Compassvale econdary sschool Lee Kuan Yew · Lee Kuan Yew of the Award for All-Round Excellence Hao...


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Page 4National Day Celebrations 2014

Page 611th National PET Rocket Competition

Page 2Anniversary & Awards Day 2014

Our dancers putting up a show of grace and might during the Anniversary & Awards Day 2014.

The Secondary Two students taking a short break from distributing the leaflets around the estate.

R E A l i s i N g T h E s T A R W i T h i NR E A l i s i N g T h E s T A R W i T h i NR E A l i s i N g T h E s T A R W i T h i NR E A l i s i N g T h E s T A R W i T h i N

NEWSLETTER . Compassvale secondary school . Semester 2 | 2014


CVSS congratulates Teo Zhe Hao, class of 2013, for being awarded the Lee Kuan Yew

Award 2014 for embodying good character, academic excellence and exemplary leadership! The Lee Kuan Yew Award, given at the end of secondary education, recognises well-rounded students who have excelled in both academic

and non-academic domains, and who exemplify the qualities articulated in our desired outcomes of education. This pinnacle award, given by the Ministry Of Education, reflects our educational objective of developing well-rounded students.During his time at CVSS, Zhe Hao was a self-driven student who excelled in both his academic and non-academic endeavours. Besides being an outstanding student who received excellent results in the GCE N-Level Examinations, he was also a well-respected student leader in the Boys’ Brigade (BB) and the Student Council. In sharing about his drive to acquire new knowledge, he said, “I am passionate about learning new knowledge. I become more motivated to learn and excel when I am entrusted with leadership positions because I want to be a role model for my juniors... I enjoy the challenge. This is my nature.” The bespectacled young man never takes setbacks at face value. Rather than being daunted by them, he chooses to look beyond the failures to learn from them. His resilience and consistent efforts saw him being awarded the MOE Edusave Merit Bursary in 2010 and the MOE Edusave Scholarship in 2011 and 2012. For demonstrating exemplary character and outstanding personal qualities through his behaviour and actions, Zhe Hao was given the MOE Edusave Character Award (ECHA).As a Company Sergeant Major (CSM) for BB, he led his juniors by example. Committed to his Co-Curricular Activity, he volunteered and represented the school and BB in numerous competitions and events. Identified as the best cadet in his company, he was accorded the Best Boy Medal. He was also accredited with the BB Founders Award, the most prestigious award in the Seniors Programme, in 2013. He is definitely one whom his juniors look up to.As an Executive Committee member of the Student Council Board from 2012 to 2013, Zhe

of theLee Kuan Yew Award for All-Round


Hao demonstrated strong leadership qualities and carried out his duties with pride and eagerness. As a student councillor, he represented the school in the Service Learning and Leadership Training Trip to Laos in 2011. His contributions in the non-academic spheres were further affirmed in his attainment of the National Youth Achievement Award (NYAA) Silver Medal in 2012 and the Edusave Award for Achievement, Good Leadership and Service (EAGLES) (Leadership) in 2012.

As an outstanding leader who always leads by example, Zhe Hao encouraged North Stars to never give anything short of their best. He said, “Give your best shot at everything so that you will have no doubts about short-changing yourselves. Always seize opportunities to develop yourselves because they don’t always come to you.”

The award is truly an affirmation of Zhe Hao’s success at many levels. May Zhe Hao continue to carry the torch of excellence and ignite in others the passion to learn and lead!

A moment of honour and glory for Zhe Hao with Ms. Indranee Rajah!


Mdm. Cheryl Fong penning down a congratulatory note upon her arrival at the school’s celebration.

Alumni and current students coming together for a fun shot.

A show of strength and dexterity put up by our Wushu students.

Gui Ming Yi receiving the Outstanding North Star of the Year Award from the Guest of Honour.

Teo Zhe Hao receiving his academic award from Mr. Lee Kang Hwa for displaying academic excellence in the GCE N-Level Examinations.

