Comparison of the Discard Criteria in the Regulations of


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• C"f"") Dipl. Ing. W. Deck

Universi läl Sluligarl (D)

Comparison of the Discard Criteria in the Regulations of Different Count ries

~he discard criteria of ISO 4309 ( draft) being the worldwide valid standard for cranes and lifting appliances correspond

with DIN 15020. The standard contains a list of 12 different

criteria for the critical exam i nation of the operating safety

of crane ropes. In national standards (instructions ) for different kinds of application of ropes (cranes. elevators, mines , ropeways ) there

is i n each only apart of the 12 criteria cf ISO 4309 . The admissib l e number of broken wires, the admissible reduction of cross -sectional area by corrosion or wear and the admissible

reduction of diameter differ depending of the kind of application, Sometimes the standards (instructions) classify

the number of broken wires for ordinary lay and Lang ' s lay, but not for the kind of eore (fibre core I steel core) .

1 .1

~fter the invention of the steel wire rope by ~lbert i n 1834

and after the sueeessful trial cf twc ropes in the 484 m deep

shaft of the Caroline mine near Clausthal, these novel wire

ropes were installed i n the 328 m deep Sil bersegener shaft in

the same yea r . After seven days, the s econd rope had bee n

heav;1y damsged by a ful1 Skip falling f rom the bank down t o

the pit bottom. The rope was heavi l y c rushed end bent a nd fou r

wi res had been broken 12 m above the termi nat ion . Al bert

demonstra~ed the stability of the damsged rope to h is wo r kers

by ha vi ng t he rope fastened i n t he we ll and havi ng the traction

sheave produce fu11 tractive force (~and then he let t he water

shoot on to the whee'''). The rope continued working for another

two end a half months, then the termination wh i ch had also been

damaged, broke.

After the e xperience made with ehe i ns 8S 8 means of transpor t

prior t o the advent of wire ropes, 8 rope fracture and the

fa lli ng of a skip had been nothing out of the ord;nary.

Although the aceidents due to rope fracture became fewer i n

number after the i nstallation of wire ropes, the ropes were

greatly endange red by st i cking or setting up of the skip.

The economic advantage derived from t he adopt ion of the wire

ropes in the Obe r harz mining regions over the f irs t four years

amounted to more then 30 000 Re i chsthaler. In view of an

economic advan~ege of this order, ;t 15 Quite understanda b le

that discard crlteria were out of the question.

Th is shortcoming has been corrected in the me ant ime. In part

very detailed regulations have been worked ou~ tor the

inspection of ropes end for t he discard in a wide variety of

applications, particu'arly 60, if exacting safety requ;rements

exist, e . g. in passenger transport . Standards or regulations

8re available for ~he following fields of app li cat ; on: ' lift ing

appliances, oi' field service, mining, elevators end ropeways.


Lif~in9 appljence s

The number of visible broken wires was specified es B d;scard

criterion for various rope constructions - for ord l na ry la y

ropes end for langs lay ropes - and for two different reference

l engths , 6*d end 30ad, for the f i rst time in t he DIN standard

15020 /1/ in 195 ~. In the course of updating t he standard, a

d is tinct;on by so-cal 1ed class i f i cat ion groups was adoPted i n

1914 /2/ - th;s takes the i nfluence of rope safety and loa d

spect rum into considerat ion .

Apart from the number of broken wi res 1 the f irst edition of t he

DIN standard 15020 stated the follow;ng discard criteria :

fracture of one strand, basket d i stortion, f l attened portion,

bends, ki nks, other serious demage, ·· e xtraordi nary wear ~ and

hea vy corrosion. In the revision of the standard, t hese general

formulat i ons we r e worded much more precisely (Table 1) .

The standard ISO 4309 - ISO/ DIS 4309 /3 , 4/ edopted this

we ighti ng li st and added the fo llowi ng criteria:

the fract ure of strands, decreased elasticity,

rate of i ncrease of permanent elongation,

whe reas the crite r ion se rV 1ce l i fe " was not edopted .

