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A Thesis

Submitted to the Faculty of Letters and Humanities

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

The Degree of Strata One (S1)


NIM. 109026000013








Qomi Uthugyan. ―Connotation in Five Gatsby Hair Gel Advertisement: A Barthes

Semiotics Analysis‖. Thesis: Letters and Humanities Faculty, UIN Syarif

Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2014.

This thesis is aimed at recognizing the connotation model of Barthes in

five gatsby hair gel advertisement. And the analysis focus on several of gatsby

products: gatsby wax, gatsby men’s hair color, and gatsby moving rubber. The purpose

of this research is to find out the connotation meaning of several gatsby

advertisements based on Barthes theory.

The data transcription is collected and studied by the researcher as the unit

of analysis, and the method that used in this research is qualitative descriptive

method. This research used the random sampling method to collect the data and

studied the data which are taken from the Internet: website of gatsby product and

its face book fan page.

From the two research questions given, the result of analysis shows that

there are connotation meanings in Gatsby hair gel product. To get the meanings it

should be seen from the sides of object, context, and text. The text plays important

roles in strengthening the advertisement meaning. In this way, Barthes concepts

can reveal the message in Gatsby advertisement.






I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to my best

knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written bt

anothernperson nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for

the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of

higher learning, except where due acknowledgment has been made in the text.

Jakarta, June 2014

Qomi Uthugyan



In the name of God, Most Generous, Most Merciful

First and foremost, praise be to Allah SWT, the Lord of the world. Thank

you for all of grace to the writer, for the chance to have a breath in every second,

for giving him a wonderful life, and for guiding him to finish this thesis. Peace

and blessing of Allah may be upon the messenger SAW, his family and his


In this circumstance, the writer would be saying thanks to his beloved

parents, Najbul Bahri and Ubaidah, who never stop praying for him, for their love,

comport, care attention, encouragement, loyalty and moral and financial support.

They are the respectful motivators for him. The writer beloved for his brother and

sisters Iman, Nurhayati and Nuraini who have become his motivation in making

everything better, give him a great love, support, attention and kindness.

Foremost, the writer would like to thank his advisor Hilmi Akmal, M.

Hum for his guidance, support, advice and constructive comments during the

writing of this thesis.

Thanks for all the people that help the writer doing this research. It would

not be finished without their helps and supports. They are as follows:

1. Prof. Dr. Oman Faturrahman, M. Hum, the Dean of Faculty of


2. Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M. Pd, the Head of English Department and Mrs.

Elve Oktafiyani, M. Hum, the Secretary of English Department.


3. All of the lecturers in English Department for teaching him many things

during his study.

4. His close-mates; Wafda, Nia, Azka, Isna, Ovanda and Marwan, who

always spend many times in many places with him. Thank you for your

helps, jokes, knowledge, and supports.

5. English class-mates; Dini, Riska, Tiwi, Indira, Fitri, Aminah, Chusni’am,

Nurul, Septi, Raizal, Hamdin, Upi, Mala, etc, and KKN WISE TREE 2012

for their helps, laughs, jokes, happiness and a lot of unforgettable


6. The librarians of Humanities library and PKBB UNIKA Atma Jaya


7. And all people who had helped him to finish this thesis that cannot be

mentioned one by one, thank you for your kindness.

Jakarta, June 2014

The Writer



ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ i

APPROVEMENT .............................................................................................. ii

LEGALIZATION .............................................................................................. iii

DECLARATION ................................................................................................ iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................. v

TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................. vii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 1

A. Background of the Study ................................................... 1

B. Focus of the Study ............................................................. 5

C. Research Questions ........................................................... 5

D. Significance of the Research ............................................. 6

E. Research Methodology ...................................................... 6

1. The Objective of Research........................................... 6

2. The Method of Research .............................................. 6

3. Data Collecting and Data Analysis Technique ............ 6

4. Unit of Analysis ........................................................... 7

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ...................................... 8

A. Semiotics ........................................................................... 8

B. Semiotics Theory of Roland Barthes ................................ 15

B.1. Denotation ............................................................ 16

B.2. Connotation .......................................................... 17


C. Advertisement ................................................................... 19

C.1. Definition of Advertisement ..................................... 19

C.2. Component of Advertisement………………………21

C.3. Function of Advertisement …………………………24

CHAPTER III RESEARCH FINDINGS ..................................................... 27

A. Data Description ................................................................ 27

B. Data Analysis .................................................................... 28

CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................ 40

A. Conclusion......................................................................... 40

B. Suggestion ......................................................................... 41

BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................................. 43

APPENDICES .................................................................................................... 45




A. Background of the Study

Language is one of important thing and very useful for every aspect of

human activities. It is something that cannot be separated from human’s life. In

the process of communication, as its functions convey information, maintains

social relationship, and as an aesthetic function. So in the process we try to

persuade people or make people understand what we are saying about and on the

contrary the people are too. So that the good and harmonious two ways of

communication will be gained. By using the language, people can communicate,

cooperate and share each other. As stated by Kridalaksana that language is a sign

system of sound that agreed by the members of certain group society in

cooperating, communicating, and self identificating.1 Based on this statement,

language here means as a tool in conveying ideas, emotions, desires, which are

produced by speech organs.

While, according to Richter in First Step in Theoretical and Applied

Linguistics, language is first of all a communication system. This means that it is

a system specialised for communication.2 In other words, the language is used as a

device of communication to deliver an idea, thought, desire, and the will to other

1 Harimurti Kridalaksana, “Bahasa dan Linguistik,” in Kushartanti,Untung Yuwono,and KMT

Multamia Lauder: Langkah Awal Memahami Linguistik, (Jakarta: PT Gramedia Utama, 2005), p.3 2 Borbála Richter, First Step in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, (Budapest: Bölcsész

Konzorcium, 2006), p.17.


people and plays role in the development of various aspect of human life. In other

word, the function of language is medium of communication to deliver the

meaning to someone whether in spoken or written and media in the growth of

various aspects of human life.