Mdm. Ong Teck Hui presenting Mdm. Cheryl Fong a student’s artwork as a token of appreciation for gracing the event.

25 April is a special day on the CVSS calendar. This year, the school

celebrated her 14th Anniversary & Awards Day with the School Advisory

Committee, staff, students and graduands of 2013 and their parents. Mdm. Cheryl Fong, member of the School Advisory Committee, graced the event on that day.

The celebratory mood was heightened as the school honoured the outstanding academic and co-curricular performance of the current North Stars and alumni. The Guest of Honour, Mdm. Cheryl Fong presented alumnus, Gui Ming Yi (Class of 2013) with the Outstanding North Star of the Year Award for exemplifying good character and values and for excelling academically. Ming Yi is the top performer in the GCE O-Level Examinations 2013. Similarly, Teo Zhe Hao (Class of 2013) also received accolade for being the top student in the GCE N-Level Examinations 2013.

The school also paid tribute to the commitment and dedication of our teachers. Principal Mdm. Ong Teck Hui presented the Long Service Award to teachers and support staff who have served in the teaching fraternity for more than 10 years. She also presented the Outstanding Contribution Award to individuals and teams to recognise their significant value-added contributions that have impacted the school.

The evening event culminated in a performance put together by the Performing Arts CCA groups in CVSS. Revolving around the school’s values—Graciousness, Empathy, Resilience, Respect and Integrity—all the performing groups put up a spectacular show that showcases how North Stars embody the school values in their learning journeys and growth at CVSS.

Happy 14th Anniversary CVSS!

Anniversary & Awards Day 2014By Dewi Azliha of Sec 3E

The Choir presenting their pieces to add on to the celebratory note of the occasion.

CVSS dancers moving gracefully to the music in the background.


Breakfast with CTs By Rachel Lim of Sec 2D

In the tradition of CVSS, each semester culminates in the Breakfast with CTs. On 30 May, students and teachers gathered for fellowship over a

healthy spread of breakfast items that they had prepared for one another. Extending this act of graciousness and generosity, students wrote words of thanks on cards to show their appreciation towards the kindness of the people around them. Students further extended their graciousness as they welcomed the school leaders with their breakfast buffet. To top off the fun-filled morning, the students played a variety of class-bonding games. This special way of celebrating the achievements of the term puts students in a joyous mood to usher in the June holidays. After the celebration, students departed for the break with hearts overflowing with warmth.

Green Moral Character Badge (Secondary 2) By Theodora Samosir of Sec 2G

Service Learning Project (Secondary 3) By Dewi Azliha of Sec 3E

International Friendship Day By Demi Chumponvong of Sec 3B

The young and bubbly Secondary One students experiencing Breakfast with CTs for the first time.

The lower secondary boys putting their strength, perseverance and teamwork to the test.

Our student performers putting on their best smiles and costumes for a picture that captures diversity and harmony of international ties.

Our Secondary Four student giving it a go at the quiz.

A student-teacher pair walking the talk of saving the environment!

Highlights of Term 2

North Stars took another step in becoming the stewards of the

environment on 26 May. The Secondary Two students trawled the Sengkang neighbourhood to distribute brochures on dengue prevention and notices about collecting recyclables. This is part of the Green Moral Character Programme that aims to instill a sense of environmental ownership among the students. Two days later, the students returned to the estate to collect the recyclables from door to door. Due to overwhelming response from the residents, the students had to put in great effort to transport the recyclables to the collection points. Although many students considered that to be back-breaking work, they agreed that the challenge put their resilience to the test. With teamwork, the students were able to complete the tasks efficiently. At the

end of the day, the truckload of recyclables bore great testimony to the effort that North Stars had put in to do their bit for their environment. Everyone went away having learnt the importance of caring for the community and the environment.

