Contemporary Art Society€¦ · Alan Davie 'Interior Exterior' Religious Theme...


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Buyer: A B Lousada

CarelAppel DeuxTetes

Sergio de Castro Fruits, Bol et Bouteilles (gouache) William Crozier Beanfield, Essex 1958 Pierre Dmitrienko Petrified Forest Joseph Duncan Abstract Elizabeth Frink Wild Boar (bronze) Anthony Gross Undulating Valley 1957 Anthony Gross Landscape 1958 Roger Hilton Black, orange and grey composition William Johnstone Landscape Peter Lanyon Roviano (gouache) Anne Madden Meadow John Piper Nailsworth Mill Study for Mot ley College decoration Alan Reynolds Hillside, brown and grey (water-colour) Julian Trevelyan Isle St Louis Anne Yeats Red on green

From the Religious Theme Exhibition

Sandra Blow 'Creation' Robert Colquhoun 'Mater dolorosa' Henry Inlander Creation of Eve F N Souza Supper at Emmaus with the Believer and the Sceptic Keith Vaughan Martyrdom of St Sebastian Sculpture Bernard Meadows Running bird totem (bronze)

Presented to the Society

by Sir Colin Anderson

Albert Herbert The child

Derek Hill Picking up olives (drawing) Sidney Nolan Excavations 1954 (Ripolin on paper) Graham Sutherland Lyrebirds (gouache) Victor Willing John Mills Esq 1955

Grants in Aid

The Special Grants Committee assisted Wakefield Art Gallery in the acquisition of a work by Alan Davie 'Interior Exterior'

Religious Theme Exhibition

The Exhibition Sub-Committee offered assistance in the acquisition of the following works from the exhibition : Ruskin Spear RA Sunday Morning (Nottingham Art Gallery) Norman Adams Holy Trees (Arts Council)

Gifts to the Tate Gallery

Eduardo Paolozzi Forms on a Bow (bronze) Francis Bacon Study for Portrait of Van Gogh No.4

Loans Made by the Society

Recent Paintings by Seven British Artists British Council exhibition in Australia Fifty Years of Modern Painting Brussels Exhibition Robert Colquhoun Exhibition 1940 to 1958 Whitechapel Art Gallery Three Masters of Modern British Painting Arts Council touring exhibition

Loans to Colleges, Hospitals and Educational Bodies

National Hospital, Queen Square Somerville College, Oxford Central Electricity Authority Architectural Association Mond Nickel Company

Chairman's Report at the Annual General Meeting 16 December 1958

There have been two buyers this year, according to our present prac­

tice; Mrs Oliver Parker and Mr Lousada. They have by some private

alchemy contrived to buy paintings from two entirely different lists of

painters and there are no overlappings whatsoever between their

numerous purchases. Not that we would have minded if there had

been - but even so, it seems nearer to the aim of the Society that we

should help the widest possible spread of talent, Mr Lousada fell twice

;o the siren charm of a French palette, thereby carrying on a long­

standing practice in the purchasing behaviour of the Society - which

ias never been a parochial one. You will find that between them they

nought only one piece of sculpture. This is what comes of a very

latural tendency to harbour one's resources, when they are limited,

sculpture is unfortunate in being a much more expensive medium than

tainting and a lesser piece of sculpture tends to cost, in material alone,

something approaching what may be asked for a much more impor-

;ant painting.

Phis was one of our years of Exhibition ~ we organised our third

rheme' Exhibition - the show held at the Tate on The Religious

fheme'. At the Tate 9,500 people visited it. It is now making a pro-

onged progress of the country, visiting Cheltenham, Bootie, Preston,

lotherham, Bury, Batley, Manchester, Halifax, Middlesbrough, Scar-

trough, Hull, Nottingham and Camberwell. The seriousness of the

heme and the strangely varied responses it evoked, both from the

trtists in their interpretations and from the public in its reaction to

hem, have been the source of infinite discussion and have made a

mmber of artists contemplate themselves and their achievement in a

Gothic mode, it must be confessed that, i f one were to judge only by

observable interest shown in Ecclesiastical circles, our exhibition fell

flat on its face. I f I may use a well-known and not inappropriate series

of metaphors, however, I should say that we do not despair of having

sown a seed on fertile ground or, failing that, of having acted as the

leaven that worketh in secret. Touring reactions, as evinced in Chelten­

ham, have so far been somewhat violent. We await with interest what

happens elsewhere. I must also mention the Introduction to the Cata­

logue, a really valuable contribution by Robert Speaight.

From the Exhibition the Society purchased six works (one of them

sculpture) - by Sandra Blow, Robert Colquhoun, Inlander, Souza,

Keith Vaughan and Bernard Meadows. We also assisted Nottingham

Art Gallery to buy from the Exhibition Ruskin Spear's 'Sunday Morn­

ing', and the Arts Council to buy Norman Adams' 'Holy Trees'.

Incidentally, during the year we also made a special Grant in Aid to

the Wakefield Gallery to help them to purchase a work by Alan Davie.

As to what we sometimes call our Fun and Games Department (a

lower order of achievement than our purchasing one - but, in its way, a

great pleasure), we have organised visits, in March, to five Collections

in Palace Gate. We would like to thank those kind hosts - Captain

Duveen, Mr and Mrs Juda, Mr and Mrs David Breeden, Mr and Mrs

Grahame Davies and Mr and Mrs Peter Adam. In July we visited Mr

Henry Moore in his studio and in his Elysian sculpture-fields. Harlow

Town was also on our list and there we saw the sculpture by McWil­

liam in the purchase of which the Society assisted. In the afternoon

came a visit to that charming phenomenon - Great Bardfield - and tea

after that at Park Hall. Thanks again are due to a number of kindly

hosts, with Mr and Mrs Moore at their head.

The time is drawing near when the Society will make one of its general

distributions to Public Galleries, But, before that is done, there is

naturally a period when our stocks of work unallocated are growing.

We use this as an opportunity to show these to a wider audience than

would normally be able to enjoy them. We have during this year made

loans to the National Hospital (Queen Square), Somerville College

(Oxford), the Central Electricity Authority, the Architectural Associa­

tion and the Mond Nickel Company. Could any more versatile list

have possibly been devised? We have also made loans to the British

Council (for their exhibition in Australia, 'Recent Paintings by Seven

British Artists'); to the Brussels Exposition 'Fifty Years of Modern

Painting'; the Whitechapel Art Gallery for its 'Robert Colquhoun:

1940-1958' Exhibition; and. to the Arts Council for their touring Exhi­

bition, 'Three Masters of Modern British Painting'.

We have had five paintings presented to us during the year and have

had bequests of £100 from the estate of Mr Senneck and of £150 from

that of Mr Culley. Miss Hayward made us a gift of £100 and we had

another, also of £100, from the Noel Buxton Trust. For all these we are

most grateful.

This, I believe, ends the list of our activities for the year. I am sure you

will support the Committee in expressing to our Secretary and to her

assistant the fullest possible acknowledgment of the thought and toil

which inevitably form the background of such achievement.

There is one more matter I should certainly deal with this year and that

is the creation during this period of the Society of Friends of the Tate

Gallery, All who love the Tate will wish them well. Their aim is quite

different from ours in essence. They have as their aim to help one

specific Gallery, We have as ours to help the contemporary artist and

sculptor. There is no reason why our work should conflict, except in

two respects. Another society entering the field of picture-buying might

perhaps conflict with existing societies in its search for members. To

avoid this, the Friends purposely made their minimum subscription of

a different weight to ours. The second point is that we of the CAS may

find the many kindnesses we have long enjoyed from the Tate Trustees

somewhat affected by their natural, desire to look after the needs of

their own Friends. This is an aspect against which there can be no com­

plete protection for the CAS. In fact we must accept, in this respect, a

certain rea! change in our position.. However, I can assure you that the

Trustees and Director are very fully conscious of the debt owed by the

Gallery to the CAS, and while these feelings remain and while you

have the Director of the Tate as a member of the Committee of the

CAS and a Trustee as its Chairman, you can at any rate be assured of

the best possible contacts. At the moment, at any rate, there can be no

cause for alarm. As the Treasurer can report, our membership rises



The following is a List ofthe Members ofthe Contemporary Art Society on the 31st December 1958

Note: Names of Members joining after the 31st December 1958 will appear in the List of Members for 1959

•Denotes Members who have signed a Deed of Covenant

£ s d Subscribing Gallenes and Corporate Bodies

15 15 0 Aberdeen: Art Gallery and Industrial Museum 2 2 0 Abell House Refreshment Club

10 10 0 Adelaide: National Gallery of South Australia 5 0 0 Architectural Association

10 10 0 Auckland: City Art Gallery 10 10 0 Ballarat Fine Art Public Gallery Association 10 10 0 Barbados: Museum and Historical Society 2 2 0 Basildon Civic Arts Society 7 7 0 Bath: Victoria Art Gallery S 5 0 Batley: Bagshaw Art Gallery

