Comparison of the BD BACTEC Plus Aerobic/F to the VersaTREK...


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Comparison of the BD BACTEC Plus Aerobic/F to the VersaTREK REDOX 1 blood culture 1

media for detection of Candida spp. in seeded blood culture specimens containing 2

therapeutic levels of antifungal agents 3



Stefan Riedel1, 2*, Stephen W. Eisinger1, Lisa Dam2, Paul D. Stamper1, and 6

Karen C. Carroll1 7





The Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Department of Pathology, Division of Microbiology, 12

Baltimore, Maryland1, and 13

Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Clinical Microbiology Laboratories, 14

Baltimore, Maryland2 15




*Corresponding author: Stefan Riedel, M.D., Ph.D. 19

The Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine 20

Department of Pathology – Division of Microbiology 21

Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center 22

4940 Eastern Avenue; A Building, Room 102-B 23

Baltimore, MD 21224 24

Phone: 410-550-6618 25

Fax: 410-550-2109 26

E-mail: 27



Key words: BACTEC FX, VersaTREK, blood cultures, fungemia 30



Copyright © 2011, American Society for Microbiology and/or the Listed Authors/Institutions. All Rights Reserved.J. Clin. Microbiol. doi:10.1128/JCM.02260-10 JCM Accepts, published online ahead of print on 26 January 2011

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Abstract 33

Recovery of Candida spp. using the BD BACTEC FX blood culture (BC) system (BACTEC Plus 34

Aerobic/F media) and the VersaTREK system (aerobic REDOX media) was evaluated using seeded BC 35

bottles with and without the addition of commonly used antifungal agents. BC bottles (n=1442) were 36

inoculated each with 10 ml human whole blood, and 0.1 ml of suspensions of Candida spp., with or 37

without antifungal agents. BC bottles were incubated in the corresponding system for a maximum of 5 d. 38

In the absence of antifungal agents, BACTEC FX recovered 97.4% of Candida spp., and VersaTREK 39

recovered 99.1% (P=0.154). With regard to length of time to detection and overall; recovery, both 40

systems had varying effectiveness in recovering C. glabrata. In bottles containing antifungal agents, the 41

BACTEC FX recovered 83.1% of isolates; whereas, VersaTREK recovered 50.7% of Candida spp. 42

(P<0.001). For BC bottles without the addition of antifungal agents, the median length of time to 43

detection (LTD) for the VersaTREK was 2.2 h faster compared to the BACTEC FX (P<0.001). In the 44

presence of antifungal agents, the BACTEC FX recovery time was significantly faster than the 45

VersaTREK (median difference 10.8 hours, P<0.001). We conclude that both systems have a 46

comparable ability to recover Candida spp. from seeded blood cultures in the absence of antifungal 47

agents. In the presence of therapeutic levels of commonly used antifungal agents, the BACTEC FX 48

system demonstrated a significantly greater recovery of various Candida spp., as well as shorter LTD. 49











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Introduction 60

Candida spp. are the ninth most common cause of bloodstream infections (BSI), and the fourth most 61

common cause of nosocomial BSI in the United States (8, 28, 31). Candida spp. further account for one 62

third of all causes of BSI in intensive care units (ICU) in the U.S. (34). Candida albicans persists as the 63

most common cause of candidemia, and the organism remains widely susceptible to fluconazole (8). 64

However, studies within the past 5-10 years demonstrated an increase of BSIs due to non-albicans 65

Candida spp., with C. tropicalis, C. glabrata, C. krusei, and C. parapsilosis being the most commonly 66

isolated species (8, 19, 34). Together, these organisms represent approximately one-half of all Candida 67

spp. isolated from blood cultures in the U.S. 68

BSI due to non-albicans Candida spp. is associated with risk factors such as hospital stay in the 69

intensive care unit (ICU), bone marrow transplantation, cancer, immunosuppression, and HIV/AIDS. The 70

emergence of resistance to antifungal agents has been known for several species, particularly C. 71

glabrata and C. krusei (19, 31, 33). Candidemia impacts length of stay, cost of hospitalization, and 72

patient mortality (18, 31). Considering crude mortality between 40% and 60%, the need for rapid and 73

accurate diagnosis of fungemia is essential (33). Isolation of the organism in BC followed by antifungal 74

susceptibility testing (AFST) has become the mainstay for providing guidance for treatment of 75

candidemia (17). The traditional paradigm of culture-directed treatment has changed over the past 76