On 28 May, my class rendered our service to the senior citizens from

the Ang Mo Kio Lions Befriender Senior Centre. Together with the senior citizens, we embarked on a learning journey to the Singapore Zoo. During the trip, we sheltered the senior citizens from the sweltering heat by holding the umbrellas for them. It was very heartening to see the smiling faces of the senior citizens. Their laughter and lively banters filled the air too. The senior citizens were thrilled by the sights and sounds of the animal show. Throughout the whole trip, we managed to interact with the senior citizens and get to know them better.

Schools in Singapore commemorate good relationships with our

neighbouring countries and beyond on International Friendship Day (IFD) every year. IFD aims to remind students of the importance of maintaining strong relations among countries as well as nurture in our students the spirit of friendship and collaboration with different groups of people. This year, CVSS commemorated IFD by inviting our international students to lead the school in a celebration of diversity and harmony. Following the theme of “Stories we Share”, the students spiced up the celebration with the song “Story of my Life”. Following which, they shared their experiences adapting to the lifestyle in Singapore. They also made insightful presentations on the cultural practices and traditions in their own

As the class chairperson, I was grateful that I was given the opportunity to lead the class in our Service Learning Project. It was definitely a wonderful and memorable experience as the senior citizens and my classmates enjoyed the trip! From this trip, I learnt the values of empathy and respect. We have to a make a conscious effort to be mindful of our behaviour and mannerism in front of the senior citizens. This service learning project provided us with the platform to put our school values into action and at the same time contribute to the community. A simple “Thank You” from the senior citizens really made our day!

countries. The quiz testing students’ knowledge of Southeast Asia also got the students excited to learn more about the region. The celebration has helped students gain a better understanding of different cultures and the importance of respecting people of different races, language, cultures and religions.


Highlights of Term 3Racial Harmony Day 2014 By Amanda Mah of Sec 2D

Program Dwiminggu dan Perkhemahan Bahasa ibunda 2014

Mother Tongue Fortnight 2014

Different beats, one tune. Our teachers and students drumming different instruments during a mini-performance to create a harmonious tune. Unity in diversity – our staff painting a kaleidoscope of colours with their radiant outfits!

Pelajar-pelajar sempat bergambar dengan para pelakon Ngaco.

Our flag bearers marching into the parade square with pride and dignity.

Mr. Patrick Ho providing assistance to our students during a Design & Technology lesson.

A Xingang student attending lesson with our North Star.


of the staff. The audience clapped to the rhythmic pulse of the music, creating a harmonious tune which symbolises the spirit of togetherness. Through music, students learnt an important lesson on maintaining harmony amid diversity.

母语双周 许美珠老师 报道



“这是我第一次学习泡茶和制作冰皮月饼。我觉得整个过程非常好玩,也很有趣。现在,我对茶有更多的认识,也对中秋节的由来有更深的了解。”— 陈洁琪(2H)

“我觉得相声演出非常精彩,因为两位老师的表演非常逗趣,动作滑稽,我们都被演出深深吸引。这是我第一次看相声表演,是一个不错的体验!”— 周惜慧(2H)

In 2014, Singapore marks the 50th anniversary of the racial riots that

took place in 1964. CVSS commemorated Racial Harmony Day on the 23 July. In line with the theme “Harmony from the Heart”, students examined racial issues by reflecting on the importance of preserving racial harmony in multi-racial Singapore during the Character & Citizenship Education lessons. In order to inject the element of fun into the celebration, the school invited the One HeartBeat percussion to stage a performance. Besides introducing some traditional instruments of the major ethnic groups in Singapore, the troupe also showcased a range of instruments from countries around the world. They enthralled the audience with a spectacular performance involving students and members

