Confined space


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Confined Space Safety out Line

Course objective :

contains the requirements for practices and procedures to protect employees in general industry from the hazards of entry into permit-required confined spaces (i.e., permit spaces). The standard requires employers to develop a written confined space entry permit program and provide employee training.


Employees who may enter confined spaces with potential hazards are required to receive confined space safety training.

Result Expecting after completing this training course students will be able to:

Identify the hazards commonly found in confined spaces, including atmospheric hazards and physical hazards.

Identify the roles and responsibilities of the Entrant and Attendant as defined by OSHA for various personnel during confined space operations.

Understand the use and need for a confined space permit. Understand basic emergency activities during a confined space emergency, including

the hierarchy of rescue.


Index table



Contents Page No.

Suction one ( theoretical )

1.0 Confined Space Overview

2.0 Hazards and Risk Factors

2.1 Hazard Categories

2.2 Risk Factors

3.0 Flammable Atmospheres

3.1 Causes

3.2 Chemical Toxicology Overview

3.3 Toxic Atmospheres

4.0 Hazards

4.1 Physical Hazards

4.2 Mechanical Hazards

4.3 Importance of Safe Work Procedures & Training

4.4 Importance Creating a Confined Spaces Entry Program

5.0 Risk Assessment & Management

5.1 Ensure Risks Are Known & Control Measures Are Followed

5.2 Importance of a Full Assessment

5.3 Training

5.4 Isolation

5.5 Lock-Out Energy Sources

5.6 Exposure to Product and Hazardous Substances

5.7 Clear or Neutralize Hazardous Substances

5.8 Physical Hazards

5.9 Climatic Factors

5.10 Electrical Hazards

5.11 Access and Egress

5.12 Hazardous Atmospheres

6.0 Emergency Procedures

6.1 What To Do When Work Ceases

7.0 Permit To Work

7.1 Steps of A Permit System

7.2 Advantages of Permits To Work

7.3 Usage

8.0 Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)

8.1 Analysis

8.2 Preventive Measures

9.0 Hazards Evaluation

9.1 Selecting Hazard Evaluation Techniques






































Day 1Saturday 18 Sep. 2010


Suction (A)


The confined space






Confined spaces may be encountered in virtually any occupation; therefore, their recognition is the first step in preventing fatalities. Since deaths in confined spaces often occur because the atmosphere is oxygen deficient or toxic, confined spaces should be tested prior to entry and continually monitored.

Many workplaces contain spaces that are considered "confined" because their configurations hinder the activities of any employees who must enter, work in, and exit them. For example, employees who work in process vessels generally must squeeze in and out through narrow openings and perform their tasks while cramped or contorted. The term "confined space" is used to describe such spaces. In addition, there are many instances where employees who work in confined spaces face increased risk of exposure to serious hazards. In some cases, confinement itself poses entrapment hazards. In other cases, confined space work keeps employees closer to hazards, such as asphyxiating atmospheres or the moving parts of machinery. The term "permit-required confined space" (permit space) is used to describe those spaces that both meet the definition of "confined space" and pose health or safety hazards. 

A Broad Definition

The various definitions of a Confined Space as cited in standards, codes and regulations may differ slightly but basically they refer to:

Enclosed or semi enclosed areas where access and egress may be restricted and/or hazardous conditions may occur while workers are engaged inside.

Some definitions also include the following provisions:

Space of a size to enable a person to enter the space and perform assigned work; and

Space not designed for continuous occupation.



In relation to a person, means anything that may result in injury to the person or harm to the health of the person.


In relation to any injury or harm, means the probability of that injury or harm occurring.

What Makes Confined Spaces Hazardous?

A confined space by its definition is an enclosed space or enclosure. This creates hazards through reduced air circulation and ventilation. This provides the opportunity for local concentrations of hazardous or flammable substances to increase to unsafe levels and/or for oxygen levels to decrease to unsafe levels.

A confined space is defined in terms of the limited means of entry and exit. This refers to situations where rapid escape, especially rapid egress or where disabled or impaired persons are involved, may be impeded. These limitations may be due to:

The design of the space (e.g., such as a valve inspection pit where a ladder is required for entry/exit); and

The size, shape and location of the means of entry and exit (e.g., a 1 meter diameter hole at the base of a tank).

These design factors may not necessarily be hazardous in themselves (i.e. they do not directly cause injury/disease) but they do have the effect of increasing the risk of serious injury resulting as a consequence of exposure to a hazard. This would include situations where:

Rapid escape is not possible (e.g., employee working at the bottom of a storage tank. The tank has not been isolated and fills rapidly with water. The employee is not able to reach the access ladder in time); and

Rescue is impeded.

Examples of Confined Spaces


Some examples of confined spaces include manholes, sewers, boilers, tunnels, pipelines, wells, fuel tanks, ballast tanks, storage tanks, tank cars and tank trucks, vats, process vessels, septic tanks, sewage lift stations, vaults, silos, bins, and ventilation and exhaust ducts. Some of these are easily recognized as confined spaces, while others may not be generally considered as such. For example, deep empty swimming pools, deep trenches, deep open top tanks, pits and roof spaces.


Distinction Between Hazards And Risk Factors

A distinction may be made between the hazards in a confined space (for example, those conditions, substances and materials which are capable of causing death, injury or harm to health) and those elements which effect the risk of death, injury or harm to health. These elements are commonly referred to as "risk factors". Oxygen deficiency, for example, can be considered to be a hazard in a storage tank. The presence of decaying organic matter using the same situation could be considered to be a risk factor as it would increase the likelihood of oxygen deficiency taking place.

2.1 Hazard Categories

The types of hazards involved have been grouped into the four categories below. There is, of course, considerable scope for overlap. Carbon monoxide, for example, is both highly flammable and highly toxic. Such hazards are discussed however, in the context in which they pose the greatest risk. Carbon monoxide therefore, is primarily considered to be a hazardous substance, being highly toxic. It will burn at concentrations above 12.5 % but will cause death within minutes at concentrations above 1.28 %.

1. Oxygen Deficiency


Oxygen deficiency is a common cause of death in confined spaces. This can occur through the dilution of oxygen levels due to the presence or introduction of other gases or by chemical reactions which absorb the oxygen within the confined space.

2. Flammable Atmospheres

The small spaces involved and lack of ventilation, can lead to concentrations of flammable substances (i.e. dusts, mist, gases) increasing to hazardous levels. The substances involved can include:

residual material within the space (e.g., fuel and solvents); by-products of chemical reactions (e.g., strong bases such as caustic soda

react with metals such as aluminum, chromium and zinc to produce hydrogen gas); and

solvents used in the cleaning of the space (e.g., alcohols and toluene) and contaminants leaking into the space (e.g. LPG or Propane).

3. Hazardous Substances

The small spaces involved and lack of ventilation can lead to concentrations of hazardous substances increasing to life threatening levels. The substances primarily involve residual materials within the space and substances used in work processes (e.g., solvents).

4. Physical and Mechanical Hazards.

Confined spaces such as chemical tank trucks, process furnaces, and industrial boilers may be of irregular shapes and divided into smaller sections by walls, tubes, and baffle plates. They may house both fixed and portable equipment including stirrers, mixers and agitators. Lifelines may also be severed on projections or tangled up on interior obstacles like conduits, cable hangers and mechanical fittings. The task of assessing these convoluted spaces for atmospheric hazards is much more difficult since toxic gases and vapors may become trapped in hard-to-reach pockets.

2.2 Risk Factors

The above hazards, and their associated risk factors, are fully discussed below. The risk factors involved in confined spaces are discussed in terms of:

nature of the contents of the space; by-products of chemical reactions involving substances within the space;

work that is performed within the space;

leakage from any conduits that run through the space; and


introduction of contaminants (below ground tanks).

Day 2Sunday 19 Sep. 2010


2.2.1 Oxygen Deficiency

Physiology of Respiration

The human body is a biological engine in which the lungs act as both an air intake and exhaust. When air is drawn into the lungs, oxygen passes from the alveoli (the air sacs within the lungs where gas transfer occurs) into the bloodstream and carbon dioxide passes from the bloodstream into the alveoli. This process of gas transfer is known as diffusion.

Diffusion operates on the principle that a gas will move from an area of high concentration to one of low concentration until equilibrium is established (i.e. the concentration is equal in both areas). When air is drawn into the lungs the concentration of oxygen in the air is higher within alveoli than in the capillaries that flow around them. Oxygen then passes from the alveoli into the blood. Conversely, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood is higher than in the air. Carbon dioxide then passes from the blood into the alveoli. During exhalation the carbon dioxide is then expelled.


Inadequate amount of Oxygen can lead to simple asphyxiation and death

The amount of oxygen carried by the blood depends primarily upon the concentration of oxygen within the inhaled air. This is shown by the graph below.

As the airborne concentration of oxygen decreases, the amount carried by the blood initially shows only a gradual decrease. When the airborne oxygen concentration is 10.5 % (i.e. 50 % of normal), the blood is still carrying approximately 85 % of its normal level. However, when the airborne concentration falls below 8.4 %, there is a marked decrease in the amount of oxygen carried. The resultant effect upon the body is shown in the table below.

Oxygen Concentration


21 % None (normal oxygen level)


15 % No immediate effects

14 % Fatigue, impaired judgment

10 % Dizziness, shortness of breath, deeper and more rapid breathing

7 % Stupor (State of unconsciousness) sets in

5 % Minimum amount that will support life

2 % - 3 % Death within 1 minute

As the table above indicates, oxygen concentrations down to approximately 16 % can be tolerated. However, this is at the expense of increased demands upon the cardiovascular system. An oxygen concentration of 15 % for example, will show no immediate effects, but the load upon the cardiovascular system is equivalent to a workload of three kcal/min.

The blood normally holds reserves of oxygen. The blood returning to the lungs (to release carbon dioxide) still carries over 40 % of the oxygen it held initially. This is why you can hold your breath for around 3 minutes without adverse effects. Your body is able to consume this "reserve store" of oxygen. However, if you were to continue to breathe in an atmosphere containing very low levels of oxygen (where the air drawn into the alveoli has a lower concentration of oxygen than in the blood flowing around them), the diffusion process would operate in reverse. With every breath you take, you would be expelling oxygen instead of absorbing it. Consequently, your "3 minute reserve" would be depleted extremely rapidly.

These points highlight some of the more insidious aspects of oxygen deficiency within confined spaces:

If the oxygen depletion is a gradual one, the initial effects may go unnoticed due to their gradual onset. When the symptoms reach a noticeable level, impairment may rapidly follow.

If a person enters a confined space with extremely low levels of oxygen, collapse can occur extremely rapidly as the person exhales oxygen.

If the work performed within the confined space requires less exertion than the effort required to escape from the space, then by the time the employee realizes there is a problem, it may be too late.

2.2.2 Causes of Oxygen Deficiency

Processes Involved


A decrease in the oxygen levels can occur through one or more of the following processes:

combustion; chemical reaction; dilution; displacement; and adsorption.

a. Combustion

Oxygen may be consumed through activities that involve the use of open flames (e.g., welding, torch cutting, brazing) and by, for example, the operation of compressors and pumps.

An additional hazardous substance hazard may also be created through incomplete combustion. This may lead to the creation of carbon monoxide as a combustion by-product. This gas interferes with the blood's ability to transport oxygen and can create problems even with normal oxygen levels. A Carbon Monoxide level of 0.003% may be considered unsafe.

b. Chemical Reaction

Relevant chemical reactions include the following:

c. Corrosion

Corrosion is a chemical reaction that involves the conversion of a metal to a metal oxide. Iron pipe-work, for example, in the presence of moisture and air, will rust and corrode. In other words, the surface of the iron and the oxygen in the air will combine to form rust.

d. Fermentation

Fermentation is a reaction usually involving the decomposition of sugars or starches into alcohol and carbon dioxide. This can occur in fermentation vats for beer or wine making, or in silos containing grain that may be subjected to moisture or wet conditions.

e. Decomposition

The breakdown of organic material (either in the space or from contaminants such as leaves washed into a drain) involves the absorption of oxygen and the production of


carbon dioxide. Where sulfur containing materials are present (e.g., in sewers) Hydrogen Sulfide gas (H2S) may also be produced.

f. Dilution

The introduction of other gases into an enclosed space can dilute the oxygen levels. This can occur through venting from conduits, from the presence of gases used to purge the space or from leaking gas cylinders.

Example A faulty valve on a nitrogen purge line is causing nitrogen to leak into an unused chemical storage tank (dimensions 2.5 m x 2.0 m x 2.0 m) at the rate of 0.5 liter per minute.