In expressing the idea, we have to know the meaning of the words and to

get the meaning it is not only by using the lexical meaning but also trough

synonym and paraphrase. According to Sobur in Semiotika Komunikasi, language

is system of arbitrary vocal symbol used for human to communicate. It can be

widely translated as communicative change of sign. It is a study that learned

communication through sign call semiotics.3

The existence of semiotic is able to give analysis outline more

comprehensive to study of signs. Particularly, in this case advertisement gives an

impression because its ability to attract people. Advertising being interesting

mediator of communication between seller and buyer, it has a sign and symbol

that related with science of language or semiotic.

Nowadays, advertisement is everywhere. For instance, when we are on

the road, usually we see the advertising on the billboard. When we are watching

television, usually we see advertisement on commercial break. And also when we

are reading newspaper or magazine, we usually see the advertisement in it.

Therefore, it simply can be said that advertisement is exist mostly in every places

we visit and do the activities. It stimulates the seeds of economical development

to push every company to gain the consumer trust. Advertisement has served a

3 Alex Sobur, Semiotika Komunikasi (Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2006), p.275


critical purpose in the business world by enabling sellers to effectively compete

with one another for taking attention of buyers. Whether the goods and services

your company provides are a necessity, a luxury or just a bit of whimsy, you can't

rely the advertisement only by announcement or word-of-mouth chatter to keep a

steady stream of customers.

All companies produce the products to be sold and to be beneficial to

fulfill consumers as what their need is. But, nowadays it also stimulates the

process of creative production. The condition of every company upon products

makes such a harder competition between them. Price and the quality of each

company's products are very competitive, and it forces them to be more creative in

promotion in order to keep gaining customer trust.

The solution to keep is the advertisement must have capability to change

state of consumer mind. By creating symbol and sign values which are prestige,

life style, honor, luxurious, glamour, and new brand is the strategic of marketing

actors to involve advertisement media. Signs are the basic of the entire

communication (Littlejohn, 1996:64). Human can do communication to each

other through the medium of signs. And, many things can be communicated in

this world.4

Companies produce some products by involving advertisement which is

creating the symbolic and sign values (glamour, prestige, luxurious and new

brand) upon products to change state of consumer need. Advertisements promote

them in the television, radio, internet, and newspaper where the consumers may

4 Ibid, p. 15.


watch them easily. Advertisement is not only the message of marketing which

exists in TV commercials, newspapers or magazine. Advertising is a form of

complex communication which is operated to gain the purposes and using the

strategy to influence mind, feeling, and action of the consumer/customer.5

Advertisement is just one type of marketing communication. Today, definitions of

advertisement abound. Journalist, for example, might define it as a

communication, public relation, or persuasion process; business people see it as a

marketing process; economist and sociologist tend to focus on its economic,

societal, or ethical significance. It is the structure and composes nonpersonal

communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature,

about products (goods, services, and ideas) by identified sponsors through various


Advertisement itself usually consists of persuasive information that

should be creative, simple, attractive, and communicative, so that the readers or

viewers can understand the meaning of advertisement. When arranging the words,

the advertisers should think the irresistible words which can stimulate people to

read, see, and act upon them. That is why they should be creative in playing the

words by finding the provocative words but can be accepted by many kinds of

people. Therefore, basically the function of advertisements is to introduce

products and services and to promote them to societies; it needs the roles of

5 Sandra Moriarty, Nancy Mitchell, & Williams Wells, Advertising: edisi kedelapan, (Jakarta,

Kencana Prenada Media Group: 2011), p. 6. 6 William F. Arens, Michael F. Weigold & Cristian Arens, Contemporary Advertising: Eleventh

Edition, (New York, Mc Graww Hill Irwin:2008), p. 7.


human resources such as technology and creative design. The aim of

advertisements is how societies have trusts upon the products and services.7

The problems that will be described in this thesis is based on the meaning

of tagline advertisements which is correlated with symbol and sign values upon

products that created by advertisements. Therefore based on the background study

above, the writer is interested to analyze and would like to apply the development

concept of denotation and connotation by Roland Barthes to interpret the Gatsby

hair gel product that has been assumed by consumers as sign users. So that, this

thesis will be entitled ―An Analysis of Semiotic in Gatsby Hair Gel

Advertisements Viewed by Rolland Barthes Theory‖.

B. Focus of the Study

The research is limited only focuses on Gatsby hair gel advertisements.

Each product has full of information (connotation, myth and ideology) upon

products which is expressed in the elements of advertisements, object, context,

and text that built to express the message. The concept from this research is

referred to Roland Barthes who started from primary sign of denotation and

secondary sign of connotation.

C. Research Questions

Based on the focus of the research above, this research takes two

questions. Those are as follows:

7 Benny H. Hoed, Semiotika dan Dinamika Sosial Budaya, (Depok: Komunitas Bambu, 2011), p.



1. How can Rolland Barthes’ theory reveal the message in Gatsby hair gel

products advertisements?

2. What is the connotative meaning in those Gatsby advertisements?

D. Significance of the Study

This research is expected to give a better understanding for the readers

about advertisements by applying semiotics field. As a science, semiotic could be

applied in interpreting anything as a sign. And it may be one of references for

students who want to do a similar research.

E. Research Methodology

1. The Objective of the Research

The research is hoped that it could help the readers in understanding


1. Knowing the study of a sign which represented on advertisements

2. Knowing and understanding of denotation, connotation and myth

meanings which are constituted on advertisements.

2. The Method of the Research

The method which is used in this research is qualitative method. It based

on documents (verbal and non verbal) where the documents will be analyzed by

the writer descriptively. Descriptive means giving an explanation about cultural

phenomena, advertisements.

3. Data Collecting and Data Analysis Technique

This research uses a descriptive analysis technique which is based on

Barthes theory. The data are collected by the following steps: (a) reading and


understanding advertisement on the billboard and the internet; (b) viewing the

picture and the tagline on that advertising; (c) giving mark on the utterances that

might be contained semiotic terms.