decade and prophylactic or empiric treatment has now been suggested for patients at high risk for 77

candidemia and invasive disease due to Candida spp. (24). Empiric treatment is defined as 78

administering antifungal therapy to patients with clinical features indicative of invasive candidiasis in the 79

absence of culture-proven etiology. Although little evidence-based support exists for the use of empiric 80

antifungal therapy, it is a commonly accepted practice in high-risk patients (24). Such practice may have 81

an impact on the ability of microbiology laboratories to recover yeast from blood cultures obtained from 82

such patients. 83

Candidemia is commonly detected using automated, continuous monitoring blood culture 84

systems (CMBCS), followed by the use of standard laboratory agar media for subculturing positive BC 85

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bottles. However, the sensitivity of these systems for detection of candidemia has been questioned in 86

recent years (3, 14, 15). Terminal subcultures of signal-negative BC bottles at the end of a routine 87

incubation cycle (5 days) have demonstrated no significant improvement for the detection of candidemia 88

(28). Few studies investigated the performance of CMBCS for the detection of candidemia, using the 89

BACTEC 9240 system (BD Diagnostics, Sparks, Maryland) and the BacT/ALERT system (bioMérieux, 90

Inc., Durham, North Carolina) (14-16). To our knowledge, only one study has been published on a 91

comparison of the VersaTREK system (Trek Diagnostic Systems, Cleveland, Ohio) and the BacT/Alert 92

system for the ability to recover microorganisms from blood cultures (20). No trials have been published 93

comparing the VersaTREK system to other systems, nor have any trials examined the VersaTREK’s 94

ability to detect candidemia. 95

In this present study, we compared the performance of the BACTEC Plus Aerobic/F blood culture 96

media (BACTEC FX system) to the VersaTREK REDOX 1 blood culture media (VersaTREK system) for 97

detection of Candida spp. in seeded blood culture specimens with and without therapeutic levels of 98

antifungal agents. 99

(This work was in part presented at the 110th ASM General Meeting in San Diego, CA [7]). 100












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Materials and Methods 112

This research study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Johns Hopkins Medical 113

Institutions. Between December 2009 and April 2010, we tested a total of 1442 seeded blood culture 114

bottles for the CMBCS (VersaTREK system (n=721) and BACTEC FX system (n=721)). We evaluated 115

their ability to detect Candida spp. in BC bottles with and without the presence of select antifungal 116

agents at therapeutic peak- and trough-drug levels. 117


Candida spp. used for testing: 119

The Candida spp. used for this study were originally obtained from unique patients with proven fungemia 120

as detected by our laboratory’s clinical CMBCS (VersaTREK system) and stored frozen (-70°C) until 121

tested. The isolates recovered were: C. albicans (9), C. glabrata (3), C. tropicalis (3), C. parapsilosis (1). 122

In addition, one isolate of each of the following type strains of Candida spp. was used: C. albicans 123

(ATCC 60193), C. glabrata (ATCC 15126), C. tropicalis (ATCC 1369), and C. parapsilosis (ATCC 124

22029). All previously frozen stored isolates were subcultured twice on BBL Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, 125

Emmons (BD Diagnostics, Sparks, Maryland) before use in the seeding experiments to ensure viability 126

and purity. During the initial phase of the study, one isolate of C. krusei (ATCC 14243), one isolate of 127

Cryptococcus laurentii (ATCC 18803), and three clinical isolates of Cryptococcus neoformans were 128

included for setup of testing. The results for these 5 isolates were subsequently eliminated from the data 129

analysis because of the small number of isolates and the consistently poor growth in the aerobic blood 130

culture bottles. 131


Antifungal agents used for testing: 133

All isolates were tested against the following commonly used antifungal agents at both peak- and trough-134

level concentrations: Amphotericin B (AMB), Fluconazole (FCA), Voriconazole (VOR), and Caspofungin 135

(CAS). Antifungal susceptibility testing using the Sensititre YeastOne system (TREK Diagnostics, 136

Cleveland, OH) was performed on all isolates prior to the seeding experiments. Susceptibility testing 137

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was performed following manufacturer’s recommendations (29) and established clinical laboratory 138

practices, as well as established guidelines for interpretation of antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) 139

(4). All isolates tested susceptible or susceptible-dose-dependent (Fluconazole and C. glabrata) to the 140

above referenced antifungal agents (Table 1). 141

Antifungal agents used for inoculating BC bottles were purchased from the respective manufacturer(s), 142

and peak and trough concentrations were prepared according to published guidelines for these levels (1, 143