In very general terms, the oxygen concentration in the tank can be calculated using the formula:


% O2= ( --------------------------) x 100

(10,000 + (0.5 x t))


10,000 = total volume of the tank (in liters)2,100 = volume of Oxygen within the tank (i.e. 21 % of 10,000)

0.5 = rate of leakage (in liters per minute)t = number of minutes

After approximately 360 hours, the Oxygen level would be at 10%.After approximately 44 days, the Oxygen level would be 5%.

g. Displacement

Gases that are heavier than oxygen will over time settle at the bottom of the space, thereby displacing the oxygen within the space. These gases can include residual contents, chemical by-products (e.g. grain fermentation) or other gases entering the space. Below-ground spaces are of particular concern in this respect.

h. Adsorption


In some situations, oxygen may bind with the surface of a material within a confined space. Example of newly constructed water filtration tanks partly filled with a slurry of activated carbon and water from which the water was drained off and the tanks sealed. The following morning two workers entered one of the tanks to smooth out the carbon bed and adjust the interior sprinkler mechanism. When they did not appear at lunch time, co-workers went looking for them. Their bodies were found on top of the carbon bed. Subsequent tests showed that 24 hours after closure, the oxygen levels had dropped to 12%. Other tanks in the area were checked. Some which had been closed for several days showed oxygen levels of only 2%.

Investigators discovered that the dry, activated charcoal had no effect on the oxygen level. However, the damp carbon, which had previously been considered to be a non-hazardous material, had apparently selectively adsorbed ambient oxygen.



All flammable vapors, gases and dusts have a minimum concentration below which propagation of flame does not occur on contact with a source of ignition. This is known as the lower flammable explosive limit (LEL). There is also a maximum concentration of vapor or gas in air above which propagation of flame does not occur. This is known as the upper explosive limit (UEL). A gas is explosive only between its LEL and UEL. For example, methane is explosive only when mixed with air in a concentration between 5% and 15%. Because air is only 21% oxygen, most concentrations are quite low. Consequently, when mixed with air many of these gases rapidly drop below the minimum level. In confined spaces however, this dilution may not occur. This can be due to:

the small size of the space involved; the lack of air flow; and

the gas concentrating in the bottom of the space (if it is heavier than air) or the top of the space (if it is lighter than air).

3.1 Causes

Flammable atmospheres can arise in the following situations:

a. Inadequate Venting of Contents

One of the most frequent causes of explosions in confined spaces is inadequate venting. For example, if a tank that has a capacity of 100,000 liters and has only been 99% vented, this means there is still 1000 liters of the product, for example, petroleum vapors, which could settle and form an explosive mixture.


b. Cleaning Agents and Solvents Used In Work Processes

Many activities conducted in confined spaces involve cleaning and refurbishing. Such processes may require spray painting or cleaning by use of solvents, both of which can be of a flammable nature. For example, a painter had just finished spraying the interior of a 21-foot long by 11-foot diameter horizontal tank. He passed a ladder and portable electric light through the manhole to a second man standing outside. This employee had just laid the ladder down when he heard a muffled explosion. Turning towards the tank, he saw flames inside and noticed that the painter's clothes were on fire. After being pulled out of the tank, the painter explained that he inadvertently bumped his spray gun on a second lamp inside. When the bulb broke, it ignited the paint vapors. The painter died in hospital three days later.

c. Chemical Reactions of Materials Within Spaces

Strong bases such as Caustic Soda, react with some metals such as aluminum, chromium and zinc to produce hydrogen gas.

The toxic effect of a combination of two chemicals may be far greater than the sum of the toxic effects of each.

d. Decomposition

Decomposition of organic material has already been noted in the Oxygen Deficiency section. This can lead to the formation of methane and hydrogen sulfide. If the confined space contains strong bases or acids, these may react with metals to produce hydrogen gas. If the space is enclosed at the top, this could lead to the formation of a pocket of hydrogen. For example, an aluminum ladder placed into a incompletely empty tank of caustic soda, or hydrochloric acids used as a stripping agent on iron pipe work.

e. Leakage of Cylinders and Conduits

Leakage of cylinders can occur as a result of the nature of the work being performed in the space. For example, cylinders containing LPG or propane gas may be used for hot work and if they have faulty seals, there may be the accidental release of their gases within the space. Existing conduits and pipes, on the other hand, may leak their contents due to fatigue or corrosion that has occurred over time.


f. Contaminants

Flammable products such as petroleum and LPG are heavier than air. Consequently they can flow below ground level confined spaces.

An example of the above occurred when a sewer contractor, who was installing an interceptor line, experienced an explosion and fire caused by an accumulation of LPG in the soil. The LPG had leaked from storage tanks and accumulated on the water table. As the ground water seeped into the excavation, the LPG accumulated in the ditch atmosphere, as well as in the open-ended sewer line. A spark from the backhoe provided the ignition.

g. Elevated Oxygen Levels

Elevated oxygen levels occurring through leaking pipes or cylinders can affect flammability levels and cause things to combust more readily. As the level of oxygen increases above 21% the following occurs:

flammable substances ignite more readily; they burn at lower concentrations; and

they burn more rapidly.

Potential sources may include oxy-acetylene cylinder sets, and where oxygen is supplied through pipe-work.

3.2 Chemical Toxicology Overview

Dose-Response Relationships

The toxicity of a chemical is defined by the amount (dose) of the chemical that will produce a response.  The greater the dose, the more severe the response will be.

There is a balance between toxicity and dose;

Dose is the AMOUNT of something you are exposed to, or come in contact with;

The less the toxicity, the greater the dose you can tolerate without ill effects;

The greater the toxicity, the less dose you can


tolerate without becoming sick.

High Toxicity - Low Dose

For example, acetone is a highly toxic chemical. However, you could work safely with it, if you were outside or in a well-ventilated room where your dose would be very low. As the chart below shows, your hazard potential for working with acetone in a well-ventilated room would be low.

Low Toxicity - High Dose

Example: Nitrogen gas has a low toxic rating. It is found in great amounts in the air we breathe. However, if you were in a confined space that had only nitrogen gas in it (a very high dose), you would soon die because of the lack of oxygen. As the chart


indicates, your hazard potential for working in a room filled with nitrogen would be high.

Affecting Factors

The Amount Entering the Body. (D) The Length of Time.(D)

The Rate of Absorption into the Blood.

The Physical Nature of the Chemical. (T)

The Chemical Nature of the Chemical. (T)

The Age of the Individual.

The Health of the Individual.

Measuring the Toxicity









The LD50 is the amount of a material that, when administrated to laboratory animals, kill half of them. The expression is made in milligrams of the substance administered per body weight of the animal expressed in kilograms (mg/kg).


When extrapolated to humans, the lethal dose of an average person who weighs w kilograms is LD50 x w.


The LC50 is the concentration of a material that, normally express as parts per million (ppm) by volume, that when administrated to laboratory animals, kill half of them during the period of exposure.


The TLV is the upper limit of a toxin concentration to which an average healthy person may be repeatedly exposed on an all-day, everyday basis without suffering adverse health effects.

Gaseous substances in air, the TLV is usually express as parts per million (ppm).

Fumes or mist in air, it is expressed in milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3).

TLV values are set by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienist (ACGIH).

PEL: Permissible Exposure Limit. Set by OSHA TLV (TWA) is an 8-hour time-weighted average believed to be the average

concentration to which most workers can be exposed during an 8-hour workday, day after day, without harmful effects.

TLV (STEL) is a 15 minute “short term exposure limit” should not be exceeded at any time during the work day.

Ceiling (C) is a maximum concentration never to be exceeded even instantaneously. An IDLH level represents a maximum concentration from which one could

escape within 30 minutes without experiencing any escape-impairing symptoms or any irreversible adverse health effects.


IDLH levels are published for many substances by OSHA and NIOSH.

In practice, when the concentration of a toxic substance in a given area is known, IDLH levels may be used for determining whether self-contained breathing apparatus is needed when entering the area. If the concentration exceeds the IDLH level, positive- demand, self-contained breathing apparatus should be used.


3.3 Toxic Atmospheres

Toxic atmospheres may be defined as atmospheres that contain substances that have the inherent ability to cause harm to the body. In confined spaces toxic atmospheres may result from:

Products By-Products; and

Work Processes.

a) Products

As per flammable atmospheres - inadequate venting or purging or toxic products may be introduced into spaces in the form of solvents used as cleaning agents.

b) By-Products

By-products of chemical reactions, involving contents, can occur. For example:

Hydrogen sulfide is formed in sewers. It is both highly flammable and toxic by inhalation.

Nitrogen oxide toxicity can occur in grain silos. Nitrogen oxides can be generated in such processes and locations as intermediates or as rejected waste products. As these oxides may undergo inter-conversion by decomposition, interaction or reaction with oxygen, they are rarely released pure into the atmosphere, but occur










as mixtures, the composition of which depends upon the source and the local conditions.

Carbon dioxide may be produced from or through fermentation. For example, a worker entered a molasses pit through a 53 cm manhole and immediately called out for help. Two other men entered in response to the worker's cry. All three were fatally overcome. Measurements made 10 days later showed that the atmosphere in the pit contained 1% oxygen, 3% carbon dioxide and 5,000 ppm ethanol, strongly suggesting that the molasses had fermented.

c) Work Processes

Work processes that may involve solvents, or may generate welding fumes and carbon monoxide, may result in very hazardous or toxic work environments.


Two teenage boys died after being overcome by fumes from a degreasing vat at Noble Park, Victoria, in September 1981. The solvent being used was the highly toxic material trichloroethylene. Both boys were in their first jobs, and they were given the task of cleaning out the sludge from the bottom of the vat. They were given no instruction, or warning of the toxicity of the material.

Welding Fumes

When welding is performed in confined spaces, appropriate and sufficient mechanical ventilation must be provided and maintained to keep fume concentrations within acceptable levels. Contaminated air must be exhausted from the work space and discharged clear of the source of intake air.

Carbon Monoxide

Toxic atmospheres resulting from carbon monoxide can occur if proper work process planning is not employed. For example, in Australia in 1974, two men died from carbon monoxide poisoning when they operated a petrol-driven pump inside a water tank. The operation of such a pump is, of course, quite safe in the open, but extremely hazardous in a confined space.



4.1 Physical Hazards

Examples of physical hazards include energized electrical conductors, moving machinery and temperature extremes. Unlike most atmospheric hazards which are invisible, many physical hazards can be detected by our senses. For example, we can see unguarded machinery and feel the effects of temperature extremes. Although we cannot actually see electricity, we can infer potential electrical hazards from things like flexible electrical leads, switch-gear and exposed electrical components.

4.2 Mechanical Hazards

Mechanical hazards may be present in confined spaces both as fixed and portable equipment. Commonly encountered fixed equipment includes mixers, agitators blender blades, fans and stirring augers. Conveyors may also be found in spaces where solid materials such as grain or fertilizers are handled, processed or stored.

4.3. Importance of Safe Work Procedures & Training

It is therefore essential that personnel at workplaces where confined spaces may be encountered be trained to identify potentially hazardous situations and able to call upon skills or skilled operatives to assess and implement safe procedures prior to work commencing. It must also be emphasized that wherever practicable all alternatives to confined space entry must be considered.

The skills and training referred to extend from early identification and assessment of potentially hazardous situations through to appropriate emergency and rescue procedures. This lecture covers the requirements for Emergency Response but does not include detailed information on Rescue Techniques, as this is a specialist field.

The importance of early identification of potentially hazardous situations is illustrated by accident records that show more than half the fatalities associated with confined spaces occur among ill prepared personnel attempting to rescue co-workers in distress. This indicates that both workers and would-be rescuers have encountered unexpected hazards that they were not adequately trained to identify and deal with. It also indicates that systems of work and procedures were either inadequate or not adhered to.

4.4 Importance Creating a Confined Spaces Entry Program

It is essential that persons having control of workplaces where work in confined spaces may be necessary ensure that personnel are competent to readily identify such situations and are provided with clear and precise guidelines in the form of a confined spaces entry program that must be enforced.


The confined spaces entry program should include provision for Entry Permits that detail the type of work to be conducted and the results of a risk assessment that must be completed prior to entry.

Small or enclosed spaces of some description can be found in many workplaces but most are not a risk to persons engaged there during normal operations. Problems develop where a combination of difficult access and egress occur with the possibility of exposure to hazards such as those described in the first lecture of this series.

It is important, however, to recognize that confined space does not necessarily mean small-enclosed space. A combination of difficult access with a risk of exposure to a physical hazard or suspect atmosphere (such as might be found in a ship's hold, a powerhouse boiler or a bulk oil tank at a refinery) would be deemed a confined space situation.

Common problem areas for hazard identification are explained below.

4.4.1 Unfamiliar Hazards

Problems could occur where building or maintenance work is being completed and employers find themselves faced with non-routine situations and hazards that staff are not trained to identify or address. These problems can be exacerbated where specialist contractors are engaged who may introduce new hazards to an installation they have little knowledge of.