After the data have been collected, the next step is the data analysis. In

this research uses non-statistical analysis as technique of data analysis. According

to Wasito, non-statistical analysis is the most appropriate for qualitative data. It

means by reading and observing the data that has been collected, the writer does

the analysis process.8

To analysis the data, the writer has several steps as technique for doing

analysis, detailing the advertisements that appeared by applied the development

theory of Barthes about semiotics (denotation and connotation). Then, the writer

selects five advertisements in here, Gatsby, which represents about symbolic and

sign values, coolness, sexiness, power, luxury etc. They are the Gatsby products:

Gatsby Wax, Gatsby Men’s hair color, and Gatsby Moving rubber. So, all

collected data will be analyzed through descriptive analysis technique.

4. Unit of Analysis

The unit of analysis which is used in this research is the advertisement

documents of images. Those are five Gatsby images, not interviewing the

advertisement agent.

8 Hermawan Wasito, Pengantar Metodologi Penelitian (Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1992),





A. Semiotics

Semiotics is a science to study a sign in human’s life. It is agreed as the

study method in the first conference, Association for Semiotics Studies in 1974. A

sign is something that means something else for someone. On etymology,

semiotics is taken from the Greek word, semeion which means a sign. A sign at

that time means a thing which is referred to other thing. And on the terminology

side, semiotics is the study of object-scale, culture, event, as a sign, said Umberto

Eco. Semiotics is concerned with ―everything‖ that can be taken as a sign.9

While Marcel Mauss says that Jean Baudrillard received the argument

that the consumption activity basically is not just caused by the need reason, but it

is completely caused by symbolic reason; they are honor, status, and prestige.

Furthermore, the products is consumed or bought that is caused by symbolic

meaning which is in, and not caused by beneficial, price, function, and need.10

The symbolic and sign meaning, luxurious, prestige, honor, and

sensuality are the semiotics field. Semiotics holds the question why do human

(consumers) consume products in luxury? As the filling consumer satisfaction,

human jumps to see the products as the functional to the symbolic and signs

9 Umberto Eco, Teori Semiotika: Signifikasi Komunikasi, Teori Kode, Serta Teori Produksi Tanda,

(Yogyakarta: Kreasi Wacana, 2009), p. 7. 10

Audifax, Imagining Lara Croft: Psikosemiotika, Hiperealitas dan Simbol-Simbol Ketaksadaran,

(Yogyakarta: Jalasutra, 2006), p. 103.


values. Human is pushed to consume more not caused by the functional, but it is

caused by filling of satisfaction.

Barthes states that advertisements cooperate with modern era to perform

―something new (new brand)‖ which is not as usual in societies.11

In this term,

modern era intends to persuade consumers to follow the dynamic development.

Advertisements have a power capacity to influence the state of consumer mind

with the word ―new or modern‖.12

Advertisements often change the paradigm

values in societies which are good/bad, beautiful/simple, suitable/unsuitable, high

class/low class, and trendy/odd.

Modern era could open state of mind to imitate the new values above,

good, beautiful, high class, trendy etc. All are the capacity of capitalism actor by

involving advertisements to create a connotation process. A connotation process is

the extension of content/signified (sign symbol). It is the place which given by

producers upon products to consumers, then the consumers will react an active

respond to give a meaning upon products.

An active respond is something that products which are produced by the

motif capitalism actor and advertisement media assumed by all human in many

interpretations. The interpretation upon products that has symbolic and sign

values is recognized as semiotics or sémiologié field.

A connotation model of Barthes may apply to an element of non-

language, advertisements. Advertisements have a power capacity via television,

radio, newspaper, images on billboard and so on to create the symbolic and sign


Barthes (1957) called as ―néomania‖ which is ―addicted to something new‖ 12

Modern era is a response to leave from traditional condition to something new (western



values, luxurious, prestige, and sexy, as the following explanation about the motif

marketing actors above.

The advertisements that will be analyzed in this research are Gatsby

advertisements. Gatsby is one of hair gel products. Gatsby was launched in Japan

and its series was available for sale on 18th July 1978. The brand name itself was

inspired from the film The Great Gatsby starring Robert Redford. What was

known as the [Moratorium] period, the youth of this period had negative

mindshets, and had a lack of passion and motivation13

. It is assumed that by using

this product of Gatsby hair gel may be able to get coolness, sexiness, beauty, and

any other symbolic and sign values. It is the development of signifié (signified)

which is responded by consumers (sign users) actively.

In addition, based on sign users (consumers), Barthes explained that how

to interpret in which assuming the same perception about a sign. He gave in his

book, S/Z, some codes to interpret the hidden sign (symbolic sign) on

advertisements. Advertisements send a ―message‖ to consumers upon products.

And semiotics field which is developed by Roland Barthes attempts to open up,

open the hidden sign. These codes are hermeneutic, semantic, symbolic,

narrative/proairetic, and cultural code.

While, in other side, Umberto Eco states that a code is ―…rule that

produces signs as its concrete appearance in the connection of communication‖.14

Seeing the definition above, a code is a rule or collective convention, which are


Anonymous, GATSBY Product Brand History, accessed on 09 April, 2014. 14

Umberto Eco, Teori Semiotika, Signifikansi Komunikasi, Teori Kode, Serta Teori Produksi

Tanda, (Yogyakarta: Kreasi Wacana, 2009), p. 48.


signs that may be organized. It pushes a message to be operated between

communicators, sender and receiver.

According to Berger, this study has two founders; they are Ferdinand de

Saussure and Charles Sander Pierce. They developed this study in different

method and place and did not know each other. Ferdinand de Saussure is from

Europe and his background is Linguistics. Charles Sander Pierce is from United

States of America and his background is Philosophy.15

So that, semiotics has two

classification studies in which it is based on their background. Then, they will

focus on structural as De Saussure’s classification and pragmatic (human role) as

Pierce’s classification.

De Saussure in his study at Geneva University emphasized that the

explanation about ―science‖ which is a language is linguistique‖. Based on his

background, he also stated that it may have another science that inspects signs in a

society. This science is called ―sémiologié‖ which offers what has created signs

and its principle itself. De Saussure was born at 1857 and died 1913. He taught his

study at Ecole Pratique de Hautes Etudes, French 1881 – 1891 before back to


Ferdinand de Saussure is from Swiss, he was a professor of languages at

Sorbonne University, French (1881-1891) and Geneva University, Swiss (1891-

1912). His masterpiece is Course de Linguistique Générale (1915) which has

been published by Payot Press, French (1916). Its masterpiece is from de


Ibid,. p. 326.


