Comprehensive · The present book entitled ‘‘Comprehensive Laboratory Manual in Biology’’...


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Strictly according to new curriculum prescribed by

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)


State Boards of Chhattisgarh, Haryana, Bihar, Jharkhand, Kerala,

Mizoram, Meghalaya and other States following NCERT curriculum



M.Sc., Ph.D., FISST

Ex. Head, Deptt. of Botany

Hindu College, Sonepat

(Affiliated to M.D. University, Rohtak)





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Syllabus (xi)–(xii)



1. Introduction ... 3

2. Use and Care of Microscope ... 5

3. Laboratory Chemicals ... 9

4. Laboratory Techniques ... 14



1. Study and Description of the Flowers 19–36

Exp-1 : To study and describe the given flowering plant (1. Petunia,

2. Lathyrus, 3. Asparagus/Allium) and display of whorls and

anther and ovary to show number of chamber. ... 27

Viva Voce ... 36

2. Preparation and Study of Transverse Sections of Monocot and

Dicot Stems and Roots 37–44

Exp-2 : To prepare temporary stained glycerine mount of transverse

section of dicot stem/monocot stem/dicot root/monocot root. ... 37

Viva Voce ... 43

3. Study of Osmosis 45–47

Exp-3 : To demonstrate osmosis by potato osmometer. ... 45

Viva Voce ... 46

4. Study of Plasmolysis 48–50

Exp-4 : To demonstrate plasmolysis and deplasmolysis in peels of

Tradescantia/Rhoeo in hypotonic and hypertonic solutions

using sodium chloride and potassium chloride. ... 48

Viva Voce ... 49

5. Distribution of Stomata on the Two Surfaces of a Leaf 51–53

Exp-5 : To study the distribution of stomata on upper and lower

surfaces of leaf and to calculate the stomatal index. ... 51

Viva Voce ... 53

( v )

( vi )