10 10 0 Belfast: Museum and Art Gallery 5 5 0 Bilston: Public Library and Museum

26 5 0 Birkenhead: Williamson Art Gallery 15 15 0 Birmingham: City Art Gallery 3 3 0 Blackburn: Art Gallery 5 5 0 Blackpool: Grundy Art Gallery

15 15 0 Bootie: Public Library and Museum 15 15 0 Bournemouth: Russell Cotes Art Gallery 15 15 0 Bradford: Corporation Art Gallery and Museum 10 10 0 Brighton: Museum and Art Gallery 10 10 0 Brisbane: National Gallery of Queensland 5 5 0 Bristol: Art Gallery and Museum 5 5 0 Bristol Art Gallery, Association ofthe Friends of 5 5 0 British Council: Fine Art Department 5 5 0 Bury: Corporation Art Gallery and Museum

31 10 0 Camberwell: South London Art Gallery 10 10 0 Cape Town: National Gallery of South Africa 10 10 0 Cardiff: Department of Art, National Museum of Wales 2 2 0 Carlisle: Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery

10 10 0 Cheltenham: Public Library, Art Gallery and Museum 10 10 0 Coventry: Herbert Temporary Art Gallery 5 5 0 Darlington: The Public Museum

10 10 0 Derby: Museum and Art Gallery 15 15 0 Doncaster: Art Gallery and Museum 15 15 0 Dudley: Art Gallery 10 0 0 Dumfriesshire Educational Trust 10 10 0 Dundee: Museum and Fine Art Galleries 10 10 0 Dunedin: Art Gallery 21 0 0 Eastbourne: Towner Art Gallery

5 5 0 Electricity Council 10 10 0 Glasgow: Art Galleries and Museum 5 5 0 Glasgow University Art Collections 4 4 0 Halifax: The Bankfield Museum

15 15 0 Hamilton, Ontario: Art Gallery 10 10 0 Harrogate: Public Library and Art Gallery 10 10 0 Hastings: Public Museum and Art Gallery 5 5 0 Hereford: Museum and Art Gallery 5 5 0 Hereford Education Committee

50 0 0 Holt, Alfred and Co (P H Holt Trust) 5 5 0 Hove: Museum and Art Gallery

15 15 0 Huddersfield: Public Library and Art Gallery 21 0 0 Hull: Ferens Art Gallery 10 0 0

l\ Kimberley, South Africa: Humphreys Art Gallery

6 6 0 25 { ) 0

3 3 0 5 5 0

15 15

35 15

0 0

10 15

10 15

0 0

10 10 ! )

3 3 0 2 2 0 3 3 0

10 10 0 25 0 0

S 5 1 f t

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5 5 U

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10 10 0 5 5 0

30 10 0 10 10 0 10 0 0 15 15 0 5 5 0 5 5 0

15 15 0 5

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5 u 5

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26 5 0 9 2 6

32 14 0 15 15 0 S 5 0 5 5 0

10 10 0 5 5 0

10 0 0

Mansfield: Museum and A r t Gallery Gall

iallery and Museum Middlesbrough: A r t Gallery and Museum

. Nickel Company luseurn of Fine Arts

Nelson, New Zealand i Bishop Sitter Ar t Gallery Newark: Giistrap Museum and Public Library Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Laing Art Gallery Newport: Museum and A r t Gallery Norfo lk Contemporary Ar t Society Northampton: Public Libraries, Museum and Ar Norwich: Castle Museum Nottingham: Museum and Art Gallery Oldham: The Municipal Art

Gallery of t

Perth: Art Gallery of Western Austraiia Plymouth: City Museum and Art Gallery Preston: Harris Museum and Ait Gallery Rochdale: Art Gallery and Museum Rotherham: Museum and Art Gallery Rugby: Ar t Gallery and Museum Salford: Royal Museum and Art Galleries Scarborough: Art Gallery and Public Library Sheffield: Graves Art Gailery Southampton: The Southend-on-Se Stalybridge: Astiey Cheetham Art Gallery Stoke-on-Trent: Museum and Art Gailery St Pancras Borough Council Swansea: Glynn Vivian Art Gallery Swindon: Museum and Art Gallery

New South Wales Toronto:

Victoria and Wakefield: City Wakefield Permanent Art Worksop: Art Gallery and Wolverhampton: Art Gail* Y o r k : City Ar t


Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother

Abbey, Major J R Abdy, Sir Robert B l

Abrahams, Mrs Ian •Abrahams-Curiel, Mrs Abson.WWEsq

Acworth, A W Esq

•Adeane, Colonel Agar, Miss Eileen

•Aldridge, Miss E Alexander, Mrs E Alldis, M i s s F C Allen, C E Esq

Allen, R S S Esq

Allen. Mrs Scholefield

Anderson, Sir Donald F * Anderson, Lady Anderson, Miss H C Anderson, Miss M M Andrade, Miss E Andreae, Mrs C C Andrews, Stephen Esq Angus, MissM M Anker, MissE Anrep, Boris V Esq Anrep, Miss Helen Appelbe, Ambrose Esq Appelbe, Mrs A Archdaie, J Esq Archer, Mrs D M Arden, Mrs Dorothy Armitage, Mrs Kenneth Armour, Mrs M Army t age, W Esq Arnold, Edmund Esq Arschevir, A Esq. Arundel, Miss E D Aschan, Mrs M Ascher, Dr R Ascher. Mrs R

* Astor, The Hon Michael Atkin, Mrs Anita Atkins, D r W G Attenborough, John Esq Auerbach, Dr Erna Aukin, Charles Esq

Ha da

Bacher, Dr O Bacher, Mrs O

Baer, J M Esq Bagenal, Mrs Barbara

*Bagratuni, Dr Leon Baird, Miss Grizelle Baker, Dr Charles Baker, Mrs Pearl Bakirzis, P E Esq

TheRt Hon The Eari ofi Balfour, Miss Nancy

Balston. T E S Q

Baring, The Hon R A Barker, R M Esq Barker Mill, Mrs E Barker Mill, PEsq , Barkley, Mrs Hilda Barkley, Miss I I Barlow, Sir J Alan Bt G C B K B E Barlow, Lady Barnes, Mrs B Barnes, £ C Esq Barnett, OlafEsq Baron, Mrs Julia Barratt, S Esq Barratt, Mrs S Barrett, H 1 Esq Barrett, Mrs P L Barrett, MrsP R B Barrow, John Esq Barton. Lady Barton, Mrs M L G Baruch, Mrs M N Bar well, D Esq Bassett Wilson, F G Esq Bastable, Miss L Bat es, H E Esq Bathara, C E H Esq Batten, Dr Lindsey W Batten, Mrs Lindsey W Battersby, Martin Esq Beadle, J M Esq Beadle, Mrs J M Beak, Miss Daphne Beam an, Lady Beattie, Major Alexander Beaumont Hill, M r s M Beazley, H T Esq Beazley, Mrs Susan Beckett, Sir Martyn Bt B A A R I B A

Beddington, Lt-Col F Beddington, J L Esq Behrens, Miss B Beit, Sir Alfred Bt

*Bell, A W Esq M C ,BeU, Clive Esq Bell MacDonald, Mrs Bell MacDonald, A M Esq Bel lord, George Esq Benbow, H A Esq Bendon, M G Esq Benedict, M P Esq Benner, Mrs M P Bennett, Mrs G R Bennett, Mrs Leo

^Bennitt, U W Esq Bennitt, Mrs M Benson, Mrs Agnes Bentley, F H Esq Bentley, Mrs F H Bentley, Nicolas Esq F S I A

Berbank, Albert E Esq Berbank, Mrs A E Bergel, H C Esq Bergel, Mrs P Bergne, Mrs Hilary Bernal, Mrs M G Bernstein, Sidney Esq Berridge, A L Esq Best, Miss Eleanor Best, Henry N Esq

•Besterman, D r E M M Besterman, Mrs E M

* J W n n » A B o n

Blackett-Ord, A J Esq Blackett-Ord, Mrs J Blackman, Mrs G E Blackham, H J Esq Blairman. S I Esq Blake, Dr G E

•Blake, J F P Esq Blake, Mrs Pamela Blaxland Lcvick, Mrs C Bliss, J Howard Esq

•Bliss, Mrs Mary Blond, Mrs E Blood-Smyth, Charles H Esq Blood-Smyth, Mrs

•Blunden, Henry R Esq Blunt, Prof Sir A F K C V O F B A

•Blyth, D F Esq Boag, Miss Susan Body, Miss C Bohm, M r s J C Boland, Miss Judy Boles, B Esq Bolton, J G V Esq

•Bomford, H T P Esq Bone, Lady Bonham-Carter, Lady Bonham-Carter, Mrs I M

* Booth, George M Esq Borchard, Dr Ruth Borges, T W Esq Borregaard, Mrs R Bosanquet, Miss Theodora