Saussure’s study that collected by his students, Charles Bally and Robert

Schechaye, now they are a professor at Sorbonne University, French.

To understand the description the study of a sign, semiotics, firstly

should be explained the definition of a sign. And it will help to compare the basic

that developed by de Saussure and Pierce works, but the writer is going to focus

on Ferdinand de Saussure concept which is developed by Roland Barthes

(denotation and connotation).

According to de Saussure, a sign consists of signifier and signified. They

are the component of signs. A material aspect (sounds, letters, forms, images,

objects) of signs that operates or it is resulted from a material aspect (signifier),

and a mental aspect or conceptual which is pointed by a material aspect

(signified). The constitutive aspects (signifier and signified) of a sign cannot be

separated; it is like sides of a paper.16

It may take an example as illustration

diagram below:

Signifier (signifiant) Sig


Signified (signifié)

De Saussure stated that the sign relation (signifier + signified = sign) as

structural-relation which is a sign is described as unity between a something that

a material aspect (signifier) and a something that a mental or conceptual


Arthur Asa Berger. Semiotika; Tanda-Tanda Dalam Kebudayaan Kontemporer, (Yogyakarta:

Buku Baik, 2004), p. 13-14.


(signified). And this cannot be separated.17

For example, the word ―GATSBY‖

could be a sign; it has signifier (the word itself) and signified (the jell composition

that can give good effect through the hair). The unity of the word and the jell

composition gets GATSBY to be a sign (something could give you good hair

when it is used). So, de Saussure said that a sign is from structural aspect, signifier

(signifiant) and signified (signifié), and he concluded that the structural aspect that

he built is called ―sémiologié‖.

A theory of semiotics focuses on a sign; it is ―something that represents

something else‖. Basically the something else itself may be called as ―human

experience (ground),‖ it is even physical or mental experience. Danesi and Perron

wrote that a theory of semiotics which is something that represents something else

has existed since Hippocrates (460-377 B.C). It defined that a sign in Health field

as physical symptom which represents sickness, ill.18

Pierce says that a sign follows a process of three steps; they are a

sign/representament (R), object (O) and interpretant (I). In his theory,

―something‖ is concretely ―a representation‖ which is called representament,

while ―something else‖ which is exists in cognition is called object (ground).


Ibid, p.14 18

Benny H. Hoed, Semiotika dan Dinamika Sosial Budaya, (Depok: Komunitas Bambu, 2011), p.



On cognition, the relationship process between representament to object

is called semiosis (semeion). In signification about sign, semiosis process is not

already done yet, because it should have another process which is an

interpretation process (interpretant) by involving human role. So, signification of

a sign happens in a semiosis process which is from the concrete thing to the

human cognition and it is interpreted by.19

Charles Sander Pierce argued that a sign is ―something that represents

something else‖ and it consists of three types, index, icon and symbol. Index is a

sign that the relation between representament and its object is causality directly

(kontigu) like smog and its object to indicate fire. Icon is a sign that the relation

between representament and its object is similarity like a photo and its real object

to indicate a person. Symbol is a sign that the relation between representament and

its object is based on social convention like Indonesian flag and its object, the

existence of Indonesia state.20

So, Charles S. Pierce who named his study as

semiotics said that a sign is not structural aspect, but it is a three process steps

which is caught by senses.

He also argued that the process of interpreting a sign is not once

interpretation only; it is unlimited interpretation (unlimited semiosis). In addition,

Charles S. Pierce added that the process of interpretation a sign has category,

firstness, secondness, and thirdness. Firstness is where human interprets a sign as

―guessing‖, the process (semiosis) of sign/representament which is caught by


Ibid, p.12. 20

Ibid, p. 241.


senses represents something else (object) as guessing. Secondness is clearer, and

Thirdness is a sign that is caught by senses is to be a sign which is caused by

convention (habit) in social life.21

It depends on the human experience (physical

or mental).

In other hand, the development study of a sign, semiotics, is used and

developed by Roland Barthes to criticize the cultural phenomena in French, he

used and developed it as study method. But he still applied the concept of de

Saussure (signifier/signifiant and signified/signifié) or Europe tradition to his

concept, even though he criticized de Saussure concept to be dynamic then.

B. Semiotics Theory of Roland Barthes

Barthes started reading de Saussure’s work in the middle of 1950. He

said that ―I was dazzled‖ during the chance that given from semiotics to break the

relation phenomena between language, culture and ideology. So semiotics was

chosen as scientific approach. By the systematic and program of semiotics was

fixed to criticize the cultural phenomena as ideology—criticizing by signification


Then, Barthes learnt and did with teaching, writing, and discussing with

other scholars, from this activities, Elements of Semiology (1964), was released

for teaching semiotics tools.23

And also Mythologies was a founding text to

analyze media culture. These works look like that Barthes is serious to be


Ibid. p. 91. 22

Ibid. p. 20. 23

Roland Barthes, Element of Semiology, (New York: HILL and WANG, 1997), p.5.


semiotics as scientific approach. And at 1970, Barthes released his work, S/Z, as

the criticism to Sarasin from Balzac, it according to scientists is the most

wonderful work from Barthes.

In other hand which is from his life, the writer is going to turn on one of

Barthes study of cultural phenomena which Barthes took from French

phenomena, denotation and connotation. Barthes developed the concept of de

Saussure (1916) signifier (signifiant) and signified (signifié) to be dynamic.

He said that in social-cultural life the understanding of signifier

(signifiant) and signified (signifié) is a process of two steps. Because signifier is a

process which is not only caught by senses in human cognition but also it is

produced by. So that Barthes based on sign users said that signifier is called

expression (E) and signified is contenu (C), content or concept.24

Based on the theory of de Saussure, a sign which is a relation (R)

between (E) and (C) is in human cognition and it would be more than just a sign,

said Barthes. And he concluded that this concept is to be E-R-C model.25


based on his work, Elements of Semiology (1964), developed this theory to be the

theory of denotation and connotation then and distinguished them to pursue the

meaning in related to socio-culture.