Physical Shape of the Work-Site Changes

Work in confined spaces may be difficult to monitor within workplaces (such as construction sites and shipyards) where numerous industrial processes and procedures are being conducted at the same time as the physical shape of the work site is constantly undergoing rapid change.

Structural Steel Skeleton in a Shipyard

Inadequate Hazard Identification


In the practical sense, it is important to maintain a focus on the risk factors associated with the work site and the work to be conducted rather than rely upon strict interpretation of one or other of the various definitions of a confined space. Experience has shown that hazardous situations can be ignored due to misinterpretation of definitions that cause workers to incorrectly assume there to be little or no risk.

One such situation occurred where an upholsterer was overcome by vapors while applying surface coatings in a below decks cabin of a boat. No special precautions were taken as the situation was not considered a confined space due to the cabin being a regular workstation under normal operating conditions (contrary to most definitions of a confined space). A risk assessment should have caused the risk of exposure to vapors to be considered and appropriate ventilation provided. The appropriate interpretation of definitions should have been that the cabin was not a regular workplace or workstation for an upholsterer applying potentially hazardous products to large surfaces.

Confined Space in a Boat Cabin under Construction

The Hazard Develops Over Time

Many projects in industries such as steel fabrication may start as simple steel skeletons but gradually develop into enclosed tank like structures that ultimately become confined spaces. Such projects include the hulls of ships and the bodies of road and rail tankers.


Confined Space created during Construction of a Ship's Hull

The tendency for workers in these industries is to overlook the hazards or ignore the risks as the confined space is formed. Although the enclosed spaces may in themselves not pose any significant risk, the introduction of metal work processes such as cutting and welding into such spaces does. These are also typical areas where confusion arises if a focus is maintained upon the definition of a confined space as opposed to assessing the risk as the project develops.

It should be noted that operations to repair such units that have previously been in service face increased risks due to the unknown or uncertain nature of the internal environments resulting from the products carried.

Road Tanker damaged by a Blast during Hot Work

Similarly, the construction of fibreglass units such as boats and swimming pools may commence as open structures and develop into potentially hazardous confined spaces as construction nears completion. Toxic and flammable vapors from the fibreglass process may collect where workers have restricted means of egress.


Fibreglass Boat Hull under Construction

Every Situation Requires Hazard Identification

In industries or utilities such as water supply and sewerage management, work in confined spaces such as inspection pits and sumps is commonplace. The recognition of such a place of work as a confined space may be well understood and accepted but each situation still requires formal hazard identification as a start to the assessment process. It may be that the hazards that deem one such installation to be a confined space may differ from those to be found in another and complacency or assumptions on the part of workers can lead to tragedy. This is especially important where movements of air are likely as hazardous atmospheres can form in pockets and envelop unsuspecting workers operating in tunnels, trenches and pits that form integral parts of larger systems. It is also not uncommon for fumes from internal combustion engines or escapes of natural gas to accumulate in below ground spaces.

Open Pit over a Sewer on a Construction Site


What is a Risk Assessment? An assessment of the risk is nothing more than a careful examination of your

work area with regard to what could cause harm to people.


To weigh up whether the precautions in place are sufficient or if more may be required. The aim is to eliminate or reduce the risk to an acceptable level.

A risk assessment is the systematic identification of potential hazards in the work place by personnel as a first step to controlling the possible risks involved.

In safety, management terms the evaluation of risk involved in a given process or activity centers around the following questions.

What is the hazard (potential to cause harm)? What is the likelihood of exposure (in the given circumstances occurring)? What is the likely outcome (taking into account any existing controls)?


Look for hazards that could result in harm in your area, activity, process or equipment that you are using. Hazards may be physical, chemical, biological or ergonomic in nature. Physical hazards include the potential to harm posed by inadequate or excessive lighting, temperature, noise/vibration, pressure, humidity and radiation. Chemical hazards are associated with those solids, liquids, gases etc, with the potential to cause injury or harm to those exposed. Biological hazards are more specialized but include moulds, fungus, spores etc. Ergonomic hazards are the potential to harm due to poor workplace design. The consideration of the man/machine interface e.g. computer workstations, lifting and handling, slipping and tripping.

How do you perform a risk assessment?

There are eight steps to performing a satisfactory risk assessment

1.Focus for assessment

2.Identify activities

3.Identify hazards

4.Who at risk

5.Evaluate risk

6.Review controls

7.Record Decisions

8.Review Regularly

How do you assess risk levels?

Risk levels are categorized in a numbered format. Each hazard is given a rating and this is multiplied by the probability that these hazards will occur, as shown in the following equation.


Risk level = Hazard severity x Likelihood of occurrence

Potential hazards in the workplace

Portable and fixed electrical appliances

Tools and equipment

Handling of materials

Trailing cables

Access and egress

Fire exits

Heating and ventilation

Sanitary conveniences


Cleaning substances

Dusts & powders

Biological hazards (bacteria, viruses, etc.)

Repetitive actions

Working alone


Identified Hazards

The following hazards have been identified in the operation of This Corporation:

Assessed Hazards

Burns from fire

Inhalation of smoke or chemical

Burns from electrical/gas plant

Cuts from plant

Ingestion of Chemicals

Contact with electricity

Blood borne pathogens

Airborne harmful substances

Handling of hazardous materials & spillage


Safety & Health


1Common or

repeating occurrence

2Known to

occur or “It has


occur, or “I’ve heard

4Not likely to occur

5Practically impossible


happened” of it happening”

1 1 2 4 7 11

2 3 5 8 12 16

3 6 9 13 17 20

4 10 14 18 21 23

5 15 19 22 24 25

5.1 Ensure Risks Are Known & Control Measures Are Followed

Once a confined space and the associated hazards have been identified, it is essential that systems and procedures be followed to ensure that workers are not exposed to unacceptable risks. It is also necessary to ensure workers are aware of such risks and understand procedures and their responsibility to comply with them.

Experience has shown that many employers and workers fail to implement appropriate systems for safe work in confined spaces because they fail to recognize the risks or find it convenient to ignore precautions where productivity or worker comfort may be compromised. The policy must be, "If in doubt, do not enter!"

5.2 Importance of a Full Assessment

Having identified a confined space situation it is necessary to assess the risks and consider the means by which those risks can be eliminated or minimized. Assuming that entry is unavoidable, it is essential, due to the degree of risk, that consideration be given to the hierarchy of control when selecting appropriate control measures rather than simply relying upon personal protective equipment.

Although few confined spaces situations will include all the hazards and risk factors covered in the two lectures in this series, it is vital that the possibility of them occurring be considered. It is also vital that the assessment includes consideration of the nature of the plant or installation being worked upon as well as the work to be conducted and any interaction that may occur.

5.2.1 Special Precautions May Be Necessary

Special precautions may be necessary, especially where potentially hazardous surface coatings are to be applied or hot work of any kind is to be conducted. Such special precautions should be documented on the Entry Permit or an appropriate Hot Work Permit that should be issued where any process is to be employed that would introduce a source of ignition.


5.2.2 Determine the Degree of Risk

It is also important during the assessment phase to realistically gauge the degree of risk and to ensure that the control measures to be implemented are practicable. Where workers and employers fail to gain a real understanding of the hazards and risk factors involved there can be as much a tendency to over compensate, as there is to underestimate the control measures required. This can cause workers to be encumbered with unnecessary personal protective equipment during the course of exacting operations.

5.2.3 Select, Train & Supervise

It is also necessary during the assessment phase to consider the suitability or otherwise of the personnel who will be required to conduct the work. The physical capabilities and fitness of individuals needs to be considered, as does the level of training. A Responsible Person should be appointed to supervise the work, and certain persons should be authorized to conduct essential duties.

5.3 Training

5.3.1 Confined Spaces Entry Program

It is essential that persons involved with confined space entry receive appropriate training in all aspects of the work including an understanding of all relevant systems and procedures. A confined space entry program should coordinate and document the training and skills development of workers and should include hazard identification and risk control, use of equipment and individual responsibilities. Training should also include emergency response and first aid.

5.3.2 Responsible Person Must be Appointed

A Responsible Person should be appointed (often the supervisor) to take overall responsibility for the confined space work. This person should have a total understanding of all aspects of the work, be trained to use all equipment and be competent to coordinate operations in the event of emergency.

5.3.3 Observers Responsible For Emergency Response

Observers must be appointed and trained to the same level as the persons entering the confined space, as they are responsible for emergency response and are usually part of the rescue team. In many instances, the observer is also a skilled worker and may change positions at breaks or shift changes. This alternating of roles, where practicable, helps to build trust and commitment between team members.


Observers should be capable of being in continuous communication with those in the confined space. They should also be able to observe those in the confined space if practicable. They should also operate and monitor equipment used to ensure safety during entry and work in a confined space. In addition, if necessary, they should initiate rescue procedures.

5.3.4 Emergency Response Training

Appropriate training should also be provided for those associated with the provision of equipment and worker support even though they may not personally be required to enter or work in the confined space. Rescue workers require specialist training and although they may not necessarily be part of the team conducting the actual work they must be available in the immediate area in case of emergency.

Practice drills and rescues are also an essential part of confined space training. The procedures must be well rehearsed and followed at all times to ensure those reactions are automatic. Each practice drill should be assessed and procedures modified to address any problems identified. Stand by personnel must be trained to adhere to approved procedures and not rush to the aid of a co-worker in distress.

5.4 Isolation

5.4.1 Isolate or Disconnect Pipes & Ducts

All plant, equipment and sources of energy connected to the confined space must be totally isolated or disconnected. All connecting pipes or ducts must be physically disconnected, blanked off or otherwise sealed. It is not adequate to simply shut off valves, as it is not uncommon for them to leak. Where the closing of valves is the only option then two in the same line must be locked out with a bleed between them to ensure no equalization of pressure should one leak.


Workers at a fruit processing factory were exposed to steam that was introduced into holding tanks where they were working when valves connecting the tanks to other parts of the production line opened unexpectedly.

5.5 Lock-Out Energy Sources

All sources of electrical energy and connections to remote equipment associated with the plant being entered must be isolated and locked out. Particular attention must be paid to any automatic start up or shut down procedures, especially where computers are utilized in control systems. Any sources of mechanical energy or mechanical drives such as agitators, gears or shafts etc. must be identified and either


disconnected or otherwise disabled. Other components that may be free to move and thereby constitute a risk to workers must be chocked or locked out.


A worker was crushed when working on a semi-automatic brick-pressing machine that was activated by a remote limit switch. The main press had been isolated from the power supply but a secondary unit that forced raw material into the press had not. Further information on lock out and isolation procedures can be found in the lecture 'Lock-Out and Tag Out' in the Risk Control section of this series.

5.6 Exposure to Product and Hazardous Substances

Importance of Assessment

Where maintenance, repair or refurbishment of plant or an installation is to be conducted it is essential that assessment be made of the risks associated with possible exposure to product from that plant prior to entry. Workers required to enter a confined space or an enclosed area must be made aware of any potential hazards and equipped with appropriate knowledge and equipment to tackle those hazards should they be encountered.


Workers were overcome when exposed to toxic fumes at a chemical plant when they entered a large open pit to complete maintenance work. No assessment had been conducted to determine the product that had been held in the pit and no testing of the atmosphere conducted even though hazardous substances were the products of the plant.

A product that is not necessarily hazardous in itself may become so in a confined space. There have been situations where workers have been overcome by oxygen deficiency caused by displacement of air by food derivatives when entering vats at food manufacturing plants, mistakenly confident that any atmosphere associated with food would have to be harmless.


Typical Confined Space in a Food Processing Plant

5.7 Clear or Neutralize Hazardous Substances

Where risk assessment identifies substances remaining in plant and systems under repair, provision must be made for appropriate cleaning or purging. Areas where hazardous substances may be found should be placarded and additional information should be sought from management records and Material Safety Data Sheets to ensure that all hazardous properties of the product or substances are cleared or neutralized.

5.8 Physical Hazards

5.8.1 Consider the Vicinity

The physical hazards that workers may be exposed to in confined spaces are many and varied and include environmental factors. Consideration should also be given to any work or treatment being conducted on the exterior of the confined space or in the vicinity.

5.8.2 Barricade, Sign-Post & Deal with Physical Hazards

Wherever possible the area or plant in question should be roped off or barricaded and sign posted to indicate that confined spaces work is being conducted. Receivers or holding tanks in production lines or process plants must be totally isolated from associated machinery and allied processes and procedures. Where railway rolling stock is being entered, wagons should be parked on side rails with points locked out or the rails to the work area scotch blocked to prevent accidental shunting. Road transport units should have barriers at each end to prevent other units from accidentally bumping. Trenches or pits should be cordoned off to prevent traffic or machinery from approaching. Where entry is required to furnaces or boilers, precautions must be taken to ensure workers are protected from possible falls of dust and debris or damaged linings such as refractory bricks, etc.