Jabatan Bahasa Ibunda CVSS telah menganjurkan Program

Dwimingguan dan Perkhemahan Bahasa Ibunda dari 25 Ogos hingga 4 Sep. Program tahunan ini bertujuan untuk memberi peluang kepada para pelajar untuk mengenali dan menghargai budaya Melayu melalui pengalaman autentik dalam suasana pembelajaran yang kondusif.Berpusatkan tema seni persembahan Melayu, pelbagai aktiviti menarik telah dianjurkan. Antaranya termasuklah Bengkel Drama bersama dramatis mapan terkenal, Encik Jasmani Basri dan peluang menonton persembahan teater ‘Ngaco’ oleh Teater Kami di Black Box. Selain itu, turut dianjurkan pertandingan puisi berbentuk dan komik, sesi amali membuat Kuih Dadar dan menonton filem klasik Pendekar Bujang Lapok dalam suasana tahun 60an yang diselang-selikan dengan persembahan para pelajar dan penjualan Kacang Putih.Program Dwiminggu ini dimulakan dengan tontonan filem Magika yang mengenengahkan beberapa cerita rakyat

sebagai induksi kepada khazanah turun-temurun ini. Diikuti dengan projek Bahasa Melayu bertemakan cerita rakyat Melayu seperti Badang, Hang Tuah dan Dang Anum, para pelajar bukan sahaja dapat menambahkan ilmu tentang gaya hidup dan adat tradisional, bahkan didedahkan kepada ideologi dan nilai masyarakat Melayu pada zaman dahulu. Selain itu, para pelajar menjalani sesi amali membuat sejenis kuih tradisional Melayu yang kian dilupai iaitu Kuih Dadar. Bak kata pepatah, sambil menyelam minum air. Dalam keseronokan mencuba membuat kuih, pelajar didedahkan kepada asal usul kuih Melayu dan bagaimana ia mencerminkan cara hidup dan kreativiti orang Melayu pada zaman dahulu.Bak kata pepatah, ‘tak kenal maka tak cinta’. Semua aktiviti ini dianjurkan dengan harapan rasa cinta pada warisan dan budaya Melayu dapat diterapkan dalam diri pelajar kerana merekalah yang bakal menjadi penyambung warisan.Sirih junjung buat pinanganDihias indah cantik ditatangTradisi kita dilupa janganAdat dikendong budaya dijulang

National Day Celebrations 2014 By Demi Chumponvong of Sec 3B

Suzhou Twinning ProgrammeBy Demi Chumponvong of Sec 3B

The theme for this year’s National Day

is “Our People, Our Home”. It expresses the

belief that ordinary Singaporeans like us can do extraordinary things when we come together as one community and one people to realise our dreams.CVSS kick-started our country’s 49th birthday celebration on 8 August with the Observance Ceremony that was held at the school courtyard in the morning. The ceremony included the marching-in of the different contingents that were made up of representatives from the National Cadet Corps (Air), National Police Cadet Corps, Red Cross, Boys’ Brigade and Girl Guides. The marching-in of the national flag, followed by the recitation of the Recollection was carried out with an aura of pride for the country’s prosperity, progress, and achievements over the last 49 years. Following the recitation of the Recollection was the singing of the National Anthem and Pledge-taking ceremony. The National Anthem was presented by our school’s very own Military Band

On 10 July, a group of students from Suzhou

Industrial Park Xingang School visited CVSS for a short two-

day twinning programme. Our students graciously welcomed the students from Suzhou and brought them around the school. During the visit, the students from Suzhou also had the opportunity to observe lessons and take part in activities with our students. This experience gave them an insight into students’ lives in Singapore. Though the time spent together was brief, strong bonds of friendship were forged. It was truly a memorable experience for our students to be able to interact with the students from Xingang School. On 24 October, North Stars will also be visiting Suzhou and the students at Xingang School for an Exchange Programme.

and there was also a deliberate effort made by the school to reduce the pace in the recitation of the National Pledge, all with the purpose of making each and every one of us appreciate our identity as a Singaporean.The celebration continued into the mid-morning, with performances by the various Performing Arts CCAs. The singing of the National Anthem led by the school choir marked the end to Singapore’s 49th birthday celebration in school.It was indeed a reminder to all of us that Singapore has come a long way to achieve what we have today, and that we should never take for granted the peace and prosperity that we have in our country today.


Our victorious students with their teachers.

(From left to right) Pang Shu Wen (3G), Long Chay Yeen(3G), Seet Jing Da(3G) and Tan Xieng Hua (3H)

Our Secondary 4A students breaking limits with their digital composition.

