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IMCEA, P.O. Box 7862, Alexandria, VA, 22307-0286 1 (571) 207-8893


I S S U E :

US Women Take

Bronze in Sailing



Scholarship and

award winners


Coast Guard Base


Christmas in June


Renewing 6

In Memory of

Pat Brodecky






Board of


Nominees and




ConnectionsConnections Uniting Military MWR/Service Professionals Worldwide for 40 Years!

direction the organization will take going forward. So take a minute and cast your vote!

I would be remiss if I did not express my gratitude to all of those who provided content for the recent Virtual Training and Trade Show. Your contributions were invaluable and helped make the event a success. A special thanks to our Gold Level Sponsors, Ecolab and Babco! Also, thanks to everyone who participated -- you made the show worthwhile. If anyone

W ith some excitement and

some disappointment I am writing to you for the last time in my capacity as President of the International Military Community Executives’ Association (IMCEA). My tenure with this great organization over the past year has presented many challenges which we met with our best efforts and highest degrees of energy and skill. It has been my pleasure to serve in this capacity, and I am hopeful that I am leaving the organization in as fine as shape as I received it. This is as good a place as any to remind you that elections for the 2014 IMCEA Board are open and underway. You can view the nominees and find out more information about voting on page 9. As we all know, the election process is the most direct means by which you can express your preference as to the

reading this has feedback to share on the event, whether it is simple satisfaction or suggestions on how to improve things for 2014, please do not hesitate to email your comments to our Executive Director, Jara Allen, Obviously, the inability to have a "traditional" conference is a limitation, but it can be overcome. In closing, I thank you again for your interest in IMCEA. I have very much enjoyed serving as President of this wonderful organization. Best wishes for the future; I will be excited to see what develops under the new President, Harper Dixon, CMCE.

Regards, Nancy Pasternack, CMCE

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V O L U M E 5 0

A U G U S T 2 0 1 3

Farewell from IMCEA President, Nancy Pasternack, CMCE

to recruit a New IMCEA



Renew Your

IMCEA, P.O. Box 7862, Alexandria, VA, 22307-0286 2 (571) 207-8893

P A G E 2




by Mr. Steve Dinote, Armed Forces Sports Council Secretariat

IMCEA Corporate



7th place.

Team USA prepared for the CISM

World Sailing Championship in

Newport, Rhode Island several days

before leaving for Norway. Navy

Captain Eric

Irwin served

as the Chief of

Mission and



Dexter Hoag

coached the

teams. Ms.

Lisa “Sharkie”

Stielper from

Navy Sports

was the team



hosted CISM’s 46th edition of the World

Military Sailing Championship at the

Askoy Yacht Club with a total of 18

teams (male and female) from 14

nations. Crews of three took the waters

in Yngling sailboats for a total of 17

races over the course of four days.

Founded in 1948 after World War II,

CISM has grown into one of the largest

sporting organizations in the world,

second only to

the Olympics.

CISM organizes

sporting events

for its 133


nations and


countries to

compete on the

athletic field

rather than the


under its motto

of “Friendship through Sport.”

T eam USA won the women’s bronze in

the 46th Conseil

International du Sport Militaire (CISM) World

Military Sailing Championship in Bergen,

Norway. The competition was held from 27

June to 4 July


The United

States Armed

Forces Women’s

Sailing Team, led

by Navy

Lieutenant Trisha

Kutkiewicz -

skipper, as well

as fellow


from the Coast



Elizabeth Tufts and Lieutenant Junior Grade

Krysta Rohde, earned 36 points out of 17

races to take the bronze


The United States women

finished strong on day-four of

competition, sailing into first place

during the last race and securing their place

on the podium.

