning priest vocations, screens applicants for archdiocesan seminary formation, oversees formation and evaluation of archdiocesan seminarians. Director of Vocations Rev. Mark R. Ivany Assistant Directors of Vocations Rev. Mario A. Majano Rev. Scott Woods

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Prison Ministry Secretariat for Pastoral Ministry and Social Concerns

Provides training and support to lay people, clergy, and religious who provide pastoral care to incarcerated persons. Coordinates with Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington to provide support for the formerly incarcerated after their release. Staff Contact Jonathan Lewis (301) 853-4559 Coordinator Deacon Chris Schwartz (301) 646-0433 Public Policy, Office of Manager Mary Forr (301) 853-5341 Real Estate and Facilities Management, Office of

Executive Director Michelle L. Shelton (301) 853-4522 (301) 853-7665 - fax Assistant Director Philip Duck (301) 853-4530 (301) 853-7673 - fax Facilities Manager Robert Messer 301-853-4477 Saint John Paul II Seminary (202) 636-9020 (202) 636-9025 – fax 145 Taylor Street, NE Washington, D.C. 20017

Rector Rev. Carter H. Griffin

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Vice Rector and Dean of Students Rev. Kevin J. Regan Director of Spiritual Formation Rev. Christopher Seith Adjunct Faculty Rev. William H. Gurnee Rev. Scott Holmer Rev. Mark R. Ivany Rev. Mario A. Majano Rev. Robert McCreary, OFM Cap. Rev. Mark L. Smith Secretary Jenny Mulhare St. John Vianney House (301) 942-1191 Secretariat for Ministerial Leadership For use by individual or groups of priests, support groups, workshops, overnights, days off, days of retreat, etc. 4214 Saul Road Kensington, MD 20895

Managers Mary Ruth Yao

Annmarie Beins Special Needs Ministries, Department of Secretariat for Pastoral Ministry and Social Concerns

Pope Francis Center 7202 Buchanan Street Landover Hills, MD 20784

Provides pastoral care, training, workshops, advocacy, and sacramental preparation for Catholics who are Deaf or hard of hearing, blind, low vision, or Deaf and blind. Responsible for campus ministry at Gallaudet University, arranges for interpreters when needed by parishes, Catholic schools, or diocesan offices, and trains catechists to work with the Deaf community. Promotes the fullness and dignity of life for persons with physical or developmental disabilities through integration in parish life and worship, support to caregivers and family members, and public advocacy for community support services. Supports parents who receive an unexpected prenatal diagnosis, veterans with war-related injuries, and people living with mental illness or chronic illnesses.

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Executive Director Mary O’Meara (301) 459-7464 Coordinator for Deaf Ministry Laureen Lynch-Ryan (301) 459-7464 Coordinator for Disability Ministry Rachel Chung (301) 853 -4560 Coordinator of Interpreter Services Christine DiSalvo (301) 853-4560 Center for Deaf Ministry Provides for the pastoral and catechetical needs of Catholics who are Deaf. Arranges for interpreters when needed by parishes, Catholic schools, or diocesan offices and trains catechists to work with deaf community. Ministry to Persons with Disabilities Promotes the fullness and dignity of life for persons with disabilities within parish communities through integration in parish life and worship, support to caregivers and family members and public advocacy for community support services. Blind Awareness Ministry Works to help the blind or visually impaired population of the Archdiocese of Washington to overcome the challenges of vision loss. The ministry enables people of all ages who are blind or visually impaired to remain independent, active, productive and equal members of their parishes. Program Lead Mary O’Meara (301) 459-7564 Tribunal (301) 853- 4543 Office of Canonical Services (301) 853-7674 The Office of the Tribunal is an ecclesiastical court primarily dealing with marriage nullity cases and assists with canonical questions that arise in parishes or agencies of the archdiocese. The Tribunal is the court of first instance for the Archdiocese of Washington and the Diocese of St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands, as well the Appellate court for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

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Judicial Vicar Rev. Msgr. Kevin T. Hart, J.C.D. (301) 853-4536 Adjutant Judicial Vicars Rev. Msgr. Charles V. Antonicelli, J.D.,

J.C.L. Rev. Msgr. Godfrey T. Mosley, J.C.D. Rev. Mark E. Tucker, J.C.L. Moderator of the Tribunal Chancery Sofia Seguel, S.T.L., J.C.L. (301) 853-5326 Judges

Rev. Msgr. Joseph F. Sadusky, J.C.D. Sofia Seguel, J.C.L.

