Connecting National & Local Secretariats · to help us to heal broken hearts and yes even help...


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July/August 2016 Volume 34, Issue 7

Official Publication of the National Lutheran Secretariat, VdC

Connecting National & Local Secretariats

I n s i d e . . .

What’s Ahead

For 2017 1

NLS Leadership

Team 2

President Steve 3

Vice Pres. of Outreach, Wendy


Spiritual Director,

Pr. Mark 4

VP of Admin, Warren ‘Butch’


Pleasant Pauses 6

Ohio Memories 6

Palanca Page 7

NLS Web Information


Come to the Far Away of North Carolina

Did you attend the 2016 National VdC Annual

Gathering at Lourdes University, Sylvania, Ohio?

If so, what was your favorite memory? Was it the

inspirational speakers? How about the food? Or

perhaps it was the time spent in fellowship,

song, worship and prayer? Whatever memory

you savor, hopefully you went home knowing

that with unspeakable joy, unsinkable faith, and

unstoppable love...anything is possible!

In 2017, the National VdC Annual Gathering will

be July 27—30th at Wake Forest University in

Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Your hosts will

be Eastern North Carolina VdC & Western North

Carolina VdC who are working hard to plan a

rich, spiritual event.

Might you be wondering about what you could

look forward to while in North Carolina (NC)?

First, picture this, NC is a long state stretching

from the Atlantic Ocean to the great Smokey

Mountains. While the coast offers beautiful

beaches and those historic outer banks, the

western part of the state is famous for those

beautiful mountains and some delicious sweet

tomato based B-B-Que. To be fare to eastern NC,

they want you to know that they’re famous for

their spicy vinegar style B-B-Que. What do you

think? Bet you can expect a sampling of both

styles of B-B-Que next year!

Here’s a few other things you can look forward

to next year. Do you like history? You’ll have to

visit Old Salem, which is on the national register

of historic places. Founded in 1766, this colonial

Moravian community has a working blacksmith

shop and bakery. Can’t you smell those fresh

Moravian cookies right now? Will temptation

lead you to buy some?

And here’s another bit of history you can find;

Did you grow up watching The Andy

Griffith Show? Well, just a short

drive up the road you’ll find the real

Mayberry RFD in Mount Airy, NC!

Imagine dropping by Floyd’s City Barber Shop,

and a replica of Andy & Barney’s jail and court-

house. Andy Griffith’s childhood home and Mu-

seum are there as well.

Whether you’re excited about taking in the

breathtaking beauty of the Appalachian Trail, or

if your taste for nature is in another direction,

NC has 144 wineries that offer tastings and

tours. Some of those wineries offer meals as

well as overnight stays. Topping this all off — did

you know that July is the center of peach season

throughout both Carolinas! Are your taste buds

savoring peach tea and peach ice cream? How

about the smell and taste of peach cobbler?


We look forward to you in North Carolina?

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The CONEXIONES is the official publication of the National Lutheran Secretariat (NLS), a national association of the Via de Cristo, Way of Christ, movement representing over 100,000 people throughout 44 participating affiliates across the United States. Via de Cristo (VdC) is the Lutheran expression of the Cursillo® renewal movement developed within the Roman Catholic Church in the late 1940’s. The Lutheran VdC movement began in Florida and

Iowa in 1972.

The CONEXIONES is published to inform NLS’s affiliated secretariats, their members,

Lutheran Bishops, and District Presidents about events and activities of NLS

Subscriptions to the CONEXIONES are free to affiliated secretariats. If you know of an affiliated secretariat not receiving this publication, please call a member of the board at the numbers listed on this page. Subscriptions to the public are $6.00 annually and can be

purchased by calling NLS Treasurer, Brenda Accola, at 321-544-3128.

If you’d like to submit content to the CONEXIONES (news, articles, requests… even

inspirational bits) send them to the CONEXIONES Editor at the email address on the left.

Newsletter Deadlines: January 15th, April 15th, August 15th, and November 15th.