BS 6570: 1986, Append ix B /5/ comprises a similar listi ng of t he

verious discard criteria, end also the W;re Rope Use rs Manual,

published by the Amer i can Iron and Steel Institute /6/.

A compar;son of these four weighting lists is shown in Tabl e 1 .

From the different d i scard criteria, basica lly on'~ two

criteria can be defined and understood unambiguously in

dimension6 end by number - the number of broken wires end the

reduct ion of t he rope diameter.


Number of broken w;res: A d is t i nction ;6 only made by the number of broken wires but not by the t ype of b r eakage - fatigue f racture or fo r ced rupture. The number of broken wi res i6 summarized i n OIN 15020 end in 150 4309 ~ n an ident i ca l table ( Ta bl e 2). A distinctlon is made between d iffe rent classification groups and between ordinary l ay ropes and Langs l ay r opes, w;th reference to rope lengths of 6*d and 30*d . Reference leng th 6-d is applicable to 10calized b r oken wires, whe re as length 30*d appl i e s ~o

uni formly d istributed b r oken wires.

In 8S 65 70 :\986, t he d i scard numbe r of broken w; res i s al so related to the number of wires cf the outer strands , however, with reference to a r ope l ength of 10*d and to a r ope safety of \1 <5 or V ~5 . No dis t i nct ion is made between o r dinary l ay ropes a nd Langs l a y ropes (Ta bl e 3). In the class ificat ion groups of OIN l5020 a nd of OIN 4309, the safety of the r opes to fracture is "' ~4 for the lower groups a nd V?:4 .5 fo r the h i gher groups.

Al though refe r ence is made in I SO 4309 (D1N 15020) a nd es 6570:1986 t o the number of wires i n the outer strands , the t yp ;cal rope construct ion s a re c l ass i f ied different ly (Tab l e ~). When making 8 compa ri son between the typ ica l r ope const r uctio ns in ISO 4 309 and es 65 70: 1966 a nd when conve r ting the d;scard number of broken wires for o rdi ne r y la y ropes in I SO 4309 f rom 6*d to ' O*d, almost i dentical results will be obt.ained .

Something s pec ial wor th ment i on i ng i s the fac t that BS 6570:1 986 specif i es the same ref erence l ength of ,O*d for both 10calized broken wl res and for gene r al ly d istrlbuted b r oken wi res a nd on ly disti ngu lshe s a s t o whether broken wires are l ocated in one strand or i n adjacent s t rands .

The ANSI standards li s ted i n the Wire Rope Use rs Manua'. on l y specify discar d numbers of br oken wires fo~ verious t ypes of cranes or hoists, without making any disti nct ion by r ope construction, type of la y o~ rope safety.


Reduc~ion of the rope d iameter : A d i stinction between inner and outer wear is made in ISO 4309 end DIN 15020. A reduct i on of the rope d iamete r of 1 ~ is permlssible for outer wear eccording to ISO 4309, while OIN 15020 specifies 8 permissible reduction of 10 X. For gene r al wear, all three standards (ISO, OlN, BS) specify a maximum permissible reduct ion of the rope d i ameter of 10 X.

After dlscussi ng the reduction of the rope diameter on one page, the wire Rope Users Manual does not specify a velue, because Mthe diameter, in itself , is a v8gue criterion".

Oil field service Back;ng on API, the d i scard criteria for wire ropes i n the oil industry are spec i fied in DIN 5eel /7/. As a ru1e, the ropes operate with 8 sefety factor of 3. Spec if ic diameter ratios are assigned to the various t ypes of rope construction, with the discard number of broken wires being de fined accordingly (Table 5).

M;ne hoistin g Contrary to the regulations discussed so far, the discerd criterion for br oken wires and for other damage to min i ng ropes is defined as 1065 of the rope strength. The Ropeman' s Handbook /8/ from England end the Code of Federel Regula t ion /9/ from the USA prescribe to discard the ropes at a 1055 of the rope strength of 10 X; Bccord;ng to the German mining r egu lat ions / 10/, t he ropes must be discarded at a 1055 of \5 x.