B.1. Denotation

The first step in social cultural life, sign users define a sign just as

denotation meaning, meaning of a sign as common sign, and it is being caught by


Benny H. Hoed, Op. Cit., p. 84. 25

Ibid. p.13.


senses of sign users at the first time which is R1 between E1 and C1.26


is what is exactly shown (the level of explaining the relation (R1) between

signifier/E1 and signified/C1) or it is a sign in which refers to a reality. It would

produce the meaning explicit, and direct as social convention. For example, an

image photo of my face on Senior High School Certificate is what I look like in

real life now. So that, denotation is a simple sign (signifier and signified), the real

meaning of a sign in which the signifier has the level of social convention and

Barthes stated that this is as primary sign system.

But in case, how if a sign interacts with emotional, gender,

psychological, belief, and cultural of sign users. It is used by s sign users to mean

a sign to get meaning, a subjective meaning of sign users. Barthes said that it is

the secondary sign system which getting meaning or interpreting a sign as more

complex which called connotation meaning.

B.2. Connotation

Based on sign users, the relation (R) between in the context E1 – R1 – C1

(primary sign system) will push to the extension of secondary sign system which

is E2 – R2 – C2. And Barthes added that secondary sign system has two

orientations. They orient to the extension of expression and the extension of

content/concept (contenu). The first which is the extension of expression, E2 (E1 –

R1 – C1) – R2 – C2 is called metalanguage and the second is connotation, E2 – R2

– C2 (E1 – R1 – C1).


Ibid,. p. 84.


Secondary sign system which orients to signifier/expression (E) is the

extension of signifier (expression/E), but to the content/concept/signified (C) is

not changed. Barthes stated that it is metalanguage which the process of relation

(R) between (E) and (C) is informed by using the difference expression (E).27

Image: Metalanguage

E2 (signifier) C2 (signified)

E1 (signifier) C1(signified)

(Source: Barthes 1967)

For example the word ―woman‖, this word is extended to be the other

definition which is a new (E), but the content is same (C) such as Mrs., Madam,

and Femme. This is oriented to the extension of expression/signifier (E) which is

called Metalanguage.

In addition, sign users as subjective also want to extent to the secondary

sign system which orients to the content/concept (C) is the extension of

signified/content (contenu/C). But the signifier/expression (E) is not changed.

This is called as connotation. Connotation is a process of the relation (R) between

(E) and (C) that is interpreted by sign users to develop the content, concept,

signified (C).


Ibid,. p. 158.


sign system R2


sign system R1


Image: Connotation

E2 (signifier) C2 (signified)

E1(signifier) C1 (signified)

(Source: Barthes 1964)

For example back to the word ―woman‖, this word could be oriented to

the extension of content/signified (C). The word ―woman‖ may be defined as

beautiful, sexy or as complex it is defined as dependent person, powerless or

sexual-object. In this case, what has explained is the extension of content/signified

(C), but the expression/signifier is not changed and Barthes called this extension

as connotation.

C. Advertisement

C.1. Definition of Advertisement

Advertisement or ads is a notice in a newspaper, on television, etc, telling

people about the product, job or service.28

According to Sandra, Nancy, &

William in Advertising that advertisement is not only the message of marketing

which exists in TV, newspapers or magazine. Advertising is a form of complex


Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary: Fourth Edition, (Oxford:Oxford University Press: 2008),


Secondary sign





Primary sign




communication which operated to gain the purposes and using the strategy to

influence mind, feeling, and action of the consumer/customer.29

Furthermore, William, Michael, & Cristian state that advertising is just

one type of marketing communication. Today, definitions of advertising abound.

Journalist, for example, might define it as a communication, public relation, or

persuassion process; business people see it as a marketing process; economist and

sociologist tend to focus on its economic, societal, or ethical significance.

Advertising is the structured and composed nonpersonal communication of

information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature, about products

(goods, services, and ideas) by identified sponsors through various media.30


definition is more or less same with what George & Michael states in Advertising

and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective that

advertising is defined as any paid form of nonpersonal communication about an

organization, product, service, or idea by an identified sponsor.31

Advertisement itself is paid, non-personal, public communication about

causes, goods and services, ideas, organizations, people, and places, through

means such as direct mail, telephone, print, radio, television and internet. An

integral part of marketing, advertisements are public notices designed to inform

and motivate. Their objective is to change the thinking pattern (or buying


Sandra Moriarty, Nancy Mitchell, & Williams Wells, Advertising: edisi kedelapan, (Jakarta,

Kencana Prenada Media Group: 2011), p. 6. 30

William F. Arens, Michael F. Weigold & Cristian Arens, Contemporary Advertising: Eleventh

Edition, (New York, Mc Graww Hill Irwin:2008), p. 7. 31

George E. Belch & Michael A. Belch, Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing

Communications Perspective, Fifth Edition, (New York, Mc Graww Hill Irwin: 2001), p. 15.


behavior) of the recipient, so that he or she is persuaded to take the action desired

by the advertiser.32

Based on some definitions above, it can be taken a conclusion that

advertisement or advertising is mass media content intended to persuade

audiences of readers, viewers or listeners to take action on product, service or

ideas. It is paid, impersonal, one-way marketing of persuasive information from

an identified sponsor disseminated through channels of mass communication to

propmote the adoption of goods, service or ideas.

C.2. Components of Advertisement

As a means of communication, advertisement has some components

which can be a barometer or charateristic to be categoried as a good

advertisement. To become a good advertisement, ads or advertisement should be

contained some components. Those are as follows:33

a. The Headline

The Headline is the most read part of an advertisement. So advertisers try

to tell maximum part of the product story through the headline. A headline will

introduce the product or makes the promise statement or puts a question. It

basically tries to attract the attention of the readers and create curiosity so the

audience or reader sees further.