6. Rate of Transpiration 54–56

Exp-6 : To compare the rate of transpiration from the upper and lower

surfaces of the leaf. ... 54

Viva Voce ... 56

7. Test for Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats and their

Detection in Suitable Plant and Animal Materials 57–62

Exp-7 : To test for glucose, sucrose, starch, proteins and fats and

to show their presence in suitable plant and animal materials

(e.g., wheat, potato, groundnunt, milk or other suitable

materials). ... 58

Viva Voce ... 61

8. Paper Chromatography 63–66

Exp-8 : To separate and study the plant pigments by paper

chromatography. ... 63

Viva Voce ... 65

9. Rate of Respiration 67–69

Exp-9 : To study the rate of respiration in germinating seeds having

different substances such as wheat (carbohydrates), mustard/

groundnut (fats) and gram/bean (proteins). ... 67

Viva Voce ... 69

10. Urine Test for the Presence of Urea, Sugar, Albumin and Bile Salts 70–75

Exp-10.1 : To test the presence of urea in urine. ... 71

Exp-10.2 : To detect the presence of sugar (glucose) in urine. ... 72

Exp-10.3 : To detect the presence of albumin in urine. ... 73

Exp-10.4 : To detect the presence of bile salts in urine. ... 74

Viva Voce ... 75



1. Study of the Parts of a Compound Microscope 79–81

Exp-1 : To study the parts of a compound microscope, its proper use

and maintenance. ... 79

Viva Voce ... 81

2. Study of Specimens and Identification with Reasons 82–100

Exp-2 : Study of plant specimens and identification with reasons—

Bacteria, Oscillatoria, Spirogyra, Rhizopus, Mushroom/

bracket fungi, Yeast, Liver wort, Moss, Fern, Pinus,

one monocotyledon, one dicotyledon and Lichens. ... 82

Viva Voce ... 99

3. Study of Characters of Animal Specimens and Identification

with Reasons 101–121

Exp-3 : Study of characters of specimens and identification with

reasons—Amoeba, Hydra, Liver fluke, Ascaris, Leech,

Earthworm, Prawn, Silkworm, Honey bee, Snail, Starfish,

Shark, Rohu (fish), Frog, Calotes (lizard), Pigeon and Rabbit. ... 102

Viva Voce ... 120

4. Study of Plant Tissues from Prepared Slides 122–127

Exp-4 : To study plant tissues–Palisade parenchyma, guard cells,

parenchyma, collenchyma, sclerenchyma, xylem and

phloem from permanent slides. ... 122

Viva Voce ... 127

5. Study of Animal Tissues—Squamous Epithelium, Muscle Fibres,

Nerve Cells and Mammalian Blood Film through Temporary/

Permanent Slides 128–139

Exp-5 : To observe and make labelled diagrams of the microscopic

structures of animal tissues (squamous epithelium, muscle

fibres, nerve fibre, and mammalian blood smear). ... 130

Viva Voce ... 137

6. Study of Mitosis in Onion Root Tip and Animal Cell 140–145

Exp-6.1 : To study various stages of mitosis in onion root tip cells from

permanent slide. ... 140

Exp-6.2 : To study various stages of mitosis in animal cells

(grasshopper) from permanent slide. ... 143

Viva Voce ... 145

7. Study of Different Modifications in Root, Stem and Leaf 146–167

Exp-7.1 : To identify and comment upon the specimens of root

modifications. ... 146

Exp-7.2 : To identify and comment upon the specimens of stem

modifications. ... 154

Exp-7.3 : To identify and comment upon the specimens of leaf

modifications. ... 161

Viva Voce ... 166

8. Study and Identification of Different Types of Inflorescence 168–176

Exp-8 : To identify and comment upon different types of inflorescence. ... 168

Viva Voce ... 176

9. Study of Imbibition 177–178

Exp-9 : To demonstrate imbibition in seeds/raisins. ... 177

Viva Voce ... 178

10. Study and Comments on Experimental Set-up 179–184

Exp-10.1 : To demonstrate that anaerobic respiration takes place in

absence of air. ... 179

( vii )

( viii )

Exp-10.2 : To demonstrate phototropism (effect of unidirectional

light on plants). ... 180

Exp-10.3 : To demonstrate phenomenon of apical dominance. ... 181

Exp-10.4 : To demonstrate suction due to transpiration. ... 182

Viva Voce ... 183

11. Study and Identification of Human Bones and Joints 185–204

Viva Voce ... 204

12. Study and External Morphology of Cockroach Through Models 205–206

Viva Voce ... 206



1. Study of the Effect of Fertilizers on the Rate of Germination,

Elongation of Hypocotyl and the Length of Root 211–213

Viva Voce ... 213

2. To Study Competition between Weeds and Crops 214–215

Viva Voce ... 215

3. Study of Effect of Antibiotics on Micro-organisms 216–218

Viva Voce ... 218

4. To Study the Breaking of Dormancy of Seeds by KNO3, Ethylene

and Cytokinin 219–220

Viva Voce ... 220

5. To Study Deficiency Symptoms of Various Essential Elements andMinerals 221–223

Viva Voce ... 223

6. Study of the Effect of Light and Gravity on Plant Growth Movement 224–228

Exp-6.1 : To study the effect of light on plant growth movement. ... 224

Exp-6.2 : To study the role of shoot apices on the phototropic

movement in plants. ... 225

Exp-6.3 : To study the effect of gravity on plant movements, i.e.,

geotropism. ... 226

Exp-6.4 : To study the effect of gravity on plant movement (Geotropism)

using a clinostat. ... 227

Viva Voce ... 228

7. Study of Effect of 2, 4-D on Translocation Process 229–231

Viva Voce ... 231

8. Study of the Effect of Gibberellin on Seed Germination and Shoot

Elongation 232–233

Viva Voce ... 233

9. Study of the Effect of a Herbicide on Lawn Weeds (To compare

the effect of a herbicide on moncotyledonous and dicotyledonous

plants) 234–235

Viva Voce ... 235

10. To Study of Dispersal of Seeds by Various Agencies 236–239

Viva Voce ... 239

11. Comparative Study of the Chlorophyll Content in Five Different

Species of Plants 240–242

Viva Voce ... 242

12. To Study the Adaptability of Cockroaches to Drastic Environ-

mental Changes such as (i) Absence of Plants and Animal Food,

(ii) Cold Condition and (iii) High Concentration of Carbon Dioxide 243–246

Viva Voce ... 245

13. Study of Developmental Stages of Housefly/Cockroach 247–251

Viva Voce ... 251

14. Study of the Effect of Osmotic Stress by Administration of Hypertonic

Saline in Frog 252–253

Viva Voce ... 253

15. Study of Locomotion and Role of Different Fins in Fishes 254–256

Viva Voce ... 256

16. Study of Zooplanktons from Fresh Water Ponds and Tanks 257–258

Viva Voce ... 258

17. Estimation of Vitamin C Content in Different Types of Fruits 259–260

Viva Voce ... 260

( ix )