2). Peak- and trough-level stock solutions for AMB and FCA were prepared and then stored at -20°C 144

until further use for inoculation in BC bottles. Corresponding stored tubes with antifungal agents were 145

thawed within 1 hour prior to use. 146

Peak-level solutions for AMB were prepared by adding 8 ml of a 250 µg/ml AMB stock solution to 147

2ml of sterile dH2O to create 10 ml of a 200 µg/ml stock. A corresponding 0.1 ml inoculum of this 148

solution contained 20 µg of AMB, corresponding to the approximate amount of drug present in 10 ml of 149

blood. Trough-level solutions were prepared by adding 2 ml of a 250 µg/ml AMB stock solution to 8 ml of 150

sterile dH2O creating 10 ml of a 50 µg/ml stock. A 0.1 ml inoculum of this solution contained 5 µg of 151

AMB, corresponding to the amount of drug present in 10 ml of blood. 152

In brief, following the same principle for dilution in dH2O, stock solutions for peak-level and 153

trough-level were prepared from an original 2350 µg/ml FCA stock solution. 14 ml tubes for FCA peak-154

level (672 µg/ml) and 14 ml tubes for FCA at trough-level (418 µg/ml) were prepared. 155

Voriconazole for injection (Vfend® I.V.), 200 mg/vial lyophilized powder, was purchased from 156

Pfizer, Inc., and reconstituted with 19 ml of sterile dH2O, creating 20 ml of a 10,000 µg/ml solution. To 157

create the peak-level stock solution, 1 ml of the 10,000 µg/ml VOR solution was added to 20.3 ml of 158

sterile dH2O, creating 21.3 ml of a 470 µg/ml stock solution. A 0.1 ml aliquot of this peak-level VOR 159

stock solution contained 47 µg of VOR, corresponding to the amount of drug present in 10 ml of blood. 160

For preparation of the trough-level VOR stock solution, 0.5 ml of the 10,000 µg/ml VOR solution were 161

added to 15.8 ml of sterile dH2O, creating 16.3 ml of a 306 µg solution. An aliquot of 0.1 ml of this 162

trough-level stock solution contained 30.6 µg of VOR, corresponding to the amount of drug present in 163

10 ml of blood. 164

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For preparation of the Caspofungin stock solution, Cancidas® vials containing 50 mg of standard 165

laboratory powder were purchased from Merck, Inc., and reconstituted with 10.8 ml of sterile dH2O per 166

vial, resulting in 10.8 ml of 5056 µg/ml stock solution of Caspofungin. Peak-level stock solution was 167

prepared by adding 3ml of the stock solution to 16 ml of sterile dH2O, resulting in 19 ml of a 800 µg/ml 168

stock. A 0.1 ml aliquot of this solution contained 80 µg of CAS equivalent to the amount found in 10ml of 169

blood. For preparation of the trough-level stock solution, 0.5 ml of dH2O was added to 15.3 ml of the 170

initial CAS stock solution, creating 15.8 ml of a 160 µg/ml trough-level stock solution. 0.1 ml of this stock 171

contained 16 µg CAS, equivalent to the amount present in 10 ml of blood. 172


Blood culture bottle inoculation/incubation: 174

Suspensions of the test strains of Candida isolates were prepared in sterile 0.85% saline (NS) to 175

achieve a 0.5 McFarland suspension of the organism. Through serial 1:100 dilutions using 5ml NS 176

blanks an approximate final inoculum concentration of 10 to 100 CFU/ml was achieved. The final 177

inoculum size was verified by plating 0.1 ml of the suspension on a Sabouraud Dextrose agar plate. 178

Using aseptic technique, BACTEC Plus Aerobic/F blood culture bottles (BACTEC FX) and 179

aerobic VersaTREK REDOX 1 (80ml, with stir bar) were each filled with 10 ml of recently donated 180

(< 5 days prior to use in this study), human whole blood (Interstate Blood Bank, Inc., Memphis, TN). The 181

blood from healthy donors was collected into 500 mL bags, using SPS as an anticoagulant. For each 182

observation, the above referenced antifungal agents were tested against specific Candida isolates, and 183

for each observation the testing was performed in triplicate. All BC bottles for each CMBCS were 184

inoculated with 0.1 ml of the final suspension of the Candida isolates. Three BC bottles for each 185

observation and BC system received 0.1 ml sterile 0.85% saline in addition to the 10 ml human blood 186

and 0.1 ml suspension of a Candida spp., serving as a positive control. In addition to human blood and 187