National Lutheran Secretariat

Volume 34, Issue 7 Page 2

Executive Committee

President: Steve Gielda


Secretary: Carol McGill (h) 303-772-6434 (c) 303-443-0431

Vice President of Administration Warren “Butch Seeley

Vice President of Outreach Wendy Showalter (h)763-494-9709 (c) 763-229-3185

Treasurer: Brenda Accola E-mail:

(c) 321-544-3128

Spiritual Director: Pr. Mark Marxhausen

763-561-5852 (w)

952-457-5182 (m)

NLS Appointed Positions

Executive Director, Paul Schmidlin (c) 651-249-7897 (h) 419-356-6363

Financial Advisor, Diane Purcell

(h) 651-459-7249

Newsletter Editor, Carol Reedstrom

(h) 507-278-3024

Data Base Coordinator, Dave Lambert

(o) 301-983—5034

Distribution Center, John Bradford

(c) 801-834-8261

Historian/Archivist, Karen Bennefeld

(c) 559-285-8152

Palanca Coordinator, Paul Sabatier-Smith, (h) 863-603-9044

Web Page Coordinator, Rick Hanzlik

(c) 801-631-4518

2017 Host Committee Co-Chairs Brett Koceja



Bob Lewis 828-310-1628

“ You will go out with joy, and be led out in peace. The mountains and the hills will break out into sounds of

joy before you. And all the trees of the field will clap their hands.”

Isaiah 55:12

In case you were unable to attend this year’s Via de Cristo NLS Annual Gathering in Sylvania, Ohio, I’m so excited to

report that we welcomed two new secretariats to this wonderful national movement. They are Northern Plains of North

Dakota and Lake Gaston of North Carolinas/Virginia... But God’s amazing Holy Spirit is not stopping there!!

As this August comes to a close, I am thrilled to ask for your prayers as VdC’s ministry is definitely bubbling up in

these areas as well: Calgary, Alberta, Canada…Binghamton, NY…Virginia Beach, VA…Lanai, Hawaii, and Houston,


Please contact me if you know of other areas in this country, or our world for that matter,

where we can share the blessing of VdC. No spark is too small that it can’t be ignited. And

the joy goes on!!

Enjoy His presence,

Wendy Showalter, Vice President of Outreach

The Healing Power of God

We serve an awesome God. We serve a God who heals

broken hearts, mends broken relationships, nourishes

thirsty souls, and feeds hungry minds. For those of you

who were at our Annual Gathering at Lourdes University in

Sylvania, OH last month, you learned that my wife Sherry

broke her ankle. It was an ugly break requiring a 9-inch

plate, seven screws, and 28 staples to put it back togeth-

er. When Sherry came home from surgery she was fully

dependent on someone else for her first 11 days. This was

difficult for her, as she is an independent woman who is

used to taking care of things on her own. Due to the trau-

ma and infection, she was to do nothing but lay with her

foot elevated to reduce the swelling and wait for the infec-

tion to go away. Here we are 5 weeks later and she is

doing remarkably well. The swelling is almost gone, she is

walking on her own, and the scar is fading fast.

We serve an awesome God. We have all faced difficult

times in our lives. And sometime we think; “I got this”, and

believe we can manage through the difficulty on our own.

We don’t want to be a burden on others, so we’ll manage

things ourselves. God never intended us to “manage

things on our own”. God has placed people in our lives

to help us, to heal broken hearts and yes, even help

mending broken bones. Unfortunately, sometimes the

stubborn independent side of us prefers if people just

leave us alone and allow fix the problem on our own.

We serve an awesome God. Our God wants to step in

and help us in ways we can’t even imagine. It’s up to us

to open our hearts, turn things over to Him and allow Him

to have his way. We must trust His direction. We must

listen to His word. We must surrender our healing to Him.

When we do these things, we realize quickly that our

wounds are healing, we’re able to get around on our own

and our scars are fading fast.

I pray that each of you open your hearts to use the peo-

ple God has placed in your life to help you heal your

wounds and become healthy again.

God loves you all and so do I,

Steve Gielda, President

National Lutheran Secretariat

R e f l e c t i o n s F r o m T h e P r e s i d e n t

V o l u m e 3 4 , I s s u e 2 P a g e 3

These Tree Things...

Since this is my first attempt at a newsletter article for the

Conexiones, I thought I’d give you a little history lesson.

Right after World War II, Christian churches in the United

States took a tremendous leap in growth. Men and women

who diligently fought in that war for our country and the

preservation for other nations, came back home, settled

back to real life as they knew it, got married, started fami-

lies, and went back to church.

Now that was years before my time, but I do remember

reading about an evangelism program that one of our Lu-

theran Church bodies put in place to draw our returning

soldiers back into church after such a trying experience.