On the men’s side, Navy Ensign Taylor Vann

– skipper, and




Luke Suber

(Navy) and


Junior Grade


Duffett (Coast

Guard) fought

hard on the

waters with

twelve other

nations. The men finished first in the last

race of the final day. Overall through four

days of competition, the US Men finished in

From left to right: LT Trisha Kutkiewicz, USN; LTJG Krysta Rohde, USCG, and LT

Elizabeth Tufts, USCG. Photos by Mr. Carl Alex Ingemansen

IMCEA, P.O. Box 7862, Alexandria, VA, 22307-0286 3 (571) 207-8893

Congratulations to 2013 Roy C. and Dorothy Jean

Olsen Memorial Scholarship winner: Joey Brodnax

P A G E 3 V O L U M E 4 9

J oey was accepted

into the Honors

Program at Belmont

University in Nashville,

TN where he will study


Production with a

minor in Music

Business. He begins

this journey in August of this year. Joey graduated from

White Hall High School in the top ten percent of his

class. He was Beta President, Yearbook Editor, Science

Club President, Third Year Environmental and Spatial

Technology Student and so much more. He has been

running his own Disc Jockey business since he was

thirteen and has his own website at He grew up in the music industry

and signed with a local

record label when he was

15. Being the child of an

MWR Professional, he

has volunteered many

hours to support soldier

homecomings and

special events. Joey is

excited about college and

it is because of organizations such as IMCEA that he will

get the opportunity to attend such a prestigious school as

Belmont.. - Melissa Brodnax

Congratulations to 2013 Air Force Irving Rubenstein Memorial

Award Winner: Wendy McCollum

Wendy McCollum, Assistant Club Manager Ramstein Enlisted Club, USAF Germany

Working the Rockin’ 4th event at Ramstein AB, over 25000 in attendance!

IMCEA, P.O. Box 7862, Alexandria, VA, 22307-0286 4 (571) 207-8893

Coast Guard Families Enjoy Christmas in June

By Mr. Ethan Klausner

S miles were plentiful on Saturday, June 15,

2013 as military families stationed on

Kodiak Island in the Aleutian chain of Alaska

came together to take part in an exciting

afternoon of family fun. Base Kodiak’s Morale

Well-Being and Recreation (MWR) Division

teamed up with the Toy Industry Foundation

and Boys & Girls Clubs of America to provide

a family carnival and toy giveaway for the

children of armed forces families under the

Play Comfort Program.

The event was held at the Coast Guard Air

Station Kodiak Hanger 3 and was open to all

military members and their families residing

on Kodiak Island. Close to 1,200 people

showed up to participate in the event that

included festivities such as face-painting, live

music and games and activities for children of

all ages. A special BBQ was provided by the

Golden Anchor, the Base Kodiak MWR

program’s food and beverage activity, and

served by the MWR staff and volunteers. The

BBQ included an all you can eat buffet

consisting of burgers, grilled chicken, hotdogs,

baked beans, fresh corn on the cob, apples and


The highlight of the event was the toy

distribution to military dependents made

possible through the Coast Guard’s affiliation

with the Boys & Girls Clubs of America and its

partnership with the Toy Industry Foundation.

Toys were divided into five age groups and

each child was able to go to their age groups

table and choose any toy that they desired.

ranged from stuffed animals and coloring books

for the younger children, to board games and

puzzles for the teens.

Joe Bower, Director of Base Kodiak’s MWR

Division stated, “The children had a great time

and seeing their smiles made the day very


“It is common for military families to relocate

frequently, sometimes to remote areas, said TIF

Executive Director, Jean Butler.

IMCEA, P.O. Box 7862, Alexandria, VA, 22307-0286 5 (571) 207-8893

“This makes it even more

difficult for children to handle the

stress of their parents’ frequent

deployments as they

get to know their new

home. Toys and

play help relieve this

stress, which is why

we are excited to

partner with Boys &

Girls Clubs to reach

military youth across

the globe.” The toy

distribution at the Coast Guard

Base Kodiak was one of the

30 toy distributions scheduled

for 2013 and is in its fourth

year of operation.

Base Kodiak has as its motto,

“Rock Solid Support.” They more

than lived up to that on that day in

June through its part-

nership with the Boys

& Girls Clubs of

America and the Toy

Industry Foundation to

give military children a

taste of Christmas in


IMCEA, P.O. Box 7862, Alexandria, VA, 22307-0286 6 (571) 207-8893

New and Renewing Professional Members

Thank you for your support!

Five + Years of


Mike Miller, CMCE - 11 years

Lorenzo Westbrook, CMCE - 11


Harper Dickson, CMCE - 11 years

Lynn Colville - 10 years

Chris Logue, CMCE - 5 years

Renewing Members

Terry Clark - MCAS Cherry Point

Christopher Downs - Riley’s

Conference Center

Donna Matsushita - Joint Base Pearl


Harper Dickson, CMCE - Fort Sam


Lynn Colville - Kaneohe Bay

Chris Logue, CMCE - Fort Gordon

Lorenzo Westbrook, CMCE - Fort


Mark Gongaware - MCAS Yuma

Mike Miller, CMCE - NSA Mid South

P romote your events, announce your achievements, and share the

results of your hard work and dedication by contributing an article or photographs to the IMCEA Connections Newsletter! Email articles with at least two high resolution photographs to

Submissions must be received no later than the 15

th of the

month for publication. See your story here!

Your Story Here

Thank you to our Renewing Associate Members!