•Boswell, James Esq Bottoms, 3 C Esq

*Bourne, Stafford Esq Bowers, D Esq Bowers, Miss J M Bowett, Mrs D Bowiby, A N A Esq Bowles, Miss Audrey Bowman, Mrs Betty Bowman, Mrs Winifred

•Bowness, Alan Esq Boyd, D W Esq Boyland, Prof E Boy ten. Miss M J Brabner, Mrs Phyllis Bradley, Mrs Beatrice

•Branchini, Charles J Esq Brand, The Hon Mrs Thomas Brangham, Mrs K J Brausen, Miss Erica Bredin, Hugh Esq Breeden, David Esq

•Brett, The Hon Lionel Brickcll, A W Esq Bridges, Mrs M Brinton, Mrs M K Britcher, Rex Esq Brittan, D Esq Brittain, M r s S S W Broadbent, Mrs Moira Broadbridge, The Hon Marjorie

Singleton •Brockes, F T Esq Brockhurst, Mrs P W Brocklebank, Lady Brod, A Esq Brodie of Brodie, Mrs Brodie, Mrs C A Bromley-Davenport, Mrs Linette n r - n m i r u - t l s XT <5t P a n

Brunton, Miss R Bryson, J N Esq Buckweli, Mrs Bull, G V Esq Bull, Mrs K M Billow, Claus Esq

•Burgess, Comdr C R O B E R N •Burgess, M r s G L

Burland, C A Esq Burn, Michael Esq

•Burne, Francis Esq * Burton, Mrs Arnold

Buss, H L Esq Butcher, G L Esq Butler, Mrs E Butler, M F Esq

•Bullit t , Mart in Esq Byass, Mrs P M Byfield, I R D Esq

*Byng, Robert Esq •Byron, Arthur Esq

Caccia, Lady Caddey, Miss Dacia Calm, Heinz Esq Campion, Miss M G O B E Campion, Oliver G Esq Capeli, Miss P Card us, Mrs Neville Carlebach, A Esq Carlisle, Mrs Anne

^Carlisle, C A Esq Carnegie. L Esq Carr, Mrs Marjorie Carr-Saunders, Sir Alexander Carruthers, The Hon Mrs Mary Carter, Donald Esq Carter, John W Esq Carter, Miss Peggy Carter, Peter B Esq Carthy, J D E s q Caseley, Miss Rosamond

•Cashmore, A E Esq Castanig, Miss A Catleugh, J D H Esq Cawdor, Lady Cecil, Lady Cemlyn-Jones, Sir Wynne Chamot, Miss Mary Champion, C L Esq Chancellor, R D Esq Chaplin, Miss B A Chapman, Max Esq Charies, Mrs E H Charles, Miss Merry! Charoux, Siegfried J Esq Charteris, The Hon Guy Chase, Michael Esq Cheetham, Lady Chignell, Miss Mariorie Child, P Esq Chilton, Miss F Choimondeley, Lady George

•Choremi, Andre Esq Christopherson, John Esq Clare, Miss G Clark, H J Esq Clark, Sir Kenneth K C B F B A Clark, Lady Clark, Miss Virginia Clarke, Basil Esq

issold, Miss A J Grossman, M r s R H S Dorf, Miss B .oake, M iss J D Crown, Dr S Dorner, MrsS abham, MrsZoe V Culme-Seymour, Sir Michael Douglas, Basil Esq schrane, J P Esq Curtis, John Esq Douglas, Miss I xkburn, Dr H D Cusack, A Esq Dow, J C R Esq Jckie, Mrs Aiieen Custerson, Conrad Esq Drage, Mrs John adrington, Mrs M B Cuthbert, A D Esq Drage, S M Esq sghiil, Toby Esq Drage, Mrs S M alien, Dennis M Esq Dakeyne, Mrs P L Drew, Mrs H Jhen, Henry M Esq Dale, R A Esq Drew, MissJane ahen, Sir Herbert B Bt O B S •Dale, W L E s q Drew, Miss Joanna 3hen,Lt-ComdrKennet;ri C M G R N Dalley, Dr V M Dreyfuss, Sylvain Esq shen, Mrs Kenneth Dalton, Mrs Hugh Drogheda, Kathleen Countess cm sldham, G A Esq Daniel, Miss V J Dnice, Miss E N C J l e , D N Esq Daniels, Miss B Druromond, Mrs H >hnvaux, R P Esq Dark, Frankland Esq Drysdais, Mrs Andrew D l i n v a u x , Mrs R P •Darracolt, T M Esq Duckett, A G Esq oilier, Gerald Esq Darre l l .HFEsq Duckett, B G Esq oilier, Miss J Darwin, Prof Robin Duckett, Mrs Marjorie slims, Cecil Esq Davenport, Nicholas Esq Duckworth, Arthur Esq Jllins, Mrs Georgette Davenport, Mrs Olga Dugdale, Mrs Eric Jliins, Miss Patricia Davies, Mrs D Dunne, Mrs Philip jllins, Peter Esq Davies, Miss Margaret Dunning, Miss Helen Jllyns, Charles N Esq Davies, Mrs M C Dupre, John Esq >llyns, Mrs P C Davies, Mrs T M Durrand, Miss Patricia >Mn, Miss Joyce Davies, R O Esq Dutton, Mrs Alice >lyer, Mrs W T Davidson-Houston, Major A C Button, R S Esq >mmon, Miss Enid Davis, Dr Albert •Duveen, Captain Ernest )mpton-Smith, Miss C Davis, Mrs Albert Duveen, Henry Esq )ne, Miss Zona •Davis, Edward T Esq mlay, Miss Iris •Davis, Mrs E T * E a k n d , D r C T F )nn, Victor W A Esq Davis, Frank Esq Eardley, Mrs Enid M mner, Miss Angela Davis, Mrs Frank •Easteriield, Thomas E Esq mran, G L Esq Davis, Miss Joan L •Easterfield, Mrs T E )nybeare, Sir J J Dawe, E G J Esq East wick-Field, John Esq >0k, W J Esq Dawe, Mrs E G J * Eastwood, C G Esq >okc, Mrs Diana Dawe, W E Esq Eberstadt, G Esq ) o k e , Mrs E Dawes, Mrs F W Eccles, The Rt Hon Sir David P C M I Joksey, MrsM C Dawnay, Miss Jean Eckersley, Mrs Nancy >ombs, J S W Esq Day, Mrs C E Edgerley, John T Esq )oper, Mrs D F Day, Kenneth Esq Edwards, John Esq )oper, F G Esq Dcarbergh, G F Esq Edwards, R A Esq >oper, Mrs Geoffrey De Beer, Mrs L Edwards, Ralph Esq >oper, Terence Esq Deeds, L Esq Edwards, Mrs Ralph >oper, Mrs Winifred De Gabarain, Miss Ana Maria •Egerton, Robert Esq jopman, Mrs Mira Dehn, Roy A Esq Egerton, S Esq )plans, Mrs John Deighton, Mrs Elizabeth *Egon, Nicholas Esq )pplestone, Trewin Esq De Keyser, 1 Esq O B E Einstein, Herbert Esq >rcoran, Gerald Esq Dekk, Mrs Dorrit Einstein, Mrs Herbert >rke, Mrs M D Delbanco, G Esq Ellis, D G Esq srnan, Miss Anne Delbanco, K Esq Ellis, Miss G N )rp, A E Esq De L a Cruz, Mrs Emiassian, John Esq >rp, Mrs W G De L a Warr, The Rt Hon The Ear i Elsy, Miss Mary )sh, Miss Mary De L a Warr, The Countess Elt, Fred Esq )sh, Miss M S De Maistre, Roy Esq Emery, P F H Esq >utts-Milne, Mrs M Denchfield, C P S Esq Emsing, Miss E C 3wan, John Esq *Dermey, J A Esq Emslie, Miss Rosalie )wen, J D Esq Dennis, W C Esq *Eruis, Mrs F nveti, Mrs R S Dermis, Mrs W C •Elisor, Miss Catherine >x, J R W Esq Denny, A M Esq Erskine, The Hon Robert )x, G Treochard Esq C B E •Denny, Mrs B M A Escott, James Esq 'abtree, Thomas Esq Denny, James Esq Estorick, Eric Esq "aig MacFarlane, J E Esq DePass, Captain Daniel Etherington-Smith, Gordon Esq "ake, Miss Mary C B B R N ( R E T D ) Eustace, Mrs Rowland 'ameri, Mrs Margo De Pinna, Miss Janet Eustace, Miss V •ameri, Mrs M A De Resales, Mrs Louise Evans, Courtenay Esq •aps, Mrs E Dersch, Mark Esq Evans, L A Esq 'axton, Mrs L •Deutsch, Andre Esq Evans, Lady eagh-Coen, Sir Terence K B E C I E Deverell, G A Esq Evans, Miss Lilian e g a n , Mrs J M DeWet, MissJ Evans, Miss King ichton-Stuart, Lady Colum Dswey, Nicholas Esq •Evans, Roger Esq •itchlev. M rs Marstaret Dewsherv. Mrs I P Evans. Mrs Roaer