They called it “Each One - Reach One.” It was such a sim-

ple plan and it worked. It has been a principle I have in-

corporated in my own life and introduced in each church

I’ve served.

Just think about this for a moment; if I find one person

(though God wants all people to be saved and come to

the knowledge of the Truth - which is overwhelming to me

if it’s totally reliant on me) and be a friend, make a friend

and bring a friend to Christ, then there will be two of us.

And if the two of us each agree to find one more person,

we now have 4, then 8, then 16, then 32……. (you get the

drift). What could/would happen if each one of us, con-

sciously, intentionally, purposefully reached out to one?

So here’s what I propose. Will each of you join me doing

these three things…

Pray for your Pastor. If he/she has not attended a Via de

Cristo weekend, pray this be the year that that happens.

If they are part of our 4th Day Community, encourage

them to serve on a weekend to be rejuvenated. Give

them the weekend off without expending their vacation

time (drastic, I know!)

Serve on a weekend. Maybe it’s been a while. I know it’s

exhausting, tiring, demanding. But Jesus was exhausted,

tired and His life was demanded of Him and He still did

it, just for you! “Christ is counting on you!”

Sponsor someone. Never give up. If someone says “no” be

determined enough to find someone who will say “yes.” I

know there out there and so do you. Go find them.

There you have it. My first article for the Conexiones. Not

real difficult - actually a simple plan. Each One - Reach

One! Together we can do great things for the kingdom of


Working in our Master’s Vineyard,

Rev. Dr. MM Marxhausen

A l l T h i s & M o r e @

History of this Glorious Via de Cristo Movement

Links to Via de Cristo Secretariats Across the Country

Messages from our NLS President & Spiritual Director

Newsletters of Past Issues of the Conexiones

Official NLS/Via de Cristo Information, Materials & Who’s Who

w w w . v i a d e c r i s t o . o r g

Palanca for Upcoming Weekends, Dates & Secretariat's Contacts

Resources for Current, Historical and Other for your VdC Secretariat

Videos of Past Key Note Speaker’s/Forums/Worship Services

Who’s Who, What, Where, and When at NLS (National

Lutheran Secretariat) & affiliated VdC (Via de Cristo) Secretariats

National Lutheran Secretariat Vice President of Administration

Warren ”Butch” Seeley, and his wife, Wendy, have been

married 29+ years. They have two daughters, two grand-

children and worship at All Shepherds Lutheran Church in

Lewis Center, Ohio.

In the spring of 1993 Warren attended the Ohio Via de

Cristo Men’s Weekend #28 sitting at the Table of Matthew.

If you have spent any time at all with Warren, it becomes

obvious how blessed he feels to be in serve to our Lord.

This is shown by how he’s made himself available within

his Secretariat and serving church various roles and posi-


You can be sure that Warren will confidently carry this

same will to serve in his new role as NLS-VPO While this

thought may not be new news to many of you, did you

know that he also gives his time and energy to several

charitable organizations?

For a day-job, Warren is president and CEO of The Seeley

Group, a Financial Planning/Confident Retirement practicing

in Columbus, Ohio. In this field, he has 38+ years of expe-

rience and has received several designations along with a

multitude of industry awards. Would you believe that he

also has time to be an instructor, speaker, author and

inventor...holds a U.S. patent and a U.S. Copyright?

When Warren has free time, he spends it with his family,

reading, exercising, doing Kun Tao, motorcycle riding, wood

working, hunting and fishing.

Page 7

A F e w P l e a s a n t P a u s e s . . .

V o l u m e 3 4 , I s s u e 2

V o l u m e 3 4 , I s s u e 7 P a g e 7


09/08 M61 GA Atlanta Lutheran VdC Wayne Mize 3481 Campus Loop Road Kennesaw GA 30144

09/15 W 61 GA Atlanta Lutheran VdC Wayne Mize 3481 Campus Loop Road Kennesaw GA 30144

09/22 M 638 MN Minnesota VdC—Metro MN Marianne Topar 5319 Logan Avenue North Brooklun Center MN 55430

09/22 M 19 NY Damascus Road VdC John Lanni email =

09/29 W 639 MN Minnesota VdC—Metro MN Marianne Topar 5319 Logan Avenue North Brooklun Center MN 55430

