Condoms in Burma, BuNNY


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Condoms in Burma

Anya 5105020157Nina AnitaBunny 5105020Sebastian 5105020

Increase awareness of HIV Misperceptions and stigmas surrounding HIV/AIDS

are a huge barrier to successful prevention and

treatment of the disease in Burma.


Despite the first AIDS case being diagnosed more

than 10 years ago, the national response to the

virus has been controlled resulting in a situation

where WHO estimates that as many as 500,000

individuals may now be HIV+ in the country.

Population Services International, in

cooperation with UN agencies and the

Ministry of Health's National AIDS Program,

launched innovative condom social marketing

activities in 1996.


Over one million APHAW brand condoms were

social marketed using community-based

communications and distribution techniques.

Lesson Learned:

Cultural, religious, societal and

economic considerations can become

part of community-based approaches

for behavior change in conservative


ruling military regime has made AIDS

a taboo subject.

Women and girls face heavier risks of

HIV infection than men

- Economic

- social

- cultural status

Condoms: Failure (BUNNY)Military government

◦Prostitution, encourage promiscuityAdvertising

◦it immoral to talk about condoms and sex in public

The package◦written in Burmese, shoddy product

Price ◦expensive

Condoms in Burma (BUNNY)PSI (Population Services International)

• Repackaged◦name, Aphaw ("Trusted Friend" in

Burmese)• Distributing Network• Advertising mascot• a chameleon

Condoms in Burma (BUNNY)

In Burma, chameleons are common, and young boys who see one often watch for the reptile to move its head, while chanting:

"Pothinnyo, nod your head if you want a girl".

Condoms in Burma (BUNNY)

Chameleon,wearing a traditional man’s sun hat

Condoms in Burma (BUNNY)Available in every town and big

villages in the countryAccording to the PSI organization

◦In 1996, 2.6 million were distributed in Burma

◦2005, 42.8 million were condoms distributed

Condoms in Burma (BUNNY)4,500 female sex workers

received peer education over 2 years

Men from sample group using condoms with sex workers◦Increases from 52% in 2003 to 74%

in 2005

Condoms in Burma

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