•Fairhurst, Harry M Esq Fallon, S Esq Farquharson, M G Esq Faringdon, The Rt Hon Lord

• Farr, Dennis Esq Farreli, E A Esq Farrer, Sir Leslie K C V O

•Farrow, Arthur H Esq •Fawcett, Mrs K T

Feibasch, Hans Esq Feiler, Paul Esq Fein, J G S Esq Fenn, Mrs C H Fenwick, Miss C Ferree, C J Esq Field Reid, EEsq Field Reid, Mrs. Filer, Miss M H Finer, D r I Finn, Miss D F M Firth, Prof Raymond Fischer, David Esq Fischer, H R Esq Fischman, Mrs Qiga Fisher, Mrs H A P Fisher, Harold W Esq Fitton, James Esq R A Fitzgerald, C J Esq Fitzgerald, Mrs C J Fiatau, Mrs H Fleischman, Miss Asphodel Fleming, Comdr Ian Fletcher, Miss E Flett, Alexander E C Esq

•Fone, Michael Esq Fontaine, Miss C R

•Foord, Anthony Esq •Foord, Mrs Anthony Ford, R Brinsley Esq Forrest, Denys M Esq Forrester, Mrs J Forsythe, Thomas Esq Fort, Miss Angela Foss, A A Esq Foster, A S Esq Foster, Alfred W Esq Foster, Mrs Hugh Foster, John Esq Q C M P Found, James A Esq Fowler, Maurice Esq Fox, Mrs F D Fox-Edwards, Mrs Patricia Fraenkel, Mrs Elsa

•Francois, Mrs M M L Frankel, Cyril Esq Fredyna, Miss K Freebairn, Glen Esq Freedman, Mrs B Freedman, Mrs Jessica Freeman, Mrs L M D Freeth, H A Esq French, L G Esq Freud, Ernst Esq Friday, Frank A Esq Friedeberger, Klaus Bsq Friedman, Dr Charles Frost. G L Esq

*Froy, W A Esq Fry, Sir Geoffry, Bt, K C B C V O Fry, Dr L S Fry, Maurice E Esq

Gadsby, Mrs Constance A Gainford, Lady Gainsborough, Dr Gallagher, N Esq Gamrnie, Mrs Gant, Dr J G Gantz, Mrs Margaret Gardener, W A B Esq Gardiner, Julian Esq Gardiner, Mrs Mary Gardner, Miss Helen Gardner, Dr S Garner, Miss Grace Garnitt, Walter Esq Garcia, Lt-Col Clive

•Gaskeil, Mrs M •Geften, 1 Esq

Gibb, Mrs E M *Gibb, H S Esq Gibb ,T Esq Gibbons-Grinling, Anthony Esq Gibbons-Grinling, Jasper Esq Gibbs, Mrs Arthur Gibbs, Miss Audrey

*Gibbs, David A Esq Gilbert. Curtis Esq Gilby, Miss M D

• G i t l . D r Cecil Gilley, Miss S Gilliatt, Mrs R W Gillie, D R Esq Gilroy, H Elliot Esq Gimpei, Charles Esq Gimpei, Mrs Gimpel, Peter Esq Gimson, H M Esq Ginsbury, Mrs H Giordani, Dr A Giordani, Dr Christine Glaisyer, Mrs E B Glover, Miss Jane Goddard, G K Esq Goddard, Mrs Peggy Godfrey-Gilbert, J Esq A R I B A

Godin, W D Esq Godin, Mrs Godwin, Keith Esq Goff, Mart in Esq Coffin, Peter Esq Gold, J B Esq Gold, Mrs Goldberg, P Esq Goldberg, MrsP Goldlmger, Erno Esq D P L G A S U B A

Goldie, Miss Mary Golding, Miss S Goidman, Alfred Esq Goldman, Miss Elizabeth Goldman, Maurice Esq Goldsbrough, Miss Dorothy Goldsmith, Felix Esq Goodhart-RendeL H S Esq Goodman, L Esq Goody, Dr William. Gordon, M r s D W Gordon, Miss Francis Gordon, F REsq Gordon, Miss Helen J Gordon, J S Esq Gordon-Clark, N Esq Gordon-Clark, Mrs E

Graham, Mrs M A H Graham-Drew, J Esq Graham-Harrison, Francis Esq Grant, A G Esq Gram, Miss J V

*Grant, Mrs L W Granville, Philip Esq Gravenstede, C G Esq Gray, Mrs J N Greatbatch, A R Esq Greaves, Mrs Green, Mrs Denis Green, Miss Nora Green, Peter M A Esq Green, Mrs P M A Green, Stephen Esq Greenhalgh, N C M Esq Greenhalgh, Miss N F Greenlees, Ian Esq Gregory, E C Esq G res well, P D Esq

•Grey, Mrs C Grey, Miss Dorinda Grey, G 8 Esq Grey, John W Esq Gribbic. I Esq Grieffenhagen, Mrs Rodney Grier, Miss L C B E Griffi th, Mrs A M Griff i th, T A Esq Grimshaw, Miss M E Gross, Anthony Esq Graver, Mrs Regina Guggenheim, M rs Peter Guiton, Miss Shirley Gunary, Mrs Donald Gunary, George Esq Guppy, Nicholas Esq Guthrie, Robin Esq Guitman, Mrs Natasha Gwynne-Jones, Alan Esq

Hadfieid, John Esq Hailes. The Lord i'c Hale, A N Esq Hale, Mrs A N

•Hal l , Miss Annie Hall , Clifford Esq Hall, Miss Phyllis Hall , Mrs Robert Hamilton, Miss Joan Hamilton, Lady Rostrevor Hamilton, The Lady

•Hamilton-Smith, N L Esq •Hammersley, MrsV

Hammonds, Miss D M C B E Hampton, Lord D S O Hanchard-Goodwin, Major J Hanchard-Goodwin, MrsJ Hancock, R O Esq Hand, S G Esq Hanna, Maurice B Esq Hansard, Paul Esq Harben, R P Esq Harden, Mrs C Harding, Charles Esq Harding, Herbert Esq Harding, Mrs H Hare, Miss Barbara