Fo r wear e nd co rros ion, a 10S5 of 16 ~ is permissible unde r t he BritiSh regulations, but t he value of 10 ~, due to fatlgue, corrosion fatigue or surface embrittlement or due to broken wires, wi ll sure l y be reeched before in any case.

According to the experience geined by the Seilp r üfste lle ; n Bochum /11/, in the proportion of the 1056 of the rope strenght the ratio of the number of broken wires to wear ;6 eQual to t : 2 , i. e., with a 5 X l oss due to broken wires, the additional 1056 due to wear end corrosion wil l be enother 10 ~ .

The 1055 of the rope strength of 15 X according to the Germa n regu la t ions i s clearly bi9ger ;n comparison with the British and American values, but it is referred to 8 rope length of 50_d.


The ropes use d in mining 8re re9ularly subjected to magnet;c testin9 (NOT) end the d iscard criter;a are der i ved from the results produced by these tests.

In add i tion to the 10ss of the rope strength, the English r egu l ations also specify t he 1055 of about one-third or 33 per cent of the original diameter cf the outer w;res as 8 d iscard criterion. the US regu l ations, moreover, limit t he reduction of the r ope diameter due to we8r to 6 %.

Elevators Due to the pressure conditions, i n elevator rapes the number of broken wires can be seen very clearly on the rope surface. For thi s reason and because of the high rope safety (v )1 2), the discard number of broken wires ;s very big in all standards and regulations. Table 6 /12/ summarizes the discard cr i teria, us i ng a rope 8*19, Warrington, with fiber core, d ia. 13 mm, as an example .

In part, there are qu i te considerab le differences. Between the Central European and Northern European countries and the Eng lish-speaking countries, the discard numbers of broken w;res partly differ by the faeter ef 3.

Ropeways Like elevators, ropeways are exelusively built for the transport of passengers . but the rope safety factors for the ropes are cons;derably smaller thon those for elevator ropes. The regu lations /13 to 21' originated i n the Alpine count ries were spread from t he re, p~rticularly 8150 because the ropewa y manufacturers are domiciled i n these countries and, in the absence of any regu lations, they recommended to use the regulations of their countries. That is why there 1S grest harmonization of the discard cr i teria wor'dwide.

For tr~ck ropes, 0 reduction of the cross-section or a 10ss of the rope strength of 10 S over a rope length of 200(180)*d 1S generally specified es e discard criter;on, with the exception of Hongkong, where this 1055 i5 referred to 30*d. In Austria ~nd ; 0 t he USA , 8 second value of 5 ~ over 30*d is specified, end also i n Sw i tzer land. where 5 S over 19*d is specified.


On l y the USA reQuire track ropes to be discarded or repa i red, if two edjacent shaped wires of the outer wire layer are broken at one l oeation.

for carry i ng and ha u ling r opes of ropeways there i s a si mi la r ly good harmon i zat i on with rega r d to t he referenee length of 30 or 40*d . Here, Austr;a and Switzer l and d;st; ngu;sh between ordi nary lay ropes and l angs lay ropes.

In fact, with t he la r ge-d;ame t er p l ast;c sheaves usuel1y emplayed ; n ropeways, t here ;s 00 d i fferenee between ord;nary l ay rapes and Langs l ay ropes as to the v i s i ble broken wires, however it can be expected t hat t he broken wires in ord i nary l ay ropes will resume full carryi ng capacity a f te r a shor te r rope l ength.

Table 7 shows a summary of the regulations for carrying and hau li ng ropes in the d i fferent countr;es.

Summary The eharaeter i sties of the adequate discard numbers of broken wires over the referenee length are shown for ordinary lay ropes in Fi g. 1 and for langs lay ropes in Fig. Z. The disea r d numbers of broken wi r es have been dete r mi ned Becording to Feyrer /22 / for a rope of greater length (100000 • d). The discard number of br oke n wires of ISO ~309 with 30 * d have been used as start i ng value for t hese eharacter i st i es. The i ndividual poi nts of t he discard numbers of broken wires have been marked on these diag r ams for t he various fields of application.