(From left to right) Law Junkai, Samuel (3G), Teo Kai Ling (3H), Alicia Lee Jing Ting (3H), Chui Si Min, Valery (3H) and Clemente Kristine Nicole (3H)

(From left to right) He Sijie (2F), Choo Zhi Xuan (2F), Yeo Qi (2F), Lian Zi Qi, Natalie (2F) and Quek Boon Tian (2I)

Our lower secondary students sharing a victorious moment with Ms. Low Yen Ling on stage.

The Elementz Science Competitions By Pang Shu Wen of Sec 3G

National Schools’ Digital Media Competition 2014

In March 2014, four students from Secondary 4A took part in an eBook

Design Competition organised by the

CVSS shines at the Elementz Science Competitions! The two teams from

Secondary Three competed in the annual Elementz Science Research Conference and Exhibition for Upper Secondary students and clinched the Gold and Silver Awards for their research projects. The two projects titles are: 1) Gold Award: Investigation of the feasibility

of an autonomous self-service crockery return system with the use of geometric optics

2) Silver Award: An investigation on the use of different fruit peels in the production of bioplastic

Similarly, two groups of Secondary Two students took part in the Elementz Science Project Competition and Exhibition for Lower Secondary students, and clinched a Gold Award and Certificate of Commendation.

Student Achievements: IP6th National Chinese News Production Competition

North Stars clinched two bronze awards at the 6th National Chinese News Production

Competition. The winning entries focused on the reading culture and selfie trend in Singapore. It is commendable that our North Stars did the school proud in both the Lower Secondary and Upper Secondary categories despite stiff competition.Jointly organised by and Tanjong Katong Girls’ School, the competition aims to raise students’ awareness of current affairs and strengthen their command of the Chinese Language.

Ms Low Yen Ling, Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Social and Family Development & Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth presented the awards to our students during the prize-giving ceremony.

The winning titles are: 1) Gold Award: An Investigation on generation of

clean Piezoelectricity from bicycle movement 2) Certificate of Commendation: To investigate

the viability of using sugarcane in the production of Biofuel

Organised by Anderson Junior College, the annual Elementz Science Research competitions provide platforms for secondary

schools students to work on science projects and showcase their findings. Participants were inspired by the impact of their projects. Valery Chui from Sec 3H said, “I found it quite interesting as we got to explore various ideas. We managed to turn something that was supposedly a waste item into something which many people find useful.” Continue to bring glory to CVSS, North Stars!

Singapore Civil Defence Force. In the final round, the team was ranked as one of the Top 13 and was awarded the Certificate of Merit.

The team members are:Aida Nursyazana Binte Abdul RahmanNurul Arfiqah Binte AbasNur Hazirah Binte HamdanKelly Chak Mun YiThe team was one of the 20 shortlisted teams to attend a two-day workshop and On-The-Spot eBook Design Competition.

This digital media competition aims to encourage the students to use creative messages to raise awareness of the importance of Emergency Preparedness among their peers and school community. This competition was held in partnership with the National Fire and Civil Emergency Preparedness Centre, School of Design and Media at ITE College Central and Elchemi Education.May our students continue to exercise their creativity in impacting our communities and nation!

Tourism Innovation Competition 2014

Team Wonders of Singapore, with their teacher-in-charge Mrs. Viddyawati Gunalan, getting ready for the presentation by their booths.

Team Empowering Empire putting up their best under the guidance of their teacher-in-charge Mdm. Mabel Chia.

The Humanities Department sent two teams to participate in the Tourism Innovation Competition organised by Temasek Polytechnic. Our students

did the school proud by clinching the Top Ten Award and a Certificate of Participation.

The theme of the competition was “Sustainability in the Hotel Sector”. Students were given one week to work on their concept proposals and display panels during the June holidays. This culminated in a presentation of their ideas to a panel of judges comprising academics and representatives from the tourism industry.