Candida suspension as outlined above, three BC bottles for each observation/BC system were 188

inoculated with 0.1 ml of the antifungal agent at peak concentration, and three BC bottles were 189

inoculated with 0.1 ml antifungal agent at trough concentration. Lastly, one BC bottle per observation 190

and BC system was inoculated with 0.2 ml of 0.85% sterile saline; these BC bottles did not receive either 191

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aliquots of Candida suspension or antifungal agent, serving as negative controls. After inoculation with 192

respective aliquots of human blood, Candida isolate suspension, antifungal agents at either peak or 193

trough concentration, and/or saline, all BC bottles were gently inverted for mixing, and then immediately 194

placed into the corresponding CMBCS. All bottles were incubated at 35°C with continuous agitation in 195

their respective CMBCS for a standard 5-day incubation cycle (5). 196

When BC bottles were flagged positive by the CMBCS, the length of time to detection (LTD) was 197

documented. Growth within positive BC bottles was verified by Gram stain, culture on Sabouraud 198

Dextrose agar, and subsequent organism identification by the API20C method (bioMérieux). 199

Terminal subcultures were performed on all BC bottles that were negative (no growth) at 5 d and 200

an aliquot of 0.1 ml from each BC bottle was subcultured onto Sabouraud Dextrose agar and incubated 201

at 35°C for 3 d. 202


Statistics: 204

The ability of each CMBCS to recover the organism (growth/no growth) was evaluated using the Fisher 205

exact or chi-squared test. Blood culture bottles were defined as negative after 120 h (5 d) of incubation 206

without CMBCS detecting growth. The LTD (in hours) for positive blood cultures was analyzed using the 207

Wilcoxon rank-sum (Mann-Whitney) test. Statistical analyses including measures of association, 208

descriptive statistics, and survival analysis (Kaplan-Meier survival method) were performed using Stata 209

9.2 (Stata Corporation, TX). 210









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Results 219

A total of 721 seeded blood culture bottles were incubated in each of the CMBCS (VersaTREK system 220

and the BACTEC FX system) to evaluate their ability to detect Candida spp. in BC bottles with and 221

without the presence of select antifungal agents at therapeutic drug levels. Both CMBCS were 222

consistently unable to detect growth of organisms in BC bottles seeded with either C. krusei (1 isolate), 223

Cryptococcus laurentii (1 isolate), or Cryptococcus neoformans (3 isolates). The terminal subcultures 224

performed from BC bottles for these 5 organisms were negative. The results for these organisms (45 BC 225

bottles per CMBCS) were not included in the statistical analysis. We also excluded data for all negative-226

control-BC-bottles, as they were included only to serve as markers for adherence to aseptic technique 227

throughout the study and, as expected, they did not flag positive for growth. 228

Candida spp. used in this study were susceptible to all antifungal agents tested, with the 229

exception of C. glabrata which tested as susceptible-dose-dependent against fluconazole (Table 1). 230

As shown in Table 2, of the 226 seeded positive-control BC bottles (no antifungal agent present) 231

in the BACTEC FX system, 220 were positive for the growth of Candida spp. (recovery 97.4%); 224/226 232

corresponding BC bottles in the VersaTREK system were positive for growth (recovery 99.1%). There 233

was no statistically significant difference in the ability of either CMBCS to detect growth of Candida in BC 234

bottles without the presence of antifungal agents (P=0.154; Table 2). However, C. glabrata recovery with 235

the VersaTREK (97.2%) was better than for the BACTEC FX (86.1%), albeit not statistically significant 236

(P=0.088). The inability of the BACTEC Plus Aerobic/F media to detect growth and/or the delayed 237

detection of growth for C. glabrata has been previously described (15). Using the Lytic/10 Anaerobic/F 238

BC bottles with the BACTEC 9240, Foster et al demonstrated the need for the anaerobic blood culture 239

bottle to improve the recovery for C. glabrata (11). In addition, differences in BC broth composition, 240

which is at least in part proprietary information to the respective manufacturer, may account for 241

differences in the ability to recover C. glabrata in the two CMBCS studied here. At least one other study 242

suggested that C. glabrata has an apparent predilection for certain components of BC broths, in 243

particular for components present in the BD Lytic Anaerobic and Plus Anaerobic media (11). 244