09/29 C 25 NV Light In The Desert VdC Mary Jamison 290 East Delamar Drive Henderson NV 89015

09/29 M 66 VA Rainbow VdC of VA/DC/MD Rose Briggs PO Box 402 Valley Lee MD 20692

10/06 C OR Oregon VdC Linda Johnson PO Box 2902 Longview WA 98632

10/06 C 96 TX Texas Lutheran VdC Alton & Alice Luedke 16749 County Road 798 Somtpm TX 78387

10/06 W 70 VA Rainbow VdC of VA/DC/MD Rose Briggs PO Box 402 Valley Lee MD 20692

10/13 C AZ S Arizona Lutheran VdC Patricia Johnson Email:

10/13 M 61 FL Sonshine North VdC Penny Klein 2435 Stafford Drive Orange Park FL 32037

10/13 M 59 MI/OH Good News VdC Pattie Blashill 22419 Ardmore Park Drive St. Clair Shores MI 48081-2012

10/13 M640 MN Minnesota VdC - Northern MN Danielle Eaton 937 36th Avenue South Moorhead, MN 56560

10/13 W 19 NY Damascus Road VdC John Lanni email =

10/20 C 37 AR/OK A-OK VdC Lisa Milzarek 15664 West Ozark Trail Sapulpa OK 74066

10/20 W 61 FL Sonshine North VdC Penny Klein 2435 Stafford Drive Orange Park FL 32037

10/20 W 59 MI/OH Good News VdC Pattie Blashill 22419 Ardmore Park Drive St. Clair Shores MI 48081-2012

10/20 W 641 MN Minnesota VdC - Northern MN Danielle Eaton 937 36th Avenue South Moorhead, MN 56560

10/20 MX TN Tennessee Lutheran VdC Diane McGaha 544 North Broadway Knoxville TN 37917

10/27 M 95 WI Wisconsin Sonrise VdC Richard Petit 722 Dogwood Drive Beloit WI 53511

11/03 W 96 WI Wisconsin Sonrise VdC Richard Petit 722 Dogwood Drive Beloit WI 53511

11/03 C 642 MN Minnesota VdC—Southern MN Hollie Jennings 111 N 4th Street Goodhue MN 56027

11/03 M 39 WI/MI Northern Lights VdC WI/Upper MI Jeff Schullo 5117 Machickanee Lane Lena WI 54139

11/03 W 40 WI/MI Northern Lights VdC WI/Upper MI Jeff Schullo 5117 Machickanee Lane Lena WI 54139

11/10 M 67 FL Sonbeam VdC (tentative date) Dana Marquart 231 Garberia Drive Davenport FL 33837

11/10 W 115 FL Sonshine VdC of South FL Alvin Romer Email:

11/17 W 67 FL Sonbeam VdC (tentative date) Dana Marquart 231 Garberia Drive Davenport FL 33837

11/17 C 11 PA/DE Journey in Faith VdC Lisa Wyant 760 Shack Drive Newport PA 17074

PALANCA ~ True Palanca = Prayers

Palanca, an essential, is defined in the NLS Essentials Manual (NLSEM) as “The heart and lifeblood of the movement – deep, inten-tional, selfless and sacrificial prayer.” (pg. 31) We have, over time, come to call the small gifts and even contributions “Palanca” – but true Palanca is prayer. There is an excellent expansion of what true Palanca is and how it can be furnished in the NLSEM on pages 26 & 27.

1. Coordinates / communicates with the NLS and other movements on matters relating to Palanca 2. Receives and sends Palanca gifts and letters 3. Assists weekend Palanca Coordinator 4. Prepares newsletter articles re: Palanca

I hope you’ve noticed that the NLS website and newsletter contain a Weekend/Palanca Calendar on the NLS which I happen to man-age. By providing me with dates, location, and Palanca Coordinator information regarding your weekends should assist you in obtain-ing more Palanca items for your weekenders. Also, if anyone would like to discuss tools and/or the role of the Palanca Coordinator, please feel free to contact me as well. You can reach me at:

Blessed to Be in His Service, Paul Sabatier-Smith <)))><


Carol J. Reedstrom, Editor 19396 552nd Avenue Mankato MN 56001


Our Mission Statement: By grace, with the Holy Spirit, we challenge

leaders to discover and achieve their personal calling, assisting them to

influence their environments with the Gospel.