North Stars celebrating their success after the enthralling performance.

Rocket science is no child’s play! The jubilant PET Rocket team was hardly able to contain their excitement after the results were announcement!

North Stars guiding visitors at the booth the techniques of twisting and twining. Masterpieces of the North Stars.

Student Achievements: IPSYF Art Lab Exhibition 2014

On 4 July, 14 Lower Secondary North Stars

taught visitors at the Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) Art Lab event how to create figurines using wire. Held at Gardens by the Bay, the three-hour workshop is part of an annual celebration of Singapore’s art by the SYF Committee. CVSS is one of the 20 schools shortlisted from 80 primary and secondary schools, which submitted over 150 proposals.Preparations for the course started during the March holidays with the construction of the wire sculpture. Through teamwork, the students produced a total of 35 wire figurines and 10 additional wire accessories such as hats, earrings and bangles.

Each student customised his wire figurines according to his preferred styles of twisting and twining. They underwent two role-play sessions to ensure that they are able to speak confidently as they conduct the course. They also displayed a scrapbook during the event to show the process involved in making the wire figurines and relate their personal reflections.

Short Shakes – The Shakepeare Short Play Festival By Sonia Asyira & Farisha Mustapa of Sec 2E

All the world’s a stage, and so it was for a fortunate

group of Lower Secondary Express students who came

together to stage a remarkable performance in honour of Shakespeare’s 450th birth year held at St Joseph’s Institution (SJI) on 22 March. Schools from across Singapore put up a 10-minute performance based on any of Shakespeare’s works in celebration of his 450th birth-year. Organised by the SJI’s Drama Club, Short Shakes – The Shakespeare Short Play Festival was held from 20 to 22 March to give students an opportunity to express their appreciation of Shakespeare’s work through drama. About 1,200 students and parents attended the three-day drama festival presented by 19 schools. Aimed at deepening students’ interest in appreciating literary works, our talented North Stars were given the opportunity to craft their own rendition of William Shakespeare’s most famous play, Romeo and Juliet. With a dance scene incorporated in the performance, our North Stars received a standing ovation for their romantic and humorous take of the play. Mr. Dominic Ang, Assistant Principal of SJI for Student Development was impressed by the performance put

up by our North Stars and expressed his appreciation for all their dedication and hard work.Through this experience, our North Stars showed resilience as most of them had not performed in front of an audience before. Many of the students were not from the Drama Club nor did they have prior experience performing on stage. It was an excellent platform for exposure for many of the students as many of them felt they had gained confidence.

With the support of their teachers, our North Stars overcame various challenges to stage an outstanding performance, well deserving of the rapturous applause they received that night. The performance also received mention in an article reported in the Straits Times on 31 March. It was an enjoyable and gratifying experience for our North Stars, one that they will always remember!

11th National PET Rocket Competition

Rocket science proved to be no tall order for a team of Secondary Three students at the 11th National PET Rocket Competition. Thanks to their spirited effort at the competition that was held on 17 August, the school came in top in the PET Parachute Category. This is the third consecutive year since 2012 that the

school has won in this category. Coming in second position are Leong Xue Qi and Nur Amirah from Sec 3F. The pair excelled to clinch the second runner-up position in the Individual PET Parachute Category. The other students also contributed collectively to come in 4th and 5th positions in the finals.Reflecting on their experiences, Samuel Law and Long Chay Yeen of Sec 3G said, “PET Rocket has helped me gain a deeper understanding of Physics concepts. Apart from being able to apply what I have learnt to improve the accuracy of the rocket launching, I also learnt to compensate other real life factors that may affect the launching during the competition.” Congratulations to the team on defending the championship title!


It’s sweet victory for the Dramalites at the Human Values Drama Festival 2014!

