Conference Review The PlaNet consortium: a network of...


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Comparative and Functional GenomicsComp Funct Genom 2004; 5: 184–189.Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/cfg.374

Conference Review

The PlaNet consortium: a network ofEuropean plant databases connecting plantgenome data in an integrated biologicalknowledge resource

H. Schoof1*, R. Ernst2 and K. F. X. Mayer2

1Technische Universitat Munchen, Chair of Genome-oriented Bioinformatics, Centre of Life and Food Science, D-85350Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany2 Institute for Bioinformatics (MIPS), GSF National Research Centre for Environment and Health, Ingolstaedter Landstraße 1, D-85764Neuherberg, Germany

*Correspondence to:H. Schoof, Technische UniversitatMunchen, Chair ofGenome-oriented Bioinformatics,Center of Life and Food Science,D-85350Freising-Weihenstephan,Germany.E-mail:

Received: 13 November 2003Accepted: 24 November 2003

AbstractThe completion of the Arabidopsis genome and the large collections of other plantsequences generated in recent years have sparked extensive functional genomicsefforts. However, the utilization of this data is inefficient, as data sources aredistributed and heterogeneous and efforts at data integration are lagging behind.PlaNet aims to overcome the limitations of individual efforts as well as thelimitations of heterogeneous, independent data collections. PlaNet is a distributedeffort among European bioinformatics groups and plant molecular biologists toestablish a comprehensive integrated database in a collaborative network. Objectivesare the implementation of infrastructure and data sources to capture plant genomicinformation into a comprehensive, integrated platform. This will facilitate thesystematic exploration of Arabidopsis and other plants. New methods for dataexchange, database integration and access are being developed to create a highlyintegrated, federated data resource for research. The connection between theindividual resources is realized with BioMOBY. BioMOBY provides an architecturefor the discovery and distribution of biological data through web services. Whileknowledge is centralized, data is maintained at its primary source without a need forwarehousing. To standardize nomenclature and data representation, ontologies andgeneric data models are defined in interaction with the relevant communities. Minimaldata models should make it simple to allow broad integration, while inheritance allowsdetail and depth to be added to more complex data objects without losing integration.To allow expert annotation and keep databases curated, local and remote annotationinterfaces are provided. Easy and direct access to all data is key to the project.Copyright 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Keywords: plant genome database; data integration; BioMOBY; annotation;ontology


The future development of agricultural and envi-ronmental research relies strongly on plant genedata. Numerous functional genomics initiativeshave started in the wake of the sequencing of

the Arabidopsis genome, and large-scale sequencefrom other plant species is available, be it asgenome or EST sequences [8,11]. However, com-plete genomes have only underlined the complexityof cellular life even more clearly: far from unrav-elling the blueprint of life, genomes are frequently

Copyright 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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seen as merely a parts list [12]. The need to under-stand gene function on all its levels, in all its inter-actions and in the context of regulatory processeshas only become more obvious.

Many ‘post-genomic’ researchers are trying toaddress this issue, using methods such as theknock-out of every single gene in Arabidopsisusing insertion mutagenesis, high-throughput two-hybrid protein interaction analysis or transcriptionanalysis through whole-genome microarrays. Theserequire extensive, highly integrated data sourcesfor the evaluation of their results, e.g. for map-ping co-expressed genes onto metabolic pathwayswhile correlating them with common promoter ele-ments. Current databases show several limitations(discussed in more detail in [6,7,16]):

• Online databases are distributed and data mustbe collected manually from multiple sources.

• Knowledge on what to find where is mostly notrepresented and must be gained by experience.

• Heterogeneous html output is difficult forhumans to interpret and compare rapidly, andautomatic processing is difficult.

• No integration between datasets requires findingrelated information through copy-and-paste intothe search interfaces of each individual database.

• Heterogeneous data formats make data downloadand warehousing a tremendous effort.

• No common vocabularies or term definitions pre-vent data from being immediately comparable.

Thus, navigating and utilizing current databasesis tedious and requires prior knowledge by the user.At the same time, the database curators face thechallenge of ensuring timely updates, consistency,data richness, and expert annotation within theirdatabases. These can frequently not be met, as gen-erally, the resources to maintain a database areminimal. Michael Gribskov has stated four chal-lenges for biological databases: integration, inter-operation and federation; ontologies and definedsemantics; community annotation and integrationof analysis tools [6]. Whereas individual databasescannot keep up with these aims, several Europeanplant genomics database providers got togetherto form the PlaNet project ( and address these issues.

PlaNet: Aims and architecture

PlaNet is a distributed effort among bioinformaticsgroups and plant molecular biologists to establisha comprehensive integrated database in a collabo-rative network. This will help overcome the limita-tions of individual efforts as well as of the indepen-dent data collections. It creates a nucleus for otherEuropean and international groups and consortia tojoin and utilize the network. Overall objectives ofthe project are to:

• Capture genomic information into a comprehen-sive platform.