5.9 Climatic Factors

Possible exposure to environmental factors (such as extremes of heat and cold, or water entering the work site) must be considered. Where possible, enclosures should not be exposed to the heat from the summer sun as internal temperatures can soar, giving rise to the risk of heat stress for workers or possible release of toxic fumes.

Similarly, precautions should be taken wherever possible to ensure that internal temperatures are not allowed to fall, or rain water enter the confined space due to exposure to adverse weather conditions. It is especially important to consider such environmental factors where workers may be required to enter spaces associated with storm water or drainage that could be subject to flash flooding.

5.10 Electrical Hazards

All sources of electrical power provided for the confined spaces work must be low voltage where possible or provided with earth leakage protection that is situated outside the confined space. It is recommended that portable electric hand tools be double insulated. In some situations it may be necessary to provide an electricity 'kill switch' for the observer so that all power can be instantly isolated in the event of emergency.

5.11 Access and Egress


Two aspects of access and egress must be considered where confined space entry is required.


5.11.1 Normal Access & Egress

The first is for safe controlled passage under normal or routine conditions where workers are aware and prepared for unavoidable restrictions. The need for swift evacuation in the event of emergency or alarm must be taken into consideration at this time.

Confined Space Access Platform showing Emergency Chute

5.11.2 Rescue of Injured Workers

The second area of consideration is the rescue of an incapacitated worker. Although rescue procedures are not included in this lecture it is vital that consideration be given to the potential difficulties that may be encountered should such a situation eventuate. At this stage the need for a safety harness and a means of lifting or removing an incapacitated worker from the confined space should also be considered.

5.11.3 Prevent Falls During Access & Egress

Risks associated with restricted access and egress include falls from heights, falls into depths or voids, restricted openings and/or obstacles within the path of workers.

The risk of falls is common where access is required to large vessels or structures with inspection ports or hatches at or near the top. Difficulties can be caused not only by the need to gain access to the point of entry from the outside but also from the inside. Although suitably erected and secured ladders may suffice for some simple tasks, such as inspection in low risk areas, they are not sufficient where equipment is required to be ported or in foreseeable life threatening situations that may require rescue or assistance. The risk of injury from falls must also be considered where workers are required to enter sunken areas or where breaks in the level of floors are likely to be encountered.


Where access is required at heights for other than the simplest operations it is essential that a working platform or scaffold of some description be considered. This should provide for a secure point of entry for those entering a confined space as well as a safe workstation for those observing and monitoring operations. Such work platforms would also facilitate the transfer of equipment in and out of the confined space and provide a secure base for any emergency or rescue procedure.

5.11.4 Size of Openings for Access & Egress

Restricted openings can cause major problems for confined space workers, especially where access must be gained through hatches or ports designed for product rather than personnel. Any such opening to be used for access and egress of workers must be of a minimum size that may vary with the requirements of local regulations. It is vital that any such means of access is assessed with due consideration of the physical characteristics of all personnel that may be called upon to enter and any foreseeable situation that may arise. It is not acceptable to simply utilize an opening that can accommodate only the smallest worker or workers in a non-stressful situation. In many situations, it can be virtually impossible to retrieve an unconscious worker through an access way that was difficult to negotiate when conscious.

5.11.5 Consider Creating a Temporary Opening

This vital area is one where the hierarchy of control must be considered. Workers are often exposed to unnecessary difficulties associated with access and egress when other simple measures, such as the provision of a temporary hatch or opening, could very easily be provided and closed upon completion of the work. Secondary openings such as these would also provide for improved ventilation and in some situations improved light.

Temporary Access Hatch in the Hull of a Ship


5.11.6 Ensure All Obstructions Are Identified

Obstructions within confined spaces must also be considered prior to entry. Where inspection from the outside is not sufficient to give clear indication of obstructions then plans or advice from those with knowledge of the installation should be obtained. It is not acceptable to allow a worker to enter a confined space with little or no knowledge of the interior and assume they will find their way around. If information cannot be obtained that will allow for knowledgeable assessment to be made prior to entry, then other means of completing the work must be considered or additional precautions implemented.

5.12 Hazardous Atmospheres

High Risk to Workers

The internal atmospheres of confined spaces may be flammable, toxic, oxygen deficient or oxygen rich, which may give rise to risk of fire and explosion or impaired physical capability for persons entering. The composition of atmospheres can also change very rapidly especially if residues or deposits are present or the space not effectively isolated.

The result of explosive ignition in a confined space can be catastrophic and has been known to blow tanks apart. The risk of workers encountering atmospheres hazardous to life is also very real and all possible measures must be taken to test and make safe or ensure that airline respirators are utilized.

5.12.1 Use Gas Detector to Monitor Atmosphere

The first stage of assessment is to consider the use or product to which the area has been subjected. It is also essential that records be maintained of any cleaning or purging procedures that have been conducted. It is also vital to ensure that no closed or hidden compartments have been neglected or overlooked.


It is also necessary, in all but the most obvious situations where a hostile atmosphere is not a consideration, to test the atmosphere prior to entry. Testing must be conducted at least daily or at the start of each shift and be monitored continuously whenever workers are inside.

Common Gas Detector

A gas detector of some description will be used to measure the levels of various flammable gases and oxygen present in the atmosphere. Most gas detectors are equipped with alarms that activate when oxygen levels fall below 19% or climb above 21%, which is the normal safe range for human respiration. The type of gas detector or monitor usually used in such situations also sound alarms when hazardous levels of carbon monoxide occur, or concentrations of flammable gases that exceed 5% of the lower explosive limit (LEL) are detected.


It is important to understand that the LEL is the lowest concentration of flammable gas in an atmosphere that will sustain combustion. The alarms on gas detectors are usually set to activate at 5% of that level, as is required by most standards and codes, not when flammable gases reach 5% of the total atmosphere.


Steel Tank Destroyed by a Blast during Confined Space work

Monitoring Is Still Required Even If Gas Free Certificate Issued

Where confined spaces have been purged or cleaned, usually with steam, it is often the practice to issue a Gas Free Certificate. Such Certificates should only be taken as an indication that a unit or space has been cleaned and should not be taken as a guarantee that the internal atmosphere will continue to be safe. Testing and monitoring is still essential.


Day 3Monday 20 Sep. 2010


5.12.2 Take Appropriate Precautions When Testing

In larger confined spaces, or where movement of air is likely, it will be necessary to test the atmosphere at extremities or in connecting areas if they cannot be isolated.

A common mistake by workers about to enter confined spaces is to test the atmosphere only at the point of entry. Another common mistake is to test at point of entry and then enter to test extremities without appropriate precautions being taken. This can cause them to actually find the hazardous atmosphere for which they are testing but to not be prepared or protected when they encounter it. This is especially true where heavier than air gases collect at the bottom and extremities of enclosed areas.

It is vital that where there is any possibility of encountering a hazardous atmosphere then full protective measures, such as airline respirators that can guarantee a safe supply of respirable air, must be used until the atmosphere is proven to be safe.

Eliminate Cause If Monitoring Detects Danger

Where contamination is detected at any time after an atmosphere has been declared safe it is essential that steps be taken to determine the cause and appropriate action taken to eliminate the source. It is not acceptable to simply purge and re-enter when testing equipment indicates the contaminant levels to be reduced to acceptable levels.

If Safe, Provide Mechanical Ventilation

Where the atmosphere can be guaranteed to be safe, mechanical ventilation should be provided to maintain a flow of fresh air during the period of occupation. The supply of fresh air must also be adequate to purge any contaminants from the work processes being conducted.

If Unsafe, Apply Hierarchy of Control

Where the atmosphere cannot be guaranteed, appropriate protective measures must be maintained but with the hierarchy of control being considered at all times.

5.12.3 Monitoring and Observation

What the Observer Must Do


Confined Space worker with Airline Respirator

Where an enclosed workplace is identified to be a confined space, no person is to enter unless an observer is appointed and positioned at the point of entry. The observer must be identified on the Entry Permit and must attend at all times the confined space is occupied. He or she must have received appropriate training in all aspects of the work in hand and understand how to use, read and interpret any equipment being used to monitor the internal environment. They must also be conversant with emergency procedures and in constant communication with the occupant of the confined space.


Provision must be made for rescue of the occupant should an emergency arise, and procedures and equipment must be appropriate for the hazards likely to be encountered. The rescue personnel will therefore by necessity need to be trained and equipped to at least the same level as the occupant in relation to safe work in confined spaces.

Where more than one person is likely to be working in a confined space the provision for rescue must take this into consideration. Where several confined spaces occur in close proximity, for example, where three tanks or boilers are being constructed next to one another, one designated rescue team may be appropriate. However, should an emergency arise in one it will be necessary for work to cease in all confined spaces


and personnel evacuated until the emergency is over and the rescue team is again free to respond.

6.1 What To Do When Work Ceases

When work ceases for breaks or end of shift, all sources of potential hazard must be removed from the space and the area rendered safe. Equipment such as spray painting guns or potentially hazardous products such as paints or surface treatments must be removed. Gas lines for cutting and welding equipment must be turned off and removed. At the end of a shift all electrical supplies would normally also be turned off. However, during short breaks the low voltage electricity would usually be maintained for lighting, as would any equipment for the monitoring of the internal atmosphere.

Upon completion of the confined space work, it is necessary for all personnel to be accounted for and entry permits to be signed off and submitted to the responsible person.


A permit to work is formal written authority for persons, usually trades-persons, to carry out work including maintenance on plant, a building or an item of equipment. The permit to work is issued by an authorized person. This person must have a clear understanding of the equipment, be aware of any hazards that may be involved and be trained in the operation of the permit to work system.

The permit is a written statement by the authorizing person that hazards associated with the task have been identified, assessed and necessary control measures put in place. Any special precautions to be taken by the trades-person are clearly defined and the authorizing person states if it is safe to carry out the task.

A permit to work does not include instructions to the trades-person on how to perform the work for which they are specially trained, nor is it a reflection on their competency.

7.1 Steps of a Permit System

1. The job is identified and authorized person is consulted. 2. Plant or item is prepared for maintenance and is inspected by authorized


3. Permit prepared and precautions are entered.

4. Permit discussed with trades-person at the work site.

5. Permit is to be signed by authorized person and trades-person.


6. Original of permit is kept open in the supervisor's office and the job copy of permit is on the job with the trades-person.

7. Original of permit is signed off by trades-person.

8. Original of permit signed off after inspection by authorized person.

9. Job completed, or permit ended.

10.Original of permit is filed for reference.

11.Job copy of permit discarded.

12.Regular auditing of the originals, and other action including training if required.

7.2 Advantages of Permits to Work

A well prepared Permit to Work system can make maintenance safer in many ways, some of which are:

It prevents an unauthorized person from initiating a job, a permit can only be issued by a person authorized to do so.

A trades-person will have confidence that those hazards affecting his personal safety have been considered and assessed before work is started.

A permit to work provides a plan to carry out the work safely.

It forms a basic checklist that enables the tradesperson to concentrate on the job and to avoid the need to make snap decisions under pressure.

Clear lines of responsibility are identified.

The likelihood of confusion is reduced due to the need for the permit to work to be fully discussed with and countersigned by the tradesperson at the work site.

The permit to work system lets all affected people know that work is to be carried out on an item of equipment or plant.

The chance of work beginning by contractors without proper instruction is reduced.

The risk of someone trying to operate the equipment whilst it is being worked on is greatly reduced.

The permit to work is a permanent record of precautions taken prior to maintenance work being carried out.


7.3 Usage

A Permit to Work is to be used with work involving any of the following:

1. Contractors - Any work involving contractors on site is to be covered by a Permit to Work. Contractors may or may not be familiar with the site and a permit to work provides a formal method of assessing any Health and Safety issues that the contractor and the site management may have to consider in relation to the task involved.

2. Hot Work - Hot work includes welding, flame cutting, brazing, grinding or any activity likely to produce heat or sparks. Permits are not required for safe areas designated for such work such as welding bays in maintenance workshops.

3. Confined spaces - A confined space is an area that is substantially enclosed. A permit to work is required in all circumstances involving this type of work. A safety person who is familiar with the plant, the activity and who has been briefed as to the action to take in the event of a problem arising is to be present at all times a person is within the confined space. The plant must be isolated of all the services to the enclosed space and consideration must be given to the activity being carried out. For instance, hot work may require special extraction and or breathing apparatus. The temperature of and the time duration a person may be in the enclosed space should be considered and specified on the Permit to Work. If fumes are known to have existed, they must be tested to be clear before entry is allowed.