The va l ues fo r ordi nary lay ropes altogether fall into t he same range, with the exception of the velues for elevators ; n t he Engl i sh-speak i ng countries (GB, USA, CAN, SA).

For Langs lay ropes, the values for ropeway rapes, in part , lie above the permiss;ble range spec i fied in ISO 4309, wi th the additiona l d i fference that t he d;scard numbers for ropeway ropes, as for mi n ;ng r opes , refer to the tota l wi re number of t he outer strands.


The regulations for ropewa ys generally refer to v i s i ble broken wires and, in fact, fo r t he last fourty years. these ropes have been subjected to magnetic testing (NOT), with the total numbe r of broken wires detected being applied to the values specified in the regulations.

How 5mall the chance actually is. that Lang s lay ropes have to be d i5carded due to visible broken wires. will be discussed elsewhere.

References /1/ OIN 15020, Blatt 2, Seiltriebe, Berechnung und Ausführung,

November 1954, Beuth-Vertr;eb GmbH.,Berlin.

/2/ DIN 15020, Blatt 2, Grundsatze f ü r Sei l triebe, Obe rwachung im Gebrauch, April 1974, Beuth Ve rlag . Berlin.

/3/ ISO 4309 Wire rope for lifti ng appliances - Code of prakt ice examination and discard. First edition 1981- 12-01

/4/ ISO/D IS 4309 Wire rope f or lifti ng appl iances - Code of practfce for exami nat ion end discard, 1987-04-23, (Revision of ISO 4309 : 1981 )

/5 / BS 6570: 1986 British Standard Code of practice for The select1on, cere end meintenance of stael w;re ropes . British Standards Institution.

/6 / W;re Rope Users Manual, 1979 , Amer ican Iron and Stee l Institute.

/7/ OIN 58S1, Te il 2, Or ahtseile und Seiltriebe. Seiltriebe, J u li 1979, Beuth Verlag Berlin.

/8/ Ropeman's Ha ndbook , 1980 , Nat iona l Cosl Bord, Hining Department.

/9/ 30 Code of federa l regulations, 7-1-85, Ed i t ion , Mi ne Safety end Health Adm i n . labor .

/10/ Ve rordnung für Schacht- und SChrägförderenlagen i n den der Aufsi cht der Bergbaubehörde unterliegenden Betriebe (Bergbau-Schachtförderan lagen-veror dnung - BergSVO), 15 .09 .1977 Bayer lsc hes Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt, B 16 121 vom 09.1 1.1977.

/11/ Ulrich E. Schäd i gung durch den Betrieb bei Förderseilen großer Durchmesser 1n Tre i bscheibenanlagen. Draht 31 (1980) " S. 3 - 7.

/12/ SChiffner, G. Vergle ich von Prüffristen und Ab l ege­krite rien f ür Aufzugseile bei Auslandsgese ll schaften (nicht veröffent licht) Thyssen-Aufzüge.


/13/ verordnung für den Bau und Betr ieb von Seilbahnen (BOSeil), Entwurf, Stand Juni 1988. Vorschlag des landesfach8usschusses für Eisenbahnen und Bergbahnen.

/1~1 Verordnung Ober die Sicherhe i tsanforderungen an Um lauf­bahnen mit kuppel baren Klemmen (Umlaufbahnverordnung) vom 11 . 04 .1986. Eidgenössisches Verkehrs- und Energie­wirtschaftsdeaprtement.

/15/ Verordnung übe r d i e S iC herheitsanforderungen an Pendel­bahnen (Pendelbahnverordnung) vom 18. 02.1988. Ei dgenöss i­sches Verkehrs- und Energ iewirtschaftsdeparlement .

/ 16 / Bed i ngnisse betreffend die Herstellung und Verwendung von Stahldrahtseilen für Seilförderanlagen mit Personen­beförderung (OSB 1973), 3. Auflage 1980, Bundesministerium für Verkeh r, Wien .