•Hare, Dr Dorothy Hare, Miss K C

arris, Mrs Lillian •Fioare, L G Esq Jackson, Mrs D A arris, Mrs Maurice Hoare, M r s N M Jacobi, MrsB arris, Mrs P E C Hobart, Peter Esq Jacobs, Leonard Esq arris, Miss P V Hobbs, Mrs Geoffrey Jacobs, Mrs Sophie arris, Richard Esq Hobden, David Esq Jacobsen, Miss P A arris, Mrs Richard Hobson, Miss Valerie •Jacomb-Hood, Miss Gillian arrison, Miss Dorothy Hodds, B W G Esq Jadot, Mrs M .arrison, Miss Jane Hodgeson, Mrs Mary •Jago, T Esq arrison, K P Esq Hodin, D r J P •Jago, M r s T arrison-Barry, R Esq •Hogben, C Esq James, Evan Esq Narrower, Mrs Sylvia Hogg, Mrs Nigel James, Mrs Evan :arston, Miss Ruth Holden, C H Esq James, Mrs L :art, Albert Esq Holdsworth, Mrs James, Louis Esq .art, The Rev G H V Holland, Mrs Theodore Jamieson, Sir Archibald '.&rt, Louis Albert Esq Hollweg, Mrs B Jamieson, Lady art, R E Esq Holmes, Mrs Max Janes, Miss B :art, Mrs R E Holmes, MrsNevin Janson, Wilfrid Esq .artlev, L P Esq Holt, G P Esq Jaray, Mrs L artzell, H E Esq Hoo berman, B Esq Jardine, Canon Kenneth :artzell, Mrs Hooper, Miss D M Jarner, Mrs E Garwood, Miss Lucy Hooper, Mrs Dorothy Jeflress, Arthur Esq Caswell, Major A J D A L S Hooton, MissEsrnes Jenkins, Alan Esq Caswell, Mrs Hope, Lord John M P Jenyns, Mrs Soame aut, F J G Esq Hope Wallace, Miss J Jephcott, Miss Pearl \mt, Mrs Hopkinson. D A Esq Jessop, Miss K H hawker, Mrs C V *Hopman, Miss L Joekes, T H Esq lawkins, Mrs Horitz. John Esq John, Augustus Esq O M R A L L D "ay, Ian Esq Horlock Stringer, H Esq John, Mrs Augustus !ayden, Mrs J D Horiock Stringer, Mrs H Johnson, Miss Grace layek, F S Esq Hornby, R A Esq Johnson, M M Esq ayes, J H Esq Home, Alistair Esq •Johnston, Miss Eva G :ayes, Mrs Home, Mrs A Jolliffe, Miss M dayman, Patrick Esq Horner, Miss Jocelyn Jonas, Miss Kathleen dayman, Mrs Horrabin, J F Esq Jones, D A Esq ayter, Sir "William G Horrocks, Lady Jones, Dr F Avery :ayvvard. Miss C M Horsfall, MissM •Jones, Mrs Geoffrey Wayward, John Esq C B E Horwell, A R Esq Jones, Mrs Humphrey ;eadlam-Morley, K Esq Howard, Michael Eliot Esq Jones, K Miller Esq eath, Adrian Esq •Howard, Robin J S Esq Jones, MissK N C :eath, Mrs N S Howard, Stanley John Esq •Jones, Sir Lawrence E Bt 'eathcote, Miss Margaret •Howison, Miss 0 N * Jones, Miss Sylvia eather, Miss M Hudson, Mrs K Jones, W A Esq !ebden, Miss Rosemary Hudson Davies, A Esq O B E Johnstone, William Esq O B E echt, Alfred Esq Hughes, William Esq Jonzen, Mrs Karin Medley, Geoffrey Esq Hughes-Hallett, John Esq Joseph, Mrs Renee ieilpern, Dr E H •Huizinga, Mrs Joseph, Sir Keith Bt M P ielliweil, Anthony Esq Hulse, Lady Juda, H P Esq Henderson, W B Esq Hulton, Sir Edward Judd, Harold G Esq enderson, W R G Esq Hulton, J W Esq Julius, Mrs Muriel sndy, Sir Philip Hulton, P H Esq eneage, Mrs J W Hume, J A Esq Kahnweiler, G Esq :ennessy, Armyn Esq Hummel, S A Esq Kalman, Andras Esq 'enrion, F H K Esq Hummel. Mrs Kaluza, Mrs P enry, Mrs Arthur Humphryes, Mrs Tony Kane, Mrs Irene Herbert, Lady Hunt, Mrs Stella Kaplan, Mrs A ereford, W R Esq Hunter, Dr A ""Kaplan, E and G Ltd crapath, S D Esq Huntington, J R Esq Kaposi, Mrs Alice «rmes, Miss Gertrude Huntington, Mrs "E C B Kapp, Miss Helen ett, S A Esq Hure, F Esq Karmel, Mrs David ewer, Prof T Hussey, D Esq Kasket, Mrs E 'ewer, Mrs T Hussey, H D Esq Kay, Major E 0 ewitt, Keith M Esq Hussey, Dr F K Kean, Miss E 'ey, Peter Wilson Esq Husscy, Mrs M Keates, J G Esq eygate, Mrs •Hutchinson, Mrs L F S Keating, Geoffrey Esq eywood, N Esq •Hutchinson. William D Esq Keay, Miss Anne

•Keir, Mrs Thelma Cazalet ickling, Mrs A N Hutton, Clarke Esq Keay, Miss Anne

•Keir, Mrs Thelma Cazalet icks, MrsW Hutton, Mrs Clarke Kell, D F Esq iggins, Miss Evelyn Hutton, Lt-Gen Sir Thomas Kellie, Mrs V Anne ilken, Miss A K K C T E C B M C Kelly, Mrs Pauline "ill, A D Esq Hutton, Lady C B E M O •Kemp, R J Esq i l l , Mrs Charles Hylton, Lady •Kemp, Mrs. R 3 ill. J A Esa Hvslon. A C E S Q *K>nda!I V P F c i

King-Farlow, Denys Esq M B E Kinross, Lord Kinsman, A H I Esq

•Kirkpatrick, Miss B J Kitching, Gerald Esq Kitson, Mrs P A Kleinwort, Mrs C Klemantaski, Mrs U Kneale, Bryan Esq Kneebone, Peter Esq

•Knight, Esmond Esq Knoedler, M and Co Ltd

•Knoliys, Eardley Esq Knott, Mrs E H Knowland, Mrs N H Knowland, Mrs W H I Knowles, G J F Esq Kolsky, Mrs Krol, Stan Esq Kromwell, O Esq

LaM, Mrs Durga Lammin, James Esq Lammin, Mrs James

•Langdon-Down, A T Esq Lasdun, Denys Esq F R I B A

Lasdun, Mrs Las Gourgoes, Mrs M Laski, Mrs Norman Laski, Mrs Sara Lavrin, J A Esq Law, Mrs Anne Laws, Frederick Esq Laws, Mrs F Lawsort, Dr S S Lean, Tangyc Esq

• L e Bas, Edward Esq Le Brocquy, Louis Esq

•Lederman, Dr M Lee, A E Esq Lee, Mrs Brenda Lee, Mrs Mollis Lees-Milne, Mrs L s Febure, Miss B Lehmann, John F Esq Leigh, Mrs William Le Neve Foster, Peter Esq Le Neve Foster, Mrs Peter

•Leon, His Honour Judge H C •Leon, Mrs Barbara

Le Roy, Mrs J Lessing, Dr R Lessing, Mrs R Levinson, F E H E s q Levy, B W Esq Leuwenhaupt, Count Lewis, A A G Esq

•Lewis, A E Esq Lewis, Gerald Esq Lewis, Dr H E Lewis, Miss Naomi Lewis, R B Esq Lewis, Mrs W Le Witt, Jan Esq Lewson, Dr 3 Charles Lewthwaite, Mrs R C B E Lidderdale, Miss J Liebert, Mrs E E Lilley, G H Esq Lilly, Miss M

•Lipscomb, Dr I M *Linscomb. Mrs J

Lioyd-Williams, Dr K G •Locke, J H Esq •Lockyer, Miss Mildred Lomas, Mrs M £ London Typographical Designers

L t d Long, Francis Wakeman Esq Long, Miss Kathleen

•Lousada, A B Esq Lovell, Mrs M Pritchard Low, Miss Jack Low-Beer, Miss F Lowenstein, E Esq Lowman, Miss Patricia Loxton-Peacock, G H Esq Loxton-Peacock, Mrs G H Lucas, The Hon Mrs A J Lucas, Miss Catherine Lucas, N B C Esq Lucas, Mrs N B C Lucas, Mrs S W Lnddington, Miss L Luke, Peter Esq Lush, Christopher Esq Lusty, R Esq Lyall . A I . Esq Lydall, E F Esq Lyeett-Green, MissC

Madan, F F Esq Maeck, M r s A Magnus, Mrs N Magyary, Miss J Maisonneuve, P A A Esq Malet, Guy Esq Manessei, Countess Mann, Mrs Irene Mann, D J Esq Mann, Mrs D J Mann, Mrs Liza Manners, Lady Manners, G S Esq Manson, Miss E D Marais, Miss A C Marcus, Dr M Margulies, A Esq Margulies, William Esq Mariani, Miss R

•Markham, Miss Soma Marks, Miss F Marks, Herbert H Esq Marks, Mrs H H

*Marks, Mrs Jessie Marks, Dr Meinert Marsh, Dr Kenneth Marshall, Miss Anne Martin, W A Esq Marxe, S S Esq Mason, Bateson Esq Massingberd-Mundy, Miss A Massingham, Mrs J E Masson, Mrs Madeleine Mathew, Robert Esq Mathias, J M Esq Matthews, Sir Ronald Matthews, Ladv Vera Matthews, T S Esq Maude. E W Esq Maude, Mrs E W Maurice, Miss J Maw, G F Esq M a w M r s f i

Melvin, James Esq Melvin, John Esq Mendelsohn, Dr £ Michael Mendelsohn, M Esq Mendelsohn, Mrs N Meredith, Mrs G

•Meyer, Mrs Fleur Cowles Meyer, Dr H H

•Meyer, Peter B Esq Meyerhoff, Richard Esq Michael, Mrs A

•Michael, Lt-Col Louis O B E Middleton, Mrs Miiiard, Lionel Esa Miller, Miss C M Mill-man, M r s E Miiner-White, Rev E Miner, Miss M Mines, Mrs K Minto-Wilson, H Esq Mimz, M Esq Mitchell, G A Esq Mitchell, Mm JB Mitchell, Stephen Esq Mocatia, Mrs Christine Molesworth, Mrs E Moller, Miss Susan Mollo. EEsq Moilo , Mrs E C Moiony, W Esq MoucreifVe, I Esq

•Moncur, Miss B Money-Coutts, The Hon Hugo Monkton, Miss Mary Montagu, Lady Elizabeth Moody, Ronald C Esq Moore, Henry Esq C H Moore, Mrs P Moore, R H Esq Moore, J Roland Esq Moore-Crosthwaitc, P Esq Moorehead, David Esq Moray, Countess of Moresby, Mrs Beatrice Morison, P H Esq Morland, Mrs Andrew Mortey, Mrs J R Moray, C Esq Morres, E M Esq Morris, The Lord Morris, Miss Morris, Clive Esq Morris, Mrs Coreen Morris, John Esq