• Establish a network of dynamically intercon-nected European plant databases.

• Develop new methods for data exchange,database integration and access.

• Provide high quality integrated data resources forresearch.

• Ensure high availability of data generated byEuropean laboratories and plant research consor-tia (data platform).

• Incorporate expert knowledge and regional net-works.

• Focus direct contribution by regional plantresearch communities (expert annotation sys-tem).

• Perform systematic classification of plant genesand regulators.

• Develop standards for data representation andnomenclature.

PlaNet aims to provide a comprehensive plantgenomics data platform allowing central accessto integrated data from distributed sources. Oneapproach towards data integration is warehousing,but this has severe drawbacks [16]: all data must beunified in a common database schema and all dataregularly transformed and imported. However, asour knowledge increases, database schemas evolveto accommodate new data types or biologicalrelationships, and it is extremely hard work toincorporate all these changes into the warehouse. Afederated database allows the individual databasesto continually work on their data representation, aslong as they keep standardized interfaces intact thatat least allow part of their data to be integrated.Where warehousing focuses on data translation,integration in a federated database emphasizesquery translation [7].

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Several additional advantages led the PlaNetproject to opt for a federated approach. Know-howand experience on different aspects of genomicsis available at different partner sites, leading thesepartners to create a specialized database. Thefederated approach allows know-how to remain inplace, maintaining and curating the dataset thatpartner is specialized in, thus removing the riskthat data, once imported into a warehouse, becomesstale as there is no expertise for curation at thesite of the warehouse. Additionally, specialists canfocus on a restricted, less complex dataset insteadof having to deal with the complete warehouse.This facilitates rapid extensions and modificationsof the specialized databases without necessarilyinvolving the integration platform.

Another issue is the long-term sustainability of awarehouse. A federated database can remain func-tional, even if one or more of the partners no longersupport it, but a centralized resource is usuallydoomed if the hosting partner can support it nolonger. With respect to breadth, i.e. the broad cov-erage of relevant data sources, an important aspectis to keep the integration and connectivity layerlightweight, making it easy for data providers tointegrate their database by implementing wrappers.This task is again best done locally, where detailedknowledge of the local schema is available.

The overall structure of the PlaNet federateddatabase is shown in Figure 1. Data layer com-ponents are the specialized databases provided bythe partners beside external public or communitydatabases that are integrated through the partners.These data sources are interconnected to clientsand between each other through a connectivitylayer. Clients can be web interfaces for query andretrieval of data, or applications. These representnot only retrieval and analysis applications but alsointegration and consistency tools that perform dataformat transformations or updates and synchroniza-tion between the distributed databases.


The connectivity layer is realized with BioMoby(, [17]). BioMoby pro-vides an architecture for the discovery and dis-tribution of biological data through web services.A central registry contains data object definitionsand service providers along with the data objects

Figure 1. Architecture of the PlaNet federated database.The user interface and web display provides a single pointof access to data and analysis tools provided by thedistributed partners. To this end all databases are linked viaa connectivity layer developed by PlaNet in collaborationwith the BioMoby project [17]. The component databasesmake their data available as XML data objects through webservices. Integration tools developed within PlaNet will beused to insure data consistency and cross-checking. Besidedata sources, BioMoby also provides for the integration ofanalysis tools and applications

the services act upon. Data objects are specifiedin the extensible mark-up language (XML) and areretrieved from web services using the simple objectaccess protocol (SOAP). Essential components areontologies for standardization of nomenclature anddata models.

With respect to data objects, inheritance playsa vital role, allowing simple, basic objects to bedefined that can easily be shared between mul-tiple databases while allowing specialized, morecomplex objects to inherit from these. Special-ized databases can represent all data relevant tothem while maintaining exchangeability throughthe simpler parent object. Ontologies and standarddata models to define the semantics of integrateddata greatly facilitate integration [16]. The PlaNetproject uses international standards where feasi-ble, e.g. the gene ontology [1] or sequence ontol-ogy ( but additionalontologies are created for areas not yet covered.

Once data sources are available through a com-mon connectivity layer, client applications canbe developed to perform integration tasks. Thisincludes query interfaces, format transformationsor data synchronization tasks. Query interfacesneed to retrieve data from multiple sources. Oneapproach, termed horizontal integration, is that anydata type is mapped to a specific source for thattype, i.e. retrieving different data from different

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The PlaNet network of European plant databases 187

databases. Vertical integration is necessary whendata of overlapping content is retrieved. For thepurposes of PlaNet, both vertical and horizontalintegration are encompassed, as several databasescontain semantically equivalent data. This makes itnecessary to handle inconsistent, contradictory ormissing data. Tools to this end need to be devel-oped, beside tools that allow closer integration byidentifying synonyms or semantically equal entitiesin different databases, e.g. by checking sequenceand additional attributes to identify identical genes,even if they are named differently.

