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1. Karyssaann Costagliola Final Argument Paper- Confucius Philosophy 105 February 23rd , 2014 My view of Confucius, aka K'ung Fu-tzu or Master K'ung, is one of a very sincere and compassionate man. One who has seen life from all angles and able to relate to people on all levels of life from those who have nothing and are uneducated to those who have all the luxuries in life with the education to match. I feel this gave him the edge that helped him in later life to relate to people of all types giving him the vast discipleship that followed him supporting, writing his teachings, spreading his word throughout China and surrounding regions. At the time when Confucius was growing up China had a revolving way of life their culture and government were in unsettlement, Confucius had something in common with them as he lost his father at an early age causing his life to be unsettled. This then being a life of luxury to poor after the government to their land and money than his father were taken Confucius's life had been turned upside down rapidly by the age of 15. With this drastic life event Confucius moved to dedicate his life to study and pursue an official career. He never established any notability until he reached the age of 30 which had seasoned him through the death of his mother at the age of 23 and a brief marriage from the age of 19 to 23 when he divorced his wife which no one knows why he did. Confucius had a sense of compassion, value, mentoring, positive and light hearted with his disciples which brought many to follow him and later lead to be an asset because he didn't write his teachings down his disciples did. He spoke of many of his beliefs and the ways he felt people 2. should live their lives this way of teaching bled into the government level changing the entire Chinese culture as well as the governing body such an impact made by one man never made before or to this day, his complete influence lasted for approximately 2000 years with some traditions still being practiced. This impact from a humble man without any notable position in power living in poverty for a majority of his life, never writing any of his teachings down but changing the lives and direction of so many on levels of educated, uneducated, poor, middle class, rich residents of China and territories surrounding the area. This has to be an amazing feat along with respect because anyone could have been the one to turn things around that was in a political office or a financial position but rather they chose him to adopt his insight and teachings. Confucius would go from place to place speaking to the leaders of territories instilling his way of thinking for the most part his teachings were accepted but he then returned to his original and constant pride teaching. Confucius felt very strong in projecting to his disciples to always seek the truth, don't pass up the opportunity to learn from everyone you meet, take every opportunity to study, if you don't want to be treated or talked to a particular way don't do it to someone else, to be diligent and kind to others. He also managed to instill on the Chinese culture to have a loyal, traditional family, for all to give respect to those deceased, children should always respect elders, and finally wives should always show respect to their husbands. He also encouraged that government policy should be based on family ethics to rule. Although Confucius seems to encourage people to be all around type people that is educate themselves with every opportunity possible, treat others as you want to be treated, always strive to make yourself better while respecting those around you and those past, if you are married wives should always hold their husbands in highest regard. Somehow things fall apart in life because for thousands of years people have upheld these teaching and famous quotes of 3. Confucius as if the rest of the world never existed but then things change and the ways of life become skewed the people of China continue to hold some things in regard but implement other teachings. My feeling and view on Confuciuss way of thinking is one of some agreeable measure but that of some rethinking. In this day in time I feel there is, which Im sure at any time in life can be an issue, we can all be addressing the importance of youth of any age respecting elders. This is an issue that has fallen by the way side much too much anymore, the respect or memorializing of those who have passed this not always done as a reverent practice anymore. As for the husband wife respect in certain areas this is practiced yet but there should be a mutual respect by both partners not a superior inferior type relationship practiced between both since both partners contribute equally to the relationship. So for this I cant agree with the true entire outlook on Confucius although I feel on our youth of today even as old as some middle age people could take example from him to respect the dead and celebrate their life in some manner. As far as respecting elders most everyone can take example from this because not a lot of people exercise this on a daily basis as much as holding a door, some type of verbal manners, than just the humble, honest, positive attitude he projected people could take for example. My only but largest obstacle with his way of teaching and significant life is that of his depicting the man/husband of the household being held to a different standard than that of the women/ wife. Confucius seemed to get society, government and private life but then projects and encourages his disciples and all who listened to have the wife to show total devotion to her husband with no return expected and maybe it should be understood but not stated. Why state a wife needs to respect a husband and not that the husband shouldnt return the respect. The reason I have such an issue with this is because in areas where men dominate women will have no self worth in that frame of mind 4. everyone should be treated equally. Everyone should gain the same respect, care, understanding, affection, humility as you want given to you. Confucius contradicts himself in that he lives by the statement over and over treat others as you want to be treated, give to others only what you want to be given. Although if you examine all of his guides he instructs that if you bear a son the father should put him to bed, if you bear a daughter put her to the dirt to lay. In general the womans role in the family is to completely follow the mans lead at all times whether it be the wife to the husband, daughter to father, widow to son, sister to brother no matter what the combination there isnt a woman to lead or co- lead her family on basis that she wouldnt have any equality or meaning as a person in society or the family unit. This seems to me as a two sided look at his teachings treat everyone as you want to be treated, so treat women as lesser than you, is that the way you want to be treated? Im sure not when in the next breath youre saying women should respect the husband theyre with. I find this either being a hypocrite or a large misinterpretation of teachings by disciples that were the only ones that wrote down the words and beliefs of one of the most impressionable philosophers in time that changed the way of the Chinese government and their culture for thousands of years. I agree with Confucius and a lot of his views but not with the degrading and undermining of a persons place in the family unit or how the family looks to them with respect. People take advantage of each other to much already if there was a way of thinking like this presently in our society/ culture instilled in families today no matter how the family is made up of, whether two parents children, one parent one child, same sex parents child(ren), it all comes down to the fact that if the father and or son is the only with absolute control than there would only be absolute anarchy and disrespect for the rest which isnt fair to mother in this all. The mother figure contributes just as much to the family unit if not more if no father is present. Respect should be 5. given to both parents as decision makers, as the childrens elders, people to learn from and take example from. Instead the child(ren) should not to ignore or disrespect one parent only because of their gender I find this to be a complete disregard for the basis of his teaching being that Confucius stresses the enrichment of learning from everyone, everything we come in contact with so not to become lazy or uneducated. If not everyone is considered or treated equally how will this happen, women could have positive influence in education, government, family decision making but if they are not considered as a positive influence or any influence what are we possibly missing? Areas that still practice this way of belief in their daily life or government may be missing positive influence in their lives. This why I feel Confucius was being a hypocrite in his teachings and also wrong in this way of thinking. How could women whether married or unmarried ever pursue a life other than serving the male figures in her life she could never educate herself or become anything other than a mother or housewife until she would die? This was an unfair treatment and impression on the self-worth of women in the culture of China at that time. In closing I do have some interest and regard to Confuciuss teachings but hold my regard to differ with him in this area. I personally feel everyone no matter their level of social stature, gender, education, disabilities, no matter anything all people should be determined on the basis of merit alone not a prejudgment by look, name, background, or any other false pretenses. I hope this gives some type of insight into Confucius and his work. References 6. Soccio, D. J. (2010-2013). Archetypes of wisdom: An introduction to philosophy . (8th ed., pp. Pages 23-43). Boston : Wadsworth. Confucianism. (2014). Retrieved from Ebrey, P., Mann, S., & Cheng, Y. (2001). Under confucian eyes, writings on gender in chinese history. Retrieved from 7. Soccio, D. J. (2010-2013). Archetypes of wisdom: An introduction to philosophy . (8th ed., pp. Pages 23-43). Boston : Wadsworth. Confucianism. (2014). Retrieved from Ebrey, P., Mann, S., & Cheng, Y. (2001). Under confucian eyes, writings on gender in chinese history. Retrieved from