/11/ DM Nr.B56 v. 21.04. 1988, M; n ister;aldekret betreffend Abänderung des Oekr.v.17.1.1960 bezgl.d.Vorsch riften für Einse il urnlaufbahnen mit betrieb lich lösbaren Klemmen. Hin istero dei Trasporti, Rom.

/18/ ANS! B 11.1-1982 American National Standard for passenger tramways-aerial trensways end lifts . surface lifts, a nd tows - safety reQuirements - July 16, 19B2, American National Standard Institue, Inc.

/19/ Oraft recommended Code of Practlce for Ae r ial Passenger Cableways end Surface lifts in New Zealand. Edition 19B1, Ordinance, Hongkong.

/20/ Aer ial Ropeways (Safety) Chapter 211 of the rev ise d Edition 19B1, Ordinance, Hongkong.

/2'/ OIT~F Techn i sche Empfeh lung zum Bau von Zweiseil-Pendel­l uftsei lba hnen f ü r die öffentliche Personenbefö rderung.

/22/ Feyrer. K. Ablegedrahtbruchzahl. la ufende Drahtseile: Bemessung und überwachung, Feyrer u. s. expert verlag, Ehningen be i BÖblingen, 19B9, S. 108 - 127 , or OIPEEC-Bu ll etin Nr . 46, Torino 1983 , pp 48 - 52.


DIN DIN ISO es Wi re \5020 15020 430 9 6570 Ropes 1954 1974 Users


the (na ture e nd) numbe r cf wlre breaks X X X X X wi re breaks a~ the te rmi nat ion X X X X the localized group l ng cf wire breaks X X X the rate of "nrease of wire breaks X X the fract ure cf strands X X

redu ct i on of ra pe diameter X X X X i nternal wea,.. and i ndent8tion X i n 1 wear by friction X deterioration of fib re care X X fractu re of a st.eel core X

fracture of in terna l laye rs X decreased elasticity X externa) and interna1 wee r X X X X X external .nd i nte rna' corrosl0n X X X X X waviness X

basket dlstort'ion X X X X X strand extr usion X X X X wire extrusion X X X l oeal i ncresse in diameter of t he rape X X X loca l decrease i n diameter of the rape X X X

flattened port'ions X X X X kinks X X X X bends X X X X X damage due to heat or e lect ,-i c ercing X X X X rate cf i nc rease c f pe rman. elongat ion X X X

curled disto rtion X X loosenl ng of wi res o r strands X t ime of operation X rope Ja, X cumulative effects X

Table 1: Oiscard c ri ter i a, comparison of the different standar ds

1 .10

H .. mb40r 0' ... i.ibl. borg ... ., wir •• ,.111.1110 th. I .. tl'l'" 01 th. 1011<f. i., I ii rtir'l'l ,~pl i • .,ca ","Ich g ....... in 10 Immal1" t ••• iu:tlon.

Nurnb .. gl 101d· T ... pJt:.II l ulmpr., Cr. ... if1eu. g., g,ouPI '0 ' g.ou,", 10'

MI . '"11. M3 .n~ M<Ii '"15. M~. Ml ud Me b'lring .... i ... in oi '011" ""achl., iun. mlc".ni,m, oul., ,trind." con.r:rvctlons21

o.o.r.arv . 1 U"9' On;lr ..... ry . 1 U r>g:I 170<" • Irogd"l:n or _I Iitr"ogrhlr or

" Od >l' Od >l' Id >l' id "" . ,'" ti ~ 1 (6111 , • \ 2 • • 2 • " ....... 15 ti .. 19 ('jI1'5I/U ' , • 2 , • 12 , • 76 " Ir " 100 • • 2 • , " • ,

8 IC 19 r;:9I "51l1t

'" " .... 120 06 ,.. 19 112""1113 , 10 2 , 10 " • 10 6 .. 19 112/06 + 6fl ll 45 x 2SFS ll2/t2l1l '