•Morrison, Mrs H Esq Morrison, Simon Esq Morse, Miss Enid

•Mortimer, Raymond Esq C B S Moser, Charles Esq Mosley, Mrs G Moss, Miss Penelop© Mott , Tom Esq Mountford, Mrs D S Moyne, The Rt Hon Lord Moyse, Arthur E Esq Muecke. Mrs Jean Muir, Miss Helen Mtiilms, Mrs E G Mumford, L S Esq Mumford, Mrs L S Murray, Mrs Margaret Murtnn R T F ? n

-usman, w A Esq Pollard, Mrs A m < u » K e n z i e , u L W e s q Otway Smithers, Mrs P P o l l n r H R C; \A/ Mackinlay, Miss C Owens, J R Esq I U l l a i u , I \ j W £-iSq

Pollard, Mrs Mackintosh, James Esq Pool, Mrs E M Mackechnie, R G S Esq Paget-Cooke, Mrs *Popham, Miss Anne Maclachlan, Malcolm Esq Pain, Richard H Esq Potter, Jeremy Lee Esq indciean, M I S S Kathleen Palmer, The Hon A N Potter Mrs Leslie Macnair, Miss E Palmer, Miss A O Macphail, J G S Esq •vfar* O u i t f w \ \ / ; 11 •'r,

Palmer, J W Esq runci, ivirs iviary Potter, Stephen Esq ivx<iw v^uitiy, wuiiam

A/13f*R r.r».»r*o I + ^ 1 \ ! J r*

Palmer, Philip S Esq Potter, Mrs Stephen x v i d C K o o e r t s , Lt-Col N de P D S O M C Palmer, Mrs Phyllis McCall, C Esq MrCaM U r r P T

Panting, A V Esq J uujjai i, ivn d D Powell, Mrs iVlCV_dU, Mrs t J Panting, Mrs P n w p l l T t-CrtniAr R Q

McCallan, E C D Esq Panting, K G Esq i KJ w&ii, L - L uiiiur c o P n w f » l l Wncyh T P e n McCrirrick, Miss Sheila Parker, Mrs Charles Pnwpr P T P e n

McDonald, Miss G M Parker, C G Esq j u v v c i , sz J C a l l

Prager, Mrs McDonnell, Lt-Col A J L Parker, G W Esq Mcintosh-Patrick, A Esq *Parker, Mrs Oliver Precourt, Mrs

P r p c t o n I^Arric/*\n P e n •McKenny-Hughes, George Esq • \ / I f l ^ p n n i r Pf.iot.nn \x

•Parkin, B T Esq riwiuu, ivernson esq Preston, Mrs xvicivenny-Hugnes, Mrs Parry, Mrs B B * Pripf* yf rc A T

McKenzie, Mrs N Paterson, Anthony Esq 1 1 IV^t', 1VJ I 5 /-\ J

P r i r p n I H F o n McKinley-Hayer, Miss H Paterson, Miss G I 11V*V, l—* L_ I 1 1_>Lj PriVf* A/f rc 1 \A P

McLaren, Mrs S •Paton, E G Esq f l n-c, ivi i a J 1V1 c •Price, Miss Laura McLeod, Miss M Patterson, Alexander Esq Pride, Miss Phyllis

McNeill-Moss, Mrs Gilbert Patterson, A W Esq * P r i t r h a r H [ P R c n McNeill-Reid, A J Esq X * _ \ i / ; 11'^ r~" T-- r t

Patterson, Charles Esq D S O D F C i i i L ^ i i c t i u , j c-sq

• P r i f i - h n r r ) T t f"V»l R C McWiliiam, F E Esq Pattrick, Mrs M • T l l l d l c u U , l_t-v^Ol K

•Proctor, P D Esq C B P\Tj)ar \A rc< /~l C Paule, John Esq •Proctor, Mrs P D i^ddr, ivirs vj e Pavey, D A Esq Prosser, Colin M Esq i N d n xviveu, K e x ae C Esq •Pawluk, Mrs V Pugh, B Esq Napper, John Esq \ T 0 _ 1 X/f— S~" A

Payne, Mrs L lNeal, Mrs C A

*T\Tpa. Q i r . Peacock, Miss M 1 UL... i. ivilSS Nt J\

Putnam, Eric Esq x'sctu, o J u •tsq M a i I I /*"' c r?

•Pearce, C Maresco Esq iNeul, C E Esq Pearce, J Ricardo Esq Neilson, Mrs Charles Pearce, O D Esq j v a u i u u v u c n , ivirs

Radcliffe The Rt Hon T rtrd r-oc m I N C U V C , ivirs Pearce, Miss Stella Mary *»«r*»j \ , i i i i w, i uv/ i \ L X1VJ11 L * J I LX ( j o b (J(

Nessler, Walter H , Esq Pearman, Dr F H ' ^ t i ' - i L . l l l I C , 1VXI o XV r \ V - ' R s H i n \Avc \A Neven de Mont, M Esq F R S A Pears, Peter Esq i x a u i u , ivjia ivx R f l p h n r n \ / { c i > T> \<f Newall Watson, D Esq Pearson, Miss D x v a c u u i l l , I v l l b a 1 J.V1

Raikes Mrs G i^cwoury, V J L> esq N p w h v P Port

Pease, Mrs F D D Raikes, J C Esq j>owuy, e esq Pemberton, Reece Esq Newby, Miss M Penny, A J R Esq I V d l h L ^ . IVXXa J V ^

Rackocki, Basil Esq r N c w i o n , uuaieyesq

* N p w f n n Prir< p » -Penrose, Miss F E Ramsay, M D Esq

n c w i o D , eric esq rsJpwfnn A/fro P**>f>

Penrose, Roland Esq Ramsay, Lady Patricia l^cwion, jvirs enc Pentland, Miss Ramsay-Cohn, A M Esq Nicholson, Mrs E Q Pepperell, J C Esq Randal, Mrs G

*Nicholson, J L Esq Perelman, J Esq R f i n L r i n S i r R n K A r f I N icon, J b Esq T\Iohlp A/tro A L J

Permewan, Mrs S i v a i i M i i , o i l J ^ U O C l C

*Raphael, Mrs Nancy i^uuxc, ivxrs A. r l M f i r m o n A/fro A \F TJ

•Peters, A Esq Rathbone Miss I i^urmdn, Mrs A V D (Sjr. r r i c /~»».ct/-mlAQ«< c ^ « .

Peters, Mrs Eric Raymond, H Esq i^uiiib, v^nnstopner esq N n r n ' c V P Po.-.

Peters, F Esq Reading, J Esq x'lUiria, I v xv esq Peters, Mrs F Redman, Miss M A * Norton, Lady Petrovitch, Dr M Redman, Miss Marjorie

orron, jvirs e JLucy Phelan, A J Esq R f H w A n H - W / V l i t t * C\ T D o n Nowell-Smith, Simon Esq Philipps, The Hon Hanning i\cu wuuu" w mtc, vj j esq

Redwood-White Mrs r N u w i K , tienry e s q Philipps, Yootha Esq Reed, Miss E . .. Phillips, Mrs D T?pp(-J V p r n n n T" P e n Uakley, A R Esq •Phillips, Ian Esq l v t t u , v c i nun i eaq

R P P U P C IV/Ticc A/T A Mctin •Oakley, Mrs A R Offenberg, Baroness

•Phillips, P Esq x v c c v c b , ivxiSS ivx /\usun Reid, Graham Esq Phillips, Mrs Phyllis

Unord, Mrs D E * O p r l p n P T~\i\r<A r n n

Phillips, R G Esq Reid, Major Norman Reilly, Mrs Paul v y g u c u , i v i_iavia esq Phillips, Mrs T A Reinhardt, Max Esq

v / g n v i c , eawrence esq Philpot, Miss D L R T P e n ugie, K J Esq O ' r T a n o T P p / i

Pick, Sydney J Esq Rennie, H M Esq *•» x x a i i c t , J C S q Pidgeon, Mrs Monica R f T i n i f * \ATC \T \/f uianeld, Lady Elizabeth /""\*T X/T"

Pienne, Miss Yvette r v c i L i n c , I V I I a v 1V1 *R#*ntr \n A/ft-c P IT T \ u Leary, Miss

X/Trt 11 —__ \/r r\ Pierce, Miss Ethel xvcniun, ivirs iv xv U

R p c A r A/f rc ^ltQrtl<»T7-u Mailey, Mrs P i •Pilbeam, Miss Nova i \ T O u i , i v x i a O L d l l l c y R p v s i T~^r A yj Neil, Miss Mary Pilkington, E V Esq K P V n n l H c A I o n P r n

u Mem, Anthony Esq Oppe, Miss Armide >

Pilkington, Miss Margaret xvcynoius, /vian esq Reynolds, Mrs Alan "Pilkington, R G Esq R p v n o l H c A11*» im*» Po^-i