A conclusion from the first stages of the projectwas that some effort must be invested into localdatabase infrastructure in order to facilitate theimplementation of wrappers that connect datasources to the connectivity layer. Multilayer archi-tectures and separation of data model and pre-sentation simplify this task and improve main-tainability. A generic solution could be imple-mented by using BioRS, a commercial biologicalquery and retrieval tool (,, to integrate local data-bases into a common query interface. This canbe accessed through a CORBA-based proxy(DBProxy, Ageneric BioMoby service that calls this proxy canthen be used to instantiate a multitude of querieson the integrated data sources.

So far, the system has been tested with verysimple objects, e.g. keywords, database identifierslike AGI locus codes or EMBL Accession Nosand simple sequences. Implemented services so farare retrieval services, e.g. retrieve sequence forEMBL Accession Nos or retrieve AGI locus codesfor keywords. However, as Figure 2 demonstrates,new functionality can already be realized, utiliz-ing data from distributed databases, e.g. throughthe linking of several services, starting from akeyword, a mutant phenotype can be retrievedfrom NASC (Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Cen-ter:, in addition to theprotein sequence from MAtDB (MIPS Arabidop-sis thaliana Database [14]). Without the PlaNetconnectivity layer, this requires two independentqueries to the individual databases. As more ser-vices become available, this functionality will beextended, e.g. by adding a multiple sequence align-ment service: the sequences retrieved by the key-word query could automatically be integrated intoan alignment. Advanced client software could then




Arabidopsis Protein Sequence



Figure 2. Services available through the PlaNet connectivitylayer (not all shown here) are represented as arrowslinking input and output data objects in this graph. Asan example, starting from a keyword all correspondingAGI Locus Codes can be found. The AGI Locus Codescan then be used to retrieve the NASC Codes. With theNASC Code in hand another service can be queried tofind the Arabidopsis phenotypes for them. This exampleworkflow combines three services that operate on datafrom two different service providers (MIPS/Neuherbergand NASC/Nottingham). This workflow could also beautomated in an application (see Figure 3). Complex queriescan be realized through pipelining services and filters in aworkflow where the output of one service is the input ofanother service. The implemented services are accessiblethrough a simple, web-based query client prototype at

colour code the sequences in the alignment by theirfunctional classification, e.g. based on Gene Ontol-ogy [1] assignments.

In order to test the usability of the BioMobyconnectivity layer to automate integration in appli-cations, a web application was built that gathersdata from distributed sources via an embeddedBioMoby client (Figure 3). This application queriesthe servers of all PlaNet partners for data and dis-plays it. For the moment, this is basically a unionof all retrieved data. However, this can be mod-ified with little effort to perform more complexoperations, such as removing redundancy to com-pile a superset of all data available (e.g. gather allArabidopsis protein sequences and compile a non-redundant list).

Besides creating the infrastructure for a federateddatabase, the second focus of PlaNet is to integrateand annotate plant genomics data. To this end,several partners set up specialized databases to

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Figure 3. This figure demonstrates a simple prototypewhere the PlaNet connectivity layer is used for integrationof distributed data in an application. A web applicationthat displays details of the partner groups for the PlaNethomepage is shown. The data on each group (groupmembers, research topics, address, etc.) are maintainedby each group at their home server. The web applicationcollects these data through calling BioMoby services atthe distributed data sources, receiving XML data. Thisfunctionality is performed by an embedded BioMoby clientthat is reuseable for other purposes based on the queryparameters passed to it. It wraps the data objects as requiredby the BioMoby specification, encodes a SOAP response andcommunicates with the BioMoby services at the remotepartner sites. The returned XML data is unwrapped by theBioMoby client, then formatted as HTML through an XMLstylesheet transformation and displayed

represent functional genomics data from projectsthey are involved in. Automated pipelines to gatherand integrate data are implemented, e.g. to alignfull-length cDNAs to the Arabidopsis genomeor to map flanking sequence tags from insertionmutants to the genome [13]. This aims to improveand enhance the dataset available within PlaNet.

In order to capture expert knowledge, annotationinterfaces will be created and a user group ofspecialists established. Currently, tabular data ongene families is routinely integrated in MAtDB[13].

Final remarks

For modern biology, a genome database that listsgenes and their proposed functions is not enough.Results from functional genomics experiments, aswell as bioinformatics analyses, need to be at thefingertips of the researcher in order to evaluatethe genetic information in the context of biologicalpathways or cellular processes. An integrated dataplatform as provided by PlaNet will prove its valueby the new questions that biologists will be able toask it, and the new answers they will discover.


PlaNet is funded by an EU Framework V grant; QLRI-CT-2001-00006.


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Copyright 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Comp Funct Genom 2004; 5: 184–189.

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