'" " .... 140 , 11 , • " " • " .. , , "' ,., 8 " \'51 n218 + fiF / l t • " , • "

,. • " '" , "' ... 150 " J8.11417 • 11"1111" , .. • , .. ,. , .. 16-1 < ~ < 20CI • " • • " 12 • .. 201 <~<22D 15 • 41116/ 6- + !lBl ll" • IB • , .. " , " Zll < 1'1<240 15 • n 11"112/5111 10 " , .. " " .. " 24 1 <1'1<260 10 "

, .. 21 ., .. 21

2151 < 1'1 <. 2BCJ. 11 " , 11 " .. 11 " 281<,,<.300 12 ,. , 12 ,. .. "

,. XI) < " JIo -0.0(" 0.081'1 0.02 .. 0.(101" 0.080'1 0.16 ... O.Dlrr 0.00"

I I File ....... n ... n.ol r.gaord.:l u ~d·~rir>go ........ ,rod ... IhIrw'QrI .. cludld trom 1he ..... miNrgOl"l. "" fOPII .... -.;ng .. ~ of r.y_ D4 Irnrdl. onty \.hol ~ 01.1"'''' 11.....- ;, con.<I.l'CI. I", IOpn ~ • ttMI cor •. r:P'I ... '1QI • .r:I1d .. UI imltTll'l sr1l11d ,rd .. nOI ~c<III.

21 In"ltll CoIW af.!w ~ ot ~aibII Orol." ......... n .... IoH ... o..ncIld 10 • ~ n.umbtf. FQr fOPII .... ~ outr.r "";r" in .,.,. u t"" · ",I III"WIoCho Oll tlrver """1 o:h.In UIOI "orm,. r:hI PI~' conn .... t1ion it '*""'t"Io-1Il1I~ .;., lI\.t t.ltII end" inoiC.atld tI~ I " .I1 tJtrilll .1.

31 d. ctiI ..... w otI ItlllOCI'

Table 2: ISO 4309, OIN 15020 - Numbe r of broken w;res in round strand ropes worklng in steel s heaves


N _ IM, .1 .. " .. R ... ~"".' .. ~Iioft ..,.. ... _.1 ""w.. b .... ," .. " .. ""'flO."U.,.. cI ...... cI .. OVl.r n •• """, llypiiall • .. ..... , ... pt 1'1I.d tel ' " .p"" __ .......... ",U.I .........

........ n ....... ~.ed .... , .... ",11'1 DI 10;0' d+

f04; I .. c>I ""ny~ !o f.elo, ot .. In) ~ ~

8110 .... 50 61<74611 1 , • Flom 51 10 ] 5 , , F,om 16 10 100 6_ 16F tlO/ S+5F 111 • • F,om 101 10 120 6x l9112/6f ll S 10

6x 19S(9/ 9/ , 1

F,om '2 1 10 '40 • 1Z Flom ' 4 ' 10 160 6 J1. 19F 112/6+6F/I) 7 " 1j._25TS[1U'2/ At 7 " h '9519(9/1) 7 " f,om '6' 10 ISO 8 I. F,om 181 10 200 • I. Flom 201 10210 8 x19FClUIj.+6F/,] 10 ,.


f .om 21 1 10240 6_ 31118/1 2/6111 " » from 216' 10260 h4, 1Z ,. AboYr 26' O.O!m l O.lo.rt

• tI '.1"4" 1OO .... 'n . 1 '091 cl .......... .

1 ... '. Iht ........ m . (I' ... or t. In O~It, I U • .-.aO.