Oppenheim, Duncan Esq Pilkington, Mrs R G x v c y j i u i u a , /\iieyne x-sq Rhodes Mrs E Oppenheim, Miss M Pilley, A T Esq Rhodes, Mrs Monica Oppenheimer, P F Esq Pinay, Mrs Rolande R nOfiP^ \/Tice P f i t r i o l a

Oppenheimer, Mrs P F * •Pinkney, Mrs N M Richards, Dr Hugh *-»rue, v-utnoert E s q Pirrie, R J Esq Rirhard'i T A/T P e n Orde, Mrs * 'Pitman, Hugo Esq x \ i v i i a i V J O , j ivx l_-ovJ

Richards, M[rs 3Vf A Ormerod, R E Esq Plesch, Egon Esq Richards, W S Esq v / i L w e u e r , ivirs Plymouth, The Earl of Richflrrl^nn R n r r v P e n Osborne, Miss Ethel Pogorzelski, B Esq t v i v i i a i U A U l l , Ual X y L j U

Osborne, H L Esq Poliakoff, Arthur Esq Richardson, Miss Joanna Osborne, John L Esq Pollak, Mrs G Richardson, Miss K R O B E R A

Richardson, Mrs S

Richmond, Lady Sainsbury, Mrs A Sieff, Michael D Esq Kicnter, t Esq M A O B E Sainsbury, J D Esq Sieff Mrs M r»

•Ridgeway, T G Esq •Sainsbury, R J Esq Siellp P n h p r f C - n Riley, Miss Bridget •Sainsbury, Mrs R J x Y u u c r i esq

Silver, C T E s q Ringrose, Mrs Salaman, Mrs G Simmonds, Miss R A Ripzani, J Esq Salmon, C Esq •Simon, R M Esq Ripzani, Mrs Salmon, Mrs Dona * S i m r . n A/f rc Tt \A Riviere, A O B Esq Salmon, Julian Esq 11111/ix, x v x j o XV 1YL

Riviere, Mrs A O B Salter, Mrs C o n n u n , 1 imotny esq .Sim/~IT1/1 A^ro A/f A Roberts, Beaver Esq Salter, F G Esq o m i u n u , ivirs ivi j \

Simoni, Miss Anna M A Robertson, Bryan Esq Salter, F R Esq S i ' m n n e Ayfieo T f Robertson, Mrs D Sampson, Mrs Phyllis

V J I 11 i v x i a a X i S i m n c n n 1~\T Q T

Robertson, Mrs E S Samson, Mrs Julia L J i i A i j j a u x i , X - ' i 0 e

Simpson Mrs S L Robertson, Mrs Struan Samson, Dr Otto S i m e o n . P e n Robinson, Miss Bay Samuel, The Hon P M M C o i u i b u i i , j o n n esq

S i n c l a i r A/fico C'--, • Robinson, Miss Daphne Samuels, S Esq o i u ^ i d i x , i v i j s s v^atnenne Sitwell, Francis Esq •Robinson, Prof K E •Sander, E Esq S l \ i n n p r r^#»nnic A P o «

Robinson, Mrs Stanley •Sander, Mrs o r w i n i x c i , X - / C i i m s A esq SlfnttnU/fa P P P r n Robson, Miss Flora C B E Sands, Miss Ethel t j i x u i t u w c , r r esq Skrin*> T R P e n •Rock, David Esq

O f^A A X A .... /—' » * Sands, Mrs H M u n l i n k , x D esq

Slade, Miss Lilian K o u d , Mrs C M Sandwich, The Rt Hon The Earl of *Slatter, Miss W Roddon, Guy Esq Sang, Dr Janet S I n t n v r » r T~.r A/f Roe, Mrs R T •Sangster, A T Esq Sluyewski, Dr C Rogers, Mrs Elsie [? n l i n - i T T r-> - .

Sanguinetti, Miss G Sluyewski, Mrs C ivoianu, r i Jbsq Sassoon, Mrs Meyer S m f l J p A>fiec Roll, Eric Esq Savage, Robert Esq " ! . i c , L v x i a a v_-

S m a l l T rtfriiar* P r - / i Roll, Mrs R r\lr r \ o « < I ^ P o n

Savitle-Sneath, R A Esq o i i l u i I . L o i n i a n esq

*Smallpiece, Dr Victoria xvoic, uavia esq Scaramanga, G J Esq S m i f H A T l - InnT- i P n / . . . Romain, Michael Esq Scarlett, Frank Esq o i i m u , / \ j rtugn esq M C F S A

S m i t h P o c i l \A7 PPA Romilly, The Lady Scarlett, Mrs Frank o u i i L i i , D d s n w esq

Smith M r e P T Roome, Mrs L •Schiff, Mrs E H • J i i u i i i j j-vxi 0 e j S n i l t n T h p H o n Tnm#»o rwtn

Roper, Mrs P Schloessingk-Paul, Mrs E Smith, Miss Lesley Roscoe, S Esq Scholefield, S Esq Smith, Miss lVTadeline Rose, Mrs E Schomberg, A C B Esq S m i t h R r . R e / . Rose, Geoffrey Esq Schorr, Miss Claire K j i x i i L i i , xv t\j esq

Snipper, Mrs L xvose, JM w esq Schreiber, Mrs Gaby S n o w A/lro (~* A/f Rose, Mrs J E Schulman, Milton Esq k J H C W , IVXXo C - ivx

S n o w A^ro T11110f» Rose, Wing-Comdr L Schuster, Leonard Esq o n e w, j v x i a j u i l d n

S n O W K"r»nni»th P o n Rose, Mrs L Schwarzenberg, Mrs Kathleen kjAA\jwf x v c n x i c L i i esq

Sofer, Jonathan Esq K o s e , M i s s M r K Schweppe, Miss S *SoIomons, Miss G •Rose, Miss T Scott, A Gilbert Esq C B E M C F R I B A Somervell T h p R t M n n T Rosen, J Esq Scott, Sir David J Montagu Douglas —V>AAW< ' v u , x u v xvi X x U I l Loru

of Harrow Rosen, Mrs D Nachsen K C M G O B E S f i n r i K A lpvon/^of p - , n

Rosenberg, Eugene Esq Scott, Lady o u n i i i b , rviexdnaer esq S o n t h n l l Pr ir* P P p / i Rosenfield, Mrs H M G Scott, Dr Oliver C A o u u t i i a i i , eric r esq •Sr)3 IninCT A ^ t C C A n n a Roskill, Ashton Esq Q C

P r - o U l l \Jfnn A - L i . Scott-Kilvert, Mrs I S j ^ a i u m g , ivxiss A n n e

Speelman, E Esq K o s K i i i , Mrs Ashton R /"»oHU X X l \ W7 T—

Scrivener, R Esq Speelman, Mrs L K O S K I U , Mark W Esq •Scrutton, Hugh Esq Speke, Mrs R L Roskill, Oliver W Esq Scudamore, Miss C S n f n p p A/fice C i i o i n Roskill, Mrs S Seaton-Reid, Mrs Vera ^ J y ^ ' i v w , i v n a a o l l b d u

Spencer, Charles S Esq Rosner, D Esq T» _ . . \ r T T T7

Sebba, S Esq Spencer, Mrs M U Kosner, M H Esq •Seilern, Count Antoine S n f i v p r P r n Port Ross, A E Esq Seligman, Mrs B Z *~*i-'*v^1» KJ ebq

Speyer, Mrs Ross, Mrs A E Seligman, Mrs Hugh Spink, Mrs Ross, Alan Esq •Sempill, Lady Snira TWr T T Ross, Mrs Stella Seward, Miss Marjorie uyu a9 L 7 i j j

Snira A/f rc. Ross-Wills, Miss E Shahed, S Esq uyjiia, lYxlo S n i v a r l r TT P e n •Rothenstein, Sir John C B E Sharpe, Mrs Nigel u L / i v a v - A , r x E 5 U

Sorigee. Mi<!<; P l i y a h p t h Rothenstein, Michael Esq Shashua, J Esq S n r v A/f re R Rotherham, Mrs Shaw, C J H E s q I j j I V I I o D

Spurrier, Mrs Lydia Rowell, Miss Elizabeth Shaw, J F Esq S n n t 7 A/f rc P Rowlands, Mrs J Shaw, Mrs Marcelli u | j u 1 /,. ivx 10 r

Stafford, Captain Jack Rowntree, Kenneth Esq •Shaw, Miss M F * Stainforth Miss S Kuoens, A Esq Shaw-Lawrence, Miss M A \ S t a m f p r Ti\o\r\A Por^ Rubinstein, Mrs Ann L Shaw-Taylor, Desmond Esq • ->itiiiiici, x - ' d v i u . esq