4. Pressure Vessels - Any activity involving welding a pressure vessel should be covered by a permit to work and must be carried out only by a suitably coded welder. Maintenance activities involving work on pressure lines may need to be considered for permit to work where there is a hazard to personnel working which cannot be covered by a sites normal isolation practices or safe systems of work.

5. Work at Height - Any work involving access to roofs and or trenches must be covered by a permit to work. Work within the factory where there is a risk from falling objects that would endanger personnel or equipment should also be covered by a permit to work.

6. Chemical or Highly Flammable Areas - Work on chemical lines or tanks should be covered by a permit to work where that work is not a routine task covered by a safe system of work. Lines should be isolated from the supply, emptied and decontaminated as necessary. A permit is to be used where electrical equipment is to be used in chemical areas where highly flammable chemicals are present. For example - drills.


7. Electrical Systems - Where there is a hazard to personnel working which cannot be covered by a sites normal isolation practices or safe systems of work. All 11kV working must be covered by a Permit to Work.

8. Safety and Emergency Systems - Where there is a hazard to personnel working which cannot be covered by a sites normal isolation practices or safe systems of work.

9. Lone Working - Where a person is to work alone within an area of the site away from other personnel who can reasonably be communicated with then a permit to work is to be issued. The person and checkers are to be briefed on the procedure for lone working.

10.Lock-Out – Tag-Out.

11.Cold Work.


13. Internal Combustion Engines Inside Company Buildings.

7.3.1 Permits Issued For Hot Work  Before authorizing the issue of a HOT WORK PERMIT, factors such as the following must be taken into account. 

1. Emptying and cleaning the equipment of flammable material.

2. Isolating from sources of hydrocarbons by means of disconnection, blanking, insertion of blinds. No reliance should be placed on closed valves.

3. Sealing off sewer and drains within a radius of 75 feet (23 meters).

4. Clearing away any flammable material in the work area.

5. Location and earthing of welding or other equipment being used.

6. Degree of risk and potential sites of accidental release of hydrocarbons in the area.

7. Provision of fire-fighting facilities and the need for stand-by fire attendant, if necessary.


8. Testing by means of a combustible gas detector to ensure gas-free condition of the equipment and surrounding area.

9. Frequency of repeating gases free testing or the need for use of portable continuous gas detector with visual and audible alarms.

10.Containing and extinguishing weld sparks and molten slag.

11.The presence of substance such as lube oils and bitumen may give off vapours when heated.

12.Adjacent areas where work is taking place which may affect this work area. 

7.3.2 Permit Issued For Cold Work A COLD WORK PERMIT must be obtained to cover general work, which is not regarded as hot work. The COLD WORK PERMIT is required to cover such work as cold cutting and tapping, wire brushing, de-scaling, scaffolding, chemical cleaning, air driven power tools, entry into sewers, deep drains, chambers, or buildings which may have contained toxic gas or dust etc. Before authorizing the issue of a COLD WORK PERMIT, factors such as the following must be taken into account. 1. Is equipment, plant and location free of oil, gas and vapour? 2. Has equipment been depressurized? 3. Are the equipment, plant and location, electrically isolated?  4. Are there adjacent areas where work is taking place which may affect this work area? 7.3.3 Welding On Live Equipment This action covers welding on equipment which is in service and where the equipment cannot be depressurized and freed of gas/oil so that it can be covered only by a PERMIT issued for Hot Work.

WELDING ON LIVE EQUIPMENT includes welding of stubs into lines or vessels prior to drilling for hot tap for welding brackets on tanks and patch work.

Occasions may arise when there are good reasons


for carrying out welding work on pipelines, vessels, tanks or other equipment whilst in normal operations, e.g. in an emergency where there may be a greater risk in shutting down equipment than in carrying out live welding under carefully pre-planned and controlled conditions.

Apart from the normal safety precautions to be observed when carrying out hot work, or hot work on live equipment, additional precautions are necessary.Welding should not be done on any equipment containing pure oxygen or compressed air (unless the air has been filtered to remove oil mist and chemicals if heating would decompose the chemicals and form an explosive mixture, caustic soda or a combustible mixture). Immediately prior to commencement of welding or hot work on live equipment, a suitably qualified person should check that the PERMIT conditions are adequate to ensure the necessary control and should himself be present at the start of the job and thereafter keep in close touch at frequent intervals with the senior man on the job. 7.3.4 Excavations

Poorly planned excavations can result in damage to underground services, such as electrical lines, natural gas lines, water lines, sewers and drains.

The consequence of damaged service lines is often complete shutdown of operations resulting in major business losses.Permits are written to prevent damage to underground equipment and services.

Excavations may expose hazardous materials, which have leaked and are contaminating the soil.

Permits ensure that procedures to protect workers from exposure to toxic substances have been identified.

Permits are written to ensure that necessary equipment is present and in good working order.

7.3.5 Internal Combustion Engines

Internal combustion engines produce poisonous gases such as carbon monoxide, and oxides of nitrogen.

Permits ensure that procedures are followed that will prevent equipment emissions from contaminating air inside buildings and confined spaces.


7.3.6 Lock-Out –Tag-Out

Lockout Is Defined as :

The Placement of a Lockout Device on an Energy Isolating Device, in Accordance With an Established Procedure, Ensuring That the Energy Isolating Device and the Equipment Being Controlled Cannot Be Operated Until the Lockout Device Is Removed.Is used for energy isolation

Hydraulic Pneumatic Mechanical Radioactive Thermal Electrical Chemical8. JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS (JHA)JHA is a procedure which helps

integrate accepted safety and health principles and practices into a particular operation.• In a JHA, each basic step of the job is examined to identify potential hazards

and to determine the safest way to do the job.

Four basic stages in conducting a JHA are:

1.Selecting the job to be analyzed.

2.Breaking the job down into a sequence of steps.

3. Identifying potential hazards

4.Determining preventive measures to overcome these hazards.

8.1 Analysis

Some of the More Common Hazards:

A. Caught In

• Rotating Parts

B. Contact With

• Electrically Energized Parts,

• Hot Surfaces,


• Chemicals; Corrosive, Skin Absorbable, or Inhalation Hazardous,

• Sharp Objects,

• Cutting or Grinding Surfaces.

C. Struck By

• Overhead Lifts,• Overhead Work or Loose Debris,

• Chains or Cables under Tension,

• Crane or Sling Failure

D. Fall From or Into

• Holes in Working Surfaces, Platforms, Scaffolds,• Missing or Loose Guardrails, Open Platform Gates or Chains,

• Inadequate Tie off Points and Lanyard Length.

E. Slip or Trip

• Objects Projecting Into Walking Path,• Debris on Walking Surface or Loose Surface Material,

• Uneven Surfaces,

• Slick Surfaces, Oil, Water.

Briefly, ask:

• Can any body part get caught in or between objects? • Do tools, machines, or equipment present any hazards?

• Can the worker make harmful contact with objects?

• Can the worker slip, trip, or fall?

• Can the worker suffer strain from lifting, pushing, or pulling?

• Is the worker exposed to extreme heat or cold?

• Is excessive noise or vibration a problem?


• Is there a danger from falling objects?

• Is lighting a problem?

• Can weather conditions affect safety?

• Is harmful radiation a possibility?

• Can contact be made with hot, toxic, or caustic substances?

• Are there dusts, fumes, mists, or vapors in the air?

8.2 Preventive Measures

In order of preference:

Eliminate The Hazard Contain The Hazard Revise Work Procedures Reduce The Exposure


A Hazard Evaluation (HE) study is an organized effort to identify and analyze the significance of hazardous situations associated with a process or activity. Specifically, HE studies are used to pinpoint weaknesses in the design and operation of facilities that could lead to accidental chemical releases, fires, or explosions.

Understanding of risk requires addressing three specific questions:

What can go wrong? How likely is it? What are the impacts?


Aspects of Understanding Risk

9.1 Selecting Hazard Evaluation Techniques

A successful HE program requires tangible management support; sufficient, technically competent people (some of whom must be trained to use HE techniques); an adequate, up-to-date information database; and the right tools to perform HE presented in these guidelines has been applied in the chemical process industry and is appropriate for use in a wide variety of situations.

9.1.1 What-If Analysis

The What-If Analysis technique is a creative, brainstorming examination of a process or operation. Hazard analysts review the subject process or activity in meetings that revolve around potential safety issues identified by the analysts. Each member of the HE team is encouraged to vocalize What-If questions or specific issues that concern them. The What-If Analysis technique can be used to examine virtually any aspect of facility design and operation (e.g., buildings, power systems, raw materials, products, storage, materials handling, in-plant environments, operating procedures, work practices, management practices, plant security, and so forth). It is a powerful HE technique if the analysis staff is experienced; otherwise, the results are likely to be incomplete. What-If Analysis of simple systems can easily be conducted by one or two people; a more complex process demands a larger team and longer or more meetings.

A What-If Analysis usually reviews the process, beginning with the introduction of feed material and following the flow until the end of the process (or the boundary defined by the analysis scope). What-If Analyses can also center on a particular type of consequence (e.g., personnel safety, public safety, or environmental safety). The



How likely Is it?

What can Go wrong?

What are The



Historical experience

Analytical methods

Knowledge and intuition

results of a What-If Analysis usually address potential accident situations implied by the questions and issues posed by the team. These questions and issues often suggest specific cause for the identified accident situations.


The ammonia and phosphoric acid react to form diammonium phosphate (DAP), a nonhazardous product. The DAP flows from the reactor to an open-top storage tank. Relief valves are provided on the storage tanks and the reactor with discharges to outside of the enclosed work area.

1. If Phosphoric acid feed rate is greater than ammonia, it result in off-spec – safe reaction

1. If both flow rates increase, than the rate of energy release may accelerate, and the reactor, as designed, may be unable to handle the resulting increase in temperature and pressure.

1. If Ammonia feed rate is greater than Phosphoric acid, than unreacted ammonia may carry over to the DAP storage tank

• Any residual ammonia in the DAP tank will be released into the enclosed work area, causing personnel exposure. Ammonia detectors and alarms are provided in the work areas.

An example What-If question is:

Sample page from What-If Analysis Table for DAP Process Example

Process : DAP Reactor Analysts: Mr. Safety, Mr. DesignTopic Investigated: Toxic Releases Date: 05/13/2004


What-If Consequence/Hazard Safeguards RecommendationThe wrong feed material is delivered instead of phosphoric acid?

Potentially hazardous phosphoric acid or ammonia reactions with contaminants, or production of off-specification product.

Reliable vendor

Plant material handling procedures

Ensure adequate material handling and receiving procedures and labeling exist.

The phosphoric acid concentration is too low?

Unreacted ammonia carryover to the DAP storage tank and release to the work area

Reliable vendor Verify phosphoric acid concentration before filling storage tank.

The phosphoric acid is contaminated?

Potentially hazardous phosphoric acid or ammonia reactions with contaminants, or production of off-specification product.

Reliable vendor Ensure adequate material handling and receiving procedures and labeling exist

Valve B is closed or plugged?

Unreacted ammonia carryover to the DAP storage tank and release to the work area

Periodic maintenance

Ammonia detector and alarm

Flow indicator in phosphoric acid line

Alarm/shutoff of ammonia (valve A) on low flow through valve B.

Too high a proportion of ammonia is supplied to the reactor?

Unreacted ammonia carryover to the DAP storage tank and release to the work area

Flow indicator in ammonia solution line

Ammonia detector and alarm

Alarm/shutoff of ammonia (valve A) on high flow through valve A.

Hazard and Operability Analysis (HAZOP)

The Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) Analysis technique is based on the principle that several experts with different backgrounds can interact in a creative, systematic fashion and identify more problems when working together than when working separately and combining their results. Although the HAZOP Analysis technique was originally developed for evaluation of a new design or technology, it is applicable to almost all phases of a process’s lifetime.

The essence of the HAZOP Analysis approach is to review process drawings and/or procedures in a series of meetings, during which a multidisciplinary team uses a prescribed protocol to methodically evaluate the significance of deviations from the normal design intention. HAZOP Analysis technique is distinctively different from other


HE methods because, while the other approaches can be performed by single analysts (although in most cases, it is better to use an interdisciplinary team), HAZOP Analysis, by definition, must be performed by a team of individuals with the specific, necessary skills.

The primary advantage of the brainstorming with HAZOP Analysis in that it stimulates creativity and generates new ideas. This creativity results from the interaction of team with diversities backgrounds. Consequently, the success of the study requires that all participants freely express their views, but participants should refrain from criticizing each other to avoid stifling the creative process. This creative approach combined with the use of a systematic protocol for examining hazardous situations helps improve the thoroughness of the study.The HAZOP study focuses on specific points of the process or operation called “study nodes,” process sections, or operating steps. One at a time, the HAZOP team examines each section or step for potentially hazardous process deviations that are derived from a set of established guide words. One purpose of the guide words is to ensure that all relevant deviations of process parameters are evaluated.