Table 3: es 657 0 1986 - Genera lly d;strlbuted broke n wl res: six end eight strand ropes l n metall s heaves


Number- of visible br-oken over- • length of

6 • d 10 • d typ i ca l example of r- ope const r- uct i on ISO 4309 ISO 4309 BS

6 x 7 2 3

6 x 19 5 6

6 x ' 9 S 3 4

6 x ' 9 F 6 x 25 5 6 8 x ' 9 S

8 x '9 F 6 8

6 x 36 7 9

6 x 31 '0 13

6 x 4 ' 9 1\

Tab le 4: Number- of br-oken wi~es for- d iffer-ent r-ope constr-uctions

w; r-es







' 0



number- of vis i b l e br-oken wi r-es number- of visib l e or-dlnar-y 1 Langs

r-ope outer- w;r-es over- a l ength of class;fication in the r-ope 6 d 30 d 6 d 30 d

6 x 7 36 2 4 1 2

6 x 19 12 3 6 2 3

6 " 37 108 5 '0 2 5

8 " 19 '08 5 '0 2 5

'0 x '0 60 - - 3 6

'8 " 7 84 4 8 2 4

Table 5: DIN 58S, - Oiscer-d number- of br-oken w;r-es

1 .1 3

,-,---.--,------=--r-----, ;,

o = 0 -



- .... Z



•• " 0

o ~

!H! ~ .:~ c





O. o

O. - 0 • u ..... a'O

! .... _ ... .9:

.... .:::. .. ~=

'- i '~ •

~ •

. ~ .

o ~ g.o ':;0":;:-0

~ -: .: ~ ........ c; .... 2~ ...

_~ co: ::jv~

• ~ Q o L

L o .. ~ > • ~

L o ~


" "0 L a

" on Cl

«)~hlry 0 CH

relaun lo~~ of streh~tb or CtOH u ttil! Ü I OUf • th of 5 ~1) 1 d tl 1 ~0 1 oll no strtnd IIY Ii ng ti 40 1 d ID Wl/I~I]

3(1 1 d 15 11 ~ 12' 1 d " stnnd IU hl~tl tJ tt . ~ 1 d I ro~t hr hn1ul , , , 1 . , , IOnfUI]

l , , LPJ

ul.d iuEtu rtduaioD In I

1 J r m rs ib It HJ;'1 r opeM'Ys J teado h lif t 5 11 lIrd~nlty b, 11 llngs 11, n rope_a lS wi t turiage blu\ IJ rc~tn rs .. tl rn.g t brut 11 rcu to"stfllUi cn'" f hl9 I hU

, 1 U

2~I II3L ~l J

2' 8/H!]

U/" I I

" 4/Hl011


I I"

It or 10$$ of lOre thu ( t-thi rd of t~ f orog iul diueltr of 1 E OI.lUit:f wires

.1 Hong~ .

lD l l/l~q ID


1 "

Tab le 7: Di sca r d criteria for carrying end hau li ng ropes of ropeweys



IO' tJ H' 1

C 2 ::: ~ ~

~ ~

~ -~ . ::' c ~ ~ - ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ D 0 C~

~~ ~~

l'~ ~ c ~ 0_

~ ::: ~ o ~ _ 0

' 00 %


' 0


'0 e



/ V

/ /

VV ,/

V öA

Elevators eH ./ O ~

(eng]) /,

I 2~ A '/ o (I"Ilnesl


AO VI/' "Z

eH NZ ,,-~

--Honik >- D A 0 11 F ,,-

I- eH 0 ./ I V /'

V "'USA ./ 0

~ ~


1 1 6 1I 10 10 30 '0 60 80'00 100 '00 600

tength of the roDe' lId

FI9ure 1. Ols<ard crlter la tor ordlnary lav ropes

1. 16



i:..... 60 ~~

~ -e ~ LD O~ _ x

~ e ~ 0 o c _

~ 0 ~ ~ 1

;~ ~ c - -0_


: ~ 10 o " _ 0




~ 1 1





/ D,A

./ 0.

'" " V V NZ 0 0 U11nV Dm, .".

/ I t.,.....,V f1- NZ USA 1- HOllt -v-~ 011 F /' l x W ___ V

, V L..-~ USA

V-~ V ./

L......-v V

V~ 6 6'0 10 30.0 60 60'00 , 00 ,00 600

length 0' the rope lId

Flgu re 2. Dlscard crllerla for Langs lay raDeS

1 .1 ?