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A combined total of 450 BC bottles containing an antifungal agent at either peak or trough 245

concentration were used for each CMBCS. With the BACTEC FX, 374/450 (83.1%) BC bottles were 246

positive for growth of Candida, whereas for the VersaTREK only 228/450 (50.7%) BC bottles were 247

positive for growth of Candida. Recovery of Candida spp. at the peak levels of antifungal agents was 248

78.6% for BACTEC FX, and 44.6% for VersaTREK. At the trough-level concentrations, overall recovery 249

for the BACTEC FX was 87.6% and 56.6% for the VersaTREK. In the presence of the commonly used 250

antifungal agents tested in this study, regardless of peak- or trough-level concentrations, the ability to 251

recover Candida spp. in the BACTEC FX system was significantly better when compared to the 252

VersaTREK system (P<0.001). Detailed data, stratified by the type of Candida spp. are displayed in 253

Table 2. 254

Details of recovery and length of time to detection for each CMBCS, stratified by CMBCS and 255

Candida spp., are shown in Table 3. For the seeded BC bottles (all organisms) within the positive-control 256

group (no antifungal agent), the median LTD for the VersaTREK system was 2.2 h faster compared to 257

the BACTEC FX (P<0.001). The LTD in the bottles containing antifungal agents in the BACTEC-FX was 258

significantly shorter than the LTD of the VersaTREK (P<0.001; Table 3) for all organisms, except for C. 259

glabrata. Differences in the LTD for organism recovery between both CMBCS varied by Candida spp. 260

Because the recovery of organisms at peak- and trough-level concentrations did not differ significantly, 261

we combined both sets of data for the LTD analysis. To visualize time to detection of both systems using 262

seeded BC bottles, the cumulative proportion of positive bottles by time was plotted graphically (Figure 263

1) and estimated by a survival analysis. In the absence of an antifungal agent and as expected from 264

previous LTD analysis, a greater proportion of organisms were recovered sooner by the VersaTREK 265

system (P<0.001). In the presence of antifungal agents, however, the BACTEC FX was consistently 266

better than the VersaTREK (P<0.001), as demonstrated in table 3 and visualized in figure 1. The 267

exception to this observation was the recovery for C. glabrata, for which the VersaTREK system 268

performed slightly better than the BACTEC FX system (Table 3). 269



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Discussion 272

Several published studies compared the performances of the currently available CMBCS (10, 14-16, 27, 273

28), foremost comparing the BACTEC 9240 and the BacT/ALERT systems. Only one study compared 274

the performance of the VersaTREK system to the BacT/Alert blood culture system (20). The majority of 275

these studies investigated the ability and/or LTD to detect bacterial organisms, with only a few studies 276

including data on the systems’ performance for the recovery of yeast. Except for one study focused on 277

the recovery of different Candida spp. (14), most studies foremost focused on Candida albicans. 278

To our knowledge, our study is unique in comparing the performance of CMBCS for their ability 279

to detect growth of Candida spp. in seeded blood cultures supplemented with and without therapeutic 280

levels of commonly used antifungal agents. George et al. demonstrated the recovery and length of time 281

to detection differed with regard to inoculum size in seeded BCs (13). To eliminate bias, we chose the 282

model of a simulated seeded blood culture study and standardized the inoculated blood volume, test-283

organisms, and antifungal agent, using the same total inoculum for both CMBCS. Further, blood culture 284

bottles were inoculated in an alternating fashion between observations to eliminate systematic error. 285

The BACTEC and VersaTREK systems differ significantly in design and operation. The BACTEC 286

FX system uses an internal fluorometric sensor for the detection of CO2 production by the 287

microorganisms. The VersaTREK system, by use of an external pressure sensor, detects pressure 288

changes in the bottle head space as a result of production and consumption of gas by the growing 289

microorganisms. The two systems also differ in their established time intervals for sensor readings, 290

composition of the blood culture media, the type and composition of the anticoagulant, and the volume 291

of broth within the BC bottles. Furthermore, the VersaTREK REDOX 1 aerobic bottles used in this study 292

contain a stir bar that creates a vortex within the BC bottle. The BACTEC Plus Aerobic/F bottles contain 293

resins to absorb antimicrobials present in the blood. 294

We found that both CMBCS in the absence of antifungal agents demonstrated no difference in 295

overall recovery of Candida spp. (P=0.154). Most clinical laboratories using CMBCS utilize a routine 5-296

day incubation cycle for blood culture bottles. Most bacterial isolates are well isolated within this time 297

