Constructivism and Service - Learning Constructivist Pedagogy : ● Emphasizes knowledge gained...


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OSSPEEC – PreEngineering Educational Collaborative

Service - Learning Models

Bruce Berdanier, PhD, PE, LS

Department HeadCivil and Environmental

EngineeringSouth Dakota State University

Joanita Kant, MSPhD Candidate

South Dakota State University

IntroductionConstructivism and Service - Learning


Constructivist Pedagogy:

●Emphasizes knowledge gained through guided experience where the learner builds complex and interrelated understandings.

●Deep knowledge develops where information is a “light on in the mind” not a “load on the mind.”

●The Kolb-Fry experiential learning model is a spiral usually beginning at step one but can begin at any of the four steps in a repetitious cycle.




What if?

Traditional Constructivist Learning Cycle after Boyer

Kolb and Fry Experiential

Learning Model

1. concrete


2. observation and reflection on the


3. formation of

abstract concepts based on reflection

4. testing abstract


OSSPEEC’s modified learning strategy emphasizes: • guided experience

• guided reflection

• cross-disciplinary learning

• a “systems” approach to understanding the environment

• unintended consequences of human interventions.

Definitions PowerPoint revised after Diane Nagy 2011

Academic service-learning is a strategy that integrates service in the community with academic study to meet specific learning goals for students. Faculty, in partnership with community agencies, design service projects that willMeet community-identified needsAdvance students’ understanding of specific course contentPromote civic engagement

Critical reflective components are built into the course to help students consider relationships between their service, the course curriculum, current societal issues, and their professional goals.

Experiential service-learning is different, only in that it does not involve a course for credit.

OSSPEEC provides examples of both.

An Introduction

Summer 2012 Service- Learning Initiative

OSSPEEC involves internships and field education service-learning

Academic insight

Values and expertise


Community DefinedOff-campus populations underserved by our

market economyOrganizations whose primary purpose is the

common goodAgencies whose mission provides

stewardship: public works, naturalresources

OSSPEEC and CU students collaborating on net-zero home for the Pine Ridge


Essential ElementsEmphasis on reciprocityLearning and service objectives are clearly

identified and congruous Service is meaningful, challenging, and

meets a real needReflection is continuous, structured, and

complexFosters learning about larger social issues

Service Projects

One-time group projects

Cross-disciplinary projects

Multi-semester projects

Alternative Weekend Opportunities

Alternative Breaks (immersion experiences)

OSSPEEC students and faculty Lester Richards, Tyler Corbine, Shane Herrod and Dr. Damon Fick (SDSMT) at Wanblee Veterans Wall

Principles of Good Practice If academic credit is awarded, it is for learning, not for the

service Includes set learning goals for students Criteria for the selection of service sites

Kyle White presenting on summer 2011 surveying work at Piya Wiconi

OSSPEEC / SDSMT field camp fieldtrip to drill a temporary monitoring well on Rapid Creek

Critical ReflectionLinks experience to course, or prior course, learning objectives Is guided and purposefulChallenges assumptions and complacencyOccurs before, during, and after serviceIncludes components that can be evaluated

according to well-defined criteriaInvolves reading, writing, doing and tellingClarifies values and fosters civic

responsibilityInvites feedback

Tinant, Means and Hansen

measuring deflection

Benefits to AgenciesInfusion of people power to meet

needsMore informed/involved citizenryIncreased name recognitionNew ideas and energyTechnical assistanceDiversity enhancementAccess to university resourcesReinvigorate staff

OLC students Jake Fergusson, Aaron Rasor

and Delaine Peterson collecting PHAB data to be

shared with OST Environmental Protection


Benefits to Universities and CollegesEnhance student satisfaction, retention, and

graduation ratesImprove relationships with communityAdvance institutional goals: Service, Social

Responsibility, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Diversity Enhancement

Promote coherent collaborative curriculum

OSSPEEC student and community member Oliver Covey relating academics

and service under a cottonwood tree

Benefits to Faculty

Enrich and enliven teachingIdentify new areas for research and

publicationDevelop projects that are

simultaneously productive in research, service, and teaching

More efficient use of available resources

Foster cross-disciplinary learning communities

Ale Higa (OLC faculty) and next

generation at an OLC research meeting

Benefits to Students Personal – enhanced sense of efficacy, identity,


Social – diversity, social responsibility, citizenship skills, commitment to service

Academic – increased complexity of understanding, problem analysis, critical thinking, GPA, cognitive development, ability to apply learning to “real world”

OLC Student Delaine Peterson “enjoying the opportunity to research streams”

Heavy MetalsAreas of Focus on the PRIR and White River

WatershedTraditionally Edible PlantsSoilsSurface WaterSediment

Undergraduate and graduate student research

Interfacial ResearchEngineering, Environmental Science, Biology

Heavy Metals Research

We work in the “Field” and in the “Lab.”

Field and Lab

“Rough” and “Sophisticated”

White River Project Area 2012

Our TheoryImmediate participation of undergraduate

students early in their plan of study in field and laboratory experiences initiates their precognition to the benefit of future

classroom pursuits confirms their interest in science and technology

helps them self identify as a member of another defined community

gives them purpose in pursuing an academic degree and career

fulfills their need to serve the community through their intellect and efforts

Our ExperienceStudents have completed two summers of

STEM, service – learning, sampling and analysis

Presentations at OLC poster sessions last year and this year

Abstracts submitted to AIGEP conference for this fall

Next StepsPresentation of this years undergrad results

at selected conferencesCompletion of MS this year on White River

Sediment and waterDefined research (sampling and analysis)

program for next yearPropagation of field/lab summer program

Completion of Interfacial PhD during 2013