The following is an example of creating deviations using guide words and process parameters.


Guide words are applied to both the more general parameters (e.g. react, mix) and the more specific parameters (e.g., pressure, temperature). With the general parameters, it is not unusual to have more than one deviation from the application of one guide word. For example “more reaction” could mean either that a reaction takes place at a faster rate, or that a greater quantity of product results.


Airline Respirator - A respirator through which compressed clean air from a source remote from the workplace is supplied to the wearer at a suitable pressure by means of an airline or air hose.

Attendant - A person designated by the department head in charge of entry to remain outside the confined space and to be in constant communication with the personnel working inside the confined space.

Authorized Entrant - A person who is approved or assigned by the department head in charge of the entry to perform a specific type of duty or duties or to be at a specific location at the job site.


Bonding - The joining of two or more items with an electrical conductor so that all ends joined have the same electrical charge or potential.

Entry - The action by which a person passes through an opening into a permit-required confined space. Entry includes ensuing work activities in that space and is considered to have occurred as soon as any part of the entrant's body breaks the plane of an opening into the space.

Entry Permit - The written or printed document that is provided by the employer to allow and control entry into a permit space and that contains the information specified in this program.

Entry Supervisor - Department Head or the designated representative responsible for determining if acceptable entry conditions are present at a permit space where entry is planned, for authorizing entry and overseeing entry operations, and for terminating entry as required by this program.

Note: An entry supervisor also may serve as an attendant or as an authorized entrant, as long as that person is trained and equipped as required by this program for each role he or she fills. Also, the duties of entry supervisor may be passed from one individual to another during the course of entry operation.

Hazardous Atmosphere - An atmosphere that may expose employees to the risk of death, incapacitation, impairment of ability to self-rescue (that is, escape unaided from a permit space), injury, or acute illness from one or more of the following causes:

Flammable gas, vapor, or mist in excess of 10% of its lower flammable limit (LFL).

Airborne combustible dust at a concentration that meets or exceeds its LFL.

NOTE: This concentration may be approximated as a condition in which the dust obscures vision at a distance of 5 feet or less.

Atmospheric oxygen concentration below 19.5% or above 23.5%.

Hot Work - Any work involving burning, welding or similar fire-producing operations. Also, any work that produces a source of ignition, such as grinding, drilling, or heating.

Hot Work Permit - The employer's written authorization to perform operations (for example, riveting, welding, cutting, burning, and heating) capable of providing a source of ignition.

Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health - An atmosphere that poses an immediate threat of loss of life: May result in irreversible or immediate severe health effects; may result in eye damage/irritation; or other condition that could impair escape from a confined space.

Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) - The minimum concentration of a combustible gas or vapor in air that will ignite if an ignition source is introduced.


Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) - A document describing the properties and hazards of a substance including its identity, uses, ingredients, health hazards, precautions for use and relevant first aid and emergency procedures.

OBSERVER – A competent person assigned to remain on the outside of, and in close proximity to, the confined space. The Observer is sometimes called the Stand-by-Person.

Oxygen-Deficient Atmosphere - An atmosphere that contains an oxygen concentration of less than 19.5% by volume.

Oxygen-Enriched Atmosphere - An atmosphere that contains an oxygen concentration greater than 22% by volume.

PPE - Personal Protective Equipment: Any devices or clothing worn by the worker to protect against hazards in the environment. Examples are respirators, gloves, and chemical splash goggles.

PEL - Permissible Exposure Level: - Concentration of a substance to which an individual may be exposed repeatedly without adverse effect.

Purging - The removal of gases or vapors from a confined space by the process of displacement.

Standby Person - A person designated by the department head in charge of entry to remain outside the confined space and to be in constant communication with the personnel working inside the confined space.




Permit Number: Site:

Permit Validity Period: (date/time): ToConfined space identification code (if identified):Notes:


Workers Authorized Entry Attendants and ShiftAttendants and Shift for Fire watch (hot work)

B. KNOWN HAZARDS (indicate specific hazards with initials)

Oxygen deficiency (less than 19.5%)Oxygen enrichment (more than 23.5%)Flammable gases or vapors

(more than 10% of LEL)

Airborne combustible dust (meets or exceeds LFL)Toxic gases or vapors (more than PEL)Mechanical hazardsElectrical hazardsEngulfment hazardsMaterials harmful to skinOther:Other:Other:Other:Other:


1. Safe Entry and Rescue Training Conducted on:2. Mandatory Pre-Entry Briefing Conducted on:3. Does this job require any special training: o Yes o No

- If yes, type of training required:4. Trainer Name: Signature:



Contractor Notified of: Permit Conditions: Yes o No oPotential Hazards: Yes o No o

E. COMMUNICATION Intrinsically Safe? Yes o No oVisually Inspected? Yes o No o

F. LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS Intrinsically Safe? Yes o No oVisually Inspected? Yes o No o

G. SPECIAL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT Intrinsically Safe? Yes o No oVisually Inspected? Yes o No o

H. SITE PREPARATION REQUIREMENTS1. Work area isolated with signs and or barriers? Yes o No o2. All energy sources locked/tagged out? Yes o No o3. All input lines capped/blinded? Yes o No o4. If vessel; drained, flushed, neutralized, cleaned, and purged? Yes o No o5. Ventilation initiated 30 min. before entry? Yes o No o6. Fire extinguishers on hand? Yes o No o7. Fall hazards considered and prepared for? Yes o No o8. Engulfment hazards considered and prepared for? Yes o No o9. Yes o No o10. Yes o No o11. Yes o No o12. Yes o No o13. Yes o No o14. Yes o No o15. Yes o No o



Tester: Name: Signature:Title: Date: Time: (am) (pm)


Testing Instrument Last Time Time

Action Levels

Requirement Reading(Pencil)


Interval Level Unit

1. Oxygen content %O22. Flammable concentration <10%LEL3. H2S <10PPM4. Cl2 <0.5PPM5. CO <35PPM6. SO2 <2PPM7. Toxic concentration PPM

of (TLV=_____)8. Heat stress of

9. Test for

J. EMERGENCY/RESCUE PROCEDURES1. Location of written Emergency/Rescue Plan:2. Type of Emergency/Rescue Team required:

On-site: Yes o No o Contact: Phone:Off-site: Yes o No o Contact: Phone:

3. Additional Information


K. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT REQUIRED1. Air purifying respirator? Type: Yes o No o9. Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus Required? Yes o No o10. Atmospheric Monitor Required? Type: Yes o No o


M. SPACE REVIEW INFORMATIONCurrent use of Space:Previous use of Space:Previous Problems:Previous Permit Reviewed: Date: Time: (am) (pm) Initials:

N. PERMIT AUTHORIZATIONI certify that I have inspected the work area for safety and reviewed all safety precautions recorded on this permit.1. Name: Signature:

Title: ENTRY SUPERVISOR Date: Time: (am) (pm)

2. Name: Signature:Title: Date: Time: (am) (pm)

O. PERMIT RETENTION INFORMATIONPermanent Retention File: Location:Date Filed: Filed By:


Day 4Tuesday 21 Sep. 2010



Best Practice

For How


Confined Space




















013 Instructor CV 92


This procedure sets the minimum requirements for all SABIC employees including contractors, sub-contractors and vendors for performing any type of work or inspection inside a confined space.

This procedure is designed to protect personnel from hazards such as oxygen deficiency, toxic materials, flammable substances and energy or movable parts of power-driven equipment when working in confined spaces. A confined space entry permit is required to enter any confined space which includes vessels, tanks, furnaces, reactors, fin fan coolers, boilers, pipelines, storage bins, open top containers, manholes, pits and excavation that have depth of 1.2 meter and more, raised or false ceiling/floor with gas (Halon, Energen) lines etc.


1. This procedure does not cover entry into confined spaces, that are under inert atmosphere. 2. Shipping containers (e.g. polyethylene product), elevators etc. are not considered as confined



1. AIR-LINE RESPIRATOR: A respirator that is connected to a compressed breathing air source by a hose.

2. ASPHYXIANT: A vapor or gas that can cause unconsciousness or death by suffocation (lack of oxygen) e.g. nitrogen gas.

3. CONFINED SPACE is defined as a space that : Is large enough for an employee to enter and perform work. Has limited or restricted means for entry or exit. Is not designed for continuous human occupancy.

Confined space may contain: A hazardous atmosphere or has a known potential. Materials with potential for engulfment (e.g. flooding of water). Internal design that could entrap or asphyxiate the entrant (e.g. Nitrogen

leaking to the confined space). Recognized safety or health hazards (e.g. Temperature extremes, noise, slick /

wet surfaces, electric shock, falling objects).


4. ENTRANT: Any person who enters the vessel. Entry is the insertion of the head, trunk of the body or any part of the body into a confined space.

5. FORCED VENTILATION: The use of a fan or air mover to move fresh air through a vessel.

6. HAZARDOUS CONFIGURATION: The arrangement of internal parts or elements of a confined space such as baffles, piping trays, etc. that could be hazardous to the entrant. Also, could be the shape of the confined space.

7. NATURAL VENTILATION: The use of natural wind currents and drafts to ventilate a vessel or confined space. Natural ventilation is not always sufficient to displace harmful gases or vapors. In cases where the gas is heavier than air, hazardous gases or vapors may accumulate outside the tank at ground level.

8. OXYGEN DEFICIENCY: Any atmosphere that has oxygen concentration of less than 21%.


9. RESCUE TEAM: Personnel trained in Emergency Response and an ERT member.

10. SCBA: (Self Contained Breathing Apparatus) A positive pressure respirator in which the supply of air is carried by the wearer.

11. STANDBY MAN: A person who is trained and qualified on confined space standby duties.

13. VENTILATE/VENTILATION: To remove fresh air through a vessel or area. We “ventilate” a tank by opening manways and forcing fresh air in and out of the tank. Through ventilation can be achieved by forced ventilation using fans/airmovers.


Confined spaces shall be identified and signboard stating “DANGER – CONFINED SPACE – ENTER BY PERMIT ONLY” shall be posted at confined spaces entry points in which entry is possible.

Posting of Danger signs is required for sewer manholes or heavy manhole covers which are locked or require a special tools or additional manpower to open.

Posting of Danger signs is not required for false ceiling unless it has a fixed access point or the manhole has a permanent ladder beneath the cover for access


1.The confined space entry inspection, clean up, repair or maintenance procedure shall be reviewed including the mitigation steps of hazardous configuration of the task. Tools, resources, work scope and duration shall be identified for the typical task, where this should be done on timely manner ahead of the task performance by the operation, maintenance and inspection representatives.

2.A blind list for the confined space to be entered shall be completed as per the blinding guidelines of isolation procedure and copy of the blind list attached with the permit.

3.The confined space shall be as far as practical, cleared and purged of all hazardous materials and placed in a safe condition for entrants. The actual preparation of an individual confined space will vary according to its design, construction and containments. The preparation are performed by the operation supervisor and his team and may include but not limited to, any of the following activities:

1)Draining 2)Depressuring 3)Flushing 4)Washing

5)Cleaning 6)Steaming 7)Ventilating



1.Atmospheric hazards found in a confined space are those that expose entrants to a risk such as fatality, entrapment, injury or illness from one of the following causes:

Oxygen deficient atmosphere.

Atmosphere containing flammable gas or combustible dust.

Atmosphere containing toxic substances.

2.There shall be clear instructions on the entry permit as well to all involved workers, on the gas testing frequency. Perform continuous gas testing, if mentioned in the confined space entry permit.

3.Testing of atmosphere inside the confined space is required prior to entering. Testing a confined space for atmospheric hazards shall be done remotely before entering (e.g. open flange slightly), and shall be done in this order:


Combustible gases

Toxic gases

Calibrated and well maintained gas testing instruments shall be used to evaluate all the gases either individually or simultaneously, by a qualified and certified gas tester.

Atmospheres that have not been tested shall be considered hazardous until tests prove otherwise.


4.The gas testing shall be taken from all the confined space spots including samples from top, middle and bottom, with sufficient interval or continuous gas testing could be performed, as required. Some gases are lighter than air

(e.g. Methane), some are same as air (e.g. Carbon Monoxide) and some are heavier than air (e.g. Hydrogen Sulphide

5.Perform gas tests throughout large spaces such as tanks , drums towers or excavations where it may be possible for gas to be trapped in dead ends of nozzles, plugged down comers, structural members etc.

6.Perform gas tests at many levels in tall vessels since some gasses are heavier than air and tend to fall to the bottom, and some are lighter and will rise to the top.

7.Checks should be done around and at all openings of the equipment where work is being done.

8.Ventilation shall be stopped 15 minutes prior to conducting a gas test.

9.For a gas test to be valid, it should be performed as close as possible to the time work in the testing area begins.