The practical study is a supplement to the theoretical classroom knowledge. It helps to

understand the subject more precisely.

The present book entitled ‘‘Comprehensive Laboratory Manual in Biology’’ meant

for class XI under 10 + 2 pattern of Central Board of Secondary Education. The subject matter

of the book has been written in accordance with the latest syllabi prescribed by the CBSE and

other boards of secondary education. The book has been designed as a reference rather than

copy down the instruments. This book has its own identity because of the following features :

• The subject matter has been written in a simple and lucid language.

• A brief information about theoretical aspect of the experiments has been given in the

beginning of each experiment.

• Each experiment has been fairly illustrated with all possible details.

• A number of viva voce questions have been given at the end of each experiment.

It is confidently hoped that the book will serve as a faithful guide and will help the

students to understand the practicals in better way.

Suggestions for the improvement of the book will be thankfully acknowledged.


( x )



Time : 3 Hours Marks : 30 60 Periods

1. Experiments and spotting 20 marks

2. Record of one investigatory project and Viva based on the project 5 marks

3. Class record and Viva based on experiments 5 marks

30 marks

A. List of Experiments

1. Study and describe three locally available common flowering plants, one from each of

the families Solanaceae, Fabaceae and Liliaceae including dissection and display of floral

whorls and anther and ovary to show number of chambers. Types of root (Tap and

Adventitious); Stem (Herbaceous and woody); Leaf (arrangement, shape, venation, simple

and compound).

2. Preparation and study of T.S. of dicot and monocot roots and stems (primary).

3. Study of osmosis by potato osmometer.

4. Study of plasmolysis in epidermal peels (e.g., Rhoeo leaves).

5. Study of distribution of stomata in the upper and lower surface of leaves.

6. Comparative study of the rates of transpiration in the upper and lower surface of leaves.

7. Test for the presence of sugar, starch, proteins and fats. To detect these in suitable plant

and animal materials.

8. Separation of plant pigments through paper chromatography.

9. To study the rate of respiration in flower buds/leaf tissue and germinating seeds.

10. To test the presence of urea in urine.

11. To detect the presence of sugar in urine.

12. To detect the presence of albumin in urine.

13. To detect the presence of bile salts in urine.

B. Study/observation of the following (spotting)

1. Study parts of a compound microscope.

2. Study of the specimens/slides/models and identification with reasons—Bacteria,

Oscillatoria, Spirogyra, Rhizopus, mushroom, Yeast, liverwort, moss, fern, Pinus, one

monocotyledonous plant and one dicotyledonous plant and one lichen.

3. Study of specimens/slides/models and identification with reasons–Amoeba, Hydra,

Liverfluke, Ascaris, leech, earthworm, prawn, silkworm, honeybee, snail, starfish, shark,

Rohu, frog, lizard, pigeon and rabbit.

4. Study of tissues and diversity in shapes and sizes of plant and animal cells (e.g., palisade

cells, guard cells, parenchyma, collenchyma, sclerenchyma, xylem, phloem, squamous

( xi )

epithelium, muscle fibers and mammalian blood smear) through temporary/permanent


5. Study of mitosis in onion root tips cells and animals cells (grasshopper) from permanent


6. Study of different modifications in root, stem and leave.

7. Study and identification of different types of inflorescences (cymose and racemose).

8. Study of imbibition in seeds/raisins.

9. Observation and comments on the experimental set up for showing:

(a) Anaerobic respiration

(b) Phototropism

(c) Apical bud removal

(d) Suction due to transpiration

10. Study of human skeleton and different types of joints.

11. Study of external morphology of cockroach through specimens/models.

( xii )