Anonymous, Advertisement, Accessed on 09 April, 2014. 33

Abey Francis, The Components of an Advertisement., Accessed on 09 April, 2014.


b. The Sub-Headline

This is not always used in ads. However, when the advertiser wants to

say a lot at the beginning but the headline cannot do the job, then the subheading

is used. The headline and subheading together can contain a longer message. The

subheading usually spells out or elaborates the promise made in the headline or it

stresses on the product’s unique features.

c. Slogan

It is a phrase or a sentence that describes the benefit derived from the

product or one of the product’s most important attributes. The term slogan comes

from the Gaelic words sluagh gairm, meaning battle cry. These days it is the battle

cry in the field of sales and marketing. It consists of a single phrase by which an

advertiser conveys an important idea, which will presumably lead readers or

audience to remember and think favorably of this company. Slogan is thus a short

and catchy phrase that gets the attention of the audience, is easy to remember and

comes off the tongue easily.

d. Body Copy

When the headline usually makes a claim, the body copy elaborates upon

it and provides supporting proof. When the headline poses a question, the

subheading answers it. The amount of detail in an advertisement should be

sufficient to answer the questions arising in the minds of a prospective buyer. And

if the consumers require more details or information, then they can be requested to

come back to the company for information booklets or can be invited to come to

the retailer or dealer for more information or demonstration. Sometimes the


consumer wants a proof or evidence of the claims made in the advertisement. So

proofs about quality, performance, durability, etc. are provided through

arguments, proofs by experts, testimonials by users or through demonstrations in

the body copy.34

e. Visualization

The headline is a major attraction –getting device. Another device is the

visual impact of the ad. This is the combination of the visuals used in the

advertisements and the visual treatment given to other elements of the ad. This

visual impact becomes strong if the idea has been properly visualized.

Visualization means to think in terms of visuals or pictures. And one need not be

an artist or painter to be able to visualize as all it require is thinking.35

f. Layout

Advertisement layout has two meanings. One means the total appearance

of the advertisement, its design, the composition of the various elements. The

other meaning is the act or process of placing the elements of advertisement

(copy, visuals, etc) together. A layout could be the first pencil sketch, which puts

the idea on paper or could also be the final piece after finishing touches. Good

layouts are unimaginative.

g. Trademark

The term trademark includes any word, symbol or device or any

combination there of adopted and used by a manufacturer or merchant to identify


Abey Francis, The Components of an Advertisement., Accessed on 09 April, 2014. 35

Abey Francis, The Components of an Advertisement., Accessed on 09 April, 2014.


his goods and distinguish them from those manufactured or sold by others in the


C.3. Functions of Advertisement

As a medium of communication in delivering the messages,

advertisement has several functions. Those functions can be seen as follows:36

a. Information

Advertisement supplies consumers with information about products and

services. This information is broadcast for the open market, and discusses

specials, sales, and new lines of products and services. A consumer also learns

about the comparisons between features, benefits and options of different products

and services through advertisement.

b. Brand Identity

Brand identity is one of the biggest functions and effects of

advertisement. By selling products and services through advertisements,

businesses differentiate themselves from one another. The right advertising

campaign defines a company’s unique brand, which helps consumers build

emotional relationships with that brand. This increases the likelihood that

consumers will buy from that company.


Shailynn Krow, 7 Functions and Effects of Advertising, Accessed on 09 April, 2014.


c. Promoting Action

Advertising’s purpose is to attract buyers through a call-to-action

statement, which encourages the customer to visit a store or website, or to contact

the advertiser for more information. Advertising is essentially an action catalyst

that brings customers and products or services together.37

d. Improving Customer Base

A business requires a constant customer base in order to remain

successful. The business needs to target its products and services toward this

customer base and consistently create new products that attract current and new

customers. Advertising helps reinforce the purchasing behaviors of customers for

a particular brand, and it establishes long-term relationships with existing

customers, potential customers, vendors and stockholders.

e. Product Creation

Advertising, according to ―The Social and Cultural Effects of

Advertising‖ by Jeremiah O’Sullivan R., stimulates the development of better

products, and allows consumers to have a wider variety of products, competitive

pricing, and competition entering the marketplace.

f. Purchase Persuasion

Powerful and captivating advertisements persuade consumers to purchase

a new product, try out services, and fulfill voids they feel are present in their lives.

In fact, persuasion is one of the main functions of advertising, which is why many

37 Shailynn Krow, 7 Functions and Effects of Advertising, Accessed on 09 April, 2014.


firms strive to create powerful impacts that reach customers on emotional and

physical levels.38

g. Education

Advertising serves as a form of consumer education. Not all

advertisements sell a product or service; sometimes they sell a concept.

Government agencies use advertisement as a way to educate and compel

consumers to act a specific way. ―The Social and Cultural Effects of Advertising‖

notes that advertising is geared toward the ideas of art, religion, sexual attraction

and myth. Advertising also educates consumers on what products and services out

are there, how much they should pay, and what they can expect with certain


38 Shailynn Krow, 7 Functions and Effects of Advertising, Accessed on 09 April, 2014.

39 Ibid.,




A. Data Description

This research uses a descriptive analysis technique which is based on

Barthes theory. The data are collected by the following steps: First, searching for

the advertisements on the billboard and the internet; second, viewing the picture

and the tagline on that advertising; and finally, giving mark on the utterances that

might be contained semiotic terms.

After the data has been collected, the next step is the data analysis. In this

research uses non-statistical analysis as technique of data analysis. According to

Wasito, non-statistical analysis is the most appropriate for qualitative data. It

means by reading and observing the data that has been collected, the writer does

the analysis process.40

To analyze the data, the writer has several steps as technique for doing

analysis, detailing the advertisements that appeared by applied the development

theory of Barthes about semiotics (denotation and connotation). Then, the writer

selects five advertisements in here, Gatsby, which represents about symbolic and

sign values, coolness, sexiness, power, luxury etc. They are the Gatsby products:


Hermawan Wasito, Pengantar Metodologi Penelitian (Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1992),



Gatsby Wax, Gatsby Men’s hair color, and Gatsby Moving rubber. So, all

collected data will be analyzed through descriptive analysis technique.

B. Data Analysis

In this data analysis, the writer uses theory of Roland Barthes in which it

is based on sign users (audiences). Barthes said that de Saussure concept about a

sign is based on the relationship of two aspects, they are signifier (signfiant) and

signified (signifié), is common sign only.