Student Achievements: CCA

Human Values Drama Festival 2014

5th National Band Competition

It was a triumphant moment for the CVSS’s Dramalites when they emerged champion at the Human Values Drama Festival 2014. The

competition was held on 4 August at the Republic Cultural Centre in Republic Polytechnic. Our Dramalites beat the teams from Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary, Nanyang Girls’ High and Woodgrove Secondary, all of whom also impressed the panel of reputable judges, including the notable Singaporean playwright Haresh Sharma. The drama festival is organised by Sri Sathya Sai, a non-profit, multi-racial and multi-cultural service organisation. The festival invites schools from all across Singapore to stage a play that promotes the practice of truth, right action, peace, love and non-violence in our community and society. The Dramalites put up a play entitled “The Three Questions”

In the recent 5th National Band Competition, Compassvale Secondary School’s military band clinched the Silver Award in the 3rd Division

category. A total of 26 schools participated in the biennial competition which was held on 3 August at the Singapore Conference Hall. Led by their instructor Mr. Er Wee San, the members of the band went through an

which tells the story of an angst-ridden teenage boy who is on the path to self-realisation. Weeks of intense training under the guidance of our professional trainer and teachers proved not to be a waste as the Dramalites managed to charm the judges with a highly intricate and sophisticated performance.In the words of our actor, Kai Wen, “It was nevertheless an opportunity that brought us closer as a team when we witness how friendships have grown even stronger through this competition”.It was an unforgettable victory for all, including the Drama teachers, who had been working hard to ensure that the Dramalites believed in themselves in order to give only their best as a team.

enriching journey preparing for the competition as they refined their skills and forged closer bond with one another. Organised by Band Fusion, this competition aims to provide a platform for participating bands to perform in a competitive environment, thereby exposing them to standards equivalent to international standings.

Our musicians concentrating hard to go the last lap before the actual competition.


康柏中学 COMPASSVALE SECONDARY SCHOOL 51 Compassvale Crescent, Singapore 545083Tel: 6881 5047. Fax: 6881 5998. Web

a touche design production @ 6659 1876

Staff and StakeholdersCCE Staff Development Day 2014

Partnering our ParentsParenting Talks during Parent-Teacher Dialogue

Concurrent sessions of parenting talks were organised for parents on 31 May. The objective of the meeting

is to forge closer partnership between parents and teachers for a more holistic development of the child. Parents were given the option to choose from three sessions: “The Art and Science of Parenting in the Digital Age”, “Briefing on Secondary Two Streaming” and “Progression Pathway for Normal Course.”

Parents left the workshops brimming with ideas on how to hone their parenting skills and how to give their children the much needed support and encouragement. With this partnership and school support, parents can feel empowered by their involvement in all aspects of their children’s lives.

Given the constant flux of today’s society, how can teachers make sense of regional and world events

to help students understand the implications of the changes to their lives and their country so that they will make informed decisions? The answer lies in helping students to take perspectives. To help teachers learn the strategy of perspective-taking so that they can facilitate discussions of current affairs, the Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) committee conducted a workshop on 29 April. This workshop is part of the professional development for teachers. Taking another look at the recent issues, such as the haze that hit the region, the teachers examined how differences in perspectives can influence interpretation of an issue. Extending from the discussions, the teachers also tried out different questioning techniques to discover how students can be led into understanding and empathising with the perspectives of others before making sound conclusions and carrying out the right actions. By the end of the session, the teachers became more confident of their role in moulding our students to be informed citizens of the 21st century.

Teachers from the various departments sharing with one another their perspectives on the topic of discussion.

Mr. Arman sharing his perspective on the topic of the day.

Ms. Koh Bee Choo from the CCE Committee leading the teachers in a discussion.

National Day Celebrations and Coffee Talk

Once again, CVSS invited parents to join the school in our National Day celebrations this year. Their presence definitely

gave many of the student performers a huge boost in confidence and motivation to perform their best. At the same time, parents displayed a sense of pride watching the talented students performing on stage.

The highlight of the day for many was also a Coffee Talk with school leaders and key personnel right before the concert, where parents were engaged in meaningful conversations on pertinent issues relating to the school. The teachers-in-charge engaging a parent in a fruitful

dialogue before the programme commenced.