VED1/E\PR-BIOLOGY -XI\PR11-1 25-4-11

1. Introduction

Science is a systematised study based on facts and observations. It involves curiosity,

inquisitiveness and unbiased analysis. Most of the scientific work is done in a laboratory. It

provides an opportunity to a person with scientific frame of mind to see and study various

aspects of an object under observation. Hence, a biology student too, is obliged to attend

laboratory workout with utmost sincerity, honesty and inquisitiveness. In biology practical

classes, a student studies detailed structures both morphological, histological and physiological

aspects of plants and animals. The practical work includes :

1. Physiological experiments.

2. Section cutting and mountings.

3. Culture of animals.

4. Study of prepared slides.

5. Study of museum specimens.

6. Microscopic preparation of slides.

7. Core experiments and project work etc.


1. While coming to the laboratory for practical class you should have the practical note-

book, pencil, pencil eraser, sharpner, scale and complete set of dissecting instru-


2. Come well prepared with the work you are supposed to do in the practical class.

3. Before starting the experiment or work listen carefully to the instructions given by

the teacher.

4. Do not consult your classmates for any help. Get your difficulties solved from teacher


5. Maintain a complete silence and working atmosphere in the laboratory.

6. Never encourage lending either to or from your classmates.

7. Keep your seat, instruments and practical record well arranged and tidy.

8. Clean and arrange your seat before you leave the laboratory.


Each student, while coming to the laboratory for the practical work, is required to bring

certain equipments. These include :

1. A practical note book (record book) to record various experiments and to draw the


2. A manual (book) of practical biology to compare the details of slides, specimens and

experiments with the information given in the book.

3. Drawing pencil (HB) and pencil eraser to record and draw the diagrams.

4. Two forceps, one pair of scissors, two long handle dissecting needles, a sharp razor or

blade, a dropper and a brush for the preparation of slides and study of plant and

animal tissues.


VED1/E\PR-BIOLOGY -XI\PR11-1 25-4-11


VED1/E\PR-BIOLOGY -XI\PR11-1 25-4-11

5. A clean and soft handkerchief to keep the equipments seat clean.

6. Any item more as per instructions of the teacher.


Keep the instruments, glasswares and other equipments at a proper and specified place

to avoid confusion and disturbance. The glassware and apparatus used by you should be prop-

erly washed and cleaned before keeping it. Handle the instrument carefully. Carelessness will

not only damage the instrument but may also cause injury to you.


Record keeping is most important in practical. Practical record should be neat and clean

and up-to-date. Draw diagrams of all the specimens, slides and the experiments and also write

their comments. On the right side of the record note book, draw diagrams of the experiment

with date on top of the page. Diagrams should be correctly drawn and well labelled. Notes and

observations should always be written on the left side on a ruled paper. Always get the signa-

ture of the teacher in the practical note book on each day after the practical. Since some marks

(generally 5 out of 30) are reserved for the practical record in the practical examination, so it

must be maintained in neat and tidy form.


While studying slides under the microscope, do not disturb the slide focussed by the

teacher. If you are not able to follow, seek the help of your teacher. Draw the diagram from the

slide directly and not from the book.


Study the characteristics of the specimen from the book. Try to find out those character-

istics in the specimen. Diagram should be drawn from the actual specimen. Take help of the

book for comparing and labelling the various parts. Sketch line diagrams. Shading should be

avoided. Write the classification and comments of the specimen on left page of the note book.


Prepare the temporary mount neatly, observe the mount under the microscope and draw

the diagram of the material in the note book.


Device the experiment as per the instructions carefully. Record the correct observations.

Do not manipulate the results. If some deviation is there, discuss it with the teacher.


Observe and study the specimen or slide well before drawing it in the record book. Draw

first a rough outline of the diagram with light pencil and then draw in firm lines. The diagram

should have proportionate size of each part. Draw the diagrams in the middle of the page so

that you get plenty of space for labelling its different parts. All the labels should be parallel.

Draw a fine line from each part of the figure up to the label. These lines should not cross each


Comprehensive Laboratory Manual inBiology Class-XI

Publisher : Laxmi Publications ISBN : 9788131801642 Author : Dr. J. P. Sharma

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