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frame; however, debate continues over the need for extended incubation of BCs for recovery of yeast (5, 298

14, 15). While the two CMBCS used in our study differ significantly in their respective design to detect 299

growth of organisms, we observed a somewhat equal ability to detect organism growth in the absence of 300

antifungal agents. The observed differences in LTD may be related to the differences in detection 301

method and/or the BC broth used for the respective system. These data support findings reported by 302

other investigators that most episodes of candidemia may be diagnosed within the first 48 hours of BC 303

bottle incubation, with the exception of the recovery of C. glabrata (13, 16). 304

Results differed significantly between the two systems in the presence of antifungal agents. The 305

VersaTREK system demonstrated poor performance for the recovery of Candida spp. in the presence of 306

any type of antifungal agent, regardless of trough- or peak-level concentration. These observations are 307

particularly important when considering the changing epidemiology of bloodstream infections for both 308

community-acquired and hospital acquired BSI and recent changes in the approach to treatment and 309

prophylaxis. Improvements in diagnostic methods and implementation of prophylactic treatment of high 310

risk patients have been shown to reduce invasive candidiasis by as much as 50% and significantly 311

improve clinical outcomes (6, 24). In two recently published studies delay in treatment of candidemia 312

was associated with increased mortality during hospitalization (12, 21). Despite the overall scarcity of 313

data driven evidence, the use of empiric antifungal therapy is a commonly accepted practice (24). While 314

selection of empiric treatment is often problematic because of emerging drug-resistance and cost 315

constraints to healthcare institutions, a recent study found excellent in-vitro susceptibilities to newer 316

triazole drugs against a large collection of Candida spp. (8). Fluconazole and echinocandins are 317

currently the most commonly used antifungal agents for the empiric treatment of candidemia. 318

All of the Candida isolates used in our study tested susceptible against the antifungal agents 319

used for BC bottle inoculation procedures. The difference between the CMBCS in their respective ability 320

to recover Candida spp. is most likely attributed to the differences in the BC media as described above. 321

The BACTEC PLUS Aerobic/F media contains resins designed for the adsorption/inactivation of 322

antimicrobial agents; the VersaTREK REDOX 1 media contain 80ml of a proprietary broth mixture 323

without such resins. Our data suggest that a simple dilution effect resulting from the mixture of 10 ml 324

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blood containing antifungal agents and 80 ml of broth may not be sufficient to effectively reduce the 325

antifungal effect to allow sufficient organism growth. Considering this fact together with the difference in 326

recovery by the two CMBCS studied here, the commonly accepted clinical practice of empiric and/or 327

prophylactic antifungal therapy may have an impact on the ability of microbiology laboratories to recover 328

yeast from blood cultures obtained from such patients. The results of this study clearly illustrate 329

significant differences in ability and performance of two CMBCS to recover Candida spp. from seeded 330

BCs supplemented with antifungal agents, intended to simulate BCs in patients who received antifungal 331

therapy at the time when BCs were obtained. 332

A limitation of this study is the small number of isolates tested for some of the Candida spp. All of 333

the Candida isolates tested susceptible at fairly low MICs and we did not investigate the performance of 334

the two CMBCS with organisms at higher MICs or organisms with resistance to any antifungal agent. 335

Further, our study may have had a selection bias with regard to the Candida isolates chosen for testing, 336

as all clinical isolates used in the study were previously isolated by our clinical laboratories CMBCS, 337

using the VersaTREK system. Lastly, we recognize that in the present study design, the performance 338

comparison for both CMBCS was done using aerobic blood culture media alone. The apparent 339

predilection of C. glabrata for anaerobic growth conditions and specific components of BC broths will 340

require additional studies comparing the CMBCS utilizing anaerobic BC bottles. 341

In conclusion, the BACTEC FX system using the BACTEC Plus Aerobic/F blood culture media 342

and the VersaTREK system using the REDOX 1 aerobic blood culture media had a comparable ability to 343

recover various Candida spp. from seeded blood cultures in the absence of an antifungal agent with the 344

exception of C glabrata. In the absence of antifungal agents, the VersaTREK had a statistically 345

significantly shorter LTD when compared to the BACTEC FX. However, in the presence of therapeutic 346

levels of commonly used antifungal agents, the BACTEC FX system demonstrated a significantly greater 347

recovery of organisms as well as shorter LTD for various Candida spp. This observation may be 348

particularly important considering the common and increasing use of empiric antifungal therapy. Further 349

studies are necessary to investigate the performance of other commercially available CMBCS as well as 350