10.If after the gas test 30 minutes entry was not done, the gas test must be repeated. Also gas testing shall be repeated after every work breaks.

11.Sources of ignition (e.g., flame, arc, or spark) shall not be permitted in any confined space until tests have ensured that the percentage of combustible / flammable gas or vapor is less than 10% of the LEL.


12.The allowable concentrations and safe ranges of gases are indicated in the following table:



breathing air equipment

With breathing air equipment No entry permitted


(Same as fresh air)

20% - 18%Below 18%

Hydrocarbons 5% LEL Max. or500 PPM

10% LEL Max. or1000 PPM

Above 10% LEL orAbove 1000 PPM

Toxic Material

Allowable concentration is

TWA for the material

Multiply the 8 hour TWA by the PF* to reach the maximum

allowable concentration

Exceeding values of protection of RPE

Carbon Monoxide

25 PPM Max.

Multiply the 8 hour TWA by the PF* to reach the maximum

allowable concentration

Exceeding values of protection of RPE


5000 PPM Max.

Multiply the 8 hour TWA by the PF* to reach the maximum

allowable concentration

Exceeding values of protection of RPE

Benzene0.5 PPM Max.

Multiply the 8 hour TWA by the PF* to reach the maximum

allowable concentration

Exceeding values of protection of RPE

Type of breathing apparatus PF *

Passive (ambient air) Half-face 10Supplied air Half-face 50Supplied air Full-face 1000SCBA Full-face 10000

RPE – Respiratory Protection Equipment; PPM – Parts Per Million;TWA – Time Weighted Average; PF – Protection Factor

For example, entry into a benzene atmosphere of 25 ppm is allowed with supplied air, half-face breathing apparatus. [TWA (0.5) x PF (50) = 25 ppm

For special situations/tasks in plant which contains hydrocarbons requiring days to free gases/vapors , during plant turnarounds, , pits, trenches, or manholes to which pipelines are connected or passing through and which can not be blanked, disconnected, or completely isolated, a detailed job plan to ensure safe performance of the required work shall be prepared and approved by OIC . It shall be


ensured that there is no leakage from any of the lines passing through the confined space that is to be entered. In case of leakage the line(s) shall be blanked.

If other chemicals are present, consult your supervisor. For toxicity of other materials, refer to Occupation Exposure Limits (OEL) and Short Time Exposure Limits (STEL) in SABIC Emergency Response Plan and OSHA’s Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL).

1.Conditions in a confined space can change without warning, due to leakage, toxic vapor release or disturbing the contents of the space. Examples during welding, drilling or sludge/chunk removal. In these cases, continuous gas testing shall be carried out.

2.Never use air purifying respirators with out breathing equipment in case of oxygen deficiency. Air supply shall be monitored adequately.

3.No entry is permitted if airborne combustible dust at a concentration that obscures vision at a distance of 1.5 meter (5 feet) or less.

4.Exposure of pyrophoric materials to air can result in ignition. Such material shall be handled in inert atmoshpere or as given in their Material Safety Data Sheets. Some of the most commonly encountered materials include: (Refer to Standard Operating and Maintenance Procedure for Reactor Chunk Cutting)

Aluminum Alkyls (TEAL, TNHAL etc.)

Reduced Catalyst

Hydrazine, H2NNH2

Metal Hydrides

Magnesium (and many of its salts)

Potassium (and most of its salts, such as potassium hydride, KH)

Titanium (if finely divided, such as in shavings from machine tools)


Phosphorous (white or yellow)

Sodium (highly dependent on moisture content)

The list of chemicals handled by SABIC that may form peroxides on contact with air shall be known and its hazards well understood by all concerned. Such material shall be handled in inert atmosphere or as given in their Material Safety Data Sheets. Commonly encountered materials that may form a peroxide when exposed to air include: ethers, nickel carbonyl, acetaldehyde.

1.The hazards of flammable materials in air that is enriched with oxygen because they have a wider flammable range, are easier to detonate, and can create a more violent explosion than a flammable material in atmospheric air, shall be well-understood by all personnel who are involved in such operations.

2.Appropriate ventilation shall be provided when carrying out operations where there is a possibility of generating and/or accumulating CO. Exhaust ventilation shall be provided at the point where CO is being generated.

3.Vessel containing inert gas, synthesis gas, or is suspected of containing CO shall not be entered without a satisfactory gas test showing an absence of CO. This special test must be made with a CO detector. The instrument shall be calibrated and tested in an area free of CO, prior to using it for testing an area containing CO.

4.Fixed area CO monitoring shall be provided in all those process areas where there is a possibility of CO concentrations of greater than 50 ppm because of continuous CO generation or accumulation.

5.Barricades or covers should be placed at the entrance to the confined space if a potential exists for workers or objects falling into the confined space. If it is appropriate to prevent falls, entrants should wear safety harness, when entering confined space.



1.Before entry is authorized, the responsible supervisor shall ensure the documentation is complete as required by the Confined Space Entry Permit, the remote atmosphere testing is completed and the area is safe for entry. The method to enter, exit, escape, and rescue plan for personnel working in confined spaces shall be developed by the responsible supervisor during the job planning phase and specified on and included as needed on the entry permit. Weather condition inside the vessel and cooling requirements shall be considered while planning entry e.g furnace.

2.Area/unit operation technician to check sign off the permit on the preparation, then the entrant (e.g. maintenance technician) check sign off the acceptance of the lock out & tag out and gas testing. Supervisors approve the confined space entry permit after joint field checking of maintenance supervisor and operation supervisor. The permit will be held in the work station and the hard copy will be placed at the point of entry. For radiological controlled areas, the Confined Space Entry Permit should be kept outside the contamination area

3.A confined space entry Permit is required for entry into any vessel or other confined space. Neither a “Hot work Permit” nor a “Cold work Permit” covers entry. A separate permit is required for any Hot or Cold work to be done in a confined space.

4.No person is allowed to enter a confined space without a qualified stand by man. Also different work groups (e.g. inspection) shall take their own confined space entry permit. The number of employees allowed to enter a confined space must be kept to a minimum.


5.Confined space entry Permit has to be closed at the end of the maintenance shift or at the job completion, whichever comes first. The Maintenance Technician will sign the permit and return it to the Operations Technician. At the start of new operation shift, area operator and supervisor shall endorse the confined space entry permit after confirming that no changes have taken place.

6.The responsible standby man/operator/supervisor shall abort or terminate entry and cancel the Confined Space Entry Permit if condition changes that will affect confined space entrant.

7.If Work Permit or JSA requires Rescue man to be present, then he shall be equipped with the same level of protective equipment as the workers inside the confined space to enable him to render aid, if needed. Supplied-air or self-contained breathing apparatus, air horn or any other type emergency horn and appropriate rescue gears shall be available for immediate use. Rescue man shall be along with the Standby Man

8.If Work Permit or JSA calling for Rescue man, he shall not be assigned with any other duties while acting in the capacity of Standby Man / Rescue man, nor shall they leave their post at the opening to the confined space while workers are still inside. The Rescue man shall not enter a confined space for a rescue attempt without notifying another person who can offer assistance and summon additional help as needed.

9.Always, the permit issuer and receiver shall verify the vessel/comtainer/tank/mobile tanks containing the confined space is grounded



1.Circumstances that could adversely affect air quality include:

Residue hydrocarbon gassing off in the heat of the day.

Hydrocarbons trapped inside chunks/behind vessel lining.

Leaking oxygen/Acetylene hoses used for hot work.

Air driven tools connected in error to nitrogen supply.

Leak from live line through confined space.

Reaction products or fumes from chemicals used for cleaning.

Compressor / generator exhaust discharge located close to open man way/nozzle.

Oxygen deficiency due to reaction with rusty steel or scale.

Improper isolation/blinding could result in leakages of

Hazardous gas (e.g. Nitrogen) from adjacent system equipment.

Flammable dyes used for crack inspection.

Fumes from cutting, welding jobs.

2.The type of ventilation should be the responsibility of the Operations Supervisor and Operations Technician. A positive means of ventilating the confined space must be established and operated while the entire work is in progress. In some cases natural draft may be sufficient. In other cases it may be necessary to use fans or air movers. Forced ventilation aiming for a minimum of 10 air changes per hour for vessels or 5 changes per hour for large tanks are recommended. The ventilation system must be arranged so that only clean, fresh air is drawn into the vessel.

NOTE: Oxygen shall not be used to ventilate confined spaces.

3.If air movers are used they must be positioned so that they discharge outside the vessel. Air movers shall never be positioned so as to discharge or exhaust into the confined space; also ensure air is sucked from a safe area. Venturi type air movers can only be operated by an independent compressed air supply. The use of nitrogen or any other compressed gas (e.g. oxygen) to operate a Venturi type air mover is prohibited. Fans and air movers must be electrically bonded to the vessel.

4.Only explosion proof electric fans/air movers shall be used to ventilate confined spaces that may contain flammable gases or dust.The use of a utility air hose to ventilate a confined space is prohibited, unless from an independent air compressor.

1) Ventilation of vessel showing only the bottom manyway open this ensures that the whole vessel is ventilated.


2) If the Middle or top Manway is open the air flow will short circuit and there may be hydrocarbons in the bottom of the vessel.

3) Sight Glass connected to a process flare or drains must be blinded as shown in 4 & 5.

4) Local sight glass need only be isolated and drain valve open and drain proved to be clear and not blocked.

1.Extra care must be taken when locating welding equipment with gas engines or trucks etc. so that the exhaust does not enter the confined space being worked in.

2.Ventilation systems shall be designed to sweep air effectively through the confined space, providing a continous purge of fresh air.The following factors shall be taken into account:

(Refer to Appendix-2 for schemes of ventilation)


a. Tall equipment, towers etc, may be warmed by the sun creating a natural updraught. This can be enhanced by an upward air flow from the ventilator. The discharge of the ventilator is then at the top of the equipment and vapors will disperse at high level.

b. Horizontal drums etc. do not have a natural draught and require through-ventilation, using forced ventilation by air mover.

c. Hydrocarbon and solvent vapors are heavier than air and downward ventilation is more effective. If large quantities of vapor are present, downward ventilation through man ways into the bund may cause an odor/harmful/flammable problem there and ducting to a higher level vent is then required.

d. Spaces are normally ventilated by drawing fresh air through them and across the work area. However, if necessary, fans and air movers may be installed in reverse to blow air in.

e. Numbers, capacities of compressors and their locations shall be considered to avoid high pressure loss in the hoses and plant congestion.

f. Install strainer to prevent solid particles in the compressed air supply blocking the fan/air mover.

g. Ensure air movers/ fans are not placed in the emergency escape route.

h. Evaluate the hazard of developing vacuum conditions inside the confined space.


Day 5Wednesday 22 Sep. 2010



The use of portable electrical hand tools or lighting over 24 volts in a confined space should be discouraged. If portable electrical tools or lighting must be used, the following requirements shall be met:

The voltage must be limited to 120 Volts.

All electrical tools and lighting devices shall be properly insulated and electrically grounded.

All tools and lights must be protected by a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) .

All hand-held electrical equipment should have a ground fault circuit interrupter breaker at the power source. Under no circumstances shall electrical equipment without ground fault circuit interrupters be carried into wet confined spaces.The electrician must inspect the equipment and test the GFCI before operating them prior to the initial use. Following this , the user must test the GFCI before each use. (GFCI should be located outside the vessel)

Flash lights used in confined space shall be MSA approved for use in hazardous service.

Tools and other Equipment:

Pneumatically driven power tools equipped with conductive air supply hoses shall be used wherever possible. Pneumatic tools used in confined spaces can only be driven by air. The use of any other compressed gas to drive tools could create a fire or suffocation hazards, and is prohibited.

If gas welding or cutting (e.g., oxygen-acetylene) is required inside a confined space, only the hoses and torch may be lowered through the manhole. The torch and hoses, when not in use, shall be removed from the confined space (this applies to lunch and short breaks as well). A Hot Work Permit shall be required in addition to the Confined Space Entry Permit in these instances.

Proper internal and external scaffolding should be erected as required, as not to hamper entrance or exit of confined space.

When persons are working in close proximity or overhead of each other, suitable barriers shall be provided.


Hot work inside a confined space:

When aiming to carry out a hot work inside a confined space, a detailed analysis shall be made for each specific case to ensure safe procedures are developed and followed. This can be met by SMP, TRA if available. Otherwise, specific risk assessment needs to be conducted

Welding or cutting shall not be permitted in an oxygen-enriched atmosphere. If tests indicate that the oxygen content is greater than 23.5%, then ventilation techniques must be used to reduce the oxygen content to approximately 21%. ( copy same requiremnt for hot work permit procedure).