Promoter of Justice Rev. George E. Stuart, J.C.D. Defender of the Bond Rev. George E. Stuart, J.C.D. Dr. Jaclyn McEachern, J.C.D. Advocates and Notaries (301) 853-4543 Office of Canonical Affairs/ Services The Office of Canonical Services grants marriage dispensations, approves files to be sent to other dioceses and assists with canonical questions that arise in parishes or agencies of the archdiocese. Vice-Chancellor Rev. George E. Stuart, J.C.D. (301) 853-5327 Administrative Assistant Melissa Hunsiker (301) 853-5325 Worship, Office of (301) 853-4594 Secretariat for Pastoral Ministry and Social Concerns

(301) 853-7684 - fax

Director Deacon John Class

Oversees the Liturgical Norms and Policies of the Archdiocese of Washington. Promotes liturgical formation and celebration in parish communities, provides formation for liturgical ministers such as Readers and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.

Archdiocesan Offices

27 Updated: February 3, 2021

The Office assists with planning liturgies and ceremonies for bishops, diocesan offices and special events. Commission on Sacred Art and Architecture

Reviews the artistic and architectural elements of plans for new churches and proposed changes to existing churches. Chair Rev. Msgr. W. Ronald Jameson (202) 347-3215 (202) 347-7184 - fax

Young Adult Ministry Secretariat for Pastoral Ministry and Social Concerns

Assists parishes in evangelizing and engaging adults, ages 18-39, married and single, through parish consultation, regional collaboration, leadership development, annual trainings, retreats, and special events including Theology on Tap and the annual 7 Church Walk.

Program Director of Campus and Young Adult Ministry

Molly Herrera (301) 853-5308

Youth Ministry (see CYO/Youth Ministry)

Archdiocesan Offices

28 Updated: February 3, 2021

Deaneries Chairman of Council of Deans Most Rev. Roy E. Campbell, Jr. Montgomery County Deaneries Upper Montgomery East Deanery Dean: Rev. Msgr. Robert Amey Burtonsville: Resurrection Derwood: St. Francis of Assisi Olney: St. Andrew Kim Olney: St. Peter Rockville: Our Lady of China

(Pastoral Mission) Rockville: Shrine of St. Jude Rockville: St. Mary Rockville: St. Patrick Silver Spring: Our Lady of Grace

(Leisure World) Silver Spring: Saint Andrew the

Apostle Wheaton: St. Catherine Labouré

Upper Montgomery West Deanery Dean: Rev. LeRoy J. Fangmeyer Barnesville: St. Mary Damascus: St. Paul Darnestown: Our Lady of the

Visitation Gaithersburg: St. John Neumann

(Mother of God) Gaithersburg: St. Martin of Tours Gaithersburg: St. Rose of Lima Germantown: Mother Seton Poolesville: Our Lady of the


Middle Montgomery County Deanery Dean: Rev. Msgr. Peter J. Vaghi Bethesda: German Pastoral

Mission Bethesda: Church of the Little

Flower Bethesda: Our Lady of Lourdes Bethesda: St. Bartholomew Bethesda: St. Jane Frances de

Chantal Garrett Park: Holy Cross

Kensington: Holy Redeemer Potomac: Our Lady of Mercy Rockville: St. Elizabeth Rockville: St. Raphael

Lower Montgomery County Deanery Dean: Rev. Msgr. Eddie L. Tolentino Silver Spring: Christ the King Silver Spring: Our Lady, Queen of

Poland and St. Maximilian Kolbe

Silver Spring: Our Lady of Vietnam Silver Spring: St. Bernadette Silver Spring: St. Camillus Silver Spring: St. John the Baptist Silver Spring: St. John the