Then Barthes developed and described that the relationship between

signifier and signified is in understanding of two processing steps. They are

signifier as expression (E) and signified as contenu (C), And also Barthes told that

between expression and contenu should have relation (R). So, it may produce a

sign as appearance; it is called as first step (denotative). But in addition, Barthes

said in talking about relation (R) that it may be continued or developed by sign

users as the second step to produce the other meaning, developing contenu (C),

and it is called connotative.

Data 1. Gatsby “More Powerful”

1. Semiotic analysis on GATSBY More Poweful edition.

This advertisement contains a picture of a man with good looking

appearance. In the right side of the man there is a gun which its shot comes back

to it. In under of the gun contains some writings ―More Powerful‖ around some

colourful Gatsby logos. The rest of image advertisement can be seen as follows:


(Image 1)

E2 (signifier)

C2 (signified)

―Cannot be


E1(signifier) C1 (signified)



By looking at the theory above, the advertisement can be analyzed and

tends to look the connotation that can be revealed such as in primary system, what

become Expression (E1) is the picture of Gatsby hair gel and Content or C1 is text

of More Powerful. In secondary system or connotation its E1 and C1 developed to

be new E2 and followed by the developed a concept of C2, that is the hair of the

man who uses the product cannot be shot by the gun. If this image is interpreted

as connotative, this image shows a gun shoot the man’s hair but the bullet come

back to the gun.



Primary sign




sign system



See from the signifiers of this image is man, who has good hair, and a

gun with bullet and gatsby colourful logo. As connotative (the extension of

signified), there are two main points in this image, the first is a man has a good

hair and using gatsby, and the second is a gun with shooting bullet to his hair.

This Gatsby advertisment asks consumers to answer the image shown.

As viewers know, Gatsby is a gel hair product than can make every

people especially man feels confident with good hair style. But now in this image,

the connotation is Gatsby hair gel can make the bullet come back to that gun, it

means that his hair which using Gatsby was very strong so that can make the

bullet come back to the gun. This is really creative advertisement.

The turning point is the Gatsby product could give simbolic or sign values

such as something more power. A company creates symbolic and sign statements

upon the Gatsby product, ―this product (Gatsby) is not just a hair gel for hair style

but also for stronger hair‖.

Afterwards, this picture is colorful. It indicates that a man using Gatsby

for his hair make he has colourful life. Therefore, Based on the composition

image above, the advertisement offers an interesting order to consumers. This is

Gatsby hair gel; it will influence everyone, that hair gel makes stronger your hair

and your style coloruful. The Gatsby hair gel will give ―something more power‖,

more than just good style. The influence of Gatsby hair gel may make your hair

more powerful.


Data 2. Gatsby “Don’t Let This Hat Cooler Than Your Hair”

2. Semiotic analysis on GATSBY Hat edition, “ don’t let this hat cooler than

your hair”.

In this advertisement contains a picture of a man’s face with a sharp gaze

who uses a feather hat. In the above of man’s head contains some writings ―Don’t

Let This Hat Cooler Than Your Hair!‖ with its colourful logos. The clear image of

advertisement can be seen as follows:

(Image 2)

E2 (signifier)

C2 (signified)

―Signed that the

person has bad

hair and he is

shy to show it‖

E1(signifier) C1 (signified)

―The hat is




Primary sign




sign system



In the picture of advertisement above, the analysis tends to look the

connotation that can be revealed such as in primary system, what become

Expression (E1) is the picture of Gatsby hair gel and Content or C1 is the text of

The Hat is Cool. In secondary system or connotation its E1 and C1 developed to

be new E2, and followed by the development a concept of C2, that is the hat looks

cooler than the man’s hair itself. the hair of the man who uses the hair gel will be

looked cooler than a hat. This image advertisement is advertised the object and

supported context that building the connotative process. Based on the context, the

connotative is the second step to interpret the image by consumers. The first is the

dominant shown; a man with hat and above that the tagline ―Don’t Let This Hat

Cooler Than Your Hair‖. This image informs that every man who using Gatsby

hair gel it doesn’t need hat again.

The second is the element of the tagline ―Don’t Let This Hat Cooler Than

Your Hair‖; they indicate that don’t let your hair cooler than your hair which is

using Gatsby hair gel, because when you use Gatsby hair gel for your hair, it

makes you cooler than you using hat.

This image describes the man using hat and focuses only on the head

because it shows only his head not his face. It means the main point of this

advertisement is related with head and hat. This word is offered by the

arrangement of sentence that he better using Gatsby than his hat.


Data 3. Gatsby “Plan The Perfect Date”

3. Semiotic analysis on GATSBY Dating edition, “PLAN THE PERFECT


In this advertisement contains a picture of a table which on the top of it

there are two plates completed with the dishes on them and there are four hands

which indicate the hands of a man and a woman. In the center of the picture there

is a circular shape which inside of it contains some writings ―Plan The Perfect

Date‖. The clear image of the advertisement can be seen as follows:

(Image 3)

E2 (signifier)

C2 (signified)

―The perfect

date will be

happened after

doing planning

with the hair‖

E1(signifier) C1 (signified)

―Plan the perfect




Primary sign




sign system



In the image of advertisement above, the analysis tends to look the

connotation that can be revealed such as in primary system, what become

Expression (E1) is the picture of Gatsby hair gel and Content or C1 is the of Plan

the Perfect Date. In secondary system or connotation its E1 and C1 developed to

be new E2 and followed by the developed a concept of C2, that is the four hands

of a man and a woman who making a date.

The image of advertisement above is advertised the object and supported

context that building the connotative process. Based on the context, the

connotative is the second step to interpret the image by consumers. The first is the

dominant shown; a man and woman in a date with the tagline ―Plan The Perfect

Date‖. This image informs that a man dating with a woman and they have a good

plan for make perfect date.

The second is the element of the tagline ―Plan The Perfect Date‖. They

indicate that a man have to plan in order to his dating will be perfect date.

Planning is about every detail the man used, one of example is hair style.