Stanning, Ellis Esq •Rubenstein, M B Esq Shearn, M Esq *; StPaH Tf P i t h P e n Rudd, Mrs E M

* D u A f T T AA* CAM Shelton, Stanhope Esq < Stead, PeterEsq

ivuen, j M esq A"O • . ~ \ ; t ~ , p xit

Shelton, Mrs Stanhope } Steel, Richard Esq Kuetl, Mrs r M Sheridan, Mrs Pamela j stppn ^ M Port Rushworth-Lund, Mrs V "O -.11 ~K K^ _x'_ Tl

Sherratt, Mrs D A i Jtvvii, O X^l t . S C j

>teen, Mrs Kussell, Martin Esq Shiell, W G Esq « , fppr W R W n r n K v P « « Russell, Mrs G Shinnie, Mrs Olive *{ ' L c ^ i . V Y rvnornoyesq

! tp inpr M T p P f l Russell, Mrs Ronald Shire, Dr Hugh *< J L C I 1 i c i , xv x x JL/ esq Itfiinpr A/fre •Russell, Sheridan Esq Shone, Sir Robert C B E * J * I v l l l V l , I V I I ^

itenson, Mrs J •Russell-Cobb, T Esq Short, Mrs Dudley 5 Ifprn A/fro P i l a r . r*\ •Russell-Cobb, Mrs

U -vi- , , . I T . . _ l _ Shortis, W Esq 5 • L U I 11, i v i i a e i i c l l \J

•tern, Miss E S Kyaer, Hugh Esq Shrive, Miss Margaret s Itewart-Craig, Mrs Y Sidgewick, Miss Ann g It ir fpee T iori/*l Port

Sacher, Mrs H Sieff, I M Esq g a i i g c o a , eionei esq tirling, A D A Esq aacKvi i ie-West , The Hon E C Sieff, J E Esq s tirling, Lady Marjorie

oaaier, w K esq Sieff, Mrs J E s tock, Miss Margaret Sainsbury, Alan Esq Sieff, Marcus J Esq s tockman, Peter Esq

Stoddard, G Esq Stone, Victor Esq

•Stopford, Mrs V Strachey, Mrs I

•Straight, Whitney Esq Strathcona, Lady Stratford-Lawrence, Miss S

•Strauss, Mrs G R Strauss, K Esq Strudwick, Philip Esq Stuart-Bond, John Esq

•Stuart-Murrie, Sir William K B E C B Stubbs, Mrs Marjorie Stucley, Peter Esq Sturges, Lady

•Sturgis, Miss E B Sturt, A N Esq Sturton, Herbert J C Esq Suckling, Mrs W

•Suddards, Roger W Esq Summer-field, Miss D J Sutherland, Miss H Sutherland, R M G E s q Sutherland, T W Esq Sutton, Denys Esq Sutton, Ivan Esq Sutton, Mrs I Sutton, J R Esq Sutton, R N P Esq Swingler, J Esq Swingler, Mrs Joan Sykes, Brig A C C B E D S O

Tabor, Miss Lucy Talbot-Rice, D Esq

•Talbot-Rice, D M Esq Tandy, John Esq Tate, Miss Patricia Taylor, Gordon Esq Taylor, R H R E s q Teece, A H Esq Thieman, H R Esq Thomas, Miss A M Thomas, Mrs I Thomas, M G W Esq

•Thompson, Arthur Esq •Thompson, Mrs F M Thompson, Mrs Harry Thompson, John B Esq Thompson, Miss Joyce Thomson, Miss Sophie Thrupp, Colonel C G D Thurso, Viscount Thusek, Mrs Tiedeman, Seaton Esq Tilley, Mrs P

•Tillotson, John Esq Tilney-Bassett, H G Esq Tine, J Esq Tisdall, Hans Esq Todd, Miss Frances A Tollenaar, Miss Norah Tomalin, H R Esq Tomalin, Mrs H R Tomkinson, Dr J S Tooth, Anthony Esq

•Tooth, Dudley Esq Tooth, Mrs D

•Tooth, Guy Esq Towers, G L Esq Townshend, Miss Mary Townsend, William Esq Towsey, E N Esq Travers-Smith, Miss Dorothea Trouchin-James, Dr R N Tucker, Geoffrey Esq Tucker, Mrs Isabella Tuckman, Dr E Tunnard, P H Esq Turnell, Martin Esq Turney, Miss Olive Twentyman, A R Esq

Twentyman, J A Esq Twist, Anthony Esq

•Twiston-Davies, J H Esq Tyrell-Lewis, Miss D

•Tyrwhitt, Mrs Ursula

Valmadis, Mrs R Van der Meulen, Mrs L Vane, Hon M r s K A Van Thai, MrsBayley

•Vaughan, Keith Esq Vaughan-Morgan, J K Esq M P Veldman, Mrs J Venus, Miss V Verney, John Esq Vernon, E Y Esq Vernon, Mrs Elizabeth Verschoyle, Mrs E Verschoyle, Mrs Moyra Villiers, Captain E H Vit, H J Esq Von Hofmannsthal, R Esq Vousden, Miss M E

Wachman, Miss Patricia Waddington, Victor Esq Waddington, Mrs Victor Wade, Mrs Beryl Wadham, Miss Hilda Wagstaff, Mrs Grace

•Wakefield, Peter L H Esq Wal ford .RAEsq Walker, R D Esq Walker, R J B Esq Wallis, Mrs P M Walmsley, Mrs Margot Walthall, Miss Daphne Walton, Mrs Frances Walton, Major G N Warburg, George Esq Warburg, Mrs Elinor Ward, A C Esq

•Ward, Alan Esq Ward, Mrs B Ward, Miss Pamela Ward-Jackson, C H Esq

•Ward-Jackson, Peter W Esq •Ware, W E Esq Waring, Dr David Warner, The Hon Lady Warner, Oliver Esq Watney, Dr B M Watson, Thomas Esq Watt, Miss E Watt, Mrs Maurice Watt, M J Esq Watts, Mrs E H Way, Dr Berkeley Weaire, R F Esq Weaver, Mrs Alia Webber, Mrs D Webster, Mrs D Webster, Mrs J Webster, T B L Esq Weddup, Mrs V M Weil, Miss Hanna Weinstein, Miss J Weiser, J Esq Weiser, Mrs J Wellesley, Richard Esq

•Welsford, Miss R M Wentworth, John M Esq Wertheim, Mrs Lucy West, Mrs Katherine West, Mrs Michael Weston, Mrs Joan Whibley, John L Esq Whibley, Mrs L White, Miss Helen

•White, Lt-Col Peter •White, Mrs Peter •White, S D Esq

Whiteaway, Michael Esq Whiteaway, Mrs Rose Whitehead, Miss Mavis Whitehead, Sir Rowland Bt Whiting, Mrs B

•Whitley, Lady Whyte, L L Esq Whyte, Mrs Eve Widdicombe, D Esq

•Widdup, D r H P Wilberforce, Richard Esq Wilby, J A Esq Wilby, Mrs Wilby, W S Esq Wild, Hans Esq Wilkin, Miss G H Wilkins, M H F E s q Wilkinson, Mrs M Wilkinson, Mrs M D Williams, D R H Esq Williams, E R Esq

•Williams, Mrs Jolan Williams, D r T R Williamson, D D Esq Williamson, Miss Elizabeth Williamson, Mrs Frances Willmott, Mrs T H Wiimot of Selmeston,

The Rt Hon Lord P C Wiimot-Wilkinson, R Esq

•Wilson, Miss Audrey L Wilson, Frank Avery Esq Wilson, Miss Ruth Wimbush, Mrs V M Winand, F M S Esq Winand, Mrs Winch, Brian Esq Winch, Mrs Wingate, Mrs B Wingfield-Digby, G F Esq Wingfield-Digby, Mrs Winn, Godfrey Esq Winner, George Esq Winskill, Cyril Esq Wisdom, Mrs I Withers, Noel Esq Withers, Mrs

*Witt, John Esq Wolfe, Edward Esq

•Wolff, Eric Esq •Woolf, Miss S Wood, Kenneth Esq Wood, Mrs Kenneth

•Wood, Roger Esq Woodall, Dr Mary

•Woodhead, Dr Barbara •Worboys, Walter Esq

Worsley, L E F Esq •Worthy, W Esq Wright, Mrs Adela Wright, Basil Esq

• Wrightam, Miss E J Wyatt, A H Esq Wyatt, Mrs S W Wyatt, Lady M Wyatt, Woodrow Esq Wyllie, Mrs Diana Wynn, Dr Marianne

Yates, Brian Esq Yates, Miss Joan Yeoman, Miss Antonia Yeoman, J R H Esq Yorke, E R S Esq Young, Miss M G Younger, C Esq Younger, The Hon Mrs K Youngman, Mrs L Yudkin, Mrs J

•Zwemmer, D A Esq

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