Evangelist Silver Spring: St. Michael the

Archangel Takoma Park: Our Lady of Sorrows

Archdiocesan Offices

29 Updated: February 3, 2021

Prince George’s County Deaneries Upper Prince George’s County Deanery Dean: Rev. John H. Kennealy Beltsville: St. Joseph Bowie: Ascension Bowie: Sacred Heart Bowie: St. Edward the

Confessor Bowie: St. Pius X Greenbelt: St. Hugh Lanham: St. Matthias Laurel: St. Mary of the Mills Laurel: St. Nicholas

Middle Prince George’s County Deanery Dean: Rev. Scott R. Hahn Cheverly: St. Ambrose Chillum: St. John Baptist de La

Salle College Park: Holy Redeemer Hyattsville: St. Jerome Hyattsville: St. Mark the Evangelist Landover Hills:

St. Mary

Largo: St. Joseph Mt. Rainier: St. James Seat Pleasant:

St. Margaret of Scotland

Riverdale Park:

Our Lady of Fatima

Riverdale Park:

St. Bernard of Clairvaux

Lower Prince George’s County Deanery Dean: Thomas G. LaHood Camp Springs: St. Philip Clinton: St. John the

Evangelist Clinton: St. Mary,

Piscataway Forestville: Holy Spirit Forestville: Mount Calvary Hillcrest Heights: Holy Family


Holy Family

Oxon Hill: St. Ignatius Oxon Hill: St. Columba Rosaryville: Most Holy Rosary Suitland: St. Bernardine of

Siena Upper Marlboro: St. Mary

Southern Maryland Deaneries Upper Prince George’s County Deanery Calvert County Deanery Dean: Rev. John T. Dakes. Huntingtown: Jesus the Divine Word North Beach: St. Anthony Owings: Jesus the Good

Shepherd Prince Frederick:

St. John Vianney

Solomons: Our Lady Star of the Sea

Charles County Deanery Dean: Rev. Rory T. Conley Aquasco: St. Dominic Baden: St. Michael Benedict: St. Francis de Sales Bryantown: St. Mary Chapel Point: St. Ignatius Hilltop: St. Ignatius Loyola Indian Head: St. Mary Issue: Holy Ghost La Plata: Sacred Heart McConchie: St. Catherine of

Alexandria Charlotte Hall:

St. Mary

Pomfret: St. Joseph Waldorf: Our Lady Help of

Christians Waldorf: St. Peter

Archdiocesan Offices

30 Updated: February 3, 2021

St. Mary’s County Deanery Dean: Rev. David W. Beaubien Avenue: Holy Angels Bushwood: Sacred Heart Chaptico: Our Lady of the

Wayside Great Mills: Holy Face Hollywood: St. John Leonardtown: St. Aloysius Lexington Park: Immaculate Heart of

Mary Mechanicsville: Immaculate

Conception Medley’s Neck: Our Lady’s Church Morganza: St. Joseph Newtowne: St. Francis Xavier Ridge: St. Michael St. Inigoes: St. Peter Claver St. Mary’s City: St. Cecilia Valley Lee: St. George

Washington, DC Deaneries Northwest-East Deanery Dean: Rev. Kevin C. Kennedy Holy Redeemer Holy Rosary Immaculate Conception Nativity St. Aloysius St. Augustine St. Gabriel St. Martin of Tours St. Mary, Mother of God St. Patrick

Northwest-West Deanery Dean: Rev. Msgr. W. Ronald Jameson Annunciation Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle Epiphany Holy Trinity Our Lady, Queen of the Americas Our Lady of Victory Shrine of the Sacred Heart St. Ann St. Louis de France St. Stephen Martyr St. Thomas the Apostle

Northeast Deanery Dean: Rev. Msgr. Charles Pope Holy Comforter-St. Cyprian Holy Name St. Anthony St. Benedict the Moor St. Dominic St. Francis de Sales St. Joseph St. Peter St. Vincent de Paul

Southeast Deanery Dean: Rev. Raymond H. Moore Assumption Incarnation Our Lady, Queen of Peace Our Lady of Perpetual Help St. Francis Xavier St. Luke St. Teresa of Avila St. Thomas More