New Members

Alice Kae Perez - Incirlik Air Base,


Michelle Hagwood - Fort Bragg

Olga Hester - Fort Bragg

IMCEA, P.O. Box 7862, Alexandria, VA, 22307-0286 7 (571) 207-8893

In Memoriam:

I n Memory of Patrick Brodecky ~ From

Texana Sonnefeld, President, BABCO


Pat passed away on June 30th after a brave

fight with an

ongoing heart

condition. Pat

founded BABCO

International, Inc.

in 1970 with his

father (Lee

Brodecky) in

Thailand and has

supplied the

military with

everything from

toothpicks to

shampoo and

just about

everything in between ever since.

Pat had always been a big supporter of the

U.S. Military and IMCEA. BABCO and his

customers were his second family. Pat was

very involved in the early days of the AFNAF

purchasing office and made lifelong friends

through those relationships. Pat loved the

negotiating process! Pat was also so

adventurous - no place was too far or foreign.

Whether it was upcountry in Thailand,

alongside the burning oil wells of Kuwait or the

sandbar of the Kwajalein Islands, he was

eager to try to sell something to someone


BABCO will

proudly continue

to service the


Military. Texana

Sonnefeld took

over as President

several years

ago when Pat


retired. Texana

and the rest of

the BABCO staff

will carry on the torch of integrity that BABCO

was founded upon. Pat will be missed by many

but his legacy will live on.

*BABCO would like any donations to go to the

IMCEA Scholarship fund in remembrance of

Pat Brodecky.

For more information about the IMCEA scholarship program, please visit or email

Contributions may be mailed to:

IMCEA Scholarship Fund


PO Box 7286

Alexandria, VA 22307-0286

IMCEA, P.O. Box 7862, Alexandria, VA, 22307-0286 8 (571) 207-8893

IMCEA and the National Restaurant

Association have partnered to provide

IMCEA members with ServSafe®


Safety and ServSafe Alcohol®

online training

and certification at a special discounted price.

The ServSafe food safety and ServSafe

Alcohol online courses allow you to take

training on your own schedule and spend less

time away from the operation, at a lower

overall training cost. Click here for more info.

Program Updates

Military Community and Family Policy Weekly


Joint Family Support Assistance Program (JFSAP)



American Logistics Association Weekly Executive



Is your Certified Military Community

Executive (CMCE) Certification up for


O ne amazing benefit of your membership with IMCEA is the

ability to become CMCE Certified. The only military Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) certification program that is nationally registered by the National Certification Commission. As with any certification, you have to re-certify every three years. Recertification is easy! All you have to do is fill out the form on our website and send it in to us. The cost for re-certification is $50. We are in the process of sending out reminders to those members who need to re-certify. You do not want to let this prestigious certification lapse! For questions about CMCE certification, or your CMCE status, please contact John Walker at

Th e NEWLY REVISED Certified Military Community Executive

(CMCE) Study Guide is now online! IMCEA now makes getting your CMCE certification even easier! Complete the application and send it in for approval. Then use the FREE, online study guide to prepare for your exam! You will have the honor of wearing the CMCE initials after your name before you know it – and the pride in taking an important step toward career advancement! Take a look at the updated study guide at

Where Are They Now?

*Retired Member Lee Hicks is searching for Mr. Oscar

Driekorn (sp?). He was the ACM for years in the Berlin

Brigade. Also searching for the widow of Jim Seigman.

Last known location was around Fort Lee Virginia. If

anyone has any information on these individuals,

please email Mr. Hicks at <>.

IMCEA, P.O. Box 7862, Alexandria, VA, 22307-0286 9 (571) 207-8893

Thank you for Participating in the IMCEA Virtual

Training and Tradeshow!

Because of your participation, the event was a big success!

325 participants

Over 30 training modules offered

A special thank you to our Associate Members for offering industry

insight, especially our Gold Sponsors Ecolab and BABCO International.

We would love your feedback. Please email any comments or suggestions to

IMCEA, P.O. Box 7862, Alexandria, VA, 22307-0286 10 (571) 207-8893

IMCEA, P.O. Box 7862, Alexandria, VA, 22307-0286 11 (571) 207-8893

T his is your opportunity to choose who will represent you with IMCEA during the upcoming year.

Please visit the IMCEA website (, and download the 2012 IMCEA Board of

Directors Ballot to cast your vote. All ballots must include your name and installation. You may only

vote once.

Voting is restricted to Regular Members, Position Members, Honorary Members

(only those currently in an active MWR position), and Lifetime Members

(only those currently in an active MWR positions) of the Association.

Please submit your nominations by email to or fax to (866) 369-2435 before 5 pm

EST on Friday 9 August 2013.