Candida spp. and BC media formulations not tested in this study. 351

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Acknowledgements: 352


This study received in part financial and material support by BD Diagnostics, Sparks, MD. 354


The authors thank Nicolas Epie for his assistance during the seeding and setup of blood culture bottles. 356


Conflict of Interest: 358

S.R. received research funding from Becton Dickinson & Co. and TREK Diagnostics; K.C.C. received 359

research funding from Becton Dickinson & Co. All other authors have no conflict of interest. 360

















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Table 1: Antifungal susceptibility test results (MIC ranges and MIC90 [µg/ml]) for selected Candida spp. (ATCC and clinical isolates as listed 481

in Materials & Methods) 482


Candida spp.

(no. of isolates tested)

MIC Range and MIC90a (µg/ml)

Amphotericin Fluconazole Voriconazole Caspofungin

Candida albicans (10) 0.25 – 0.5 / 0.5 <0.125 – 0.5 / 0.5 <0.008 – 0.016 / 0.008 0.016 – 0.25 / 0.25

Candida glabrata (4) 0.25 – 1.0 / 0.5 16 / 16 0.25 – 0.5 / 0.5 0.06 – 0.25 / 0.25

Candida tropicalis (3) 0.5 – 1.0 / 1 0.5 – 1.0 / 1 0.016 – 0.06 / 0.06 0.03 – 0.25 / 0.25

Candida parapsilosis (2) 0.25 – 1.0 1.0 – 4.0 <0.008 – 0.06 0.25 – 0.5


aMIC90 was not calculated if the number of isolates was <3 485








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Table 2: Recovery of isolates from CMBCS stratified by Candida spp. 493


Yeast Positive Control Any Antimicrobial Peak Concentration Antimicrobial Trough Concentration


Instrument Growth



growth P-value




growth P-value




growth P-value




growth P-value




(97.4) 6



(83.1) 76



(78.6) 48



(87.6) 28

<0.001 TREK 224

(99.1) 2


(50.7) 222


(44.6) 124


(56.6) 98

C. albicans


(100) 0



(87.5) 30



(82.4) 21



(92.5) 9

<0.001 TREK 119

(99.6) 1


(40.2) 143


(32.8) 80


(47.5) 63

C. glabrata


(86.1) 5



(59.7) 29



(47.2) 19



(72.2) 10

0.789 TREK 35

(97.2) 1


(68.1) 23


(61.1) 14


(75.0) 9




(95.7) 1



(100) 0



(100) 0



(100) 0

<0.001 TREK 23

(100) 0


(42.6) 27


(26.1) 17


(58.3) 10




(100) 0



(81.5) 17



(82.6) 8



(80.3) 9

0.101 TREK 47

(100) 0


(68.5) 29


(71.7) 13


(65.2) 16




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Table 3: Length of time to detection (LTD) for Candida spp. 498


Instrument Positive Control Any Antimicrobial



Mean hrs


CI p-value % Growth

Mean hrs

(Median) CI p-value





(28.57) (29.62-33.73)

83.1 37.34



39.40) <0.001

TREK 99.1


(26.36) (25.40-26.68) <0.001

50.7 48.12




C. albicans



(28.19) (27.86-29.46)

87.5 36.71



39.40) <0.001

TREK 99.2


(26.85) (26.86-28.02) 0.008

40.2 48.83




C. glabrata



(51.80) (52.66-69.16)

59.7 67.04




TREK 97.2


(23.22) (22.54-25.40) <0.001

68.1 42.23



47.54) <0.001





(33.13) (32.31-33.98)


100 35.22



36.43) <0.001

TREK 100


(33.35) (32.38-34.17)

42.6 48.94








(19.30) (18.90-19.89) 0.021

81.5 23.39



25.01) <0.001

TREK 100


(20.46) (19.69-21.33)

68.5 51.34






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Figure 1: Kaplan-Meier time-dependent analysis of the proportion of a positive blood culture bottles in the absence and presence of 502

antifungal agent 503










ve B



20 40 60 80 100 120

Time (h)

BACTEC without Antifungal BACTEC with Antifungal

TREK without Antifungal TREK with Antifungal



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