Welding, cutting or heating of metals of toxic significance (i.e., zinc, cadmium, chromium, mercury, beryllium) in any enclosed space requires local exhaust ventilation and/or air-supplied respiratory equipment. When welding or cutting is being performed in any confined space, the compressed gas cylinders and welding machines shall be outside the confined space.

If plasma arc is used in welding, a nitrogen oxide analysis is required



OPERATION SUPERVISOR: Check and ensure the following are in place:

Verify pre-entry precautions have been taken and the space is safe to enter. i.e. Initial process preparation, drained, vented, flushed, purged, vessel/line is de-energised from pressure/hazardous energy, isolation, Lock out and Tag out of equipment, manway removal for initial inspection, ventillation, cleaning, mechanical work etc. as required. Need to specify air respirator, PPE, fire protection, additional protective clothing (e.g.Alkyl Suit) etc.

Periodically check the permit receiver’s certification and make sure he understands all the hazards & precautions required for the job and can convey necessary information to the work crew.

During the job planning phase Ensure Rescue Plan is in place(Themethod to enter, exit, escape, and rescue personnel working in confined spaces as needed on the entry permit), The retrieval system shall be inspected by the responsible supervisor prior to initial entry into the confined space area to ensure that the equipment is functioning properly.

While reviewing the JSA located on the back of the hard copy of the work permit, Check all hazards like hazardous atmosphere, nitrogen leak, conflicting work as cleaning/painting & hotwork, heat stress, potential of falling persons/tools/materials, slip, trip, electric shock , guide slings shall be used if any cage is to be used for material / person transportation within confined space and personnel shall not be underneath when material is lowered or removed from confined space through winch / rope, basket, etc.

Standby man at the job site.

Air movers selected, placed in safe area, grounded/ bonded properly.

Ensure with maintenance the types of tools, lighting, ladder, scaffold etc. are safe.

Ensure electrical power sources are with Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI).

Ensure warning tagging of valves, switches etc.

Issuing required Confined Space entry permit, after ensuring decontamination is done, updated blind list signed and blinds are in place.

Visit the site frequently as the work proceeds to ensure conditions have not changed and that the work is progressing safely. If a potentially toxic or respiratory hazardous atmosphere is recognized during/after entry, or even before re-issuing the entery permit, the confined space shall be evacuated & re-evaluated to determine how the hazardous atmosphere can be metigated.


MAINTENANCE / CONTRACT SUPERVISOR: Check and ensure the following are in place:

Preparing the JSA and participate in joint inspection with operation supervisor ( Review the work place hazards, preparation, isolation, lock out & tag out, identify the appropriate escape route, identify & test the near-by eye wash / safety shower, etc.).

Use proper lighting and air movers ( e.g. explosion proof). Vapors from application of solvent based paints, coatings and linings inside confined space can be ignited by (falling) electric lamps.

A qualified standby man is in position, and he understands the Rescue Plan, which is in place.

Ensure area is barricaded, cylinders are stored/ placed properly outside the confined space. Ensure the respirator’s cylinder valve is not kept open, when the respirator is not in use.

Confined space entrants are medically & physically fit for the task, follow the work permit conditions / precautions and use proper tools. Ensure clothing/ materials are not soaked with oil.

Complying with concerned Standard Maintenance Procedure (SMP) or method statement and Task Risk Analysis (TRA)/ Job Safety Analysis (JSA).

When normal entrance barriers are removed, temporary guarding shall be provided by covers, temporary railing, or other suitable temporary barrier. Where the confined space is below grade, the barrier will be placed to prevent an accidental fall through the opening and to protect each employee working in the confined space from falling objects.

All employees involved in confined space related jobs, shall be instructed about the procedure and about the prohibition of unauthorized entry. Changes in the procedure or confined space area hazards shall require retraining of personnel. STANDBY MAN: A standby man will be required to have an orange vest, Claxon (air) horn / radio, Scott air Pack , no entry sign, confined space entry daily log sheet, lifeline and harness, PPE, approved flash light and MSDS (if required).

Being responsible for the personnel working in the confined space all the time. Stay alert for changing conditions in the immediate area i.e. vapor releases, alarms etc. Sign in the permit, which signifies he has full understanding on the work to be done, location of emergency equipment, actions to be taken in case of emergency and his duties.

Standby man shall erect ‘Danger-Confined space-Enter by Permit only’ sign board, and display work permits at site.

Explain communication procedures (Alarm proce-dures, rescue equipment, respirators, visual/voice or rope signals) to all entrants before entry. Maintain communication with and monitor authorized entrants inside. Identify the windsock and know where safe assembly points are.

Ensure air supply is monitored and entanglement of air and / or life lines are taken care of. Prevent air lines being damaged so that the air flow is restricted or stopped. Ensure all entry and exit ways are clear.


Shut down the job and instruct for orderly evacuating the confined space in case of an unacceptable entry condition like gas release, emergency alarm, forced air failure, symptoms of heat stress, breathing difficulty noted among personnel working inside, and call for emergency response by means of sounding the horn/ using radio. Inform Emergency Response Team (ERT) if there is anyone left in the vessel or space. Place ‘Do-not entry’sign at the entrance, when confined space is evacuated.

Stop work if the conditions and requirements listed on the confined space entry permit are not maintained.

Never attempt to enter a confined space, even in an emergency, until help has arrived.

Being well-trained and certified as stand-by man especially in the use of emergency rescue equipment and PPE. e.g. operation of respiratory equipment being used. Training shall include competency test and certification shall be renewed annually.

The Standby Man shall not be assigned any other duties while acting in the capacity of an Standby Man, nor shall the Standby Man leave his post at the opening to the confined space while workers are inside.

During the course of work, if the stand by man has to leave his post, then all personnel inside the confined space must be called out before he leaves, and re-entry is prohibited until the return of the stand-by man.

Upon completion of the job, clean, inspect and return the horn and all his equipments to its original location.


Prepare confined space/vessel for safe entry by completing process preparations, as applicable:

Initial process preparation Draining, venting, flushing,

purging De-energize vessel/line

from pressure/ hazardous energy. Isolation Lock out & tag out of


Support operations supervisor in reviewing JSA, specifying work permit conditions, performing proper gas test, checking the blinds and issuing confined space entry permit.

Supervise the confined space entry and associated work to ensure that work is progressing safely.


Follow confined space entry procedure and related standard operation procedures..


Understand JSA, rescue plan and use the approved type of tools, lighting, ladder, scaffold etc.

Open man-way for initial inspection, barricade the area immediately and ensure “Danger-Confined Space- Enter by permit ” sign board erected.

Arrange for proper ventilation and cleaning of confined space before confined space entry.

Follow confined space entry procedure and related standard maintenance procedures.


Ensuring that appropriate Work Permit related to the physical entry for the confined space is available.

Informing the entry attendant before entering and after exiting the confined space by filling and signing the confined space entry log sheet. On columns, vessels etc. personnel who enter from one manhole and intend to exit from another manhole should register at the manhole they intend to exit from i.e. they should sign the confined space log sheet and inform the entry attendant at the manhole of their planned exit, before entering the vessel.

Complying with all the requirements of the confined space entry permit.



If Retrieval systems is required / identified through JSA for the task, then it shall meet the following requirements:

Each authorized entrant shall use a full body harness with a retrieval lifeline attached at the center of the entrant’s back near shoulder level, or above the entrant’s head or safety coveralls with built-in harness, with a retrieval lifeline attached at the near shoulder level of the entrant’s back, or above the entrant’s head. Wristlets may be used in place of the full body harness if the entry issuer can demonstrate that the use of a full body harness is not feasible or creates a greater hazard and that the use of wristlets is the safest and most effective alternative.

On certain situations, it may not be practical to have the lifelines attached due to the configuration of the confined space or the number of people involved in the confined space. In such cases, Risk assessment need to be conducted & approved .

The other end of the retrieval line shall be attached to a mechanical device or fixed point outside the confined space in such a manner that rescue can begin as soon as the rescuer becomes aware that rescue is necessary. A mechanical device shall be available on-site for immediate use to retrieve personnel from vertical type confined spaces more than 2 meters deep.


The safety harness shall be of the type that permits easy rescue of personnel from the confined space during emergency conditions and may be either the harness type that suspends a person in an upright position or the wrist type rescue harness. (A hoisting device or other effective means for lifting personnel from confined spaces is preferred).

Lifelines shall be as required by the applicable local standards/ regulations requirements. In the absence of any local standards/regulations, it shall be of ¾” manila or equivalent rope of good quality without splices or defects with a minimum breaking strength of 5,400 pounds.

Lifelines must be inspected & ensured it is free of any defects or damages by the entrant. and the responsible issuer prior to all confined space entries


Call for help. Never attempt to enter a confined space even in an emergency, until help has arrived.

Treat all incident’s cause as resulted from an abnormal atmosphere and wear self contained breathing apparatus.

If the victim is unconscious, remove him from the area immediately. In doing so be as gentle as possible so as not to aggravate any injuries the victim may have already sustained.

If the victim is conscious and not suffering from a hostile or abnormal atmosphere, check for injuries and treat life threatening conditions immediately, if possible. Prepare the entrant for removal so as not to further injure him and remove him from the area as soon as possible.

Once outside the confined space, render whatever first aid you are qualified to give until medical help arrives.

















Appendix -1


Schemes of Ventilation


Legend: illustrates atmosphere inside confined space.




Instructor CV


ABDULAZIZ SULMANKingdome Of Saudi Arabia

Al-Jubal Industrial Citybadias@dallahhsd,com


A safety advisor with a wide range of experience in the petrochemical. Able to work on own initiative and as part of a team. Proven leadership skills involving managing, developing and motivating teams to achieve their objectives. First-class analytical, design and problem solving skills, Dedicated to maintaining high quality standards.

Academic Education :

  MBA (Master of Business Administration) in Industrial Management.American university of London (April-2007).

BSc (Bachelor degree of since) in computer engineering and networking.American university of London (Jun-2006).



Advance Diploma in Information Technology University of Cambridge in United Kingdom (April-2005).

Golden Gif in English EUROTALK (May-2001)

Certificates in English language in level 3 (SEP-1998) , level 4 (Oct-1998), level 5 (Dec-1998) European center for Languages & training .

Higher diploma in Industrial electronics and control College of technology in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Jun-98).

Certified Trainer in defensive driving course o National Safety Council in united stat of America (Jun-2009).

Certified as First AIDE instructor o Saudi Red Crescent authority in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (April-2008)

Certificates in communication ability in English o British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) for radio and television approved by University of

Cambridge local examination syndicate in United Kingdom (July -2001).

Professional Qualification in Advanced exterior /interior structure industrial fire brigadeo National board in for service (Jun 2005).


- Saudi Basic Industries Corporation- SABIC

2008 - 2009

Team Leader Created computer applications with the help of a programmer to monitor the factory safety health & environment. Analyzed the quality assurance system and made recommendations for improvements. These were incorporated

into the current quality assurance system. Audit and modified documentation as per SHEM system and Examined equipment to check that it met the

company standards. Make HAZOP and Investigated new equipment installed in the factory to make sure that it would comply with

safety and operational procedures. Demonstrated the safety procedures as per OIMS and SHEM. Performed safety Audits at the factory. Planning prioritizing and managing multiple tasks and following through with appropriate accurate and timely action

Providing logistical support to constantly mobilizing work force and Asset Management for all field crew equipment and supplies.

System implementer


The main function was implement the international standers in our system and make it compatible with our resource the main system was audit and modified was :

OIMS: operation integrated management system. PNID: Construction drawing, reviewing, modifying and approval. CMC: Continuous monitoring and control. PSM: Safety, health, environment system. SEP: Safety excellence program.

ISO 9002: Total quality management system.

Second Experiences:

- Dallah human skills and development – dallah albaraka - Safety advisor and instructor

From 1-4-2006 Up To Date.

Course was given by me:


Chemical Engineering For Non Chemical Engineers. Basic Chemistry. Shutdown planning and control. Vibration function, measuring and control. Maintenance Planning, Scheduling & Work Control Documents & Records Management Compliance


Divisive Driving Course. Accident reporting . General safety . Safety and loss prevention . Advanced Process Risk Assessment. Safety Compliance & Site Inspection. Risk Assessment within Production Operations. Process Safety Management Compliance. Personal behavior observation . Process hazard analysis. HAZOP. First aid and CPR. Pre-startup safety review. Lifting and handling material. Hazard Communication. Forklift Safety and Operation. Personal Protection Equipment. Environmental Health and Safety Management Specialist. Electrical Safety Technician. Chemical Safety in Construction Technician. Fire Protection/Prevention, Exit Routes, and Emergency Plans Technician.


Accident Investigation Technician . Fall Protection, Stairways, Ladders and Scaffolds Safety Technician. Hazard Analysis Technician . Materials Handling Equipment

