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Decision Quadrant

How to summarize and cull out lessons learned my Campaign

Learning Report in 1,000 words?

Tip #1

• The first is to talk about whether or not the Pride campaign that you undertook achieved its aims.

Remind the reader of the goal of the Campaign Learning Report, which you laid out at the beginning of the document paper.

• Review the steps which you took throughout the Pride campaign, as well as any kind of problems you ran into, issues that affected the course of the campaign or ways in you applied adaptive management.

Tip #2

• Finally, explain the results that were received from the 1 year of Pride campaign implementation.

• Was the Pride campaign successful? What were your main findings and how do they affect your current views?

Tip #3

• Relate the results of your campaign learning report to the real world by talking about any recommendations that you can make based on what you have learned.

Tip #4

• Give the reader a sense of what the future could be like in terms of Pride campaigning, and present some beginning ideas for what the next step could be, if you have any.

Tip #5

• Make any observations that you can at this point about the Pride methodology itself. Which aspects of your Pride methodology bore the most fruit? What gave you the most accurate results?

Tip #6

• If you had to start over from scratch knowing what you do now, what kind of advice would you give your former self to decide on how to structure your Pride campaign and what to do? What parts of your campaign would you devote further time or resources to, given the chance?

Tip #7

• Are there specific areas in which you yourself intend to undergo further explorations of the topic and further study? If so, what are they and how would your new Pride methods compare to your old campaign methods?

Tip #8