This image describes the man using Gatsby hair gel for make his date be

perfect. It means the main point of this advertisement is related with dating and

plan. This word is offered by the arrangement of sentence that he using Gatsby for

plan his hair style.


Data 4. Gatsby “Finding Her The Perfect Present”

4. Semiotic analysis on Present edition, “FINDING HER THE PERFECT


In this advertisement contains a picture of a wrap present with red love

mark in the left corner of it and the pattern of nice string that wrap it. In the above

of it contains some writings ―Finding Her The Perfect Present‖. The clear image

of the advertisement can be seen as follows:

(Image 4)

E2 (signifier)

C2 (signified)

―The very



E1(signifier) C1 (signified)

―Finding her the

perfect present‖



Primary sign




sign system



In the advertisement image above, the analysis tends to look the

connotation that can be revealed such as in primary system, what become

Expression (E1) is the picture of Gatsby hair gel and Content or C 1 is the text

Finding her The Perfect Present. In secondary system or connotation its E1 and

C1 developed to be new E2 and followed by the developed of a concept of C2,

that is the perfect present with love mark for a woman.

The image of advertisement above is advertised the object and supported

context that building the connotative process. Based on the context, the

connotative is the second step to interpret the image by consumers. The first is the

dominant shown; a man and woman in a date with the tagline ―Finding Her The

Perfect Present‖. This image informs that a man have a perfect present for her


The second is the element of the tagline “Finding Her The Perfect

Present”; they indicate that a man looking for the perfect present for his woman.

This image describes the man knows that he using Gatsby hair gel, automatically

that is a perfect present for his woman. It means the main point of this

advertisement is related with perfect present and Gatsby hair gel. This word is

offered by the arrangement of sentence that he using Gatsby for the perfect

present to his woman.


Data 5. Gatsby “How To Impress Her”

5. Semiotic analysis on Impress edition, “HOW TO IMPRESS HER”.

This advertisement contains a picture of a man with good looking

appearance accompanied by a woman behind of him and riding a scooter while

smile each other. In the center of the picture contains some writings ―How To

Impress Her‖ The rest of image advertisement can be seen as follows:

(Image 5)

E2 (signifier)

C2 (signified)

―impress her‖

E1(signifier) C1 (signified)

―Impress her‖

In the advertisement image above, the analysis tends to look the

connotation that can be revealed such as in primary system, what become

Expression (E1) is the picture of Gatsby hair gel and Content or C1 is the text of



Primary sign




sign system



How to Impress her. In secondary system or connotation its E1 and C1 developed

to be new E2 and followed by the developed a concept of C2, those two persons, a

man and a woman who riding a scooter.

The image of advertisement above is the last advertisement image, that is

―Gatsby Impress Her‖ edition. This image advertisement is advertised the object

and supported context that building the connotative process. Based on the context,

the connotative is the second step to interpret the image by consumers. The first is

the dominant shown; a man and woman on a motorcycle with the tagline ―How

To Impress Her‖. This image informs that a man has made the woman interest

with him.

The second is the element of the tagline ―How to Impress Her‖; they

indicate that a man having the way how to make the man interest with him. This

image describes the man knows that when he using Gatsby hair gel, automatically

that is a way to impress his woman. It means the main point of this advertisement

is related with way to the man who impresses the woman and she is impressed

with him too. This word is offered by the arrangement of sentence that he using

Gatsby is the best way to make her interest with him.




A. Conclusion

Semiotics gives a chance to interpret the cultural phenomena, like the

advertisement phenomena critically. Cultural phenomena of media are discussed

by semiotician as a sign. A sign is something that means something else for

someone on something.

And Barthes, the Professor of Semiology in this case analyzed the

cultural phenomena carefully with his method, those are denotation and

connotation. Denotation is the primary sign system to interpret a sign as what is

appeared and connotation itself is the secondary sign system to see a sign based

on the background of sign users such as the aspect of psychological, gender,

religion, ideology and so on. Barthes also talked about myth; myth is the

connotation process (the extension of signified) which stays in a society.

The aim of advertisements is to gain the consumer trust; advertisements

create the strategies into the symbolic and sign values to be involved upon

products. These media manipulate consumers upon the products to see this

product has something more, the symbolic and sign values.

The producer and advertisement make a chance upon products to be

interpreted by consumers freely. They may produce products for free meaning of

denotation, connotation or even its myth meaning. And based on the analysis of

the five images of Gatsby Hair Gel advertisements and their meaning are aimed to


analyze the cultural phenomena on advertisements which creating the symbolic

and sign values as the main core of marketing.

The selected five images of Gatsby Hair Gel products: Gatsby more

powerful, Gatsby hat edition, Gatsby dating edition, Gatsby present edition,

Gatsby impress edition.

To gain the meaning (denotation, connotaion), of those advertisments

should be described in the three special elements as dominant elements in the

advertisment images. They are object, context and text. Object is an object image

or product which is advertised, context is the environment of advertisements that

giving meaning to the object. And the last is text (written image); it is to

strengthen the advertisement meaning.

Therefore, based on sign user (consumers), advertisements send a

―message‖ to consumers upon products. In this case, Barthes explained that how

to interpret in which assuming the same perception about a sign. In addition, the

writer gives some codes (hermeneutic, semantic, symbolic, narrative, and cultural)

to interpret the hidden sign (symbolic and sign values) on advertisements.

B. Suggestion

The writer would like to suggest to the readers for being more cautious

on advertisements. Because to fill the consumer’s satisfaction is never ending and

it is taken by advertisements as a wonder chance, for example, the product at the

first time is not being needed by consumers, but the advertisement is doing so. As

what the writer analysis in this paper is Gatsby advertisement. It is not only to

describe a hair gel product, but also to describe an image of the factory.


There are so many advertisements out there. The most important thing is

to draw your attention and to watch them. Each advertisement has a characteristic

in offering you symbolic and sign values. Eventually, the main point of this

suggestion is, the readers should be more careful in understanding about

advertisement purposes, and semiotics role will help the readers to have better

understanding about them.




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Image 1

Image 2

Image 3


Image 4

Image 5
